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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.85 MB, 4624x2084, 1681694774139393219781720732459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19170667 No.19170667 [Reply] [Original]

Post your kitchens. Normie edition

>> No.19170704

I don't have a kitchen. I have a micro fridge in my living room and a grill on my porch.

>> No.19170711

When it's clean I will

>> No.19170720

>fridge covered in shit
If I ever have children they'd better not expect me to crust up my nice clean fridge with 20 layers of crayon drawings and school notices

>> No.19170730

OP forgot how much identifying info he has on his fridge. Did you save the date, OP?

>> No.19171063

literally still building doors for cabinets.... might be done tomorrow.

>> No.19171078

Ah, yes. Because we could have thought you might be figuratively building cabinet doors

>> No.19171088
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>> No.19171092
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Sorry finger was over the lense

>> No.19171094


>> No.19171110

what is in that glass bowl with the plastic bag on top?

>> No.19171133
File: 135 KB, 1024x680, 4281779529_82a1908062_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this, a 110 camera?

>> No.19171159

doors for cabinets
cabinet doors
maybe me engrish no proper
thing to me same

>> No.19171166

I had a 110 camera. Old guy moment coming...
You kids don't know how fucking good you have it.
Those were shit. Processing was slooooow and expensive.

>> No.19171172

It was your unnecessary use of the word "literally". Unless it's something that could be mistaken for exaggeration or approximation, you'll never need to use that word. Also, fuck you

>> No.19171208

lmao boomer. did you go to fotomat too?

>> No.19171209

unnecessary to you. Most people on /ck/ don't even cook. The idea of someone not only cooking, but building a kitchen by themselves is an almost unfathomable thing to most. (Though I know there are a few amazing individuals who frequent this board.) The use of "literally" is quite appropriate in this context. I don't need to use the word "literally" when I point out that you are a faggot. Because everyone already knows. Faggot.

>> No.19171218

not a boomer. GenX. I don't remember fotomat.

>> No.19171223

Imagine getting this assblasted on this board God damn

>> No.19171266

imagine continuing to not call out the trolls and garbage that bring down the quality of the board. Go to lit if you want to argue sentence structure, word choice, etc. But he doesn't. he's a troll

>> No.19171271

Jesus christ, go back, man

>> No.19171276
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>yfw OP unintentionally doxxes himself

>> No.19171299
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>> No.19171301

Get those bananas away from the fucking bread and take your meds

>> No.19171305

>leaving identifying info in the pic
thanks Ill be around for dinner

>> No.19171306

Getting old's a bitch.

>> No.19171309
File: 3.18 MB, 2266x1008, kitchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same old appartment kitchen

>> No.19171323

bruh you don't need that many spatullas, put some away

>> No.19171332

There are two spatulas at most

>> No.19171343

I count 7 "flat cooking apparatus" and 5 "spoons". I'm probably off but even in sheer amount that's too much.
>paper towels on the wrong side
>2 breads

>> No.19171342

Don't tell me what I need, pally. I'm an old man (see meds on the right) and each tool has a purpose. Wide orange is for stews. Narrow-er orange is for stir frying.
>too many tongs
I don't run the dishwasher every day

>> No.19171352

Utensilets are the worst. Get lost

>> No.19171364
File: 3.46 MB, 4032x3024, 20230416_234745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count again.

>> No.19171365

t. lacks any kind of planning for handling raw meat and avoiding cross contamination
I bet your dirty 3 times more plates and cutlery than needed and end up with a sink full of dirty dishes when making a basic meal

>> No.19171369

I don't have a sink or dishwasher.

>> No.19171373

Ok I'll be honest anon I did not expext you to reply seriously.
That said, 21 utensils is still way too much to have out.
Also wtf is this "Le creuset" pot you use to hold them?

>> No.19171374

Are you in prison?

>> No.19171376

>I don't habe a sink
A dishwasher I understand but how can you not have a sink?? This has to be a shitpost and not the same anon.

>> No.19171382

>Le Crueset utensil pot
I have a lot of disposable income.
>That said, 21 utensils is still way too much to have out.
I'm mostly retired. I cook a lot. At least two meals a day. I don't run the dishwasher until it's full.

>> No.19171383

I don't have a kitchen. I posted first in this thread and said as much. No larp. There just isn't a kitchen in this house. I pulled it out and didn't put it back.

>> No.19171384

>>Le Crueset utensil pot
>I have a lot of disposable income.
Sorry I meant that honestly. What is it truly?

>> No.19171389

Still what. That seems like purposefully making your life harder for now reason. Unless you mean it's "there" just not built yet.

>> No.19171390

It's just a utensil holder that I spent a lot of money on.

>> No.19171393


>> No.19171404

The kitchen was rotted out. I pulled it. Now it's just down to the studs etc. You wouldn't know it was a kitchen. There is no kitchen here. There isn't one about to go in. I just don't care.

>> No.19171415

But why? Even if you don't plan on using it yourself that sounds like terribly inconvenient, and horrible for resale.

>> No.19171418
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Kek they're literally just planters.

>> No.19171421

It's perfect for resale. No one wants rotted shit. The demolition is done. I could sell it tomorrow for twice what I payed for it easily. This isn't forever, silly lad.

>> No.19171447

>using half your counter space on two separate dish drying tubs
but why

>> No.19171749

i hope you like eating microplastics because you are

>> No.19171764

Pretty close to mine except I have electric vs. gas (wish it was GAS), hate my life

>> No.19171906
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>> No.19172081

What? One's a drying rack and one's a dish tub. I put them away when I don't need them obviously.

>> No.19172235
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>> No.19172269

it must be a pain to keep all these white surfaces stain free

>> No.19172273

That was my concern when buying the house, but they're wipe down surfaces so it's actually way easier than I thought.

>> No.19172296
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Even mods participating in the thread. Nice. All are welcome!

>> No.19172322

you could improve the lighting

>> No.19172333

>all these billionaires with their marble countertops

>> No.19172335

Why do normalfag come on 4chan and pretend to not to be a normalfag?

>> No.19172366
File: 1.93 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230417_113039893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I'm a neet

>> No.19172473

you should tidy up a bit so your parents don't get upset by the mess

>> No.19172483

Jesus. Clean up that shit hole and get your life on track.

>> No.19172487

There are microplastics in every breath of air your worthless lungs inhale.

>> No.19172510

yet another reason to stop breathing

>> No.19172651

>Kapoosh knife block

>> No.19172678

Out of everything wrong here, why is there a pair of dirty underpants on the floor of your kitchen? I can understand (but be disgusted) by leaving random crap on the counter and trash on the floor, but in what scenario are you tossing your briefs onto the kitchen floor?

>> No.19172683
File: 7 KB, 194x259, mib3 griffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in what scenario are you tossing your briefs onto the kitchen floor?
I think it's the scenario where he's mentally ill.

>> No.19172712

Why is the fridge tilted

>> No.19172780

Is that some kind of top floor kitchen and I also want to know why the fridge+garbage can is tilted

>> No.19172795

>cheapest flooring
>single light
>cheap sink
>cheap counter top
>heaps of cheap cabinets
>poorly installed gass heater

>its big
>its clean


>> No.19172804


>cheap flooring
>horrible back splash ... tile?
>door to daycare where the pantry should be.

>nice oven
>nice sink
>good taps
>nice counter top
>decent layout
>I assume decent lighting
>decent cabnets


>> No.19172813

>future suicide statistic lives here
>cheap everything
>no back splash
>odd roof slant

>bench top looks ok

>> No.19172824
File: 3.78 MB, 1998x1508, Screenshot 2023-04-17 141715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the home inspection because I didn't take any of the kitchen, but as of 5/1 this will be my kitchen. Not gorgeous, but an upgrade from what I've got.

>> No.19172834

>old with all the weird old kitchen things that include, odd gap above cupboards, too many uppers with no head free benches, lazy back splash, weird big room with nothing in the middle layout, ugly ceiling
>cheap oven
>horrible floor
>too many doors and not enough draws

>decent bench top
>is big
>looks well maintained for its age
>wasn't the cheapest shit when it was new
>has potential to be good with a few cheapish renos, paint cupboards+new pulls, new oven, remove some uppers, new floor, add bench island, tile back splash
>chose the correct kitchen aid

4/10 as is, potential to be 7/10 if you spend 4k on it

Also >>19172366 is 1/10

>> No.19172851
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There was something that fell behind I needed to retrieve . Didn't bother pushing it back

>> No.19172865

>have cool hidden passage
>you're supposed to hide it with a fridge
What's inside?

>> No.19172870

It's good but i'll nit pick it
>not the best layout, have to run laps around island to get to things
>dated colours
>too many upper cabnets, those ones left of the sink can go
>stove and oven oddly far apart

>new cabnet fronts on old cabnets???
>nice flooring, window,
>bench tops are ok but look cheap compared to everything else
>nice stove and other appliances even though ss doesn't fit the look too well
>good lighting

It was an expensive kitchen when it was built but looks dated now, some odd layout choices and colour scheme but overall nice, Paint the cabnets and live with the jogging around the island, you've got a great looking window and a nice view


>> No.19172874

based laser thermometeranon

>> No.19172877
File: 1.87 MB, 1414x799, Screenshot from 2022-09-10 14-35-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best i got

>> No.19172887
File: 1.54 MB, 2774x2080, Needs to be cleaned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOME. Least it was till I fucked everything up
Based sasuga master, I fuckin love making sasuga and peepers

>> No.19172898

>everything could be better

>everything is alright

5/10 totally average but too many spatulas

>> No.19172906

>Not in education, employment, or training
>Still can't find 5 minutes to tidy up his shithole

>> No.19172917

>everything is cheap and 7 years old
>too many uppers again
>odd spot for dishwasher makes horrible corner cupboard purgatory
>Poor lighting

>its big
>its white
>accidently a decent layout
>clean ish (compared to some)
>looks like someone cares for it and uses it well, would be happy if i were a land lord and saw it like this

100% a rental
3/10 but a solid 3

>> No.19172934

>bad layout making small size even worse
>cheap everything
>poor lighting
>fridge doesn't fit
>odd pillar of doom in left corner
>just enough of a gap to hide a dead possum above the cabnets
>no splash back
>ugly colours

>good condition

Hope its in a good location or cheap to rent


>> No.19172935

>too many uppers again
took me a second to realize what you were talking about, i was worried i had left my drugs in plain view(im a construction worker, you see). other than that you are correct about everything.

>> No.19172942

>Upper cabinets
Yeah, my wife fell in love immediately so it was all over. She's 6'2, so at least I won't need to come in there every time she needs the fucking blender.

>> No.19172959

what kind of psyops is this? ck actually knows kitchenware brands?

>> No.19172960

That's what happens when "normies" come here

>> No.19172970

They're called crocks, and sure, you could use a planter to hold utensils or use a crock as a planter. They're handy, though I agree >>19171364
is a ridiculous amount of similar utensils.

>> No.19173002

>Can't even be bothered to drop your body weight onto the fridge to nudge it back
I'm impressed by your dedication to the aesthetic

>> No.19173010

0/10 too clean

>> No.19173018

Gina & PJ fat couple

>> No.19173026
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nice EDC

>> No.19173033
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My kitchen may only be 6ft 8 wide but at least if I don't like my neighbours I can just move.

>> No.19173079

I'm on /ck/ 'cos I love food and cooking but for a living, I do flooring. Your Laminate is failing and I see this so often. Floating floors are nothing but trouble, get rid of it and get a dry back LVT.

>> No.19173108

if 10/10 is a perfect kitchen and 0/10 is an empty room. I don't know how to rate this because an empty room would be way better than this.

>> No.19173119
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>> No.19173176

its fine but theres heaps of little things that are bad
>cluttered as hell
>too many uppers
>white cupboards on white counter tops on white walls makes it look like a cheap flip
>ikea cabnets with cheap pulls
>electrician didn't feel like putting the hood in properly so just threw in a gpo, only didn't have any single plugs in the truck so used a double, but ran out white face plates so just slapped on a stainless one, "yeah it ah, matches the stainless hood"
>went from 600 wide oven to 900 wide but that fucked up the cabnets on the right of the stove and hood.
>island too big and close to other benches.

>enough draws
>nice big new oven
>nice big sink with good tap

5/10, looks homely and I'm sure whoever owns it loves it, and they got what they wanted within their budget.

>> No.19173180

also good lighting

>> No.19173187

>paint cupboards
retarded opinion discarded

>> No.19173204
File: 276 KB, 750x1125, Painting oak cabinets (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it cunt

>> No.19173214

>muh farmhouse but not
looks fucking awful

>> No.19173235

its not farmhouse, not even close. But they did turn a crack house into a 750/w yuppy rental with a weekends work and 2k.

>> No.19173253

Looks like they paid too much

>> No.19173275
File: 989 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230417_190040_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap wannabe farmhouse
so even worse than farmhouse

>> No.19173329

this modern and in style but it looks like it started with a high budget and ran out of money
>looks like a nice house with good windows and old wood beams
>nice tiling done right
>expensive stove/oven
>in vogue Moroccan rug
>lots of draws and seems large

>cheap cabnets
>cheap butcher block and too much of it
>cheap floating shelves
>cabnetpulls on the kickboards?

It all fits together style wise and most people would like it, but this either feels like they ran out of money or its a cheap cabnet company installing their stuff next to expensive stuff for a brochure shot or something.

>> No.19173347

Is there even room to bend over directly in front of the open oven or do you have to load everything in from the side?

>> No.19173354
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Who the fuck are you, faggot, Paige Wassel?

>> No.19173368

yep, me in the middle

also, thats a man

>> No.19173681

>cluttered as hell
nope just right
>too many uppers
nope too few
>white cupboards on white counter tops on white walls makes it look like a cheap flip
wife picked it she loves it. and it was NOT cheap.
>ikea cabnets with cheap pulls
incorrect birch plywood cabinets they were not cheap at all.
>electrician didn't feel like putting the hood in properly so just threw in a gpo, only didn't have any single plugs in the truck so used a double, but ran out white face plates so just slapped on a stainless one, "yeah it ah, matches the stainless hood"
well, no I installed it, removed the ugly 90's oak cabinets and over stove microwave, vent inside the wall was 14 inches wide and so outlet (from the old microwave) could not be moved, but nice try.
>went from 600 wide oven to 900 wide but that fucked up the cabnets on the right of the stove and hood.
cabinet was picked before we had the oven and was a best guess, we had a housing market boom, and contractors were booked for 6 months. we were lucky to get what we got at the time.
>island too big and close to other benches.
nope just right
>enough draws
>nice big new oven
>nice big sink with good tap

there was no budget. money was not the issue, time was. I wanted a commercial stove but insurance required a firewall between the stove and the cabinets and the installed had no idea how to do that.

more than enough room.

>> No.19173759

this is awful

>> No.19173767

Yeah, I'm not posting the inside of my house of the four channel. My kitchen is way too small for my liking though. I'm planning on building an outdoor kitchen at some point soon.

>> No.19173784

if you can spark then I'd remove the gpo and get that hood wiring in the wall, small patch up high where people dont look is also easy to do in drywall. I'm not sure what you mean by the vent is in the wall but you can always remove an outlet, if thats what a sparkie told you its bs. I'd consider taking the right side panel off those skinny cupboards and turning them into shallow shelves, but its an odd space. If the cabinets were pricey then call the cunts back in to fix up the mistakes, missed calking on the front of some kick board, awkward gaps meeting the molding on the floor, I'm guessing the doors being 5mm to 15mm too small for the cabnets is the style but its uneven from top to bottom on some and should at least be straight. If you've got cash still you can tile it, maybe convince your wife that it doesn't have to be white.

>> No.19173819

You think people are actually posting their own kitchens? They're just posting shit off google

>> No.19173827
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least favorite thing is the useless microwave vent fan

>> No.19173830

also also if you wanted more upper you could have taken them up to the ceiling, which also generally looks better because you remove the dusty no mans land shelf but you guys seem to like it for all the nik nak things.

>> No.19173915

>too much white/pale stuff
>lighting sucks and is not centered
>ugly blinds
>microwave hood thing and oven over in no mans land

>I don't mind the floor
>nice high ceiling
>oven looks decent
>cabinetry already to the ceiling and decent layout
>cool old cupboards on the left give it character and save it from being generic
>not sure where the fridge is but looks decent layout
>clean and good size

This place had good potential if its yours and youre not renting, theres heaps of shit you could do
>tile the walls, maybe a bit of colour like a salt glazed green tile, or maybe just a white with black grout but tile it herring bone?
>more lighting, get rid of the old fitting and get a couple of cool pendants, get them centered this time
>consider painting the bottom cabinets a darker colour, a blue or a green
>maybe a glass door on that old cupboard thing? what is that anyway?
>change out the oven for something that looks cooler standing alone, something in an older style if it suits the house or a wolf if your rich
>ditch the mic/hood and get a nicer hood
>getting rid of those binds, maybe cooler windows
>better tap, dish hoses are cool.
>don't be tempted to squeeze in an island. this size is nice without it
Theres heaps you can do here depends if you like spending money cause it also looks serviceable enough as is.

as is 5/10 but 9/10 potential

>> No.19174145

Based and scuffed realtor pilled

>> No.19174157

do you get beaned in the back of the head by pot plant and mason jars if you brake too hard?

>> No.19174226
File: 262 KB, 1536x2048, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't tell anyone how I live

>> No.19174266

Explain the over-the-cabinet situation.

>> No.19174271
File: 1008 KB, 4608x3456, 20210522_100306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a rentoid, unfortunately
depending on how bad my landlord reams me on lease renewal next month I do want to at least update the blinds. It's just shitty aluminum blinds in the whole place right now
>maybe a glass door on that old cupboard thing? what is that anyway?
It's a old ice box made of painted steel. I'm guessing circa 1930's. Not 100% sure if it was originally intended to use with block ice or was a very early mechanical refrigerator that they removed the cooling unit from. I use the bottom shelf to store silverware and top two shelves for additional food storage.

>> No.19174276
File: 2.08 MB, 3002x3752, 20230410_163048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das it mane

>> No.19174279

Roaches need to eat, too.

>> No.19174286

0 roaches spotted.
Currently solving the mice issue.

>> No.19174302

I straight up know who you are

>> No.19174315

OP if you paint the cabinets I'm going to come rape you

>> No.19174703

This looks totally normal you stupid fuck you just made the picture blurry to try to trick us

>> No.19174773

Highly recommend you switch to paper plates, cleaner and easier. Also why are you letting the Listerine evaporate away?

>> No.19174803

>buying nice stuff for your landlord
fuck that, just spend the money on nice furniture you can move with you. The place looks fine to live in anyway while you gather enough to buy, with any luck the market will keep falling and you'll be in for less.

>> No.19174974

God I fucking wish I had a granite countertop

Lemme clean my counter quick and I'll post pics

>> No.19174997

looks like you have a family but don't keep enough fruit for even one of you to have a single ripe piece each day?

why are people like this?

>> No.19175001

What do you think they do with the extra bananas?

>> No.19175042
File: 1.47 MB, 4000x1440, 20230418_041700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken over my mom's since she's getting to old to use it anymore

It was equivalent to >>19171092 prior to me getting shit sorted to this point

>> No.19175048
File: 903 KB, 2000x720, 20230418_041703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No overhead cabinets, doing what I can and the backslash is a dollar tree special

>> No.19175050
File: 1014 KB, 2000x720, 20230418_042441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing this right? Using kitchen decreased and very light pressure with a scrap sponge

>> No.19175764
File: 2.54 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20221214_215111000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where I make my mediocre food.

>> No.19175785

the hell is with those empty bottles on the top of the cabinets

>> No.19175809

collector cups we purchased while on vacation or at a show. They sit up there retired.

>> No.19175822

dude, the vent tube inside the wall fills the entire space between the studs. it goes ALL the way up the wall. there is no way to install an outlet there without opening the wall up and redoing everything.

also no one but you cares that the outlet is there. no sparky had anything to do with the installation.

The kitchen is exactly the way we want it. not changing it not painting it. the wife loves it and that makes it perfect.

keep it to yourself. I knew when I posted some insufferable twat would impose his aesthetic.

don't care fuck off.

>> No.19175884

>old cheap and falling apart
>looks like a rental with all the shit that they have, shit stove, dark shit lighting, cheap chipped missaligned cabnet doors, not enough draws
>chipped tile bench
>bad floor
>over cluttered

>good size
>double sink
>looks well used

maybe declutter if you want it to look nicer but meh at least its clean

>> No.19175888
File: 54 KB, 796x598, 25475269452_9bd425c0de_o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19175905

>good digits
>tiled back splash
>decent quality cabnets
>into fermented food (for gut health)
>great colour pallet, good balance of white, mid century wood and stainless
>appears to have good lighting


>> No.19175982

I used to live like this
Im proud of myself for turning it around
4channel unironically helped

>> No.19176046

7/10 - Clean, but not stupid "no one cooks here" clean. I like your cabinets too.
5.5/10 - It's a rental so you get an extra point or so. At least with it being that narrow you'll never get too fat. Good job keeping it pretty clean.
5/10 - Ancient and it shows, but it's got a good layout, and I kinda like old timey kitchens.
6.5/10 - Got that 2008 modern look, but it's all cheap shit. Very clean though - looks like it's out of an apartment listing
9/10 - Gorgeous. If you're actually moving in here, congrats. I like built in ranges and it's very well lit.
5/10 - About as good as a rental is ever going to be. It's a kitchen.
Zoomer/10 - Now that you've been priced out of owning or even renting a a kitchen, has van life treated you well?
5.5/10 - it's way too cramped to be rated much higher, but I'm a sucker for kitchens that look like they're actually used. I hate going to someone's house and it's obvious that the maid scrubbed the shit out of their kitchen and nothing has been touched since.
7/10 if rental 5/10 if you own - love the tiles even if they're uneven and the simplicity of the whole setup.
6/10 - average wagie kitchen. What did you do over the cabinet? looks like you spray-painted around a license plate or something.
Take a picture from the other room. There's not much to go on here. I like the floors though.
4.5/10 - It's depressingly lit which is probably why I don't like it much. If you don't have room for all those cups on top of the cabinets, just put em in a box or recycle them.

>> No.19176059 [DELETED] 

oh goody! i get to show off my material wealth!

t. delivery driver

>> No.19176064
File: 437 KB, 1776x1000, kitchen (final form).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh goody! i get to show off my material wealth!

t. delivery driver

>> No.19176218

reminds me of the newish apartment buildings that are everywhere around Australian cities so I'm probably overly harsh because I hate those things.
>Cheap /sink/oven/dishwasher/cabnets/backsplash etc
>poor lighting
>bad shape for cooking in (where's your fridge)
>the same as all the other
>white on white on white

>its easy to live in
>clean and newish
>doesn't take much space away from apartment
>your probably renting so who cares, drink cheap red wine and make bad cocktails in it


>> No.19176225

I love having cabinets left of the sink. All my tin foil, cling film, tupperware, Duralex, refillable sauce bottles, saté sticks etc is there. Rinse, drain, pack, store in fridge. Once you're used to it it works great.

Hard agree on the island. It's always in the way (between the fridge and the fire ffs) and the thing you need from underneath is always on the wrong side.

Try changing the lights. It looks like it's painted with mustard right now. Still one of the better kitchens I've seen in the past year. Enjoy.

>> No.19176253

I hadn't considered the potential issues of the fridge being that far from the range. In my current kitchen they're like 2 feet apart. I'm generally pretty good having everything I need, but maybe I'll cut a 1/2 island sized butcher block and use it as prep station or something. As far as the color goes...it's not that ugly. The pic is from the home inspection, and he was using some type of constant shutter camera to make a 360 degree walkthrough and kept swapping to heat imaging to look for areas where the insulation or weather stripping may have failed. It's all a light/medium maple finish and looks totally different on a sunny day. Anyway, thanks for the headsup about the island.

>> No.19176256

>the no taste no it all is australian
colour me shocked

>> No.19176258

Take your meds

>> No.19176260

It's a boat. No breaks.

>> No.19176265
File: 2.40 MB, 5563x3708, grosscrude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the previous owners take the kitchen with them

>> No.19176269

Boat life anon. I own 3 rental properties which pay for me to live on my 62ft narrow boat

>> No.19176289

post photos of your rentals kitchens, and how much you get for them.

>> No.19176296


>> No.19176309

I really would've liked my stove where the dishwasher is (much closer to the sink and with more cupboards to the right of it). Other than that it's the best kitchen itt when it comes to functionality.

And I don't like to look at a dirty kitchen while I'm eating. Chin up, there's far worse and more expensive itt.

>> No.19176330
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>> No.19176340
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>where's your fridge
just next to the walk-in pantry

>> No.19176346

>no it all

not sure if baiting but don't care because that's dumb and ur dumb

>> No.19176352
File: 145 KB, 828x494, B8D7C302-8797-4D2E-AEB3-571D8D26268C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19176353

cuz u dont no taste

>> No.19176358

ackshually... my taste has improved considerably since i quit smoking

>> No.19176367

What espresso machine is that?

>> No.19176371
File: 362 KB, 1333x1000, E61 coffee setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19176380

i think they call it the 'piccolo' model, and it's an excelent machine that brews a delicious cup and is easy to disassemble and maintain. 11/10 machine.

>> No.19176383

Whoa, it’s nice

>> No.19176386

yea, i'm glad i bought it when i did because i've used it a lot over the years.
and, you're right, all that shiny chrome does look good too.

>> No.19176389

How’d you know I was thinking that about the chrome. Psychic.

>> No.19176391

Very nice

>> No.19176393

it's a gift (ie. illness)

>> No.19176399

lol tell me my future!

>> No.19176400

hard to tell but if girl we have sex

>> No.19176412
File: 39 KB, 220x178, 1E656D6B-4226-4EAE-9D62-91526548B52B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww yeah

>> No.19176421
File: 109 KB, 660x495, neckbeard fat guy with gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread got weird.

>> No.19176434

the fuck do you deliver

>> No.19176436

definitely NOT contraband!

>> No.19176438

His gun. It's in the picture, retard

>> No.19176444
File: 210 KB, 748x869, crema!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i deliver mostly hot food for uber eats™ but i'm fast so i get a lot of tips

>> No.19176449


>> No.19176461

>I really would've liked my stove where the dishwasher is (much closer to the sink and with more cupboards to the right of it). Other than that it's the best kitchen itt when it comes to functionality.

they do this to save money, dw are always near the sink for easy access to drain and water, the plumber you can just run a flex tube directly into the sink pipe and not have to run another drain. Thats also why I kinda dislike sinks in islands because they also end up putting the dw in the island and it turns the island into the dish pit.

>right fuck me
>stove, on its big, oh fuck me its huge are 7 people working in here? you need a bloody army platoon
>right glass doors, but you cant see through the glass, what was the point of the glass again? donkey!
>Oh I love this particular frenchcopper pot, let me buy 112 of them. How many do you need?
>overall too big

>good colours, not afraid of making a choice
>industrial stove and hood is cool and I'd do it too if i was rich but its going to feel like driving a semi to pick up the kids kinda overkill sometimes
>amazing room with all the windows and natural light
>nice cabinets
>flooring ok, lacking compared to everything else
>equipment bench where its all set up but contains clutter is sick
>blended commercial and residential well
>although its big its a good use of space, not empty

9/10, if not 10/10
the big commercial stove would have three people working it in a kitchen so you might feel a bit odd running around it by yourself and you rarely use it to its potential with big stock pots but hey, if you've got 150k to burn it would be cool. sick kitchen

>> No.19176478

in an ideal world i'd have room for an island and put the oven in that island but i'd prefer my oven to be on the left side of the kitchen under the microwave oven, if i had a choice. but i think i have adequate bench space for all of my unitasking appliances.

>> No.19176485
File: 1.86 MB, 3000x1909, 1665350749041011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurts my soul that the only art I can see is a coke ad

>> No.19176489

kek. that mirror is over 100 years old! i bought it at a garage sale about thirty years ago and it has "1922" written on the back of it.

most of my art is in the bedroom

>> No.19176496
File: 564 KB, 3381x1617, 20230418_130850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get the painter back in to finish the job on the cabinets. Tbqh I should have just done it myself

>> No.19176513

why are your white goods black?

>> No.19176536

Is your kitchen really this shape or is it some sort of 'fish-eye' lens distortion?

>> No.19176561

>too big
>too many cabinets
>White everything, wood floor, marble bench, just like every other rich house

>all in theme to a style
>great stove
>nice materials, marble is nice and nice to work on for pastry
>good lighting
>good quality everything

Kinda trend following and derivative but high quality and all fits well, too big but thats probably in theme with the house, mcmansion. The only things that stand out is the recessed lighting while practical could be updated to include an in trend pendant over the island, also the stools are cool but dont fit the rich conventional look. I dunno man, nice but soulless

>> No.19176618

>halfway through painting cabnets, consider doing lowers a colour but good move on painting instead of installing ikea 1/10th the price but same performance
>all cupboards no draws
>too many uppers
>might be a bit small
>bad floor
>bad lighting
>kind ugly fake marble
>black appliances look weird
>no back splash
>bad blind

>could be cool and looks like you've just started renovating it
>has a cool pass through to what is a lounge room?
>looks useable as is so you can take your time with the reno
>good shape
>ok size

>tile the walls
>consider colour, don't white out everything unless your just flipping it
>maybe make the cupboards on the left a cool open hanging shelving
>get some cool lighting, remove the fluoro
>maybe do something cool with the window
>make noe of those skinny cupboards a spice rack thing
>fuck it man paint the fridge too

3/10 as is but good potential

>> No.19176643

Who is this twat making critiques of others peoples kitchens?

Post pictures of YOUR Mums kitchen (I bet you still live with your 'parents' )

Come on, let's see your perfect kitchen!

>> No.19176660

gimme another go, heres two options

cheap an basic
>cheap vinyl wood floor
>wood counter top
>dark green/blue lowers
>new blind

More expensive, if you have money and want to stay in it
>remove all uppers except the ones on the right that frame the window
>new floating shelves on the right with warm lighting over
>nicer flooring
>new appliances, smaller fridge
>a shelf either side of the new hood
>cool tile the walls
>a bunch of recessed lights
>good floor, but do the whole house at the same time
>maybe some small molding around the ceiling.

its gonna be hard losing cabinets in a small kitchen but maybe you can store a stack of plates and glasses in the dining room. Anyway looks fun, enjoy.

>> No.19176667
File: 14 KB, 280x286, relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19176678

Winners. I like the range in both of them. What do you guys do for a living?

>> No.19176711

>Screenshot 2023-04-17 141715.png
>google maps arrow
seems legit!

>> No.19176714
File: 77 KB, 1024x768, E784A3CB-CEB0-4929-98FC-91B3CC4F541D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No kitchen but I have running water and a refrigerator in the bathroom.

>> No.19176721


>> No.19176751

Panoramic photo. It's rectangular
>why are your white goods black?

>> No.19176759
File: 262 KB, 1925x716, white goods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your white goods are black. did you paint your fridge? if so, are you retarded?

>> No.19176769

No, I just rent the bathroom From a couple that rent out rooms in their house

>> No.19176774

do they also use your bathroom slash bedroom?

>> No.19176786

No it’s mine and I have a lock on the door.

>> No.19176792

its the screen shot of a virtual tour, he said he's bought the house and moving in soon.

>> No.19176803

how many girls have you invited to spend the night in your bathroom slash bedroom?

>> No.19176808

sorry but reading is hard so i just look at the pictures

>> No.19176837

870,000 give or take
I buy email leaks of makeup complany rewards clubs from black hat sites then spam email them with sleep over requests. I also keep my tooth paste in the fridge and don't think I can ever go back to the normie pleb room temp paste.

>> No.19176844
File: 2.12 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y’all have such nice kitchens regardless of what anyone in this board says. I realize my kitchen is far smaller than the average one but I’m a small lesbian living on my own so it works for me.

>> No.19176853
File: 298 KB, 1125x1056, IMG_1326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon here. Idk why it uploaded sideways :( sorry!

>> No.19176862
File: 2.08 MB, 1972x1012, Screenshot 2023-04-18 155812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The arrow is too deliberate for me to be faking it. It's from the home inspection because I didn't take any pics of the kitchen the 2 times I was there. I'll own it on 5/1 and post a sunny day pic in the next kitchen thread.
Here's another angle with the bar and the bar sink.
Thanks. Hydrologist.

>> No.19176869

you must really like wood

>> No.19176884

My wife does. It's on almost 4 acres and has a place I can build a fuckhuge barn to keep all my cars and tools.

>> No.19176891

>4 acres
i see. that makes more sense and i like mostly wooden properties on large blocks of land. you've made it!

>> No.19176902

You joke, but one. She thought I was joking at first. Needless to say she stopped returning texts

>> No.19176910

next time take her to a fancy hotel

>> No.19176935

What's your issue with upper cabinets? They're great for storage and go in otherwise unused space.
We considered actual granite but figured the roi for what's going to be a near campus rental isn't there
The fluorescent is going. Not sure if it needs replacing or just patch the holes left
What's wrong with the blinds?

>> No.19176945

Very comfy. This man bakes.

>> No.19176971

this looks nicer in context, that window is still nicest part. I'd do a new island (is the old one off center?) and delete the sopranos kitchen bar in favor for closer kitchen table and a pendant over the new island. The light on the left touching the molding over the fridge is what makes me think it was a semi redo on the cabnets, like they weren't to the ceiling before, that might mean you have weird empty dead spaces that can hold dead rats so look there first when something randomly smells of death one day, its not just haunted. Also you can hide your illegal heavy water samples up there, I know how dodgy you hydrologist types are.

anyway you can move that light over if you're a psycho. Nice buy.

>> No.19176983

Appliances come in more than just white and I've never heard of the term "white goods" before
The fridge and stove were there when we bought the place. Both black and I'm pretty sure the stove and hood are original from the '80s

>> No.19176986

do they work tho?

>> No.19177008

Yeah. I'm gonna clean out the hood because I'm sure 40 years of grease isn't great. And the oven is a bit slow and the temp reads about 30f higher than actual but it works and can still hit almost 500f

>> No.19177021

my 11 yo oven is 100 degrees (celcius) higher than what my oven thermometer reads. so you're winning by comparison.

i just think that your black appliances looks slightly out of place with the white cupboards.

>> No.19177045

seconding this

>> No.19177046

Made me go do my dishes/10

>> No.19177059

Good idea to put a door mat in front of the fridge, for when the shredded cheese man comes to get you.

>> No.19177063

I used to think oven thermometers were stupid until I used one and realized how far off the ones built into some ovens are.
I think it looks a bit weird too but if they ain't broke why replace them and for some reason all of the apartments in this area are doing white cabinets with black appliances. Still out looks better than the poop brown cabinets with baby vomit green walls that the kitchen was originally

>> No.19177076

maybe its just me but yeah I'm not a huge fan. If your tall you end up prepping with your head in the cupboard when you wanna use the bench, also too many give a dark and claustrophobic feel. I like the look of less uppers and the look is also in trend at the moment so I feel like its an easy choice if you can cop the loss of space.

If you're renting it to potentially rough on the house clients maybe leave the bench for the first lot, replace it on the second lot. Or just replace it now with the cheap pic rel wood. For that market cheap but new a clean is probably the go so you can replace whenever it gets shabby. the blind is fine but its a cheap easy upgrade
>Not sure if it needs replacing or just patch the holes left
both are easy jobs, you can do either youself or if you know a sparky its like a 10 minute job most will do for a beer and a chat. If you remove it there shouldn't be much of a hole at all and putty would do it, don't even need to properly patch it.

I agree for uni rental, just clean shit and paint it, replace it when it breaks. Maybe new cheapest possible vinyl tile through the whole place.

>> No.19177083
File: 4 KB, 318x159, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poop brown cabinets with baby vomit green walls
designers in the 70s must have been high on weed or something. i remember my dad painted out kitchen walls yellow and cabinet doors green. he said it was 'green and gold' like the australian sporting colours.

>> No.19177091
File: 2.92 MB, 3000x3000, can life prevail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19177124

Even worse...I'm federal. We just hide the ones we don't like at work or throw them in the ocean with our used batteries.
I actually like the island, and if I'm being honest, the pain in the ass that buying a home is in the first place makes me not want to touch anything for a good long while. Any down time I've got off the bat is going to be spent making my old (current) house look more presentable so I can take a bigger bite out of the mortgage
It's mostly open and like 1/3 of an acre of it is runs out into a lake incase the owners want to build a pier or boat launch or something.

>> No.19177132

can i come and stay at your house for a while? i promise i won't accidentally bang your wife or anything. please?

>> No.19177150

>This is from the home inspection because I didn't take any of the kitchen,
Try actually reading, retard.

>> No.19177154

>Try actually reading, retard.
make me!

>> No.19177162

>as of 5/1 this will be my kitchen
january is a whole nine months away. is your wife pregnant?

>> No.19177163

Why are the pans so high up? How are you supposed to grab them? Surely you're not meant to just climb up on the counter.

>> No.19177172

they're decorative

>> No.19177183

>4 acres
>nice house
>tall wife
killing it

Paint your old place, you can buy a decent sprayer for like 1k or just pay painters, remove all your dumb shit, stage it well but in that mindless trendy way to appeal to as many as possible, hire a good realtor, someone whos a bit of a cunt, the more honest the better, but they all lie, they'll infer they can get you X amount but irl they will suggest you accept < X offer.

>> No.19177241

can we all just agree that i have the nicest kitchen

>> No.19177263

>the owners
i thought you were the owner

>> No.19177271

ok so since you don't technically own it yet i'm declaring myself the winner of this thread. praise me!

>> No.19177286
File: 25 KB, 898x505, sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot this pic

>> No.19177478

tfw when in prison but the warden allows kitchen access on 2nd Fridays

>> No.19177602


I papered over a busted window with whatever cardboard I had laying around. It was one of those PITA Andersen windows, so I didn't bother with it for a long time.

>> No.19177709

>If your tall you end up prepping with your head in the cupboard when you wanna use the bench
tall person here, you're full of shit.

>> No.19177755

Did you ever fix it right?

>> No.19178037

On May first I will be. I've said it several times.
Yeah, but you gotta walk my dogs.
May 1st in burgerland
I have a Greco I use for doors but don't trust myself on walls. My realtor said my paint is fine as most folks repaint .
anyway. He's awesome...no bullshit.

>> No.19178049

*Graco...Phonepostinig..the kind that throws out tons from a 5 gallon bucket.

>> No.19178155

>On May first I will be. I've said it several times.
Still doesnt make sense to say at that way
Now i question your whole larp

>> No.19178172

Congratulations on having a baby

>> No.19178180
File: 953 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230418_203217_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had this. Im middle class in a cheap area

>> No.19178236


>> No.19178496

>I didn't bother with it for a long time.

>> No.19178820

thank you Anon

>> No.19178832
File: 2.30 MB, 1967x979, Kitchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm moving to America soon, but I am really going to miss this kitchen

>> No.19178833

you got a cot in there or what? i need details about this absurd situation youre in.

>> No.19178845
File: 1.41 MB, 640x624, 1681881785947452.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19179256

I used the term owners because when the plot was cut I was not the owner, but the plot was the same as it is today. To date, none of the previous owners have decided to build anything in the water, and unless I get really bored or rich I won't either. The owners (whichever of them decide they want a pier for their kid to fish on) can build with impunity because someone 70 years ago had the foresight to claim ownership of a part of the lake.

>> No.19179785

What part are you moving to? You can probably find something similar.

>> No.19179873

This looks like one of those "name one thing in this picture" posts

>> No.19179891

That's not your kitchen, timestamp it.

>> No.19180176

Not OP, but that's a pretty normal looking kitchen. There's at least one or two nicer ones posted itt.

>> No.19180183

They don't own the kitchens they posted either

>> No.19180371

Based Galanz user. Folks that is a microwave, toaster oven and air fryer in one.

>> No.19180388

you will never be norwegian

>> No.19180403

Being the bigger faggot you are, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.

>> No.19180412

If you have kids and are any kind of decent parent you'll relish having their drawing and homework on the fridge.

>> No.19180439

>ff 3 years when that paint gets gummy where it’s touched a lot

>> No.19180460

at least your stove top is cleaner than mine.

>> No.19180956

I hope you don't think these >>19171309 countertops are granite, that's the usual cheap pressed wood laminate countertops

>> No.19181066

Those are garbage scribbles. Celebrate mediocrity and that's all you'll ever get.

>> No.19181069

Ha. I know you IRL.

>> No.19181137

When my parents put shit on the fridge I felt like they were patronizing me

>> No.19181660

Decent. Sink/fridge/range triangle is present, colors all work together, fairly good use of the space. Don't like the backsplash design, but whatever.
Not bad. Cabinet color is a bit too medium for my liking. Hides the wood grain like OP's cabs and your floor, although having a contrast from the floor is a good touch. Other nit to pick would be the edging on the countertop, but again, whatever.
Apartment/10, what can you do. Cab, wall and floor colors are fine, at least. Compressed shit looking countertop tho.
Everything in there looks 50 years old and not in a good way. From the popcorn ceiling (or is that vinyl tiles?) to the diagonal handles, to the stain-yellow paint... Just damn.
It's clean, all modernist, and the style is coherent. The oven and cooktop are both pretty far from the fridge, which means annoying walks (and looks like you'll hit the corner of the table) when you forget an ingredient and have to go back.
Awful monotone. See what I said above about how while I don't like the cabinet color, but at least it's not the same as the floor? Yea. Terrible layout that makes the triangle worthless. You're going to bump into that island every other day moving something from the fridge to the sink or the cooktop to the fridge.
Boring. Decent layout, but I feel like a nap just looking at all the drab beiges everywhere.
Again, the island blocking all direct access to the fridge sucks. Not bad otherwise, even if all white is kinda meh. All the tchotchkes help give some color in an otherwise sterile setting.
Kinda boring and sterile in general, but the floor is interesting enough to give it some life, even if I'd never pick them myself. Also turn your knives the other way around, you fuckin dunce - the points are literally inches from the light/food disposal switch.

>> No.19181711

Depressing rental that needs better lighting. Fucking hate the tiled countertops. Get some battery powered LEDs. Nice hot sauces, I have them, too.
Very boring and sterile rental. Nothing you can do. At least the recessed fridge makes for a somewhat decent triangle.
Finally something to critique. Not a fan of the moulding personally, but given that this is probably more suburban/rural, it makes more sense. Not super fond of the second wall cab drawer. It limits what you can put in them when you could simply have a larger cabinet and move a shelf around if it happens to be tall. Triangle is enormous and you're gonna be doing laps from the fridge to the sink (and definitely whack yourself on that island edge). Floor is a very boring and somewhat ugly color imo. With that much lighting, I would've gone darker and/or redder. All the white cabinets and island and marble is a bit boring. A two-tone cabinet scheme might have worked nicely here, maybe a gray on the floor cabs.
I like the paint color on the wall, as it isn't white. The floor is awful, the countertop is a crappy laminate and fuck's sake, put a 75 cent wall plate on that outlet. Could be better. I'd at least put a back panel of some kind on the wall behind the range at least.
I actually like this quite a bit, even if it is plain. Looks like if you turned the lights on and took a pic during the day it could be very well lit.
Hard to tell from the pic, but you need a looooot of lighting for this to work and I'm not sure there's enough imo. Classy otherwise - would look really nice if the cabs were a light blonde wood.

>> No.19181835

>he island blocking all direct access to the fridge
it doesn't

>> No.19181864
File: 2.54 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230419_203242071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single divorced life

>> No.19184017
File: 2.75 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230420_191047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiny kitchen in tiny box, but it's enough for a beginner

>> No.19184210
File: 513 KB, 2400x3200, IMG_20230420_202321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better times will come, right bros?

>> No.19184220

Yup. Just think what you can do with a real setup once you learn to pull a rabbit out of your hat here.

>> No.19184262

Not likely unless you're already nearly there. Space is scarce and growing scarcer. The price obstacle will increase at a faster rate than your buying power does.

>> No.19185757

>Local pizza place magnet

>> No.19186009

Germany future is grim

>> No.19187503

what are you cooking?

>> No.19188128
File: 825 KB, 4000x3000, 1678430458963413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am a student

>> No.19188181

That's a nice looking kitchenette if it's on campus.

>> No.19188308

butter chicken

>> No.19188863

Does anyone have the pic saved, I think it was a dino tendies one. It was just a cheap counter with a cracked plaster wall. Only thing in it was a mag strip with like two knives and a ladle? I had that as my background for a while but lost the image.

>> No.19189245

do you live underwater?

>> No.19189253

why would you hang cast iron over the sink so it can constantly get wet?

>> No.19189798
File: 505 KB, 1284x604, 1682162554759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19191006

>restaurant sized bea tub
breva bmi

>> No.19191373

Imagine the bugs

>> No.19191382
File: 98 KB, 1053x592, Screenshot_20230416_012402_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19191394
File: 190 KB, 680x472, 056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
