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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 741x596, Screenshot_20230501_175629_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19225392 No.19225392 [Reply] [Original]

Food Fans, it's over...

>> No.19225399

I liked the old guy, but this doesn't come as surprise to me. I always knew something was off about him, but I was hoping that was paranoia from being raised on 90s internet.

>> No.19225404

Didn't he get convicted and serve his time?

>> No.19225423

What he dead? Where did you hear?

>> No.19225442

It turns out he’s a child molester from the 70s

>> No.19225447

What gay guy from the 70's isnt?

>> No.19225487

literally who

>> No.19225491

>What gay guy isnt?
Fixed that for ya, bub.

>> No.19225495

I know nothing about this but that was a long time ago and you don't really know what he did, did he finger a 17 year old as an 18 year old or something?

>> No.19225499

If by finger you mean anally sodomize, and by 17 mean 12 and by 18 mean 47, then yeah.

>> No.19225564

He didn't anally sodomize. He sucked the kids off. The kids were probably asking for it, like hey Mr after you teach me guitar you should SUCK MY DICK haha and he was like yes. I will. because he has aspergers.

>> No.19225591

Is there any proof or is it some redditor thinking he found something?

>> No.19225594

A family member of mine is a pedo. He is in his 70's and in prison. When he gets out he should start a prison cooking youtube channel

>> No.19225644

ok someone post screenshots or a police record or something to show wtf yall are talking about. all his recent videos are deleted.

>> No.19225651

exactly. judging by all the redditniggers in the comments on his videos, im gonna have to say it's jackshit. he probably got some lewd conduct charge in the 60s or some shit. fucking redditors.

>> No.19225653
File: 6 KB, 200x252, dv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy could play Mr. Pedigree to a T.

>> No.19225719

Always felt off, but I just passed it off as me being wary of any single unmarried old man on the Internet. Then it was found out he was a fag and it all clicked for me. He had to have some kiddy diddling past.
Not that it bothered me. I wasn't the kid he sucked off. Sucks for the kid, but it was Las Vegas in the 70s. I'm sure all of that shit was going on like nobody's business. Still a gay child diddling faggot though, so I hope he trips and breaks all his bones before dying from an aneurysm.

>> No.19225727

He confessed to these thing (not in a whole lot of graphic detail) in a video that HE HIMSELF released. He took it down after youtubers started picking it up.
I started watching it not long after he released it, but it was pretty lengthy and equally as boring.

>> No.19225739

>The kids were probably asking for it
Biden voter detected.

>> No.19225748

i remember seeing the thumbnail and instantly thinking
>oh so he admits he is a pedo
but thought it might be a goofy joke, it wasnt

>> No.19225775

Other than the video he posted confessing to it you fucking retard?

>> No.19225805

Hahaha it's always funny when an edgey kid gets btfo'd. How's it taste? Bitter right? You should like it, since you're just as bitter.

>> No.19225839
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>> No.19225873

Just google Willett v. State. It's real unfortunately

>> No.19225878

is this the guy that would make simple meals like adding extras to a canned stew and making some toast then sitting down to eat?

>> No.19225942

What exactly happened here? Who did this guy piss off that someone dug up his criminal charges from the 1970s after he had been making videos for nearly 6 years now?

>> No.19225952

UUCP alt.something.is.off

>> No.19225971
File: 14 KB, 275x300, slowpoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he just found out

>> No.19225987

Single guy from Hollywood moves to Tennessee and turns out is a pedo


>> No.19226096

He's originally from Kentucky

>> No.19226135

So worse...ey eye eye

>> No.19226146

did he rape that child with his clone?

>> No.19226251

Iim glad I never tried to make it on YouTube, more and more proof every day informs me that to get popular on there you have to have made some kind of crime against nature

>> No.19226298

Just when I think I couldn't like him even more he goes and does something like this.

>> No.19226330


I'm surprised it took this long. He wasn't secretive at all about his name and where he had been in the past. Obviously until recently he hadn't said anything about the whole child sex conviction but there was more than enough info about him that he put out himself in his videos that someone with a little bit of digging could find out about his conviction.

>> No.19226336

no one dug because they didnt care they jsut thought he was nice to watch, he always looked like a creep to me but i onlyt know him from the clone watermelon video

>> No.19226350

I doubt a boomer nonce is internet savy enough to realize he is putting that info out there for the internet detectives.

>> No.19226353

Someone post his flickr

>> No.19226390


>> No.19226417

Hello there, food fags! Today we're going to suck off underage boys behind the penny laundry mat after I reheat a shitty banquet meal from Walmart so let's get started!

>> No.19226419

This. /ck/ was onto this grizzled old homo a year before all of this shit came to light.

>> No.19226422
File: 104 KB, 900x562, 1653707470900_compressor_io_LL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he was a MAP? Based. Too bad it was back then an not today when it's ok.

Cool guy with alot of history. Good for him.

>> No.19226427
File: 1.12 MB, 1485x2000, henrytuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong with some tasteful art anon!

>> No.19226435

His flickr that was posted here had photos of teenage boys with captions about their hard bodies and shit. It's not showing up in google for me anymore so he must have deleted it.

>> No.19226449
File: 85 KB, 715x744, d6a~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are acting like it's bad or something. He is even more awesome now.

>> No.19226458

yeah maybe he'll play with a little boys dick in his next video haha

>> No.19226471
File: 121 KB, 344x494, 1653930499693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not permitted on YouTube anon. Also none of your business. Lol.

>> No.19226473

That was a different sex offender.

>> No.19226478

no the clone raped the child that was his defence at trial and when he proved it the judge set him free

>> No.19226486

>All the reasons you should let me convince your child to let me fuck them. You're the one harming them by shaming them!
Pedos need to be shot. Don't touch kids. You don't get to be their introduction to sex. You're not as empathetic as you think. You only care for your own desires and find ways to trick yourself into thinking it's OK. You, pedo reading this, I know you get this a lot, but if you really can't keep your hands off kids then do everyone a favor a kill yourself. Nothing you do will get people to accept you. You deserve to feel as judged and hated as you typically feel. You know who else is easily manipulated? Animals. Go fuck animals if you're so desperate. If you have a sexual obsession with kids just cut off your genitals now and be celibate for life. The people that love and defend you are in deep denial about you because fantasy is better than the reality you make with your desires and actions. Just die.

>> No.19226495
File: 65 KB, 576x576, e40df579abd9ea38d33dc1b4f1ffcc33-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out anti.

>> No.19226497

I remember when this board defended him and said that he shouldn't be bullied "just because he's gay." His flickr was seriously creepy as hell.

>> No.19226499

Oh Grand Moff Tarkin, we hardly knew ye…

>> No.19226725
File: 177 KB, 540x720, 1629779424112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19226841


>> No.19226989

I don't understand why he is still allowed to have a channel, instead of complaining people should be actively asking youtube to take his channels down.

The reason he is sitll there is simple, he says he's gay.

>> No.19226995

He left a flickr account up the whole time which proved he was gay and taking pictures of young guys when he was in his 60's

>> No.19227001

>I don't understand why he is still allowed to have a channel
Really? You don't understand why?

>> No.19227042
File: 225 KB, 416x416, 1664970679503215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never watched his channel, did he ever make anything worth checking out? Or was it just a gimmick thing with him being really old?