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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19230128 No.19230128 [Reply] [Original]

Egg Salad.

Thanks to the egg salad-anons from yesterday I was inspired to make my own for the first time tonight. I only had two eggs legs and since I'm going out of town for about a week it seemed like a good time to use them up and start with a new dozen when I get back. Let's goooooo

Boil the eggs. I subscribe to the "cover in cold water, bring to boil, remove from heat and let sit for 13 minutes" technique.

>> No.19230129
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12m30s post-boil it's time to move on

>> No.19230132

Un ouef already

>> No.19230134
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and into the requisite ice bath (these will sit while I prepare my halloumi salad, plenty of time to chill tf out)

>> No.19230138
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peel and chop you know how it goes

>> No.19230140
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now the whett ingredients, a dollop of mayo and a tbsp or so of spicy brown mustard

>> No.19230142
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and lots of cajun seasoning blend (High Plains Spice Company)

>> No.19230146
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give it a good stirrup. yep definitely overdid it with the wet stuff but the only way is forward so on we go

>> No.19230148
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slather that sloppa on toast and serve with a mildly nutrition-balancing salad of choice

>> No.19230152
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A bit sloppy but it's delicious! Will plan ahead next time for some onion/celery, dijon, proper amounts of mayo, etc. But I'm glad I used my eggs for something different.


>> No.19230269

ßumpan for the egg lovers


>> No.19230334

Once I stop working at restaurant and just eating there/fast food, I'm gonna make so much fucking egg salad it's gonna be unreal

>> No.19230366

Make devilled eggs. It's deconstructed egg salad. I made some a few weeks ago. I ate 11 eggs. Holy fuck I like boiled eggs.

>> No.19230460

Could chuck in some cress or kangkong if you can get it. That's basically the only thing I do differently when I make egg slop.
They add a nice bit of bitter crunchiness without that unpleasant raw celery flavour.

>> No.19230464

For me, it's dill and a bit of chives

>> No.19230475
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Also good choices. Can't really muck up something as simple as egg salad.

>> No.19230774

Very nice op. That looks like it would cost me $16 at a cafe

>> No.19231807

†bh with the cost of fresh veggies today, plus the slice of halloumi, it probably cost that much to make at home

>> No.19231929

no recipe for the salad?
halfassed thread, gonna have to sage

>> No.19232123

It’s not a salad thread agnon but if it makes you happy
>ripe truss tomatoes (5-7)
>2 large cukes or 7 gerkins, sliced
>salt and pepper
>good quality Spanish olivölle
>cubes of warm crisped halloumi or (fresh feta)
>drizzle with balsamic glaze

>> No.19233570


>> No.19233586

HowToBasic origin story?

>> No.19233589
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actually maybe

>> No.19233590
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