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19224195 No.19224195 [Reply] [Original]

>be social drinker
>have no social life so that amounts to drinking once every couple of months
>have to wake up early
>decide you want to get a buzz so you can fall asleep ASAP
>go to gas station
>can typically consume a pint of spirits or a 12 pack of beer without getting sloppy or experiencing any hangover
>go for a quart of beer
>decide that's not going to get the job done and look for something with a higher abv
>see picrel
>tastes absolutely horrible
>force it down
>slight pleasant buzz off one can
>mission accomplished
>go to sleep
>wake up 3 hours later with the worst migraine ever
>puke guts out while laying in the bathtub in fetal position
>hot water long gone
>naked and shivering but the water landing on my head soothes the migraine
>spend 3am to 9am writhing in pain in the bathtub


>> No.19224219

you have the can, you tell me big boy

>> No.19224263


>> No.19224338
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you're just a big ol pussy

>> No.19224392

I guess so. Ruined my whole day. I can drink a liter of Sam's Club vodka and wake up refreshed, and one can of this garbage put my dick in the dirt.

>> No.19224395

honestly though it's probably the shit ton of sugar that's in it

>> No.19224550

>hangover and puking from one can of four loko

damn I didn't know women posted here, upload a picture of your cunt

>> No.19224556

That flavor in particular is terrible.

>> No.19224565

If she's drinking four loko she probably doesn't have a great pussy.

>> No.19224571

Only guy I knew that drank these was a mess. I got guilted into renting him a room in my apartment after his husband left him. He was an obese alcoholic that had McDonald's and four loko gold delivered even though the gas station and maccas were a short walk down the street. Would get plastered on these things. Fat as fuck with a massive, hard ball of a gut. He'd go to motel drugged up gay sex parties. His main hookup was with a skinny junky guy who had a wife and kids.

I'll never, ever do anything that guy did just in the off chance I begin to resemble him in any way.

>> No.19224587

Wait, so this guy was such a mess it turned you straight? We need to send this guy to those conversion camps.

>> No.19224660

Warhead flavor is bussin, all the others especially the seltzers taste like sugary poison

>> No.19224661

Why would sugar make Anon that sick? Surely this concoction can't have more of it that soda, right?

>> No.19224897

You must be fat

>> No.19225048

its the combination of sugar and alcohol together causing rapid dehydration

>> No.19225067

If you don't eat or drink alot of sugary stuff regularly it'll fuck you up. I don't like sweets or sodas so having mimosas hurts my stomach. I know call me a girl but I'll drink a whole bottle of jack and be fine.

>> No.19225072

sugary drinks are well known to be the single biggest causes of hangovers. one time I got shit face drunk on mikes hard lemonade and when I looked in the mirror in the morning I was unrecognizable. my face had literally swollen up and I had huge bags under my eyes. I drink all the time and nothing like that ever happens with regular beer or dry spirits.

>> No.19225272

If you don't drink a lot, get something that stays drinkable for a long time.

>> No.19225283


>> No.19225553

These are a dice roll for me, like drinking more than one can of Steel Reserve but with less favorable odds. With those the hangover is 50/50, with Four Loko it's 60/40 - 75/25, depending on the flavor

>> No.19225633

OP you might have diabetes.

>> No.19225643

this how it goes for me every time i drink anymore, this is just what being old is like

>> No.19225650


>> No.19225923

yessir i used to guzzle these and can attest it is foul as fuck...

>> No.19227619

Was the pain localized around the eye? That sounds like a cluster headache, I get them too and find relief in the shower. Alcohol can trigger them. But alcohol probably also triggers migraines too.

A can of 4Loko gold is equivalent to a bottle of wine, but with a shit ton of sugar. The combination probably didn't help.

Next time just get the beer.

>> No.19227988

>yagi the goat
fucking based boozer

>> No.19228783

>Mixes uppers and downers
>Gets headache

>> No.19229055

Best way to drink those is as part of a Sidewalk Slam:
>acquire 4loko + 40oz malt liquor of your choice
>get a funnel too, makes things easier
>drink the 40 down to a little past the label
>using the funnel, pour the 4loko into the 40

>> No.19229069

So Degenerate drinking on public sidewalks

>> No.19229157

I'm a pretty seasoned alcoholic myself. I got a couple post-ban lokos once and added a 5 hour energy shot to each...

Legit the worst hangover I've ever experienced. Puking bile and shitting liquid while having brain splitting headache and not being able to think straight.

Never again. I've had lighter cocaine hangovers.

>> No.19230108

>social drinker
>decide to drink just to fall asleep

You fool nobody drunkie. Hang yourself.

>> No.19230119
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Everyone knows Four Loko is loaded with sugar. Just drink Popov like a normal alcoholic.

>> No.19230124

Are you me?

>> No.19230696

Skol master race.

>> No.19232249
File: 81 KB, 414x500, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have no social life so that amounts to drinking once every couple of months

this was your mistake this shit is for advanced drinkers who need to get drunk. it was a decent price for me not too long ago 6$ for 2 the taste is shit and honestly this shit gives even me heartburn. i dilute it with some water 2 or 1 and a half and im out.

get pic posted if they have it, it'll do the job and wont taste like shit

>> No.19232256

It has crazy in the name retard

>> No.19232679

it's the sugar
>decide to drink with the crew
>get the bright idea to make whiskey sours
>shit bartender so they have way too much orange/lemon juice
>get hangover while still drinking (im like 7 in)
>end up puking hot acid lava like the spitter from l4d2 and curl up on the bathroom floor for the night

>> No.19233117

Sorry I didn't realize Pastor Faggot was in the thread

>> No.19233121
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>why hangover hurt
aldehydes retard.