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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19221080 No.19221080 [Reply] [Original]

At a restaurant whose whole thing is that the waiters are assholes. This reminds me too much of home

>> No.19221303

i remember going to dick's in dallas when i was eight for my aunt's birthday - they put a dunce cap that said "i play with naked barbies" on me

>> No.19221318

>they put a dunce cap that said "i play with naked barbies" on me

Based Dicks creating formative memories

>> No.19221322

What's the appeal? Are people masochists? Is this some kind of humor for normies who think it's hilarious that social customary norms for servers are being flipped on their head? I just don't get it.

>> No.19221368

>We even washed the silverware with soap today
I'd God damn hope they did

>> No.19221375

You're forgetting the "lots of sarcasm" part

>> No.19221376

Imagine going to a themed restaurant. You get what you deserve.

>> No.19221420

It wasn’t my idea.

>> No.19221427

Oh, man. You're worse off than I thought. When you're massaging your wife's boyfriend's feet later, I want you to think about what you've done with your life

>> No.19221440
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Unless they are waitresses, any man would have to be pretty gay to enjoy going there.

>> No.19221461
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>What's the appeal? Are people masochists? Is this some kind of humor for normies who think it's hilarious that social customary norms for servers are being flipped on their head? I just don't get it.

>> No.19221467

I'd go there for the entertainment, and leave because I'm done with shitting and pissing everywhere in the toilet stall

>> No.19221469

Gives me an excuse not to tip

>> No.19221470

If all the servers are cute girls I'd definitely go

>> No.19221474

I went to one in Boston while on a class trip in middle school. One of my friends had cerebral palsy and they wrote RETARD on his cap.

>> No.19221478

I went to a Dick's Last Resort once
>friend's dad heard it was fun
>friend's dad is notoriously picky about his meals at places and I tell him that the waiters purposefully antagonize you
>he says it's fine, let's go check it out
>waiter comes up and starts throwing napkins at our faces
>friend's dad is visibly confused
>asks the waiter why he's throwing napkins
>waiter calls him a wuss
>friend's dad looks even more confused
>waiter stops throwing napkins and asks if we want drink
>he asks for a soda
>waiter brings him out a tiny cup that's half-full
>friend's dad lowers his head in sadness
>I look at the waiter and he shrugs
>gets him a full normal cup and asks if we're ready to order
>waiter treats us like it's a normal restaurant and he's a normal waiterthe rest of the meal

Friend's dad said it was an okay restaurant afterwards.

>> No.19221480


>> No.19221511

Is your friend's dad retarded or just willingly stupid?

>> No.19221628

were you on a date with your friend's dad?

>> No.19221633
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What they didn't tell you is that they didn't rinse it off and you are eating literal soap residue

Mmmm chemicals

>> No.19221840
File: 5 KB, 201x250, 53C74D17-0174-4928-BC97-0D3FBABCA225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro you know how you go to a restaurant and they’re usually nice to you? How about we go to a restaurant where the servers are MEAN to you ON PURPOSE doesn’t that sound fun and quirky? Like they’re NOT supposed to be mean to you but THEY ARE how wild is that? Afterwards we can take pictures of our funny hats for likes on social media!

>> No.19221893
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>> No.19221911
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>> No.19221921

What part of "i play with naked babies" isn't true?

>> No.19221936

Id prefer that Chicago joint with the big sassy black ladies who will tell you to eat a dick and quite possibly kick your ass.

>> No.19221939

Come to think of it i wouldnt mind being berated by some young twink waiters...

>> No.19221953
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Ain't nobody got time to smile and talk nice to your ol' goofy ass. Eat your burger, pay the tab, leave a tip, and get the fuck out.

>> No.19222063

Do you think you could make one of these, but with distinct servers. Big, small, gay, straight, male, female, black, whire, Asian, etc ans line them up like a whore house and let the customer pick their abuser? Or would too many of you be jerking it under the table?

>> No.19222453

I went to Dick's in Tacoma WA years ago, I was a complete asshole, none of the servers did anything back, they were upset with how I acted....found out the restaurant was named after the owner Richard, who went by Dick. Felt horrible.