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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19165276 No.19165276 [Reply] [Original]

Describe the pickiest eater you know and tell a tale of dining with them. Stories about children not allowed. I'm looking for annoying stories of autistic adults or man children

>> No.19165279

til this day my friend goes to mcdonald's all the time and gets cheeseburgers with only ketchup

>> No.19165281

knew a guy who only ate cheese and plain pasta, died in his 20s

>> No.19165282

Good riddance

>> No.19165288

died from what, also I don't believe you

>> No.19165315

I never asked. Think it was something sudden. Kind of lost contact with the guy

>> No.19165319

my mom eats nothing but potatos and cheese and noodles

>> No.19165329

I knew a lady who only ate mac and cheese. we went to a steakhouse and she got a main course of mac and cheese and then an additional side of mac and cheese. incredible.

>> No.19165371

my dad drinks busch light all day and then he eats either steak or pizza with a bowl of instant ramen as his 1 meal a day. he's done this for at least 30 years.

>> No.19165381

The vax claims another. RIP

>> No.19165389

Actually based. He gets a pass

>> No.19165397

I know a guy who is allergic to shellfish and is picky on top of that. He claims to have a very severe allergy and makes a big deal out of it, but once admitted that the worst part about it is feeling groggy from needing to take a Benadryl

Same guy also one ordered a turkey Reuben without sauerkraut on wheat bread then complained it wasn't really a Reuben but more just like a turkey sandwich

>> No.19165414

I'm surprised he's alive.

>> No.19165425
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Avoiding an allergy doesn't make you "picky" you inconsiderate faggot. No shit he "makes a big deal" out of suffering and possibly being hospitalized or dying. I have no food allergies but I have friends who do and I find cunts like you insufferable, you want him to take drugs and feel like shit because it's a minor inconvenience for you to accommodate him. You're a terrible friend for having this mindset.

>> No.19165428

he eats a lot of vegetables and he also worked on drilling rigs all his life so he was never inactive. I'm surprised he hasn't had at least 1 heart attack yet though.
I love him and my love for him stops me from intervening in the things that make him happy, even if they kill him in the end.

>> No.19165434

My sister in law is in her late 20s and no matter where the fuck we go she will order some variation of nuggies/tendies and fries.
We’ve gone out to nice dinners before and she with a straight face orders just that.
It’s astonishing and a bit depressing. She genuinely won’t eat outside of a kids menu palette in her life. She still eats boxed instant potatoes and pastaroni and will not heighten her tastes at all.

>> No.19165466

Shut up faggot. If you had better reading comprehension, you would have understood that it is not serious but mild, and the WORST PART ABOUT IT ISN'T ANAPHYLAXIS it's taking antihistamine

No where did I say I want him to take drugs and deal with it.

Now, it seems you need to dilate, as your already seething. Go and do that then keys. Fuck you

>> No.19165498
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saw this on twitter recently, made me laugh

>> No.19165505

Ordering tendies at a nice restaurant is autistic and dumb, but there is literally nothing wrong with instant potatoes or pastaroni. Sometimes you don't want to obsess over the carbs, just need something quick and ez.

>> No.19165508

This is exactly the kind of shit I'm looking for. Thank you

>> No.19165509

was fwb with a vegan (vegan for political reasons- the veganism only lasted a year or so) who also hated fruit and vegetables because "textures" (autistic). he lived off vegan beer, vegan fake meats (disgusting), and vegan ice cream (honestly not that bad but every single day? ugh). tried to encourage him to try fruit and vegetables but he would literally have an autistic fit (crying and yelling about 'uncomfortable textures') about just being presented the option of trying something new. stopped bothering with hanging out with him because all the alcohol made it too difficult for him to actually get it up or climax most of the time. he isnt even vegan anymore and exclusively eats chicken nuggets and fries. ever since ive avoided picky eaters in both friends and potential sexual partners. its become my biggest ick

>> No.19165510

Guarantee you she doesn't gravitate toward then because they are quick and ez.

>> No.19165512

Would someone really get embarassed and stop talking to someone over this? Seems more like a laugh it off type thing

>> No.19165514

I would fall in love with you

>> No.19165516

Got hit by a car.

>> No.19165520

i dont think most normal people would laugh this off. its ocd ass behaviour imo. people who physically cant eat food without a specific goyslop condiment are cringe inducing as fuck

>> No.19165525

Had a friend, key word had, He wasn't picky about what he ate rather then how it was served
Every time we went out he had to send something back, every fucking time, not enough of this to lil of that hot or cold cooked too well too rare it was always fucking something stopped going out to eat with him
drove me nuts

>> No.19165535

Is she on the spectrum? Heard it's a common trait -- sticking to a very small set of foods.

>> No.19165543


>> No.19165545

It's just a sign of deeper problems.

>> No.19165548

>autistic, man children
Very funny. If you want your head nagged off, go eat with a woman.
>No wheat
>No meat
Save our planet, posted from my iPhone 73.9
>No sugar
Cuz I'm fat already
>No vinegar
Sensitive Stomach Syndrome
>No gluten
Because da-aah (actual gluten allergy requires a separate production chain)
>No alcohol
Because I'll call you names in public for 4 hours straight and pretend it never happened.

Never again.

>> No.19165550

Off-menu ordering or just closest as she can get ordering?

>> No.19165555

I would do this because I can cook and I have no reason to pay another person for shit they make.

>> No.19165557

correction, iwnbam. you got the wrong abbreviation. tfw clockable but the wrong one v_v

>> No.19165560

This was here last week.

>> No.19165561

sorry i havent seen every ck thread in the last month to have known that

>> No.19165571

Yeah that works too. But it's a separate ailment entirely. Equally as annoying and meal ruining

>> No.19165578

What does this mean. Are you born a woman or nah

>> No.19165582

nobody cares, post about picky eaters

>> No.19165592

He's a 'roon.

>> No.19165695


>> No.19165733

>hanging out with stoner friends
>we get an entire crave case
>one faggot won't eat because the burgers have onions on them

>we get subway with the same friend
>get gets a meatball sub with no vegetables
>if we get pizza he only gets meat lovers

>at his house, look in his fridge
>bare except for condiments milk and beer
>freezer is just frozen precooked chicken

>> No.19165793

>Picky eater
you mean "man of distinction".
people that don't have food preferences are just hogs and should be fed slop.

>> No.19165801


>> No.19165811

dark mode fags are insufferable.

>> No.19165863

Dark mode doesn't hurt my eyes, what's the issue?

>> No.19166170

Dark mode chads are so much smarter than default retards. Light mode Ns are the same dipshits that just sit through YouTube ads and doing nothing about it

>> No.19166176

He's telling the truth. I know because he's talking about me.

>> No.19166187

Antihistamine is a drug. Either he's not a picky eater or you think he should just be taking drugs to deal with it.

>> No.19166199

I would stop dating that person, which would result in not speaking to that person any more because there would be no reason to.

>> No.19166206

You're a fucking moron. I said it's both. Is he allergic to sauerkraut and rye bread too? No. Separate issues.

The fact that he's that picky makes me doubt the severity of the other issue.

Fuck you.

>> No.19166218

So you think he might be pretending to be allergic to fish because he seems to not like tangy flavors. I think you're very bad at assessing people and are angry that this shortcoming is being exposed, even anonymously.

>> No.19166227

Knew a guy that would eat hotdogs from the center out.
Would eat the center until both ends are barely connected then nibble at each end.
He would do this in public.

>> No.19166235

No. I think it's not severe because of the statement "the worst part is feeling groggy from benadryl."

I would think the worst part of a severe allergy would be not being able to breathe.

Leave the thread

>> No.19166283

this isn't burger king, you can't just have it your way!

>> No.19166294

What beer does he drink now, assuming he has boycotted Anheuser-Busch?

>> No.19166442

I was going to stop posting, but now I'm not going to. Nobody wants to feel drowsy for no reason. Not so you can eat an easily avoidable food. Your post is a terrible contribution and you're terrible and I hope there aren't many people who have to put up with you.

>> No.19166511

I'm well liked. Eat my shit and if you're allergic to scat, make sure an pop an antihistamine so you don't go into ANAPHYLACTIC shock

>> No.19166681

dude died from ligma.

>> No.19166707

>Dad is actually really good at cooking so I grew up eating really well
>Dad makes puchero a couple times a year
>He does this every year
>Every time I refuse to eat
>Every time he gets mad
>He can't figure out why I hate puchero
>He can't figure out why boiling potato, squash and beef in a massive pot full of water for less than an hour then serving it in the water is disgusting
>He says the broth is subtle
>I say the broth isn't subtle because you can't make fucking broth by boiling beef, potato and squash in a shit ton of water for less than an hour
>He says it tastes good
>I say you didn't season it, it's just water. You are eating water with plain potatoes and boiled beef
>He says I'll get the belt
>I say fuck you
Seriously how can he be so retarded about this? I know it's muh culture and muh tradition but seriously it's fucking shit, just make soup, just use stick, bullion even, just add herbs and spices, you can do subtle without making me eat unflavored boiled beef and potatoes in a cup and a half of warm water

>> No.19166709

did he get monkepox?

>> No.19166782

>laugh it off
She’s probably difficult with a lot more than just food. That she can’t understand that her behavior was strange is also a huge red flag. I would ghost.

>> No.19166789

Imagine maining pre game/beer pong beer. Jesus christ.

>> No.19166793

most people peak in high school

>> No.19166795

Get lost on your way to instagram whore?

>> No.19166800

I only ate a small range of foods at restaurants for a while. I have a family member in his early 20s who still does that. Eats chicken only pretty much. A lot of that stuff stems from parents/others being too overbearing with food. Boomers were fucking retarded at raising kids. If i had a time machine i would go back and bitch slap the shit outta some of these retarded boomers. They shirked a lot of responsibility.

>> No.19166803

alcoholics drink bud or busch light because it basically gives you no hangover and the relatively low abv keeps you hydrated. the taste is completely irrelevant.

>> No.19166804

Eat lobster without butter! This is why crab is superior.

>> No.19166809

good point

>> No.19166822

reminds me of a time I dated a guy from venezuela
>my bf brought me cold boiled plantains >what's this
>i made it for you
>it's plantains, i like plantains but these are just hard and grey cut into thirds and boiled and served in a tupperware
>he watches expectantly as a try one
>no salt, sugar or anything, just green plantains boiled in tap water
>this is cold boiled plantains
>expectation sours to anger
>yelled at me about being ungrateful and wasteful until i decided to just eat them
> stop immediately realising i am being a weak bitch so asked him if he liked to eat cold boiled plantains
>tell him to get fucked and told him if he didnt want me to waste food dont boil fucking plantains with no seasoning and try feed them to me four hours later
>told him to eat the fucking plantains and tell me to my face that they were good and he liked them

i had a stocked fridge and pantry, we could have cooked anything, he was just on one about the fucking plantains.
i think he went home after that, we apologised to eachother the next day and made soup. we get along better now

>> No.19166827

I lose so much respect for people when they complain about youtube ads. If you can't figure it out you should be made to watch nothing else

>> No.19166835

You sound like an ungrateful spoiled asshole, your dad should have beat you more often. Imagine throwing a baby fit over a meal that doesn't blow you away with flavor a couple of times a year.

>> No.19166854

Also low impact on liver. If you see someone drinking light beer on ice you are looking at a severe alcoholic nearing the end of the line.

>> No.19166890

what a weird larp

>> No.19166896

I physically cannot eat dry food. Everything must be slathered in some sort of umami broth or sauce.

I hate the texture if mushrooms and anything else in that category. I hate chewy foods that won't dissolve in a couple bites, no meat fats, no meat off of bones, no organs.

I love candy ironically.

I can't eat the same thing two days in a row, I need a buffer, I get sick of the taste.

Anything creamy like yogurt cannot have any chunks in it, I will instantly throw up. It must be liquid or very smooth, no counky yogurt and no bits of fruits in it.

I only like dark chocolate at 70% cacao. No more no less, no milk chocolate, no chocolate flavored things. And it has to be cold. White chocolate is alright occasionally.

Nutella is only good alone, it sucks on bread.

Creamy peanut butter only, no chunky

Fruits must be cold or I won't eat them

Bananas with any spots get thrown out, not the peel but the fruit itself

Any citrus like oranges cannot have the white stuff on them after peeled

I hate picking out seeds and strongly prefer seedless citrus, same idea as boneless meats and fish

Water cannot sit out more than 30 mins or I dump it and refill with fresh water

I hate tomato peels in any dish with cooked tomatoes, they must he peeled unless eaten cold in a salad or sandwich

I like toast and grilled meat a bit burnt and charcoaled on the outside

I hate sausages

Hope you are satisfied

>> No.19166912

selling shit is just encouraging money.

>> No.19166915

And they also ruined the whole world

>> No.19166918

Thanks, sometimes I think my life is kind of shitty but then I come here and read posts like this and it gives me a new perspective.

>> No.19166919

Total whopper death

>> No.19166924
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>no milk chocolate
>no chocolate flavored things
>white chocolate is good
>nutella is good

>> No.19166934

I had this vegetarian chick as a roommate for 2 years during college.

All she ate was French fries, popcorn, hash browns and vodka mixers.

She was decently hot but always looked super pale an unhealthy.

>> No.19166941

>I'm well liked.
[X] Doubt

>> No.19166973

>in Korea
>friend is in the army stationed in Korea
>"I don't like rice, soup, slurping noodles, seafood, pork, onions and some of the vegetables they use for seasoning here."
The guy just ate McDonald's at his base for his entire stay. Only thing you could eat with him was some select BBQ. Save to say he wasn't often invited for dinner in our friend group.

>> No.19167295

I don't follow

>> No.19167305

Have lived most of my adult life in states away from my family because of a woman (worst mistake of my life). I move back to where my family is, offer to cook meals for my mom and brother. Brother hates mushrooms and just about everything, mom hates onions and a lot of things. So 90% of the things I cook well are out the door. I was a picky eater as a kid but my god those 2 are the pickiest eaters I've ever met. Also my mom could never cook for shit.

>> No.19167340

thats beer for people who drink all day. the college kids aint at that level yet.

>> No.19167349

>>"I don't like rice, soup, slurping noodles, seafood, pork, onions and some of the vegetables they use for seasoning here."
korean food does have a distinct flavor profile. not a big fan of it, but i do like a few dishes.

>> No.19167360

Vuvuzelas are retarded so it's possible

>> No.19167371

How would you describe it's flavor profile anon? I'm curious because I feel the same way but I don't really have words to describe it

>> No.19167414
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Not exactly an annoying picky eater but more just kinda weird that I've never heard of. My mom is crazy about the little stringy white part of eggs. Every time she cooks with eggs she removes that part. She won't eat anything I cook that has eggs in it even if I tell her I took them out

>> No.19167431

>no meat
>no tomatoes/onions
>no colored vegetables
>no alcohol
>no oily
>no mixture of more than 3 different ingredients
>no mystery ingredients (label says bean and cheese, its actually bean/cheese/garlic/onion/meat/tomatoes. I HATE EM)
>no crunchy unless its cookies/chips
>no sugary shit
I eat simple and clean food.

>> No.19167450

Why do colors scare you? What about colored people, how do you feel about them? You said no oily and then you said chips. Does your crippling autism make you unaware that chips are 50% oil? Did you know that cookies are sugary?
Your story doesn't make a lot of sense.

>> No.19167493

I don't eat ketchup mayo onions or hot sauce.

>> No.19167534


>> No.19167537
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I am the pickiest eater I know. I won't eat anything that has onions in it or smells like onion. I once walked about a mile to return a donair I ordered online because they put onions in it and I didn't realize it until the delivery guy left.

>> No.19167543

I am the guy. I refuse to eat anywhere new outside or eat anyone's cooking. To be fair I live in nyc so I'm surrounded by fucking retards who either don't understand food safety or are greedy cunts looking to make a quick buck. I had a bad bout of food poisoning years ago and since then I only order from a handful of places I trust. I straight up make excuses to not eat food because I simply don't trust someone to not fuck up the easiest thing ever

>> No.19167555

>don't understand food safety
You are the one who doesn't understand food safety. The bubble you encase yourself in is making you weak. You don't even think about how many times your food has been touched or the poo particles on it from ground to your mouth. Nothing is clean, nothing is sanitary. You are meant to eat shit right off the ground. You have weakened your immune system like a scared little girl and are your own worst enemy.

>> No.19167575

the worst part is i know you're not wrong. i'm sure all kinds of fucky shit happen in the kitchen when i order food, i see fucked up delivery trucks every day at worked stocked with meat that's touching the truck beds or trucks with broken refrigeration. the main thing that gets me is i assume the person who is preparing the food did something wrong and will get me sick. i love cooking because i have almost complete control over what's happening with the food, if i don't know what's going on i don't want anything to do with it. so far it's been working pretty well for me, if you saw the degenerate slime handling food out here you'd understand.

>> No.19167585

Oh I understand, I've just accepted that it's out of my control and worrying about it won't do me any good but stress me out. Food poisoning sucks but realistically the chances are extremely low. Most people have it a few times in their entire life. So why go through life restricting yourself and worrying about something that will almost never happen?

>> No.19167631

My current gf. She doesnt eat anything she isnt used to from her mom who sucks at cooking and only knows some basic dishes. I cant cook soups or stews because they never had soups and stews at home. Cant cook steaks or pretty much beef in general (including burgers) because they didnt have that at home. Cant cook most ethnic or oriental food because thats too spicy and "yucky". But the real stunner is, that she doesnt like pizza. Like literally she will refuse to eat pizza no matter the toppings.

>> No.19167650

So what does she eat?

>> No.19167689

Most sea fish, chicken and sometimes pork, almost always with potatoes of some kind, or occasionally with rice. Also she really likes eggs. Thats my favorite food too so we have that.

>> No.19167748
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I absolutely hate squash. Remember trying to eat it once at dinner as a child and almost projectile vomiting everywhere. Only thing I really can't touch.

>> No.19167767

I use to buy weed from a military vet with PTSD and probably also schizo.
He only ate plain white bread straight out of the bag, and would peel off the crusts and throw them back in the bag. His shitty apartment was full of bags of moldy bread crusts. He also ate kit kats by the box full and drank a shit ton of coffee.
Weird fucker had been doing it for at least the 5 years I knew him, probably way longer. He was skinny as a rake and just looked fucked.

>> No.19167791

>only like dark chocolate at 70% cacao. No more no less, no milk chocolate, no chocolate flavored things. And it has to be cold. White chocolate is alright occasionally.


>> No.19167795

Taco pie.

>> No.19167930

>please be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fakeplease be fake

>> No.19167935

>i can fix her
you cant jimmy, its already too late.

>> No.19167939

just say nigger and be done with it.

>> No.19167997
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fuck you faggot, allergies are fucking gay but they don't all result in anaphylaxis, and you can get away with treating an accidental exposure to the food with benadryl most of the time if you catch it early. When you have a food allergy, you're usually pretty damn vigilant about what the food you're eating contains but some things might slip past your filter. I'm pretty sure shellfish allergies are generally mild and don't usually result in your throat closing up; peanut allergies are most associated with that symptom and are the most severe usually. I have a tree nut allergy and have never gotten anaphylaxis from it, but I'll get full body hives and it'll fuck up my gut for a few days. pic related is from a few years ago when I was about to see the joker movie and went to some barbecue place and got mashed sweet potatoes, only to realize after eating that it had fucking pecans in it

>> No.19168049
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>> No.19168100

You just reminded me of a guy that used to just eat bread plain all the time. I was told he once ate a whole loaf of bread in one day. He killed himself

>> No.19168105

Nobody is 'born a woman'.

>> No.19168118

Still waiting on that job boom.

>> No.19168125

This woman sounds like a nightmare in much more than just food.

>> No.19168131

I'm pretty picky.

>> No.19168136

Hey there. I'm male, in England, and cool with dating both men and women. Ready to take a chance on this?

>> No.19168140

That's the thing that turns into the chicken

>> No.19168143

>Nutella is only good alone
You weigh 300 pounds at the minimum

>> No.19168146

This is about a teenager but I'm going to share it anyways, fuck your rules.
>I'm part of a club at my high school that has weekend meetings at the school
>for these meetings it's customary for someone to order lunch for everyone
>this week someone ordered Thai food, nice
>food shows up 3 hours late, everyone is starving
>they forgot half the order, all we have is one big styrofoam box of peanut noodles, a carton of rice, and egg rolls
>it's still better than nothing, and everyone lines up with a plate to take some
>first person in line is this extremely greasy nerd that everyone hates
>I already know this guy is a picky eater, and he's been complaining about how we didn't get any "plain noodles" (as in no sauce, no vegetables, just dry noodles)
>piles half the peanut noodles onto his plate
>takes 2 of the 6 eggrolls
>scoops out nearly all the rice
>everyone else in line looking on with disdain
>he's takes his plate to a table and starts to eat
>nibbles one of the eggrolls
>forces out this exaggerated gag
>bites off an inch of a single noodle
>spits it out
>doesn't even touch the rice
>I'm fourth in line and I haven't even begun to serve myself when he gets up and dumps his entire plate into the trash
>call him a faggot and get kicked out of the club after he tells on me
This kid was also one of those people who was super autistic about not eating the crust of anything
>obviously didn't eat the edge of his sandwiches
>our school sold these big 5" diameter cookies, and he'd cut off the crispy outer edge and only eat the soft inside portion
>considered the bottom of the pizza dough to be crust, and would scrape the sauce and cheese off using his top row of teeth, discarding the rest

>> No.19168149

nta, but for me it's all the fermented stuff they eat over there
kimchi is one of the foods that was hyped up so much to me and then when I finally went to SK it's really underwhelming

>> No.19168155

Lol. Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.19168157

There's a few big hurdles here. No can do. Sorry. We can be best friends though

>> No.19168163

No, teens count and this is the perfect example. Thank you for sharing and fuck this absolute autistic shit stain

>> No.19168174

me (25yo)
>no olives
>despise vinegar and vinaigrette
>no raw vegetables (not a taste thing, something from childhood that I haven't shaken yet)
>vegetables preferrably cooked or baked until they are soft
>will eat fruits in hearty meals but prefer not to
>will eat anything that used to have a heartbeat
>in stirred/mixed dishes the individual pieces should be cut very small so as to spread into every bite and not be absent in one and completely overpower another
>also fuck coriander

>> No.19168177
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>newborns are adults

>> No.19168178

>posts on /ck/ - Food & Cooking
>argues with people who actually like Food & Cooking
>will never stop using time to do this

>> No.19168180

Who was I arguing with???

>> No.19168191

>no raw vegetables (not a taste thing, something from childhood that I haven't shaken yet)
i cant think of that many vegetables that people eat raw so thats not that weird
>will eat fruits in hearty meals but prefer not to
what the fuck does that mean
>will eat anything that used to have a heartbeat
liar. you wont eat dead humans.
>in stirred/mixed dishes the individual pieces should be cut very small so as to spread into every bite and not be absent in one and completely overpower another
nevermind you are literally psychotic

>> No.19168196 [DELETED] 

>you wont eat dead humans
not raw...

>> No.19168210

Oh, you don't? Link to your 20 most recent posts.

>> No.19168213

Ok sorry it's early. Female. Not woman. That denotes time and maturity. Sorry.

In closing, ywnbaw

>> No.19168246

>Hope you are satisfied
I hope YOU are satisfied

>> No.19168250

Not him, but I want all three of us to be satisfied in my bed.

>> No.19168263

This was my second post today

>> No.19168271
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I'm not a fan of olives and hummus and few other things, but one thing that I straight up can't eat, on a verge of vomiting from a single bite are krówki.

>> No.19168277

>>no raw vegetables (not a taste thing, something from childhood that I haven't shaken yet)
>i cant think of that many vegetables that people eat raw so thats not that weird
tomato, cauliflower, all salads, cabbage, carrot, onion, kale, etc. There are many vegetables that are often eaten raw. Not by me though
>>will eat fruits in hearty meals but prefer not to
>what the fuck does that mean
my mother would add pieces of apple to curry rice for example. Cherries, oranges and plums are also often used as ingredients in warm meals
>>will eat anything that used to have a heartbeat
>liar. you wont eat dead humans.
comedic hyperbole you autist let me spell it out I will eat pretty much every available animal as food eg snails, frogs, horse...
>>in stirred/mixed dishes the individual pieces should be cut very small so as to spread into every bite and not be absent in one and completely overpower another
>nevermind you are literally psychotic
excuse me for not wanting one out of ten of my fried rice scoops to just be half a carrot

>> No.19168285

Nah that's just weak shit beer. I drank all day yesterday and exactly none of it was Busch fucking light. Imagine unironically drinking light beer, kwab

>> No.19168293

Probably me. I have some hangups but generally speaking I can get through any dinner without any substitutions or making a scene. The one thing I don't eat though is fish/seafood. We never ate it at home and even though I've tried I can't get over that hump, I start to dry heave if I put a piece of cod or salmon in my mouth, the smell always gets me.
Anyjews, I had a regional manager that was a pescetarian, and she always ordered fish for everyone at lunch when we had some meeting. She would ask for people's allergies and restricted food before, and everyone got accommodated except me (and I always flagged and said I don't eat fish/seafood), so at like 5 different occasions I got a plate of fish in front of me and I had to tell the waitress "I don't eat that" and we had to do a fucking song and dance trying to find something else to eat. Often the restaurant had other dishes available or just a vegetarian option; it's just that my boss cba to actually notify them. Once I just sat through the whole lunch with salmon in front of me. After a while I just started to order food separately (making my boss pay for a meal that never got made) and paid it myself, or went to some fast food place during lunch instead. We had a good relationship otherwise, it was just this retarded thing.

>> No.19168296

You eat like someone in a retirement home

>> No.19168346

>excuse me for not wanting one out of ten of my fried rice scoops to just be half a carrot
just get bigger spoons.
>cauliflower, cabbage
no one voluntarily eats these raw
>all salads,kale
i have never considered these vegetables but i looked it up and i guess they are. but you are right with this one, salad is trash.
>carrot, onion,
i understand you but i dont respect you.
>my mother would add pieces of apple to curry rice for example. Cherries, oranges and plums are also often used as ingredients in warm meals
never seen this in my entire life.

>> No.19168379

>no one voluntarily eats these raw
broaden your horizons, the Japanese eat pretty much everything with raw cabbage. it's pretty good too, one of the foods I learned to enjoy there
>never seen this in my entire life.
rabbit with plums is a euro classic (even though rabbit is better with literally anything that isn't plums)
canard à l'orange is a standard French restaurant dish
cooked warm pears are a popular holiday dinner side
meatballs with cooked sour cherries, any type of pâté with cranberries, the list goes on.

>> No.19168385

>no one voluntarily eats coleslaw [the most popular salad in the world]

>> No.19168404

coleslaw is soup and therefore can't be raw.

>> No.19168421

>I like toast a bit burnt and charcoaled on the outside
Kino. As a child I enjoyed just warming up the bread and buttering that. But around age 20 I started partially burning the shit on purpose.

>> No.19168439

technically a glass of water is soup

>> No.19168464

i only drink pure h2o which isnt soup, but yes all other forms of water is soup.

>> No.19168479

what's the technical definition of a soup?

>> No.19168492

I'm not much of a fan of seabugs or aubergines. Aubergines I can still handle if in a mix of other veg.

>> No.19168505


>> No.19168514

generally any liquid

>> No.19168560

Both my brother in laws are incapable of eating ANY vegetables, it is fucking bizarre. If I'm grilling some burgers, they need to have it with just a bun, cheese and patty with no tomato, onions or lettuce. They can't eat onion rings because it has onions. Vegetarian dishes you can just absolutely forget about, but you can't even garnish a dish with parsley or they'll have to move it aside to eat it. I have no idea how they aren't both dead. They also are completely unable to cook, like not even an egg.

Thankfully my niece is a staunch omnivore and isn't gonna be a vitamin deficient fatbody.

>> No.19168562

All of McDonald's produce fucking sucks.

>> No.19168565

I had lunch with my boss once. She got a blt. Sent it back 5 times. Too toasted. Not toasted enough. Iceberg leccuce. Should be romaine. Then she didnt end up eating it at all. Coworkers said she did that every single time

>> No.19168572

Huh, kind of based actually

>> No.19168584

Who is hyping up kimchi so much and how are you falling for hype over pickled cabbage?
Did you confuse people simply stating "kimchi is good" for something more?

>> No.19168587

Should have slapped the shit out of him when he took half the noodles and a third of the egg rolls, what the fuck

>> No.19168588

power tripping cunt

>> No.19168599

She was some sassy black woman with a chip on her shoulder. She would yell like a drill instructor all the time to just about everyone except a select few including me. She would always make comments about how im cute so that was probably the reason she didmt yell at me

>> No.19168600

Where I live East Asian cuisine was super popular some years back with a lot of Japanese and Korean trendy restaurants opening in the cities.
Difference being Japanese food is actually worth the hype.

>> No.19168606

My ex was the same. If it wasnt over cooked to the point of being inedible, she didnt want it. Steaks like hockey pucks and chicken so dry you couldnt swallow it without sipping water

>> No.19168632

Okay I've been making this sauce for my burgers for the last 29 years of my life, I call it Quinky Sauce. It's just 3 parts ketchup, 2 parts Sayosauce, and 2 parts Mustard.

Anyways tonight we had burgers, and my daughter wouldn't eat my Quinky Sauce so I punished her by making her go to her room for a time out.

My wife get's all pissed at me for doing this, If my daughter doesn't want to eat the food we make in this house, why should I be the bad guy for punishing her?

>> No.19168666

weird to be so neurotic about it. fuck that thing though, i hate feeling it drag over my tongue while eating soft cooked or runny eggs. similarly, i do my best not to pay too much attention to the texture or shape of pork rinds as i eat them because i dont like the idea of eating nipples for some reason

>> No.19168667
File: 113 KB, 446x362, 155197349468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My closest friend doesn't eat cheese. Because he "doesn't like it".
This guy is almost 30 and he has never eaten a pizza in his entire life.
I ask him:
>well, when was the last time you TRIED cheese?
and he says:
>I dunno, I can't remember

Basically, he has no intention to push his boundaries, he's just gonna continue not eating cheese or any product that contains it for the rest of his life.
And no, he's not lactose intolerant cause he drinks milk. He just doesn't like cheese.

>> No.19168705

>would scrape the sauce and cheese off using his top row of teeth
i have a friend who ate pizza like this in highschool. i noticed that they will still deconstruct and eat pizza if we are hanging out at their house, but if we are at a restaurant they eat normally.
>picks off toppings and eats them
>peels off cheese and eats it
>scrapes the sauce and soft dough with teeth
>eats bottom and crust
takes them like ten minutes to eat a slice of pizza. they used to also buy those big jars of whole pickles, bite off one end, suck and squeeze out the seeds and flesh until it could be turned inside out and scraped completely clean, leaving nothing but this bizarre mm thick sleeve of pickle skin which they would either eat or throw away. they had an uncommon and kind of gross affinity for gummy and jelly textures you'd only really expect to see in east asians.

>> No.19168717

arent these just milk caramels? weird

>> No.19168770

I don't think I know any true picky eaters. When I was a little, little kid my parents said I ate a lot of corndogs, hotdogs, and chicken nuggets. Not that I wouldn't eat other stuff, just that I really liked those and would choose them over other stuff if given the chance. I didn't like black olives until I was probably 14. I didn't like blue cheese until I was 16. That's about it, those were my 2 hang ups. I'm a certified garbage disposal, just like everyone else in my family. Though I have an affinity for quality and variety that they don't share. My mom does order either quesadillas or tendies when we go out though, even to a nice restaurant. Not regularly, but she's done it before. My dad bitches about presentation a lot.

"This plate is too big for this sandwich, least they could have done was throw a handful of fries on it to make up the difference."
"Dad, you ordered a side salad instead of french fries."
"I don't care, they're being lazy!"

>> No.19168779

my life is worse knowing there is even a chance any of your story is real
reminds me of my gf in a way
>make pasta
>make the sauce from scratch
>she scrapes off the sauce from every bit of pasta she eats
>finishes all the pasta and just leaves a bowl of sauce
>goes and puts the bowl in the sink and fills it with water
>doesnt even wash it
>leaves the room
>ask what was wrong with it
>she says it was great
never made pasta again.

>> No.19168789
File: 203 KB, 1433x1573, a59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This plate is too big for this sandwich, least they could have done was throw a handful of fries on it to make up the difference."
>"Dad, you ordered a side salad instead of french fries."
>"I don't care, they're being lazy!"

>> No.19168837

there is a different subset of divergent eaters who arent necessarily picky but never got taught how to use cutlery and not play with their fucking food. sorry about your sauce, man. are you guys still together? does she have any other fucked eating habits?

>> No.19168870

He is King Boomer. He is an actual living, breathing, walking, talking cartoon. I came out of his ball sack and I still can't believe he's a real person.

>60 years old
>Almost 300lbs at 5'8 (but the chicks still dig him according to his testimony)
>Double divorced with kids from multiple women
>Partied his balls off from 15-50 doing every drug known to man and now that he only smokes pot once or twice a month "It shouldn't matter, I've healed all the damage"
>Still thinks he's a dangerous and wild criminal and that people are scared of him like it's still 1985 (he gets out of breath making his bed)
>Is such an old fashioned racist that he hates Irish and Italians more than everyone else
>Brags about how he was born in the Western Golden Age and how no other generation will ever have it as good as he did. Perfect example being guns and ammo. Years and years ago he said him and his friends would buy a brand new SKS with its cleaning kit, bayonet, sling and 1000 rounds of ammunition for $100. They would shoot the shit out of the SKS until it stopped working, refusing to clean it at all on purpose then they would just throw it away after it started malfunctioning at all. For reference, a very well used SKS nowadays (with nothing else) starts at $650. When I asked him why he did this he responded, "Fuck you, I got mine. I deserved it, you don't."
>Racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, blue collar worker and union man
>Hardcore lifelong democrat who votes blue no matter who then blames everything on republicans

Thank (You) for reading my blog post

>> No.19168892

>are you guys still together?
honestly man i dont even know...
she ghosted me 8 months ago. but then said happy valentines day via text and then nothing since.
i think i will confront her in a couple months just to get a straight answer of what the fuck is even going on.
i got my own life and shit but its just very confusing.
>why put up with it
lets just say she's a 10 on the hot/crazy matrix.

>> No.19168900

Had the misfortune of meeting my cousins first gf on a family trip to Israel/Jordan. She refused to eat ANYTHING but shit like chicken nuggets and pringles. She wouldn't even entertain the notion of eating basic stuff like pita bread or different flavors of pringles.

He dumped her thank god and is dating a hot physicans assistant.

>> No.19168902

My nigga, she's keeping you around because she sees you as having orbiter/betabux potential. Don't even bother "confronting" her, she doesn't care. She's has 10000000 dicks inside her since 8 months ago, let the bitch go. Ignore her. I don't care how tight her pussy is, and neither should you.

>> No.19168904
File: 215 KB, 840x1250, 5nfzof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates italians
no need to sell me anymore, im already a fan.

>> No.19168929

I fucking loathe the term " red flag" but thats a seriously worrying thing. Leaving the date to get it, going to a store to get it, fighting the waiter when they tell you to remove it.

Just fucking bizarre.

>> No.19168930

Might as well throw in my 2 cents. I pretty much exclusively ate processed shit growing up and didn't care for anything else even though my mom was a good cook. If it wasn't mac and cheese, hotdogs, burgers, pizza, etc. I wasn't eating it. My dad would make me sit at the table til I ate and when I wouldn't, he'd reheat it the next morning for my breakfast. I didn't try steak until I was 22, only now do I eat some seafood and such. I think becoming a cook helped me to work through those problems when I knew everything that went into cooking it, now I'm hardly picky

>> No.19168946

he sounds like a fucking retard. i've sent back one meal in my life and it was because the chicken breast literally had a coin sized fibrous mass in it.

>> No.19168965

should have emptied the contents of the bin on his head.

or at least picked up a handful and thrown it at him.

>> No.19168981

I hate those so much

>> No.19169001

Ligma balls

>> No.19169077

This reeks of reddit

>> No.19169152

My brother is probably autistic (never got him tested but I'm like 99% sure) and he tends to prefer pretty bland foods. The main thing I find irritating though when I try to go out with him is that he likes burgers and that's it. He's the type of guy that will go to in-n-out for a week straight and be perfectly fine with getting it again on the 8th. He is generally a picky eater too although me bothering him about it has made him open his horizons a tiny bit (not by much but still).

>> No.19169220

That kid just likes doing tai chi

>> No.19169292

Buddy in high school.

Lunch every single day was
>PB sandwich, bag of cheetos, 2 reeses cups

When we go out to eat he gets
>A plain burger. Nothing on it.
>A burrito with just refried beans, nothing else.
>Kid's Mac and Cheese

>> No.19169326

what the hell, that's so fucking autistic

>> No.19169327

I was eating at a Thai food street cart when i saw this wh*te woman. She took a solid 10 minutes meticulously breaking down every ingredient of the dish she ordered so she could remove things that she "just couldn't handle". In the end her order consisted of nothing but noodles and chicken with a few carrots and broccoli. Considering that there were restaurants and such all around I just had to ask her if she was allergic to anything, and she simple said no. She just knew what tasted good apparently.

There was also a time where me and a vegan got into a argument calling each other picky eaters. She of course only ate vegan food which limited the places from where we could order. I on the other hand hate eating delivery take out, it's almost always soggy and I don't like how exploitative it is of delivery drivers who tend to be very underpaid, exploited immigrants workers. I remember her saying who gives a shit about the workers as she ordered. I just cooked something. In the end I just couldn't grasp how the parallels of our standards weren't apparent to her. If you ever read this Natalia I stand by my argument, making sure our fellow humans are given a fair chance in life > the lives of any animal.

>> No.19169356

>He only ate plain white bread
>He also ate kit kats by the box full and drank a shit ton of coffee
I'm seeing a lot of this itt

>> No.19169452

Colored vegetables?
You mean like yams, collard greens and okra?

>> No.19169494

So a man of culture.

>> No.19169502


>> No.19169513

>no crunchy unless cookies/chips
>no sugary shit
>simple and clean
you are an autistic retard

>> No.19169520

I had a friend in HS who was autistic.
All he would eat is cheese pizza. No toppings.

Freezer full of cheese pizza, 9/10 meals were frozen cheese pizza and occasionally chicken tenders/nuggets.

Any way he insisted he hated cheese.
I asked him how he could hate cheese if he liked cheese pizza.
I ended up convincing him to try a single bite of cheddar cheese.
He started gagging and almost threw up.

Aside from his weird eating habits you couldn't tell he was autistic.

>> No.19169532

Jesus christ. You have my permission to kill your old man while he's asleep. Give him the hammer, buster.

>> No.19169671

Cheese on its own is different from cheese as an ingredient. I have the same thing. Well, it's not gonna make me gag but I'd prefer it be an ingredient. Same thing with bacon.

>> No.19169680

I live with two roommates and one of them refuses to eat any other pizza than cheese. So every time I order pizza I need to order 2.

>> No.19169717

>I need to order two

No you don't

>> No.19169758

I want to kidnap everyone mentioned in this thread and lock them in a cell, only feeding them fresh salads until they give in or starve.

>> No.19169777

>3 adults
>not requiring 2 pizzas anyway
Is anon living the dream banging to whores daily?

>> No.19169960

Just don't eat raw food or food left in a heat lamp you dumb cunt. 99.9% food poisoning is from that.

>> No.19170039

Nah man, Im not dealing with a chick that aparently either has some kind of eating defect and/or no fucking social awarness/never learned about basic politeness.
Like thats some Chris chan bullshit.
Also I know that shes going to just "cook" microwave shit she can dip in her sauce, or not cook at all, and when I end up cooking all the time in the end shes gonna just shit all over it with that.

>> No.19170069

That trauma probably won't help them eat salad after they get out

>> No.19170092

>reading the texture things and how they are a sign of autism
...did I un-autism myself? I refused to eat food that wasnt "crunchy" or such as a kid. Nowadays I eat everything, I actually am one of the few in my friends circle who actually will try to try out new stuff at restaurants.

>> No.19170105
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I know the opposite. My aunt has 3 sons, my cousins. They will eat fucking ANYTHING. They grew up dirt poor and they're as country as you can get but live in the city. They were hanging out at my house one time while I was cleaning. I had this big sack of dinner rolls(maybe 50-60) somebody gave me that were starting to mold so I threw them out. Like 10 minutes later one of them brought the bag to me and asked, "can I have these if you're just going to throw them out?" They were already in the garbage can, but still sealed. I say, "you know if you can see the mold on the outside that means there's mold inside as well." He say, "so I can have them?" Sure. He takes them to the kitchen table and his brothers come over and they start picking off the green parts and eating the rest. They ask me if I have ranch because they're kind of dry. I had a little left so I gave it to them. They finished that off and asked if I had any milk, I didn't. They got a bowl out of the cabinet, filled it with warm water from the sink, and started dipping the rolls and eating them. Sharing the same bowl, taking a bite and dipping it back in. They ate the whole thing. I told them to come over in the first place because I was making ham and bean soup, greens and cornbread. 20 minutes later they're asking me when it's going to be done. Maybe 2 hours. They walked to the gas station and bought some chips and Jerry. The heaviest one is maybe 220lbs but he's also a 6'4" lanklet.

Not the most insane thing I've seen them eat or the most at one time. They don't give a shit. One of them hates fish but I watched him take down almost a whole 9x13 foil pan of fish sticks. He dipped them in ketchup like they were fries.

>> No.19170169

Know someone that always makes weird substitutioms, A1 sauce at steak houses, always chicken tenders at Italian or seafood restaurants, grossly picks out the beans in beans and rice, no fish, seafood, sushi, rice.

What do parents do that messes someone up like this? Is it making kids try too much food or not enough?

>> No.19170174

nothing wrong with A1 if the steak is shitty

>> No.19170180

As someone just as messed up but with social anxiety I look on in awe as the picky eaters are absolutely buffoons in restaurants, eat the most embarrassing "plain" hamburgers, tear apart food in the most rude ways while eating out, send things back as waiters laugh obviously and nervously and roll their eyes.

My theory is social anxiety is the polar opposite of picky eaters

>> No.19170187

Perhaps. But the three places I've watched them ask did not have A1 sauce, one offered HP.sauce the other two offered ketchup lol. Idk what A1 sauce is maybe I'll try it.

>> No.19170240

i only remove that when I'm baking

>> No.19170253

I have Aspergers but I'm not a picky eater in the slightest. I can eat the same thing over and over again, but I like to eat high quality meals from growing up with chef parents and friends. I hate bland tasting food, so the cooking of most people who aren't professionals like people in my family or family friends, taste like dogpile,

>> No.19170340

Feral humans eat anything they can fit in their mouths. It's almost adorable sometimes.

>> No.19170349

To normies this is me, down to the amount of food eaten in a sitting but still being American skinny anyway. 180, 6 foot. Moldy bread tastes funny but it's never hurt me or made me sick or anything. However my pop is far worse, he used to drink milk from the bottle, and if it had gone off he'd tell us not to drink it and put it back on the fridge for later. Slimy lunch meats were kept in the back of the drawer on reserve for my pop as according to my mom "he's got an iron stomach". Shit like that. Well all eat bugs and worms and shit to gross people out, however my best friends are redneck pollacks and at least the older brother even has that beat. I can't remember specifics but he's had me gagging and not only that he can out eat me without a problem despite being like 5'10" but maintain an actually healthy physique meaning not by American standards like got the abs going and everything I think he weighs like 160 if I remember right but he doesn't even look that heavy he's lanky as fuck but somehow stronger than I am. I'm honestly not sure he's human.

>> No.19170389

I would like more cousin stories. This is awesome

>> No.19170391

Not enough

>> No.19170401

Checked. This might have put me off pork rinds tbphwyf. I'm at least going to check for nips

>> No.19170421

Nta but a1 is very tasty. Im not really sure what it should be used on though however I've never really tried. It likely won't go to waste if you purchase it is what I'm saying just might take more than a minute of thought to figure what it's good on

>> No.19170433

>Idk what A1 sauce is
It's a delicious sauce which is why they ask for it. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.19170442

What retard buys almost 60 dinner rolls and lets all of them mold? Put them in the freezer you retard. It's people like you who say such stupid crap like this and throw out unopened food. Why waste bread, just pick off the mold and eat it.

>> No.19170445

my younger sister is the pickiest eater i know
she's vegetarian but hates pretty much all vegetables. she refuses to eat soup because it's ''too wet'', but is fine eating sugary, soggy cereal. when you cook for her, you're not allowed to season the food except for a microscopic amount of salt. and she currently lives off meal replacement drinks and microwave porridge smothered in sugar and nothing else
bonus - one of her best friends was born without a sense of smell and lives entirely off of mac and cheese and mozzarella sticks

>> No.19170464

>that somebody gave to me
He didn't buy them. Sounds more like a catering thing or a big party or whatever and that shit was going to the trash anyway. Is anon supposed to make sure his freezer has room for as many as 60 rolls in the off chance a friend of his doesn't know what to do with the leftovers of his event or something? Go be retarded elsewhere. B for example used to be for your ilk

>> No.19170471

>born without a sense of smell
I thought that was just made up for bits in comedy movies.

>> No.19170478

please tell me you still have boobs at least, also post them (it's okay on a blue board since you're a man)

>> No.19170525

you people are PATHETIC

>> No.19170528
File: 1.20 MB, 1284x1878, 684E87FF-E1AD-4DF1-B9D2-A3AF8B76DCB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go meet up with a girl
>suggest we get food
>she wants mcdonalds
>uhh ok whatever sure
>she orders fries
>she doesnt like the crispy ends on each fry
>pinches off the ends and eats the middle only
>piles up the ends of the fries on the table

snuck a picture because no one would believe me then never spoke to her again

>> No.19170543

>What do parents do that messes someone up like this?
Maybe his parents would stop yelling at eachother for a moment to yell at him.

>> No.19170545

lmfao thanks anon that's so weird

>> No.19170553

If bread is getting moldy, the roots[?] of it are already growing through the underside of the bread, so no, scraping it isn't going to work chances are.

>> No.19170573

good call anon, she eats people 100%.

>> No.19170582
File: 24 KB, 553x555, 1677154842125132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with disliking certain foods and no one should force you to eat it

>> No.19170584

I had a black friend that did similar. Was more about if the ends were fried till dark it seemed. Meant free crispy bits of frys to me I'd eat em. They thought I was poor in school...

>> No.19170615

I don’t see the problem with this. Why do cunts like you demand you order hundreds of dollars of food you don’t like at a nice restaurant? Order what you want, not what you’re expected to order.
People like you cave to peer pressure so easily it’s hilarious. I could bully you in to buying thousand dollar bottles of wine.

>> No.19170631

based tendies defender breaking the programming

>> No.19170729
File: 39 KB, 400x267, hansonbros_400_267_90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feral is the best way to describe them.

I've got a buddy that does catering, it was something from Sam's club or Costco but they had a couple extra bags laying around. I didn't even want them but they would have gone in the trash otherwise.

I found out they were feeding raccoons in their neighborhood. I was over at their house once, chilling in the kitchen. One of them opens up the fridge and pulls a plastic grocery bag out. Inside the bag was hotdogs. Not from a pack, the hot dogs were just in the bag. They were using the bag like a zip lock. The hotdogs were dripping slime and gray and he was about to start eating them straight out of the bag. I asked him what the fuck was he doing, after some mumbling I told him I'd give them money for some new hotdogs if one of them walked to the store and got them. They did and I took the bag straught out to their dumpster. Later on we were having a few beers and I noticed one of them picking around the trash can but didn't think anything of it. It got to dusk and I noticed a couple animals creeping around the outside of the yard. Raccoons. It's pretty rare to see them in this area unless you're seeking them out but here's 2 of them. The lanklet whistles and one of his brothers runs into the house and comes back with something. Hotdogs. They all approach the coons and start throwing them a couple bits then sit down on the ground. After a couple minutes about 8 or 9 more show up. Not only do they approach my cousins but they start climbing on them. They're playing with the raccoons and feeding them the hotdogs I paid for. I go to get a beer and decide to check their fridge. The hot dog bag is back, after sitting outside in a hot trash can for at least 6 hours. I kind of confronted them about it. "They like hotdogs, and they nice animals we don't wanna give them something that might make them sick." When I threw the bag out there was about 15 in it and when I checked there was only 7.

>> No.19170733

How attractive was she

>> No.19170739

Disliking certain is not being a picky eater. It's a whole other thing.

>> No.19170769

It’s so you don’t get fucked up all day like a worthless faggot. You wouldn’t know what it’s like to hold down a real job so why complain someone isn’t chugging vodka all day instead of beer?

>> No.19170813

Yes we’re all impressed you’re a barely functional alcoholic bragging about drinking all day. I’ll never understand why you’re proud of being a dirty fuck-up.

>> No.19170861

She was right. Those shitty smelly foreigners took that job and it’s not our responsibility to make it better. I don’t feel sympathy for losers. No one should.

>> No.19170879

i knew a girl who did this too

>> No.19170979
File: 221 KB, 1137x620, burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As in this?

>> No.19171012
File: 297 KB, 643x384, Still waiting....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>may 6, 2002
Anon...That "Boom" came in 2006
When 2008 came, we began the never-ending descent.
Yeah, fuck Boomers--But they got fucked too.

>> No.19171041
File: 29 KB, 640x920, 0512dd8b5febf794501545cb2e903ae4600921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm well liked

>> No.19171046

Some people don't like food. I avoid such people.

>> No.19171057

Were you not allowed to further season his foods? Pick out the meat and potatoes and salt them and dump the "water".

>> No.19171072

If the raccoons are dumb enough to eat your cousins' rotting hotdogs, then your cousins can only be improving the intelligence of the raccoon population anyways.
It's nature's way. It throws the retards together and sees what happens.

>> No.19171086

the wife of a guy I work with hates ketchup because she finds it too spicy

>> No.19171100
File: 597 KB, 459x666, 1681048619777530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cockgobblin

>> No.19171104

So lead or get out of the way.

>> No.19171114

Goddamn yinglets

>> No.19171116

Haven't seen the aol keyword for a long time.

>> No.19171143



>> No.19171184

Hey, it's the "I-want-to-kill-my-parents-with-a-hammer-over-food-disagreements-from-years-ago" guy. Haven't seen your posts since I last came here. I see you still advocate hammer murder.

>> No.19171216

tf am I looking at

I know it's a lemur but why does its excretions look like that

>> No.19171242

ate a big bag of cornnuts

Also looks like a Payday bar

>> No.19171329

A friend of a friend who occasionally tags along on trips will basically only order burgers or tendies (or some other form of breaded/battered boneless fried chicken).
When he orders burgers (no matter where it's from - McDonalds or a restaurant with shit like foie gras burgers on the menu), he specifies he wants nothing on the burger besides cheese, and most places take this to mean no lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, fried egg, whatever - but no, he means no sauce too.
He will inspect the inside of the bun and if he sees a trace of ketchup, mayo, mustard or god forbid special sauce, he will either make the server send it back to the kitchen and make him a new burger or he'll dab the sauce off the burger with a napkin and eat it without the offending half of the bun.
He's in his 30s.

>> No.19171333

What foods am I looking at in the pic

>> No.19171339

Do you go on a lot of trips?

How picky is he when it comes to the type of cheese itself

>> No.19171355

>Payday bar

Oh man haven't had one of those in years. Takes me back to a job I had years ago I'd get them out of a vending machine. Maybe I should try one again? They probably have a shit-ton of sugar but went well with a coffee Lol

>> No.19171656

slampig braphoggy

>> No.19171670

a symptom of worse things to come, even her roommate knew
that guy dodged a bullet

>> No.19171690

What the fuck do you do, photosynthesize?

>> No.19171694

One of my former roommates was a real manchild when it came to food so I never bothered asking him if he wanted to join me for dinner when I cooked. One time I was making basic shawarma with bell peppers and serving it on pita bread with some garlic sauce, I judged this to be so basic that he probably would join me in eating dinner. This fucking guy asks me not to cut up the bell peppers into very small pieces so he could pick them out of the shawarma. I ask the guy if he also doesn't eat bell peppers and he tells me that he does but he doesn't 'like' them.

>> No.19171697

Ai generated stuff so it's whatever the terminator thought I meant by picky adult eating fries, grilled cheese, chicken tenders and pasta

>> No.19171700

So just my type.

>> No.19171701

That probably wasn't real shawarma. Making proper shawarma only makes sense if you're serving a large number of people.

>> No.19171714

That is a pretty weird thing to do but the wagie that told them that outside food wasn't allowed needs to fuck off.

>> No.19171751
File: 34 KB, 600x550, 1679571349597691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know two people that do not eat left overs, like at all. One is spoiled as shit and married a very rich guy so gets uber eats 10+ times a week. Especially with the portions at most restaurants, it drives me crazy to see her throw away half of a fucking 50 dollar meal. She's on tons of coke so she's still pretty hot. The other just makes a bunch of food and throws it all away. He'll buy a half pound of cold cuts, eat one sandwich worth and then throw it out. If he made too much food he doesn't put it in the fridge. Seen the man throw away 3 perfectly fine chicken breasts that he could have repurposed the next day, but they're "leftovers" so it goes in the trash. It's one thing to not "like" certain leftovers but it's another to not eat them entirely.

>> No.19171796

I dated a girl and quickly discovered she ate like no foods. I'm talking she ate plain bread, one specific type of butter (wouldn't eat any other brand), bacon and fry up sausages (but not any other pork products like she wouldn't eat a ham sandwich), potato waffles (but again not other potato based foods, could get her to eat chips when drunk or feeling bold), cheese slices like the kraft ones you put on burgers but again wouldn't eat other cheese. She also ate the shitty boxed mac and cheese. I'm not joking this was ALL she ate and she was in her 20s. She kept this all a secret from me when we started dating until I found out. I wanted to try and help her but it sucked. We could never go out for food and if we ate together it would have to be one of her shitty meals. I'm not joking when I say he ate a potato waffle sandwich with cheese slice and bacon in between every single fucking day and then boxed kraft mac and cheese for dinner. I mean that's quite a nice shitty meal when hungover or whatever or when you can't be bothered but every single fucking day. Her pussy also tasted fucking horrible which I put down to her diet. She came round to my mum's house (who I had told she ate like fucking no foods) and my mum had made a really plain roast chicken dinner (assuming she'd at least eat like fucking roast potatoes and yorkshire puddings etc). She didn't and I found her crying in the bathroom later. I persevered as she had that grippy pussy and I eventually got her to eat a few different food products (some mcdonalds, houmous, apples) but I eventually gave up as it was so fucking weird and boring. She'd get physically sick at the prospect of having to eat something she didn't like and would have panic attacks and shit. It was strange as I met her family and they all seemed like well adjusted people who ate normal food like everyone else.

>> No.19171800

Any time is hammertime

>> No.19171808

>She didn't and I found her crying in the bathroom later.
what the fuck
also anon, be honest. she was a whale right.

>> No.19171830

It was some of the strangest behavior I've ever witnessed. She was so mentally damaged... by food. Nah she was super skinny and did a fuck ton of yoga. Could put her legs behind head when we were fucking. Honestly she was good fun and cool otherwise but the food thing was so fucking weird and shite that I had to end it. Thankfully covid and the first lockdown came along and that gave me the perfect excuse.

>> No.19171843

Bet she was raped by someone with a giant zucchini as a kid, so she grew an aversion of healthy food and got panic attacks but still managed to be a slutty sexfreak KEK

>> No.19171883

I eat my fries like that too lol, I call them rippy bits.

>> No.19171887

I used to be somewhat of a picky eater, but that's because I learned from young age how unsanitary restaurant food can be and other parents of friends cooked absolute garbage.

My brother also only ate ribs or chicken wings, or bacon chips? His diet was very limited because of my mom enabling his eating habits. It was only after he had a long hospital stay that he started to try and like other foods. It was so weird seeing him eat pizza.

My son also is a picky eater, it was hard feeding him from young age. Sometimes I get him to try new stuff by making it look very tasty, sometimes I had to force him to get over his anxiety and gag reflex. This stuff takes him, I do think this is linked to some psychological development. Kids like those need extra care or they grow up to be disfunctional adults with bad eating habits. I'm ok if my son doesn't love everything, just have to put effort in the diet of such children. Don't give in or repeat giving them what they want or they never learn to eat normally.

>> No.19171909

It's not impossible to train to put your legs behind your head, but a thrust into your pelvic area while you're in that position will break your back. So you're an elaborate liar.

>> No.19171919

Firstly, If you want to get rid of these smelly foreigners the worst thing you can do is incentivize companies to hired them. When people don't object to shipping in a foreign workforce that undercut your local pay rates by doing the same stuff for much less then it keeps happening.
Secondly these people aren't losers necessarily, even while making pennies its worth more sent home to their other countries then a full time pay in those countries.
Thirdly how does this relate to being a picky eater out of moral concern if you don't address her hypocrisy of ignoring people over animals. unless you literacy think foreigners are less then animals i don't think you've given this much thought. Bu if you do think Animals > niggers then do tell outside of the pipedream of a racist ethnostate how are you going to make sure that the worsened working conditions of people isn't being expanded? because trust me there is nothing mister Goldstein likes more then destroying the middle and working class by comparing their pays and working conditions against they already can get away with elsewhere.

>> No.19171931

I'm not talking behind her fucking head you spaz. Like up by her ears, it's called exaggeration you sperg. I think everyone reading that will get what I mean and it's not uncommon at all for yoga bitches to be able to do that. You see it all the time in porn and in real life it actually happens but you wouldn't know anything about that you massive virgin.

>> No.19171936

Ah, you're a virgin trying to convince people you're not. Got it.

>> No.19171937

Nae danger you fucking goon

>> No.19171938

>You see it all the time in porn
and you have the audacity to call anyone else a virgin? lmao

>> No.19171940

The reason I pointed it out was he'd have no real life context but he'd recognise it from porn

>> No.19171944

>When he orders burgers (no matter where it's from - McDonalds or a restaurant with shit like foie gras burgers on the menu), he specifies he wants nothing on the burger besides cheese, and most places take this to mean no lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, fried egg, whatever - but no, he means no sauce too.
literally me, every time I have to go to some gay restaurant I'll just order their most standard burger with nothing on it but bread, meat, and cheese. Usually with fries and a water for the drink.

>> No.19171978

>but a thrust into your pelvic area while you're in that position will break your back. So you're an elaborate liar.
guess you dont watch contortionist porn.

>> No.19171980

>all porn watchers are virgins
fucking retard.

>> No.19172011

Everytime I see this i wonder what sayosauce is.

>> No.19172023

I would not talk to that weird childish bitch either

>> No.19172030

Probably some other beer made by an Anheuser-Busch subsidiary

>> No.19172039

Yes exactly that

>> No.19172042

I thought it was a civet or w.e that cat is that shits coffee beans.

>> No.19172061

He’s literally the kid from the Bill Nye crust skit lmao

>> No.19172108

End of the line alcoholics don't drink beer all that much.

>> No.19172136

in my experience late-stage alkys always have a shoulder of vodka in one hand and a large McDonalds soda in the other

>> No.19172147

>get sick from expired gas station ranch
>sue restaurant into oblivion
yeah, fuck you nigger and your outside food

>> No.19172157

I was wondering too. Turns out it is mayo + soy sauce. What the fuck.

>> No.19172274

>Racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, blue collar worker and union man
>Hardcore lifelong democrat who votes blue no matter who then blames everything on republicans
I love this hypocritical retardation. He's completely behind the times. Boomers truly can be fucking morons.

>> No.19172279

Well I’m autistic and won’t eat certain types of chicken, hate baloney and only drink buttermilk. Happy?

>> No.19172280

Then why the fuck are you bragging about drinking shit tier Bud light all day? If you're going to have an all day bender, do it with some actual good beer.
Not an alcoholic and can function just fine. House owned, bills paid, money made. If getting drunk 2-3 times a month makes me an alcoholic, then you're a teetotaler.

>> No.19172282

Then don't complain next time you Doordash your tendies and there's a giant loogie in it, you absolute baby tier faggot

>> No.19172283

I have that problem in certain ways but I’m not a vegan fag

>> No.19172430

only incels watch porn (or do other things I dislike or look down on)

>> No.19172493

if something has raw onions (or lettuce weirdly) in it then it's all I can taste. If it's just a bit I try to choke it down but it's actually hard to force my body to comply and sometimes I'll shudder involuntarily and my eyes will water. no idea why this shit happens and I'm mostly fine with cooked onions though they obviously taste much different and have a different texture.

>> No.19172593

I'm like this with lettuce only. Shredded iceberg lettuce is my enemy but pile up a bunch of spinach and we're bros. I'll do lettuce if it's like a few of those whole leaves but places that just give you a pile of the shredded shit can rot

>> No.19172602

Now that I know your eating habits I am a bit less happy actually

>> No.19172640

People actually drink straight buttermilk? I thought it was like an ingredient only

>> No.19172647

Who's Steve Jobs?

>> No.19172955

This kind of person really pisses me off. Unfortunately I don't have any big stories, but I did know someone kind of like this. He would pull shit like bitch about us not getting plain cheese pizza, so he'd ignore the one slice with a single pepperoni and pick the one with several, picking the pepperoni off and throwing it in the trash.

>> No.19173397

That unlocked the forgotten memories I have of the challenges involving trying to order lunch for work events at my old job.

If we tried to order pizza, there was always 1 or 2 people who would absolutely refuse to eat from the suggested place because they didn't like the sauce, had a problem with the type of cheese used, or "X's pepperonis are so much better than Y's!". I get liking one place over another, but it was insane how heated the debates would get over ordering from Pizza Hut, Papa John's, or Dominos. And we couldn't order from any mom 'n pop places because, "I never heard of them before so I'm not eating it!".

If we tried to order wings, 90% of the order had to be flats because people refused to eat drumlets. Trying to settle on 3-4 sauces was a fight as well for whatever reason.

Mexican and most Asian food was off the table because it was "too spicy" or "too weird" or people just flat out didn't like it.

The company did a "cookout" one time for us. Almost everyone complained about hotdogs being served, and then they complained about the brand of hotdogs. Then they complained about the chip selection. They also once tried to get sandwiches catered for us, but it got scratched because someone didn't like deli meat because it was slimey apparently. Since a majority wanted meat on their sandwiches, the company wasn't willing to pay for a whole tray of vegetable sandwiches for 1 person. Someone told them to just pick the deli meat off, but they got flipped out and said that the sandwich would be "contaminated".

I also felt bad for the waiter or waitress anytime we did actually go out to eat. They essentially had to deal with a table of 15+ people with at least a dozen custom orders due to substitutes or people trying to make their own dishes.

I was just happy to get free food.

>> No.19173400

Were they that particular about other shit too? That sounds awful

>> No.19173431

It reminds her of semen fucktard. Obviously she doesnt want to swallow it

>> No.19173432


>> No.19173466

I know a rich guy who refuses to eat anything white. Particularly sour cream, cream, yogurt, etc. He is part Indian. He still eats Indian foods with dairy in them, many things I've cooked for him have dairy, he told me he likes beef stroganoff. He's rich enough to not really cook anything for himself, so he genuinely doesn't know that he's regularly consuming these things. But if he knows, he refuses to eat it. I made a point to add creme fraiche to most of the food I made him. I also witnessed him berate a server over being served the wrong kind of lobster on NYE. The only things he will drink are water (bottled if not from his home filter system or a restaurant), tea, bottled coke, wine, and very rarely, American made spirits. He also regularly goes on fad diets, eg, baby food, and gets liposuction every few years to continue looking fit.

>> No.19173514

I'm a bit of a picky eater myself, I pick what I like to eat.

>> No.19173568

i do that but without the cheese

>> No.19173590

I am one of these picky eaters litterely nothing but precoocked frozen chicken and fries. I wish i liked other food but i just cant eat them, besides most junk food and meat everything else makes me gag. any advice on how to overcome this? would make my life much easier if i could eat things like rice and pasta

>> No.19173657

Get really really hungry then step out of your comfort zone. Hunger is the best seasoning

>> No.19173663

As an idea, I would try fasting for as long as you can - a few days, ideally, if you're able - to try to totally clear your palate and get you hungry for anything. Then only have basic food in your house. Start simple, with foods as close to your "safe foods" as you can. Even things like premade mac n cheese, pasta dishes, frozen meals that are like rice bowls with fried chicken in it. I'm not sure how bad you are, you'll have to determine that for yourself. But try and branch out slowly, step by step. Once you're comfortable with a few new things, try repeating the process again, and introduce some more new stuff. Plain buttered bread, rice with soy sauce, whatever. Whatever you think you can handle. You won't be able to go directly from your current diet to raw veggies, so don't try such a drastic step. Just take it slow and try to expand your horizons bit by bit.

>> No.19173777

The hunger/fasting option is a good idea. As is taking it slow, don’t try to jump right in to a Thai curry or something. Maybe roast chicken instead of tendies? You can try to adjust your outlook as well, realizing you have to branch out for your own health and well being. The TV show “supersize vs superskinny” is on youtube, it explores some of the psychological factors behind poor eating habits and some of the solutions may speak to you.

Unironically weed might help. I went on an aggressive cut when I was a fatass and after work I’d be so hungry I was nauseous. Every food idea made my stomach turn but after a toke I’d go for my meal prep no problem.

>> No.19174011

Why did you even continue dating her? Id break up with a girl who did this. My gf stuffs herself with anything that I cook. Sometimes I think I should cook less or else I'll make her fat
You're broken up. Have some respect for yourself and move on

>> No.19174039

>younger sister
>always makes up excuses to avoid certain foods
>has been like this since she was like 4
>every fucking time, she has to have her food specially made for her
>year of the gluten free shit happens
>suddenly she's gluten free
>now she's even more picky with food
That's about all, peace out

>> No.19174046
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, I'm Frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad is the kind of boomer who refuses to try anything new while complaining that the places he goes to to eat "aren't as good as they used to be." If you ask him what he wants to eat, he'll only suggest two or three places. And if you suggest anything other than that, he gets all pissy and just says he'll make himself a sandwich (turkey slathered in mayo). It's not even weird or foreign food we suggest, it'll just be some burger joint he's never tried but swears he hates it.

>> No.19174103

ill confront her in june when she goes on break from uni.
thats the end point for me.
im leaving out a ton of details here but even with all the info its pretty ridiculous
but we have been together for ages and shes the best friend i have ever had and gets me more than anyone, so thats a big part of while im still holding on.
but also seeing the way she acts in the past it makes it difficult. like she will ruin her life just so she doesnt have to have any form of confrontation that might be even slightly negative.
so in the past we had minor disagreements and she would just ghost for a week or 2 and then i would force her to sit down with me and we hashed it out in like 2 seconds and were right as rain the next day, and i would ask her if she wanted to be away from me or if she wanted to come back right away and she always said she wanted to come back right away but she just cant handle even a spec of confrontation for any amount of time.
all in all, super spoilt princess type girl who is super childish and just has no idea how to communicate like an adult.
like i said i have my own life, like shes not holding me back from anything but yeh if june comes and she still doesnt come back i think ill just have to call it quits.

>> No.19174237

A friend? No I can indulge friends with quirks like this.
Someone who would be my girlfriend? Fuck no what a disaster.

>> No.19174282

>one of her best friends was born without a sense of smell

I bet her horrible diet results in the most foul flatulence ever. I'm not even into farts but the idea of some chick not being able to tell when she's completely filled the room with eye-watering braps is making me slightly aroused. Please tell us stories about how she passes gas quietly and thinks everything's okay when in reality she's actively clearing out all life forms in a twenty foot diameter of her with her noxious ass fumes. Make something up if you have to. I wanna see if I can fap to this.

>> No.19174318
File: 7 KB, 227x222, no_really_ma_im_fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I call them rippy bits.

>> No.19174329

god, who lets these brainlets post on the internet? i mean that word is spelled wrong in three different fucking ways. maybe if your brain wasn't so retarded you would be able to eat normal food too.

>> No.19174824

No it isn't
It's just rice and raw fish

>> No.19174850

Kek I hope that's real
I also hope he gets a stroke and is stuck in a crappy negro filled retirement home for the rest of his life

>> No.19174911

>>Racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, blue collar worker and union man
>>Hardcore lifelong democrat who votes blue no matter who then blames everything on republicans
Boomercrats are retarded

>> No.19175107

I had a very similar experience to this once. The girl freaked out because she swore she was being singled out by the very kind older waitress. She even went out of her way to leave a bad Google review after the fact to voice her displeasure.
She also claimed to be a witch and had many other very unpleasant characteristics.
The modern American woman is really something else. By which I mean total shit.

>> No.19175110

Guy who just replied before reading this post here.
Do NOT laugh this off, please for the love of God.
Have some self respect and immediately discard whatever person this is in your life, especially if this is a relatively fresh dating experience.
You will end up ruining yourself trying to accommodate a terrible person, who will just end up leaving you because they are there for the drama and fighting.

>> No.19175114

shoulda raped him anon, he wants a dry noodle he's gonna get one

>> No.19175438

thank you anons i truly appreciate the advice, ill try the fasting thing, hopefully ill last
my apoligise, english is my first langage

>> No.19175512

They're eating at a restaurant you idiot, it's the most goyslopish thing you can do what the fuck is some extra goyslop on top of what's already goyslop going to do? She's fine