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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19219269 No.19219269 [Reply] [Original]

>it's just potatoes fried in oil, bro

Why can't the ingredients just be potatoes, salt, lard or something

>> No.19219279

you purposely picked up a bag of seasoned potato chips even though there are plain unflavored, unseasoned potato chips right next to it. waste of a thread. go fuck yourself

>> No.19219280

Because they wouldn't sell - they started that way, then someone did that and added something, then it became a war.

>> No.19219286

short answer: because you like these better

long answer: you're a fucking idiot

there is nothing stopping you from making chips yourself, but instead of complaining about not being able to find a good recipe you come here to complain about a product that you opt into bringing into your life--nobody is forcing you to eat the chips, just like nobody is forcing you to be annoying on the internet
this is not a good thread, there is a very specific answer to your question so it's not like there's anything to debate
fuck off

>> No.19219287

No there isnt lol
But non seed oil chips are catching on

>> No.19219289
File: 298 KB, 598x599, Screenshot 2023-04-29 224958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lay's classic potato chips.
Potato + oil + salt. 3 ingrediants

>> No.19219295

>seed oils

>> No.19219299

Seed oils aren't bad, polcel

>> No.19219306

Lol, lmao

>> No.19219309

If you want it to taste like pork so bad just buy chicharrons.
Pork rind + fat. 2 ingrediants.

>> No.19219316

I'm Jewish iv dont v east pork

>> No.19219318
File: 559 KB, 1000x1000, utz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already went over this today.

Grandma UTZ is potatoes, lard, and salt. Exactly like you said Lol

>> No.19219323

>simping for a corporate cost cutting measure because pol contrarianism
You are just as bad as them

>> No.19219329

Because you deliberately bough the flavored ones. Those ingredients are how they achieve flavor.
Do not ask for shit you don't want. Go buy dip, it'll have even more ingredients.

And there's the real topic.

Bruh, just go turbo vegan or whatever you want. Just leave us out of your crusade. There's already like 6 different violently competing diets where if you don't exclude x,x and x, you are literally killing yourself or the planet.

The diet wars are full, go away.

>> No.19219336

The real topic was in the op r tard

>> No.19219335

They're potato chips. The unhealthiest fucking food you can buy at a store while under the age of 21.
Anyone eating a bag of potato chips and worrying they are to unhealthy because of the vegetable oils is legitimately retarded.

>> No.19219342

>seed oils add flavor

>> No.19219349

>threads are only good when they agree with me now fuck off you're oppressing me by discussing things
Brit 100%

>> No.19219351

lol stupid Berks county Good's poster detected
go to bed stinky amishmen

>> No.19219361

it's crunchy like chewing on bugs

cannot unread

>> No.19219378

>there is a very specific answer to your question
but you already gave two answers yourself: >>19219286
>short answer
>long answer

i can think of two more answers: convenience and lack of time to make chips from scratch.

>> No.19219396

Ck be like: don't like cows with hormones? Go grow your own

>> No.19219413

kek. i've always wanted a cow in my apartment. i'd name her Mignon

>> No.19219700

Because you didn't choose plain. Flavoring contains all sorts of spices and other ingredients.

>> No.19219726

What if the secret reason jews couldnt eat pigs is because the khazarians learned about pigs containing the souls of mainly jewish humans. Look at Amy Schumer and it all makes sense.

>> No.19219729

Maybe I will

>> No.19219744

All oils are bad, it doesn't matter where it comes from

>> No.19219798

>Why can't the ingredients just be potatoes, salt, lard or something
because you live in america, faggot
eat your corn and soy and shut the fuck up

>> No.19219848

I like how they can't even decide which oil they've fried it in. That's pretty great.
Love the usual dextrose in there for absolutely no reason and shoutout to my main boi maltodextrin too, 'cause sometimes you just need some more carbs with ur carbs bro.
Anyway the rest is pretty easy, seasoning. Onion powder, paprika, salt, yeast.
The big shit you can really complain about is "natural hickory smoke flavor", extractives of paprika, artificial flavor, dextrose and "spices". Some of that being some real mystery meat shit; like the oil they can't be bothered to identify.

The real gotcha is that these products are so low quality & mass produced that they can't even stick to which oil they're using. When you go to cook something, you just pick up any old oil? Fuck it, gonna use coconut oil today, maybe sunflower tomorrow. No, you wouldn't.
These aren't quality products and they're only there to satiate the low income masses. Complaining about it while saying nothing at all is hollow.

>> No.19219873

This reads like one of my closest friends wrote it

>> No.19220007

Sneedoil fags are mentally ill there is no point in talking to them.

>> No.19220015

peppericka is just for the colour. it dont do nothin for no seasonin'

>> No.19220201

>The unhealthiest fucking food you can buy at a store while under the age of 21.
do you work for big sugar? potato chips are hardly the unhealthiest.

>> No.19220208

based take

>> No.19220236

FDA ingredients listing is easily the most autistic in the world and makes amerislop look far worse than it is. I doubt that huge ass diatribe about oils in parenthesis would have to be mentioned in any other country and it'd just say vegetable oil. The FDA is the only food agency that requires sub-ingredients to be listed

>> No.19220245

ask me how i know you weigh 300 pounds

>> No.19220271

Seed oils are the one harmful ingredient in there, and an easily replaced one too. All the rest is harmless.
The only thing that makes potato chips really unhealthy are the seed oils.
>But muh salt
>Muh cancer from frying
also overblown
>Muh calories
Yeah, it's basically empty calories. Tons of foods are. If you get enough micros and dont overdo the total calories it's fine.
The market for different food oils is volatile and all the oils have basically the same properties anyway. It's a cost saving measure, but picking an exact oil or proportion and sticking to it wouldn't make it any better.

>> No.19220316

>The unhealthiest fucking food you can buy at a store while under the age of 21.
Probably not even in the top twenty. The only reason they're unhealthy is because you're eating a whole bag of them at once.

>> No.19220318

sorry to bust your momscience hysterics up with facts fag

>> No.19220334

>momscience hysterics
That's half of the fucking board these days, you're really wasting your efforts.

>> No.19220360

Potatoes and milk are the two healthiest things you can eat. You can survive entirely on them.

>> No.19220470

Where das vitamins

>> No.19220484

Unironically contained.
Think about it: A calf has to live ENTIRELY on milk. If milk didn't contain (almost) everything you need, the calf wouldn't grow healthy.
Nutritionists examined the claim that 19th century irish lived entirely on potatoes and milk, and it's not entirely possible or true: You run into shortages of vitamin e and molybdenum, which are contained in oats, also eaten (in smaller quantities) by the irish.

>> No.19220648

It seems like you have a strong opinion about the ingredients and quality of certain food products. While it is true that some mass-produced food products may contain low-quality ingredients or additives, it's also important to keep in mind that different people have different dietary needs and preferences.

Furthermore, it's not uncommon for food manufacturers to use different types of oil or spices depending on availability, price, or taste. This doesn't necessarily mean that the product is of low quality or that the manufacturer is being dishonest.

That being said, it's always a good idea to read the ingredients list and nutrition label before purchasing a food product, especially if you have dietary restrictions or concerns. This can help you make informed decisions about what you eat and how it fits into your overall diet.

>> No.19220672

Most refined vegetable oils are interchangeable.
Factories order whatever is cheapest on the market at the time.
Dextrose and maltodextrin are typically used as ways to keep salt and seasonings from clumping due to humidity. They're made from corn starch or something similar most of the time, so they're effective anti-caking substances.

>> No.19220779

do amerifats really?

>> No.19220812

I went to buy potato chips yesterday. I wanted Kettle jalapeno. It was $5 for a regular/medium size bag. Fuck no. I got the store brand, plain (salt) chips for $2 so I can add whatever I want at home for like 5 cents more.

>> No.19220822

Name me some unhealthier foods

>> No.19220934

This is why miss Vickies original recipe are the best chips. It's 3 ingredients, potatoes, salt, oil

>> No.19221006

>serving size: about 15 chips
LMAO who writes this shit?!
15 chips ain't even a mouthful.

>> No.19221028

all cookies, cakes, and pastries.

>> No.19221039

>I like how they can't even decide which oil they've fried it in. That's pretty great.

Just means they order whatever is cheapest at the time

>> No.19221083
File: 3.00 MB, 960x560, how goyslop is made.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneed oils

>> No.19221095

retard detected

>> No.19221109
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, pp,840x830-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so addicted to crisps it beyond human comprehension
something needs to be done about this

>> No.19221122

Good thing I only buy chips cooked in lard you stupid son of a bitch.

>> No.19221730

For decent chips
Is it just
>Mandoline tater
>Deepfry slices
>Season with salt
Wa la?

>> No.19221738

nice triple dubs

>> No.19221742

>3 ingredients
>mystery sneed oil "and/or" no idea what they are even using at the time, just the cheapest factory oil sludge they could get their hands on

>> No.19221754


make it yourself idiots. stop being a lazy fat fuck retard

>> No.19221757

suck my cock fuck face

>> No.19221771

I would if I could find it.
is correct

>> No.19222124


>> No.19222134

yes it's the only possible reason you could possibly not hate seed oils

>> No.19222178

thats true

>> No.19222197

The issue isn't so much cutting cost as it is about the health effects of the oil itself. The polcels who cry wolf at seed oils and their supposed ill effects on health are chugging down gallons of it instead of consuming reasonably like if you were one Mediterranean diet. You dont know what moderation is. Nobody on all sides of the food wars and their tribal camps know what moderation is

>> No.19222201

>just do heroin in moderation brah
you realize you're regurgitating us propaganda right

>> No.19222208

what are you even saying

>> No.19222210
File: 43 KB, 570x640, Good's potato chip tin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are only three ingredients
Check them out, have been selling for a century

>> No.19222229


>> No.19222243
File: 23 KB, 400x300, Goods kettle cooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's just for the ancient collectable tin...

>> No.19222369


>Good thing I only buy chips cooked in lard
>you stupid son of a bitch
you mean drippings right? not lard.
Not THE hydrogenated lard right? RIGHT?

You can't really escape it anymore, it's harder and harder to find lard/drippings that hasn't been altered. 'cause it's better to sell it wrapped, ez-er for the mass market, better have it solid. Nobody would go buying their drippings in chilled tubs, there's the chance you could buy rancid drippings.
-and that's how and why your fried in lard consumer chips are still cooked in liquid shit, albeit liquid shit that's a bit more solid at room temperature mind you.

>> No.19222373

>he fell for the sneed oil meme

>> No.19222376

>no bro these extremely modified oils sprayed with toxic chemicals that are basically only able to be made because of industrialization are totally good for you

>> No.19222398
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>nah bro you need 50000 ingredients in a fried chip bro trust me you need rapeseed oil bro
My chips have 3 ingredients, yours (american) have 50.