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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19224513 No.19224513 [Reply] [Original]

What do you eat when you are sad and can't be bothered to cook

>> No.19224518

>What do you eat when you can't be bothered to cook

>> No.19224522

Water and cigarette

>> No.19224525

Just about nothing.

>> No.19224531

This, and based.

>> No.19224579
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peanuts and yogurt and whiskey

>> No.19224581

Are you guys actually sad with any regularity? If so, how old are you? Where do you live? and why are you so frequently unhappy?

>> No.19224903

32, America.

Idk if I'm sad. I just have no drive for anything in life anymore. Zero. I still do what I must, smile at people, talk with acquaintances, and am generally nice to be around.

>> No.19224999

I'd probably make a box of Velveeta shells and cheese although that's pretty close to cooking I guess. Maybe a jar of cheese dip and some Doritos. Something to cram my face with.

>> No.19225033

yogurt & almonds, then go for a walk and feel a lil better

>> No.19225203

Pita bread and hummus (or other similar dip). If I'm feeling extravagant, I toast it first.

>> No.19225226

Store bought tray of lasagna that I only have to put in the oven. That's the go-to meal for someone whose given up

>> No.19225238


>> No.19225262

Saltines with nothing on them

>> No.19225306

Cooking is the only thing that makes me happy.

>> No.19225352
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Nearby coffee shop hotdog, the walk to it helps with the sads too

>> No.19225360

i never get sad. i only get angry, and angry food is red meat as rare as possible.

>> No.19225376

frozen pizza

>> No.19225383
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>> No.19225391
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Either absolutely nothing or way too much of anything

>> No.19225415

life just keeps getting worse in ways I can't even imagine. I can't enjoy even the littlest things I loved when I was younger. I'm afraid I'm turning into a jaded old husk of a human.

>> No.19225433

I like how you can tell the fat and skinny anons apart itt

>> No.19225474

Mac & cheese, or a plate of cheesy fries, or cheesy nachos. Cheese really. This is usually followed by something sweet like ice cream or chocolate.

>> No.19225488

If I'm half assing it because I'm kinda down, it'll be grilled cheese or quesadillas, probably with tomato soup.
If I'm actually depressed, sometimes it's coffee/liquor and cigarettes, or a bag of chips.

>> No.19225523

I keep instant noodles in a cupboard for moments like those

>> No.19225622

mass reply

>> No.19225629

Potatoes can be made into just about anything, or if you're too lazy to chop it just cook some noodles.

>> No.19225648

Haha! Because he's fat!

>> No.19226155

samyang buldak with way too much melted mozzarella cheese and scallions. or a burger and fries from the local best spot.

i always feel about 100x more depressed immediately after eating these things which stops me from doing it with any frequency whatsoever. i have to be feeling outrageously bad to even consider it. i even associate these foods with feeling like shit and it helps to avoid them.

>> No.19226169

add coffee for a balanced diet

>> No.19226196
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Bag of these some beer, sardines and crackers, bong hits

>> No.19226200

cinnamon raisin bread.

>> No.19226240

and you're gay

>> No.19226278

instant noodles

>> No.19226292

>why are you so frequently unhappy
Folic acid added to flour by government and/or roundup added to flour by farmers going off label ultimately resulting in low energy and depression.

>> No.19226741

ur mums minge innit

>> No.19226742

Fast food or nothing

>> No.19226818

a piece of toasted bread with peanut butter and sliced banana on it...... simple and yummy and so on

>> No.19226898

Cracking macadamias and drinking whiskey can be fun. Also eating something greasy like a pizza, burger or kebab.

>> No.19226907

Probably just something I can throw in the microwave. A meat pie or something like that

>> No.19226908

i like to go to a diner and get as much coffee as i like. last time, i ordered steak and eggs. something about sitting in a booth drinking coffee makes me happy

>> No.19226917


>> No.19226922

Cubed sharp cheddar and green olives swimming in Italian dressing

>> No.19227173

I dont like being me and I dont have the energy to be different
also im a neet and I feel pathetic

>> No.19227180

when Im sad I binge eat
Ive eaten so much that I puked
pasta, rice, vegetables, whatever
with a ton of oil and seasoning and spicy shit so I can feel something
also I drink a lot
ngl I love doing it, very few things give me that kind of dopamine o reliably

>> No.19227216

I love the whole concept of diners

Also some have that case with the pies in them? Coffee+slice of pie, max comfy

>> No.19227219

Literally in your prime dude. Get it together

>> No.19227239

Boredom? Depression but not the "im gonna kill myself" kind? Do you like your job? Do you have any hobbies that you can really keep your attention?
I'm 38 and I felt that way for a brief period after I was laid off from a job when I was about 29. I wish there was a magic bullet, but I think I spent about 6 months depressed and that was with a supportive wife (gf at the time). If you can identify something that's the driving factor rather than a catch all "everything sucks" you can start to work on it. For me, I got a different job and things went up from there. FWIW - things can change immensely in the time between your age and mine. There's too much focus put on people having to have everything figured out by a certain point in their lives, and I think that's sometimes overwhelming to the point where people just shut down.

>> No.19227242

yoghurt, grilled cheese, fruit, or overcooked eggs

>> No.19227243

me too

>> No.19227250

Nothing. I just forget to eat.

>> No.19227264

Fried noodles

Usually, egg, mi goreng ramen noodle and cheeses with chives

>> No.19227269

Totino’s party pizzas, Tyson frozen chicken Patties w/ ketchup and cheese, banquet Mac n cheese or just straight up chips and salsa. If the depression is real bad I use wavy lays instead of tortilla chips.

>> No.19227279

economy is going to shit, world's polluted, world war's breaking out, the internet peaked 15 years ago and the median house price is 1.7mil

>> No.19227287

The economy was shit when I was in college, desert storm happened when I was in grade school and 9/11 happened when I was a junior, the internet has always been a cesspool - it was just new 15 years ago. I literally closed on a 3.6acre 4000sqft house on a lake yesterday for 542,000 . You're focusing on the negative man....

>> No.19227294

What do you/ have you done for a living?

>> No.19227304

Hydrologist - I work for the feds. My wife's a nurse practitioner.

>> No.19227310

>economy is going to shit, world's polluted, world war's breaking out
that's been the case for thousands of years

>> No.19227323
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Things will get better lads. It may not seem like it at the moment but the minute we give up we just make things worse for ourselves. We've gotta keep trying no matter how pointless it seems as it's the only thing we can do. I've been fighting it for years now but the days are slowly getting brighter. Yours will too.

>> No.19227330

Ive always been like this, I became really anxious at the age of 13 and since then I spent more time depressed than not
the driving factor would probably be my adhd and how it affected me, I dont ever finish anything Ive started

Ive found tho that fasting, omega 3, excercise, eating gluten free, keto diet, nootropic stacks like caffeine + l-theanine, microdosing and hero dosing on shrooms help a lot but I still have terrible habits that fuck me up, plus I feel very lost and I have no clue what to do since I honestly have no drive to make an effort on anything unless im high.

I probably should

>> No.19227343

decades maybe
I'm hopefull that AI will solve everything tho, either that or make it worse and if that's the case then I'll off myself
It's a win win

>> No.19227359

>I honestly have no drive to make an effort on anything unless im high.
I can infer that you probably already know this, but your dependence if not causing the issues is certainly exacerbating them. I've never been down the rabbit hole as far as you seem to be, but if you think hard - is there anything that you do that can hold your interest and doesn't require you to be high? Even if it's something as maligned as vidya, it's a start.

>> No.19227377

im not addicted to anything tho, during the pandemic I used to drink half a bottle of vodka and I used to smoke a ton but I stopped since then and I dont feel like I need them desu. I do get shitfaced from time to time and desu, I get absolutely no satisfaction from it
I feel like I have very few pleasure neuroreceptors or they are all used up

>but if you think hard - is there anything that you do that can hold your interest and doesn't require you to be high? Even if it's something as maligned as vidya, it's a start.
I am honestly thinking about it and I dont think so. I play league and I get angry everytime even when I win

to be fair tho, im depressed. when it get this bad there is only one thing that has ever gotten me out of this state and its shrooms or DMT. last time I did 3 grams of shrooms I cried for hours, but I came out the other way feeling alive and happy to be alive
idk how to explain it but its like a factory reset for your brain.
im actually going to go get some shrooms today

>> No.19227384

>I used to drink half a bottle of vodka
every day
desu is not that bad, ive heard worse
but if it got to that point and I was able to stop then im not an alcoholic

>> No.19227389

>I need to be high to feel happy to be alive
Sounds like addition to me, but if that's what gets you to the next day then go for it. Hopefully for you, you realize that the depression you're feeling isn't just going to magically disappear. You need to find an outlet that makes you consistently happy. Easier said than done, yes, but luckily you're 26 and the ship hasn't sailed yet, so you've got time to square things up.

>> No.19227430

>Sounds like addition to me
I dont even feel happy when im high, im literally unable to feel happiness or satisfaction
I feel like if I did then id still be doing any of the many addictive drugs ive tried
including benzos and crack lol (benzos wont even help me sleep and crack is like 30 seconds of tingling in the back of your head and nothing else)
>you realize that the depression you're feeling isn't just going to magically disappear.
It does magically dissappear when I do shrooms, I swear to god. it works faster and better than any of the 15+ meds I have been prescribed (minus one that made me hypomanic)
>You need to find an outlet that makes you consistently happy
cooking for my partner, I miss that a lot. enjoy your wife, loving someone with no restrictions is the best thing in the world

sorry for being so negative, this always happens whenever I talk about this on 4chan lol
like I turn down everything the other says when they are trying to help. I apreciate it

>> No.19227433

Haha! Wanna fuck?

>> No.19227444

>sorry for being so negative, this always happens whenever I talk about this on 4chan lol
It's a negative place that perpetuates negativity, but is one of the last of its kind and probably the only internet community that I can consistently get a laugh from.
>enjoy your wife, loving someone with no restrictions is the best thing in the world
Undeniably true. We have a 5 year old daughter too, and it's the same feeling but an order of magnitude deeper.
Do you have a dog? I remember that when I felt like shit, one of the only things that I couldn't be angry while doing was to take my dog for a walk or to the park. To me at least, there's no conceivable downside. You get exercise, you get outside, the dog is happy, you are happy that the dog is happy, the people you meet are happy to see your dog, your dog is happy to see them etc.....It's like a depression spiral but in reverse.

>> No.19227458

I cant begin to imagine what it feels like but I sometimes think that if I had a child id do everything for them
love gets me to do shit
>is there anything that you do that can hold your interest and doesn't require you to be high?
id clean my ex's entire house, id cook for her, id give her massages everyday
I dont do any of those things for myself, I dont even brush my teeth anymore lol

>Do you have a dog?
I used to and I loved her. we moved and we had to give her away. I cant get a dog rn tho, its too much responsibilty and I cant do it alone

>> No.19227469

>anxiety problems
>weed fiend
Welp, issue analyzed. Scale down the smoking or take a break from it. Smoking weed too much makes me an agitated asshole while I'm sober and gives me anxiety for even the smallest of bullshit. Get a good hobby or work on yourself somehow, and you'll get more easy-going after a few weeks. If you've got your shit sorted again, you can even allow yourself some weed on special occasions, but remember to take breaks (I'd recommend a few weeks - 1 month) when you're starting to relapse into old patterns again.

>> No.19227504

I dont smoke that often, barely twice a week. it got really expensive here lol
I know what you're talking about tho, too much weed fucks you up even after you quit. its actually really addictive if your lifestyle allows it. like if you play vidya all day long. Im done with that, I feel way too guilty to enjoy it

>remember to take breaks (I'd recommend a few weeks - 1 month)
that one joint after a long brake is the fucking best, before the weed turns your brain into mush

>gives me anxiety for even the smallest of bullshit.
this is going to sound very weird but I kinda get high to get anxious, when I smoke a switch turns on in my brain and I absoulutely need to play the piano and I play for hours
If I stop I feel guilt and while im playing I get awful intrusive thoughts that motivate me to play better and faster

>> No.19227519

I'm 28 and I've had major depression since I was 12. Puberty did something to my brain. I've thought about killing myself basically every day of my life for the last 10 years. Life is completely meaningless. I don't want to die but being alive is just overwhelming. For the last 2 months I drink all day long on my days off because it's the only thing that numbs the anxiety and depression.

I live in Pennsylvania, US.

>> No.19227535

literally same
I was normal when I was 12, when I turned 13 I became so anxious id hyperventilate and throw up

dude listen to me, hero dosing on shrooms. look it up
DMT, LSD, they work too. other hallucinogens might not work, 25i_nBOME def wont

It can cure depression in a single fucking day, It helps with addiction too.
the only caveat is if you have a history of schizophrenia in your family

but it does really work, I swear to god

>> No.19227543

Have you seen a shrink? I've always thought they were just snake oil personified, but I hear more and more people talk like you do and I think it's just something I can't comprehend. It's easy to be like "Fuck you everyone has bad days" but I can honestly say that I have never once seriously considered being an hero, so there's gotta be more to it than that. I'll ask you what I asked the other dude - is there anything at all that makes you happy? He misses cooking and being with an old girlfriend, which is understandable, but no reason to let your life slip away.

>> No.19227545
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>> No.19227547

I did 3 grams of dried shrooms, I cried for a while. I never cry, depression makes me extremely apathetic
I had mild visuals of fractals and beautiful patterns, I felt like my brain was talking to itself in a way, after a while I stopped crying and I got up full of energy
I realized that I felt lonely, I hadnt seen or talked to anyone that week. I never ocured me that I was lonely because I didnt even consider meeting people because I was anxious and not fun to be around
the first thing I did was talk to a friend

after 2 months of isolation I started hanging out with people, I felt smarter, more creative, overall happier
it felt like escitalopram but with no side effects and it has this introspective element that sets it apart from medication, its not the same

it helped me process a lot of thoughts that I never confront or didnt even know I had, it helped me a lot

to give you some context I am suicidal and I did a lot of self harm

>> No.19227566

I feel like microplastics or pollution are to blame

>> No.19227620

Care to elaborate on why? Seems that those are the catch-all fall guys nowadays.

>> No.19227621

microplastics fuck with your hormones, puberty has to do with hormones idk

>> No.19227642

Do you have some insight on how long microplastics have been a problem? I've seen more and more thinking like this and I'm not sure if it's just because more people are open about it on the internet or if it's really more of an issue than it was in..say...my day? I work very closely with drinking water and problematic contaminants (both currently regulated and those that don't have guidance yet), but admittedly my area is mitigation of them vs the health effects.

>> No.19227662

being sad is a great time to make a complicated soup

>> No.19227671

>Do you have some insight on how long microplastics have been a problem?
not really, they now can be found in people tho
I dont want to think about it to much because im low key hypochondriac and I end hyperfocusing on it
it happened when I "discovered" that sleep apnea can cause you to have a weak chin and ADHD, I try not to think about it too much since there is nothing I can do

back in the day people consumed a lot more lead and other shit, we will be fine

>> No.19227685

>we will be fine
Agreed. I'm a glass half full type, but I've got a pretty fulfilling life, so it's easier for me. That's why I've asked anons in this thread at least 3 or 4 times if they have some hobby they love and can focus on, and why I suggested a dog (which really really helped me when I was down). Unless you adopt an aloof husky, they will simply never get tired of hanging out with you.
I don't know why this make sense to me, but it does...it also made me think to ask if you guys who are sad have any close friends or family that you're on good terms with? Being alone with your own negative thoughts has a multiplicative effect - doubly true if you're already adhd/neurotic/ a hypochondriac.

>> No.19227707

I think it has to do with the pandemic in a lot of ways, as well as the economy, bad schools, et cetera. Simply blaming it on plastic feels like an easy cop-out.

>> No.19227733

Hey anon, I'm 24 and I'm in a very very *very* similar state as you, almost everything you've said resonates with me, The only thing I haven't done yet is shrooms/LSD, but recently I've really been wanting to try them to escape this hell. I was on escitalopram last year, it helped a lot but I couldn't tolerate the side effects. I'm on Bupropion now, but so far it isn't helping much.

I've only heard good things about psychadelics, I just am a retard when it comes to drug things so I don't even know how to start looking, how to figure out what I should take and where I could get it, and I don't know where or who to ask.

>> No.19227758

Mostly just drink and reheat whatever I have or eat plain salami with cheese

>> No.19227761

salad, just throw some tomatoes and radishes over some leaves with some smoked salmon

>> No.19227768

The lockdowns from the fake pandemic and being told everyday by my idiot governor that if you go outside you're gonna die put me in a depression for years, just now coming out of it

>> No.19227816

I usually get something like a pizza or so. Once I got really sad and didn't eat for a long time, just drank water and stayed in bed.
Now whenever I get sad I try to think about Gurren Lagann or look for little things to be happy for.
Case in point: I'm on my break at work and a little bird flew by and landed near me. What a cute little guy.

As nerdy as it sounds I also recall the Tenants of the Ancients from 5e Dungeons and Dragons

>> No.19227824


>> No.19227845


>> No.19227930

This. Like all day today

>> No.19227946

cheese sandwich. cereal and milk. various raw ingredients eaten while standing in front of the open fridge

>> No.19228017

uh oh....

>> No.19228019

It is legal in the US to purchase mushrooms spores (some states might have restrictions, look it up). There are a multitude of tutorials online of how to grow them from the spores. My favorite way to consume them is in a tea. Good luck.

>> No.19228044

shit loads of beer

>> No.19228058

>Bone in chop(s)
>Stout beer
>100+ hour jrpg
wa la....sadness cured.

>> No.19228095

oven pizza and a case of beer

>> No.19228487

nice get
hallucinogens are not compatible with some medication, it can give you seratonin syndrome
that and the shizo thing are the 2 thing you should worry about befor doing but you should absolutely try it
it may not be pretty but 100% of the time it will help you heal and feel better

>> No.19228507

frozen chicken strips

>> No.19228706
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The world is growing increasingly ugly and demonic
I have a stable high skilled career and somehow I'm still poor. Hate my job
Economy is in the garbage
Everyone is in debt, my friends are so busy overworking themselves that I never see them anymore
Despite it all I never give up. Been a lot less sad lately with a very supportive gf.

>> No.19228714

no one is hiring me. I applied to retail stores, food restaurants, even a casino and no replies to me. I'm 22 and I have zero prior experience they probably think I'm a worthless fuck up who can't work.
Where am I supposed to go to get starter experience and build trust in future employers with a resume if no one gives me a chance?

>> No.19228734

Hey bud
LSD or mushrooms can be quite psychologically painful if you are emotionally unwell. Just a thing to keep in mind if you're going to do them. They are not even close to being an "escape" as you describe.
When things go south just remember that's what's meant to happen, and remind yourself to pay attention.
I would recommend telling someone you trust that you're going to take LSD/shrooms or whatever and calling them if you feel trapped. Just talking to someone can make you feel a lot better. And try putting on some calming music and turning a lamp on.
I would recommend mushrooms (3.5g of them, at least) if you are going to do one of the two. LSD lasts way too long, is very mindfucky, and has a dirty, almost "clammy" feel to it.
Do some writing afterwards, just whatever comes to your mind.

>> No.19228788
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No sense of purpose. No reason to get out of bed so I don't. No one needs me. There is no one to serve. I'm useless, worthless, like a dog with no sled. I wish I was dead.

>> No.19228798

do charity work for experience

>> No.19228832

I wish all the depressed anons here strength and good fortune. I'm also not particularly happy and feel very lonely, but I do now that discipline and preserverance often helps, bot necessarily in making you successful but in making existence more bearable. Also, if you're in a really bad spot just stopngiving a fuck and day whatever is on your mind without fear (if you have nothing to lose). You might have a nice surprise with someone unexpectedly resonating with you.

>> No.19228862

Is your company hiring can you put a good word in for me

>> No.19228898

im extremely ugly and nobody holds eye contact with me, it affects a lot in life

>> No.19228939
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>> No.19228956

36. Vegas. I've struggled with depression for a lot of my life, but most of it is work. My work is very stressful, I feel trapped, and I hate it. It pays well, but I'm so mentally and emotionally drained from it constantly that I've been ignoring my friends and any kind of dating or romantic relationships. I recently quit, but all I'd do is shut the computer down and start drinking to try to not think about the cascade of constant shit that awaits me tomorrow and the day after that.

But I actually am unemployed right now because I broke my pelvis in an accident in Europe and now I have to have a total hip replacement.

>> No.19229041

I eat spicy chicken sandwiches from local fast food places

It's filling, and usually super high on grease If the chicken is deep fried, with a soda to wash it down to spike your blood sugar and render you sedated for a few hours.

When I'm sad, I'm actively seeking out non-lethal forms of self abuse, I'll

>> No.19229043

don't do charity work that's ridiculous

did you go to school? even an associates degree is valuable because it shows you know how to work and learn. doesn't matter what degree you get they want to see you can achieve things.

otherwise just keep scraping the bottom of the barrel with food and retail. You'll probably have to work min wage for a while but get about a years experience with a decent boss and work hard. harder than they deserve for what they're paying you. then you'll have good references when you apply to a better job and a years experience in food or retail. you can get to food or retail management in a few years.

>> No.19229082

What degree you reckon I should get. Something like business or IT? Maybe Spanish would be useful in this day and age.

>> No.19229089

28, US. It's weird that I'm not really actively sad too much, but I am diagnosed major depressive from a young age and have the lack of energy and zero motivation associated with depression but I'm not really sad until I begin overthinking. I had a shitty childhood and in my adult life I can't really maintain relationships because I have bad dependency problems and I end up driving people away. I want to go to therapy and fix my problems but I can't afford it right now. My job is going well and I should have insurance soon so I can hopefully go then. I've felt that nobody has ever loved me including my parents and I can't really convince myself otherwise.
I keep frozen pizzas for this reason alone

>> No.19229125

Spanish is a minor don't major in it unless you know what you're doing. something simple like business or IT would be fine. I'm a STEM major so I can't help you there but don't do STEM unless you actually want to work in STEM cuz it's pretty shit. then again so are most jobs.

>> No.19229200

Being a medical professional would be cool but it's probably a boat I missed if I could even make the cut

>> No.19229243

what kind of medical professional? You're unlikely to be a surgeon or anesthesiologist at this point but a pharmacist or PA only takes 4 years and pays really well. you'll probably need loans unless you have some savings but seeing as you're asking for career advice on here probably the former

>> No.19229250

>pharmacist or PA
That would be cool probably PA. I like the idea of having knowledge on the human body, and practical knowledge of biology and chemistry. The smartest people I know are doctors and always have something interesting or helpful to say

>> No.19229259

ya that's why I like it too it's very useful in some of the most important situations. but I wouldn't want to do it all day for decades.

>> No.19229725

Based bloomer.

>> No.19229808


>> No.19229815

I appreciate the hiss but I'm still clenching my butt for the food poison

>> No.19229856

Penis. I listen to thst Tove Lo Habits song and eat benis.

>> No.19230044
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>the internet peaked 15 years ago
this is the one that hurts the most
have a random pic from my "2004" folder

>> No.19230047

tuna salad if its mild sad, its one of my favorites, otherwise frozen tendies and fries in the air fryer

>> No.19230619

What do you do for a living? Is it something where you're still in the quasi-entry level? For what it's worth I was slumming along with a STEM master's until I was about 32.
>Everyone's in debt
Man, I've mentioned a few times that I'm generally positive and glass half full, but if there's one thing that grinds my gears it's people complaining about money. I Just bought a house that I never dreamed of being able to afford, and am broker than I've been in a decade, but my friends still do nothing but complain about money issues like half the time. I agree with you on that one. Sadly, it's my experience that at around 30 I lost ties with some friends as well...find a woman (or man) that you can be actual best friends with and it'll sort itself out.
Common problem from what I hear. I'll admit I'm out of touch with someone that's 22, but maybe you're looking in the wrong spots? My first jobs when I was in highschool and college were at a library and a dry cleaners. Also, I'd bet if you're a burger your local Aldi is hiring - mine always is.
Cope of the year. I've known men that were 3/10 with confidence and they were happy. If you're fat, lose weight (not a dig, personal experience - i was 282 lbs at one point and I'm 206 now).
You're like the third person to mention hating work without mentioning what it is that you do, but I suppose that's immaterial if you're that laid up. I'd imagine a broken pelvis makes you pretty immobile which is going to contribute to the depression unless you find some way to mitigate it. You and I are a similar age, so I can relate a bit better - Do you think living in a place like Vegas is contributing? My closest parallel is downtown Chicago, and I can attest that most of my friends from there are pretty severely depressed. City life is bullshit imo.

>> No.19230623

Everyone has family scars, and pretty much everyone is affected by them more the more they are thought about. I mentioned earlier in this thread that I thought therapy was mostly snake oil for the majority of my life, but the older I get the more I think I'm wrong about this. If your company is mildly progressive, you may be able to contact HR and see if there's a counselor they can set you up now. The literal worst thing that can happen from that discussion is that you're exactly where you are now.
>I've felt that nobody has ever loved me including my parents and I can't really convince myself otherwise.
I hate being a dogorino shill, but...honest to god it may help. If you can't have one where you're at, a local shelter will be happy for a volunteer/dog walker. Yeah you don't get paid, but you may get more than money out of the experience.

>> No.19230800

the best part is you can pat yourself on the back for cutting

>> No.19230823

>too low energy to cook healthy
>eat bad food
>feel bad
>too low energy to cook healthy

How to escape this cycle?

>> No.19230827

25, US. I've been kind of a downer for most of my teenage/adult life, feels selfish to say I'm actually depressed but I do feel sad pretty often. I spend every other minute berating myself for things I did days, months or even years ago. Never had a lot of long-term friends, usually just acquaintances but afaik that's a lot more normal nowadays. I did my undergrad some time ago but I completely failed to do anything relevant with it, I only felt worse after graduating because it just added to sunken cost, which I often use to keep myself occupied. Sometimes I think about living for myself, but a lot of the things I want seem stupid and pointless. Parents expect me to go back to school, but I'm convinced I'll just end up in the same exact spot with even more debt.

>> No.19230853

>didn't do anything with your degree
Yet. You're still an infant in today's working world, and shouldn't feel discouraged yet. Parental input is such double edged sword it's unreal. When they think they're being supportive or even offering what they believe to be sage advice, they are many times just making you feel worse and compounding the anxiety. My undergrad was in plant biology with a focus in forestry - what was I doing when I was 25? Slinging booze until 3am. It was about then i got a job with the forestry division of the local power company doing tree valuation....from there I got a job at the state in drinking water (just because they needed someone with a tangential degree), I liked it and had a knack so I went back to grad school when I was 28 and got a master's in hydrological statistics, got a job as a fed (because they needed someone with the exact skillset I had) when I was 31. Sometimes shit just works out....If you force it or compare yourself to others you're never going to break out of it.
>more on parents
I got off track a bit on that - My parents expected a duplicate of my sister (ive league education, phd right off the bat) and couldn't parse me not wanting to be an academic until I died. It drove me bonkers for years, but ya know what? I eventually stopped caring and never looked back. My sister is still an omega brain, but she can't communicate with normal people and comes off as a total bitch, so she's never really become all that successful.

>> No.19230946

I buy frozen dumplings and momos and keep them in the freezer. Still takes the effort to steam them but if you buy directly from a dumpling restaurant they're really decent. usually I get sad because I'm fat tho so more often than not I eat nothing.

>> No.19231067

>Psychologically painful if you are emotionally unwell. Just a thing to keep in mind if you're going to do them. They are not even close to being an "escape" as you describe.

As opposed to the psychological pain I already feel every day? I'm constantly on the verge of tears, I feel totally disconnected from humanity. I'll take anything that isn't this.

>> No.19231102
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Here's some advice

>> No.19231319
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I found this picture of your familly

>> No.19231339

>What do you do for a living? Is it something where you're still in the quasi-entry level?
Software Engineer (C and Python mostly)
I would say yes, I am quasi entry level. I'm not anywhere near my immediate peers as far as skill and agility. Largely a result of me never specializing in one thing. Thanks for sharing your experience in that regard, it does give me hope it'll get better as long as I'm not a retard. Just trying to keep moving up however slowly.
>people complaining about money
Truth anon. Everyone is struggling, we don't need to spend our precious moments together being miserable about it. Thankfully my friends don't bring it up much and deal with their own shit, but I know they're suffering still. If I had a cold million I'd try to buy us all a compound.
>at around 30 I lost ties with some friends as well...
Hard pill to swallow indeed. My best friend of many years moved a thousand miles away and we talk less and less. It's hard to let go of people who share years of profound life experience with you. It's certainly a lesson not to take people in your life for granted. I try to show appreciation and take care of my people all I can.

>> No.19231357

Nothing, maybe a beer if it's late enough for me to not feel guilty drinking
>I'm le depressed
literally just macrodose Vitamin D + K2
It won't fix your life but at least when you're feeling down you'll just be lazy instead of being trapped in a stupid mental doom spiral. You aren't going to think your way out of depression, ever.

>> No.19231361

>You aren't going to think your way out of depression, ever.
I've spent a decade coming up with plans and angles of attack. I initiate my campaign but my forces always get drudged down and then are repelled in the consequent counterattack. It's been the same story over and over. No matter what I think of whenever I go and execute it I'm met with defeat. I simply don't have the resources or manpower to take on this task.

>> No.19231368

Not sad but lazy. Usually when my wife takes the kid to her parents. If its during the day, I'll go outside and do yard work until it gets dark. By the time I come in and take a shower, its late and I'm tired. If its already dark (or raining), I'll spend my alone time playing vidya. Either way, I'll fry up a couple of eggs and choke them down as fast as possible to minimize the amount of time spent cooking, eating and cleaning.

>> No.19231467


prepackaged granola or "food bars", I use that vague term because there are a million types of granola/energy/protein/meal replacement bars, what have you. Just pick a flavor you like. With the nutrition that is acceptable to you (some have artificial sweeteners for example, different fiber content, etc.)

They keep forever in a box and are ready any time you need. Nice punch of 200 calories or so.

>> No.19231619

ignorance is bliss
sardines? really? anon… you need to stay away from those
depends on how sad, but normally this
godspeed fren, be careful, and I wish the best for you
if I had shrooms, I too would do the same, but know my wife needs them more than I, she has emotional issues from when she was young that continue until today (50 years later) and I have been trying to get her to be open to dosing shrooms. More likely it will be from our San Pedro cactus growing in my yard. To be sure, I plan to make a tea, try it, before giving it to her. I want and desire the benefits, but she needs the benefits.
t. Mid 50yo who understands and realizes the psychological benefits of using/taking a psychoactive, and has used them a few times

>> No.19232014
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33/Canadian/I am friendly to everyone but my girlfriend lives 150km away so I visit on the weekends. When I'm there I drink heavily from Friday to Sunday night. On Monday, I miss her. And I sleep at work, sometimes all day long because tired from weekend and the booze. I totally feel depressed from about Monday morning to Tuesday night. I don't eat much because sometimes I am sick from the booze or I just don't wanna eat. Now I'm fine and went grocery shopping. But I am prepared to do it all over again for this weekend.

>> No.19232056

Maybe don't drink too much on Sunday. How much are you having a night?
Drink water when you're drunk, eat a big meal, and pop a multi vitamin and probiotic before bed.

>> No.19232101

Lol dumbass doesnt know the difference between fat and ugly due to facial structure

>> No.19232109

Why are you sad? Get a family of your own retard.

>> No.19232125

I probably have about 16-20 drinks a day every day all day Saturday and Sunday. I don't want to drink water or eat much when I'm drunk. I do take multi-vitamins/B complex 100. I should look into a probiotic. Either way, my lifestyle is fucked. She is a cop so I make food for her on Sunday for all of her shifts during the week. I have a good job and a decent place for cheap so I don't wanna move, but it's becoming an option as I spend so much time and energy commuting. When she has a bad day I usually drive there after work during the week then drive back to my work in the morning. Costs loads in gas and wear and tear on my car but she is worth it. She puts up with my shit and is an awesome person. We have fun all weekend long.

>> No.19232144

doesn't sound very fair on other people in this new family

>> No.19232244

That's definitely not anything sustainable but I'm not going to pretend like Im better. You'll figure it out eventually. You should considering eating though even if it's just appetizers and finger foods. Something tasty makes the drinks more enjoyable is what I found anyway.

>> No.19232362

Yes. 34. USA. Always had depression, just a normal flavor for me, comes and goes. Currently a bit down because my nicotine habit is getting worse and it’s making me grumpy, budget issues may hold up a promotion, and I hurt my shoulder real bad. Also politics and such.

>> No.19232370

You will never be American. We can clearly see yoir ip address lmao

>> No.19232512

this also chinese take out

>> No.19232819

there're plenty of middleman hiring sites in america that'll get you a $13-$19 job within a 25 mile radius

>> No.19232826
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Eating this big plate of Indian rn

>> No.19232830

are you sad?

>> No.19232840

keep applying you will get something eventually. is there any reason you might no be geting called back? make sure u have ur shit in order u little freak

>> No.19232920

Mentally and physically exhausted. And sick. But not really sad no

>> No.19232957

what would i have to do to make you sad?

>> No.19233041

bipolar disorder but it's not true sadness, just my brain fucking with me. depressive bouts rarely last longer than a week, i just sleep that shit off and remember i'm not ACTUALLY sad

>> No.19233103

Water and peanut butter. Gotta get that protein lol

>> No.19233107

Agreed. Stay strong, brother.

>> No.19233212

Losing enthusiasm and drive as I get older, only one dream is left to keep me from completely surrendering to oblivion.

>> No.19233290


>> No.19233496


Turning 32 later this year. Live with my mom, and never have moved out. Work a low status, low income job that sucks my soul out. No desire to really do anything with my life, especially at this point. I still think about my last girlfriend who left me 4 years ago and it hurts. On a brighter note I recently quit drinking. Though now I have nothing to help me numb myself to how much I hate my life.

>> No.19233505
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26, 27 in August. Was born just in time to experience total societal collapse but I'm beginning to accept it

>> No.19233507

Warehouse work, you get to shoot the shit if you have cool coworkers/boss and you will get /fit/

>> No.19233573

Chicken boiled with watered down stock and a quarter of an onion and some crushed garlic.

>> No.19233839
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I was sad so I made a fish fingy sandwich

>> No.19233842

>getting /fit/ from warehouse work
Such a meme

>> No.19233919

27, neet for most of my life i can't cope with having to wageslave for 50 years + extreme anxiety and 0 social skills
i eat some jam when im sad

>> No.19234088

That's an incredible amount, but you knew that. So it sounds like you're doing just about anything to be with your gf as much as you can but don't want to move to live with her. To me, it's something you should bring up with her and discuss in depth asap. If you think having a companion to live with will help the self destructive behavior, it's worth it to give it a shot. I'll gladly admit that I like living with my wife 98% of the time, and it really helps mental stability to have another person in your house with you that you can speak to about whatever - or just as importantly as a distraction from what's bugging you.
Did you recently quit? I used to chew, and although I wasn't as addicted as a cigarette smoker would be, years later I still sometimes have a craving.....you'll be alright if you don't focus. What did you do to your shoulder?
Not usually a proponent of medications, but I've known 2 legit bipolar people in my life, and when on their meds both are extremely functional and don't experience 95% of the disorder
That's pretty cryptic man....elaborate.
My brother lived at home until he was 33 and eventually got a data entry wagie job and moved out. He's still a strange introvert, but is noticeably happier having some freedom. Where do you live? Is affording an apartment within the realm of possibility?
I talked with a 21 year old dude at the gym this morning who's putting his life together in a very grown up fashion. Age has nothing to do with it....
Why do you think you should be spared the drudgery of work that everyone else has had to cope with?

>> No.19234170
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>Are you guys actually sad with any regularity?
I feel nothing anymore.
>If so, how old are you?
>Where do you live?
Eastern Europe
>and why are you so frequently unhappy?
Fell out of life socially.

>> No.19234177

Forgot the subject of the thread while typing, I just throw together a sandwich and grill it.

>> No.19234232
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42. Old fuck in Washington, DC. Was a career educator until diversity hit and now I can't get a job anymore despite being twice as educated and experienced and willing to work for almost half of my competitors because I won't fill a quota in the most left-leaning profession that exists. I am absolutely willing to shoulder the blame of this situation for my former politics - I would have passed over me, too. Just came in from mowing a lawn that was out of control because I have been deathly ill the past week and now I'm eating oatmeal because at least it won't hurt my chest when I have my inevitable bout of acid reflux caused by years of self-destructive alcoholism. My best years are behind me; I have no future in front of me. Everyone who truly loved me as a child is either dead or dying. The country is deadset on destroying itself through insane and unsustainable green policies that won't even matter when you consider how India and China do a hundred times the pollution each and will never stop. But, hey, at least we're closer to nuclear war than I ever have been in my life. I'd kill myself, but I'm terrified of not existing, which is hilarious when you consider how much I hate it here anyways.

Anyways, when I'm sad, I like to eat pic related.

>> No.19234262

What subject/grade did you teach? Or did you work at a university? FWIW Most teachers are still white in corn country....also D.C. is literally the worst place I've ever been and I've been to Baltimore.
You've got 4 years on me, but I lost my dad to brain cancer and my mom to breast in 2020. 5 weeks apart at that, and I almost missed saying goodbye to my mother because I was busy filling out COVID bullshit and taking a test at the hospice facility as she was about to flatline- I know the feels. If you don't have anyone to lean on, I'd imagine how stuff like that can eat you up. Spouse?

>> No.19234285

31, Balkans, always been anxious and weird since puberty, always hated myself, lazy as shit, the second I start feeling a bit better I go full sperg, drink almost daily since lockdown, neet who never worked a day in his life, most of my friends can't put up with me anymore

>> No.19234304

Frozen food full of potatoes, salt and fat like röstis and fish fingers

Somewhat. 33. France. I would say because of a lack of meaning, gf and motivation.

>> No.19234322

it kinda blows my mind that happy people who dont live in a constant state of anxiety, sadness and regret exist

>> No.19234366

I had a coworker at a previous job who I believe was from the Balkans. Pretty keep-to-himself guy, but one day he did tell a story about how when he was growing up there was a knock at the door one night, some officers came in and took his dad outside, handed him a rifle and forced him to get into a military vehicle. Never saw him again - I can't imagine that so I can't really commiserate with you beyond reiterating that you need to isolate at least one thing that makes you happy. If you have zero, it's time to figure it out......I'ts obvious from the 15 replies my OP got that you're not alone in feeling like this.
I'd be sad too.
Wild because I'm completely shocked at how open people are being about their sadness and how pervasive it seems it is. Small sample size, but it sucks that so many people feel alone and unhappy. Honestly I feel mad at myself if I spend a day wallowing about something I'm over analyzing..I feel I've wasted the time that I could have spent with my family or even doing something I actually enjoyed. I see a lot of parallel between solitude and depression and believe that to be a huge part of it (I'm sure that's not news to anyone, but is worth reiterating). What causes yours?

>> No.19234438

>Honestly I feel mad at myself if I spend a day wallowing about something I'm over analyzing..I feel I've wasted the time that I could have spent with my family or even doing something I actually enjoyed

well the sad people dont have any of that

>> No.19234483

>well the sad people dont have any of that
And pretty much all of my dozen posts iit have identified that as a root problem. If nothing makes you happy and you're unwilling to find something that does you really, truly are not gonna make it. Anyone browsing here has at least a passing interest in cooking, and can use that as a springboard. I also find it hard to believe that no one has at least a single friend or family member....sometimes it's all you need to share a good (or not) meal with someone to remind you that there may be something worth continuing to breathe for.

>> No.19234936

>27, nothing to do but burn out my dopamine receptors

>> No.19234952

Have you tried anything else?

>> No.19234959

you still have dopamine receptors?

>> No.19234963

like what?

>go home
>meeting people wastes time and money, and is mostly fruitless in finding people who are nice/fun/smart/not shitheads, also takes up my 2 days off

>> No.19234982

>Does absolutely nothing
>Worries about wasting time

>> No.19234988

I'm not worried about wasting time, I'm being asked to waste what little free time I have and perform MORE work. No thanks.

Also I'm in USA.

>> No.19235031

Find a hobby that isn't work to you...cooking may not be it. For me it's working on old cars.

>> No.19235039

Thanks for the advice anon. I forgot I posted here and was surprised that the thread was still alive. Unfortunately there is no outreach program that I'm aware of, they put out some press release during covid about mental health awareness but all they did was give employees free access to some app to help you meditate. Fortunately the insurance does cover therapy visits and I should have that within the month. In the meantime I have been working through a self-help book for cognitive behavioral therapy and it feels good to just write my thoughts down. I actually was considering getting a dog when I move into a bigger place hopefully later this year. I love animals and haven't had a dog in so long.

>> No.19235093

Having responsibility for something like that is such a strange thing. Like if you have any truly self-destructive thoughts the thought of your dog being alone makes you physically wince no matter what dark, horrible thought you had.
>this dumb animal will probably be sad if I finish this bottle of norcos, so I won't.
This same train of thought is applied to having a kid, but obviously magnified.
>Have a shitty day and be in a bad mood
>Kid gets off the bus
>"welp, cant take it out on her ignore it"
>Talk with kid for 10 minutes
>Realize what I was worrying or mad about is immaterial
>Anger/sadness/worry goes away.
I can't explain it, but there it is man.

>> No.19235319
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>all these anons saying they've been depressed since puberty
wow I'm glad I had a pretty decent childhood, only started feeling like this recently

>> No.19235326

because they instantly go for comfort when it gets hard

>> No.19235491
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>because they instantly go for comfort when it gets hard

that's the core of all my life's problems and I don't know what I can do about it because any kind of advice involves effort and thus discomfort

>> No.19236344

Really the only way to do it is to force yourself to be uncomfortable in a controlled environment. All of the advice is that because it's effective. It sucks and I know it's hard to do when your whole body is telling you not to but it's really the only way.

>> No.19236439

You're what's called new depressed. We're old depressed. You have no idea how to live without happiness.

>> No.19236449
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hey I get this reference

>> No.19236451

what do you mean by controlled environment?

>> No.19236853
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>Loved my time in academia
>2010-2014 stimulating and engaging at my alma mater.
>Even if they were preppy snobs I still felt so much intellectual enjoyment.
>World goes woke, hyper identitarian, no longer value diversity of thought and sober rational research but instead grievance mongering and witch hunting.
>Literal hearsay by the mob got a student almost ran out of university, some cultural revolution student council got to decide her fate and force her to kowtow or she'd be expelled. The cunt who led the charge against her is now some spoiled-brat given lucrative positions and status.
>Our founding father of the university and of the country vilified

Waste of time and money for what I studied but I will never ever forgive the cultural revolutionaries for what they've done. IT wasn't Maoist bad but that is purely from lack of capabilities rather than lack of intent. I know 2014 is now nearly 10 years ago so it's like the difference of 1990 versus 2000 but god it doesn't feel like that.

>> No.19237293

A "Controlled environment" is where air pressure, temperature, and humidity are monitored for quality control.

>> No.19237295

The tears of a clown.

>> No.19237305

Is being sad weird? I thought it was normal. Noble truth #1 being “life is suffering” and all.

>> No.19237321

I drink another protein shake.

>> No.19237336

i dunno man i went to college in 2012-2014 and it was basically the exact same as it is now. i remember being very confused after getting in trouble for saying 'men are stronger than women'

>> No.19237348

Who ever heard of a sad clown?

>> No.19237854

nta but i studied mathematics then, and there seemed to be a lot less wokeness in our dept than others, and a hell of a lot less than now-you could openly talk about how womens sports should be supported by women for example
although i remember getting dirty looks for implying the relatively poor area i came from had a higher rate of petty crime(it did and still does) even though it is less urban than where the uni was
classism was in the public eye in my childhood and now that seems to have faded to some warped oppression grabbing competition

>> No.19238375

My character in Sims 2 sure did....until he roped.

>> No.19238415

Fishbröchten, like my depressed German Oma used to eat.

>Rye bread
>A tin of mackerel or sardines
>Dressing made from lemon juice, light Greek yogurt, black pepper, parsley or dill
>Thin sliced cucumber and/or onion

Eating some good quality seafood full of omega 3s and vitamin D really helps cut through the brain fog and always makes me feel better :)

>> No.19239617

>can't cook

I can do things when I'm "sad". you are probably actually depressed. I'm not usually lazy, but if I am lazy I will:
pan fry some beef with salt and garlic from my meat freezer
get a bolillo roll, microwave it, and spread goober (peanut butter with jelly in a jar) on it
just not eat because I'm on a calorie deficit diet anyway
frozen vegetables with a little melted butter and salt
air fry box of pierogies with a tbsp of butter and salt + pepper

or the real answer

taco truck

>> No.19239645

buttered pasta late at night is my go to lazy dish.
33, my life is actually pretty okay but my personality and brain are defective. I'd be a miserable whiny bitch even if I had a winning lottery ticket. I am incapable of being happy.

>> No.19239679


>> No.19239761

Smokey Robinson, that’s who.

>> No.19239798

i need to eat more vegetables but just steaming frozen vegetables they taste too bland even with butter and salt

any advice?

>> No.19239876

this, when I'm sad I don't really eat

>> No.19239967

Cooking is my way out of sadness and depression. So I cook a huge feast usually consisting of things I never cooked before.
Potatoes combine well with almost any other vegetable. Roughly mashed potatoes and broccoli, carrots, leek, turnip, celeriac, water cress, sorrel, spinach, (Jerusalem) artichoke... all work. One that doesn't work is beetroot, simply because it turns your dish into an unappetizing hue of pale burgundy.

Serve with a simple sausage, veal escalopes or lamb chops (in season) on top and pour your deglazed pan (water will do, beer or wine are obviously more tasty) on top as a sauce.