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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 159 KB, 1080x492, Screenshot_20230424-164710_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19200056 No.19200056 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think is the best way to prepare human meat? I imagine you'd need to go low and slow kind of like pork shoulder.

>> No.19200060

Why is Haiti so savage but Dominican so relatively nice

>> No.19200061

you only eat human butts and only if they're less than 10 years old. don't eat decade old meat, ever

>> No.19200062

cutting your enemy's still-beating heart from their chest and taking a bite from it like an apple to gain their strength

>> No.19200066

osso buco

>> No.19200069

the gram?

>> No.19200109 [DELETED] 

>france maid haiti
>spain made dominican republic
there are a few more details, but thats the gist of it

>> No.19200115

They're cannibalizing people in front of their grandmas.

>> No.19200118

the grammies. i believe it's a music award show.

>> No.19200119

This cant be. I was assured by late night funnyman that Haiti is a wonderful place and not a quote "shithole"

>> No.19200128

Dumb burgerbrain, you fat fucks don't even know the basic unit of weight measurement in the metric system, probably because you measure weight by whether or not 2 of you could use a lift simultaneously.

>> No.19200147

For instagram likes

>> No.19200179

Then it should be by the gram not for the gram. We know what grams are.

The sentence doesn't make sense. No one in such a dire situation as to resort to cannibalism is going to measure out grams of meat, they'll just hack pieces off with a machete or cleaver or something. Maybe you'd measure it if you were to sell the meat but this tweet doesn't mention selling.

>> No.19200182


>> No.19200187

Wtf I thought Haiti wasn’t a shithole CNN and Conan O’Brien said so!!!

>> No.19200188

i agree with the septic, when i read it i thought they where buying human meat with grams of drugs like the "the gram" was some pseudonym

>> No.19200196

the same way you prepare every meat. heat olive oil in a pan, put a bunch of salt and pepper on the meat and then put it in the pan, throw some butter in there and just flip it around til it seems cooked

>> No.19200201

For me, it's sous vide tittymeat.

>> No.19200205

Both countries have them the question still stands

>> No.19200209

>Both countries have them
they forced themselves in but originated from haiti

>> No.19200225

but muh difference in culture

>> No.19200232

Haiti killed all the whites and France basically slapped them with a massive bill for their rebellion which reverberated through several centuries. Dominican Republic kept their European influence and in return had much more stability, infrastructure, agricultural know-how, and didn't have a crippling debt and stigma of a massive white killing chimpout which allowed for actual commerce and trade.

>> No.19200238

Sounds like Aruba. God that Dutch Pancake House on the island is so good. I wonder if it's still there it's been 10 years.

>> No.19200249

If the human is wiry and low in body fat like a lot of male Haitian workers I've seen, the meat is probably tough and would benefit from braising.

If they're higher in body fat, a lot of fat will drain out during cooking. You'll have to pay attention to butchering and remove excess fat and silverskin using a very sharp knife. Roasting would probably be a good idea, but you need to keep an eye on it and remove the fat from time to time with a big spoon or turkey baster. That said, in a starvation situation, the raw fat and brain may be quite appealing.

>> No.19200264

Look at a picture of their border for a hearty kek

>> No.19200274
File: 216 KB, 1033x1280, Haiti-DR-border-dry-side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19200279
File: 334 KB, 1080x801, Screenshot_20230424_205601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Bobby Trujillo pulling the good old parsley shibboleth for Haitians trying to border hop.

>> No.19200302

I mean DR is better but it can be unsafe in a lot of areas too

>> No.19200327

Why doesn't someone try to reforest Haiti? I mean, Africa is building a green wall so Haiti should be able to do it. You could send Mormons or something to help, they like sending their kids on mission trips. You could focus on planting a mix of native plants and also plants that produce edible fruit.

>> No.19200337

They would immediately be cut back down to make a quick buck from the charcoal. The people there are savages with no self control.

>> No.19200341

>Dominican so relatively nice
'avin' a giggle, m8?

>> No.19200343

Believe me I know that "relatively" is doing the heavy lifting in that sentence anon.

>> No.19200349

>Then it should be by the gram not for the gram
haitians practice voodoo.
it is evil.
they are getting their just desserts.

>> No.19200355

I have it saved somewhere, about those "improve africa" things. A guy writes about how helpless africans are. They get shown how to grow, rotate crops, get a bigger bounty, their fruit and stuff can be sold for a bigger profit, and the africans love it. The helpers leave, and they go right back to their old ways because it's easier.

>> No.19200363
File: 519 KB, 1200x798, 8A4BD47D-4748-43B9-AD59-FD46FE74ACD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it like a pot roast. Carrots, potatoes, meat, in crockpot

>> No.19200381

So why not guard the trees and Mormons with Haitians with AK47s and then pay them more than they'd make from charcoal. Then send a steady stream of replacement Mormons until the place is nice enough that the Haitians would rather not shit it all up, so they're not just left alone to destroy things?

I think I've read that before. One of the problems is that they can't fix things. You can set up a water treatment plant for example but when it breaks they have no way to source replacement parts. So you have to plan a supply chain and a way to communicate and not just abandon them.

>> No.19200382

I know exactly what you're referencing, the Africans refused to spend money on fertilizer and instead bought stuff to show off, gave the rest of the money to friends and family and tribe leaders, and the yield the following year was back down to pre missionary levels and everyone was still dirt poor and blamed the white people for the bad crop season

>> No.19200391

>give me plow and harvester now
>no, prove you can use the fertilizer to improve your yields first and then reinvest the profits back into your enterprise
>fuck you I'll beg a different org for gibs
I've seen it, from the ex peace corps guy.

>> No.19200397
File: 352 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230424_222336_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so i googled this and it predicted haiti cannabilism instagram pretty quickly but nothing about it showed up on google
What gives?

>> No.19200401

that would be helping a people who don't want to thrive. those mormons will be more effective trying to help elsewhere that will learn and adapt, to improve.
if the people they tried and failed are fine with the minimum, that's not their responsibility. as i understand it mormons are religious and I think the phrase "god helps them who help themselves" could apply, but that could be for a different religion who didn't go into those helpless villages and try

>> No.19200403
File: 46 KB, 680x383, 7ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19200440

I would imagine instagram deletes that stuff right away I also would imagine they wouldn't name it literally cannibalism. What do they speak? French? Search French terms maybe you will have better luck

>> No.19200464

I was looking more for like news or tweets about it .. i dont really want to see it

>> No.19200484

That’s racist anon

>> No.19200496

Son I have been watching terrorist beheading videos on the internet since 2002. That shit gives you character and redpills you to how shit the world is. You would be better off seeing it.

>> No.19200503

long pig recipes
UMA delecticia

>> No.19200514

And not funny.

>> No.19200519

it really just lowers your quality of life. if I go back and be blissfully ignorant my entire life I'd do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.19200534

I remember seeing that Daniel Pearl beheading video back in middle school. Good times.

>> No.19200537

being desensitiesed to gory shit isnt that bad, i rememeber when SAW came out and i refused to sleep at a freinds because i hated gore but now i can see anything and feel nothing
the worst part is the politics. yeah you can switch a video off, but you cant stop a war by pressing X.

>> No.19200540

I showed that video to everyone at my job including this literal mentally handicapped retard we were forced to take in who moved heavy boxes for us and he had a meltdown after watching it and never came back.

>> No.19200546

i get what he means. i accidentally remember bullshit i watched that will have no bearing on my life beyond being on /b/ back then. a mouse having his penis snipped with scissors and the immediate torturus reaction. it's under 3mb in a .gif but it will stay with me for life
it was just posted at random, couldn't say the thread topic

>> No.19200664
File: 1.66 MB, 2000x1500, haiti_dominicanrepublic_border.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guess which side is Haiti and which side is Dominican Republic? It's no secret most people in the Caribbean believe Haiti is literally and unironically cursed ground tainted by the voodoo rituals they performed before revolting.

>> No.19200678

i almost believe it looking at that picture

>> No.19200679

You're right anon. Nothing good comes from watching gore videos, the media you consume has a real impact on your mental health

>> No.19200699

Not trusting anybody tasteless enough to put "Dr." in his Twitter name of all things.

>> No.19200733
File: 285 KB, 875x1125, 1447635845814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not that different.

>> No.19200741

Why not Apartheid?

>> No.19200873

How do they even keep the other side from being cut down? I dont see any border fence or anything.

>> No.19200893


>> No.19200904

not him, but I'm from DR, it's very safe as long as you know spanish

>> No.19200907

Why do you think sending a bunch of 18 year olds will fix anything?

>> No.19200962

>but that could be for a different religion

Aesops fables actually

>> No.19201498
File: 225 KB, 900x1200, 1680560160315698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people have diseases. I don't want to get herpes from thot rump roast or aids from nigger soup.
I would be very, very choosy about who I would be eating. Probably end up stewing or slow roasting most or it, although I would like to try the heart barbecued like a beef heart.

>> No.19201792
File: 24 KB, 500x404, BandW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Haiti so savage but Dominican so relatively nice

>> No.19201825

Just let the 4channer retards believe every fucking twitter screenshot they see. Think of them as rightoid tumblerites and it'll all make sense.

>> No.19201962

I guess i found it curious that the predicitve text guessed it right away while the actual search yielded absolutely nothing
But im a technology inept boomer at this point it probably doesnt work how i think it works anymore

>> No.19201969

Stop being racist /pol/

>> No.19201976
File: 187 KB, 636x278, Screenshot 2023-03-11 190929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if we're being honest, roasted (given the texture of how it's described by cannibals) really, you shouldn't eat any parts except for the meat on the rib cage, the calves and the hips, and you can use a nice ginger sauce to pour over top, to give a nice contrast in the flavor.

>> No.19201984

A bunch of people saw that screenshot and typed that text into google, now it's considered viral/relevant and will "boost it" so it'll suggest it for you.