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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19210728 No.19210728 [Reply] [Original]

so i tried making pizza dough, initial mix too wet to knead, stuff just sticks to my floured hands. so i let it rest a bit and come back later. flour the counter and set the doigh on counter and then dust my dough with more flour.
and then i try to knead it
it instantly sticks to counter and my hands.
try to add a little more flour, doesnt do shit, still stuck, add more flour, still stuck. by the time ive gotten it not completely glued to counter, ive covered the shit in excess flour and have lost 1/4th the doigh to my hands.
> i read that i really really want to avoid adding too much dough at once

pls excuse typos. im on a tiny , broken, backup iphone

>> No.19210737

From the looks of the inside of that bowl your dough was too wet. What measurements did you use?

>> No.19210741

okay, im on a computer now, cont....

so now ive added so much flour that my counter that i can actually touch the ball of dough without it staying stuck to counter and my hands.

now i try to lighly knead the dough... now it continues to stick to counter and my hands.

what the fuck do i do? let it rest for a while now that i have addded more flour and then knead it later?

arent i suppose to knead it once immediatly after doing the yeast/water mix? what happens when you wait till the very end to knead it?

how the fuck do i knead this shit without having it stick to the counter and my fucking hands.
eveyrone online says this shit is fucking easy but i literally know no one who makes pizza at home except for people who literally use to work at a pizza restaurant

more shit pics inc.

>> No.19210746

>What measurements did you use?
i eyeballed it like my roommate taught me, way fucking faster than measuring everything out then cleaning everything by hand. it always seems to go fine when hes babysitting me but today he is not baby sitting me

>> No.19210754

Whats your recipe?
Some pizza doughs are meant to be low or no kneading depending on hydration levels.
I use a recipe that is 62% hydration and at the start it always sticks to my hands but after some kneading it pulls away from my hands naturally as I move around.

>> No.19210755
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must wait 19more seconds for an image reply.

>> No.19210764

>brown hands

>> No.19210765

so i try to lightly knead it and it works for a second as the outside is floured and dried but after only a few seconds of kneading the moist parts start to expose themselves and then stick to my hands and the counter and seem to start 'tearing the dough apart' seems like this is hurting the kneading process more than it is helping it... or should i just continue kneading the dough as it sticks to my hands and counter and tears itself apart?

>> No.19210773
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irrelevant post

>> No.19210775

Well firstly you should use a measured recipe instead of eyeballing it and yes, just continue kneading is usually the solution.
It's harder to say in your case because you don't know the weights of what you're using so you don't know if you need more water or flour or just more time kneading is what would fix it.

>> No.19210777

I know it's annoying, but all you need to do is add more flour a little at a time. That's it. Of you messed up this time, that's okay. You'll remember for next.
What i do is:
Plain flour
Dry yeast
Add flour if/as necessary. Once dough is shaggy yet not sticky, set aside and putz about a bit. If, for example, i wanna have pizza for dinner, I'll make dough in the morning, go about my day and come back to it around supper time.
When you're ready to roll, form and bake, just flour your hands and counter, do whatcha gotta do and Bob's your uncle.

So next time, just don't take the dough out of the bowl until it's no longer sticky. Good luck.

>> No.19210790

>all dem coal-haired people
>dat filename
I know gingers aren't humans, but why no blondes?

>> No.19210798

wow, looks like this is missing a lot of fucking details

>> No.19210803

>Of you messed up this time, that's okay
what part did i mess up? how will i remember for next time if i dont know what part i messed up.

>> No.19210811
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really bad idea. you're just gonna waste a ton of time doing what you're doing right now. just use a scale


>> No.19210812

Looks extremely wet. Also looks like you forgot the oil.

>> No.19210813

Take the no-knead pill. If you let the dough sit over night it will do 90% of the work by itself. Next day you can finish kneading it by hand, and it will be nice and manageable instead of a sticky mess.

>> No.19210814

By not measuring a doughs ingredients when you are learning to make something it makes it harder to learn from your mistakes.
You either didn't add enough flour or didn't knead it enough.
Generally when making the recipe I use for pizza dough it starts out really unfun to work with, then with kneading it gets better until it pulls away from both my hands and the work surface easily.

>> No.19210818

Is that pizza dough calculator any good, I usually use calbal but am open to trying others.

>> No.19210844

yea that guy knows what he's doing


>> No.19210849
File: 1.86 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2023-04-27-17-39-15-562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done making a few of these OP, maybe some inspiration. I found 350 degrees works best for my preference and thickness of dough even though a lot of recipes suggest 400+

Don't forget to lightly flour the top of your pan so it doesn't stick

>> No.19210853
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Extra sauce on this one

>> No.19210857
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Ended up with 8 of them for less than 20 dollars. Toppings are not cheap and will probably get fresh stuff next time from the deli instead of packaged and overpriced slop

>> No.19210864

the cheese didn't even melt because you overloaded it with toppings. amerilards are fucking useless

>> No.19210871
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Put seasoning in your dough while you're mixing it, garlic powder at the very least works good. I also lightly sugar the yeast while it's waiting to bubble and then put more into the dough. This was a little dry but easily fixed by rinsing your hands and not drying them before you grab it

>> No.19210874

like I said only 350 degrees. Been doing it for a while at different temps and this is the way I like it

>> No.19210875
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Looks like it just needs 10 more minutes in a 450F oven.

>> No.19210882

try the folding methon and keep the dough in the bowl if it is too sticky

>> No.19210887

This actually looks less appetizing than costco pizza, congratulations.

>> No.19210891

>random bread
I do not understand.

>> No.19210903

99 out of 100 frozen pizzas would be better than that. that guy does everything wrong, literally everything but he still thinks he's doing good because that's all he knows

>> No.19210914

>Also looks like you forgot the oil.
i did forget the oil, how could you tell with such shit pics? i take it a decent amount of the flavour comes from the oil?

>> No.19210920

Not really. It's not like yeasted dough is some sort of rocket science or anything.

>> No.19210942

Damn I just wanted to share didn't know you needed a diaper change

>> No.19210943

It was just some home baked sandwich bread that i threw in there to use up before my next 2 loaves--
I turned it into garlic bread--there was also High quality sausage, ham and salami that leaked a bunch of fat... Those soaked it up--I ended up giving them a quick panfry as well.
They were delicious.

>> No.19210960
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Here's another one, I'm not cooking it any more than that

>> No.19210976

very undercooked as usual for 90% of retards on /ck/
why can’t you fags cook pizza till it’s actually cooked

>> No.19210998

lmao why not

>> No.19211007
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>> No.19211080


please watch this, at least the "in a pan" part

>> No.19211152

that crust could still be rescued, planted, and grown into rolling fields of wheat by a skilled farmer

>> No.19211420

accidentally blended a bayleaf into 48oz of sauce, what am i for?

>> No.19211457

WAAAAY too wet

>> No.19211488

That looks like it needs another 2C of flour. It's also fucking massive, like 6 or more large pizzas worth. Add flour until it doesn't stick to your hands more than itself. Knead outside edges into the middle going around in circles until it's smooth. Clean your bowl, oil sides and flop your dough around in it to lightly coat it then leave it covered with a damp dishtowel.

>> No.19211498

The more fat in a dough, the softer it is. It also prevents it from sticking to the pan. It's not required but it is preferred. I would advise using a metal spatula to remove it from the pan or it will likely tear apart.

>> No.19211511

That's not how heat works, you irrelevant wannabrit.

>> No.19211576
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This is da wae.

>> No.19212165
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>350 degrees

>> No.19212432

350F is only 176C

>> No.19212693

broil it for like 5 minutes man please

>> No.19212723
File: 232 KB, 1024x679, Play at the dinner table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop eating bread and sugar it is lead astray ...

first jew convinced women and we just can't say 'no' to a women and that is how Satanic cocking was introduced to humanity


>> No.19212728

based beyond belief

>> No.19212748
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Asado & mate is all what you need to be healthy and strong like a goucho

>> No.19212762

I don't drink mate without coca leaf
kek, jk, never even tried

>> No.19212812

I broiled pizza for like 5 minutes once and now I'm gay. Coincidence?

>> No.19213430

i made three 16in medium-thickness crust pizzas
the dough pile was massive, i couldve easily made four ~15in pizzas

the dough did want to tear easily.

>> No.19213437
File: 1.23 MB, 3024x4032, pizza dough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, why did my dough look like this after sitting in the bowl for a while? good or bad?

>> No.19213449
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Until you've done enough doughs to be able to "go by feel" that advice isn't really good. Just get a scale, measure it out by weight, and go for it. It doesn't need to be exact, but if it's this different, you need to do something.

Also, your yeast could be completely dead and your dough will turn into soup because of that. Here's a picture of my dough that I tried a bit ago. Same measurements as normal but it was an absolute soup. It was super weird.

>> No.19213454

You let it proof for too long. If you look up "overproofed dough insides" this is exactly what it looks like.

>> No.19213478

five hours on the countertop

>> No.19213491

Temperature and yeast amount also contribute to over proofing.

>> No.19213599

>way fucking faster than measuring everything
was it, anon?

>> No.19214477
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okay, i will take measurements next time
next time i cook for people, im making fried chicken though,
i got good at that in about 4 attempts...
im probably around my 100-200th attempt at pizza at this point in time

this stuff was $3/bag so i bought four of them.
does it make any bit of a notable difference?