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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19234689 No.19234689 [Reply] [Original]

In honor of the king of the egg fort I made an egg sandwich for breakfast.
First, my ingredients.

>> No.19234691
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Melting the bacon fat.

>> No.19234692

what the fuck.

>> No.19234696
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>> No.19234702
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My wife is a super-couponer and she got us 8 tubs of it at $0.50 each.

Browning the onions.

>> No.19234706
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You have to scramble all the eggs.

>> No.19234713
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Onions looking good.

>> No.19234720
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Adding the eggs.

>> No.19234724
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>> No.19234733
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And now, the flip.

>> No.19234743
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Mostly successful.

>> No.19234753
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Adding a little cheese.

>> No.19234760
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Now we just need to get it properly browned.

>> No.19234763
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Looking good.

>> No.19234774
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>> No.19235102

Looks good buddy, I'd have some thick salsa or Pico on that but you do you.

>> No.19235110

This isn't how he made it at all. He just used some veggies. Also you need an awkward Indian guy eating pastries starring at you like he did

>> No.19235122

I don't use coupons or make returns. I let the womenfolk handle that as well.

>> No.19235159

I know he made it different. I wasn’t trying to replicate it exactly.

>> No.19235175

>not red onions instead
>no scallions
>not even a dash of salt at the end
phony recipe

>> No.19235183

I added seasoning salt but forgot to take a picture.

>> No.19235199

What type of pan did you use?

>> No.19235257

You can buy bacon grease? Why don’t you just fry some bacon?

>> No.19235275

All clad d3 12”.

>> No.19235367

Definitely one of the better egg fort inspired sandwiches, did the flip right 10/10. I might even say improved with the additional step of browning the onions, but I'm no heretic.

>> No.19235719
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>> No.19236368

How long will it take you to go through all eight tubs?

>> No.19236378

Is he eating pastries? I thought they were some hardboiled eggs or something

>> No.19236724

Completely wrong. The egg fort guy just put in raw onions and what looked to be chopped peppers. He also didn't use fucking baconup

>> No.19236725

I forgot how to make an omelet
I dont know how because I know it's simple as fuck but I still dont know

>> No.19236727

8/10 sammich. eggs very slightly overcooked.

also, needs some salsa like

>> No.19236736

looked up a recipe
I am a dumb motherfucker to forget this

>> No.19236737

Needs 100% more Kraft singles

>> No.19236738

I sometimes wonder if this guy has any idea of his minor internet fame.

>> No.19236764

>Didn’t enclose yourself in a wall of eggs
You were doomed from the start.

>> No.19236829 [DELETED] 

the whole point of a sandwich is that the bread is clean and dry and provides a way to cleanly hold the inner contents. it's no longer a proper sandwich when the bread soaks up grease from the pan; it is slop. kill yourself you dumb fucking nigger 0kpmr

>> No.19236859

fucking ruined it
still edible, but too many eggs for the size of the pan and too many ingredients for the amount of eggs

>> No.19236860

7 days give or take

>> No.19236882

about three fitty

>> No.19237042

not bad, better than the other dude with his fucking oat bread rendition from hell.

If you are going to be interpreting the Egg King, you could at least get the right ingredients however. Where is the onion and generous application of salt? Where is the nonchalant mixing in the cup? where is the constant look of impending doom upon your precious egg fortress?
These are what make him the King.

>> No.19238186

>oat bread rendition
lol was here for that
I wonder why every time someone replicates this, they can't get it right that 1 time, at least for the camera. Cheese, my ass!

>> No.19238228

Looks delicious.

Do you have any other unusual cooking items acquired due to coupons or being on sale?

>> No.19238282

I remember this thread

>> No.19238313

Dangerously based thread. Thank you OP! We need more cook-a-longs!

>> No.19238338
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The cheese strictly in the middle is an off for me but you do you.
If I was on the run from the federales and you let me hide out for a night and this was the breakfast you offered?
Would Eat & Be Satisfied / 10

>> No.19238354
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Well, this is problematic.
Do you substitute olive oil with some Valvoline?
Instead of cooking spray use WD-40?

>> No.19238367

> use WD-40
FUcking retards still can't read. WD stands for Water Displacement. It's not cooking spray replacement, it's roux alternative.
> WR0NJ4

>> No.19238401
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>> No.19238435

>14 oz

>> No.19238711

Thank you.
Not sure, this is the first tub and it’s been a couple months already. So probably like a year.
Thank you.
The cheese was too clustered in the center and sliced cheese would probably be a better choice in the future.
I have dried, riced hearts of palm somewhere but I can’t find it for a picture.

>> No.19238730

It says right on the tub "fry, cook, bake." Just because that wholesale website categorizes things weird doesn't mean you can't consume that product.

>> No.19238732

> average american consumption of lard

>> No.19238743

I buy lard and save bacon grease but kinda want to buy a tub of that shit for convenience. I don't know what goes into making it shelf stable though. Probably no worse than the cheap armour lard I buy

>> No.19238765
File: 1.60 MB, 2934x1969, BF24A70C-0250-47DD-B76A-9B52F5C042A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what goes into making it shelf stable though.
I’ve seen worse.

>> No.19239036


>> No.19239456

would like to hear egg fort kings opinion

>> No.19239541
File: 2.90 MB, 960x540, u vs ck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to imagine one day he'll be at one of those giant Indian family weddings and some distant nephew will excitedly show him a contextless clip of the cup.

>> No.19239570

Next time you should scramble most of the eggs and leave one whole as an experiment. Genuinely interested to see the results. I'd do it but I'm living in a hotel because my life went to absolute shit. Who knows if I'll even be around to see the results? Who cares? Apparently no one in my life.