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File: 93 KB, 1200x630, Potatoes-shutterstock-1721688538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19159077 No.19159077 [Reply] [Original]

What's the trick? Nothing I make from raw potatoes ever comes out right or even remotely good but all potato dishes from any restaurant are delicious.

>> No.19159113

add salt

>> No.19159221

Salt doesn't do a whole lot for texture, my guy.

>> No.19159225

OP didn't specifically mention texture. Or anything really except sucking

>> No.19159268

>my guy
fuck off

>> No.19159278
File: 70 KB, 1200x1200, Fondant-Potatoes-sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sowwy. Didn't mean to assume your gender, themster.

I'll just post pics of potato dishes until who actually knows what they're talking about shows up.

>> No.19159305

Step one: choose the right type of potato.

>> No.19159326
File: 143 KB, 800x913, How-to-make-Melting-Potatoes-Recipe-potaotes-cooked-on-baking-sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

supposing I've got russets. Because that's what I'm working with.

>> No.19159327

cook them before you cook them

also get some japanese sweet potatoes

>> No.19159390

>cut into pieces
>throw in the oven for half an hour

>> No.19159408

when i still ate oil, they came out great just cut into wedges, tossed in oil, and baked while i watched something

>> No.19159442

Potatoes need to be blanched in salted water. This really improves the texture

>> No.19159448

What potato dishes have you tried to make OP?

>> No.19159451

Use cooked potatoes then. Problem solved.

>> No.19159455

Potato salad.

>> No.19159458

You could just be using the wrong potatoes. Try yellow fingerlings for potato salads. Cut them into small slices and boil for 15 minutes

>> No.19159464

thread went too long without mentioning the actual answer. "Boil the potatoes before you fry them" is absolutely the answer.

>> No.19159465

twice baked potatoes
>bake potatoes at 325° for 40-60 min in foil (after poking fork holes)
>scoop out insides
>lightly mash insides in a bowl
>add sour cream, scallions, cheese, salt and pepper
>add mixture back to potatoes, spoon is fine but i use a pastry bag
>add potatoes back to the oven for 15 minutes
potatoes romanoff
>shred potatoes
>chop shallots
>shred cheddar cheese
>put in bowl and season with salt and pepper, add sour cream, and fold ingredients together
>bake in cooking pan for 45 minutes on 400° fahrenheit
i may have messed the last one up but i'll update once i get home

>> No.19159469

>Salt doesn't do a whole lot for texture
It does if you use flaky/kosher salt.

>> No.19159591

i think you bake the potato first with potatoes romanoff then put it in the fridge overnight and then shred it

>> No.19159782

Oh right. I haven't been cooking the potatoes.

>> No.19159790

Stick it in the microwave for 7-8 minutes
Add butter, salt, and pepper
Bone apple teeth

>> No.19159815
File: 124 KB, 900x1200, potate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to be confrontational, but what dishes are you talking about? Fries? Baked potatoes? Mashed? Be specific so that you can get advice for specific dishes. What kind of potatoes are you using? Beyond that, can you articulate the nature of the problem? Seasoning? Texture?

Maybe I'm just a pleb, but I can enjoy even a microwaved russet roughly smashed up with salt, garlic, and butter. Potatoes are so based.

>> No.19159835
File: 168 KB, 1024x1024, sasha_loves_potatoes_by_envitchan-d75q9u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7-8 minutes
Depends on the size of the potato. A smaller russet can be done in 4-5min. Better to start with 4min, check texture, then add a minute at a time until you know what works for your potatoes and your microwave.
>butter, salt, and pepper
Butter is most based, but olive oil and sunflower oil are a nice changeups (inb4 sneed oil). Also don't sleep on all-purpose seasonings, Goya Adobo and Old Bay are both based on spuds.
>Bone apple teeth

>> No.19159840
File: 94 KB, 600x600, large_70c01f71-cf0c-4faa-8218-6bd264a9e36a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped something famalam.

>> No.19159841

Don’t use any oil

>> No.19159848
File: 108 KB, 800x800, large_470b204a-661f-44dd-a184-3e7482af6ee8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not forget me too, senpai!

>> No.19159855

season your potatoes my fried

>> No.19160144

Potatoes run the gamut from easy to "you made how many layers?" difficult.

The easiest potato is a baked one. You poke holes in it and oven bake or grill it. Cut open and put toppings in.

Mashed is easy, just peel (or leave skins on for some) and boil em. Then mash them. Ricers help, as do immersion blenders if you are looking for super smooth. Add a fat to the mash to help coat the mash with flavor (creme, butter, cheese, etc.)

Next up is twice baked: you bake like above, scoop the insides out, mash em and mix in stuff, then pipe back into the skins and bake again.

Then you have fries. You make fries/wedges by peeling the taters then cutting them into shapes. From there you can oven bake them, but correct way is to double fry them in an oil/fat. You can do single fry, but double fry provides the crisp. Season with salt, or pre-season with flour and spices for extra flavor.

Other things include cutting them into thin slices and putting it in a casserole for layers with cheese and sauces.

Then there are tots and hashbrowns. Hashbrowns are just clumps of shredded potato that has been griddle cooked. So take a box grater to potato, rinse in water, dry, and griddle in oil. Tots are just little clumps of potato bits that have been fried.

Then there are the million layer duck fat potato things tiktok pushes.

>> No.19160467

I've tried a bunch of things over the years but the only thing that came close to what I've had at restaurants or other peoples' side dishes was made in an air fryer. I wash off the starch, I've tried air drying but everything I try to make still comes out not having that potatoey texture and taste everyone else on earth seems to be able to get as a result so I know there's some simple step I'm missing. I can't even make hash browns reliably the way IHOP or diners do and I love those fucking hash browns. They plate you up in minutes and I'll be nursing my own for damn near an hour and just get an oily, mushy, burned pile of worthless garbage.

>> No.19160623


>> No.19160645

op never mentioned texture once, you stupid faggot

>> No.19160650

How otherworldly to a westerner is a simple potato boiled in water with addition of salt and whole cumin?
No roasting, baking or sauteing, just boiled in the water, strain, put on a plate and douse with hot butter and a bit of fresh chopped parsley.

>> No.19160657
File: 72 KB, 1024x768, An_image_of_a_toast_sandwich,_shot_from_the_side.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post is the equivalent of saying "just make a toast sandwich, bro!"

>> No.19160738

The secret to crispy potatoes is just different methods of unlocking and driving off excess moisture.
Blanching for fries or roasted chunks? A bunch of excess moisture comes out as steam when you take them out of the water. For added effect you can freeze them while they're still steaming.
Hashbrowns? Wring them out firmly in a towel and pat them dry.
Though there is mashed where the secret is basically to overcook them.

>> No.19160778


>> No.19160791

>there is mashed where the secret is basically to overcook them.
so many wrong opinions itt

>> No.19160796

Not if I'm making pomme puree.

>> No.19160813

so peel and wash them, then boil them, then wash them a second time and THEN they're ripe for cooking? What kind of bogus vegetable is this that no animal was meant to eat?

>> No.19160817

1 cook the potatoes
2 add white milk (not too much)
3 cooking finished
4 smash the potatoes
5 add salt to liking
6 thank me later boyz

>> No.19160826
File: 11 KB, 320x260, 1670241240163031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cook them before you cook them

>> No.19160832

>white milk

>> No.19160838

>still using black milk

>> No.19160841

Wrong. Boiling them is, in a sense, washing them; so your "wash them a second time" should actually read "third time".

>> No.19160850

unseasoned - wypipo dont season they milk

>> No.19160875

This but the opposite, it's always a soggy mess and I hate not knowing whether they used sneed oils or not

>> No.19160931

Pomme puree isnt supposed to be soggy

>> No.19160934

I don't think you know how potatoes work.

>> No.19160942

Says the guy advocating for overcooked potatoes

>> No.19160964
File: 1.07 MB, 1218x1051, wasabi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Japanese sweet potato really that good? I saw a tv show girl eat one plain, and my western corn syrup brain couldn't comprehend how someone could just enjoy a plain baked potato so much. I've been thinking about it ever since & I can't sleep

>> No.19161052
File: 2.20 MB, 4000x2252, 20230410_182134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russets where i live are pretty bad this year and i have pretty severe potato autism so my system for thrm regardless if im cooking them wet or dry has been
>peel and derot
>cut them into however im going to be cooking them
>wash again
>soak rinse repeat until the soaking water is clear
Then theyre ready for wet cooking but if im dry cooking them i strain the water and let them air dry

I do like russets baked with skin on etc but theyre so full of nastiness this year its not worth it
Nothing ruins a meal like biting into a rotten potato

>> No.19161061

Also potatoes are perfectly cooked between 200 and 210f
Use a thermometer if you have one

>> No.19162012

>bake potatoes at 325° for 40-60 min in foil (after poking fork holes)
>1 cook the potatoes

You guys just throw them into the oven without any oil or boiling before?

The best potatoes I've ever made are the ones i threw into the fireplace and took them out over an hour later. Also grilled ones were nice.

But I've never made good potatoes in the oven. And i dont like adding oil (at least not too much, its unhealthy).

>> No.19162041

There are 4 tricks.
One is the variety of potato
Two is the type of soil they're grown in
Three is the season you eat them in
Four is the way you cook them

>> No.19162202

Add more salt than you think. I had a dish the other day I thought was really bland even though heavily seasoned and salted already. Gave it some more salt the the seasonings really started to be noticable.
Same applies to butter and oil depending on your dish. Just more fat and salt.

>> No.19162365

russets are tasteless, yukon gold or go home

>> No.19162476
File: 150 KB, 1200x1200, Potatoes-Hasselback-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure russets are what's used for damn near all the french fries in the States. They can't be all bad.

>> No.19162495
File: 57 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-171355387-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hashbrowns are just clumps of shredded potato that has been griddle cooked. So take a box grater to potato, rinse in water, dry, and griddle in oil.
I have made SEVERAL attempts at hash browns and I think I got it right on my first try only (beginner's luck) but every time after that, I would fry those things for up to what felt like half an hour and I would get this soggy clump with the outsides too damn burnt. Just a weird oil sponge.

>> No.19162594

Yes, parboil them before you do anything else. Just until the outer ~.5" or so is fork tender. Don't go too long or they'll get mushy.
>cut taters into your desired size
>parboil the chunks in very salty water
>drain the water
>let them sit in the still-hot pan until most of the water evaporates
>agitate them in the pan to give them some texture on the outside
>toss them in some olive oil and whatever herbs/spices you want
>roast at 400F until they look like you want em
Wa la.

>> No.19162957

Man I'm gonna roast some potatoes tomorrow when I wake up.

>> No.19162971
File: 458 KB, 900x675, 'TatoSalad-RAPE!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boil Spuds until easily peirced with a fork--THEN DRAIN.
ADD Milk (or cream), butter and any other powdered/dry seasonings you want.
MASH--(Small steel whisk works good too.)
If--like OP'S query about potato salad-etc.
Cut into 1/2" chunks(cubed) then, when *Just* about done, drain in a collander, a,d sprinkle with the appropriate VINEGAR.
You'd be amazed just how different your Potata salad can be.

>> No.19163008
File: 140 KB, 480x360, 1681458239810213.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boil Potoates.
>In a bowl add salt, paprika, oil and potoatoes. Shake vigorously.
>Roast at 450 in a baking dish.
>Serve with greek yogurt

>> No.19163012

Forgot to say cut into cubes after boiling.

>> No.19163021

It's definitely a good way to go.

>> No.19163526

In my experience oil doesn't stick to potatoes that well and all the spices end up at the bottom of the bowl, together with most of the oil.

>> No.19164013

Make sure to wash them after cutting also the most common trick to many potato dishes is to boil them first, for fries you can also double fry, boil and put in freezer then fry twice and shit like that.
There's also making sure to choose the right type of potato but I've found that it only makes a marginal difference with the potato varieties in my country, yours may vary a lot can't give advice on that.

>> No.19164043

Sounds like you didn't boil them.

>> No.19164145
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>> No.19164290
File: 1002 KB, 1111x1480, 1681558342118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wa la

>> No.19164317

Looks like shit.

>> No.19164324

sounds like jealousy

>> No.19164366

Let's starts from the basic, what are you trying to make? Here is a very simple and unfuckable potato dish. Gratin d'auffinois.


>> No.19164733

>The easiest potato is a baked one. You poke holes in it and oven bake or grill it. Cut open and put toppings in
I fail at this step.

Yeah, I can throw the bastard in there and cook it for the appropriate amount of time at the appropriate temperature BUT. When I actually dig into the flesh and eat it afterwards it always gives me a fucking stomach ache and brain fog.

Other people's/pre-prepared potatoes are fucking fine, before you go diagnosing me with a potato allergy. I can eat fucking five guys french fries no problem. I can eat frozen potatoes you just toss in the air fryer no problem. I can eat my dad's mashed potatoes no problem.

But for whatever universe forsaken reason should I dare to try baking a potato on my own it fucks up my stomach and provides me with no sustenance/energy. Not OP btw, no idea what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.19164746

would guess problem with your oven or the potatoes you're buying

>> No.19164752

Don't think that's the problem. Shit fucked me up using my old house's oven and still fucks my shit up using my new house's oven. Both fuck me.
>potatoes you're buying
Might be it. I just got the generic bagged russets and then used the loose russets. I'll try some other types and organic shit I guess, thanks.

>> No.19166343

what did you coat them with.

>> No.19166346

>Nothing I make from raw potatoes ever comes out right or even remotely good
Try making your next dish from cooked potatoes.

>> No.19166913
File: 1.53 MB, 1013x788, potatoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check out my potatoes.

>> No.19166957

Soften it up as much as possible then douse it in salt and butter, also other herbs if you like them, any herbs, you can't go wrong. Dump it all on. Then sour cream. Heaven.

>> No.19166994

if that's sour cream... then you're my guy

>> No.19167140

They are completely different to a normal sweet potato. I live in japan, my gf cooked some sweet potato slices in the oven last night. She didn't add anything to them, yet they tasted like candy. Their sugar content must be insanely high

>> No.19167215

Potatoes have compounds and undigestible starches in them that need heat to break down. These can definitely make you sick. You need to cook the potato until the flesh is soft, like "gives no resistance to a fork" soft. Don't cook them based on time until you know how long it takes your oven to do this.
You shouldn't need to buy organic or more expensive potatoes either. That shits a scam. Just make sure it doesn't have mushy spots or eyes.

>> No.19167273

You need to spend time learning about different varieties of potato. Figure how which variety works for which recipe. If you work with russets only use recipes designed specifically for that type.

>> No.19167651

Nothing. It's roughed up potato bits from tossing it in butter in a bowl. Little spices mixed in the butter like paprika.

>> No.19167684

Microwave about 5 minutes and apply toppings. As long as it ends up cooked through I don't see how you can fuck up potatoes unless something was wrong with the potatoes to begin with or whatever you put on them just sucks.

>> No.19168317
File: 2.01 MB, 4000x2252, 20230415_135857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check mine. Attempted fondant style yesterday and I'd say it was about 80% successful. They didn't cook all the way through and the flavor was only on the top and bottom but they were pretty good.

Sauce is a complex burger sauce made for grilling season.

>> No.19168370

your gay-ass plate is cracked homo

>> No.19168376

Thanks, I'll just cook the mother fucking shit out of those fuckers next time and zap the fucking fuck out of those fucking gay ass fucking starches and compounds. I'm going to go nuclear.

>> No.19168384 [DELETED] 


>> No.19168399

When in doubt, add more salt and butter.

>> No.19168923

I'm sorry OP, you might just be cursed. Potatoes are the most retard-proof food. I can just clean and trim and cut in half and roast them with butter.
I don't know why cooking potatoes is a mystery to some people.

>> No.19168947

I hate this fucking shit so much. It's just fucking leftovers from their bacon production line that they cooked up. If you go through the bag, you see that about 40% of the material is nasty garbage which shouldn't be sold, and you need to pick through it to get the good bits. I figured out that you can make your own bacon bits cheaper per weight even with buying quality stuff.
If you can avoid cramming it down your throat right away, which I'm bad at.

>> No.19169062

who knocks gold-plated china? Man go back to your dixie cups and free plastic cutlery you hoarded from chinese takeout.