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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19219854 No.19219854 [Reply] [Original]

Doesn't his very existence just prove that leftists actually hate gays and are willing to pretend flamers don't exist and are just "women" instead if the flamers go along with it? Please, try to convince me this flamboyant gay men is really into women or looks like a woman.

>> No.19219856

God damn that thing is creepy

>> No.19219857
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yes jeff

>> No.19219859

Hey, wait a second. This isn't a food and cooking post at all

>> No.19219862

get a hobby that isn't crying about trannys online dude

>> No.19219865

plz direct me to the gay discussion board

>> No.19219868


>> No.19219901

gay discussion is off topic and bannable on pol
there is no gay discussion board
lgbt is all trannys

>> No.19219911
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Food & Cooking?

>> No.19219916

trump lost fair and square

>> No.19219924

I voted for him ironically. I'm far left and hate killary and biden more.

>> No.19219935
File: 5 KB, 194x259, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, I'm a Republican, and I don't vote anymore, all elections are rigged by the radical communist democrats, so I won't legitimize them any further. I'd advise all Republicans do the same and boycott the liberal democrat elections.

>> No.19219938

I love communism. Ur a corporate shill.

>> No.19219949

Wrong board OP, you'll need to refer to the navigation bar at the top.

>> No.19219952

If leftists hated gays, I'd vote for them.
There isn't a good reason they should be allowed to exist.

>> No.19219956

how is it not evidence that people hate gays that people are willing to pretend obviously gay men are women?
there isn't a good reason homophobes should be allowed to exist

>> No.19219983

I don't care. I hope more faggots get on antiandrogens, which is actually a treatment for sex offenders (sodomy being an offense against nature) and better still, I hope more surgeons hack off their genitals so they can't stick it in anything any more. Nothing is more disgusting than men inserting their dick in the fucking shithole. If it doesn't automatically register to you that people engaged in this behavior are freaks and defects, then you're of an extraordinarily low IQ. Kek, idiots are fine with this but draw the line at marriage or wearing dresses. If you're fucking a guy in the ass, it's already too late. Should be a instant death penalty.

>> No.19219984

t. isisbro

>> No.19219986

I don't believe in God and I hate Muslims too.

>> No.19220026

being gay is ok