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19202408 No.19202408 [Reply] [Original]

>look fast food unhealthy
what did he actually mean by this film? was it just self-indulgent wank?

>> No.19202411

its all complete bullshit
ITS BALONEY! watch that instead its much better.

>> No.19202414

don't ask us, ask the archives

>> No.19202433

probably just an excuse to get drunk and eat mcdonalds everyday

>> No.19202445

Wasn't there multiple people who lost weight while eating at Mcdonalds?

>> No.19202444

>Spurlock's supervising physicians noted the effects caused by his high-calorie diet—once even comparing it to a case of severe binge alcoholism. Following Spurlock's December 2017 assertion that he hadn't been "sober for more than a week" in three decades, the claims of his liver dysfunction being caused by eating McDonald's food solely for 30 days have been called into question.

>> No.19202453

No, those people don't count because they ate reasonable portions and didn't guzzle down an extra large soda and fries with every meal

>> No.19202464


>> No.19202469

You can lose weight eating nothing but doritos and marshmallow peeps if you eat very few of them.
The point is more that a diet of what McDonalds expects you to order (including saying yes to the supersize option) causes you to become visibly, medically American.

>> No.19202471

>acquiescing to every upsell is normal
I know euros are timid but come on, have some self respect

>> No.19202477

>I know euros are timid
>he doesnt know most euros would say "thats not what i fucking asked for is it?"

>> No.19202481

apparently they wouldn't, since they think you have to purchase the higher-profit-margin items suggested by the wagie every time

>> No.19202484

>what McDonalds expects you to order (including saying yes to the supersize option)
You are the kind of person who stays on the phone with telemarketers because they insist it'll only take a little bit of time to hear their sales pitch

>> No.19202485

rent free i guess?

>> No.19202489

Supersize used to cost something like 50 cents more. You 3rd worlders have never seen that much food in your life.

>> No.19202547

This is the biggest crock of shit "documentary" ever made. Everyone fucking knows McDonalds is bad for you. This was a shameless cash grab that was piggybacking off the health food craze at the time and people just wanted to be told something they already knew to further justify the superiority they felt in "eating healthy". Spurlock is a fucking scam artist. Of course eating nothing but McDonalds will cause negative health repercussions. But also if you eat nothing but oatmeal and kale for 30 days you'll fucking be unhealthy too. Also Spurlock is a fucking alcoholic and was vegetarian prior to switching to the super-sized diet. Turns out that dramatically shifting a diet will also fuck you up regardless of what kind of food you're switching to.

>> No.19202725

>You 3rd worlders have never seen that much food in your life.
But it was sold in the US...

>> No.19202783

yeah im also confused by what the fuck he meant aswell anon

>> No.19202800

He knows its all a scam. He knows it, and he hates himself for it, even though hes rich.
He always has to lie and he asks himself at night, if the money was worth it.

>> No.19202937

Not even that, originally with the dino size they did during the Jurassic Park release it was like 30 cents of something.

>> No.19202946


>> No.19202968

He also never published his food logs which proves he is a fraud

>> No.19202972

>"Would you like to supersize?"

>> No.19202988
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he got rid of my biggie fries
but it's okay because wendys fries suck now after they changed to the 'natural cut' shit

>> No.19203020

>pretentious drunkard gets fatty liver disease
>makes a "documentary" stuffing his face with mickey d's and shifts all blame onto le evib corporations
Bullshit propaganda movie is stupid bullshit propaganda.

>> No.19203024

Also why didn't he order a salad? It's on the menu. There is nothing stopping him from ordering a salad and he has no one to blame but himself for eating actual trash when he established the only requirement for this 'experiment' was he could only eat things on the McDonald's menu.

>> No.19203037

Salad postdated Super Size Me, I believe
so did fresh apple slices fyi

>> No.19203074

No, Salad was on the menu.

>> No.19203099

It was to brainwash kids in health class into thinking it's ok to eat fast food, the entire premise is that he's fine as long as he exercises. They played this in multiple health classes throughout my childhood.

>> No.19203111

>I love eating cleaning products and polysorbate 60 it just tastes so good

Imagine shilling for a company that sells literal poison but could easily replace their chemicals and pufa oils with beef tallow and the natural products that made them great in the first place.

>> No.19203289

>suddenly starts gorging himself full of McDonalds
>gets sick
>McDonald poison !?!????

>> No.19203299

Don't defend this movie.
Don't defend fucking mcdonalds either.
Simple as.

>> No.19203322

>alcoholic does a fake documentary to pretend fast food is the problem and not his constant chugging of hard liquor
>every fast food chain kills off the supersize option as a pr move after the grift worked
>now fast food costs more than a restaurant

>> No.19203336

Everyone forgets his stupid obsession with that lawsuit where the sisters sued McDonald's for making them fat. What did he want McDonald's to do, advertise their products like the alcohol industry does? Not like that stopped him anyway

>> No.19203348

He needed money for cocaine and vodka

>> No.19203625
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I will defend the Big Macs though

>> No.19203649

Hard liquor does not have high caloric content

>> No.19204196

if you're an alcoholic, even liquor calories add up quick.

>> No.19206113

quitting alcohol with no other corresponding changes in my life caused me to lose 40 pounds

>> No.19206150

Getting Salad from McDonald's is like asking for a hug from a hooker

>> No.19206208

Could this doc have marked the beginning of the age of the professional grifter, at least in the video/documentary sense? It certainly seems to have demarcated some sort of shift. I mean, EVERYbody talked about this doc for years in ways they didn't any other.

>> No.19206599

All it taught me is the food isn't horrible for you if you aren't retarded and big macs alone actually aren't bad

>> No.19206680
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Some Mcd's have good salad
When I was in Frankfurt I swapped my fries for a big deli bowl of salad for no extra charge, and honesly I felt it was a better deal

>> No.19206869

Get one in the states and all you get is wilted lettuce and shame for an extra $2

>> No.19207743

At least he redeemed himself with his second docmentary about the evils of big chicken

>> No.19207853

Literally all vegans fault funny enough.

>> No.19207863

The average shot is around 90-100 calories. Hardcore alcoholics drink a fifth a day, which is about 15 shots.

>> No.19208128

probably fucked as well, just we don't know it yet

>> No.19208929

I had a bic Mac yesterday for the first time in like 3 years. Did they change something? It seemed worse than I remember. In the US

>> No.19209212

The outside of the bun had a minor texture change, that's all. Maybe you grew up.

>> No.19209219
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this guy ate 2 big macs everyday for 50 years and he ain't fat

>> No.19209289

You went on a bad day.
Now if he'd only get a better haircut he'd be a normal guy. I wonder if he still has receipts from the 80s/90s to see how low the price was

>> No.19209379

The funniest thing was that he didn't have to come out as an alcoholic. He did it out of his own volition

>> No.19209397

I mean yeah, mcdonalds is in no way GOOD for your body but it's not what's gonna make you fat unless you go for the sugary drinks and deserts.

>> No.19209406

The french fries, the sodas and the desserts (duh) are high in calories. If you eat a big mac and a side salad (or a similar low calorie side) for lunch with water you aren't going to gain weight if the rest of your diet is in balance. Hell, you could eat a second big mac for dinner with some fries and still have around 500-700 calories left to eat depending on how active you are.

>> No.19209411

based literal retards

>> No.19209414

Yeah but you're still way better off not eating mcdonalds.
It IS still highly processed chemically enhanced slop. But you wont die tomorrow or even in 30 years if you eat a mcheeseburger avery day

>> No.19209781

The chicken one was a lot less antagonistic towards companies, and more about regulations in place in America. Tyson of course, got plenty of screen time, but all in all, it was a pretty good documentary without much fear mongering

>> No.19211641

>Now if he'd only get a better haircut
I think the haircut is keeping him alive. Death looks at him, gets a laugh, and decides he'll let him go on just a bit longer.

>> No.19212554
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