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19154254 No.19154254 [Reply] [Original]

When will it be over?

>> No.19154259

the trend of hipster beer or the end of homebrews?

>> No.19154305

What's wrong with IPAs?

>> No.19154308

IPAs haven't been """cool""" in like ~5 years now. If you're looking to get angry about products existing you should direct your temper tantrum at sours or maybe saisons.

Literally nothing. Its just Americans forcing "muh culture war" onto everyone else.

>> No.19154310

they're left wing

>> No.19154313

how can a drink be left wing?

>> No.19154316

what do you mean? EVERYTHING on god earth is either left wing or right wing in the mind of the american.

>> No.19154352

weird thing to be contrarian about, it's just a better tasting beer with a higher alcohol concentration. that's why they've taken over alcohol sections so dramatically. it might have started out as some hipster thing but now it's just evident that it's vastly preferable to piss beers. I've watched every beer drinker I've known for a decade, several dozen people switch to almost exclusively IPAs with the exception of a couple.

>> No.19154363


>> No.19154575

there are so many of them that it can be difficult to find any interesting styles depending on where you live
they're basically the macro lagers of yesteryear at this point, not necessarily bad but just boring and done to death

>> No.19154632

Yet whenever I go into an LCBO or beer store there's way too much space taken up by this shit that could be used for good beer or cide4

>> No.19154639

what do you mean? EVERYTHING on god earth is either american or not in the mind of the obsessed

>> No.19154648

I'll stick to good ol'fashioned bud light heh
Now that's a red blooded man's beer!

>> No.19154751

It's literally true that everything that isn't American is not American so you're not very funny.

>> No.19154848

I heard something recently that explains why IPAs are so oversaturated
>low calorie to make high alcohol because lack of malt
>pump in "flavor" by adding a ton of calorie free hops
>people like high ABV and don't really care about flavor as long as it's not waterly like bud

>> No.19154851

I don't mean to offend but i feel like you and your associates are the type of people who'd drink human spit if it was marketed well enough.

>> No.19154855

I agree, I used to like these but find them revolting now. The Sour/IPA space needs to be cut in half to make way for more craft lagers, bocks, ales, german and belgian styles ect.

>> No.19154925

In the US political discourse has completely moved away from being about real issues and is just a culture war now, so that people get so angry about trannies they stop even wondering where all the money is going (and let's be honest, the people who don't want to you pay attention to where the money is going are overwhelmingly on the right). All the typical stereotypes of town and country, dumbshit and educated, etc. exist in the US like anywhere else, but at this point it's almost become a parody of itself.

It is true that someone on the left is typically going to go out to their local bar and order from 8 different rotating taps of local beer, and then maybe order the trout special, which the owner's buddy caught over the weekend 20 miles away, and it's marinated in some Korean flavors and smoked or whatever, because "trying new things is good and lots of people around us are doing cool shit and we should support them". While someone on the right is typically to to go out to their local bar and order a Bud Light and a burger, plain, well-done (that goes without saying), because "a beer is a beer and a man is a man and if it was good enough for daddy it's good enough for me."

The bizarro thing is that the younger people on the right who thought Trump was cool have embraced that ignorant hick stereotype because, you know, kids will basically do whatever stupid shit their friends are doing and turn it into their entire personality. That's why you see people on 4chan larping as christians with traditional values (lol) these days. Of course since they have no clue about anything they spend their time making IPA threads because someone told them it was a sissy beer once and they don't realize it hasn't been popular in close to a decade.

>> No.19154942

uppity bougie city boy

>> No.19154981

Some people like lager, some people like ale. Don't be such a fagg-t.

>> No.19155017

Speaking of parodies, you're hitting all the notes.

>> No.19155054

>if they just got rid of some of these IPAs there would be a lot more room for lagers
Lol. Like clockwork. This delusion never gets old.

>> No.19155076

It's already over, fruited beers have been the new beer vogue for a while now. West Coast IPAs will soon be considered boomershit

>> No.19155951

I live around a bunch of breweries and the amount of ipa beers has gone down. People are going for a more drinkable and refreshing beer.

>> No.19156048

Your post reads like you're a leftoid libtard whether you realize it or not, why do all people talking that "american politics is just a culture war" ass shit type this same shit lmao

>> No.19156108

I hate IPA so much bros it is unreal
I hate that every time I go to a bar it will be 80% IPA on tap meanwhile there will be like one stout
I hate the total lack of subtlety in the flavor, most of them and that most just end up tasting like mouthwash
I hate the obnoxious and quirky rick and morty style logos and art
but most of all, I hate the culture of IPA drinkers. It represents a sort of commodified masculinity, sort of like bourbon scented soap. drink IPA because you are a REAL MAN who can handle 7% ABV. Drink beer that has EDGY ADULT names like "belligerent jackass" or "rabid bitch" etc. etc.

>> No.19156115
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>It's already over, fruited beers have been the new beer vogue for a while now
Sure, if you're posting from 2018. Then we got seltzers, and miscellaneous canned cocktails, and hazy IPAs, and craft nonalcoholics. The current meta is Artisanal Jenkem. I have to eat a strict vegan gluten-free diet for my daily "contribution" to the mash tun.

>> No.19157245

This. There are a lot of imports I'd like to try that are simply impossible to find because grocery store shelves are full of no-name meme beer.

>> No.19157266

>people order food at restaurants based on their political leanings now
Go back to twitter/reddit please if you really think like this. Nobody in the real world gives a fuck. Food is food and beer is beer. You typed out an entire three-paragraph effortpost because you're actually mad about Anheuser-Busch losing $6 billion in market cap over the most braindead and out-of-touch sales gimmick ever.

>> No.19157283

>oy Nigel, ‘ew got the supplies ready for the voyage to India yet?
>yeah mate just one snag, the trip is gonna take three maybe four months, ale is gonna go off innit
>just frow a buncha hops in
>that’ll make the beer all bitter and nasty yeah?
>suppose. bettah than ‘avin a stale pint then innit?


>> No.19157288

8.5/10 bait, really well done

>> No.19157298
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>"it's an IPA with a crisp citrusy flavour"
Translation: it's got no flavour other than a slightly bitter after-taste.

Don't get me started on ones that are actually flavoured.

>> No.19157310

I was going to say... uhm buddy you don't realize that no redneck is going to buy a bud light, and ironically bbq/grilling is our fuckin specialty so keep the beyond shit.

>> No.19157330

The fact you said people are trying to be hicks to fit in is the furthest from the truth, every teenager I see has that dumbass haircut and skinny jeans with a fanny pack on like a satchel

>> No.19157336

Hops are the worst thing to ever happen to beer.

>> No.19157338

Well you do forget that people bought and drank that girls bath water. I feel like we found one in the wild

>> No.19158122
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the only non faggot ipa

>> No.19158135

Everyone I know who used to drink IPA has gone back to cheap domestic lager.

>> No.19158140

>german and belgian styles

>> No.19158151


>> No.19158187

IPAs are soy

>> No.19158208

not all of us here like that crap. knock it off with the blanket statements. you wouldn't like me making blanket statements about your people now would you?

>> No.19158210

rent free huh?

>> No.19158215

Better in what sense? Because 100% of IPAs that I have tried are exclusively 1 note beers. Hops, and thats it. You might even get lucky and get a twinge of a taste of a grapefruit or chocolate or some other shit but the overwhelming taste from start to finish is hops. Bitter hops or grassy hops and thats it.

Im not against bitter or grassy tastes, and also not against hop taste either. But IPAs are universally shit tier, I would rather drink any .50c can of mass market trash than any IPA no matter how highly rated it is. Im not saying it needs to be perfect, not saying it needs to be sweet, or strong, or even plain like a mass market. But I would wager 99.9% of all IPAs are complete and utter dog shit. Once youve had one, youve had them all. They are hops and hops alone. Saltine crackers have more flavor and personality than any IPA

>> No.19158270

city hipsters moved on to Belgium sours about 5 years ago, and as that was saturating down to the rural hipsters seltzers became a fad and beat sours to the rural hipster market. At this point IPA's are what rednecks think hipsters are drinking, when in fact hipsters are currently somewhere on the seltzer/sour scale depending on how 'with it' they are. The next wave is going to be artisanal mead, which will translate down to the rural hipsters as hard cider. Then IPA's will make a resurgence as the hipsters try to overcompensate with a more 'masculine' choice.

>> No.19158308

>every teenager I see
Most teenagers aren't even political, let alone right leaning. The only place you're going to see them is on 4chan, because they spend all day in their basement in front of a computer.

>> No.19158325
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>beer just hasn't been the same these last thousand years
>we need to go back

>> No.19158356

>i bought an ipa once
>i forgot about it in the backseat of my car for about a year
>but when i noticed it i brought it inside and cracked it open to see what all the fuss was about
>i can now definitively tell you that ipa is terrible
>if you've had one you've had them all
>it's just a 1 note bitter skunky bottle of garbage

>> No.19158360
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>> No.19158366

It's both the worst kind of beer and also the most prevalent. Half the goddamn list at breweries and bars seem to be fucking IPAs because the dudebros and wannabe hipsters think it's great

>> No.19158384
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>hard cider is seen as 'sissy' and 'for ladies' cause it is more palatable
>has none of the estrogen boosting properties regular beer has

>> No.19158389

I drank a beer once and now I'm trans. If only I'd stuck to hard cider

>> No.19158395
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>its real

>> No.19158416 [DELETED] 

There is another

>> No.19158423

This right here is the root of the problem.

>> No.19158431
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>> No.19158444
File: 867 KB, 2300x1059, 84489880.samuels.smith_.organic.cider_.cans_.2300x1059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one.

>> No.19158464 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 714x1176, Johnny_Appleseed_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As another American it's maddening to reflect on the term "hard cider". It's just "cider". Cider is by definition alcoholic. You don't say "hard beer". You only add extra words to specify to non-alcoholic beer, or non-alcoholic cider, "soft cider" if you will.

Our terminology is so retarded because of Prohibition, that insane project of dried-up protestant lesbian suffragettes--only outdone by the insanity of having enough men take the idea seriously to vote it in--doubtless bribed by mobsters who knew how much they would profit.

This country was BUILT on cider. Johnny Appleseed wasn't planting apples for pie, he was planting for cider. "Eating apples" are a different breed from cider apples; cider apples are relatively unpalateable before fermentation.

>His apples were not of an edible variety and could be used only for cider: "Really, what Johnny Appleseed was doing and the reason he was welcome in every cabin in Ohio and Indiana was he was bringing the gift of alcohol to the frontier. He was our American Dionysus."

>Transplanted New Englanders on the frontier drank a reported 10.52 ounces of hard cider per day (for comparison, the average American today drinks 20 ounces of water a day). "Hard cider," Means writes, "was as much a part of the dining table as meat or bread."

And once ridiculous insane Prohibition was passed, the dried-up dusty protestant lesbian suffragettes got their cuckold incel soyboy sons & husbands to go around CHOPPING DOWN America's cider-apple heritage. Or so I hear tell, maybe that's just a story, but it makes sense, explains why it took SO LONG for American Cider to recover (new trees had to be planted) after the Prohi experiment ended.


>> No.19158487

Sounds delicious

>> No.19158497 [DELETED] 

The product is fine but avoid their Nazi pubs in the UK.

>> No.19158502

How schizo do you have to be to make up a story like this? I've tried as many IPAs as I can think of. From stores, directly from the tap at breweries, and so on, they are all 100% dog shit.

Funny whenever you ask someone to explain what's so good about an IPA they can literally never tell you. I'm not saying you can't enjoy them, or aspects about them like the bitterness/etc. But I just don't get what there is to like about them and I find it genuinely confusing people do enjoy them.

>> No.19158565

i asked a buddy why he likes IPA's and his answer was literally that he fucked up his nose using nose drops every hour as a child so its not so much he cant taste them theyre just the most tongue stimulating or some shit. its a retarded reason to enjoy something.

>> No.19158887

>how schizo do you have to be to make up a story like this
Maybe it's a little hyperbolic, but the only possible scenario for all the shit you typed out about IPAs all tasting the same and being bland, one-note, and nothing but bitter, is that you've never had one when it was fresh, which is how you're supposed to drink them.

After maybe lambics and sours, IPAs are easily one of the most diverse and complex styles of beer. Some people simply don't enjoy a beer to be that hop forward, and that's perfectly fine. But you saying that all IPAs have less flavor than a saltine is just nonsense. You can always spot the trolls when people start talking about IPA because they say shit like, "if every bar wasn't 90% IPA maybe they'd have room for a wider variety of something good, like lagers" or, "I used to drink IPAs when I was younger, but I've grown out of that phase and moved onto lager." That's what you sound like.

>> No.19158913

I sound like that because it's the truth. I've had many different IPAs that multiple people swear are "so good bro" and I drink it, and it is literally the exact same shit taste as always. Like I said, maybe you get lucky and get a hit of something else. Lemon, candy, bread, whatever, but it is instantly overpowered by hops, which linger on the palate, and also give you that "back of the throat" hop taste too. Every. Single. Time. Every. Single. IPA.

I have had IPA canned directly in front of me from the brewery, I'd have them poured perfectly at the brewery at the perfect temp, and I've had many different ones from stores or at parties. They are all trash, all of the time.

I just wish the meme that they're good would end. I guarantee you that the vast majority of people that say they enjoy them actually don't because they're just trying to fit in.

>> No.19159146

It's even weirder when you remember the historical context that most American farmers subsisted off of home-grown cider throughout the winter months. It was literally the drink of the working man until the late 19th Century when enough immigrants from Central Europe tipped the scale in beer's favor.

>> No.19161084

the fruity ones are almost universally ass

>> No.19161453

I homebrew beer, have been for almost a decade now, and I hate IPAs. As mentioned elsewhere, essentially one-note drinks. I think everyone brews them because its hard to get an IPA wrong, and you can cover up your lack of brewing skill by just overhopping to shit and back.
APAs are vastly superior as you can get insane varieties of flavors since you can actually taste the yeast/malt/hop variety, etc. Its my favorite beer to brew because of it. Switching out the any of the ingredients is noticeable. It's a shame APAs aren't as widespread.
Sours and ciders in summer, love a good stout in winter. I brew a bourbon-vanilla stout every fall, soak vanilla beans in bourbon, brew, let it sit in primary forever, mix in the vanilla/bourbon before bottling, let it sit forever. 6 months seems to be a good time for really good flavor melding.

>> No.19161676


God you're such a fucking retard. The left claims to be pro working class but has such disdain for these "hicks and rednecks" who are the working class that they supposedly advocate for.

You know where all the money is going? In the pockets of corrupt pedophile globalist politicians and israel.

>> No.19161692

I generally go for german pilsners nowadays

>> No.19162490

>everyone else is just pretending to like it
Yes. We all got together behind your back one day a couple decades ago and decided it would be really funny to constantly drink this beer we all think tastes disgusting. That has to be answer.

>> No.19164075

Nothing. Brewies are pumping out generically unique IPAs because they're comfortable to consumers and some people are sick of it. A good IPA is still a good IPA.

I like to brew single malt single hop IPAs. Won't catch me trying to turn my IPA into a smoothie. Simple as.

>> No.19164089

I don't really care what it tastes like as long as I get drunk.

>> No.19164096

brewers pump out IPA because it's the easiest, most unsophisticated beer style to brew. the taste reflects this

>> No.19165365
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>> No.19165379

the people saying that cant drink anything other than hard seltzer