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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19197570 No.19197570 [Reply] [Original]

In the Harvard Business Review, researcher Eddie Yoon shares data he’s gathered over two decades working as a consultant for consumer packaged goods companies. Early in Yoon’s career, he conducted a survey that determined that Americans fell into one of three groups:
15 percent said they love to cook
50 percent said they hate to cook
35 percent are ambivalent about cooking

To all of you who are the elite 15% who cook at home. Why do you guys cook for yourselves?

>> No.19197575

I need my food custom tailored to myself. My tastes and nutritional needs. Simple as

>> No.19197580

I just like it idk. Ive liked cooking since i was a kid

>> No.19197584

>bla bla bla useless stats
>why do you cook?
to eat

>> No.19197594

I like to be good at things. To be good at things requires practice. I need to eat like twice a day.

>> No.19198242

>it's costing them thousands each year
why is that anybody's business but theirs?

>> No.19198270

I cook at home
Mostly normal stuff like veggies, meat, and grains

>> No.19198281

>Why do you guys cook for yourselves?
it's a hobby, just like painting things, drawning things or writing things, i take raw ingredients and turn it into something good to eat, it's might not be good enough to live of it ( mosly because working in a kitchen is close to a pit of hell) but i just enjoy doing it

oh and i have various eating disorder so cooking thing is a way to have control over what i eat

>> No.19198298

Like I trust anything someone named yoon says about Americans.

>> No.19198299

Primarily, I enjoy having as much control over my nutritional intake as can reasonably be achieved. I also appreciate the creative opportunities and therapeutic qualities i find in cooking.

>> No.19198309

I don't know I cook cause you gotta eat, funny thing about us the whole food thing

>> No.19198314

Enjoy cooking. Hate washing dishes.

>> No.19198318
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I cook this

>> No.19198320
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I cook that

>> No.19198323
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Sometimes a lil of this

>> No.19198329

the frozen/fast food industry spent billions trying to convince gen x that only women can cook

>> No.19198330
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Sometimes a lil of that

>> No.19198339

and ubereats and doordash is spending trillion to convince zoomers that you don't need to cook anymore.

>> No.19198342
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OMG what a conspiracy!
Did it work?

>> No.19198349

Zoomers are fucking lazy and will eat cardboard and tweet about how great it is to convince each other
lemmings off a cliff

>> No.19198355

I'd cook more if I wasn't a lonely fuck. I can cook, I can bake, make pastries and stuff, I got back to an empty home every day after a day of physical work. I don't feel like cooking. Sometimes I just forego eating because I feel too much like shit to even go out to get food.

>> No.19198366

My new thing is I’ll meal prep two different meal days at once, so my next two weeks of eating get alternated every 2 days, so I don’t get bored of it. A normal meal day for me now is I’ll have something kind of unhealthy but really good for dinner, like a calzone or lo mein(I track my nutrition so I’m still in a calorie deficit), lunch will be a salad, and then depending on how big those two meals were, breakfast will be baked oatmeal or eggs. In between I’ll have fruit and a protein shake.

>> No.19198374

Get a crock pot tons of recipes, turn it on before you go to work come home diner is ready
I did roofing most of my life and this kind of cooking saved me never ever wanted to cook when I got home just drink a beer and take a shower
crock pots are the shit

>> No.19198386

Why do i cook for myself
>tastes better
>restaurants only have a small variety of dishes where I live
>can use seasonings I want
>don't have to drive anywhere
>venison is illegal to sell

crock pot anon

>> No.19198400

I heard on state radio they were talking about $600k+ condos being built without kitchens because
>lol who needs a stove? amirite?
I think it might have been what pushed me over the edge into full blown prepperdom

>> No.19198417


I dont work a lot, I am cheap, and i have the free time to cook.

ive noticed my friends who dont like cooking are walmart convienence american types who work 9-5 types and just pay other to do everything for them

thats not to say i dont have 9 to 5 friends who dont enjoy cooking, but those are usually the productive types, not the tv + doomscroll types

>> No.19198433

every year i go to a bum camp in the desert and cook a massive amount of free food. ill usually end up having to buy meat and tortillas on ebt (people will also hand me over their ebt card for store runs), but all the other shit is plentiful from the food banks. sometimes when its a massive fucking meal, ill start outsourcing some of the cooking labor to some of the ohther good cooks at camp, its super fucking fun!
most times well cook for like 15 but sometimes we end up feeding like 50

>> No.19198435

cont... yeah well be cooking through the day and sometimes people will just keep bringing more food to cook and empty out their ~pantries~ for us to cook.

>> No.19198449

I find it fun to try new things and it’s also satisfying to feed others and see them appreciate your food. I don’t like most leftovers so I’ll generally give those out or toss them soon after cooking so I’m definitely not saving money over the long run.

>> No.19198952

>Why do you guys cook for yourselves?
Because the closest fast food joint is 20 minutes away and it's a d*iry qu*en. Also when people tell me my cooking is good it makes me feel fuzzy on the inside

>> No.19198980

I would never NOT have a range sort but unless you're cooking for a family, and let's face it if you're in a condo you don't have one, you can cook anything between an induction cooktop and a Ninja Foodi (or equivalent air fryer/pressure cooker combo) except for whole birds or batches of cookies and pies. If you're someone who is enthusiastic about either you won't live in an apartment without some kind of oven.

>> No.19198987

Thanks for perpetuating the bum problem, faggot.

>> No.19199002

Cooking food is inextricably linked to human progress, it's what took us from hunter gatherers chewing on roots to undisputed masters of our planet. People who cannot cook are less than human.

>> No.19199017

>Why do you guys cook for yourselves?
I learned to cook, because I wanted my food a certain way, and no one else wanted to cook it like I wanted.

>> No.19199021

I just learned the simple pasta carbonara the right way, it's so easy and so damn tasty, especially for a quick meal it definitely outperforms.

Plus I also love selecting quality ingredients for stews which I can eat multiple days, it's a lovely thing to do over the weekend.

>> No.19199041

Because I have to eat, and you can't feed yourself actual "human food" at a reasonable price by eating/ordering out, just overpriced food products.

Food for many people has gone beyond eating for health/sustenance to being a dopamine addiction cycle.

>> No.19199097

I have crippling paranoia and autism. The government actually pays for my food -- over 15 times what I need every month -- but I still waste an absurd amount of time finding the best deals and most cost-efficient foods to purchase in terms of calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals per monetary unit. I do not leave my house, so it all gets purchased from Amazon or Walmart. Everything is either cooked in the microwave or rice cooker, or mixed into a protein/supplement drink.

>> No.19199112
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I enjoy learning and with food and cooking there's always something new to learn
I like eating whole foods and stuff that hasn't been processed alot in general because years ago when I did eat mostly junk food I felt tired all the time
cutting on my costs is obvious though I'm not really worried about saving money. It's more that I get more value out of what I make for myself
Just threw together 2 little chicken and bean burritos for lunch and everything that went into it might have cost me $1 but they were delicious

>> No.19199160

Not that anon but I don't want to add eating sloppa out of a crockpot every day to my already depressing life cycle of work.

>> No.19199167

I mostly eat meat eggs and vegetables. Green vegetables or carrots maybe some parsnips and celery and onions.

>> No.19200742

My local restaurants are rather lackluster, and the better ones are pretentiously overpriced. If I’m in the mood for a gourmet burger I’ll take a weekend afternoon to make the buns and then grill burgers for my family or friends and it costs less than sitting down for a “gourmet burger” experience in a restaurant once I’ve paid for a drink and tip. I also enjoy doing it and think it tastes better.

>> No.19200796

>Thanks for perpetuating the bum problem, faggot.
i am a bum, faggot, that how i afford the time to cook three meals a day and forage free food.

>> No.19200832

Groceries aren't that much more than eating out now.

>> No.19202064
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Its true i just cant imagine paying over $3k a month for a kitchen like this
And if i were an investor i cant imagine it will age well

>> No.19202095

Cooking its easy. Are fatmericans idiots?

>> No.19202117

I initially started cooking to save money but I quickly found it was my only creative outlet. I'm a dull man with no future, few friends (that I might see 3 times a year) and literally no family. But when I'm cooking I'm happy for a brief period, then I eat and I'm happy, so it's keeping me sane

>> No.19202123
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>mfw part of the 15% elite of the country

>> No.19203205

I hate to cook, but I do it every day because I hate eating out even more. If one more waitress tries to guilt trip me into leaving a tip I will commit a crime.

>> No.19203218

Women cook?

>> No.19203260

I like cooking on special occasions for my family, but the endless tedious grind of doing it day in day out just to stay alive is something I could really do without. Going out to eat more than once or twice a month is way too expensive and barely less of a hassle though, so there's no alternative. I tried soylent for a little while, but that will really make you want to kill yourself in short order. I think I'd only really be happy if I was rich enough to have a personal chef

>> No.19203270

Because these retarded Zoomers and Millennials spend $50 for a burger on door dash every night instead and then vote for commies because they think it's all capitalism's fault that they're poor.

>> No.19203292

This article is stupid wrong. 10 years ago Fast food was extremely cheap and affordable along with take out. 12$ for a large pizza at a pizzeria, if you spend 30$ on McDonalds it'd last you an entire month.

As prices increased, you get less food for higher prices, so within the last couple of years is when you'd be wasting money.

>> No.19203295

>ubereats and doordash
These services are way too expensive and a huge waste of money if used regularly. It's literally cheaper to drive.

>> No.19203298

>I heard on state radio they were talking about $600k+ condos being built without kitchens because
Impossible. A good kitchen is what gives a home value, if you remove the kitchen you remove a huge chunk of value.

>> No.19203368

why don't you walk, fatass?

>> No.19203401

the only reason I cook is to save money while eating healthy and tasty

>> No.19203465

I live a 10 hour round trip walk from any store

>> No.19203534

If you actually did walk for 10 hours you wouldn't be so fat

>> No.19203550

Im not fat though

>> No.19203816

>Why do you guys cook for yourselves?
Well, I started out poor, and grew up in a family of cooklets. Which means if I wanted to eat anything not resembling a charcoal briquette, I needed to learn my ass to cook real fast. As soon as I could reach I was grilling meat because fuck black charred hamburgers. I'm talking barely out of elementary school because I was a tall fuck. And turns out if you practice all the time and your dinner depends on it, you get good pretty quick. I wasn't able to really do much in the kitchen, I was woefully under equipped when it came to tools/ingredients at home. So I survived off junk food and pre-made frozen shit as best as possible. Lots of hot dogs, lots and lots of them. Things got better as more money came in and we could eat out more often, but ingredients at home did not improve. I'm talking big tub of margarine bad here.

Then I moved the fuck out. College didn't really provide a good learning environment for cooking, there was plenty of good food for me to get at all hours. So I didn't do a lot here, apart from grilling when I wanted a non-shitty burger or steak.

Once I got a spot to live and started working, THAT is when I got to cooking seriously. Since I was far away from decent restaurants, it was either eat frozen shit or make my own food. So I started training. Since there were no BBQ places nearby, I also got a smoker and started working to replicate Texas BBQ, since I missed it. So I learned cooking over time. Now I can make everything from brisket to seafood chowder.

I do get why people wouldn't want to cook: it's a time sink, there is a lot of tools and techniques, it's hot and uncomfortable, and if you fuck up you lose money. But the rewards are well worth it, if you know what you are doing.

>> No.19203843

I get the climate shills are trying to kill ovens because of natural gas and shit, but that is silly. The fuck are you going to do during the holidays when all the places are closed and you have to cook a ham/turkey? Nuke a microwave meal? Why would any richfag want a poorly equipped kitchen for their private chef?

>> No.19203848

I deeply hate and distrust other people.
I pride myself on being better than 90% of people at everything. Everyone should strive for self-sufficiency.

>> No.19203849


>> No.19203874

I know more dudes my age that cook than women. You ever live in a shitty place and want to impress a girl so you come up with ways to keep her from seeing your place? Same thing but with meals, can't see they don't know how to cook if you eat food made by someone else.

>> No.19203882

Literally no women cook.
Single parents that didn't give a fuck about their kids fed them garbage and didn't teach them anything.

I lucked out that my father was the eldest son and his mother died so he ended up cooking for 5 siblings.

>> No.19203974

rent fucking free

>> No.19203980

You VILL microwave the tofurkey and you VILL be happy.

>> No.19204179

I just steam or bake everything and add a little sauce and salt to it afterwards because I can't be bothered most of the time. The times I try out full recipes are special occasions

>> No.19204219

I'm American and I don't like to cook. I don't like to wake up in the morning either but I'm pretty good at it and do it every day. It was going to cut something out of my life it'd be using the brake pedal on the freeway or breathing.

>> No.19204445

Why do I cook?
>I enjoy it
>it’s cheaper
>can customize to my exact tastes
>no processed ingredients, additives, or pounds of additional fats and sodium restaurants use to amplify their tastes to your average lardass
>there is a primal sense of satisfaction in making a meal and eating it
>triply so if it’s BBQ or smoked food and you tend a fire pit for hours making a rack of ribs or some shit

>> No.19205012

>To all of you who are the elite 15% who cook at home. Why do you guys cook for yourselves?
Well I'm not american but I cook for myself for saving money firstly second because I want to eat what I want to eat. Like yesterday I really wanted Pasta with Buratta, nuts and Colatura, I made it myself for 3€ while if i've would have bought it at a restourant would be like 18€ and all teh trip to finda restournat who can make it. I just cook to myself to prove that I can cook even gourmet stuff, I started cooking as more like way to sustain myself during University/study years, just learn how to cook a egg and some basic red sauce pasta, now I can cook a roast, make gourmet plates, know how to make proper risotto, is really satisfying cooking for yourself and your family especially.

>> No.19205072

I'm ambivalent about cooking, it's just cheaper to cook at home, I just cook to feed myself rather than any joy from cooking. Get home, Put pasta or potatoes on to boil, throw some chicken in the oven, some sauce or veggies in the microwave, go change and shower, 30 minutes later plate food and eat.

>> No.19205086
File: 239 KB, 950x631, 2001McDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To all of you who are the elite 15% who cook at home. Why do you guys cook for yourselves?
Healthier, cheaper, tastes better than the food at most restaurants.

>if you spend 30$ on McDonalds it'd last you an entire month.
what the fuck are you talking about? Here's a 2001 McDonald's menu. Explain how you'd spend $30 on McDonald's and live for a month on it.

What the hell are you talking about? Kitchen work was regularly considered wife work long before Gen X came along.

>> No.19205290

>it's another america is... LE BAD thread