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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 123 KB, 1200x879, happy-five-guys-employees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19205557 No.19205557 [Reply] [Original]

Hey all, I an going to a chain called Five Guys today. I always heard it was pricy but my normal 20% off is in a double days till tommorow so I will get 40% off. What should I order. Is there anything I should know before I order? I don't mind Five Guys but I'd prefer Five Preteen Girls know what I mean? Nudge nudge wink wink say no more.

>> No.19205573
File: 24 KB, 359x377, 1682516012097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19205581

cup of water and some bbq sauce packets

>> No.19205580

More like five sacks of bullshit.
Who in their right mind would go to a scumwhole place like and stand in line? Those are the shits that stand in line for starbucks coffee just to be seen, pathetic weirdos.

>> No.19205582

They used to be a decent cheap burger chain but their prices now are bonkers and the burgers haven't gotten better
Their fries are good though

>> No.19205586

A creepy weirdo like that is going to get his head kicked in to next Tuesday.

>> No.19205588
File: 439 KB, 828x698, five_guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19205592

Just dont eat the desiccant packets.

>> No.19205596

Do people really pay for the sloppy shit and to be around weirdos like that photo implys?

>> No.19205600

Their regular burger is actually a double. Their little burgers have a single patty. It's all greasy as hell and overpriced for some bullshit slop, but it is what it is I suppose.

>> No.19205776
File: 7 KB, 211x159, 1682515551544579_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you say to her?

>> No.19205860
File: 45 KB, 591x1000, 71D73KtMttL._AC_UY1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have called it five preteen girls.

>> No.19205899

AKA McDonalds for fuckwits

>> No.19205962
File: 290 KB, 873x1200, c250110af638d274d2427123f7c15bbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean for people who want higher quality.

>> No.19206242

I like Their food Much better Than Steak and Shake or something Like McDonalds Or burger King.

>> No.19206252

Fourth post best post.

>> No.19206287

The portions of fries are really big. a large fries is like a whole bag

>> No.19206430

So I should order a small fries. OK.

>> No.19206442

Double bacon cheeseburger with
light mayo
tomato (optional)
green pepper
grilled mushroom
grilled onion

>> No.19206450

They do good hot dogs.

>> No.19206504


You don't go to a restaurant to eat a hot dog. You can get hot dogs from the grocery. Hell, you don't even have to cook them. You go to get burgers that take some work.

>> No.19207292

is it just me or is every one of these people fucking ugly except the one 4.5/10 girl

>> No.19207377

They do make a good dog, tho. I mean, you gotta admit.

>> No.19207652

They should call you 850 pounds had to hang himself with a chain that could support five regular guys

>> No.19207671

Nah they're pretty bad and I say this as a big fan of the good old hotdogger, my nigger.

>> No.19207685
File: 24 KB, 116x115, 1666177884781245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys actually dislike Five Guts? Or is this some sort of meme I'm missing? I love Five Guys.

>> No.19207709

Fuck off anti.

>> No.19207721

Kill yourself

>> No.19207739

Lol did you just confirm that you're jewish you child molesting shitbag? Every fucking time.

>> No.19207802

there are a lot more than 5 guys there
and i think some of those arent even guys

>> No.19207805

Literally only helpful post ITT.

>> No.19207813

You should avoid that shit at all cost or be paying out your nose like some west coast faggot. Ir should be rename five shits. Why are most of them wearing red like some weird cultists?

>> No.19207816

it's not any better than the cheap cookout garbage my mormon neighborhood would serve up at the 4th of july get together. a boomer with next to zero experience on the grill with pre-frozen patties can make the same shit for $14 less.

>> No.19207817

Do those cult freaks wear sketchers and vans?

>> No.19207823

"pre-frozen?" WTF does that even mean?

>> No.19208062

Fuck off anti.

>> No.19208074

Quad 5 would’ve been epic now this thread is le epic fail wink wink nom sayin

>> No.19208101

Say no more say no more.

>> No.19208108

whatever, pre-made and frozen shit patties. you get what i mean. 40ct hamburger patties in a big plastic sleeve you don't even bother to defrost before they get tossed on the grill.

>> No.19208213

That's pretty creepy, only little kids who need school food need that shit.

>> No.19208215

Are you some kind of negro that licks paint chips?

>> No.19208218

Double all dressed cheeseburger
Large cajun fries

>> No.19208223

How much did that cost?
And why are you a fat cunt?

>> No.19208231

Haven't been there in years but I'm guessing its $20. If you gonna go all out those are the best items

>> No.19208271
File: 275 KB, 680x680, burgersleeve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've never seen this shit? big neighborhood cookout in a rich neighborhood and this shit was bought in bulk. like a 50-100 bags of this, if not more. not saying i'm a fan or anything, just saying this is the quality of a five guys burger. meaning super mediocre.

>> No.19208281
File: 68 KB, 1200x1387, MV5BNzM1YTVlNzItMTNmNC00ZWQ1LWJhMDQtODI4N2QwYzU0YTEyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget about the ethnically questionable practices of video game news outlets

>> No.19208711

you sound rich and deceitful

>> No.19208733

would take sns, a whopper or big mac over this anyday.

>> No.19208798

what about five girls?

bigoted restaurant

>> No.19210083

*preteen girls

OP here. Report time. So I went there and literally everyone was super happy and joking around. I bought a bacon cheeseburger with everything and a little freedom fry and something odd happened. I was about to pay when the device asked for a tip. Tipping in a fast food joint and I haven't even been served yet? That's the craziest thing I've seen in months. So yeah of course no tip before I even get served wtf is with that?

I got peanuts too which is nice. Finally got my number called and got my food. Burger was big with all the toppings, freedom fry was kinda small like a jr. size but whatever, the worst thing was they didn't have any malt vinegar at all which sucked and the frys were limp and soggy. I thought they were done in peanut oil and crispy. Burger was fine. Big and filling but totally brown and fully cooked which is not so good. I prefer medium rare. I should have specified. I saw a black there that ran in, picked up an order and ran out. So I don't know what was up with that. The place was clean except for some peanut shells on the ground. I guess it was fine. Not worth it if I had to pay full price. I could have got a tbone and two sides for what I paid at the local diner.

>> No.19210644


I never tip.


>> No.19212442


>> No.19212477
File: 349 KB, 1600x1066, Five-Guys-Bacon-Cheesburger-2556569521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the specific restaurant I go to bad or are Five Guys burgers flavorless? I took a bite out of the patty alone and really tried to feel the taste but it just tastes like fat. I also tried to taste the grilled onions and could barely taste anything. The only way I found to make the burgers taste like anything is to get them with bacon and BBQ sauce which has a strong taste. Also the bread is all mushy.

If the specific restauraunt isn't an outlier I have no idea how they became such a huge chain. I went there several times just because I have no better options where I live but how would they be so popular in america where you got like 100 different fast food chains?

>> No.19212487

Who the fuck in their right mind buys into these shitholes?

>> No.19212491

These five guy cunts would have to pay me to go to one of their shitholes.