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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19145690 No.19145690 [Reply] [Original]

What happens if I drink four shots
How bad would that be
Just for tonight

>> No.19145695

>dumb frogposter
probably should just kill yourself in general my man

>> No.19145697

it gets you drunk but it's seriously bad for you

>> No.19145699
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>> No.19145702

How bad, is it immediate? What about just one night

>> No.19145703

Dude... Don't drink mouthwash. The menthol and acids in it will make you sick.

>> No.19145706

Don't think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you..

>> No.19145710

shut up grandpa

>> No.19145716
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just put it on a tampon and shove it up your ass

>> No.19145720

Im about to down this Listerine. I need a legitimate reason why to.
>Make you sick
Like immediately after? Or can I get away with two shots?
>Should just kill yourself in general
Okay, so what does this mean?
I just want a few drinks, I can't drive, the store is two miles down. What do I do? In so sick in living in this shithole where nothing is walking distance, and I'm so angry that I'm going to take it out by drinking Listerine. I don't care if I die, I'll die like my grandfather did. I'm so unhappy with everything..now answer me ! What do I do?

>> No.19145726

Holy shit dud I just drank like a third of the bottle. haha. I did get drunk! This is awesome!

>> No.19145739

get a bike

>> No.19145743
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>> No.19145746

I sailed away a cabin boy, when I was just fifteen. Overseas to foreign lands and places I'd never been. I met a lot of pretty girls I loved and left behind. Now they are all like shadows on the oceans of my mind
Though as the memories fade away theres one that will remain
I met a girl in Albany though I never knew her name
The one girl paled the sunlight. Her deep brown sparkling eyes. Shone like two bright diamonds up against the date blue skies.
And loosely on her shoulders oh smooth and brown and bare. Cascading down the the cresses of her soft and flexen hair.
Though as the memories fade away theres one that will remain
I loved in a girl.in Albany though I never knew her name

>> No.19145747
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>bro im just gonna do the listerine shit just once i promise

>> No.19145751

I wed a girl from Norfolk..three children we did hold
Now I tell my children bout the sailing days of old
I tell them how we pplied the trades and sailed around the horn
And how a half of crew was lost in a raging northsea storm
Though as the memories fade away theres one that will remain
I loved a girl in Albany though I never knew her name
Though as the memories fade away theres one that will remain.
I loved a girl in Albany though I never.knew her name

>> No.19145753

Four shots won't get you very drunk. That's about two shots of vodka. On two occasions I've drunk a full bottle after a few beers or wine, enough to go to sleep on, and both times I felt great the next day. No hangover, and a deep sense of wellbeing. But it really is extremely bad for health so I only keep alcohol free mouthwash these days. No temptation, no risk.

>> No.19145757

Okay but hypothetically speaking what I f of did

>> No.19145761

So you recommend?

>> No.19145765
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>10 posts saying doing don't do it
>1 post that could maybe be construed positively
>"So I should do it????"

>> No.19145772

It's a bad idea but a good experience. I don't guarantee that it won't kill you or permanently damage organs. I might have gotten lucky.

>> No.19145776

Just don't fuckin do it. Don't stoop that low just to catch a disappointing buzz for an hour

>> No.19145780

Not worth it. one time I was drinking and wanted to keep it going but it was late and I couldn't get more so I chugged some from the bottle. Felt so much more awful the following day compared to a normal hangover. It was absolutely terrible. Also my poop was tinted blue. Don't do it bro.
Bite the bullet and get real stuff.

>> No.19145784

>two miles down
That's only a half hour walk, stop being a pussy.

>> No.19145786

Besides the alcohol, you mainly get nauseous. The other chemicals will hurt your stomach lining and intestinal tract, and will cause pain and discomfort in both. Otherwise you're "fine". Repeated drinking will probably do some actual damage to them.

>> No.19145788

Fine. Fine. But I need money. What do I do about that

>> No.19145790

Sell your listerine to an alcoholic.

>> No.19145798

why don't you get a job?

>> No.19145808

Where do I find one?
I hear this a lot, unironically where do I find one?

>> No.19145810

Listerine has plenty of alcohol. Lots of bums drink this when they can't can't get real booze. It wrecks your stomach, on purpose. Look, everyone knows this is booze. It's still on sale because they play along with the feds. It kills homeless people, because the gov doesn't wanna pay to suppirt homeless people.

>> No.19145822

Just drink a bottle of Zzzquil like a smart person.

>> No.19145830

op is underage b&

>> No.19145838

I used to drink a cap full of listerine every morning in high school for like 2 years, you'll be fine

>> No.19145841

Just drink vodka man

>> No.19145842
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Where's the evidence,.honey?

>> No.19145861

Go for a walk in your closest industrial area. Around a quarter of businesses now have big "workers wanted" signs out the front like in old timey days.

>> No.19145862

Two miles

>> No.19145867

Lemme just make a bike magically appear in front of me. Yeah uhuh

>> No.19145902

But will they take me

>> No.19145903

Everybody but me ITT is a coward. Yeah bro you're going to have irreparable stomach rot and die if you drink listerine one time. If it was that toxic they wouldn't let you put it in your mouth. You can absolutely get wasted on listerine and it doesn't even take that much since it's typically 35% ABV. You'll be fine. Do that shit anon, you'll feel like trash tomorrow but hell, you're fine with that I'm sure. What are you going to do, just stay sober because some fags on 4chan are scared? You already made your decision before you made this thread.

>> No.19145907

they only want workers that are already trained anon

>> No.19145913

As long as it's just grunt work, yes. They're desperate. Obviously they won't if they're looking for trades you're not licensed in.

>> No.19145917

Alright here I go right now.

>> No.19145920

If you are so fucking fat that walking for 2 miles is too much, then a few shots of listerine will not get you anywhere near drunk.

>> No.19145936
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Just siphon some gas and drink that at this point (don't actually do this, you will die).

>> No.19145988

>Google "jobs near me"
>Click the results
>Send your application through the sites
>Wait for response

>> No.19146000

Two miles isn’t that far and if you drink after exercising you get drunk off less and faster, you’ll get a better value for your drink

>> No.19146093

Everybody else ITT who told him to fuck off look at this. You could do nothing, his fate was already sealed. How does it feel?

>> No.19146165

Holy shit man you were right..this is the best drink of my life. Maybe it's gonna hurt tomorrow but I popped some ibuprofen beforehand in case of that..I was feeling aittke drowsy but I made some coffee and now I'm dofng fucking fine man

>> No.19146173

Water is what you need nigga don't start popping ibuprofen

>> No.19146264

Utterly bizarre thread
Don't do this again op

>> No.19146267

>but I popped some ibuprofen
good thinking bro

>> No.19146278

take some more ibuprofin to be sure. Also, remember to take some nyquil too, it's got alcohol content.

>> No.19146283

Rarely do I post here but I saw this thread and honestly you’re talking about a 45 min walk there and back not only will it likely be good for you but also will solve your problem you absolute fucking retard

>> No.19146291

Drinking hand sanitizer is more effective and cheaper than Listerine. Have to make sure the active ingredient is ethyl alcohol and you'll need a chaser but yeah. Lord knows how many bottles of sanitizer I've drank in my life. Good way to get too fucked up too fast tho and not good for addiction

>> No.19146363

Plus its a free enema

>> No.19146373

not op but i'm overage and drink listerine a few times in the past when the shops were closed (they close ridicliously early) and i was still sober

>> No.19146381

Yeah if you get one rich in perfumes, vitamin e, or aloe vera you'll get the shits

>> No.19146451

Hand sanitizer doesn't go in your mouth, so they're more lax about checking for methanol content. Definitely avoid anything made in China if you go this route, but preferably avoid going this route. If you do try it, at least put some salt in and shake it up to separate the liquid from the gel.

>> No.19146474
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hand sanitizer is based but its hard to drink. that gel shit is nasty. germ-x used to be the top brand for non-denatured ethanol but now that covid dropped there's a ton of non-dn hand sanitizers around. straight up distilleries were selling that shit for a while. seems like a great time to be age 18-20 honestly.

>> No.19146481

We had jugs of this stuff in the lab I worked in back in the day and we only used 10 or so mL at a time, I was always tempted to try mixing a drink with it but I always ended up deciding the money for bottom shelf vodka was worth it to preserve my dignity

>> No.19146483

I remember seeing it in actual liquor stores and doing a double take, it was not branded in a medical fashion at all lol

>> No.19146574

jfc, just get a bottle of liquor. this is crackhead shit

>> No.19146691

No. Modern listerine is alcohol-free. Try another brand, abbo.

>> No.19146696

/ck/ - Mouthwash & Hand Sanitizer

>> No.19146711

Very bad idea. Most mouthwash's that still contain alcohol include additives like menthol, sodium floride, or are just straight up not ethyl alcohol (the kind that's in the beverages we drink).
Don't drink that anon, it's very bad for you.

>> No.19146715
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Modern listerine has several products that contain alcohol.

>> No.19146717
File: 91 KB, 1024x1019, 1679711503857021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros it's 2:40am and I cannot purchase alcohol until 6am and I'm already getting shitty withdrawal symptoms. Will Listerine hold me over for 3 hours until I can but booze again?