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19185602 No.19185602 [Reply] [Original]

How do we rank the alternative milks?

>> No.19185615

all milk sucks

>> No.19185630

I actually enjoy the taste of rice and oat milk more than real milk. But I don't want to consume the extra added sugars, and also it feels cucked drinking it over real milk

>> No.19185636
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Cucked in what way? Actual milk does nothing for you.

>> No.19185647

Almond milk because it goes well with Whey. Also, I'm lactose intolerant.

>> No.19185650

Most are watery and have less fat/protein, and usually added sugars which are worse for you than lactose, assuming you're not lactose intolerant. Milk protein also outranks almost every plant protein for nutritional quality, except for maybe soy.

>> No.19185655
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for me it's malk

>> No.19185675

for me its almond milk cause It's the cheapest milk like thing that doesn't make me shit my pants and chocolate isn't half bad,

>> No.19185712

stop calling them milk

>> No.19185736

However the fuck you want, I'm still not gonna drink them so I don't give a fuck

>> No.19185738
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For me it's cow's milk. I do understand that it will soon be illegal in all 50 states, but it's still legal here. Sorry, it just tastes better than government approved Roach Milk. It's getting pretty expensive though, unless you want to risk a raid by the ATFM for unlicensed home farming.

>> No.19185742

some oatmilks are pretty ok for coffee sometimes. otherwise I prefer cowmilk.

>> No.19185755

Flax milk is absolutely S tier - good for your microbiome, good balance of macros

Not sure about the nut milks - they’re probably all fine, I’d give them B tier.

Soy milk gets more hate than it deserves, but people have been using it since ancient times. I’d probably also put that at B tier for the organic stuff, or C tier for the cheap stuff

Oat milk is F tier. It’s basically pig feed with artificial crap to make it taste good

>> No.19185756

Almond milk top tier > Coconut milk next tier >> Other nut milks >> Oat milk >>(mini power gap)>> Soy milk >>>>>>(major power gap)>>>>>> Rice milk

>> No.19185786
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>> No.19185918
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>> No.19186040

all trash

>> No.19186045
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Does it give you gas?

>> No.19186057

>he doesn't consume them all
Except nesquik of course, that shit is garbage. You can buy Ovaltine anywhere, why the fuck would you buy nesquik?

>> No.19186252

is big milk the most pathetic ag lobby? how do all of these plant waters get away with calling themselves milk? have you ever seen an oat with a nipple?

>> No.19186261

Real milk > oat milk > everything else

>> No.19186279

i used soy milk for a long time because it can be purchased, and stored, in bulk quantities. now i use it to make soy yoghurt.

>> No.19186373

S tier
B tier
-coconut milk (for cooking)
F tier
-the rest

>> No.19186387

Nutritional quality means literally nothing. Its just has more Amino's, both plant and animal proteins are complete it literally doesnt matter

>> No.19186400

Almond water is pretty good in desserts. Whole milk>>>skint.

>> No.19186416

Cashew milk is the best. Low in calories and sugar, and taste great. Not a lot of nutrients though.

>> No.19186461
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you will drink camel milk

>> No.19186466

>vitamin R

i don't get it

>> No.19186467

pretty much this

>> No.19186470

>Actual milk does nothing for you.

“Non-cow milk consumed leads to proportionally reduced height when compared to real milk consumption”
>Results: There was a dose-dependent association between higher noncow milk consumption and lower height (P < 0.0001). For each daily cup of noncow milk consumed, children were 0.4 cm (95% CI: 0.2, 0.8 cm) shorter. In the mediation analysis, lower cow milk consumption only partially mediated the association between noncow milk consumption and lower height. The height difference for a child aged 3 y consuming 3 cups noncow milk/d relative to 3 cups cow milk/d was 1.5 cm (95% CI: 0.8, 2.0 cm).
>Conclusions: Noncow milk consumption was associated with lower childhood height. Future research is needed to understand the causal relations between noncow milk consumption and height.

“Milk is growth promoting”
>Conclusion: Of the foods/nutrients studied, dairy protein had the strongest association with height growth. These findings suggest that a factor in the non-lipid phase of milk, but not protein itself, has growth-promoting action


>> No.19186471

LMAO further

“Milk and egg consumption increases height”
>Results: Among children >6 months old, reported frequency of egg and milk consumption was associated with increased monthly height gain

“Higher consumption of animal protein, esp. Milk and Pork correlates with increased height in Europeans”
>A new study reports on genetic and environmental influences on height from 42 European countries, the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand. The strongest predictor of adult male height was dietary protein consumption, specifically the “protein index.”
>Taller populations had a higher proportion of dietary protein from animal sources, especially milk and pork, compared to vegetable sources. Increasing high quality animal protein intake during childhood may have positive impacts on growth and population health outcomes.

>> No.19186472


>> No.19186477

Did I mention LMAO?

“Meat and Milk increase cognitive functions and physical build”
> The Meat group showed near doubling of upper midarm muscle area, and the Milk group a smaller degree of increase.
>The improved cognitive performance and increased PA and leadership and initiative behaviors in the Meat group may be linked to greater intake of Vitamin B-12 and more available iron and zinc as a result of the presence of meat, which increases iron and zinc absorption from fiber and phytate-rich plant staples (2,22). Meat, through its intrinsic micronutrient content and other constituents and high-quality protein, may facilitate specific mechanisms, such as speed of information processing, that are involved in learning tasks such as problem-solving capacity, that are reflected in the significant increase in RPM scores in the Meat group. The Milk group performed the poorest on the RPM testing. A possible explanation is that milk, with its high casein and calcium content, impedes iron absorption—iron is intimately involved with cognitive function (6).
That's why you don't consume dairy and meat together, to increase the max absorptions of both nutrients.

Milk is what made Yamnaya and therefore Europeans the worlds Alpha Predator. Grainbrain sloppa called milk alternative for those unable to process the ambrosia is liquid cope. Might as well drink camel piss.

>> No.19186795
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They aren't calling themselves milk.

>> No.19186799

isnt this stuff actually really good for you

>> No.19186803

We aren't talking about milk for kids here. Keep doing that for sure but as an adult you aren't gaining much from actual milk.

>> No.19186920

It's still a nutritious food even for adults. No good reason to give it up, unless you just don't tolerate it very well for some reason.

>> No.19187090

I'm not losing anything either so why the fuck should I switch? The conversation about how beneficial it is for children is still relevant because the actual stated goal of non-dairy milk replacement proponents is to reduce overall dairy consumption, which would inevitably lead to less production, higher costs, and lower availability. This will make it more difficult for parents to provide dairy to their children who directly benefit from it.

Fuck plant milk and fuck you.

>> No.19187104
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Does it make sense now?

>> No.19187217

1. Soymilk: most nutritionally and culinarily similar to dairy milk, can be made with just two ingredients (soybeans, water). Drop in replacement in things like yogurt or bechamel.
2. Coconut milk: Distinctive but pleasant flavor, useful in many recipes from curries to drinks to desserts, only requuires two ingredients (coconut, water).
3. Nutmilks in general: they can have a good flavor (e.g., hazelnuts) but are really only suitable for drinking or cereal.
4. Rice milk: at least you can make horchata

Most of these milks except for certain brands of soymilk are almost always concoctions of half a dozen gums, starches, emulsifiers, stabillizers and almost always have vanilla added even if "plain" flavored.

>> No.19187222
File: 535 KB, 1106x972, soyjaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soy milk is the only plant-based milk that is nutritionally complete in and one of very few plant-based sources of calcium


>> No.19187224

They are 2-3 times as expensive as regular milk so there's no reason to buy them unless you have lactose intolerance

>> No.19187234

>nutritionally complete in and
in and of itself*

>> No.19187237

you save animals, preserve the environment, preserve resources, avoid satfat/cholesterol and get a more balanced nutritional profile

>> No.19187248

suck my dick if you want me to stop calling them milk, how are you this much of a fucking baby about people who cannot digest cow juice

>> No.19187252

>More monocrop farms that destroy natural farmland
>Saving the planet
lmao the propaganda works

>> No.19187266

most modern milk is useless because of the heat treatment
you're better off eating joghurt and drinking keffir

>> No.19187278

"natural farmland"
I don't have the energy, you know why this is stupid, I dont' have to call you an idiot to make that ring true

>> No.19187282

So you admit you have no argument? The propaganda works.

>> No.19187287

I feel like we're smart enough to not have to go indepth about why natural farmland is a misnomer in this context, but if you insist that you aren't smart enough

most farms, dairy farms included, will never truly be natural
you're trading one monoculture for another, but instead of 1 acre of soybeans or whatever, it's like 40 acres of clover (and that's only if its halfway decent dairy)

Like even almond milk, notorious for being very water intensive in use, still uses less water than the cow dairy industry does

there are at least 3 other points I could make too, but again you would have to demand that I treat you like a fucking idiot in order for me to go out of my way to explain how stupid the notion of "natural farmland" is

>> No.19187291

Not my problem

>> No.19187292

>most farms
So you already capitulated, yet I’m still wrong? lol the propaganda works.

>> No.19187304

I think I've done enough to prove my point, I'm satisfied with what I've said

feel free to respond if you have some sort of flaw in your life that compels you to try to start intellectual fights you can't finish though

>> No.19187307

Nothing left to say, the propaganda works.

>> No.19187309

What is nutritious about milk

>> No.19187314

The nutrients

>> No.19187320

Which are what

>> No.19187324

Protein, vitamin B12 and calcium.

>> No.19187335

You can thank your government subsidies for that.

>> No.19187342

Cow's milk is cheap because most cows are fed literal goyslop and pumped with drugs to make a profit at such low market prices. If something is cheap, there's usually a reason for it.

>> No.19187442

Fat, protein, carbs, B vitamins, calcium, potassium. It has to be nutritious for babies to live on it for a while, and adults can still benefit from that nutrition too.

>> No.19187443

You said its nutritious for adults

>> No.19187495

Almond milk heated up tastes weird
Unsweetened soymilk is fine
Oat Milk and Rice Milk need more research

>> No.19187553

I wonder if the high dairy protein group growing more had to do with them also eating 500 calories more each day
>in Western Kenya
Where calories are scarce, especially without access to livestock
This one showed plant-based protein with seed oil giving more growth in rural Kenyan children than milk, again likely because of the caloric advantage. Weirdly, the highest B12 deficiencies were found in the meat eating group and half of the children had anemia. These were malnourished African kids.

>> No.19187563

Oh I forgot adults don’t need nutrients

>> No.19187565

>Almond milk heated up tastes weird
Is it weird that I love the smell and taste of heated almost milk? It's got an addicting sweet smell.

>> No.19187572

I am not a malnourished Kenyan

>> No.19187574

just eat the fucking almonds or whatever you stupid fucking retards

>> No.19187580

>nutritionally complete

>> No.19187626

this is dishonest. almonds are grown in the desert using water stolen from the colorado river. cows are grown on grass that would be there even if the cows weren't and drink water that falls out of the sky.

>> No.19187642

I drink unsweetened almond milk, sometimes unsweetened cashew milk, because they have far fewer calories than even skim milk and they taste fine; they infuse that shit with vitamins and nutrients anyway so that's not an issue

>> No.19187649

> cow
> goat
> banana
everything else isn't milk it's usually nut juice

I used to drink mooala but here's a better recipe:
8-12oz water
1 banana
Splash of chocolate or strawberry syrup
Blend until smooth
Wall ah

>> No.19187659

Almond is king for shakes unless you’re bulking. Gonna go rip some with my fruity pebbles dymatize after this lift because I’m a toddler.

>> No.19187661

If you can't digest cow MILK or goat MILK and think nut and bug juice is milk maybe it's a sign from God that you shouldt be...you know... around

>> No.19187666

Then get high quality cow milk

>> No.19187668

> calories
I didn't realize there were so many women on 4channel

>> No.19187680
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I feel that all milk besides real animal milk like cow milk and goat milk etc. are the transgenders of milk. Like rice milk, soy milk, almond milk, oat milk will never be real milk, they can call themselves milk but they will be never a real milk just like a Trans "woman" can call itself a woman but it will always be a man with a cut dick and wig, not a woman. So oat, soy, almond "milkz" will always be a juice, not milks

>> No.19187692

An entire galaxy gets a failing grade?

>> No.19187734

It is. Adults need fat, protein, carbs, B vitamins, calcium, and potassium too.

>> No.19187749

Do you cry about coffee seeds being called beans too?

>> No.19187765

if you can't digest milk you're a subhuman
simple as

>> No.19187795

Milk is gross

>> No.19187808

Flax milk is trash. it's water, thickeners/emulsifiers, supplements, and some oxidized flax oil. i can eat a lethal dose of ground flax without issue, but flax oil fucks me up because it goes rancid instantly when pressed out.

>> No.19187823

it’s way too difficult to drink.

>> No.19187830

I like the taste of oat milk. It's not a replacement for milk to me tho. I just drink it kinda like soda.

It's also nice to have something milk-like that keeps for so long in room temperature since fridge space is limited.

>> No.19188301

Almond milk is the one that comes closest to tasting like actual milk. Soy milk tastes like someone dumped dropped a bag of sugar in a carton of cow milk

>> No.19188902

milk is for babies

>> No.19188921

s tier
goat milk
b tier
cow milk
shit tier
everything else

>> No.19189077


dam dawg ur hella retarded

>> No.19189094

I just get unsweetened flax milk. I don't really drink it much on its own - I just want something to make shakes with and to have a splash in some black tea.

>> No.19189099

Instead of milk, I'd rather eat cheese that is loaded with whey and casein

>> No.19189107

I like soy milk. I haven't cooked much with it, but with oatmeal is nice.

>> No.19189274

Ritalin you dolt.

>> No.19189292

you enjoy sugar water not "milk"

>> No.19189327

Pacific Oat is the best by far. If it had 2 grams less sugar, came in 64 oz, and had complete vitamins, it would be perfect.

>> No.19189338
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>alternative milk? ah yea, i know what you mean, i drink heavy cream instead of regular milk

>> No.19189342

enjoy your specifically arranged atom solution not "milk"

>> No.19189343

Only good one in that pic is coconut milk, because it contains lauric acid. I have never tried macadamia milk, but I'd be willing, because macadamias are awesome. Best milk on earth is goat milk, with its caprilytic enzymes.

>> No.19189352

This brand is pretty good too.

>> No.19189387

Thats a stupid reason to prefer one milk over another

>> No.19189666

Whey is the liquid left behind after the cheese curds are removed, so cheese is mostly casein.

>> No.19190889

Soymilk is good and doesn't make you grow tits.

>> No.19192441

Yes, but it's crazy expensive. A buddy in Dubai says that he only drinks it after Ramadan.

>> No.19192452

The only milk I need is breast milk

>> No.19192533

why take the risk?

>> No.19192634


It should be illegal to have milk in the name of things that are not milk.

>> No.19192640
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That just sounds unappetizing

>> No.19192650

Rice is enjoyable to drink
Almond is good for cereal
Oat and soy are best for coffee
Coconut best as a base for dishes

>> No.19192693

But anon babies get boobies

I wanna be baby

>> No.19192706

if it aint from a cow or a goat, it AINT milk.

>> No.19192725

It's not fag juice. It's nut juice for fags

>> No.19192728

I’m baby :)

>> No.19193302
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Time to expand your horizons anon.

>> No.19193305

0/10 for all milk except raw milk. you’re a gay faggot if you think otherwise.
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