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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19232491 No.19232491 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you actually care about health and stuff and take supplements daily

I currently take vitamin C everyday
And nothing else

What about you?

>> No.19232589

I drink bang energy and touch grass, got all the vitamins I need

>> No.19232613
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Sometimes, like a handful before bed. They don't seem to do anything, though. Because I'm already healthy. From eating MEAT.

>> No.19232632
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>> No.19232700

The supplement industry is a sham. They were able to weasel their way out of federal regulations. They often fail simple tests preformed by places like consumer reports.

Get your levels tested at the doctor. If you have any deficiencies then take supplements recommended by your doctor.

For fun, magnesium really does give you vivid dreams. Zinc helps with jizz.

>> No.19232712

I take NMN for the off chance that it makes me live longer.

>> No.19232714

I'm on shitload of vitamin D

>> No.19232735
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My doctor told me to take D but I stopped caring before I even got through a single jar of gummies.

>> No.19232749

zinc also makes your hair turn white

>> No.19232838

I take 33,000% the recommended daily dietary amount because I have pernicious anaemia/Addison's syndrome and will get all Parkinsons-y if I don't.
Does that count?

>magnesium really does give you vivid dreams.
I might have an inadvertently high magnesium diet cuz my dreams are always vivid and memorable. I dreamt last night, for example, that Yeardley Smith, voice of Lisa Simpson, died in a mosh pit for Four Year Strong. I didn't even know who FYS was (or if mosh pits are even still a thing) until I woke up this morning and checked Yeardley's wiki to make sure she hadn't actually died then googled the words "four year strong" and found out that that is, indeed, the name of a band.
Night before, I dreamt I was in a trailer park, hanging out at a picnic table with some people, then I went into a trailer and there was an FBI agent in the shower and the trailer turned into a booth in a ferris wheel which I was sharing with a mermaid who parked the booth on the top floor of the parking lot for a local mall and I jumped off the roof and flew over a mechanic's shop parking lot that had turned into a desert populated with undead skeletal guinea pigs then I landed in my living room but it had dark-burgundy wall to wall carpeting for some reason instead of my hardwood floors and I said to the guinea pigs that I'm gonna wake up now so I looked at a rotting human skull and woke myself up.

>> No.19232842

>I take 33,000% the recommended daily dietary amount
of B12

>> No.19232850

>I take 33,000% the recommended daily dietary amount
of cum

>> No.19232870

I take pure multivitamin daily and that's usually all.

>> No.19232875

Vitamins make my pee turn neon yellow and give me disturbingly vivid dreams, so no.

>> No.19232877

i take my cum pills, simple as

>> No.19232880

i take vitamin D daily because i love the D and also a men's multi now and then.

>> No.19232897

All this does is imply that you're a cum guzzler since you seem to believe that there's some amount of semen which fits into a recommended daily dietary amount.
Protip: there isn't and you don't need to guzzle cum anymore. You can stop now. Just put the dicks away.

>> No.19232899

I was taking vitamin D for awhile because it was winter but then I realized eggs have a lot of vitamin D so I became less consistent about it. I eat eggs pretty regularly

>> No.19232916

i'm a negligent as fuck eater so i always take vitamins in the morning. B complex, a multi, and biotin. i dissolve a pack of clear gelatin in my coffee take 5HTP before bed. my hair finally stopped falling out in clumps and i gained a couple of pounds

>> No.19232932

My diet is pretty good, but I do take various supplements. Currently, I take daily:
>5 g Creatine
>4.5 g Fish oil (mostly DPA/EHA)
>2.4 g Glucosamine
>2.2 g Chondroitin
>600 mg Methylsulfonylmethane
>400 mg Magnesium, in the form of bisglycinate
>12.5 mg Zinc
>0.125 mg Vitamin D
It's all you really need. The rest you can get from your diet. Careful how much Zinc you take, you can get the "Zinc Flu"
If you can get dietary sources of the above, that's even better, but for example a good sized steak only contains 3 g of creatine, and no one is eating multiple steaks per day.

>> No.19232990

I take a multi-vitamin that's got A, C, D3, E, K, B1, B3, B6, B12, Folate, Biotin, Iron, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, DHA, and Choline

>> No.19233128

>i dissolve a pack of clear gelatin in my coffee

What is that like collagen or something?

>> No.19233169

You should probably just eat better food. Half that shit competes for uptake, so you're getting less than 50% of it. Zinc and magnesium for example. A lot of the rest relies upon fat for absorption, so unless you take that with a pretty fatty meal, most of it is just getting pissed out later and contributing to the building of kidney stones. I'd say lol but that shit isn't funny, I've seen serious men, who shrugged off knife and bullet wounds, cry like little girls while trying to piss out kidney stones. Fuck that

Just drink water and eat vegetables and organ meats lol. So called carnivores who only eat steaks and burgers are retarded. You can be carnivore but you gotta go all in, eat the organs, eat the brain and eyeballs, etc.

>> No.19233245

D because I'm sad like all the time.
B-Complex for muscles.
Basic multi because fuck it, can't hurt.

>> No.19233248

>eat the brain

Nah I think that's dangerous actually.

What organs would you actually recommend eating? Liver probably for the B-vitamins

>> No.19233304

Nah I'm fairly confident in my diet. I eat pretty nutrient rich whole foods. Lots of fish, ton of veggies, fruits and berries instead of candy etc. you know. Three meals a day.

>> No.19233308

>Lots of fish,

That sounds good but isn't mercury a problem? What types do you mainly eat

>> No.19233366

Vitamime supplements suffer from bioavailability problem. Meaning from the 100 unit vitamin in the pill the body can barely use 10 units. If youmwant to supplement, look for colloidal supplements, they have a bioavailabiloty of 85 to 95%.

>> No.19233370

>colloidal supplements,
What type are available

>> No.19233379

I take a gummy multivitamin just in case. My balance of meats and starchy vegetables takes care of most of that already but can't be too safe.
Also I make sure to eat potatoes for the potassium.

>> No.19233380

Liver kidney heart and lung, maybe stomach. Dont eat gizzards for a reason i dont have time to explain but you can see why if you think about it a bit.

>> No.19233385

All of them? Im not selling anything so no specific product name, sorry.

>> No.19233386

Bad health and regrets will come to you but only if you stay inside
If you go outside and tan you will get your vitamin d and also skin cancer
or just eat the fucking gummy goyim

>> No.19233389

Based B12 hyperdose going over your autism rickets or whatever

>> No.19233391

fortified nooch, and occasionally powdered myrciaria dubia fruit

>> No.19233400

It's not. The type varies. Fresh and saltwater fish.

>> No.19233895

Me too.
I'm a pescatarian, so my diet is probably lacking in some vitamins and minerals.

>> No.19233966

I love me some zinc, does wonders for headcolds

>> No.19233977

Is that better than resveratrol?

>> No.19233991

yeah but it's below the current trend-dar so it's still like two bucks a box. as far as i know it's the same shit as collagen supplements. i actually learned that from my grandma, we were skinny kids so she'd put it in hot chocolate for us 'so we won't break our bones'.

>> No.19234156

>autism rickets
Holy fuck, lol.

>> No.19234192

The idea that eating brains is dangerous is pop culture stuff. Even cannibalistic eating of human brains is safe, unless you're eating the brain of another cannibal from a specific part of the world. Aside from that, maybe you're thinking of mad cow disease or chronic wasting disease, but these can be avoided by not eating any part of an animal that seems fucked up and acts weird.

>> No.19234207

He meant start sucking dick because you are a medical grade homo and he's got a backstock of aids meds

>> No.19234250
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Every day for lunch, I eat a raw carrot and boiled egg, and then I wash it all down with a 12 OZ V8.

That's not all I eat of course, but as far as I'm concerned that's pretty much all the vitamins I need.

>> No.19234410

Must suck being white

>> No.19234460

I take a multivitamin along with iron, vitamin D, and potassium.

>> No.19234535

Nonwhites are far more likely to suffer vitamin D deficiency anywhere besides the equator, which leads to increased mental illness and poor health in general.

>> No.19234624
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>baby aspirin
I eat healthy (fish, greens, tea, eggs, homemade fermented foods) and don't feel the need to take much more than that. Each day I brim with energies.

>> No.19234628

I go for a walk everyday. Sucks to be a shutin then. The Jew will never get me to take supplements

>> No.19234660

My ex used to buy me vitamins. Now I’m most likely deficient in something.

>> No.19234734

Lately I have started doing homemade smoothies with oats, fruit, protein powder, and sometimes I'll throw in extra vitamin stuff. Lots of fiber and I get the important fruit nutrients without having to coat my teeth in fruit shit.

>> No.19234773

bang sucks for even b vitamins though
it's just a caffeine bomb

>> No.19234826

I'm prescribed vitamin D, folic acid and potassium
I'm not supposed to take additional supplements or vitamins without running them by my doctors, so I don't

>> No.19235892

I cared about you. Call me sometime, no promises, but I'll listen.

>> No.19236521

copper deficiency from zinc supplements causes greying because metallothionein preferentially binds to zinc, and only weakly to copper, so dietary copper is squeezed out of the intake pathway. stopping zinc for 1-2 weeks, and then restarting it at 15:1 zn:cu in mg, or 25:2, and not exceeding 2mg daily, will prevent the problem from recurring or getting worse. the same can be achieved with a dozen oysters eaten weekly, or 4-6oz of beef liver taken with coffee also weekly. if the greying happened in patches it's possible to apply copper topically to reverse the effect.

>> No.19236548

Yeah I started taking zinc as a COVID precaution in 2020, took about six months but my hair started greying and it was noticeably thinner
Started eating liver at least twice a month and regularly have braunschweiger sammies for lunch, fixed it in a few weeks
There was a physical line of demarkation in the hairs that lost pigmentation
Never got sick tho, no masks, no jabs

>> No.19236735

I take D during the winter months and B complex every few days

>> No.19236770
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pills and supplements i take every day include:
vitamin D
vitamin C
vitamin B
viviscal pill

>> No.19236777

if you're taking anything other than omega-3 pills your diet is objectively unhealthy and lazy or you have a condition

>> No.19237073

I eat decently, I'm not worried about it. I described a prenatal vitamin and wanted to see if anybody would recognize the Folate/DHA/Choline trifecta and call it out lmao

>> No.19237085

I take zinc and magnesium to offset side effects from my alcoholism.

>> No.19237228

Kinda agree but I think you're still generalizing this way too much. I get why someone living in the northern hemisphere would eat D (heh) during winter for example.

>> No.19238773

If you are on 4chan please take a vitamin D supplement.
You absolutely do not get enough sunlight.

>> No.19238794

/schizo/ is leaking again

>> No.19238989


>> No.19239137

How about taking zinc with copper?

>> No.19239148

What about if you have copper-based blood?

>> No.19239162

only quality food, no bullshit

>> No.19239210

Are you really saying that Addison's anemia doesn't exist? It's a well documented condition.

>> No.19239218
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yes this is ok, 15mg zinc to 1mg copper, or 25:2, and the zinc should be gluconate or picolinate, the copper bisglycinate

>stopping zinc for 1-2 weeks, and then restarting it at 15:1 zn:cu in mg, or 25:2, and not exceeding 2mg daily, will prevent the problem from recurring or getting worse.

>What about if you have copper-based blood?
Nice try, Dr. Peterson.

>> No.19239239

I have difficulty absorbing oxygen, I'm very pale and i tend to breathe extremely shallowly. I've got that O- copper based blood man
Its a massive debuff

>> No.19239365

iron and copper oppose one another so if you've tested high on ceruloplasmin and free copper you're possibly iron deficient (one of the few scenarios in which it's probable) and you should have blood work confirm that. even so, i would take a b-complex to ensure sufficient b1-2-6 for glucose metabolism support, and lower estrogen with a daily raw carrot. keeping blood sugar up, estrogen low, and opposing copper to rebalance in favor of iron is all possible and safe with dietary changes.

the problems of high copper are complex and beyond the scope of a chan post. e.g. sweating removes some heavy metals but high copper is capable of limiting anaerobic metabolism which makes endurance exercise difficult, but a weekly sauna could replace that. you can lower copper with orange juice, containing both fructose which boosts iron absorption and vitamin c which lowers copper.

>> No.19239370

i tried it for a while and observed no difference in my energy levels or mood

>> No.19239372

>becoming a salt n pepper foxhound with ultra huge nut busts
not seeing any downsides here

>> No.19239410

I take a multivitamin every now and then because I'll autistically eat the same things over and over for extended periods.

>> No.19239472

I actually have a blood works scheduled...sometime. Or I'm supposed to. But years ago I was told I had highly copper blood and there was stuff I should take less of, take more of, etc but I forgot it all
But thanks for the info

>> No.19239494

I have one of the most acidic bloods ever measured by human scientists. I was paid to fly around the world when I was a young man.

>> No.19239503

That's pretty cool. Well, unless it has negative effects on you. Then its a bit less cool.

>> No.19239610

I take Kirkland’s D3 and B12, it makes my disposition a lot better

>> No.19239652

you're welcome. be sure they check both free copper and ceruloplasmin, liver markers for iron, ask for thyroid panel alongside zinc, selenium, iodine and calcium so that if high copper has provoked too much t4, or low calcium, these can be addressed; likewise zinc, selenium, and iodine being necesary for t4>t3 conversion would be useful markers in assessing copper's impact on the thyroid

with doctors always be your own advocate, ask for tests you want, ask what things mean, get a second opinion if you don't like the answers.

>> No.19239690

I basically just supplement my diet with either cocaine for a little pick me up or alcohol as a sort of relaxant. When I was younger I use to watch anime and movies in my home theater and supplement MDMA for a more pleasurable experience. Not much else.

>> No.19239713

Most people don't need vitamin supplements, but it doesn't hurt to make up for any potential shortfalls in nutrients you might be missing out on.

>> No.19240642

I do care about my health. That's why I don't take supplements

>> No.19240941

I've been taking L-citrulline and I'm excited to inform you all that it makes very horny when I don't work out after taking it.

>> No.19240954

Vitamin D in the winter and we only get 6 hours of sunlight a day..

other than that no