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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 559x598, 1677776813407944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19193727 No.19193727 [Reply] [Original]

>want to read a recipe
>first have to scroll through pages and pages of drivel before reaching the actual recipe
Why is every online recipe like this now?

>> No.19193747

because you use google
you want recipes just search it here

>> No.19193751

Wow I thought I was alone in this. I know exactly what you mean and honestly it’s just getting to a be a pain. I was using a recipe 2 nights ago after shopping at Woolworths here in Australia. I was looking through every isle for the ingredients and suddenly they said the store was closing in 10 minutes over the speakers which was already annoying enough because usually they close at 9 and it was only 5:50pm, I think it had something to do with it being a public holiday the next day but whatever, so I’m looking through every isle and of course I can’t find the ingredients and I’m in a hurry too now because they’re closing soon, then someone I work with came up to me and I had to entertain that conversation while trying to not be rude and hurrying up and apparently she was planning a trip to Bali but her grandmother was ill so she had to cancel it to look after her which I did feel bad about but I feel like we could’ve spoke about this at a better time but it looked like she had finished her shopping so she wasn’t worried about the store being closed and then it clicked that by the time it would take me to get home I would miss my favourite TV show (Big Bang theory) which I could watch on Netflix but I prefer to watch it on television because I feel more apart of the community of people that would also be watching, like families and stuff, makes me feel less lonely idk how to explain anyway Sheldon cracks me up sometimes lol.

>> No.19193757

Hi, Mrs. Do you have a weird little "wheel" on your mouse?
Just use it and scroll for 0.005 seconds to the recipe
No, don't complain about the SEO content. Just scroll.
Did this help, boomer housewife?

>> No.19193759

Places where recipes are posted are usually journalism outlets, so the recipes posted there are written by journalists are made to be more like articles than instructional reference material. It's sucks.

>> No.19193764
File: 252 KB, 684x936, 1681563305-20230415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open recipe page
>no "Jump to Recipe" button
>close tab and open one of the million other Google results

>> No.19193770

Just get a recipe book

>> No.19193777

it was the summer of 1990 and I had just gotten back from a short trip to the local arcade to drop some quarters into Final Fight. I played Hagar and I Managed to get all the way to the Industrial Zone on 2 quarters. I was doing good just slamming my way through enemies till I got the elevator that's when Things went bad. I managed to beat most of the enemies jumping into the lift as it went up but they left me with low health. When Rolento appeared. I did not go well soon i died and had to drop another quarter in order to continue. I did but it didn't get any better. I knew I had to beat him with this last quarter since I had only brought a buck for games. But try as i Might i just couldn't seem to avoid all his grenades and every time i though I had him lined up to hit he zipped around and managed to get distance. I put everything I had into it but went away with the sense of disappointment and a desire to try again when I had a few more quarters.

The best way to hard boil eggs is to steam them instead of boiling them. Just fill the pan with an inch or water and place the eggs in their in a single layer and steam for 11 minutes.

>> No.19193779

i fucking HATE amerishart's retarded measuring ways. the FUCK is 2 table sppon of butter? 1 cup of shredded cheese?
do any of them not own a single scale?

>> No.19193780

ChatGPT content made to pad out whitespace for ads to fit into

I've caught several of these sites stealing recipes from each other too

>> No.19193787

this trend predates chatgpt by like a decade

>> No.19193795


>> No.19193798

>Why is every online recipe like this now?

It's strange because everything today is about condensing text to the smallest possible form for "quick digests" (or a video) but apparently recipes are exempt from this despite probably having really poor statistics in analytics.
You can find loads without the fluff but there's a clear trend in having a "introduction" to a recipe.

>> No.19193801

This is not an american thing though. Most of my moms older recipes are in volumes (ml, cl, dl, tablespoon, teaspoon etc) except butter because it comes with markings on the packaging for 50 gram chunks. Still annoying so I get you.

>> No.19193806

It’s been happening for years, retard.
Content creation to bolster advertising.
It’s not a novel concept.

>> No.19193811

Who cares. It takes two seconds max. When I was young I waited twenty minutes to see each two minute clip of pornography.

>> No.19193821

But did you have to listen to a 3 hour exposition on my gay uncle and his constipation problems in Mexico in order to arouse your sexual appetite? Thought so buddy.

>> No.19193827

Honestly at this point I'd rather write my own website of recipes.
Host on GitHub pages, add them as markdown files, let jekyll do the rest.

No ads, just arial font, bullets, clear instructions and a clear list of ingredients and serving sizes.

>> No.19193830

text files are enough

>> No.19193831

yea man you're fucking right, recipes are the worst offenders. It's like a fucking 4 page essay to find out how long to boil an egg it's gotten worse and worse. Don't know why so much hostility itt.

>> No.19193856
File: 251 KB, 677x645, Screenshot_20230423_061211_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These homemade ribs are SOOO yummy and tender! My (ex)husband was totally blown away when I showed him that what took him all day on the smoker I could do in just 20 minutes in the microwave! I'd make this for special occasions like his birthday and they'd always get gobbled up, with leftovers to spare!
>Ingredients: 1 package of ribs, 1 bottle Great Value BBQ sauce

>> No.19193866

> with leftovers to spare

>> No.19193883


>> No.19193890

big if true

>> No.19193896

It's why I usually search for recipes in my own language, we don't have this problem yet and it'll just give you links to several proper recipe sites.

>> No.19193898

>t. first person to actually read that post

>> No.19193989

Because they're written by women.

>> No.19193999

Because they need you to stay on the page long enough to justify ads. If you view only the recipe, then why would ad companies pay for the spot nobody sees?

>> No.19194006

ml is easy to weigh though because it's basically just a gram unless the liquid is super dense

>> No.19194007

SMBC can be pretty good, it's a shame about that guy's, you know... condition.

>> No.19194009

christ, I get a short repulsion every time I stop a youtube video because it shows me a list of mess they call related videos thankfully that doesn't happen here

>> No.19194011


>> No.19194016

Neck yourself, unironically.

>> No.19194019
File: 2 KB, 246x79, Screenshot from 2023-04-23 21-57-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also reminds me, I searched for youtube alternave like years ago and odysee was one of them is it worth using...
also reminds me, I tried starting a thread about youtube and google and microsoft monopolizing internets and computers I wanted to start a thread about that on /his/ but now I can only write replies on 4chan and not start a thread because gookmoot want to sell more 4chan pass
capcha is gayway lol epic

>> No.19194028

Buy a recupe book,

>> No.19194034

The odysee founder paid people to move to his site and is a literal moloch worshipper. guy is weird, do what you weant with this info.

>> No.19194060

What has he done or what does he suffer from? I only read his webcomic and absolutely zero anything else.

>> No.19194187

I been wanting to get started on my own cookbook website. I aint no chef (tho I do have a few original recipes) but I was thinking of making it so it displays the recipes and just links to the source so no plagiarism or whatever, or maybe change the recipe just enough to call it my own. No life stories, just notes related to the recipe (ie ingredient xyz burns super easy so be careful). No 20 MB of javascript. No stupid splash pages. Instructions written so you don't have to read twice. But I might keep it for private use so no one bitches or sues or something

It's so bad I have to use no-script extension on firefox just so it doesn't do all that BS and is usable.

additionally I was thinking of ways it could help track inventory and suggest recipes to use up ingredients that are about to go bad.

>> No.19194203

Nta. He's one of God's Chosen. But I haven't seen much beyond a statistically unlikely number of homosexual couples in his comics.

>> No.19194218

It starts to make a lot more sense when you see the comics on religion, or his illustrations in a book talking about how immigration is the best thing ever, etc.

>> No.19194396

Try unhook + ublock extensions. My youtube looks like blank page with video in the middle and that's it.

>> No.19194400

AI has no neck.

>> No.19194408

were you born yesterday? its so the page pleases the google search bot to go up the results
also, it takes 0.1 second to press the button End

>> No.19194441

Click the "print" button. It will show you a no-bs version of the recipe. YOU'RE WELCOME

>> No.19194462

AI isn't posting on its own, even if this wasn't just an anon copy-pasting, someone put it up to it.

>> No.19194469


Mods, please delete every other post in this thread to save everyone some time.

>> No.19194472
File: 1.24 MB, 489x3847, metric cucks on suicide watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19194475

Because these blogs are all ran by bored housewives who have nothing to talk about yet for some reaspn cant shut up. Anytime a woman uses the word hubby i get closer to Kazakhstan citizenship

>> No.19194479

Just ask chatgpt to make a recipe for you

>> No.19194481

ChatGPT is great for no drivel recipes.

>> No.19194485
File: 565 KB, 162x227, tumblr_inline_nlbltfdv5d1snb4zo540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "1."

>> No.19194516
File: 297 KB, 600x375, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> AI isn't posting on its own

>> No.19194522

> the button End
And get to the end of million praising comments? Great plan.

>> No.19194529

What a drama queen. 2 seconds of scrolling. Webpages load instantly now. Have you ever had to wait over a minute to even see a page of text with a few images?

>> No.19194560

It isn't, dumbo, someone will still at the very least have had to directed it to "shitpost on /ck/".

>> No.19194563

Right but they won't have to manually oversee or hand post every post. You can just make a bot with GPT's API to interface with the website directly.

>> No.19194574
File: 8 KB, 771x83, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not chatgpt, but alpaca, and it's not wrong, but it's too much to the point for my liking.

>> No.19194591

So they can get more ad money

>> No.19194596

cant we just execute all recipe bloggers?
Like the holocaust, but do it right this time.

>> No.19194599

I see you subscribe to Chef Brian Tsao, as he posted that comment as a meme the other day

>> No.19194654

Which is completely irrelevant to my initial comment which told whoever was ultimately responsible for that post being posted to neck themselves. Whether or not an AI was involved somewhere in the middle of that does not matter.

>> No.19194738

Metric fags deserve the rope

>> No.19194782

how about we practice on zoggers and joggers first to perfect the technique?

>> No.19195241

Touch Grass

>> No.19195332

>Words words words
Retard unit cope
Fun fact, engineers use "mil", which is a milli-inch. Imperitards literally reinvented metric.

>> No.19195435

I would buy your recipe book.

>> No.19196043

>t. Amerishart thinking himself exceptional (which he is; exceptionally retarded, that is)

>> No.19196046

>REEEEEs about something on websites that adds literally mere microseconds of ''effort''
>tells others to touch grass

>> No.19196048

Once again Phil saves the day

>> No.19196071

JFC. Imagine weighing everything for a dish. Weighing the meat, weighing the vegetables. Tare the scale for the tiny little container we're using to weigh out the 1/4 teaspoon of coriander, or better yet, grab another, smaller scale specifically for tiny amounts. Seems like since you need some tool (scoop, spoon, cup) to transfer the ingredients to and fro the scale and mixing bowl, why not utilize that conveyance as a measurement tool as well? Nope, we'll stick with however many milligrams or milliliters it calls for instead.

>> No.19196075

How do you even eat without utensils or cups? Are you Indian?

>> No.19196083

Woolies close at 6 on a Sunday you dumb cunt

>> No.19196084

You had one job.

>> No.19196089

Perfectly captures the awful tone of those recipe articles. Exclamation points at the end of every sentence. Folksy language like "yummy" or "delish" or "to die for". "Nibbles" and "noshes". Makes me wanna fucking puke.

>I'm a busy Heartland soccer mom juggling hubby, the rascals, a few furry lil scamps, and there just aren't enough hours in the day! This super sassy simple scrumptious one-pot wonder will have the whole gang shouting for joy while saving you some valuable time to have a much-deserved Mom-sized glass of wine! You earned it, sister!!

>> No.19196100


Go to Goodwill and spend $2 - $5 each on hardcover cookbooks and learn more than you ever would from fucking recipe.com or food.com or any other shitty sites for dumbfucks on their phones.

>> No.19196111
File: 443 KB, 400x400, A992D8F8-1640-4BD0-BE13-6CDED4E89784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you did there

>> No.19196176

comments be like:
>my hubby loved it! hes a very picky eater but he asked for seconds with these! i added nine bottles of soy sauce and removed the chicken.

>> No.19196213

Read it dismantles your system quite nicely.

>> No.19196251

different anon but I tried it once as an effort to improve speed and reduce dishes I had to wash. It's not that bad. The worst part was converting everything to grams. Otherwise I kinda prefered it once I wrote down the conversions. One thing I didn't expect is I saved a bunch of time by no longer needing to search for the proper measuring spoon/cup size.

I used two precision scales, one with a 7 kg capacity 1 gram resolution for the bulk things, and another w 500g capacity with 0.01g resolution for the smaller things. I put a bowl on, tare, dump in whatever ingredient until it gets to proper weight, tare, proceed to dump in next ingredient, repeat. This way I only have the mixing bowl (that I'll need to wash no matter what), and only the smaller bowl for the 500g scale, instead of those measuring spoons and cups.

Some scales are retarded af to tare so if you have one of those, I understand why you think the idea is stupid. My scales I just hit tare, wait like 1 second and continue weighing.

>> No.19196281


or they make drastic changes
>I didn't like this recipe it sucked

>> No.19196393

any eurotard with more than 90 iq dreams of moving to america. you can't, though, because to immigrate legally is basically impossible if you are white with a family in eurotarland, no connections, and have a job. even if you somehow get a visa because you're a genius brain surgeon or some shit and then it takes 10 years and thousands of dollars for dhs to allow you to stay here. then you wait years and three fingerprint appointments where they fuck up and lose your documents to even be allowed to take a citizenship test.

>> No.19196416

formerly ins becuase they like to reshuffle shit to avoid any serious audit and then a gaggle of shaniquas get paid 100k a year to "redesign" the letterheads and pay chinese to "redesign" the website but really recode everything with the laziest ccp backdoors. to go on a tangent russian govn't computer guys are actually clever the chinese are the laziest incomepent fucks imaginable if you took 15 minutes to audit the code they write you'd find ching chongs actual house address

>> No.19196456

They do it so the reader stays longer in the website. More engagement, more probability they'll stay longer to read other articles and see ads.

And the writing style also appeals to female readers.

>> No.19196482

>any eurotard with more than 90 iq dreams of moving to america.

Why would we? To enjoy the amazing benefits of medical bankruptcy, asinine drug laws that get you sent to the assrape dungeon, get shot up by niggers, spics and hicks, brutalized by mouth-breathing high school drop-out police officers, receive zero workers' rights at work by comparison, get trannydom, faggotry and nignog worship shoved down your throat 24/7 (and you better join the chorus or HR will unperson you in a second!), be ruled by geriatric corporate puppets, have the government made up of the former wasting money in ways that would make any third world nation blush and get regularly fucked by everything from wildfires, floods and blizzards to earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes (almost as if someone's trying to tell you imbeciles to not live there)?

Nah, you're right though, chief, I'm practically seething with envy. If only I could live in the one (supposedly) developed nation that actually managed to have a DECREASE in average life expectancy.

>> No.19196508

you are seething because you are poor and stupid. for example anyone without money comes to america for medical treatment. riddle me that how you're dealing with niggers and pakis with knives who sell your teenage daughters drugs and then gang rape them?

>> No.19196520

*for example anyone with money comes to america for medical treatment
>natural disasters
yeah it's almost like the usa is a massive country with every single type of environment
>make any third world nation blush
you're right, that's why every single foreigner on the planet dreams of moving to the united states...it would be hard to begin to explain how retarded you are i'm guessing you are either in america and an npc going with the narrative or coping that you have to shit in the street

>> No.19197391
File: 2.86 MB, 320x320, vodka sandy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post radiates sandra lee energy

>> No.19197395

"errrrm don't ask for a pint say "two hundred and fifty millilitres please!""

Literally all I had to read lmao

>> No.19197400


>> No.19197402

>calling others stupid
top kek

Also, you're poor as fuck going by the median, the vast majority of you have no two pennies to rub together (worse, most of you financially illiterate baboons are deep in debt) and would be fucked in a financial emergency, especially a health one since your employers can fire you for any reason and your healthcare's tied to them.

>riddle me that how you're dealing with niggers and pakis with knives who sell your teenage daughters drugs and then gang rape them?
I can't speak to how the Britbongs whom you are alluding to are faring, they're the ones largely responsible for you fucks existing in the first place and their inbred influence shows but here we arrest 'em, put 'em in the slammer and watch their cell's bedding mysteriously bursting into flames while they're still on it. I'm not kidding either, that's what actually happened on multiple occasions. Someone oughta invest in fire-resistant mattresses or something :^)

>that's why every single foreigner on the planet dreams of moving to the united states
Bwahahaha, is that what they teach you in indoctrination camp while you're forced to recite the Shart of Allegiance? Unbelievable. The only people still migrating to the U.S. in [CURRENT YEAR] are destitute turd worlders, retards thinking they'll make it big in (((Hollywood))) and mega-rich people looking to move to a country built around their wants and needs where the peasantry has no say but is brainwashed enough to believe otherwise.

>it would be hard to begin to explain how retarded you are
Developmental delays tend to have that effect, yeah. Don't worry though, deficiencies in verbal intellect are often matched by ones in emotional intelligence so in other words you're probably too stupid to be upset about this inadequacy of yours so look on the (not so) bright side!

>> No.19197407

Oh and funny you'd brazenly talk about not putting the poo in the loo since the streets of your glamorous metropolises like San Francisco are filled with human feces.


>> No.19197437

>americans when they encounter a different system and it's not instantly as intuitive to them as the one they've used for 40 years

>> No.19197463
File: 32 KB, 640x428, 1681730372327394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19197479

I keep a window open with food by category or prep for what I've either cooked before or will cook eventually.

Building your own cookbook makes sense.

>> No.19197528

Mother of seethe!

>> No.19197553

>historically established names take precedent over recent inventions
Say it ain't so, Shart! Funny he picked the Belgians and not the Germans since that would've ruined his retarded rant (one "Maß" of beer = 1 liter). Also, in restaurants you do in fact order by liter, e.g. 0.3l or 0.5l of whatever beverage, it's right there on the menu. Similarly, recipes generally use metric units. No idea what kind of fucked up ones he looked up in Belgian.

It truly baffles me how this dipshit unironically posted this thinking that he had made some great points. What a dumb nation of cattle. No wonder they stuck with the asinine hodgepodge measurements of their imperial overlords.

>Then I got fired from my job in Brussels, or was asked to resign, or whatever

Guess they figured out just how much of a retard this guy is.

>> No.19197561


>> No.19197568

They don't want to sell you a recipe. They want to sell you a life story.

>> No.19197583

>It is IMPOSSIBLE to dive a meter by three
I thought Americlaps being terminally retarded was just a meme. Is this guy for real? Is this an elaborate shitpost? Or does this dude really not understand what fractions are?

>studying botany is useless because it won't do you any good on a desert island
>metric bad because me and my string can't divide shit by ten
>metric bad because the gubbermint mandated it
>Physics wrong because ... because!
This HAS to be a fucking joke. I refuse to believe even Americans are THIS stupid.

>> No.19197585


>> No.19197609

It's "divide".

>> No.19197661

>older recipes are in volumes (ml, cl, dl, tablespoon, teaspoon etc)
That's why you have measuring cups with different scales for liquid, flour and sugar if you refuse to weigh ingredients like a white person.

Discovers metric can be fractioned as well
>Hahaha fucking owned!!! Imperial is better somehow, because it is unusable in any other way than fractions!

Discovers people name commonly used sizes for ease of use
>I thought the point of metric was to not have to do that! Hahaha cope harder
>Goes back to his teaspoons, tablespoons, cups and foreskins

>Doesn't understand that in everyday use you can round to the nearest cm, 10 grams, meter, liter or whatever you need.
>Uses .5 inch

>nigger still doesn't understand that 1/3 of a meter is 1/3 of a meter
>Hahahah where is it marked on your measuring tape? Hahahaha!
Between the 33 and 34 cm marks you absolute retard.

>We must use imperial, because return to monke and you can't recreate metric measurements there.
Anyone with the author's brain capacity couldn't design a measuring system that goes beyond counting one the fingers of one hand.

How many feet are in a rope?

First off you wouldn't weigh anything in milligrams, they are simply too small of a unit. Second seasoning is done by taste or by the spoon most of the time anyway. The point was that using Tablespoons for large amounts is way more retarded than just writing out the grams, because you wouldn't be scooping up fucking 12 tablespoons of butter, just write 180g, that's what the scale is showing anyway. You might know a teaspoon is around 5-6g for most shit, so that's easy for small amounts, but there is no point in saying add 34 teaspoons of something. Also for herbs/spices the weights vary widely so measuring by volume may be more convenient.
As for other ingredients, unless you are baking, you go to the store, buy a pack of meat that says "400g" on it when the recipe asks for 400g of it.

>> No.19197675
File: 42 KB, 430x421, 6BE0AC6C-583D-4ADB-A0FC-50E50B3A46D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found your problem, chief

>> No.19198444
File: 67 KB, 526x526, avoirdupois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19198494

not pictured:

None of which use the pinky scale.

>> No.19198555

>refuse to weigh ingredients like a white person.
has nothing to do with skin color. volume measures are easier because not everyone has a kitchen scale, and unless you are a bakery, or restaurant consistency is not really important.

I have recipes that I don't use any measurements at all:
taco sauce/salsa

are just a couple.

>> No.19198565

and all those countries still use imperial, and some even use measurements from several hundred years ago. no country only uses metric.

>> No.19198571

The NASA uses metric, anon.

>> No.19198578
File: 1.93 MB, 576x828, me2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want to sell you a lifestyle. A life bustling with daily errands and working from home because half your office got China AIDS. You have time to sift through online tomes of ads with some recipes while meal prepping the keto-friendly berry smoothies. A trip to the starbucks before picking up the kiddos in your yoga pants and oversized sweatshirt. It hugs your postpartum FUPA more than you care to admit, but it's ok because you just joined a pilates group from Monday to Tuesday.

You already have the avocado and fenugreek and cruelty-free Napa Valley grape sausages. The hubby will be foaming at the mouth when he hears about your Beyond Sustainable® Canola Nugget Casserole™ made with vegan offal and organosludge. Will give you all the vitamin D your husband isn't giving you

>> No.19198581

>what is a content mill

>> No.19198583

Sometimes I’ll reference recipes if it’s a new method of cooking for me and I’m not sure about times (like cooking ribs in a Dutch oven etc) and time and time again I’m surprised by the downright goyslop people try to pass off as recipes. What’s even worse is the comments will be filled with praise. Why are normalniggers so fucking stupid?

>> No.19198659

This joke is such a classic that I understood it even though I don't speak Phlegmish.

>> No.19200075

>been to the moon
>using the metric system to get there and blowing up rockets when a chimp who didn't use it worked on them
>all while getting their tech from Nazi scientists (who used the metric system)

>> No.19200094

I'm German and I only understood bits of it, definitely not the entire thing. Even with a translation it still seems fairly stupid.

>> No.19201427

I use an app called paprika3 that converts that shit into just ingredients and directions

>> No.19201463

Nextcloud has a cookbook 'app' which i use.

>> No.19201560

Google adbots require a certain amount of text to be approved for ad revenue sharing. So a lot of useless text because the recipe text is thin.

>> No.19201575

You could always create your own recipe website repository, call it JustTheRecipe.com. Ban those hoodlums who spout off and post spam walls.

>> No.19202003

Correct answer

>> No.19202027

Recipes are just guidelines. You don't have to follow them to the letter. If you repeat a recipe often enough, you'll eventually adjust things to your liking regardless of what the original says.

If you're baking and you need precision then you should get a book.

>> No.19202076

People usually keep recipe sites open while they cook.