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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 729 KB, 2190x1680, Cow_female_black_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19161199 No.19161199 [Reply] [Original]

>The fire spread quickly through the holding pens, where thousands of dairy cows crowded together waiting to be milked, trapped in deadly confines.
>After subduing the fire at the west Texas dairy farm Monday evening, officials were stunned at the scale of livestock death left behind: 18,000 head of cattle perished in the fire at the South Fork Dairy farm near Dimmitt, Texas – or about 20% of the cattle slaughtered in America on any given day.
>Texas ranks fourth nationally in milk production, home to 319 Grade A dairies with an estimated 625,000 cows producing almost 16.5 billion pounds of milk a year, according to the Texas Association of Dairymen, a trade group.
>And Castro County is the second-highest-producing county in Texas, with 15 dairies yielding 148 million pounds of milk a month, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
>Even by Texas standards, South Fork Dairy was a behemoth. Its 18,000 cattle made it nearly 10 times larger than the average dairy herd in Texas.

RIP in peace cows. How fucked are we now? The price of milk was already insane before this disaster.

>> No.19161205

Think of the fucking cows… poor cows

>> No.19161215

Those cows, who are said to be the most powerless of beings, not even allowed to roam freely, get to perish and yet I, who idle about my open-air prison, must continue to persist. Alas…

>> No.19161216

95,000 cows are slaughtered for their meat each day in America. 18,000 is nothing.

>> No.19161223

Idk, 20% of the daily cows slaughtered per day dying in one explosion seems like a very notable percentage

>> No.19161233

These were Jersey and Holstein dairy cows, not Angus cattle bred for meat.

>> No.19161239

Okay, here's another figure: there are about 9 million dairy cows in the USA. 18,000 is 0.2% of that.

>> No.19161249

And when it happens again... and again... and again... you glowfags will swoop in to remind everyone how insignificant and unimportant the numbers are until the supply chains are permanently wrecked and you can push your vegan/bug/lab-meat slop agenda even harder.

>> No.19161256

This is preferable to being burnt to death though. Dose me in gasoline and let me choose between a shot in the head or a light matchstick and I'll be licking the barrel faster than you can blink.

>> No.19161266

The Carlyle Group has ties to both the Bush and bin laden families, and they made lots of money off of war following 9/11. George HW Bush reported a false tip to the FBI about a threat to JFK in another city the day JFK was shot in Dallas, and at the time Bush worked for a CIA front company. The CIA are responsible for countless deaths, including literal genocide, throughout its history. Terry Davis is a personal hero of mine. Conscious beings are just manifestations of an objective God experiencing itself subjectively. I've had multiple premonitions of the future. Keeping all of that in mind, please understand how fucking insane you're coming off as when I tell you to take your meds, schizo. And if you call me a fucking federal agent again, I'm gonna do something drastic in minecraft against a senator or hedge fund manager.

>> No.19161268

>dose me in gasoline
ESL detected. It's "douse" not "dose," dummy.

>> No.19161274
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>mfw reading this post

>> No.19161283
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>mfw faggot disinfo shills muddy the waters by calling anything and everything fake / planned a false flag, diminishing the credibility of people who actually call out real false flags

>> No.19161285

What now then?

>> No.19161290
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Should be another slash between "planned" and "a false flag" but whatever I'm fucking pissed off and I'm constipated on top of it all. Sitting here on the toilet raging against bad actors on 4chan

>> No.19161291

Now it's time for more English lessons, Janusz.

>> No.19161305

Only americans would find a way to somehow blow up a dairy farm.

>> No.19161334

lol sure, thanks for the (you) tho

>> No.19161346

No problem, I see mentally deficient foreigners struggle with the easiest language on Earth on a daily basis here. It would be cruel not to point out your glaring errors. How else are you supposed to improve?

>> No.19161360

You should start with your own grammar, you fucking nonce.

>> No.19161364

The only gripe someone could possibly have with my previous post is that I used a comma instead of a semicolon in the first sentence. That's punctuation and not grammar, though.

>> No.19161367
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>there are literally organized, government-supported campaigns against meat and dairy consumption and for vegetarian/vegan options
>lab-grown meat is being pushed harder now than ever on top of that

>> No.19161375
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Dairy and meat supply chains aren't being disrupted by fractions of a percent of the total supply being killed in an accident. Our government is controlled by the people who own the farms (and own everything else). They are not opposing factions; they're both manifestations of an entrenched, generational ruling class. We're essentially in the cultural version of late Habsburg decline (instead of inbreeding it's institutional decay), and everything is run by incompetent retards and psychopaths. Our system is falling apart under the weight of its own contradictions.

>> No.19161389

>18,000 cows all blow up
>it's only a fraction of a percent!
>18,000 more cows all blow up
>it's only half a percent!
>18,000 more cows all blow up
>it's only one percent!
>in unrelated news: dairy and beef prices are rising rapidly and stores are experiencing shortages for completely unknown reasons, could alternative and lab-grown meats be the answer?
Just watch, it's no different from all the egg shortages due to culling chickens from "bird flu."

>> No.19161397

Meat prices are rising because feed costs are rising because fuel costs are rising because oil costs are rising because of (((speculators))) artificially raising the price for the benefit of multinational corporations, which each link in the supply chain using inflation as an excuse to gouge prices every step of the way. Prices are going up, but so are profit margins. That's the conspiracy, retard.

>> No.19161399

with* each

>> No.19161403

Free barbecue, lmao.

>> No.19161420

I agree is mostly organic decay but there are bad actors who are actively working to bring it down for their own gain for sure.
I just think this is a consequence of growing too big too fast. We are in a Tower of Babel situation.

>> No.19161426

They will remove all the dead cattle, they will replow the land rebuild the cattle barns better than they were better equipment up to date
all on taxpayer and ins. money

>> No.19161428

Lmao so true bro

>> No.19161429

>only one thing can be occurring at any time
Everything you said is true, but the bird flu scares and now this all happening in sequence raises serious suspicions on exactly how coincidental any of it really is.

>> No.19161431

We're in a transitional period. Humanity is adjusting to instant worldwide communication, but we'll get through it and forge better systems that don't enable and empower the worst among us. Communication is good. Love is good. God is good. We're gonna get through this, brothers. I believe in humanity.

>> No.19161439

Maybe you're right, maybe you're not. Ultimately, does it matter? We both agree that prices are going up because the rich people who control the economy want them to go up. That's the important part. That's what we can all unite around. We'll sort everything else out afterwards, democratically.

>> No.19161459

This is the philosophy of the anti-christ, and that fact that so many dumb faggots unironically think like this shows how close to the end we are. Repent and get right with Christ anons, time is running out

>> No.19161471

The anti-christ wants everyone to unite under centralized power; I want power to be distributed democratically.

>> No.19161501

Democracy is the biggest sham form of governance that's ever existed. It is just the mechanism by which banking dynasties subverted and destroyed Christian monarchies. It allows for bad actors to harness the bitterness of low-iq people in order to subvert moral order, tradition, and hierarchy. It is the anti-christ's government of choice.

>> No.19161504

Representative democracy isn't democratic. You know what is democratic? Fascism.
>Individuals form classes according to categories of interests. They are associated according to differentiated economical activities which have a common interest: but first and foremost they form the State. The State is not merely either the numbers or the sum of individuals forming the majority of a people. Fascism for this reason is opposed to the democracy which identifies peoples with the greatest number of individuals and reduces them to a majority level. But if people are conceived, as they should be, qualitatively and not quantitatively, then Fascism is democracy in its purest form. The qualitative conception is the most coherent and truest form and is therefore the most moral, because it sees a people realised in the consciousness and will of the few or even of one only; an ideal which moves to its realisation in the consciousness and will of all. By "all" is meant all who derive their justification as a nation, ethnically speaking, from their nature and history, and who follow the same line of spiritual formation and development as one single will and consciousness—not as a race nor as a geographically determined region, but as a progeny that is rather the outcome of a history which perpetuates itself; a multitude unified by an idea embodied in the will to have power and to exist, conscious of itself and of its personality.

>> No.19161524

Fascism is an outgrowth of enlightenment/revolutionary/modernist philosophy, and is just as cancerous as democracy or communism. It was a half-assed attempt to reclaim the Divine authority of the monarchies of Christendom that guided civilization until The Great War. Man cannot uplift itself, all moral authority comes from God. A theocratic monarchy is the only morally defensible form of earthly authority

>> No.19161529

How would the monarch be chosen?

>> No.19161543

By a Synod of Bishops from all the Orthodox Churches present in the land to be ruled over. The state should be subservient to The Church, not the other way around

>> No.19161550

Oh cool, so you grew up in an Orthodox church? Or are you a tradlarper MDE virgin?

>> No.19161556

Theocratic monarchs are also shit. Every system supervised by humans is shit. All systems of power are and will always be ruled by an oligarchy of powerful people.

>> No.19161562

May Allah compensate the losses and more

>> No.19161563

Which is why systems must be put into place that limit the concentration of power.

>> No.19161570

You can't avoid the concentration of power. Powerful people will form coalitions and concentrate power for their own benefit. It's in our nature to do so.

>> No.19161574

Not if we collectively agree to kill people who do that shit.

>> No.19161579

Who controls those "systems"?
You're getting close to the answer. Take the anarchy-pill. People were meant to live in small homogenous villages with those who they share a moral framework. Nation-states always fail.

>> No.19161585

You can't get to anarchism without a period of fascism. Rossoni understood this.

>> No.19161595

Possibly, but it seems unlikely that a fascist state would ever willingly cede power to the clan/village level. Technological collapse is the best way to get to an anarchic paradigm, as most of the methods of state control are dependent upon electricity and mass communication

>> No.19161600
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>and I'll be licking the barrel faster than you can blink

>> No.19161604

>/ck/- fringe politics and religion

>> No.19161605

Tracer Tong ending is gay. Helios ending is the answer.

>> No.19161612

>95,000 cows are slaughtered for their meat each day in America.
No idea it was that big. For comparison, less than 10,000 persons die each day in the US

>> No.19161621

Food is central to life itself and the entire basis for civilization.

>> No.19161678

And the dairy industry will still use it as an excuse to raise prices again.

>> No.19161682

Please read the whole thread before replying. Thanks!

>> No.19161691

This nothing will miss a beat

>> No.19161750

No one wants to read your offtopic schizoposts.

>> No.19161755

It's all on topic, brainlet.

>> No.19161997

It was likely premeditated

>> No.19162006

Always kind of thought deep ecology was fed shit and now it’s confirmed

>> No.19162022

Bet the fire left them well-done. Damn shame.

>> No.19162032

based ecoterrorists

>> No.19162055

Jersey and Holstein are best for meat though.

>> No.19163248

>200 food factories in the US destroyed under mysterious circumstances in the last 3 years
its the chinese

>> No.19163401

>searching for "imagine the smell"
>Instead people are talking about anarchism, fascism, nation states....
Why is every board /pol/ these days

>> No.19163422

a convenient excuse to now raise dairy prices

>> No.19163458
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>> No.19163463

PETA set the place on fire

>> No.19163471

You guys forgot the post saying you're watching this

>> No.19163654

>148 million pounds of milk a month
Why the fuck would you measure a liquid in weight? I mean yeah it's accurate but wouldn't a measure of volume make more sense?

>> No.19163741

Literally jew plan to make everyone eat bug
Next they be blowing up chickens and pigs

>> No.19163746

This isn't the first thread of this topic

>> No.19163772

They were Wurm tainted anyway. Good job fellow Garou.

>> No.19163785

Holy shit. The cows we bred for killing... died?!

>> No.19163817

Another (((cohencidence)))? Hmm, really gets the neurons firing eh.

>> No.19164196

Just keep me posted on cow bombings

>> No.19164205

A Bill Hicks fan who got into Chapo Trap House, I see

>> No.19164209

Call me when 18k more cows blow up.

>> No.19164216

So you spent all this time to say we should kill the Jews then

>> No.19164816

you weigh the tanks and trucks fucktard

>> No.19164819

Because commodities are all sold by weight.

>> No.19164822

that's an entire farm and 18,000 cows not producing milk for possibly years it's not like they magically reappear and reconstruct tomorrow

>> No.19164872

It was da joos

>> No.19164884

all dairy cows are bred for meat. what do you think happens when they dont produce milk anymore? why do you even think dairy is a thing? because it's an in between to make more money. milk is disgusting, and it's amazing how the public was conned into drinking it lmao. so much money went into propaganda.

>> No.19164921

They were innocent dairy cows. no different than dogs or cats

>> No.19164932
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>The government is committing acts of terrorism against cows because... Because they are, okay?

>> No.19164945

meat cattle are mostly bulls

>> No.19164949


>> No.19165663

Why didn't anybody open up the pen? How is it possible to only have one person on a large ass farm?

>> No.19165671

>They were innocent dairy cows
Yeah, the ones we slaughter aren't innocent. The last steak I ate was a nice filet made from cow-Jeffrey Dahmer

>> No.19165675

>decades with no issues
>suddenly in the last year, there are multiple mass deaths of various cattle and livestock that significantly impact production and price
>this is a coincidence

Do you live in a bubble

>> No.19165945

>against killing animals
>financially supports the dairy industry allowing them to kill more animals

>> No.19165990

I broke a mirror at the end of 2019.

>> No.19165995

why were that many cows that close together? we should have some kind of oversight committee to regulate safety and moral guidelines in this country.

>> No.19166003

stop deadnaming alex

>> No.19166012

try and keep up mate

>> No.19166016

>things only happen when the media decides it belongs on the front page
I bet you think Ukraine wasn't an issue before last year.

>> No.19166041

>Because commodities are all sold by weight.
Fluids are almost always sold by volume; Cubic feet, barrels, liters.

How much dose your gallon of milk weight?

>> No.19166053

>How much dose your gallon of milk weight?
Do you not understand the difference between the need to weigh truckloads of milk when selling it as a commodity and the individual packaging used to sell it in the grocery store as a consumer product?

>> No.19166116

No I don't understand why it *needs* to be sold by weight rather than volume.
Is oil traded in weight or volume?

>> No.19166148

It probably has something to do with it being food, regardless it's a fact that milk is tracked by weight: https://www.statista.com/topics/1284/milk-market/#topicOverview

>> No.19167542
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they shall never take our lands of milk and honey

>> No.19167630

you mean the bishops that are currently owned by our corperate overlords? They are just as fallible as the rest of us anon, stop larping and get a realistic perspective.

>> No.19167666

I worked on my friends grandfathers dairy farm when I was a kid in WI. The cows were such bros I really liked working and being around them. I feel bad about the cows and how they died in TX.

>> No.19167700

> be me
> American
> also a cow
> oh boy milking time
> best time of day
> [explosion]
> all my friends dying in pain around me
> human approaches
> oh thank god he's here to save us
> gets shot

>> No.19167756

Did the fire smell like steak?

>> No.19167821

Nothing like warm milk to help you go to sleep at night.

>> No.19167825

I eat the cow. I eat your bros.

>> No.19168478

Bovine more like JOBovine.

>> No.19168567

How do you have 18,000 dairy cows in close enough proximity to burn to death this would have to be a massive facility to accommodate those numbers we're talking hundreds of separate sheds and milking sites

This doesn't make any sense.

>> No.19168579

It says right in the OP that their herd was 10 times the size of the next largest dairy herd in Texas. So yeah, they probably have massive facilities.

>> No.19168581

Any statistics on how many food processing plants/farms get destroyed each year? I'd like to see if the schizo conspiracy theory holds any water.

>> No.19168595

By whom? Competitors trying to gain an advantage? Owners, hoping to profit from an insurance claim? Disgruntled migrant workers, angry at being exploited?

>> No.19168623

No, I mean the facility itself to hold that number would be huge and heavily compartmentalised.
I don't understand, if it was just one or two sheds that were lost I could get it but for something of that scale it just doesn't make sense.

>> No.19168628

I recall a guy on /pol/ who was compiling a small list of grain storage sites that had suddenly combusted in the past 5 years.
It is definitely happening

>> No.19168651

The government trying to disrupt the supply chain.

Farmers trying to justify an increase in price of cattle product without changing production.

Vegan terrorists trying to artificially increase the price of livestock produce.

>> No.19168671

Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

Mark Twain

>> No.19168796

Literally doesn't affect me. Our dairy industry is mostly seperate because american producers put all kinds of weird shit in the milk so most of it is unsaleable here.
I will laugh at mutts getting price increases, though.

>> No.19168818

I see you're new to this board

>> No.19168940

>american producers put all kinds of weird shit in the milk
Citation needed.

>> No.19169127

18 000 thousand dead cows can feed a lot of homeless

>> No.19169482


>> No.19169496

>i failed econ 101

>> No.19169498
File: 264 KB, 1003x1267, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a useful link you've provided...

>> No.19169527

Go install firefox like non-retarded people; I'm not going to copy+paste the article for you

>> No.19169534

Here's even a link for it (the dumbass who needs firefox https://www.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/new/

>> No.19169542

>No, I mean the facility itself to hold that number would be huge and heavily compartmentalised.
You'd think so, but no, it was just a single fuck huge barn. Cause why not, what's the worst that can happen?
If they ever had any real snowfall that thing would have collapsed too most likely.


>> No.19169560

I'm already on Firefox but I've never used NoScript. anyway, that works. Bovine growth hormone isn't "all kinds of weird shit" and the vast majority of milk in the store is literally advertised as being free of bovine growth hormone anyway.

>> No.19170223

>it was just a single fuck huge barn
That is the dumbest thing I've heard today.
is there a good aerial shot anywhere showing the full site?
found some vids
you can see partially constructed buildings in the second but that still doesn't look big enough for 18,000 cattle

but I don't think two 110 rotary parlours would be enough for 18,000 milking cows.
How many followers were included in that number


>> No.19170256

found an interesting comment
3 days ago
>Here in The Netherlands we regularly have incidents where entire barns/stables full of Cows, Pigs or Chickens perish. Either by fire or asphyxiation. The main reason is that in order to comply with environmental regulations, the stables have to be so hermetically sealed from the outside that even a minor incident quickly escalates and can go unnoticed and the animals have zero chance of escape. This happened far, far less frequently when barns were allowed to be open.

so they're using "climate change" to kill cows.

>> No.19170288

interesting channel, seems to collate these events

>> No.19170378

Yeah the size numbers don't make sense to me after looking at the site.

either the numbers are made up and there are a lot less than 18000 cattle were housed there and died or domething is missing

>> No.19170604

0.2% doesn’t seem like a lot, but to put small percentages into perspective- the IRS has said if 1% of the middle class stopped paying taxes it would collapse the federal government. Complex systems sometimes barely tolerate small deviations.

>> No.19170613

that some bullshit

>> No.19170941

it's 3% of he texas herd
this would alone be a big deal deal even if there hadn't been all the other unfortunate accidents

>> No.19171367
File: 21 KB, 898x116, tax gap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea about the cows thing -- but that stat about about taxes is flat wrong, since the real figure is around 15% and has gotten higher over the years. a dramatic event can be dramatic without being statistically significant

>> No.19173367

>The state should be subservient to The Church, not the other way around
In medieval Europe, that was how things worked. Except you omitted to mention the part where all the bishops were younger brothers of high nobility.

>> No.19173865

>the part where all the bishops were younger brothers of high nobility.
First inherits
second for the army
third for the law courts
fourth for the church

>> No.19173869

Or was it second for the church?

>> No.19173876
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I made it guys
But at what cost...

>> No.19173903

how the fuck can someone even have 18k cows in one place!?!?!??!?

>> No.19174502

If you want anything other than to die and be reborn in Christ then you serve Satan

>> No.19174749

Any information on whether or not fires/incidents at food processing plants/farms etc. are actually increasing? It seems like in a country as large as America you would see more frequent fires in general due to the fact there simply are more buildings.

>> No.19175108

A big barn in a big space because America is big.

>> No.19175636

According to google, "retired" dairy cows are usually turned into cheapo ground beef.

>> No.19175674

Bullshit, barns in the Netherlands are open.

>> No.19175678

And so the eggflation gives place to the murder udder taxation

>> No.19175747

>Imagine demanding a subscription paid per week in an age were people invest millions of dollars to get people to use their apps for free

>> No.19175760


>> No.19175811

Call it what it was OP: Mass Cowder.

Preach brother. Our cows are being slaughtered.

>> No.19177339

You were kicking and crying to stay home and wear the mask when 0.2% died of the chink flu over months. 0.2% in one day is s bigger deal.

>> No.19177632

>18,000 head of cattle
no wonder it fucking exploded these niggas were sitting on a giant fertilizer bomb holy shit

>> No.19178224

>giant fertilizer bomb
Well, at least 2 of those words are true.

>> No.19178886

wtf mom told me only bulls went in beef