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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19184962 No.19184962 [Reply] [Original]

>head to McDonald's for the first time in years
>order nuggets and fries
>"okay can you pull over to that drive up area over there"
>thought this was strange for such a small order but they already took my money
>sit in the spot for 35 fucking minutes watching people with big ass bags get their shit and leave quickly
>not going to bother bringing in my receipt and arguing
>drive home and bake some chicken breasts
Is it really this bad these days?

>> No.19184979

next time say no, they'll make your order right away.

>> No.19185064

They're punishing you for not using the app like the other people

>> No.19185070

>gets cops called on you

>> No.19185080

The other people were in the drive thru

>> No.19185107

they aren't going to call the cops. they're going to make your order first instead of making the order of the people behind you.

>> No.19185134

imagine thinking this is even possible.
you will however get your food fucked with.

>> No.19185138

>>sit in the spot for 35 fucking minutes watching people with big ass bags get their shit and leave quickly
>>not going to bother bringing in my receipt and arguing

"Dude I don't want to be such a karen getting ripped off LOL"

I hate being on a board of betas.

>> No.19185151
File: 96 KB, 806x426, Screenshots_2023-04-20-17-07-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize you can do app pickup from the drive thru, right?

>> No.19185159

And all you have to do is let McDonalds track your location forever!

>> No.19185164

Also I'd unironically beat the fuck out of OP just in hopes it would make him the least bit assertive.

>> No.19185186

do McCucks really

>> No.19185196

Crying about a 7$ order is nigger tier

>> No.19185231

>implying this isn't exactly the same as ordering at the drive-thru

>> No.19185241

No, that’s what the retard he was replying to was implying. You use the app in the drive thru, dumbfuck.

>> No.19185245

so you admit it's exactly the same.

>> No.19185268

It isn't even if we ignore the possibility of pre-ordering
Makes it obvious that your data is now central to the business model. In which case, they obviously will make you miserable for not giving them that sweet sweet data

>> No.19185285

>tfw have never once used a delivery app

feels so fucking good to not be a retard

>> No.19185310

Nobody is talking about delivery apps, retard

>> No.19185335
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they were though

>> No.19185336

Sitting in your car for 40 minutes for nuggies (which never come) because you're afraid of the slightest bit of confrontation is pathetic. Going in to ask foe the food you've paid for after waiting a few minutes is acceptable.
Just because you're a fucking sppnge doesn't mean everyone has to let burnt out wagies forget about them.

>> No.19185365

They were talking about the dedicated McDonald's app which if you didn't notice by the giant tablet kiosks running essentially the same program is how the corporation wants you to order WHEN YOU'RE THERE as they phase out human employees

>> No.19185371

I don't go to mcdonalds because I'm not a golem but thanks for the explanation

>> No.19185372

Lol you stupid Luddites, all you have to do is get the McDonald’s brain entrainment module on your Neuralink. They know exactly which value meal you want and automatically deliver it via drone and deduct the money from your account BEFORE YOU EVEN KNOW YOU’RE HUNGRY. Technology is amazing.

>> No.19185385

If you weren't goyim you'd have already known about all this without ever having to eat there. The corporate world has been cumming buckets over these "innovations"

>> No.19185390
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Oh I do don't worry, I'm just playing ignorant

>go to self checkout
>item won't scan
>don't remember the price so say i think it was $5 (found out later it was $30)
>they marked it as 5
thanks corps, self checkout ftw

>> No.19185393


>> No.19185420

When I was a poorfag I'd use the "ring as you shop" gun thing and run most of my produce as cheap shit like bananas. I also knew that the price for certain weighed items like meat was contained in the UPC so I'd alter it to shave money off.

>> No.19185445

>not just stuffing the meat into your cool retro 2000’s cargo pants.

>> No.19185475

The deals are pretty good, but fuck that, also fuck the insane mingame of creating random combos of food that will earn the most discount. I blame zoomers.

>> No.19185517

I crumpled up the receipt and threw it out faggot

>> No.19185521
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The wagies' performance is tracked on the computer. Slow performance is penalized >although who knows how, what, they can't exactly dock your pay below minimum wage
They tell you to pull ahead because it makes the computer think your order was completed faster. You have two choices:
>the Chad "NO"
But you are not chad, so you risk getting [extra] spit in your food.
>the Cuck Wait
In most cases you'll get your food within a few minutes, although you risk getting dabbed on like OP.

The only reasonable choice is to never eat fast food to begin with. Congrats OP, you played yourself.

>> No.19185527

>/ck/ Food & Cooking
It’s like saying you’re the most accomplished child molester among child molesters.

>> No.19185576

Dude, it’s the computer that tells them to have you pull in there. It’s just optimizing prep time, if you need a quarter pounder patty and there aren’t any they shunt you aside to fulfill the people who ordered stuff already made/in progress. then when a station is clear they build your quarter pounder.

>> No.19185582

Lol, no. If it’s Mexicans they’ll just stare at you and act like they don’t speak English. If it’s joggers they’ll get angry and yell at you.

>> No.19185599

45 minutes for a little box of niggets and fries though

>> No.19185609

There were like 2 blacks and the staff that told me to fuck off were all white ladies in their 30s

>> No.19185612

Why would they be jogging? They're not there to jog they're there to work...
Do they run fast to get the order done?

>> No.19185640

Yeah, the system fucked up and they forgot about you, you should have gone in. Or- and I really hope this is the truth -you’re lying. If you actually waited for 45 minutes in a Mcdonalds parking lot and then drove off without your food… I can’t think of anything more autistic.

>> No.19185663

they don't actually want to make a big scene about it because they don't want to explain to management/corporate that they were faking the performance.
check your food before you drive off, and if you see spit or some other intentional contamination call the police. The wagie will get arrested.

>> No.19185677

You vastly, vastly overestimate the amount of thinking going on in these thing’s heads.

>> No.19185698

well either way I'm not pulling over to the side, wagies can seethe all they want.

>> No.19185710

ugly man

>> No.19185719

Are shitting on BASED roosh v?

>> No.19185733

report them with the code on the receipt. its like mcd feedback or something like that. you'll often get a gift card or some other comp for your time

>> No.19185772

>sit in spot for 35 minutes
>not going to bring in receipt and argue
They forgot your order, that shit happens all the time at McDonald’s. Why didn’t you go in and ask? Do you have some kind of anxiety disorder?

>> No.19185792

It's okay bro, McD's only waves us pushovers to the parking area. It's not worth shooting the restaurant over.

>> No.19185796

>chain worth billions of dollars
>simply forget people's orders
It's events like this which make me question the "professionals". Surely the processes used at McDonald were made by qualified people with management degrees from fancy colleges. But how did the processes still fail such a rudimentary thing as making a customers order after taking their money? Sounds like a huge legal liability to me.
Are other organisations like this too? Do car designers too barely manage to pass safety tests? Do aircraft manufacturers too ship barely working computer code?
If we can't trust the suits and degrees of people who work these crucial jobs, we can't trust the jobs to be done well at all

>> No.19185800
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>But how did the processes still fail such a rudimentary thing as making a customers order after taking their money?
The answer to almost any question of why something in society isn't working as expected is very simple.

>> No.19185810

They take your money first so you don't drive away with the food. What grade are some of you people in?

>> No.19185816

> Do car designers too barely manage to pass safety tests?
>Do aircraft manufacturers too ship barely working computer code?

>> No.19185820

i miss roosh

>> No.19185890

You forgot the part where you drive away with no food like OP

>> No.19185936

Lmao, you're going to get shot by a nigger before you're 60
Unless you live in an all white area, in which case congrats and you'd probably have your issue handled quickly and courteously

>> No.19186074

Reminds me of a time I went to Jack in the Box
So I was drunk (I don't do this anymore, don't sue me MADD), making my way home from my local karaoke bar at closing time and I got a hankerin for a chickentatermelt. The kind you wouldn't believe. I'd have sold my left arm for the chickentatermelt.
Anyways, I swooce on into the drivethru real smoothlike, like a python stalking a chinchilla in the height of the Andes. I give my order to the kindly people on the box and pull around. "Oh, here's your drink, would you pull around and park in our designated parking spot?" No complaints, people were behind me, and they gave me my drink. I wait.
I wait. I wait. I wait.
2:30 AM
Even in my drunkenness, I am pissed. 20+ minutes, nothing to show. I finally decide to pull back through, but before I do, I stop to think. I decide to be the bigger man and not be an asshole about it. I pull thru, "OMG, we're so sorry, it's just us two working tonight, we'll make that right now. Feeling contented I was decent to them despite being pissed, I headed home with bag happily. That was cool until I realized that those STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS GAVE ME A FUCKING CHEESEBURGER INSTEAD OF MY FUCKING CHIKENTATERMET EVEN AFTER THEY FUCKED UP!!!!!!! FUCK YOUUUUUU JACK IN THE BOX!!!!!!! UURE NOT GETTING ANYMORE OF MY FUCKIN MONEY!!!!!!

>> No.19186091
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>next time say no,
Oh we got it wise guy that knows his "rights."

>> No.19186097

>go to mcdicks to pick up an order
>they forgot something
>pull into parking spot, get out of car, walk up to drive through window
>tell them they forgot something and show receipt
>they say sorry and give it to me
you're literally not bothering anyone as long as you aren't acting like a fag. stand up for yourself.

>> No.19186151

You just let them have your money like a cuck?

>> No.19186741

No I got a gift card after I call and complained.

>> No.19186753

>>You just let them have your money like a cuck?
>waiting 35 minutes for a 5$ goyslop "meal"
If it were me i would have walked away at the 10 minute mark. Every second i wait or even spend seething about them is a second wasted. I could read up on something and impress my boss, or just watch a funny YouTube video to amuse myself so that I feel better and be more productive

>> No.19186927

>I could read up on something and impress my boss
>not just walking in after five minutes and asking for your food
Autism speaks

>> No.19187077

>Autism speaks
I guess i would classify as a savant
Very well, i think my advice isn't the best

>> No.19187265

>is no longer fast
>is no longer cheap
>was never good
>is no more convenient than any other restaurant anymore
literally what is the point of fast food in 2023? I don't know a single person who still eats it. I guess it's just for poor dumb people and old boomers stuck in a habit or something.

>> No.19187300
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I have to agree...OP missed a perfectly valid chance to go into the store, ask for a manager, explain they'd been waiting 30+ minutes for an Item that takes 4&1/2 to make from start, and walking away with a 20 piece for their trouble.
>Depends on the staff
Yeah, but if the staff is questionable in the first place, you're gonna get the worst possible "Food" to begin with.
He should go back to NOT going to McDonalds.
Aren't they collapsing anyway? Massive corporate layoffs may not effect franchises directly, but certainly revenue shortfalls on advertising and product production will have the slack taken up somewhere--and NOT to the consoooomer's benefit.

>> No.19187316

>wait 5 min
>go into store/around drive through with receipt and say you didn’t get food
>sorry we’ll make it here’s your food
You are such a fucking kek that you can’t handle even a mild confrontation and would even drive off paying them for nothing. That’s your average goyslop consumer

>> No.19187319
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>poor dumb people and old boomers stuck in a habit or something.
This mostly... I have to admit tho, there's nothing that makes me LOL harder than some dumb boomer pulling up to a fuxated fast food place...
I swear they still think it's 1983.
That food is going to be TAMPERED WITH.

>> No.19187337

They're punishing one random person every 30 minute. It makes the punishment more impactful.
Also they're putting the fries in the fridge and drying up the meat with a hairdryer for drive through orders. And their computer is telling them what random item to forget for each order. I head they can get fired if they put napkins and sauces for an order to go. They also put oil at the bottom of the bag, and they slightly unseal the drink cap before putting the drink the bag, and they make sure to make you wait an extra 10 minutes if you order an item they don't like you ordering. Also if you order less than 20 minutes before the end of a shift they will punish you by putting all kinds of body fluids in your items, including semen, there was a customer who got pregnant after she spilled some coke on her vagina, she ordered 15 minutes before the closing time of the restaurant so she had it coming.

>> No.19187339

Good point. Next time I better spend an extra fifteen minutes carefully inspecting everything before I drive away.

>> No.19187344

This happened to me at panera (although i just flagged some wagie down and got them to bring it out after 10 mins of waiting)
Now i refuse to drive forward and just tell them i've been forgotten about too many times before and nobody has ever chimped out about it

>> No.19187396

how about the "wait up to 15 minutes and then leave and complain to corporate mcdonalds to get your money back and probably some free food"

>> No.19187410

If they were giving free food for each complaints people would constantly invent stuff and bombard them with letters.
He'll probably get a template apology.

>> No.19187418
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was it ever cheap? 20+ years ago the prices were roughly the same after being adjusted for inflation.
In reality you just had this stupid bad habit basically given to you by your parents that were either overworked or lazy.

>> No.19187423

that's not true, getting a free item is a common response because most people are too lazy to complain and it makes a potentially much bigger problem go away. and you would know that if you'd ever done it.

>> No.19187438 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 1200x675, thps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me thinking how dumb I was for not snucking out half a kilo of mince in each pocket in the 2000s in my cargo pants when everyday shopping
all the money saved, all the proteins I could have ingested

>> No.19187447
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>me thinking how dumb I was for not snucking out half a kilo of mince in each pocket in the 2000s in my cargo pants when everyday shopping
all the money saved, all the proteins I could have ingested

>> No.19187472

yeah you blew this out of proportion dude.

>> No.19187556

based Rooshposter
that dude will be forgotten and buried despite his works

>> No.19187673

I see wealthy dumb people lined up around chick fil a literally every day

>> No.19187868
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What happened to Roosh?
He just stopped uploading a while back.
Did he go full monk mode?

>> No.19187916

>adjusted for inflation

Inflation hasn't had an impact on wages for 40~60 years

>> No.19187937

take you meds

>> No.19187939

Wow maybe you should get a real job instead of relying on minimum wage the past 40-60 years

>> No.19188089

we got some /biz/ ceos in this thread. good morning sirs.

>> No.19188829

He nuked his old articles and goes full blown orthodox Christian trad-larp

>> No.19189766

Get this annoying puchable face out of my catalog!!! NOW!!!

>> No.19189907

They pay minimum wage to 15 year olds fuck are you expecting?
Also the answer to both of those questions is yes. The entire 737 MAX shitshow was because of a code fuckup.

>> No.19189910

Corporate policy has always been if they have a receipt give them free shit so they keep coming back.

>> No.19190428

>Do aircraft manufacturers too ship barely working computer code?
If it meets the requirement spec that's all anyone gives a shit about whether its jank or not

>> No.19190459

what will happen is the cars behind you whose food is already ready will be waiting up to 7 minutes for your nuggies to come out of the fryer

unwillingness to wait a couple of minutes is why the poorly ran mcdonalds in poor areas will just err on the side of having stale fried chicken because people will refuse to wait a minute for something to come out of the fryer

if they pull you forward that's usually good imo, the food is coming out fresh

>> No.19190766

I get that, and if the timer-sensor thing didn't exist I'd be okay with pulling over. The problem is even if the order of the car behind me isn't ready, now that their vehicle has initiated the timer, the staff is incentivized to finish their order instead of mine. Because the order of the customer behind me is now being timed, but when I agreed to move forward I helped the staff trick the timer into counting my order was completed.
So it's less likely that they're asking me to pull over in order to ensure that all customers are served, and more likely their doing it to boost their orders per minute. Why should I have to wait longer than expected for my order just to boost McDonalds franchise #4139 average orders per minute?

>> No.19190788
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>order nuggets and fries

Alright but what I'm curious about is did you get any sauce with that?

Or did you just straight up get plain nuggets and plain fries?

>> No.19190794

What do you mean tampered with

Like by incompetent workers who fuck stuff up or intentionally malicious workers who are fucking with the food?

>> No.19190801

THe person at the window has fuck all to do with the people assembling the food, the people assembling the food also don't give a fuck.

I'd have gone in after 10 minutes and collected freebies too.

>> No.19190805


>revenue shortfalls on product production

in other words they're just selling less food? Lower sales?

>> No.19190822
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When I worked there I didn't give a rats ass about our corporate numbers or giving fat retards their over priced slop, but I basically always made sure everything was as good as it could be, because with most of the food, its like at most 15 extra seconds of effort to do something right, if you do it right, and make everything look pretty, the likelihood of some sewer dweller going into conniptions over their 5 dollar sandwich was far lessened, saving me more time in the long run

>> No.19190840


Never heard this word in my life

>> No.19190854

sure, I guess that makes sense. if you never pull forward then your chances of being forgotten are a lot lower. generally tho it's not just a manipulation of the timers, corporate knows that they pull people forward, it's standard procedure. most of the time they will have the food ready for the car behind, but also when it's real busy the drive thru can get really backed up really fast, so they generally want to just keep it movin

i guess it just comes down to where you live and the quality of the management (and the customers probably)

>> No.19190864

Food varieties are important to support human existence. The body utilizes the energy separated from the food we eat to work, ward off illnesses and microorganisms, remain warm, and at last keep us alive. There are three primary parts of food: quality, amount, and assortment. A sound eating regimen generally guarantees an individual eats the right food in the perfect sums with the right blend. as like sriracha sources and other grocery items

>> No.19190877

This. Everyone wants you to download their app, it's so they can make things easier for you .Zoomers eat it up and load their info into all kinds of stupid shit not aware of what is really happening with their info
Fuck em cash is king fuck your app shit
Oh wait can zoomers still make change for a twenty dollar bill or do they have to call the manager

>> No.19190900

They have to stare at you for a solid 30 seconds before they remember what to do with the bill. Then they have to call a manager to void the order because they already put it through to the card pinpad.

>> No.19190913
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>It’s just optimizing prep time, if you need a quarter pounder patty and there aren’t any they shunt you aside to fulfill the people who ordered stuff already made/in progress. then when a station is clear they build your quarter pounder

I used to work at Red Lobster and now I work at Starbucks and I'm pretty meticulous about serving customers in order. The process of making the food/drinks is one thing - it's an insult to the customers to serve out of order. The OP shouldn't have to demand his food be served first.

Online orders gum up the works. When someone wants a Traveller at 8:30am, or orders their drink online, they're always expect to show up when they want to and have their ready. Even when there's a giant line.

Serving online orders before in-person orders is a marketing ploy to make people order online more. But if everyone orders online, you have the same customer backup that you did before. We can't make the food/drinks any faster. In fact, having to watch the online orders and plug them in as in progress/filled makes the process take *longer* because I have to wash my sticky hands before I can tap the screen.

>> No.19191085

>order at drive thru
>ask me to pull forward
>park for a few mins
>food comes out
>missing mcchicken
>interior closed for renovation
>go up to window and wave hands at mexican renovators trying to signal they get someone from the back
>they shrug shoulders like illiterate fucktards
>walk to drive thru window and stand over someones bumper
>tell worker I didn't get my mcchicken when window opens
>takes my receipt and comes back with mchicken
>say thanks and leave
15 years ago I would have been mortified if my mom did something like that. Now I understand. I ordered a mcchicken so I will get my mcchicken

>> No.19191141

If you have a modern phone and you complain about this, your a retard

>> No.19191153

They did this same bullshit long before internet. You are supposed to ignore customers to answer phone calls.

>> No.19192818

Just another word for a tantrum or hysterics

>> No.19194747


yeah mcds sucks

>> No.19196283

You cowardly little bitch. Is that what you call your wife's boyfriend when the two of them put you in chastity?

>> No.19196287

someone give me the final redpill about why its so bad

is the mcdonalds super gestapo gonna sell me out in 15 years because i said nigger when my phone was on?

>> No.19198301

We got one of those McDicks around here when there are two order stations in the drive thru that merge into a single lane.
>Dude on the left was already ordering when I rolled up the the other station
>Hello fag whatchu want
>I'll have quarter pounder
>Ok roll up the window to pay
>When I start moving, the other guy was still ordering
>He fucking floors it to avert the injustice of being served later than someone who arrived later
>He finishes his order at payment window
>drives to pickup to finish his huge ass order
>He gets sent to drive up area while they make his bacchanalian feast
>I instantly recieve my single burger and drive off
>see him angrily waddling over to the pickup window in my rearview
I laughed my ass off all the way home

>> No.19198385

>He gets sent to drive up area while they make his bacchanalian feast
>I instantly recieve my single burger and drive off
>see him angrily waddling over to the pickup window in my rearview

damn sounds like it might have been some of the anons in this thread