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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19207766 No.19207766 [Reply] [Original]

What's a telltale sign that a person can't cook?

>> No.19207769

They're white.

>> No.19207775

only eats snack food for lunch
reports that he eats out every night

>> No.19207776

wypipo dont season they food

>> No.19207778

It's been nearly 20 years without Chef bros

>> No.19207781

The number one most obvious one is delivery food / takeout packaging. Number two is any complete food sold in a package, number three is metal cooking utensils.

>> No.19207798

They use lawry's seasoned salt

>> No.19207821

They tell you they don't cook.

>> No.19207831

they look happy and well rested from spending their free time on something more enjoyable and letting wagie make food for them instead

>> No.19207838

Look here

>> No.19207841
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They use boxed/pre-made ingredients for things that can be easily made from scratch (cakes, cookies, pancakes, etc.)

>> No.19207859
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The spice must flow

>> No.19207860

>tiktok woman with hands on her waist.jpg

>> No.19207868
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>> No.19207869

That's why cunts like that are not marriage material, do not marry them, knock them up or get close to them or let them get close to yourself.

>> No.19207879

That is some friendly-fire kek.

>colored people hate her because they think she's white
>white people love her because they think she's white
>she's not white

>> No.19207883
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The Modelo beers from Mexico are pretty good, certainly better that budweiser shit.

>> No.19207950

That's just standard mixedperson problems.
>Race A thinks you too Race B
>Race B thinks you too Race A

>> No.19208952

>metal cooking utensils
As opposed to plastic ones?

I use cake mixes sometimes when I'm lazy

>> No.19208966

they use non-stick pans

>> No.19208976

She is white dumbass. Look up ''Mejorar la Raza'' Just because you are 95% white and 5% aztec, doesn't mean you are Mexican.

Using prepackaged sauces like bolognese or bechamel.

>> No.19208999
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If they think washing dishes is a grueling sisyphean task and will do anything to avoid it, no matter how expensive or wasteful.

>> No.19209004

who the fuck uses non-stick pans these days
do those even exist anymore

>> No.19209006

What a retard. Being born in Mexico doesn't make you a Hispanic just like how a nigger born in Iceland is not a Nord. Why are people so retarded about race and ethnicity?

>> No.19209101

They are still the best way to make eggs

>> No.19209107

>spaniard rapebabies
>not white

>> No.19209114

I just use my smaller cast iron, it's easier to clean and cooks perfect once heated.

>> No.19209126

Not making cooking a priority.

I know it’s obvious, but I know people who will treat cooking as 3rd or 4th on their list of things to do at the time they’re cooking. Throw chicken breast into a pan on low and then proceed to organise a cupboard for 10 minutes, do the laundry, plans holiday etc. If you need to do that, just make something that doesn’t require attention. Always ends up with under/over/poorly cooked food

>> No.19209180

If wagie cooked food satisfies you you're a cooklet and tastelet

>> No.19209187

No it's just that Hispanic has nothing to do with race. An indio from the Bolivian mountains, an Puertorican mulatto and a white Argentinian are all "Hispanic", it's a geographic/cultural label, not an ethnicity

>> No.19209193

they start threads on /ck/

>> No.19209196

They dont taste the food while cooking

>> No.19209248

Good luck making pancakes with it

>> No.19209251

not him but i literally made banana blueberry pancakes in my cast iron yesterday

>> No.19209253

The biggest red flag is if they have boxed products and the words "added sugar" is the norm in their pantry

>> No.19209265

They post on /ck/

>> No.19209281

>easier to clean
how could it POSSIBLY be easier to clean
please give a short description of the cleaning process you use for both pans

>> No.19209297

they post here

>> No.19209313

I'm white but me and my Caribbean gf learned how to cook together, find a woman with some spice and your food will follow suit.

After 5 years I'm the better cook out of the two of us (had more experience, cooked for her while she grinded through college) and we take turns but I do the lions share of the cooking because it makes me happy after a long day at work.

>> No.19209386

>who the fuck uses non-stick pans these days
Everyone normal.

>> No.19209389

Are you a contrarian or do you not have any friends?

>> No.19209403
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Only in bizarro world, monkey. Meanwhile, where are the popular nigger cuisines? Don't exist cuz bad.

>> No.19209420

people really sleep on german food

>> No.19209421

South poomericans are not hispanic. They're a metastasis on this world and funny enough their racial grouping have a similar sounding to that.
And corn.

>> No.19209447

>>white people love her because they think she's white
nah, i love her because she's a. objectively correct about seasoning and b. a solid 7.5/10 wifeable baddie

>> No.19209548

I quite like Ehtiopian cuisine but that's all I can think of. Egypt too but they don't count.

>> No.19209602

their food tastes bad

>> No.19209617

>eats out for lunch

>> No.19209935

Post on /ck/

>> No.19209963

Lmao you just outed yourself as a nonstick cooklet.

>> No.19210026

>store bought sauces
>no scale
>no timer
>doesn't speak French or Italian
>[insert garbage here] is easy once in a while and the kids like it
>using cast iron without enamel
>not being able to spell aluminium correctly
>knows fuck all about beer and wine
>can't multitask
>knows fuck all about cheese
>thinks Jamie Oliver, Julia Child, Nigella Lawson, Yotam Ottolenghi or Jacques Pépin show you how to properly cook
>has a dirty chopping board
>uses several chopping boards because hygiene
>lets his knives/towels linger around, preferably together
>doesn't know what mise en place is
>blames others when things go wrong

>> No.19210074

The more honest view is how the mixed kids see you. If they view you as A, you’re A.

P.S. idky I feel like a kid even though I’m 25, so i view others around my age like kids as well.

>> No.19210222

I think if a person doesn't generally eat in a culturally cohesive way it shows they lively never were taught or took interest growing up. White men who eat beans. Indians who don't make curry. Another is people who say they can cook. Greasing generally is a bad sign.

>> No.19210231

Normal? You mean people who can't cook, which is most people? Right. Those are the dumbasses using non stick.

>> No.19210235

Moroccan food is fuckin great, so is Liberian food. Sorry to hear you're a tastelet.

>> No.19210242

Well yeah it's all so heavy and rich that you tend to fall asleep after you eat it. I love German food but it's all within a similar wheelhouse when it comes to taste.

>> No.19210289

Just because those countries are in Africa doesnt mean they are niggers, anon.

>> No.19210302

fr, i thought thanks to the recent cleopatra blackwashing scandal everyone was finally made aware that northern africa (aka the good part that actually contributed to humanity) was basically arab or greek

>> No.19210333

My Irish fiancé informed me that she was "no Betty Crocker." I had already noticed my lady placing the oatmeal packet in the refrigerator and the milk in the cupboard. Once she added the canned spaghetti sauce to boiling water and put the dry pasta on simmer, I realized that only one us could serve as household chef.

My wife sure is beautiful though and I am a happy man.

>> No.19210348

It's my gf and I... ask me how I know you're not white or even have a gf

>> No.19210352

Bruh that saves time. And not everyone who can cook is a good baker

>> No.19210850

Sure, what gave away my obvious facade anon?

>> No.19211045

1. Lots of people don't consider Iberians to be white. I personally don't care either way, but it is a real observable viewpoint.
2. Either way, it's still a redskin mixture. Baby ain't white unless both parents are confirmed to be 100% white. White people don't just appear out of thin air.

>> No.19211052

When I met my husband he was a great chef. Edgy, interesting guy full of energy. Now we are married and he never cooks, is depressed all the time and just generally annoying. He’s stomping around the house right now looking for some vape pen being obnoxious. I miss the man he used to be.

>> No.19211056

Mexicans are white

>> No.19211069

What is Saudi Arabian cuisine?

>> No.19211078

They make rice with everything

>> No.19211084

Bullshit those eggs stick like glue to that pan

>> No.19211105


>> No.19211115

not him but a lot of people dont know how to type properly or formally because its not really taught in the west, only basic english is taught. not formal writing or anything.

>> No.19211121

your shitty english, but a lot of people have shitty english even after university, so its not biggie

>> No.19211123

hes like this becausae hes married to you, marriage lowers a man's testosterone and lowtestosterone levels are linked to depression. also, you are fat and ugly. and you will never be a woman.

>> No.19211221


At the grocery store if I notice your produce doesn't make up the majority of your food items then I know you don't cook well

>> No.19211229

(lack of) knife skills

>> No.19211232

if they white

>> No.19211293
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this piece of shit

>> No.19211310

>where are the popular nigger cuisines?
Italian cuisine is literally #1 on your list

>> No.19211341

>What's a telltale sign that a person can't cook?
squashes burgers while they are cooking them
flips steaks with a fork
uses wine, or beer.
spaghetti in any form
needs a recipe to make lasagna, or tamales.
makes mashed potatoes with nothing but potatoes.
over cooks scrambled eggs.

>> No.19211359

oh NOES they used
and garlic


>> No.19211364

kek fpbp

>> No.19211378

You seem like a real cunt.

>> No.19211428

Fucking hilarious joke.................

>> No.19211533

Any time I see these hipster food trucks and glance at the prices, I am made instantly aware of how much more wallet-conscious I should be with my food spending. I definitely make mistakes throughout life, but not at these faggot stops that sell some of the most poorly prepared and poorly flavored foods for more than triple the price of their contemporaries.

>> No.19211558

They tell you a story about not being able to cook

>> No.19211577

>every country prefers its own food except Norway
Why is that?

>> No.19211581

Italians arn't white?

>> No.19212264

>>every country prefers its own food except Norway
Too intelligent to delude themselves into thinking their food isn't shit

>> No.19212269

Whites descend from patrilineal lines dumbass.

>> No.19212276

they do prefer their own food you just read the chart incorrectly

>> No.19212287

not being able to cook meat/eggs/rice consistently

>> No.19212299

jealous bulbasaurs detected

>> No.19212399

No the chart says they prefer Italian and Mexican food

>> No.19212449

If you bought it from a store you didn’t make it “from scratch” you disingenuous cunt. Quit pretending.

>> No.19212451

This. Professional chefs fucking suck at their job. Only someone who doesn’t get paid to cook is good at it!

>> No.19212897

I hate to break it to you brother but I wasn't lying on my original post, shitty grammar aside it was authentic. What's difficult to believe about it anyway? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.19212998

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.19213054

Holy crap. I've been buying it for years, and I just now realized the i. guess I'm a retard.

>> No.19213092
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>> No.19213119
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Mass-produced pisswater, just as bad as Chudweiser

Try drinking a locally brewed IPA and support local business like a grown-up.

>> No.19213172

Aluminum spelling predates aluminium retard

>> No.19213431

All my life I thought I hated beer until I actually drank something that wasn't an international super bowl advertising slop brand. It's night and day, legitimately doesn't even taste like the same type of beverage. They should have legal protection over that shit like they do for dijon mustard and stuff.

>> No.19213436

Negra modelo is actually pretty good but the especial is basically just Mexican Budweiser

>> No.19213442

Hiding this thread because I'm sick of this guy's fucking face in your image.

>> No.19213446

One drop rule. If Obama was black she is mexican.

>> No.19215237

it is a grueling sisyphean task but you just gotta grin and bear it.

>> No.19215243

>Has Teflon pans with plastic handles
>Kitchen knives dull as fuck
>Uses dull kitchen knives in the most painfully retarded manner
Anyone with dull knives doesn't know how to cook because it shows they don't make food for themselves very often. I keep my knives sharp because I use them almost everyday and making actual food 5-6 nights a week for years end has my prep skills high/fast.

>> No.19215269

That’s my favorite second option

>> No.19215276

Never using high heat.

>> No.19215493

It's taught at home. In proper homes.

>> No.19215748

I've made pancakes on an unseasoned cast iron griddle and had zero issues. Primitive people cook similar things on heated rocks even, it doesn't matter.

>> No.19215776

>several chopping boards
why does this make me a bad food cooker?

>> No.19215779

White people can only be born from a white womb.

>> No.19216059

Dey don't eat all da monkey
Dah head dah beat part
Eyeballs pop harduh than my sista twerks

>> No.19216082

>marrying a worthless woman

>> No.19216134
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>> No.19216260

My only nonstick is a tiny frying pan that's perfect for one or two eggs.

>> No.19216804

All it took was two words for him to start sperging out. A mentality so weak it's kind of admirable

>> No.19217152


>> No.19217231

Fecal matter from an instagram model