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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19234529 No.19234529 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I fell for the deenz meme

I kept seeing deenz threads here. I'd never had tinned fish before but everyone in those threads kept going on about how they love eating them and they're the healthiest thing around.

I gave it a try and it was fucking nasty, one of the worst things I've ever tasted. Cold, fishy, unpleasant texture, especially when you get a piece of bone in your mouth. I thought maybe if I kept eating them I'd get used to it, or maybe I needed to buy more expensive ones. So I splurged on some King Oscar brand, and while they are slightly more palatable than the cheap ones, they are tolerable at best, and only if I eat them when I'm really hungry.

I now have about $10 worth of deenz that I'm gonna have to throw away because I can't bring myself to eat any more. I consider myself an intelligent person, I can't believe I let myself get suckered into this shit.

>> No.19234533

your fault for buying so much before you tried them, they're obviously not for everyone
try them on crackers, its a little better

>> No.19234536

Wew, I spend that much or more on a single can of sardines.
You can always warm them up in a pan or add them to rice/pasta too.

>> No.19234539

Deenz are not a meme. Not everyone has the ability to appreciate the finer things in life.

>> No.19234543

>Deenz are not a meme.


>> No.19234550

Kipper snacks are better.

>> No.19234567

gotta get the Nuri's

>> No.19234569

>Wew, I spend that much or more on a single can of sardines.
Why? For that price you could get some nice fresh fish that will taste much better.

>> No.19234582

Because conservas is good, plus the flavors of specialty canned fish is different than their fresh counter parts in my experience.

>> No.19234583

I live in the middle of the woods in Missouri. Where am I going to buy fresh fish? My only chance at fresh fish is to luck into catching a trout or catch some crappie.

>> No.19234587

Sorry, didn't realize I was talking to a flyover.

>> No.19234607

lmao he didn't warm up his deenz
it's a fucking fish
>piece of bone in your mouth
should have gotten boneless deenz then if you can't handle them

>> No.19234623

I love fresh fish, smoked fish like smoked mackerel and kippers, and I've even enjoyed fresh grilled sardines in Morocco. What I don't like is when fish has that nasty fishy smell of rotten seafood.

Even the skinless, boneless ones have that disgusting fishy flavor. I can understand the historical use of sardines as military rations but I genuinely don't understand why anyone would eat them in the current year. Unless they're a flyover and canned seafood is their only option.

>> No.19234659

Idk why retards here want to eat them straight from the can, make a puttanesca or something.

>> No.19234667

They are a cheap and clean source of protein

>> No.19234668

Always trying to remind anon that it's shills

>> No.19234672

Yeah, I am sure BIG DEENZ is hiring shills to hang out on 4chan and push $1.50 cans of fish

>> No.19234682

Yeah, so are foods with them in. I'm sure it's not the only thing you eat in a day.

>> No.19234989

t. deeno

>> No.19235044

Thanks for reminding me I have deenz. Imma crack open a tin right now.

>> No.19235063

I am not a shill and I actually like deenz. Here is what I usually make with them:
Finely dice half a small red onion, squeeze a bit of lemon juice on them and mix in a bowl. Add in minced garlic, and start cleaning the deenz (the ones I get need the spines removed). Then add in salt, pepper, parsley if I have it. Mix in a few big dollops of greek yoghurt and EVOO and if you want, 2 small pickled peppers. Get some breads rolls and make sandwiches with the mixture. You could also add cucumber slices if you want, but it's not needed.

>> No.19235139

Flash frozen and vacuum packed is almost as good as fresh. Obviously nothing compares to a salmon that you just pulled out of the water a few hours ago, but it's still better than the fish you find in most grocery stores, which is just the same flash frozen stuff defrosted and repackaged.

>> No.19235225

>doesnt like canned fish
youre not white

>> No.19235238

>removing the spines

>> No.19235312

>I consider myself an intelligent person
no one who thinks that they are intelligent is actually intelligent

>> No.19235412

>falling for memes
At least if you buy potted meat you get something edible.

>> No.19235477

I do that with bread or rice, I like it, used to eat a shitton of it as a kid, but I gradually slowed down

>> No.19235482

If you pretend you're a 1800s british street urchin child in a dockyard town they taste more authentic

>> No.19235497

Not OP, but im brazilian, as brown as they come, and have had trouble getting my white peers into canned/tinned fish. I lived in a rural town for a while and worked at factory. Id often bring thst brand of golden smoked deenz and all the whites would be all grossed out by the smell and the fact that im eating sardines willingly. Even my neighbour at the time, the whitest country boy you can imagine, was offput by the fact that i put sardines in my tomato sauce when making pasta.

>> No.19235500

>I consider myself an intelligent person
Well, now you have evidence proving quite the opposite, I hope it sticks.

>> No.19235511

So you think Isaac Newton, Galilei Galileo, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Leonardo Davinci, among other great minds of history, didnt consider themselves intelligent?

>> No.19235534
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>That spacing

>> No.19235540

Which of them browsed 4chan.

>> No.19235667

They probably knew that they were smarter than the average retard. However, once you know how much there is to know, and how little of it that you actually do know, it's hard to think of yourself as intelligent
If you weren't stupid, you would already know this
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."
"The wise man knows that he knows nothing, and is always seeking to learn more."

>> No.19235678

They are very high in microplastics

>> No.19235685

Wrong, they don't get old enough before harvest to take on many microplastics or mercury

>> No.19235696

I mean, I agree that a man seeking to elevate his intelligence should always humble himself and keep an open mind, but that doesnt answer my question. You said

>They probably knew that they were smarter than the average retard

But, do you sincerely think they werent aware of their own high intellect? Do you think they considered themselves midwits because there is always so much more to learn?

>> No.19235697
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I don't like them cold, but a little heat, some pasta and onion or pepper, and lemon really brightens them up and removes that fishy taste.

>> No.19235699

Tesla is a top contender

>> No.19235708

Mercury you're right, but their fat soaks lots of plastics in short time

>> No.19235714

I like to do a small tuna can, and a KO sardine can for my tuna salads now. Tastes great, and tastes amazing after melting some cheese on.

>> No.19235728

I can't get my preferred cheap brand of deenz in water anymore. Everything is now sunflower oil or very expensive olive oil. I like brine/water ones the most

>> No.19235730

have you tried putting 'chovies in your sauces? they basically dissolve and give a nice salty and savoury flavor

>> No.19235734

Probably didnt sell very well. People who eat deenz typically dont have shit taste, but youre certainly an exception.

>> No.19235745

fuck you too buddy

>> No.19235752

Im just pulling your leg brother. Go on amazon, buy in bulk so as not to get shafted too hard by upcharge.

>> No.19235756

Ive had 'chovies before on a pizza and it was overpowering. Are ypu supposed tp use a very small amount or something?

>> No.19235801

I like them on pizza so I'm probably biased. I like putting them in tomato based sauces instead of salting the sauce

>> No.19235805

And that's exactly where I can't get the ones I got previously anymore. Its either olive oil or water/brine, I cant get water/brine anymore and the ones with olive oil rival lamb filet in price per weight

>> No.19235810

Was going to suggest similar. Basically making tuna salad, but using sardines. Add some mustard powder or Old Bay seasoning.

>> No.19235829

puttanesca with deenz sounds disgusting, they're made with anchovies not sardines, totally different flavor

>> No.19235860

I really like them, with a sharp cheese and a Herby cracker, but I got a bad can and can't eat them without getting nauseous now :(

>> No.19235965

Eh, just not a fan of the little bones. I can easily bite through them, but it's better to just remove them. There are only like 6-7 fish per tin anyway.

>> No.19236041

I add a tin of plain olive oil deenz to my nalley chili for protein. It works.

>> No.19236059
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I had deenz for a late lunch, these are jose gourmet lemon and olive oil.

>> No.19236061

95% shilling one single nickel makes a dollar for your thoughts is deenz deenz deenz tm sold at your local grocery store at participating locations prices may vary product quality as advertised not guaranteed terms and restrictions apply WE ALL LOVE DEENZ

>> No.19236084

Shiet, costco??? Admittedly, I exclusively eat my deenz in either tomato sauce or oil, and those are always available anywhere i go.

>> No.19236091

there beans in that chili? I dont know how i feel about beanz n' deenz....

>> No.19236119

No costco here, I'm in europ
Most stores have either rapeseed or sunflower or soy oil, not a big fan

>> No.19236306

>it took 20 posts for someone to notice the obvious bait line I included in my OP. Absolutely pathetic. Do better, /ck/.

>> No.19236436

>Doesn't consume beachcliff deenz in hot sauce
Instant sign ur gay

>> No.19238136

Lel, no way, sardines taste fishy? Who woulda thunk it?

>> No.19239054

Why do people keep saying this as if it's some sort of clever gotcha? Describing something as "fishy" is universally seen as a negative thing, and not the same as actual fresh fish which has a pleasant smell.

>> No.19239078

>Oh I don't like this beef it tastes too beefy

>> No.19239085

You stagger them throughout the week, one day a kipper sandwich the next day sardine sandwich

>> No.19239091

>eats room temperature canned fish
>complains it has cold fishy texture

>> No.19239101

>About to have some mackerel in EVOO on triscuits with a wild blackberry lemonade cocktail
Now boys, you might be wondering how life gets this good, but you either get it or you don't.

>> No.19239130

>sourdough toast crackers
>mustard or mediterranean style deenz
>pickled beets on the side
Genuinely my favorite breakfast or lunch. Had it with some coffee and a cigarette this morning.

>> No.19239284


>> No.19239390

Not really to my taste personally, I just like making simple sandwiches with the fish, toasted whole wheat, some dijon mustard, some plain sardines, maybe some spinach on it. It's a nice little lunch to keep you going throughout the day, and sometimes I give my cat a little bit of the fish as a little treat

>> No.19239440
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Try putting it in a bowl and adding things like fried bread crumbs or onions and a squeeze of lime. Eating them out of the can always makes me feel like trash, but they can be really good if plated like real food. Also get a good brand, like Goya or Iberia, the ones that come in those bigger oval cans, the fish are bigger and better quality, and the tomato sauce really makes em shine.

>> No.19239458

Most pizza places do 'chovy pizza wrong. You're supposed to rinse off the brine from the anchovies so they don't make the pie too salty. Whatever 17 y/o pothead they got in back just doesn't care and they only make em like twice a year. If done right, the anchovy just adds depth and savory in symphony with the cheese and tomato, not standing out.

>> No.19239501

>deenz nasty
>oh, just put 'em on a cracker, there's your problem
>shouldn'a bought 'em before you tried 'em

>> No.19239781

good, more for me.

>> No.19239813

They make a good work lunch. I used to dump the cans in my bosses office trash because he hated it.

>> No.19239882

your fault for being a tastelet. Pure flavor. No, it's not an acquired taste. It's genetic. Men who enjoy sardines have 500% higher testosterone.
Source: It was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.19239912

Americans have such a bizarre, fragile sense of masculinity. I bet you think dressing badly and refusing to read instructions also makes you more of a man.

>> No.19239925

Ben Franklin would've been a 4channer mark my fucking words

>> No.19239934

he's right about everything and you're gay, homo faggot

>> No.19239940

based deenz/chovy sauce appreciator.

>> No.19239960
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Yesterday after seeing this thread I decided to open up a can of deenz,

diced tomato
diced cucumber
tiny bit of cilantro
olive oil drizzle
all on a Pita wrap
with hummace on the side

tasted weird but I ate it, I am gonna try it with a garlic/lemon tahini sauce next time and feta cheese

anyone ever tried anything like this before?

>> No.19239996

himalayan salt cuck

>> No.19240035

if you want to go really deep, try bagna cauda

>> No.19240037

Donate them to a food pantry or something. Don't just waste them. Food drive are usually around Christmas but some places may have them year round.

Worst comes to worst, throw 'em in a stew or mix 'em with some hot sauce. Hot sauce makes everything better..

Also, contrary to popular opinion, it is possible to get bad deens, esp. when you're getting huge-ass 3 to a can ones like that. Like with smelt, you want the smaller, more flavorful ones.

>> No.19240068

>Donate them to a food pantry or something. Don't just waste them
Yeah...no, I'd rather waste them than give them to some single mother to feed her niglet babies.

>> No.19240163

Kek this
I used to work in Section 8 Housing
Do you know what happens when you hand the niggers free food boxes during the holidays? They eat all the meat and the oil and literally just throw the vegetables on the ground
The day after Thanksgiving there were heads of lettuce scattered all around the neighborhood, one group of niglets took one and threw it through the window of a car
God forbid any White families get a handout, though

>> No.19240349

>The day after Thanksgiving there were heads of lettuce scattered all around the neighborhood
And what the fuck are they going to do with lettuce? Lettuce is trash.

>> No.19240352

Beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.19240360

Rabbits will not touch iceberg lettuce. They will let it rot and go hungry instead. I've witnessed this personally. If they won't touch it, why should I? That shit honestly needs to go extinct. I haven't the slightest clue why anyone grows it.

>> No.19240388

Iceberg lettuce was bred to stay good as long as possible for transportation and sale in grocery stores. It's literally the Wonderbread of vegetables.

>> No.19240395

They did it with the cabbages too
>nigger spotted

>> No.19240408

thats a rabbit

>> No.19240595
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>tried king oscar
you have shit taste but at least you didn't quit after some beaches in goyim oil.

>> No.19240600

just dont move out of your concentration camp when it comes unbearable and bother flyovers.

>> No.19240602

Yeah Angloes are weird. They'll eat anything that comes from the sea in any form. You could find a dried up starfish behind a dumpster and they would be all "oi delicious, just like meh mum used to make".

>> No.19240609
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>as brown as they come
is this you?
anyway have you explained to those retarded emberassments that whites and eurasians in general have evolved for swimming and eating fish, while africans rarely do anything of the sort? true africanoids have lanky legs unoptimized for swimming and so drown even doggy paddling.

>> No.19240739

Now cabbages I'll defend. Make slaw. Saute that shit. There are actual options with that.

>> No.19240754

>a bit of red
>some nice deenz
Sometimes the simple things in life just mean so much

>> No.19240757
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>> No.19240789

I find some brands nasty. I find some brands amazing. You may have chose wrong. You may not like what is an acquired taste. It is tinned fish. That's what you are eating.

I like them smoked in olive oil with olives. I like them with hot sauce. I like them plain with salt and pepper after a workout. Fileted almost always although getting them packed with olives may mean a sacrifice.

>> No.19240931

mash em up with cream cheese, shallots, green onion, lemon juice. spread on toasted bagel

>> No.19240943

I got some of these, and the mackerel with olive in the food pile rn.
That sounds amazing but with tinned crab and some hot sauce. Shame for some reason a single bit of solid food makes me feel miserable for some reason rn.

>> No.19241133

>I now have about $10 worth of deenz that I'm gonna have to throw away because I can't bring myself to eat any more. I consider myself an intelligent person, I can't believe I let myself get suckered into this shit.

consider yourself lucky, I unironically bought like $300-$500 worth of deenz in 2020 and 2021 because I thought everything was going to collapse because of covid. Now I have literally dozens if not hundreds of tins of sardines, and I absolutely hate them. I tried eating them a time or two but they are so fucking pungent and fish and nasty. I really wish I could enjoy them, because I logically understand they are more nutritious than most foods. But holy shit they taste awful.

I've been thinking about just mixing deenz with rice and dousing it in hot sauce but even that seems kind of awful

>> No.19241140

dude if you really hate them then just fucking sell them.

>> No.19241145

I spent 300 dollaridoos on canned fish myself, but I only got like 15 cans, much easier to handle.

>> No.19241229

>dude if you really hate them then just fucking sell them.

how? you can't sell food on facebook marketplace. No one else I know eats tinned fish

>> No.19241239

>anon tries thing
>anon doesn't like thing
Yeah it happens.

>> No.19241432

they are kind of an acquired taste, at least for me they were. The big thing is they are really good for you.
I prefer Brunswick to King Oscar. I eat them with lemon juice and crackers, or sometime pickles, onions, olives, etc. but damn >>19235063 sounds delicious, I'm gonna have to try it.

>> No.19242870
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Deenz are great, you just need to buy quality and prepare with a little love.

>dressing: low fat Greek yogurt with fresh lemon juice, black pepper, pinch of salt, fine parsley, and capers
>cucumber slices

Absolutely god tier food

>> No.19242912

>eating sardines
>texture like cereal/crumbs

mackerel is literal MEAT
have actually considered forgoing actual meat in place of mackerel 2bh but couldn't stand the smell

>> No.19242941


Mackerel rules but it's higher in calories, higher in mercury and other pollutants, and you're not getting the same benefits you do from the skin and bones of the sardines. I like a nice mackerel sandwich now and then but deenz are the mainstay of my cupboard

>> No.19242972

Go wash your skinny jeans and read some instructions before I give you a swirly, weenie.

>> No.19242992
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>deenz are the mainstay of my cupboard
such defeatist mentality is why I have a (cue loud rock music) SECOND ENTIRE MANSION DEDICATED ENTIRELY TO STORING MY MACKEREL CANS
and not just an extra shed out the back

>> No.19244229

>pour oil on hot rice
>fried egg
skill issue

>> No.19244260

i found old tin of deenz in cupboard after seeing this thread and enjoyed them, what are the next steps deenzbros

>> No.19244466

lad you realise that any canned fish is severely overcooked in the can to sterilize it? of course theyre going to be extremely fishy

>> No.19245228

am I a barbarian for eating my mackarel straight out of the can? I dont even add bread, onions or any other stuff regularly mentioned in /deenz/ threads, I just eat the fish an nothing else.
>inbefore: Bear claws typed this post

>> No.19245236

sardines on pizza? Y or N?

>> No.19245239

> $10 worth
Why are you poor?

>> No.19245242

>deenz that I'm gonna have to throw away
leave it outside for feral cats

>> No.19245751

Ask me how I know you're not white.

Sardines are the aryan man's choice.

>> No.19245757

>gotta get the Nuri's
these cost a fortune per can

>> No.19245794

The first time I tried deenz I also ate the directly out of the tin lol. Cream cheese and crackers

>> No.19245809
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Mackerel > Sardines.
fite me.

>> No.19245818

Deenz is a lifestyle. It's part of a well rounded spiritual life.

>> No.19245821

Each time I go for sardines at the store I see these, want to try it, but just take sardines anyway

>> No.19246067

post deenz and country, I may be able to assist you in this matter if you're willing to ship them

>> No.19246262


>> No.19246267

ooh these cost alot, but i made a pasta with the Peri Peri mackerel filets and it was divine.

>> No.19246272

fry it on low for a couple mins, youll see

>> No.19246289

>costs a lot

>> No.19246770
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Just spend more money to get nice things instead of shit things, it's shrimple really.

>> No.19247536

Herring in sour cream.


<3 <3 <3

Dress them up a bit more or add some veggies to the plate.

>> No.19247563

theyre good with hot sauce on salty crackers

>> No.19249703
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>> No.19249852

>4chan incels are such contrarians that they'll eat 17th century sailor food to OWN DA JOOOOS

>> No.19249873

Nice pasta but King Oscar (Sprattus sprattus) aren't even real deenz. If you want real deenz (Sardina pilchardus) then you need to buy something caught in the Mediterranean Sea or Atlantic Ocean. Just buy the Nuri sardines in spiced tomato sauce. You'll never want to eat any other sardines after that.

>> No.19249884

I hope you at least bought $300 worth of deenz packed in olive oil rather than sneed oil. Just mix them into pasta or something to make them more palatable.

>> No.19249984

I literally live in Europe you fucking mongoloid, I don't need you to tell me what real sardines are and where to get them. Nor do I need your advice on buying Nuri, a Portuguese export brand designed to rip off Americans.

Also, "real sardines" is meaningless. Sprats are actually tastier than real sardines, and have a better texture. The fact that they're not sardines doesn't even matter.

>> No.19250380

Based and redpilled

>> No.19250426
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rice, runny yolks, and a dash of hot sauce are my go to

>> No.19250531

based costco enjoyer

>> No.19250590

this isn't okay bro
where are your greens? veggies?

>> No.19250635

Your guess is as good as mine for that particular day

>> No.19251072

I really like the more strange canned seafoods myself or at least far less common in the USA.

>> No.19251107

Veggies make you weak.

>> No.19251128
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bought a 48 pack of these when they were on sale 2 months ago for a -50% discount. just ate 2 tins of them. they're fresh and delicious. literal gold

>> No.19251176

>I don't particularly enjoy eating ass, it tastes too assy.

>> No.19251185

>literal gold

Anon they are fish

>> No.19251477

OP you're a faggot

>> No.19251782
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>mfw deenz and kimchi

>> No.19252228

Next you'll say water is wet

>> No.19252253

Canned tuna is not fishy at all.

>> No.19252271


fuck you OP

>> No.19252360
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Easy mode sardine pasta.

>> No.19252515

do you mean to just heat up the bottom of the pita?

>> No.19253139

canned tuna is extremely fishy compared to fresh tuna

>> No.19253317


My man.

I've tried to get friends & family to try these out and all of them either telling me Sardines are too '''''''''salty'''''''''' or the smell of them is a turn off.

Why do so many people confuse Anchovies with Sardines? As long as you dispose the can and oil outside it wont stink. These deenz literally do not give off a strong odor

>> No.19253351
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Ty, will try out this week

>> No.19253401

>skinless and boneless
Just buy canned tuna at that point.

>> No.19253566

I made the same purchase, and then I learned a prefer my deems unsmoked. Or, at least, not with the aqueous smoke solution they put in them.

>> No.19253702

>rinse the oil
>add butter
>add mustard
>solt n peppah
>do not blend, electro-whisk

viola, spred on bred

>> No.19253721

The best tend to be smoked. Smoked canned fish is tasty.

>> No.19253737

Are you willing to ship them rather than throw them away?

>> No.19253745

>the only fish I can eat is named after poop

>> No.19253763

god i love canned fish

>> No.19253814

sorry nigger but i can't sympathize. I eat portuguese deenz straight out of the can and they taste delicious. you're just a pathetic faggot who would probably throw up if i put a plate of delicious sauteed chicken giblets (hearts and livers).

>> No.19253891

Canning is a cooking process, and it produces better tasting fish than raw

>> No.19253919

This looks like a waste of some perfectly good deenz, like you're trying to hide the taste or something. Far from easy mode.

>> No.19253928

Yeah I prefer them not smoked overall.