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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19151064 No.19151064 [Reply] [Original]

For me its imitation crab. Ultra processed fish paste and fillers that are supposed to be sea bug flavored

>> No.19151069
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>> No.19151078

Canned tuna

>> No.19151080
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soy products

>> No.19151085

>preserved fish
>same fish mashed up and formed into a rectangle

>> No.19151098
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Meh, surimi's a'ight.
>What's the most dystopian food product?

>> No.19151111

Oh come on it’s pressed pollock

>> No.19151139

Not a schizo about soy and such but shit like soylent is such a fucking weird and almost dystopian product to me. Do people who drink these "meal replacement products" just hate eating food? What kind of a person hates eating? What the fuck? Does someone actually drink these?

>> No.19151142
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>dystopian food
Why do you keep making this thread?
Matter fact, why the fuck are so many of the threads on this board stale reposts by the same few people?
>dystopian food
>guy who posts whatever LGBTQ packaging is on a popular food this week
>guy who posts that one lady who looks smug
>guys who posts girl at the foodtruck
>guy who posts saying he is going to NYC and wants food recommendations

The autism levels are beyond comprehension.

>> No.19151150

Ive never seen this thread before
Perhaps you shoukd go outside more

>> No.19151157

The only real dystopian foods are bugs and those insane fake or lab grown meats, the estrogen burgers, the burgers that bubble up and look like hell.
Crab sticks are at least just fish.

>> No.19151160

weak gaslight

>> No.19151172

The main consumers of soylent are vegans. Maintaining a vegan diet that won't kill you is extremely expensive and time consuming, and miserable. For vegans eating food is torture so someone provides them with a solution of just getting all they need from a bottle, for them it's the holy grail of food that solves all their problems. The only problem with this is that soylent actually sucks dick and doesn't work as a meal replacement, it lacks animal protein, the vitamins are poorly absorbed and it gives you bitch tits. The soylent consumers become mentally ill and sick. Almost all troons started off with soylent and it's what pushed them over the edge. The soylent creator himself has bitch tits that you can see even when he is wearing thick clothes.

>> No.19151176

you sound like a schizo. stop replying to me.

>> No.19151180

t. ranny

>> No.19151190

a lot of the STEMfags I've worked with in the past were big on Huel because they were fucking obsessed with '''productivity'''. I'd be happy about AI stealing their jobs if it wasn't stealing mine too.

>> No.19151194
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Bong food.
Whats shocking is that they are bragging about " eating this good".
The nobility really fucked their heads and minds.

>> No.19151199

it was partly the aristocracy, partly WW2 rationing extending well into the 50s and influencing all the boomers whose cultural shadow we still live under. Same reason filipino food is so ungodly.

>> No.19151202

I didnt gaslight you at all
get off /ck/ and go study your psychology wikis some more

>> No.19151213

You either gaslighted me, or you are not a regular here. Either way it was a waste of a post.

>> No.19152221

I noticed Huel's pretty popular in the fitness circle, I think it makes sense in that context but I wouldn't drink 3 meals a day.

>> No.19152226
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>> No.19152301

I got some frozen tenders from the store that the packing called "Wingz*" with the asterisk telling you it was some kind of chicken meat product blend slop whatever. It was unsettling but still man-made deliciousness beyond your comprehension.

>> No.19152357
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Soylent is just a shitter version of Carnation instant breakfast, the name is really shitty and has unfortunate implications but otherwise I don't know why retards constantly lose their shit over meal replacement shakes.

>> No.19152422
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Mc ribs.
The official mcdicks page list about 50 ingredients in it but in reality it has above 80

Topic aside.. some days I wake up feeling extra dystopian-ish or just ultra capitalistic.

I make sure to wake up after having less than 8 hours of sleep to the sound of my alarm, unnatural light and feeling extra anxious about my job.
Then I leave the house dressed head to toe on the most iconic clothing brands, have mcdonalds for breakfast in my car while browsing several social media and consuming a mixture of niccotine, caffeine and pseudoephedrine laden flu medication

I drive to work on my hibrid car, listening to underground artist who are in fact really fucking famous and oviously industry plants

Then I proceed to work overtime on the most unhealthy, soul crushing and overly competitive enviroment possible, surrounded by passive aggressive obese women, power tripping losers and people who just needed a job

Then I arrive home sit on the 'puter and start browsin korean dickgirls profiles on chaturbate while playing facebook games or watching anime or netflix series on a second screen till I fall asleep

Thats just some dystopian stuff I do, I have longer list

Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.19152663

probably hot pockets

>> No.19152696

Preboiled eggs.

>> No.19152698

Hey Anon, if you're still here, I'd like to ask you some questions.

how much do you weigh?
when did you feel your last real human connection?
what did you get up to over Easter weekend?
do you have a 5 year plan?
>people who just needed a job
what's wrong with this? Is it their work ethic that's dystopian? do you get along with these people?
do you pay for Netflix?
what kind of work do you do?
who is your fav ktrap?
why do you consume flu medicine?

I will have follow up questions, should you reply.

>> No.19152718
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>Ultra processed fish paste
What you are eating is the old generation of surimi; the new generation of surimi is frighteningly clever.

>> No.19152769

>how much do you weigh?
I got an eating disorder, right now im over weight

>when did you feel your last real human connection?
3 years ago with an half asian chubby gay boy, im deeply ashamed

>what did you get up to over Easter weekend?

>do you have a 5 year plan?
Nothing has ever gone right in my life so I dont worry too much abiut the future anymore

>what's wrong with this? Is it their work ethic that's dystopian? do you get along with these people?
They are just plain people, free of ill intentions like those losers who dream about becoming rich by treating coworkers like shit

>do you pay for Netflix?
I pirate most of my stuff. Im just ashamed of saying so

>what kind of work do you do?
Thats a secret

>who is your fav ktrap?
Im love with her I really wish I could tell you

>why do you consume flu medicine?
Pseudoephedrine keeps me from hurting myself by overeating

>> No.19152794

usually I get more data from these interviewchans... anyway

what's your favourite anime?
do you like road trips?
what do you think of Canada?
when were you first attracted to asian cds?
what are your 3 ultimate, non-fiction wishes?

>> No.19152817

>what's your favourite anime?
Chainsaw man, welcome to the nhk, berserk. I think thats that, I prefer manga

>do you like road trips?
I sure do love them

>what do you think of Canada?
Same as every country in the world, they really need to liberalise their economy, sterilise low IQ people and promote healthier standards of living for their people

>when were you first attracted to asian cds?
Couple of years ago. I got lots of unusual borderline schizo reasons why i like them

>what are your 3 ultimate, non-fiction wishes?
..hmm does something being next to impossible makes it fiction? Because thats the approx definition of the word

1 I want to unfuck my permanently injured nervous system and joints

2 Become a kickboxing champ

3 Buy a new house for my parents and being able to maintain them. They shouldnt work anymore

>> No.19152823

Food with an ingredient list that looks more like a bill of materials for a chemistry lab is dystopic food.

>> No.19152839

I recall the founder being some incel beta and the people filming the documentary found rat feces in their surplus products (bunch of powder in sterilite bins)

>> No.19152855

Thank you. Phase 3.

where are your 3 favorite places in the world?
what are your 3 favorite foods (meals, snacks, etc can all apply)
what are the schizo reasons you mentioned? be SFW or give hints if you need to.
what happened to your joints?
do you eat in bed?

>> No.19152857

Ooo shit, surprised I haven't seen this in a trader Joe's or similar.

>> No.19152920

>where are your 3 favorite places in the world?
Lakes and forests, hospitals, universities

>what are your 3 favorite foods (meals, snacks, etc can all apply)
I no longer eat food based on taste you know.. I prefer the top food in the sasiety index because they keep the desperation away. But to answer your question; liver and onions, bacon and eggs, cider

>what are the schizo reasons you mentioned? be SFW or give hints if you need to.
They are genetically diferent you know..
They naturally have less testosterone so most of them can keep their libido and ability to cum, they are more submissive because of their inferiority complex, their societys are soulless and dystopian, their iq is higher so they find more sexually depraved ways to get off, they like animu and to dress as underage characters
Because of evolutionary psychology they percieve reallity on diferent ways
They process food on different ways
They even smell different

>what happened to your joints?
I ran and jumped rope for years and years in hopes to keep my weight in check and become more agile. My spine and central nervous system is also fugged up

>do you eat in bed?
Never. My bed is as clean as it can be

>> No.19152955

Thank you. Unless you object, this will be the 4th and final phase.

What was your last utopic day like?
Do you see human interaction as important or something that provides vital meaning to life?
How many times a month do you clean your sheets?
Do you enjoy the hospital smell?
Would you live out the rest of your years in a small village in Vietnam where you were the only westerner and you didn't have to worry about food or money? No one would know your name or bother you.
You wake up to your alarm and unnatural lighting. The anxiety from maintaining your unfulfilling job is present. You walk to the washroom, look in the mirror and see yourself. Grab your toothbrush and begin removing your night breath. You finish up and go back to your room. There is your favorite k-otokonoko sitting there, looking at you. They are crying. What do?

>> No.19152972

>What was your last utopic day like?
If we sent everyone to prison, then what's a prison anymore?

>Do you see human interaction as important or something that provides vital meaning to life?
It human nature to need interaction, it is what provide meaning to an otherwise machine or animal

>How many times a month do you clean your sheets?
Every 3 days

>Do you enjoy the hospital smell?
Yes. A mixture of chemicals and fluids.

>Would you live out the rest of your years in a small village in Vietnam where you were the only westerner and you didn't have to worry about food or money? No one would know your name or bother you.

>You wake up to your alarm and unnatural lighting. The anxiety from maintaining your unfulfilling job is present. You walk to the washroom, look in the mirror and see yourself. Grab your toothbrush and begin removing your night breath. You finish up and go back to your room. There is your favorite k-otokonoko sitting there, looking at you.
They are crying. What do?

Most def reach for my gun and crouch

>> No.19153107

>I no longer eat food based on taste you know
Then why do you eat McDonald's? Liar.

>> No.19153242


>> No.19153258

The shit passed off today as "traditional Bri'ish queasyne" is literally industrial slop. It has its origins in the garbage fed to wageslave factory proles in the late 19th century. With two wars' worth of rationing on top. Real British food is only found in old cookbooks.

>> No.19153259

I just get brains from them bitches.

>> No.19153341

>want some easy protein
>hm, I'll pick up these """"crab""" sticks
For some godforsaken reason they have much more carbs than protein. And that's including eggs they put in.

>> No.19153687
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Go to Japan.
Go to the supermarket upon arrival
Buy these two
Go to a park, sit on a bench and start drinking

>> No.19153744

breakfast cereal
just learn to cook or skip breakfast