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File: 1.68 MB, 1699x1062, Steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19150055 No.19150055 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do I get colour on a fucking steak? Every time I try to cook one it ALWAYS turns out grey with only the edges getting some colour. I make sure they're dry before hand hand have my pan hot. Some times I'll leave my pan on for 5 minutes to get it hotter, yet it's always fucking grey. WHAT AM I DOING WROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG?????????

>> No.19150060

pan's not hot

>> No.19150065

More oil

>> No.19150066

Do I have to almost burn my house down to make sure the pan it hot enough? I'll wait till I can see it literally smoking

>> No.19150068

pat it dry first or put it in the fridge on a rack to dry the outside

My boomer dad has the same complaint and he doused every steak in soy soy sauce before grilling it

>> No.19150070

I do that. I dry it an hour before cooking and let it come up to room temp

>> No.19150071

literally as hot as you can get it. and oil the meat, not the pan. the end.

>> No.19150072

Are you using butter? Butter smoking is the residual milk solids burning, not the fat smoking. And some inappropriate oils like olive start smoking when they're not as hot as you need.

>> No.19150076

Might just get a whole new stove.
No I'm using peanut oil and butter the baste

>> No.19150080

bet op is jiggling his steak and checking the underside the whole time like an impatient retard

>> No.19150083

No I leave it there for 2 minutes before flipping

>> No.19150117
File: 119 KB, 720x960, 274229286_2096543463834365_5438886691365010598_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you definitely need more fats in the pan

salt the shit out of them at least a half hour before you cook them, contrary to popular belief this is not so that the seasoning penetrates into the beef, but rather to draw the moisture out of the surface. less moisture = more crispy

for an even cook you want to flip frequently, every 30-45 seconds is fine as long as you are on a very high heat. Longer sitting times = higher heat exposure to the interior. The heat should come to the protein as a sort of 'shock'

use a proper pan too

with that being said, leaner cuts of meat will not form a crust, it will only colour over.

t. cooks and eats steak 5 nights a week

>> No.19150124

Hand torch

>> No.19150127

salt it and put it on a wire rack uncovered in the fridge the night before (or more), it'll feel sorta leathery but when cooked in a very hot cast iron pan the whole thing will become crust while remaining tender inside

>> No.19150128

Post a picture of your pan.
The leaner the steak the harder it is to get a good sear.

>> No.19150133

Getting a nice sear requires:
Enough Heat
No moisture on the meat
If any of those things are lacking you won't get a good result.

>> No.19150141
File: 477 KB, 1029x611, pan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one
Guess all I can do is use this advice and try again

>> No.19150142

this pan probably isn't thick enough to give you a proper crust>>19150141

>> No.19150147

>nonstick pan

>> No.19150152

what pan should I buy then?

>> No.19150155

You don't need more fat. Excessive fat prevents searing.

You just need to get the pan hot as fuck and then, when you put in the steak (which has been out of the fridge for a while), do not move it. Resist the urge to turn, rotate, anything. Then you will get a good colour

>> No.19150159

we call this the reddit sear

>> No.19150211

12 or 10 inch stainless steel carbon steel or cast iron.

>> No.19150328

>only edges getting color
The center is not making proper contact with the pan, due to it cupping up or excess liquid trapped underneath is forming a moisture shield. Giving the steak a little lift or added pressure will help, and place the meat in slowly from one end to the other, like you're rolling out a carpet.

>> No.19150339

As another poster mentioned this isn't the appropriate pan to cook steak. Not only is it just worse at browning meat but non-stick pans aren't safe if heated too much.

Stainless steel or cast iron should do the trick. Keep that non-stick for things like eggs or fish though.

>> No.19150341

A few notes since you're dumb as a brick:
Non-stick is not inherently conducive to getting a good sear, try a different pan
Too much oil will mean you're effectively frying your steak so you need "just enough" that will let your steak still be in contact with the pan
Remove as much moisture as possible from the surface of the steak by blotting with paper towels right before it goes into the pan
If the steak is thick flip frequently. If it's not, let it build up a crust on one side before flipping. Let it sit while doing it, and don't touch.

>> No.19150343

this isn't true btw

>> No.19150354
File: 289 KB, 1080x1350, FrlyJ4VXwAEvVIR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seconding this, try to press it down into the pan with a spatula
if you're a westerner i think they sell actual weights for cooking but i can't fucking get them in bulgaria unless i want to order from amazon and pay out the ass for delivery
personally i use spatula + my onyx mortar if i want to keep the pressure constant without having to be pressing on it constantly. but my mortar weighs like 3 kilos while these weights look much lighter than that so idk
and as others have said, the pan you're using really isn't the best for the job. but i think you'll get improvements if you just press the meat down. i've had problems with only edges getting color in my stainless steel pan too, before i started pressing

>> No.19150360 [DELETED] 

Americans are retarded when it comes to cooking, youre proud that u made an home made meal its like daaah

>> No.19150362

How is it not? Even the manufacturer recommends not heating your pan above 500f

>> No.19150365

My trick is never washing my grill grates or cast iron pan.

>> No.19150381

switch to cast iron

>> No.19150385

yeah it is true. different anon btw

>> No.19150387
File: 204 KB, 600x564, 1676141760140002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for an even cook you want to flip frequently

>> No.19150392

>No I'm using peanut oil and butter the baste
Never going to get hot enough without starting a grease fire. Use avocado oil, or better yet, a backyard grill, not your stove.

>> No.19150404

>Americans are retarded when it comes to cooking
And oh yeah, we're the kings of steak.

>> No.19150448

me again, i was just joking in this post, it isn't really true

>> No.19150474

Anon, peanut oils smokes at 450, that's blenty hot to sear a steak.

OP, gray is stage before it browns nicely. The reason anons are telling you it's not hot enough, is because you didn't leave it to brown for enough time at temperature you made it at. The rarer you want it inside, the higher your sear temp needs to be. Also the thicker the steak the lower your sear temp should be. But not lower than let's say 350.

Make sure the steak is dry, pat it dry with a towel and then put a metric shit ton on oil on it.

Another color hack is to smoke sear it, so you get that pink smoke ring in the same time. Also because charcoal grilled steak is delicious.

>> No.19150476


>> No.19150480

>Anon, peanut oils smokes at 450, that's blenty hot to sear a steak
And butter smokes at 350. Try to keep up.

>> No.19150539

>butter the baste
i think he means butter to baste. not to fry in. as in, he tosses some butter at the end, off the heat, just until it melts and then spoons it over the steak.

>> No.19150559

He's having trouble with smoke without searing. I'm pretty sure the butter is his problem, no matter how you want to spin this.

>> No.19150718
File: 1.27 MB, 4032x3024, l9dbmpkp6hz71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he could also be using shitty and/or thin cuts that curl up on the edges. the way he described it
>ALWAYS turns out grey with only the edges getting some colour
makes me think that might be the case too. something like this

>> No.19150731

forgot to say, in this case pressing down should help, also trying other steak voodoo like cutting into the fat, only oiling the steak and not the pan, etc. i've seen people suggest many different solutions to this and according to the reddit thread i got this pic off of, he was using avocado oil, preheating the pan in an oven, using a temp gun, etc. and this still happened to him.
i've ran into a similar problem before and the only solution that worked for me was just pressing the meat down. but some other steak voodoo might work for anon, assuming this is the problem he was describing in his op
he can google "steak curling up" for a bunch of different solutions

>> No.19150751

yes lmao, this is extremely important
the old myth that you should only flip a steak once is one of the easiest ways to fuck up the evenness of a steak

>> No.19150792

Not him, but based on my personal experience, you're completely full of shit.
And its understandable. Flipping multiple times won't lead to any particular problem, but it also can't solve any particular problem.
You: "I have a stone in my pocket that protects me from tigers", me: "this is Delaware, there isn't a tiger within thousands of miles".
Congrats, you "solved" what was probably a fiction problem.

>> No.19150966

I bet the marbling on that steak is amazing. The intramuscular fat is what melts down and creates flavour. Did you know you can tell the quality of a steak by its marbling?

>> No.19150985

pan frying steak is a crime against humanity.
Anyone who disagees with me is wrong and should explore canadian euthanasia laws.