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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19224419 No.19224419 [Reply] [Original]

>doc says I have high cholesterol
>search for foods that are low in cholesterol
>just veggies and various fish
is it truly over for me /ck/?

>> No.19224426

Go to the gym fatass

>> No.19224428

Fermented foods are really yummy and lower cholesterol.

>> No.19224433

It's because you're fat, not because you consume too much dietary cholesterol.

>> No.19224452

I'm not really that fat, I weigh around 177lbs. at 5'9", if anything I'm just a little chubby, I just started eating a lot of fast food as of late since those are pretty much the only lunch options I have when I'm at work.

>> No.19224480

Nta but some light exercise a few times a week and packing healthier meals helps a lot. Just vary what you make and ensure you're getting a good variety of types of meats/grains/veggies in your diet

>> No.19224488

>is it truly over for me /ck/?
yeah. rip in piece.

>> No.19224489

Dietary cholesterol doesn't really translate to high cholesterol.
Unless you're fat.
Don't even hit the weights: start running, it's more efficient for losing weight.
Do the ole C25K.

>> No.19224528

This desu. I'm about 10kg underweight and my cholesterol was higher than a <100kg coworker of mine whose diet consists mostly of beer and sausages as far as I know.
I'm sure genetics also play a role but excercise seems to be the biggest factor. I know it sucks that you can't just sit around all day playing vidya games without slowly killing yourself but that's just the way she goes.

>> No.19224546

> <100kg
> but the guy weighted more than 100kg
I understood what you're saying, but I hate you and your symbol usage.

>> No.19224548

Cholesterol is a myth, go to a real doctor before he prescribes you statins

>> No.19224700

This, do not take statins they melt the brain

>> No.19225546

Excess retinol causes high cholesterol.

Do you drink skim milk?

If so, do you live in a primitive country where people mix milk with retinol and grocery stores sell that milk?

Beer and yogurt reduce cholesterol.

>> No.19225559

muh genetics

>> No.19226352

>Dietary cholesterol doesn't really translate to high cholesterol.
Why are so many doctors stuck in 90s era memes about diet? All the food lobby propaganda against their competitors was too effective...

I halfass remember a study or something that concluded that consuming oats (oatmeal) would influence your gut bacteria or your body to produce the 'good' kind of cholesterol instead of the bad.

>> No.19226387

>Why are so many doctors stuck in 90s
You mean 70s, 1977 to be exact.

>> No.19226626

>is it truly over for me /ck/?
You only have 2 good options, suicide or high intensity exercise.

>> No.19226666

you're a redditjak posting faggot so you never had a chance
kill yourself now

>> No.19226701

give cutting sugar a try

I don't have issues w cholesterol but when I decided to cut sugar holy shit did I notice a huge difference. the movie I linked mentions that his cholesterol started looking better (if not completely normal) when he quit added/refined sugars

>> No.19226721

try eating less of everything instead of cutting specific foods out

>> No.19226736

>I'm not really that fat
>I weigh around 177lbs. at 5'9"
You're probably American but in the rest of the world that's considered obese.

>> No.19226747

You're definitely overweight, anon. You're just not obese yet like most Americans are.

>> No.19227457

I think exercise has more affect on cholesterol than diet. Just start exercising a few hours a week and continue to eat like garbage.

>> No.19227515

Trust me on this OP, I know at least a dozen people who've made this work, including my father

Every day, eat a big bowl of oats
Jog at least one hour
Avoid crab and prawns, bacon and ham

You will bring your cholesterol back down, I promise
>and this is just me, but some green leafy veg and fruit never hurt anyone

>> No.19227523

digits have spoken
do it OP

>> No.19227556

Just jog for an hour every single day bro

>> No.19227575
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>not found
Oh look another /ck/ science thread, when do we start screeching about seed oils and eat the bugs

>> No.19227576
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Or die. Some people don't care for it. It's your choice really.

>> No.19227585

cholesterol is just an anti-egg propaganda so you stop consuming eggs vecuse those doctors don't want you healthy. keep eating eggs anon

>> No.19228219

Eggs are gross

>> No.19228248

cholesterol is mostly genetic