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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19183988 No.19183988 [Reply] [Original]

happy weed day /ck/
what is your holiday meal going to be?

>> No.19183991

i wasnt even aware and i bought an 8th before
enjoy your reddit holiday faggot

>> No.19184080
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>> No.19184589
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I'm gonna go mow on some Chinese food. Also who here knows how to roll, I need to roll a joint but I suck at it

>> No.19184590


>> No.19184594

rolling a joint is easy, you just have to practice, that's really it, there isn't a trick to it, just practice practice practice

>> No.19184597

rolling joints isn't that hard. just watch a couple youtube videos and you can get it down. might go through a couple papers trying to get it right, but you should get something smokable.
the trick is getting the paper closer to you tucked in, then it should just roll naturally kinda

>> No.19184603

Smelly Benor senor

>> No.19184604

It's uncle Adolfs birthday anon. Not a day to be a degenerate.

>> No.19184606

I'd probably be shit at it now it's been fucking ages

>> No.19184609
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probably getting wendys

>> No.19184650

This anon is right.
I learned how to roll very well because when I was 15 I lived in a commune apartment with a bunch of older friends.
There were never less than 10 people there at any given time, and everyone smoked.
Only a couple people knew how to roll well/ were confident, so they would always find me and ask me to do it for them.
I was down as all get out as long as they didn’t mind an extra head.
Just gotta practice, practice, practice.

Let me see if I can type this is a way that makes sense.
Roll it between your fingers into the general shape that you’d like, and then tuck it (the edge of the paper) on the edge where you’d like the mouth end to be. It doesn’t matter if it’s a little loose, just that it’s actually tucked, then work your way to the other end inching your fingers bit by bit and tucking it in.
When you get to the end, loosen your grip (just a little) and carefully do that again (from the beginning, the smoking end), making it a bit tighter.
Then when it’s holding it’s shape a little and is about halfway rolled up, lick the paper, roll the smoking end tight, and then roll towards the mouth end.
Once the smoking end is pasted down you have a lot more control working back as long as you’re careful.
At least that’s how I do it.

>> No.19184662
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Oh yeah and don’t be afraid to just start over if something’s fucked.
Even I have a bad roll every once in a while.
I laid off the DUDE LAMO but I hand roll cigarettes when filters when I drink.
It takes me about 10 seconds and they’re indistinguishable from taylor mades.
Just gotta practice, anon!

Or you can get picrel.
They’re easy to use, but everyone will know you’re a poser. Especially you :(

>> No.19184668

if you're struggling to get the gum bit folded over, stick a credit card in your mouth and use the long edge to help get it tucked in

>> No.19184672

This is retarded lol

>> No.19184698

I don't even bother, just stuff cones. It's easy enough and comes with a filter.

Probably gonna get some barbeque, last few years I went out with friends for fancy dinner while fucked up, but everyones busy tonight.

>> No.19184705

Chick Fil A while watching fishtank seems pretty comf to me.

>> No.19184708


>> No.19184734

Wendies daves double and french fries. normally I dont get fries or soda but today Im all out. Who let the dogs out who who who

>> No.19184753

This thread got me thinking.
I’ve been absolutely killing it on my diet, I’m down another 10lbs in the last two weeks.
Nothing but chicken breast, protein powder, vitamins and kale.
I just stocked my fridge with über healthy groceries.
I’m gonna make some edibles and take my happy ass to taco baco.
Gonna tinkle outside the binkle tonight, bois.

What’s the most cost effective thing on the menu? Just a big box of tacos?
It’s so pricey now.

>> No.19184759

Good for you. Everyone deserves a little pleasure from time to time. The taco party pack is the best deal. Get a Mexican pizza for me bro

>> No.19184766

There's a $5.99 box that's online/mobile only. It's the best value and a fuckton of food, with enough options to make it interesting. If you need more beyond that they have some $2 burritos that are of solid quality for the price.

>> No.19184774

Mcd has a 10 mcdouble for 10 dollars today only so I am hitting that up in a hour.

>> No.19184787

It's like swimming, once you learn it it's stuck in the muscle memory.

>> No.19184805

My guy WHAT
Please tell me it’s not a mobile only thing

>> No.19184807

Weed is not food and smoking always damages your ability to taste. Disgusting.

>> No.19184812

I have like 20 pounds of instant oatmeal that I keep around for those times when I feel like getting high.
It's cheap and filling, and I don't waste money on food I don't need. Just put in a bowl, add water and a splash of soy sauce, wait 5 minutes, and enjoy.
It also works as a quick and easy breakfast on other days.

>> No.19184814

Das why I’m making edibles.
Both of your points are invalid.
Dicks aren’t really food but that hasn’t stopped you from eating a bunch of them.

>> No.19184819

it's either a local thing or he's lying. mcdonalds franchise owners sometimes make their own deals that are only available at that location/other locations owned by that franchiser. I used to live by one that would put on awesome deals

>> No.19184826

>my guy
you have been CLOCKED you stupid literal actual redditor. the thought that you, a terminally brainpoisoned snoo, would have the temerity and total lack of self awareness to post anywhere that an actual human being might read it DISGUSTS me. return to your online tard roller and see what the bots and shills have to say on behalf of whatever global corp you stan today, so it can massage you back to catatonia. leave the ensouled be, you are a millstone around the neck of the human experiment.

>> No.19184830

Local thing to the best of my knowledge. A few years ago they even gave me two hashbrowns for a dollar and that lasted like a week.

>> No.19184831

This is destitute but smart.
I’ve got a feeling I’m going to be coming up on some hard times while finishing my degree, I’ll probably follow suit.
But no soy sauce, that’s a little weird.

But today’s a cozy 4/20, I’m gonna go on a quest and get my taco baco, and >>19184774 this if this homie isn’t bullshitting.
McDoubles fuck. Especially when you’re busted.
Then I plan to find something comfy to watch, and hang out with my cat and give her wet food because it’s her birthday.
It’s about to get harder, but today is a good day.
Peace on earth, I mean it y’all.
I will get a Mexican pizza for you in spirit, anon. Are they really that good?
I loathe apps. I don’t use any.

>> No.19184836

my heart

>> No.19184840


>> No.19184855
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it's micky d's for me's

>> No.19184859
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Today is a good day.
Gonna get mf comfy.

If you guys do one thing today go wash your sheets and a pair of pajamas/ lazy clothes. Get comfy with me.

>> No.19184862

Missed when my local McDonald's would do two-for-one Double Quarter Pounders.

>> No.19184868

They did that a few years ago when they downgraded the quality of their pounder burgers by not freezing them so they have more bacteria and shit growing on them when they give them to you.

>> No.19184870

my guy WHAT

>> No.19184875

>so they have more bacteria and shit growing on them when they give them to you.
that is where all the flavor comes from you fucking retard

>> No.19184881


>> No.19184927
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McDonald's cheeseburgers are such good little pucks. I get em with extra onions.

>> No.19184938

haha I'm jk good sir, I think that reddit is great! cannot wait for your presence to improve stinky old 4channel - what a snoozefest it is here! they don't even have karma... how can one tell how based and intellectual one is without a score? looking forward to the reply chains culminating in "and my axe!" in the future!

>> No.19184969
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>> No.19184980

>smoking always damages your ability to taste.
i hate when faggots talk about shit they don't know about,weed makes food taste so much better you retard

>> No.19184990

let's get stoned and comfy bro :D enjoy your day and night

>> No.19185017
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I have no weed and no food and no money until next friday lol I thought I was gonna get a check this week but I'm retarded and I'm not

>> No.19185141
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Juan Something.

>> No.19185150
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I got a can of peach Peace Tea (peach tea hehh), normally I'd go for an Arizona Mucho Mango but the dep was out so whatever
gonna smoke a fat blunt and order some Papa John's, something cheesy with extra garlic butter; I've already got a bag of purple Takis for dessert
it's one of very few nights that I have an excuse to indulge in slop, so I'm going to enjoy myself

>> No.19185202

Oh fuck dawg, there have been a lot of Arizona threads and I was reminiscing about the days of yore when every exploit with my pals as a degenerate high schooler involved an Arizona tea.
I’ve been laying off of them because eating healthy.
That’s going on my list of things to grab while I’m out. Ty anon.

>> No.19185389

I made a burger, bowl of spaghetti and some stuffed clams to have. But it took every ounce of will in me to choke down 1.5 of the edibles I had and now I feel sick

>> No.19185442


Here's a tip: take your ground weed and sprinkle it along the width of a dollar bill as if the bill were a rolling paper. Pinch and roll it back and forth as if you were rolling a joint. If it's not completely dried out shake it should naturally tighten into a perfect rod of weed. Since money is a sturdy mix of paper and fabric, it won't tear like a delicate rolling paper would. It allows a lot of trial and error as you get the feel of shaping the weed within your fingers.

Now ready your paper and gently slide your joint-shaped weed bundle onto the paper and voila, the hard part is already done. Tuck tightly, lick the adhesive and roll to completion.
You can now slide a rolled crutch into the best end if you like or twist up both ends.

It's how I learned and I hope it helps out.

>> No.19185446

Joints are by far the shittiest way to smoke weed.

>> No.19185453

4/20 always brings me sadness from happy memories of hanging out with friends in highschool. I'm probably not going to eat anything today because I haven't been able to eat anything all week. I bought a bag of peanutbutter m&ms and a tropical citrus vitamin water on my way home from buying weed. It's all I've been able to keep down for the past few days.
>I got 1/4oz for 11 dollars and it came with a free joint.

>> No.19185459


Fellow app-hater. Cheers to that. Who the hell knows their pet's birthday anyway? Perfect day to celebrate it. Gonna spoil my dog with rare steak strips tonight for his "birthday". What a fabulous idea.

>> No.19185469
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I changed my sheets and pillowcases, gave the dog a bath, and am going to pop 50 mg of gummies and take a nice bubblebath myself. With melatonin-boosted honey-scented epsom salts too. And candles and incense and Pure Moods CD going. Then I'm getting into bed with some fresh guacamole and hummus and italian herb pita crackers and watch MST3K with the dog. Comfy times.

>> No.19185472

this sarcasm is a much better way to show your hate on /ck/. It's funnier and more creative. thanks

>> No.19185482

yes, totally inefficient. No harm if you have plenty and don't mind watching it burn away just being lit, wasting away in between hits. I'm in a legal state and buy ounces of chronic bud (25-30% THC) for $50 and jars of concentrate for $18/gram, so I could waste if I wanted and not feel too guilty, but still I can't bring myself to smoke joints more than once a year or so. Just wasteful.

>> No.19185501

Basically this. They are good only for acting Gangster, which I respect the appeal of, but there's no serious reason for this to be your go-to smoking method.

>> No.19185502

Spatchcocked roast chicken, white rice, vodka, and maybe also salad

>> No.19185509

as for weed, I am just hitting some cheap bud from the bong, I was mixing with tobacco till yesterday when I decided to stop for health reasons

>> No.19185510

what the fuck
greatest deal since the arby's 5 for $5 jr roast beef if true

>> No.19185542

Is that still going on?

>> No.19185672

>10lbs in two weeks
that's literally impossible.

>> No.19185735
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I ate 3 THC gummies and then 6 double stuf oreos, my brother in christ I am feeling like a deadass fatass fr

>> No.19185765

ate four fried chicken biscuit sandwiches and iced coffee and that kinda just held me over

>> No.19185872

>3 candies and 6 oreos
Anorexic niggers don't get the rope because they would simply float away

>> No.19185879

They are for people that have friends. The joint or blunt is passed around andspends almost no time being "idle". Hope this helps

>> No.19185884

Don't come in here and larp like you only ever smoke "with friends" you know damn fucking well that 95% of the time you are smoking alone, and using joints in that case is retarded.

>> No.19185888

Someone said they didn't get joints, I explained them. On the rare occasion I blaze by myself, I hit a bowl. With friends, it's a blunt 100% of the time

>> No.19185923

Got work tonight, but I'm making a Mississippi Pot Roast for the morning.
As for weed I am the kind of idiot who only does edibles but has a fuck-high starting tolerance, so I'm going to be downing ghee infused with 7g of fantastic indica shake.

>> No.19186259

idk my dude I started off at 201 and now I’m at 191, some of it might just be the results of a fast, not actual fat loss.
But, I saw the numbers, made me happy.
I’ve been eating like 750 calories a day. Mostly chicken.

>> No.19186866

that’s possible but you have to be going hard in the paint on CICO.
some of it was probably water weight/ weighing after a fast though.

>> No.19186973


>> No.19187107
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I don't really do any drugs but I've been munching on a big-ass pepperoni stick for the last two days and I'm gonna grab some summer sausage and cheese tonight. Met some guys last night who reeked of weed, but they were cool.

Enjoy your weekend, F to 420chan

>> No.19187149

weight loss is not just fat loss. losing fat means losing body volume and your body's capacity to store water. If you lose 5 lb of fat you're also gonna lose a few lbs of water retention capacity.

>> No.19187183

Sounds like you deserve better my guy, go to a sit down Mexican place and order a plate of steak nachos and a 24oz cerveza

>> No.19187189

>I live in a legal state and buy an ounce for $50
One thing New England does not get right, our legal weed is taxed to shit. An eighth goes for around $30-$50 at a rec dispensary

>> No.19187473
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My friends gathered for a night of anime. We bought 3 large pizzas: Hawaiian, chicken pesto, and the works. We should gotten 4, though.
Then we ordered ice cream.
It was magical.
Also, the episode of Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out we watched had a blink and you'll miss it gag about getting chocomint oden stew from a vending machine. That sounds disgusting and amazing.
Pictured is actual oden, in the Shizuoka style. Not really built for chocomint.

>> No.19188673

For me it's a 20pc McNugget, a Quarter Pounder, Large Fries and a McFlurry, I usually get it delivered because it's on the other end of town and I don't often have to pass that way.

>> No.19189269
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'celebrated' today. got some mcd's on my way home. ordered a double cheeseburger and 10pc nuggets, I had to wait on the nuggets and when the guy brought it out he said he hooked me up for waiting and gave me a fist bump. I expected like a free fry or something, but he made me 2 double cheeseburgers instead of 1, a 20pc nugget instead of 10, and a large fry. :)

>> No.19189410

Order a pizza extra peperoni extra cheese some fanta and coke to go with
Pull tubes all day in my underwear tell my girl to get lost

>> No.19189498

you buy ounces for $50?

must be garbage weed. I can get an OZ for 40 but it's absolute dogshit.

>> No.19190122

The minute I saw Mass proposed that referendum I knew the state was going to take so much money that a black market would still be viable. Only state I've lived in that has more anti-fun laws on the books is Alabama.

>> No.19190924

>In 1971, five high school students in Californiaused the term "4:20" in connection with a plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop, based on atreasure mapmade by the grower
At least learn some history before spouting le reddit boogyman at everything.

>> No.19190940

>My friends
QRD on having friends?

>> No.19190952

im very aware of that fact you fucking skid mark

>> No.19190960

just bee yourself

>> No.19191411
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I lucked out, one of them I met in high school when friend-making still happened, and his friends from college became my friends when I moved to the area they all lived (and went to college).
Pic related, my buddy is a serious home cook and he cooks dinner for the apartment almost every night. Sweet fucking deal.

>> No.19191650
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Give it time. Oregon started out the same way in 2014. Then there will be an influx of growers and they will flood the market as initial public interest wanes. It started off with $40 eighths at dispensaries (which was about what black market prices were but now you knew what strain you were getting and the potency) but now we're at $50 ounces. It'll take almost a decade but you'll get there.

And no, it's not 'garbage weed'. Like I said, it's like 24% to 30% THC. We're talking Blue Dream, Jack Herer, Rainbow Sherbet, Sour Diesel, OG Kush, Durban Poison, etc... There's nothing even remotely shitty about it. The market is simply flooded and they need to sell off what they have. High end hashish is cheap too. Your experience in your area is totally unrelated to mine. Look up dispensary menus in Oregon if you think I'm fooling. They still sell $12 grams of weed, don't get me wrong, but each town near me has multiple dispensaries all in competition with each other. The place I go to sells $50 ounces as a lost leader maybe, but attract people who buy gummies and lighters and papers and artwork too. It's a bit of an unreal time for stoners, being legal AND cheaper than ever, but it's legit happening.

>> No.19191654

I missed out on weed day because I have to do a drug screening so I can stop being poor :(

>> No.19191666

All the sweeter and stonier your celebration will be once you land that job and can smooke again.

>> No.19193457

Cant even get the 20 nuggs anymore.