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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19148571 No.19148571 [Reply] [Original]

would it make sense to make pulled pork in an enameled dutch oven?
onions at the bottom with some apple juice and marinated pork shoulder on top of that for about 4 hours in the oven?

>> No.19148692
File: 2.94 MB, 1322x921, cocotte bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

break her in with bread
also, enjoy heating up your house cooking pork shoulder. i just use a generic pressure cooker.

>> No.19148713

yeah this guy did:

btw how much did you buy your dutch oven for? I saw a 6.25qt staub go on sale for $225 but missed/passed the opportunity to get it.

>> No.19148727

Baking bread in an enameled dutch oven?

>> No.19148749

NTA, but I got a 7qt staub for $240

>> No.19148753
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Yes, no-knead dutch oven bread is ez and tasty

>> No.19148767

works great. I use plain cast iron skillets for loaves, too. Give it a try.

>> No.19148768

139€ here. they are much cheaper in europe. I'm guessing it's because shipping costs for the american market are obscene considering how heavy and unstackable these things are

>> No.19148785

I don't have a pressure cooker. why the fuck would anyone get a pressure cooker?
I have a dutch oven because it actually makes sense

>> No.19150301

yes, it lets you get a good rise without adding steam.

>> No.19150389

baking bread and making stew are the two things people get dutch ovens for

>> No.19150426

Yep, I make one ore two in winter when I don't grill

>> No.19150429
File: 521 KB, 1500x1056, PSX_20230103_171336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine never rises that much what am i doing wrong?

>> No.19150440

how good is your dutch oven pulled pork compared to the grill?

>> No.19150442

Without knowing what you're doing I have no way to know which of the bits you're doing wrong.

>> No.19150458

mine didn't rise at all when I did it for the first time. main two mistakes: didn't shape a proper ball (like the pizza ball technique) and used too much water although that's what the recipe said

>> No.19150495

There's like 10 different things you could be doing wrong.

My last one deflated as I turned it out because the fucking dough stuck to the shaping basket in ONE TINY FUCKING SPOT for FUCKS sake.

Still eating it though.

>> No.19150499

Sounds really good to me.
Try it and please post results.

>> No.19150516

Also "fried cabbage", my favorite soul food.
Check youtube for recipes. Good stuff.

>> No.19150546
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>Mine never rises that much
Mine neither. No rise, no oven spring. Tried many recipes, 30 lbs of flour, and spent many hours online (including /ck/). I've switched to bottled spring water, used the oven with the light on for higher rise temps, used a dutch oven, or not, added steam, or not, added gluten, corn starch, switched to smaller loaves, bigger loaves, tried rolls, different levels of hydration, proofing with or without sugar, different kinds of yeast,everything I could possibly try.
The weird part is, my first two loaves of sourdough came out great, the next 20-something? Just bricks.
From here on in, I use flour for breading meat and making gravy. Bread (for me) is a hopeless pipe-dream.

>> No.19150551

>my first two loaves of sourdough came out great, the next 20-something? Just bricks.
You killed your starter.

>> No.19150566

>You killed your starter.
I've made a half dozen starters, and also tried just yeast (two different kinds).
I'm glad you offer advice, but I'm way past that. I've taken dozens of people's advice, all to no avail.
It's just not worth trying at this point.

>> No.19150571

Just out of curiosity if you bake a pre-made dough it comes out fine?

>> No.19150632

I don't know what a "pre-made" dough is. If you mean Pop-n-Fresh Pillsbury biscuits or pizza dough? Then yeah, that works fine. So does filo pastry, and I've made Irish soda-bread (if that's your idea of a good time).

>> No.19150662
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Might need a little more than 4 hours, depending on temp. I'd do 5 or 6 hours at 300 freedom degrees.

>> No.19150693

>I'd do 5 or 6 hours at 300 freedom degrees.
Not a bad idea, but 250 for 8 hours would be my choice.

>> No.19150835
File: 1.54 MB, 1080x1075, 1664733978331484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fried cabbage
you mean caramelized cabbage like this?


>> No.19151081

No, I mean soul food fried cabbage.
It's like you don't understand how youtube works.

>> No.19151184

ive never baked a bread in my life, but I wonder if its the salt content. Salt apparently has a huge affect on the texture and stuff of the bread. I would definitely look into it

>> No.19151573

skill issue

>> No.19151951

Yeah, sure.
Meanwhile, if no-fucking-body on God's green Earth can give me clear and coherent instructions on how to bake a loaf of bread, is it really 100% me?
Or maybe you think Satan himself is preventing dough from rising in my kitchen?
Something really weird is going on here, but I'm done trying to figure out what.
Too much effort with absolutely no good results.

>> No.19151995

Never thought of that i always use big salt crystals in my bread and im kind of careless about measuring it
Gonna try using normal salt and being more precise and see if it helps

>> No.19152150

you know that salt destroys yeast if it comes in direct contact right? maybe you're killing your yeast because you're not mixing it right or at the wrong time

>> No.19152692
File: 11 KB, 270x220, jamaica-sun-dutch-pot-caribbean-cooking-large-30cm_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this at a garage sale for like 1 dollar, apparently it's not cast iron but cast aluminum, is this going to give me cancer? All I want to do is cook bread in it

>> No.19152737

You'll ingest more aluminum from one antacid than a lifetime of baking bread in that thing.
Should be safe.

>> No.19152787
File: 2.98 MB, 540x540, 1673391763524203.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you know they didn't cook meth in it?

>> No.19154154

I want to season the pork exactly like this with salt and let it sit there for 2 hours because I do the same thing with steaks and it works incredibly well but this is pork and I'd like to add more typical pulled pork seasoning like (smoked) paprika, garlic powder etc.

when should I do that? after the 2 hours of letting it devour the salt?

>> No.19154172

I don't want to make tacos or anything like that in the video. just pulled pork for a burger or a sandwich