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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19174684 No.19174684 [Reply] [Original]

why haven't pasta straws gotten traction yet? I never tried one, but I'm sick of paper straws. did any of you tried one before? do they stay solid? do they change the taste of the drink?

>> No.19174687

What a waste of perfectly good semolina

>> No.19174690

They're fine for people who drink a lot of marinara sauce.

>> No.19174692
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I think straws themselves aren't important. We should make plastic straws and only the disabled/elderly can use them. Fucking dumb ass shit, just lift the fucking drink to your fucking cattle ass mouth.

>> No.19174694

straws are ultimately better for your teeth when drinking acidic drinks

>> No.19174695

It's just wheat, calm your tits

>> No.19174698

all the places near me switched back to plastic

>> No.19174700
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>> No.19174714

You have to be willing to replace the minor things before moving to the bigger issues.

>> No.19174743

Just drink water.

>> No.19174787

>The house is on fire! Call the fire department!
>Relax honey, minor things first, there's a hair on the upholstery. I'll get the lint roller.

>> No.19174813

cook them and fill them with ricotta

>> No.19174819

It's inferior penne and you should be ashamed to buy such an obvious bait.

>> No.19174821

Straws never get recycled.
Any other plastic can at least have a chance of being recycled.

>> No.19174823

>the US ships all their plastic waste to these places under the guise it will be recycled
>having nothing they can do, it just becomes waste

The dishonesty of this image is astounding.

>> No.19174831

At the shore she loves the seashells.

>> No.19174839

you'd probably have gluten fags crying about it

>> No.19174933

Maybe the other places should refuse to accept this waste if it's such a big deal then. Or maybe it's not and you're full of shit. I will stop using plastic straws when all my food stops coming packaged in plastic.

>> No.19174939

it's why I got myself a bunch of glass straws
i just pop them in the dishwasher and they're good to go again

>> No.19174941

That's not it. Asians litter like hell. And fishing nets. Quit making shit up.

>> No.19174945

wojak posters again proving their worth with heckin great and valid points

>> No.19174955

What dishonesty? We aren’t the ones throwing the trash into the ocean.

>> No.19174962

The propagation of paper straws is based on the false premise that one viral YouTube video of a sea turtle with a straw in its nose translates to all sea turtles getting straws in their noses that come from western countries. The movement is largely driven by white, unmarried liberal women who follow every single Instagram trend and don’t have the capacity for independent thought, as it were.

>> No.19174966

that's literally it. although china stopped taking US plastic waste recently because too high a percentage of it was unrecyclable trash. US plastic sorting system is dogshit

>> No.19175162


>> No.19175287

You were a waste of perfectly good semen

>> No.19175289

Ever heard of the word corruption? South East Asian people would reject these containers of trash if they had a say in what their retarded governments do

>> No.19175295


As opposed to enormous faggots like yourself who follow every 4chan trend, believe the constant ragebait and have no capacity for independent thought, as it is?

>> No.19175306
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Its a distraction and demoralization tactic.
You peasants go fight each other on straws, nevermind that pedophile lizards are trying to plunge us in another war for power and profit.
>your only way to win is not to play
>laugh at them and call them fags
>call them double fags when they get fake upset

>> No.19175309
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Kek, no. This meme has been pushed entirely by giant corporations so they don't have to do shit. The counterargument is always, "But you have to cut demand before you cut supply," which is wrong in the instance of corporate pollution. No one was asking for Funko pops before they existed. In the ideal world, no one would have bought a single funko pop, but think about that the company will have still made them and they would have still needed to get thrown out if that happened. The only way to prevent millions of pounds of plastic waste from Funko was to stop pops from ever getting made.

>> No.19175311

It's all so tiresome. And people fall for that shit

>> No.19175318

at least it's better than the cardboard bullshit.
you're lucky they're still banned in a lot of places I fucking hate it they disintegrate before you get to the bottom of the drink

>> No.19175322

did you know that 60% of the air pollution in California is blown over from China

>> No.19175335

We don't have paper straws in my state because we're not retarded cucks, but I do carry a glass straw with me to reduce the amount of soft plastic touching things I ingest.

>> No.19175347

Just avoid flavor!

>> No.19175375

And to use as a crack pipe.

>> No.19175709

>t. fat fuck
how fat are you lardy?
has ever been a moment in your life when you looked in the mirror and didn't hate what you see?

>> No.19175724

>The house is on fire! Call the fire department!
>Relax, honey. Look at those bigger fires in China.

>> No.19175739

>no.1 & 2 recipients of US waste plastic are Canada & Mexico

>> No.19175874

Buy em while you can, pasta straws will be illegal soon

>> No.19176009
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>> No.19176909

Sirs please that is the blessed holy river Shmalhamajibra very cleans yes I wash monthly ins it

>> No.19176930
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You mean - people like you? Cause from what I'm reading you readily accepted what was obviously a spurious argument.

>> No.19176932

I accept your concession

>> No.19176951

Care to elaborate?

>> No.19177804
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>be me
>drink 5-8 Cokes a day for years
>always use a straw because I think it's good for my teeth
>realize I gave myself wrinkles on one side of my face from using a straw all the time
Don't let it happen to you bros.

>> No.19177816
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Bucatini already exists

>> No.19177820


>> No.19178456

Why do people use straws anyway? Just drink from the cup or bottle it's not hard

>> No.19178531

What size shirt do you wear?

>> No.19179898

The only time I want a straw is when a restaurant gives me a drink that is 80% ice, and I can't actually drink normally without getting a mouthful of ice.

>> No.19179914

those are for smoking crack anon

>> No.19179920

The anti-straw virtue signal fad is basically over. They banned plastic straws in my state and the ban lasted about 6 months before people got fed up with it and just started ignoring it. No one enforces the ban and mom and pop stores never followed it. Now even chain stores have started putting out straws again. McDonalds even slips plastic straws into your bag if you ask nicely.

>> No.19180051

Yeah basically. Straws are for when you have a broken jaw or are otherwise disabled. They're a waste of time otherwise

>> No.19180063

Poor puppy. Somebody save him!

>> No.19180100
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This. It's not about the environment. It's about humiliation. If it was about the environment then Pentti Linkola would be a household name in the west, but he is not.

>> No.19180102

he's a sacrifice to the mechanical gods, an escalator spared a chinese family because of him

>> No.19180113

>Pentti Linkola
>He promoted rapid population decline to combat the problems commonly attributed to overpopulation
>"but just Whites okay, i'm not racist, ignore their pollution and lack of all environmental protections"
shitskins deserve to inherit a shithole planet

>> No.19180116

>did any of you tried
learn english

>> No.19180124

You clearly don't know a single shit about him. He was pretty much the origin of the Eco-Fascist movement and was never afraid of pointing out who is to be blamed for the destruction of this planet. Why the fuck do dumb retarded zoomers like you even post here?

>> No.19180128

he also had 2 kids lol
he was just a whiny poser

>> No.19180254

2 kids is the smallest replacement birth rate. I hate fags like you, "If you think humans are so bad, why don't you just kill yourself and make the world worse?" Because I want to at least try and fix it, fucking retard. The individual has basically no impact on the world as long as giant mega-corporations are writing the laws and dumping millions of tons of plastic crap into landfills every week through the third world.

>> No.19180260

>"If there was a button I could press [to start a World War], I would sacrifice myself without hesitation, if it meant millions of people would die [to radically reduce the world population]"
Meanwhile in reality, he was a self admitted coward who had two children.

>> No.19180294
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Rat posts

>> No.19180305

you're not doing shit nerd
sit down and shut up

>> No.19180325

The best are the plant plastic straws. I remember Jose Cuervo was churning out ones made from agave fiber for a while.

>> No.19180356

Imagine exalting the virtues of a hypocrite and self-admitted coward. The man had no real conviction and couldn't even live up to his own code of ethics. Though that's to be expected a university sponge. Especially one who comes from a family of university sponges and literati.

>> No.19180395

It's funny how you rats show such contempt for education when it isn't your kind of "education". Because when someone hasn't been "schooled" in your kind then they're worthless hillbilly peasants.

>> No.19180405

>The individual has basically no impact on the world
this is the correctest thing you said, and it directly contradicts the rest of your post

>> No.19180426

You don't deserve respect simply because you have a college degree or are a researcher. I'll respect his opinions regarding ornithology but I'm not obligated to respect his views on how we need to mass murder for the sake of overpopulation. Especially when he demonstrates a "do as I say, not as I do" mentality towards it and has some fucking kids.

The guy thought left wing bank robbers and terrorists were the "signposts" of civilization. He was mentally ill and a hypocrite and I'm glad he's dead and rotting in hell with Marx and the rest of his ilk and can't actively and aggressively poison the minds of impressionable youth any more than he already has.

>> No.19180933
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relax, he probably likes it

>> No.19180979
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>has ever been a moment in your life when you looked in the mirror and didn't hate what you see?

>> No.19180991

delete this

>> No.19181022

>One country out of over a hundred makes up nearly a full percent of plastic straw waste.
>Here's why it's China's fault.

>> No.19181116

Anon that's not what that says, read it again slowly

>> No.19181120
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>> No.19181122

Why do minorities generate so much waste?

>> No.19181144
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For me it's the Twizzler straw

>> No.19181145

Environmentalism is the new white man's burden

>> No.19181154

pretty sure asia has like 80% of the world population or some shit

>> No.19182254

Drinking from the glass is very low class

>> No.19183167

I don't really boil pasta, so I'm wondering if you put it before or after boiling.

>> No.19183372

>plastic in the ocean is americas fault because corrupt east asian politicians take and dump it
Who are you performing for? The olympics ended months ago.

>> No.19184179

would you eat uncooked dry pasta???

>> No.19184299

the true fatass choice

>> No.19184341

The lawmakers who do this kind of retarded thing own the new product that is now required.

>> No.19184369

Yeah they definitely aren’t profiting from the plastic creation process lmao

>> No.19184794

great, when are you invading asia

>> No.19185180

>everything is made in Asia for the rest of the world
>rest of the world also sells trash to Asian countries (China banned this in 2018)

>> No.19185548


>> No.19185556

That isn't what's happening.

>> No.19185561

Plastics have long been sold to Asian countries under the guise of recycling.

>> No.19185616

a whole new way to slurp spagetti

>> No.19185644

You are still manufacturing something that's going to be used once for a couple of minutes then throw away

>> No.19185653

So do you have a problem with toilet paper? Do you want to eliminate that and have everyone wipe with soap and water like in India?

>> No.19185714
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>> No.19185779
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>wiping with soap and water

>> No.19185789

China only stopped taking literally everything and the only reason they did is because the literal billion people in their country create more than enough scrap plastic waste on their own for processing.

>> No.19185866

you weren't supposed to point that out

>> No.19186300

0.5% contamination is not a small restriction. Nobody really notices it because the trash dumping just shifted to other Asian countries

>> No.19186304

Why would you want to drink DIRECTLY through plastic anyway?

>> No.19186305

To avoid a milk moustache.

>> No.19186327

Who the hell asked if bucatini should be bigger?

>> No.19186863

Wouldnt the bad guy be the one buying/getting paid to take recycling and throwing it in the ocean

>> No.19186887

This argument makes no sense when you realize there's a huge amount of small plastic items that are way more useless than straws. Like those little plastic tabs that hold tags on clothing. Nobody wants or likes those, and they can rip holes in the clothes. I've seen brands that use a piece of cotton string to attach the tag, why can't all clothing companies use that? Plastic clamshell packaging is another, everybody hates it, and there's no proof that it prevents shoplifting. If someone wants to steal the item they'll just take the entire box. Plastic bottles, why don't they just use cans? I know cans are lined with plastic but it's still LESS plastic and it's the little things that count amirite?
Also there's been many times when I got takeout and the drink came in a 100% plastic cup, with a shitty paper straw. Why can't plastic cups be banned instead? We've had waxed paper cups for a long time, the technology is there. Banning straws isn't about muh pollution, it's about inconveniencing your ass

>> No.19186909

Why do you even need a straw? Are you an toddler? These half-measures just bring more trash

>> No.19186914

>literally send all your junk to asia & africa to dump
>produce this graph
>nooooooo usa is innocent we aren't causing all the plastic waste

>> No.19187229

><5% of people are producing all of the trash because t-they just are ok

>> No.19187424


Paper straws would probably be fine if they would wax them the way they do with paper cups. Is it really that hard?