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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19149177 No.19149177 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19149179

Eggs don't need rest, the baby chicks are already resting in heaven

>> No.19149181

Then why do steaks need to rest? They're dead too

>> No.19149187

why the fuck would you need to let a raw egg rest

>> No.19149188

Yeah let me just make an omelette and then sit around for 20 minutes. Great hack.

>> No.19149192

From the pressure shock of it being deshelled

>> No.19149196

Steaks are made from muscles, the muscles worked hard in life so they need to rest in death

>> No.19149201

Yeah, in culinary school we're told they only need to rest for 12 minutes. This guide seems like they exaggerated the numbers for laughs

>> No.19149214

do you seriously slurp your raw eggs down unrested? that's the stupidest shit I've heard in a while

>> No.19149218

>the heat of the deshelling cooks the egg

>> No.19149224

Can you guys post some other food hacks already

>> No.19149225

You guys remember when some AI bot posted a recipe for fettuccini alfredo that called for like, 1 and a half cups of vegetable oil and everyone here got into an argument about sneed oils versus lard?
I do

>> No.19149256

Do you really have perfectly centered eggs every time you crack a raw one? You really double raw dog it?

>> No.19149289
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>> No.19149345

this is a troll pic

>> No.19149348

When using hard cheese like pecorino to emulsify in a sauce (like carbonara) just cut it into chunks, weigh it, throw it in a blender and give it a few pulses. It’s faster than grating and the super fine texture emulsifies easier.

Don’t salt your pasta water ‘as salty as the ocean’ if you need any more than a tbsp of pasta water in your finished sauce. It’s going to fuck it up completely with salt. Made that mistake twice before learning.

When cooking sunny side eggs add little bit of water to the pan when the eggs are halfway cooked and cover for about a minute. Cooks the top half of the eggs extremely quickly, don’t leave covered too long or the yolk will cook completely hard within a couple of minutes.

A good rice cooker will cook rice better than anyone can on a stovetop.

Shocking a boiled egg in ice water is not a meme and makes them incredibly easy to peel.

If you’re getting bald spots on the sear or your steak it’s because you’re not moving it. Every 15 seconds or so pick up the steak to allow the oil to run underneath again and set it back down, or just kinda slide it to a different spot in the pan.

Not exactly hacks, but tips I wish I knew by default

>> No.19149349

I got it from a food network blog

>> No.19149370
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>> No.19149505

> Shocking a boiled egg in ice water is not a meme and makes them incredibly easy to peel.
putting them in hot water instead of cold makes all the difference

>> No.19149545

>just cut it into chunks, weigh it, throw it in a blender and give it a few pulses.
What does weighing have anything to do with this? I get it's measurement but why does it have to come after cutting into chunks or what happens if your recipe is volumetric or wha tif I just want to add to taste?

>> No.19149603


>> No.19149615
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I can't cook a sunnyside up to save my life. I've turned the heat as low as possible, I added the water to steam, I even let the eggs warm up first and it's either runny whites of solid yolks

>> No.19149622

actually I'm the one that needs to rest after every omelette. that's what I told my manager. a cig after every omelette. stupid boomer told me I have no work ethic. fuck that jesus freak hippie

>> No.19149626

>this nigga eatin balut

>> No.19149630

they are unfertilized eggs anon
there never were any baby chicks, and the hens lay them no matter what

>> No.19149645

What you need to do is break up the structure of the whites. Crack your egg like normal, then use a knife or fork to cut lines in the egg whites. The gaps will fill in straight away and the whites will cook in 30 seconds and the yolk will still be runny.
I only learned this recently.

>> No.19149669

Do you cover it?

>> No.19149692

I saw you on the front page. They burned the shit outta that omelette by the way, and I don't know what the fuck is wrong with their scrabbled eggs but I'd pass on those.

Food bros, help me out. Every morning I make a bagel sandwich, and I scramble some eggs atop a slice of swiss draped over a spicy sausage patty. That part is fine but, when I put the whole thing together to eat it, it just slips and slides all over the place. The bagel smooshes the egg out the sides and all over my hands. It's delicious but I look like a real mess by the end of it. What apparatus or folding method should I use to have the perfect breakfast sandwich and not coat my hands in hot scramble with melty cheese?

Basically I do this

>crack 3 eggs into a small coffee mug
>whip the ever loving shit outta those yokes
>toss it in the pan that's been seasoned by the sausage and butter
>wait till firm on the bottom and I scrunch the edges into the center
>little by little let fresh egg have a turn
>flip it to cook the other side
>fold again and let it sit for about two minutes
>by then the bagel has been toasted and cooled off a bit itself
>still obliterates itself on bite

Where am I going wrong? Is what I want too much to ask for?

>> No.19149693
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Here's a food hack for you.

>> No.19149698

it's because the bagel is too hard of a bread even the pros only can pull it off by wrapping it before you eat it in foil or. Find thinner, softer bagels.

>> No.19149701

It's the nature of the beast. All you can do if you want it to hold together is provide a container, like some butcher paper.

>> No.19149769

Softer bagels are a nice thought. My regular bagel joint is just available, not the greatest. If I had my druthers a softer more airy bagel would go better.

Some butcher paper is a thought. I'm not big on the idea of waste it'll contribute, but it could make taking it to go a lot easier. Maybe if I was making sandwiches for others and not have them go "aw fuck, my hands!"

>> No.19150390

Have you tried resting them for 16 minutes?

>> No.19150400
File: 46 KB, 720x960, egg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have restless egg syndrome

>> No.19150479

What is this? Never "rested" an egg before and I can't say I'm missing out on anything.

>> No.19150889

is this pic about how long you should keep your refridgerated eggs in room temperature before cooking with them?

>> No.19150895

>Soft boiled.
>8 min.
Those are some big eggs.

>> No.19150913

a bit of /fit advice that works for sunny side eggs too, LOWER PHAGGOT!

Besides this you may need a thicker pan that radiates heat better so stuff not in direct contact with the pan can cook too.

>> No.19150916
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>> No.19150922

if you're going soft may as well go for sliced bread. the point of a bagel is that its a dense bread. it's meant to be eaten on the go so you can be full in a few bites. any other bread if better for a sandwich. your recipe will be much better on rye

>> No.19150932

you can cook eggs in a microwave if you put them in a big cup

>> No.19150960

underrated post

>> No.19150964

> explodes all over the inside
Nothing personal kid

>> No.19150976

Haha epic troll. Please go back you cretin. I'm pleased you'll never procreate.

>> No.19150998

This is an excellent guide for people who like tepid eggs
Carryover cooking. It's crucial if your targeting a specific doneness. It also supposedly allows muscle fibers to re-absorb some of the water they release.

>> No.19151005

that would make the eggs basted you retard.

>> No.19151012

all you do is crack the egg and let it sit. How do I know if the egg is ready? I use the back of my index finger and touch the top of the yolk, if it's hot you are good to go. The egg needs to cook itself from the bottom up but it can't be a searing heat.

>> No.19151026

>Oil in pan
>Hot pan
>Add egg to pan
>Watch egg fry
>Metal spoon
>While egg cooks spoon hot oil over yolk
>Do this a few times until yolk cooks but doesn't harden
>Fry egg to finish

>> No.19151140

I feel this is more a sex thing then a rushed thing.

>> No.19151163

cold eggs

>> No.19151204

sex seems to be a lot different from what I thought

>> No.19151215


>> No.19151456

And it changed my life.

>> No.19151671
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No rest for the cooked

>> No.19151986

Use a very sharp knife. Run it along the largest vein you can find on your neck. Tell your family to thank me later.

>> No.19151990

>refridgerated eggs
Found the African

>> No.19151993

Save pizza crusts to make stock.

>> No.19152005

Resting EGGS? Eggs don't have fatty juices or muscles. This is stupid. You just get cold eggs.

>> No.19152160


>> No.19152181

microplane or grate an avacado pit and wait 10 minutes
mind blown

>> No.19152525

even 12 seems like a lot. they'd definitely be cold by then, no?

>> No.19152714
File: 31 KB, 620x400, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fuck up an omelette that badly?

>> No.19152723

This is why I place my steak in a plastic ziplock bag and bury it overnight, to simulate a funeral/grave so that it'll rest properly

>> No.19152926

They are unfertilized lmao

>> No.19153155
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old fag here. will post old shit

>> No.19153159
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>> No.19153165
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>> No.19153169
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>> No.19153182
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>> No.19153189
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>> No.19153194
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>> No.19153205
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>Food hacks
>Mix baking mix with water

>> No.19153446

>put baby kale in hot pan
>add olive oil
>stir in eggs and other ingredients
>great fuckin breakfast

>> No.19153914

holy shit this works perfectly I just broke the white a little with my spatula and it cooked perfect thank you anon

>> No.19153923

I deshell all my eggs at Mach 1.6 and they instantly come out perfectly scrambled and cooked, simultaneously.

>> No.19153990
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>> No.19154222

I don't like cold eggs though

>> No.19154624

There's no such thing as "resting eggs". Everything you see on the internet is just bullshit for attention until proven otherwise.

>> No.19154675

Those rest times are way too long, and those scrambled eggs are overdone.

>> No.19154692

Is this a satire of the cringe Reddit chilli recipe?

>> No.19154696

This image is a hoax, Seriouseats never posted this gibberish

>> No.19154733

No this is what people on 4chan thought was cool 15 years ago

>> No.19154803

its still cool, newfags be damned

>> No.19154961

Why do you let wine breath?
Let the egg breathe too.
Egg yokes matter

>> No.19155207

When closing tupperware (especially the ancient variety that you always used that's warped to hell) lay the lid down first on a flat surface then press the container on top of it to use the weight and leverage to fasten it shut.

>> No.19155217

But what about raw eggs, since those are still alive and havent been killed by cooking them? Do they need rest?

>> No.19155220

Unfertilized eggs lmao i bet you think Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus too.>>19149626

>> No.19155597

you can tell it's 4chan because it was written by a juvenile who thought you had to add profanity to a recipe to make it 'lolz' and 'epic'

>> No.19155672

funny anon

>> No.19156068

ITT: retards

>> No.19156100

If you are using the water method it is actually better to use high heat, preferably with a thick pan.

>> No.19156122

>hey, who wants to eat cold eggs?

>> No.19156158

Yeah just let the eggs gets cold great idea

>> No.19156161

Maybe try it before you knock it, fuckheads

>> No.19156168

>cold eggs
low iq

>> No.19156189

>If you’re getting bald spots on the sear or your steak it’s because you’re not moving it.
Wtf every faggot recipe site says "DONT MOVE THE STEAK" and I still only get half sear. Did I fall for some cooking meme?

>> No.19156201

I don't have an avocado, what does this do?

>> No.19156236

It creates a wonderful earthy aroma.

>> No.19156244

I heard it tastes like clean genitals.

>> No.19157065
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>> No.19157127

delete this shit off your fuckin hard drive man

>> No.19157191

IMO it depends on the pan. If you are using stainless the meat will stick until a crust forms so the best strategy is just to press/poke it down so that more surface sticks.

Cast iron you can slide/move around if you want.

You can always tilt the pan back and forth to send a wave of hot oil under the steak even if its stuck.

>> No.19157207

Gay, the image.

>> No.19157213

i think its a joke image anon, i wouldnt worry about it

>> No.19157216

Even if not for the gay as fuck presentation, even if not for the corn and kidney beans, this is one of the worst fucking things I've seen, because of the GREEN BEANS in chili.

>> No.19157233

What's not a joke is the author made thousands off of redditors with his charlatan recipe book.

>> No.19157313

If you're just going to use powdered spice anyway, there's no fucking difference if you use a spice mix. You're less likely to fuck it up with a mix too

>"whatever beer you have to hand"
You should use a stout or brown ale. Fuck knows how terrible it'll be if you stick a lager in there.

Better yet, use some stock and Worcestershire sauce for body and a bit of bite to the flavour.

>> No.19157335
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Wow, Opie.
Your graphic argues for "eggs are only good when stone-fucking-cold".
Jeepers, that's nonsense.

>> No.19157362

You make it sound like it was a bad thing.

>> No.19157376
File: 434 KB, 1182x1484, alan-hale-jr-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post some other food hacks already
OK: when making Alfredo, instead of creating to sauce in a separate pan, make it on the noodles. Drain your noodles, throw them in the same pan you sauteed the meat in, add pats of butter, give them a minute, then stir. Now ad your shredded hard cheese. If you're inclined, add a little cream.
Congrats, one less pan to clean.

>> No.19157383

Alfrdeo doesn't even have oil in it.

>> No.19157395

>throw it in a blender
Here's a "hack": a knife is a lot easier to clean than a blender or a food processor.

>> No.19157413
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Wow. I never heard of such a problem.
I could fry eggs starting about when I was 6.
Why are you turning the heat low? Medium is where it's at. Six on my stove.
Let the pan heat up, add butter once the pan is hot enough to make it sizzle, add the egg just before the butter turns brown.
Wait until the white turns translucent (both layers).
For sunny side up, had about 1/2 to 2/4 oz of water, cover.
For over easy/medium/etc, flip with spatula.
Fry to taste.
Not sure what else to ell you.

>> No.19157414

>only need to rest for 12 minutes
Fuck that bollocks.

>> No.19157420

Foraging for oreos sounds like a retarded sex fetish.

>> No.19157422
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Classic deep space hell omelets

>> No.19157424

How much fucking dandelion and pine needles would I have to eat to meet caloric needs?
The only real foods that would ensure being lost in the wilderness in that pic are acorns, buckwheat, and the bear.
I actually do a fair bit of foraging. Mostly for wild garlic and nettles, but I would fucking hate having to rely on those for nutrition. They're herbs.

>> No.19157429

For better or worse?

>> No.19157447
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>> No.19157456

Bagels are very hard. Eggs are very soft.
It's like you're trying to fuck a football.
It's just not going to work.

>> No.19157465

As it turns out, you're completely wrong.
At least pierce the yolk, or better yet, scramble the egg.
How is it 2023 and some people still don't understand "no unpierced membranes in a microwave"?
The microwave has been a common kitchen appliance since the fucking Carter administration.

>> No.19157794

Eat it slower? I never had this issue and I ate bagel egg sandwiches for years every breakfast. Don't scramble your egg.

>> No.19158058
File: 180 KB, 880x885, BfWtoLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unfertilized eggs lmao
Just because you stick your dick in the occasional chicken doesn't mean grocery store eggs are fertilized.
The nonsense that runs through your head, I swear to fucking God above.

>> No.19158091

>Hard boiled
>22 Minutes

I call this bait.

>> No.19158174
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It's probably for survival purposes only, not intended to live on.

Dandelion is actually a popular salad in my country, eaten with potatoes and eggs and bits of bacon.

>> No.19158394

These niggas eatin weeds!

>> No.19158489

I use a small pan,throw in a chunk of butter,add two eggs and leave them alone until its fully cooked. You have confused me dear anon

>> No.19158991

Where do you think the reddit cringe originated? I'll give you a hint: it wasn't from there since they can't ever make anything, they can only take from elsewhere and claim it as their own.

>> No.19159819

does this work to make wine?

>> No.19159927

>Carbonara with cream

>> No.19159956

This is brain dead hipster shit

>> No.19159971

this made me laugh then feel bad


>> No.19160117

absolutely not.
It may make a hooch of sorts, but the yeast really should be activated first. And for the love of god if you buy a glass carboy please buy a s-lock that is surely near by. Also, everything that is used needs to be heavily sanitized.
Finally, I do not think that the yeast will truly be able to survive that long in such simple sugars. The end product is bound to be rather weak, on top of unappealing.

>> No.19160211

>bald spots from not moving it
not necessarily true, depending on the cut a weighted press will help even it, people also tend to overseason and large peppercorn granules can actually prevent it from making contact

>> No.19160217

Baste it with butter.

>> No.19160224

If your joints pop, buy jello (or better collagen/gelatin directly) and just spike drinks with it. Theres a reason they give it to old people.

>> No.19160883


>> No.19161633

Seriously though, how do I rest steak for the x minutes that is recommended without it getting kind of mushy in the foil? I prefer the immediately from the pan surface more than retained moisture.

>> No.19161777

>cook omelette
>eat it ice cold almost 20 minutes later
no thanks anon

I don’t know what you mean by it getting mushy but just put it on a cutting board for a bit

>> No.19161787
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If you want to peak make cured eggyolks

>> No.19161814

t. resting egg

>> No.19161847
File: 58 KB, 675x847, 1679020537632976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put the eggs on half the bagel and eat it like toast, it wont be as messy.

>> No.19161851

Recipes I find tell me to wrap it in something to let it rest and to not make it go cold as it apparently needs +5min of rest to properly reabsorb juices.

>> No.19161942

Alpha: secure, plays with OP
Beta: insecure, has to argue against OP
Sigma: secure, fake argues against OP

>> No.19161962

>obama era 4chan
truly dark times

>> No.19161983

babygirl thats pre obama

>> No.19162009

actually made me laugh

>> No.19162033

A lot of things were cool before Reddit got a hold of them.
Stop being underage.

>> No.19162092

rage faces were never cool, you were just 12

>> No.19162108

>it's either runny whites of solid yolks
Sunny side up should be runny, I don't get how you dont get this.

>> No.19162744

Not the whites, tard

>> No.19163866

found the cooklet