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19223963 No.19223963 [Reply] [Original]

Best wines for under $20

>Poorfags who want something good the week before payday.

>> No.19223968
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>Good af

>> No.19223975
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Barefoot wine is pretty good, pretty much everyone I know who drinks wine constantly sucks it's cock.

>> No.19223977
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ye boi

>> No.19223978

Cheap swill for college kids and alcoholics. The sweet fruity ones are very popular among black people when Stella rosa is too expensive.

>> No.19223982

I don't drink wine or beer, myself. I don't understand it, really. Why don't you drink liquor like a normal person?

>> No.19223994

Good cheap red wines:
barberas d'alba
some riojas
cotes du rhone

Good cheap white wines:
rias baixas
pfalz or rheingau rieslings

Avoid anything from california or oregon under $20

Avoid australian and south african wines

Avoid argentina red wines

Be extremely wary of "prestige" varietals (chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir)

>> No.19224000

Wine just goes down smoother in my opinion and the aftertaste is better.
I'm not the type who likes the burn in liquor tho, but that's just me.

It doesn't get you as full as beer and the hangover doesn't suck as bad as liquor does.

>> No.19224012

>Avoid Cali wine under $20?

I mean, I like William hill and Louis Martin when I have the money but that's not all the time.

>> No.19224027

I worked in a liquor store in college. All you can do is stock shelves, discuss booze, and read books about booze. There were always samples available so we could form informed opinions.

It was a bullshit job.

>> No.19224043

Did you get a discount, at least?

>> No.19224511

just get the cheapest shittiest wine and mix it with coke, it's called a calimocho

>> No.19224695

There's great Marcillac, Bandol rosé, Bozen valley whites, Luxemburg Riesling under 20$ but if you're paying 17$ for a 10 Euro bottle in the US you're getting shafted. There's another negative trend as well: 10 years ago Primitivo sold for 2 Euro a bottle, now it costs 10-12, making it a terrible buy. It's an excellent table wine 5-7 Euro, no more.

Rioja is always overpriced and almost always poor quality. It has always been a Bordeaux wannabe. South Africa makes great wines, despite what some people on this board claim. Especially under the 20$ mark, but you'll have to search. Supermarket SA wines are always shit and overpriced.

>> No.19224794

xavier vignon is from southern rhone and makes excellent value wines below 20 bucks
other than that try to get any große lage riesling

>> No.19224796

good wine tastes well and makes you crave tasting it some more
t. just had a pretty solid barbaresco

>> No.19224840

Barefoot taste like nothing if you ask me. Garbage barely taste like wine

>> No.19224867

Hard Liquor was a mistake. Burns your throat damaging it over time. Harms your good gut bacteria. Produces withdrawals unlike Beer or Wine. It's nasty stuff all around.

>> No.19224875

Wow. I didn't know beer and wine didn't have withdrawal effects as well. That's good to know, if you're not fucking with me.

>> No.19224888

For me, it's Porta 6 red

>> No.19224904

>what is a digestif

>> No.19224923

Yeah, you can drink as much wine and beer as you want problem free

>> No.19225007

just steal expensive wine

>> No.19225024

2 buck child fuck

>> No.19225026

Oops *Two Buck Chuck.

Charles Shaw winery from Trader Joe's.

>> No.19225036

Wine/Beer is perfect for sitting back and relaxing sipping on something. Liquors, even if they're smooth are more of a primary activity, I'm either drinking it to get drunk, or to savor some intricate flavors. As an example, I wouldn't really ever pair liquor with food, but having a beer/wine to go along with it is nice.

He's fucking with you

>> No.19225042
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bone apple teeth

>> No.19225051

forgot to mention this box is $12.98 at wal mart

>> No.19225054
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>he's fucking with you

>> No.19225055

Cheap Oregon Pinos are normally pretty good

>> No.19225127 [DELETED] 

Charles Shaw

>> No.19225239
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All you'll ever need

>> No.19225254
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My go to poorfag wine. Shit is $7 at my liquor store is actually pretty decent. Also impresses non-wine drinkers because its imported

>> No.19225258

I recommend buying the OG red wine Maddog, adding cinnamon sticks cardamom cloves oranges all that shit and heating it on the stove top. Strain when you serve. It's tasty and cheap. A German friend told me about spiced wine

>> No.19225259

>Avoid argentina red wines

>> No.19225276

What's wrong with Argentinian reds

>> No.19225323

Literally anything from Chile. You can get a 1.5 of Casa Del Toro for under $20 and it's great.

>> No.19225333

This is what I use for cooking rather than drinking.

>> No.19225339
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>> No.19225521

gallo shill

>> No.19225898

nothing if you like wine that tastes like hot ass

>> No.19226145

High altitude Argentinian Malbec is some of the best in the world.

>> No.19226150

Now give me some good recommendations under 20 bucks. Cheap Argentinian wine has its own reputation.

>> No.19226255

this, chilean wines have the benefit of cheap land and modern equipment, so an $7 chilean can often taste as good as a $20 californian

>> No.19226485
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don't ever drink this straight up, let it decant all day long and it will taste like a $20+ bottle.

>> No.19226634
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It's not always under $20, but picrel is what I drink when I want to treat myself. Other than that, I drink box red wine for the value.

>> No.19226851
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general advice for beginners: robert parker(or his wine advocate publication), james suckling, jeb dunnuck and jancis robinson are respectable critics. any wine that scores 90+/100 points or 15+/20 by at least 2 critics is a wine you can safely go for.
make sure the wine is at least 3 to 7 years old as well or else it might not be enjoyable yet. if still a bit harsh, let it sit for a few hours. remember to chill it for 30 min in the fridge before drinking
ignore all other critics, ratings or medals

>> No.19226853

aldi wine with the owl on it

>> No.19226858

Trader Joe's has a lot of decent wines for under $10

>> No.19226900

>cotes du rhone
the good stuff is good, the cheap shit is still good

>Avoid australian and south african wines
australia has plenty of good cheap wines to go with the bad, but I think they are exported less. If its cheap and has national distribution in the US, its probably not great

>Avoid argentina red wines
argentina has some good temperanillo for the price

>Be extremely wary of "prestige" varietals (chardonnay, cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir)
I've had some good pinots for $20 but a $15 chardonnay or cab sauv is going to be rough

>> No.19226954
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It’s cheap. It’s organic. It has a birdie on the label. I call it birdie wine.

>> No.19227041


>> No.19227047

liquorcels are the most deranged fags out there. your beverage will never be as complex as wine or as kino as beer. i enjoy liquor myself, especially herbal shit like pastis / absinthe, scotch, rye, etc. but liquormains are full of cope not to mention literal DT subhumans

>> No.19227052

i wouldnt even taint my food with this shit

>> No.19227079
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For me, it's only the finest

>> No.19227081

I have yet to try a bad Chilean white

>> No.19227093

Those taste like really strong wine coolers to me and seems more like something a high schooler would drink to act hard. I've only tried Wild Irish Rose, Cisco, and Mad Dog, though. Real hobos drink bottom shelf vodka/the cheapest bang for their buck I believe.

>> No.19227295

Someone tried that line on me, I fell for it and wasted money, never again

While this is true, neither one is good. Like I just had a $27 california wine last night and I'm thinking, ok, it's perfectly decent but I could get something like this for $15 from europe, california just has the boomer tax slapped on it so all the bottles cost way more than they should

Also chile of late has been overtaken by "natural wine" laggards who think it's still 2016, if it's not bitter underripe bordeaux knockoffs, it's insufferable pet nat skin contact concrete tank carbonic brett bombs, stop trying to be twee chile, we get it you aren't argentina just stop

Ok I'm sure a janny will get buttflustered at this since I always catch a ban from posting in wine threads so see you guys in 3 days

>> No.19227321

Poor retard here, I've got a few 7 dollar bottles unopened that I've had for a few years, are they fucked? I read that cheap wine shouldn't be kept for very long.

>> No.19227325

probably not fucked but maybe sub optimal, what wines are they?

>> No.19227326
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try this one, it's trash

>> No.19227454

>Avoid australian and south african wines

>> No.19227485 [DELETED] 
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>can get red wine for like 25% of the usual price because i know a guy that smuggles it into the country for dirt cheap

>> No.19227565

Can confirm. I worked at a liqour store and we could not keep those bottles properly stocked because they flied off the shelves so fast.

>> No.19227600

I suspect South Africa is the same thing, but Australia has somewhat ruined it's reputation amongst cheap wine connoisseurs by selling shitty manipulated wines in overseas markets.

You can get good, cheap Australian wine, but I'm not sure if you can outside of Australia.

>> No.19228123

I've had some from this brand and they were pretty mediocre. Is this specific one different?

>> No.19228144

Unfathomably based
Carlo is my go to

>> No.19228149
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I look like and talk like him

>> No.19228207

>insufferable pet nat skin contact concrete tank carbonic brett bombs
unironically what does this mean

>> No.19228245

it's hipster wine bingo

pet nat = slight bottle fizz but not enough to count as "sparkling wine"
skin contact in the context of hipster word salad implies an orange wine
concrete tank = reactionary anti-oak memery
carbonic maceration = a clever form of technobabble used to slip fruit-forward easy-drinking wines under the hostile noses of consumers who are nominally suspicious of "fruit forward easy drinking" wines because they are not "serious enough"
brettanomyces = an unwelcome microbe that reproduces and spreads nasty aromas any time the hipster wine douchebags refuse to use modern quality control methods and so you go "oooh lah lah so funky ha ha!" while wrestling to control your grimace

basically this cancer was mostly eradicated from france where it started, and now it's cropping up in portugal and chile

>> No.19228252

>Haven't had a bad Chilean wine you say? Try this two buck chuck from Chile

>> No.19228605

it's alive and well in southern rhone

>> No.19228927

yeah I guess that was a bold statement, but wine shops here in burgerland haven't been pushing the french stuff nearly as hard lately (also most of what we were getting came from loire and south west france)

>> No.19228966

That should be shopped to say “Slippery Bagel”.

>> No.19229860

also i have had bretty wines that were delicious on the palate. just not what you want if you're inviting guests

>> No.19229905

This is america so I'm sure there are or have been tax laws that made bumwine a more viable option at some point in many states due to abv or some other designation. I can't even buy liquor after 9pm here and it's 2023.

>> No.19229945

Most pét nat these days is undoubtedly sparkling wine. I haven't had an almost flat pét nat in ages.

Also plenty of producers are using concrete outside of the natty sphere now, easier to temperature control than stainless steel.

More bad wine making than any natty philosophy lol.

>> No.19230087

>your beverage will never be as complex as wine

>laughs in tequila, rye, mezcal and gin
Try again retard. I've had spirits that have several flavor notes more than top shelf wines.

>> No.19230095

I've heard their cab is pretty good for the price.

A bad California wine will always cost more than an average Chilean.

>> No.19230536

I like liquor as much as the next functional alcoholic but it sounds to me like your palate is scorched by too much of it too often

>> No.19230586
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>> No.19230630

Nah you just don't know good booze when you got it buddy. I've had plenty of spirits with several layers of flavor that are more colplex than a lot of wines ive had.

>> No.19230635

Now you're just repeating yourself

At the end of the day, 40% ABV is going to taste primarily of ethanol and the rest is an afterthought. Can it still be complex? Of course it can, nobody suggested otherwise, but your palate is damaged if you're getting more complexity from that than out of wine

>> No.19230647

this. there's a reason we drink wine at 18 degrees or below

>> No.19230870
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>Avoid California
I got this for ~8 bucks last weekend. Even with the high taxes in Sweden.
I liked it and can't follow your advice because of it.
Not sure what you mean by prestige varietals.

>> No.19230890

don't you guys have a tradition of dumping cheap supermarket fruit juice and sugar into a bucket and letting it rot for a week because you'll basically drink anything? or am I confusing that with another country up there?

>> No.19230938

Any country homebrews or moonshines anon. Mostly moonshine in my experience here.
Fermenting buckets are common anywhere. I've watched American homebrewers discuss the merits of fruit juice vs juicing yourself as well. So I can't say it's specific for Sweden. The important part is really just having juice with no additives. Then it's you know, pure fruit juice and perfectly fine

>> No.19230989

Is it just an illusion or aren't we getting really good prices on wine which Systembolaget has on regular stock?
The temp stuff and things you need to order at almost exclusively at $20+ while the stock is largely around 8-12. No idea if buying the same bottles outside Sweden would actually be cheaper.

>> No.19231008

I do support Systembolaget myself. I like the selection. Both in stores and for order. But we do pay a lot of taxes for our liquor. The tax for one liter of most wines is 27,49 SEK along with 25% sales tax.

Compare to the producer state of California. It's 0.2 USD per gallon of wine if I understand cdtfa correctly. Plus whatever like ~9% other taxes on sale.
Which sounds ridiculously low in comparison.

As an aside. I don't buy into wine needing to be expensive to be good or enjoyable. 8-13ish are plenty enjoyable.

>> No.19231052

Sure the tax is high but can you get that Glen Ellen bottle in another EU country for that much less than 8 bucks?

I also don't see why the selection would lessen if we kicked out the state monopoly on alcohol. Other countries have decent wine shops with good selections.

>> No.19231091

Gave it a half assed attempt and couldn't find it for sale. So who knows, Maybe? Found a 1.5l bottle for the same price as my 0.75l (on sale) in California at least.

>> No.19231109

Yeah I can imagine the same state/country as the manufacturer got much better prices no matter what.
I'm just interested to know if we're getting a good deal in Sweden (despite the high tax) because I imagine they broker lucrative deals and buy massive bulks. Perhaps the discount does make us some favors in the end. I'm always having trouble finding anything from SB on other sites within EU for direct comparisons.

The fact they can't have sales at all might not make it worth having the monopoly though. IIRC alcohol consumption among kids is dropping all over while vapes and weed is going up. "Think of the children" might not be a good enough excuse to force a monopoly anymore.

>> No.19231223

Marques de Riscal Riserva 2015, a really nice Rioja

>> No.19231237

Portuguese whites are cheap and cheerful, look for anything labeled "Vinho Verde"

>> No.19231345

pinot cab neb

>> No.19231350

It's an illusion. The wine market has grown stale over the past 2 decades. Tl;dr of it is distributors (supermarkets) and advertisers (Masters of Wine, wine magazines) have the producers in a stranglehold. Producers can choose: get paid peanuts for their wine (not even a Euro per bottle) or get paid nothing at all.

When you pay 20 Euro for a bottle, or 13 if it's on sale you're getting shafted as well. It's the same for cod, by the way: fishermen get 1 Euro per kg, in supermarkets it costs 20 Euro, 3 hours later. Don't fall for this shit. You deserve better. Buy directly from the producers.

>> No.19232871
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I bought this today and it was great. As the OP.
Go fuck your self

>> No.19233024

anyone telling you california wines aren't good are just some jealous flyover that hates that california is better than them

>> No.19233691

I'm not sure you're actually answering my question. Every distributor will buy cheap and sell with a hefty mark up. I was more concerned with if the monopoly in Sweden is extensively more so shafting their customers than say in Italy, but not at the producer there. When I buy a 12 dollar Sauvignon Blanc from Stoneleigh could I move south a country or two and have it for 8 when not on sale or is that bullshit?

I'm basically trying to compare if the swedish monopoly actually gets good prices, that transfer to customers, for buying in larger bulks or whatever compared to say an Aldi further south. Probably not as we are double taxed on alcohol.

>> No.19233717

From what I've seen in Australia, buying wine from wineries is only marginally cheaper and you have to buy in bulk.

>> No.19233908

>what is oregon
>what is washington
>what is upstate new york
>what is fucking virginia
t. doesn't drink wine

>> No.19233939

>avoid Australian wines

Literal pleb tier behavior

>> No.19233944

Because wine is literally the only thing we don't have an insane tax on lmao.
The mark up is insane though, I work in a Dan Murphys and we can see how much we buy the pinnacle wines for wholesale (pinnacle wines being the wineries that are owned by endevour drinks) and the ones we sell for 20/30 dollars are bought from around $2 a bottle

>> No.19233960
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aussie wine is literally the plebbest of the pleb though
>reeee but you haven't had the good aussie wine
no such thing
>but but

>> No.19234097

The only thing keeping restaurants open around here is their ability to sell alcohol hiked massively. The food is completely secondary to the business profits. It's not unusual for a place to close near immediately if they lose their alcohol license.

Sad fucking state of things.

>> No.19234343

Not the case at other retailers. Also if this were true, wineries could undercut by selling direct as well, easily.

Not an argument.

>> No.19234439

count your blessings little gay nig, better than having no downtime cashiering for a high traffic winco or costco, not a second goes by that you arent passing a goy slop thru the reader

>> No.19234786


>> No.19236635


>> No.19236653

I literally mentioned rye in my post. I also mentioned herbal liquors which have OBJECTIVELY more flavor compounds than gin. You brought up the most pseud tastelet shit of all time. Muh gin, muh mezcal. Kill yourself

>> No.19236714

>yeast produces a bunch of organic molecules from fermentation
>literally destroy them with heat and remove them through distillation
b-but the complexity comes from aging in barrels!
>wine and beer can also be aged in barrels
literally the only argument you can make is more wood compounds are imparted to spirits because they have higher ethanol / are less saturated solutions post-distillation, but even still liquor is clearly the most objectively simplistic compared to beer and wine
Another thing you can bring up is smoking but again this can be done to beer as well (although rauchbier is pretty ass)
Finally there’s blatantly adding flavors like herbs but that’s not really the credit of the liquor itself
Finally there’s far fewer large distilleries around. There’s a much smaller selection of liquors and it’s easy to get acquainted with 90% of the liquors at any given whiskey lounge. The pseud’s choice

>> No.19237108
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>stop trying to be twee chile

This anon is a certified low down gangster to call the nation-state of Chile a "twee"

>> No.19237119


>> No.19237125

Alamos is a good malbec in ~$12ish territory

>> No.19237182

Delas Cotes Du Rhone Saint Esprit is good for the price around $20

>> No.19237186

>>what is upstate new york
Nah the real stuff is Long Island wines. Our whites are absolutely world class. I don't know about how much leaves the area, but there's a good chance that you might be able to find Pindar (budget) or Wölfer Estate.

>> No.19237203

Troll harder retard.

>> No.19237373

none of those places have the terroir for wine, they just wanted what california had and you fell for it you tastelet

>> No.19237978

I work in a higher-end liquor store and our head wine expert would back up your claims gladly. California wine is cut-rate, lazily manufactured swill for libtards that base their entire lives on everything California. A libtard calling others libtards, now that has some impact.

>> No.19238083

Those are some beautiful fucking knives. Is there a name for that damascus pattern? I've never seen it before.

>> No.19238167

>Wolfer estate
>world class
Is this meant as bait?

The problem with california isn't the climate or the soil. It isn't even necessarily the people making the wine. It's the people who buy the wine, whose "taste" (sic) dictates what kind of wine gets produced

>> No.19238343

>This wine is good
>This wine is bad
Yet we have no idea if it was taken with the appropriate food or not among other factors which aren't as impactful.
Imagine buying a high acidic red wine and thinking you can just down it without food pairing or together with really spicy food and expect a good taste from it.

>> No.19238353

And yet you can. The ph of a wine and the subjective taste experience have less in common than you imagine. Alcohol levels, sugar levels, temperature, and other factors make the difference between "this wine tastes acidic" and "this wine tastes so balanced and wonderful"

>> No.19238376

You can tell a difference but you'll never have an intended enjoyable experience just drinking it by itself with acidic wines. If you do it's a highly irregular taste quirk. Restaurants basically force you to take a "proper" matched wine with their courses. I once tried getting some red for sushi because I didn't like whites at all long ago, the waiter very politely told me to reconsider until I did.

Otherwise you're just directly comparing wines that aren't suitable for the occasion where one is "less worse" but neither does the job it's supposed to.

>> No.19238390

Sounds to me like you have some kind of sensory processing disorder desu, if you can't ever enjoy a wine without some food to wash it down, you just don't like wine and should stop trying to impress people with your pairing autism. In the future might I recommend growing a pair and learning to say "no thanks" when the restaurant manager begs you to order a little something extra so they can make payroll this week?

>> No.19238462

Weird ego-thing but ok. Anyway.

So you are of the opinion that any type of wine should be suitable from the bottle as-is as long as it's of sufficiently good quality?

>> No.19238472

Yes. "It should be possible to drink and enjoy some wines without food", from this logically it follows that all wine is better without food. Good job.

>> No.19238481

Alright, that's not even what I said nor implied. Your dishonesty reeks of desperation.
Now reply with your final insult and we're done.

>> No.19238515

You are a nice person and I hope you have a great day :^)

>> No.19238600

i dont know the science behind it but when i get wine drunk i always have a good time, but liquor is a bit more...problematic

>> No.19238618

i had a decent chilenean low-end syrah from lidl recently. couldnt hold its own against the mid-price st joseph syrah i compared it to ofc but the latter was absolutely overpriced

>> No.19238623

young riesling drinks beautifully. a good wine needs to stand on its own. a great wine must stand on its own.

>> No.19239199


Always found their wines boring.

>> No.19239206

I'd you can't drink a wine without food, it's not a good wine.

>> No.19239214

Depends where it's from. Young Riesling from South Australia is really boring.

>> No.19239219
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Presumably you get drunk slower on wine, so it's more enjoyable

>> No.19239354

>wine from australia sucks
wait, what??!?!? someone call the president

>> No.19240012
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any fortified alcholics here?

>> No.19240058

No I just have a modest amount of wine with dinner, maybe a glass or three, so I can say I'm having "a glass of wine with dinner", then for dessert, cognac or scotch. It doesn't count as liquor because it's dessert.

I don't drink much. Just a glass of wine with dinner.

And in the morning? No talky before coffee.

>> No.19240308

>describing actual chemical reality is trolling
this is the last time i reply to you. you’ll surely be dead from DT soon enough and the world will be blessed without your delusional shriveled brain and its abhorrent petulant drivel you call opinions on taste

>> No.19240799

Aged South Australian Riesling is good shit, but no one drinks it, even less than people drink Hunter Valley Sémillon.

>> No.19240804

Quit the liquid Jew

>> No.19240809

You’re describing alcoholism

>> No.19241067

I just had some strung out crackhead come into my work this evening, desperately looking for this shit. I took him to it and he tried to hug me.

Fuckin' winos.

>> No.19241089

idk malbecs and/or lower end black cock cianti classicos

>> No.19241096

I started out really only liking hard liquors because I disliked every wine and almost every beer I tried.
Then I actually spent some effort to learn different categories of beer/wine, keep track of what I didn't like, and discovered beers and wines that I enjoy.
Now I drink more beer than hard liquor. And some wine instead of none.

>> No.19241115

Kirkland brand shit is actually very good for the money, especially if you get things from legally-protected regions where they're not allowed to fuck with the wine
Costco will also occasionally have awesome non-kirkland wines for cheap, but these are less common. I've gotten really solid bordeaux from them for almost nothing
Avoid most of the bulk brands they carry though

>> No.19241978
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Ok here's where I go full pleb, I don't like aged riesling. Ok let me rephrase that, I don't *hate* aged riesling but I don't love it, at best it's "interesting", like that hungarian shit that costs a fortune for no apparent reason. It's not that it's bad but I feel like I could simulate the taste of aged riesling by adding in some white grape concentrate and soaking it in a vat with an old barbour hunting jacket for 6 months then stick it in a very dignified looking bottle with wall of google translate german text in nazi font and sell it for hundreds of dollars and get away with it. Even if it was free I'd probably drink it sometimes for amusement, same as if it was the same cost as a regular kabinett wine but anything more than that and I swipe left