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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19178610 No.19178610 [Reply] [Original]

I run a business and I'm very time poor.
To go buy ingredients and take the time to prep, cook and clean can all up take around 1-2 hrs.
If I pay one of my own employees for that time it costs around $80-100 (Inc tax and super).
My time is worth at least as much as my employees.
So.. To make cooking at home worth it, I need to justify spending $100 worth of time (before actual ingredients).
It is more time and cost effective for me to get a pub meal.
I still cook sometimes, but only for fun.
I think the only way I can cook at home is hello fresh etc, and that's not fun, I like messing with spices and not following recipes exactly.

>> No.19178638

Nobody actually decides to eat out on a cost-benefit analysis though. That's why demand is so inelastic and we can jack up prices on a product that nobody actually needs.

>> No.19178709

I can get a reasonable meal for $20 from the pub.
The cut of meat by itself is around $7-10

>> No.19179140

Cooking yourself is the only way to avoid goyslop ingredients and sneedoils, and ensure good hygeine. Other people are lazy fucking retards and I don't trust them with my food.

>> No.19179159

>Gimmie gimmers!

>> No.19179248

You could make that meal yourself at home for less than $5.

>> No.19179399

Sell your business

>> No.19179429

>I'm very time poor
then you missed the point of living

>> No.19179443

It easy!

>> No.19179449

>To go buy ingredients and take the time to prep, cook and clean can all up take around 1-2 hrs.
why are you so fucking slow at life?

>> No.19179452

>hold the com ass

>> No.19179490

Hello sir
Please do not redeem the meal ticker

>> No.19179495

The restaurant isn't using the 7-10 bucks cut of meat. They are using cheap meat that costs half as much and so could you
Post the food you like to buy from the pub and I'll tell you how to make it cheap and fast

>> No.19179498

It sounds like you have a busy schedule and cooking at home can be time-consuming and expensive for you. One solution could be to consider meal prepping on the weekends, which would allow you to have meals ready to go during the week without having to spend as much time cooking and cleaning up.

Another option could be to hire a meal prep service or personal chef to prepare meals for you, which would save you time and still allow you to enjoy homemade meals. This would likely be more expensive than cooking at home yourself, but could be a good investment in terms of time and energy saved.

If you still want to cook at home but don't want to spend as much time on it, you could try simplifying your recipes or using pre-made spice mixes to cut down on prep time. Additionally, you could try cooking in larger batches and freezing leftovers for later use, which would save time and money in the long run.

Ultimately, it's important to find a solution that works for you and your schedule. Whether that's cooking at home or eating out, prioritize what's best for your overall well-being and lifestyle.

>> No.19179507


>> No.19179565

>To go buy ingredients and take the time to prep, cook and clean can all up take around 1-2 hrs.
Nigga buy a freezer

>> No.19179903

Beef schnitzel with mushroom gravy on chips and salad, plus access to the salad bar (pasta salad, potato bake and seafood extender) for $15, and a pint of pale for $6.50, all within 15 mins.

>> No.19179910

No I couldn't, and I'd have heaps of waste

>> No.19179917

The prepaid thing is what I meant by hello fresh.
I did that for a bit and was okay.
I can't afford a chef.

>> No.19179922

I understand. If you enjoyed the meal prep service like Hello Fresh, you could also consider trying other similar services like Blue Apron, Plated, or Home Chef. These services provide pre-portioned ingredients and easy-to-follow recipes, but still allow for some flexibility in terms of seasoning and spice customization. Another option could be to set aside a few hours on the weekends to do some batch cooking. This way, you can prepare multiple meals in advance, which can save you time during the week. You can freeze the meals for later use, so you'll always have something on hand to eat. Finally, if you enjoy experimenting with spices and cooking, you could consider creating your own spice blends to have on hand for future meals. This way, you can customize your meals to your liking while still saving time on meal prep. Overall, it's important to find a solution that works for you and fits within your budget and schedule. With some planning and creativity, you can enjoy homemade meals without sacrificing too much time and energy.

>> No.19179925

Cooking batches takes too long.
I think hello fresh and lite and easy are the only ones available.

>> No.19179936

If batch cooking takes too long and you don't want to use meal delivery services, you could try simplifying your meal preparation process. Some ways to do this include: Use a slow cooker or pressure cooker to cook meals. These appliances can save time and effort, as you can set them and forget them until the food is ready. Use pre-cut and pre-washed produce. This can save time on chopping and washing, and some grocery stores offer pre-cut and pre-washed fruits and vegetables for convenience. Cook meals that require fewer ingredients and steps. Simple meals like stir-fry or sheet pan dinners can be quick and easy to prepare, and can still be customized with your preferred spices and seasonings. Use frozen vegetables and pre-cooked grains. Frozen vegetables can be just as nutritious as fresh vegetables and are often quicker and easier to prepare. Pre-cooked grains like rice or quinoa can also save time and can be used in a variety of dishes.

>> No.19179948

How long will this take and is there a way to shorten my grocery shopping time?

>> No.19179960

The time it takes to implement these strategies will depend on your specific situation and the meals you plan to prepare. However, these tips can generally help to save time and make meal prep more efficient. To shorten your grocery shopping time, here are a few tips: Make a shopping list before you go to the store. This will help you stay organized and focused on the items you need, rather than wandering aimlessly around the store. Shop at off-peak times. Try to avoid busy times at the grocery store when lines are long and aisles are crowded. Use grocery delivery or pickup services. Many grocery stores now offer delivery or pickup services, which can save you time and effort. You can order your groceries online and have them delivered to your doorstep or pick them up at the store. Stick to a few go-to recipes. If you have a few staple meals that you make regularly, you can streamline your grocery shopping by only buying the ingredients you need for those meals.

>> No.19180056

How long, in minutes, do you think the average meal should take to shop for, prep, cook and tidy up after?

>> No.19180068

I would say that a typical grocery shopping trip should take around 30-60 minutes. An average meal should take between 30-60 minutes to prepare, with an additional 15-30 minutes for clean-up.

>> No.19181461

At the beginning of the tread, I said that amount of time costs money.
That's about $75 in labour.

>> No.19181472

I believe you are responding to chatGPT.

>> No.19181479

It had crossed my mind.
It's a good conversationalist

>> No.19182067
File: 1.68 MB, 452x340, 1671180298786693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you for thinking that shitty picture is funny.
>LOL! It says the roast beef may belong to someone! Be prepared to thief! LMAO! XD
Fucken faggot.

>> No.19182181

Yeah this isn't the end of the world people have been screaming about. This has been much better than the glowie shitposting AI posters we've had on this site for the past few years now.

>> No.19182190

Thanks chat gpt.

I can't believe anons still can't recognize it, kek

>> No.19182203
File: 1.86 MB, 3368x2836, an-Ode-to-JOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah..Only the nuFags don't--prolly thinks it's anons with the 'tism.
don't forget they are trying to drive OUT poasters here by making it insufferable.
Everyone else just ignores or filters 'em.
>pic unrel

>> No.19182207

the funny part, is the roast beef behind said compass. But, you were probably too dumb to notice that detail.

>> No.19182243

I can't see any roast beef behind it.

>> No.19182259

Get a maid to cook and clean for you, preferable one without a green card $20-30 dollars an hour
shack her up in a basement bedroom give her keys to a toyota
done deal

>> No.19182315

All these cunts will want the award as a base, plus 2hr min service charge, plus tax and super.
And I have to still do the shopping for ingredients and cleaning products, unless I pay them for another service and km charges.
I'm in Australia, there are 457 visas but I think you get taxed more for them.

>> No.19182523
File: 46 KB, 469x440, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOL! It easy! XD! It is alway close! LOL! Classic XD
Trash humor.

>> No.19182534

You're not making sense

>> No.19182540

Thanks, chatGPT

>> No.19182569
File: 46 KB, 800x436, Featureman-potatoe-800x436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, your real life will begin when you finally retire with all that money!
Then you'll be able to do what you wish you were doing now, and nothing could possibly in the way of that in the meantime.

>> No.19182942

A $30 maid would require at least a 2hr shift, plus ingredients and shopping time, if that isn't long enough.
It'd be cheaper to eat out.

>> No.19182943

What do I want to do now?

>> No.19182977
