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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 132 KB, 1000x1002, great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19145518 No.19145518 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Your crack

>> No.19145523
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>> No.19145524
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Thin slices with beer.
Sadly I cant drink no more.

>> No.19145527

height and weight?

>> No.19145552

5'3", 100lbs. I'm a girl, not a manlet.

>> No.19146122
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>> No.19146127

Post it all, sister

>> No.19146138
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>> No.19146140
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Also the cheetos popcorn.

>> No.19146143

>a girl, not a manlet
>girl using the phrase "manlet"
90% chance of larp, 10% chance of actually based

>> No.19146145

is that cheese? some sort of pâté?

>> No.19146147

My boy, if it wasn't for women, we wouldn't even have that term
t. 5'10" king of the manlets

>> No.19146149

zoomer hoes know and love the word "manlet" are you kidding, abusing men under 6'4 is their favorite pastime. No shit I had my gf watch The Terminator and T2 for the first time the other night and she told me Arnold was Short because he's Six Foot Two.

>> No.19146154
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its a stock image of a torchon of foie
this is cheese im making but i fucking love duck/goose liver

>> No.19146163

I don't really buy into the height being everything meme. I've dated 5'10 girls (not fat ones either) and I'm 5'8.
maybe it's just because they are the 'queen of giraffes.' maybe it's because we weren't zoomers

>> No.19146169

crack is my crack

>> No.19146170

I dated a girl who was 6'1" and you get cucked the moment ol Johnny SixFour walks in the door.

>> No.19146180

You can be both.

>> No.19146183

yeah I love that shit too my man. I made a goose for thanksgiving one year and I saved the liver for myself as a little treat lmao

>> No.19146188


>> No.19146242
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>> No.19146258

nice onion rings tubass

>> No.19146270

Ok but what flavor cookie and just plain vanilla icing inside?

>90% cocoa

You are INSANE my friend. That is so dark

>> No.19146271
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>> No.19146274

didn't happen

>> No.19146276

With sauce of some sort or just plain?

>> No.19146282

flavored sparkling water
I should probably just invest in a carbonator

>> No.19146285

It inspires vivid dreams and tends to get me high like a drug too. The flavor is also addicting for me.
99% and 100% are also good. I enjoy all sweets, though. Even the more bitter ones.

>> No.19146310


Whoa whoa buddy you need to cool it on the water addiction! You're headed down a very dark path

>> No.19146319

I get where he's coming from. I drink like six cans a day when I can and get sad when I run

>> No.19146325
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yim yim

>> No.19146344

I member. They were like 25p a can, but I never seen the point of them. 2%. Need to hammer like a 24 slab in an hour to get mildly drunk. Not even taste good like a nice 0% beer. Utterly pointless

>> No.19146587


>> No.19146591
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>> No.19146599

Chips. Cheetos, potato, etc. I literally seethe if I have to eat a meal without chips. My doctor yells me about my blood pressure every time I visit

>> No.19146808
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These bad boys

>> No.19146845
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>> No.19146849

my friend bought some for a laugh a while back and its 4 cans for 2 quid, didnt taste good but its probably great for a shandy

>> No.19146885

I've had these and they are basically made of MSG. so fucking good

>> No.19146892
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>> No.19146910
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>> No.19146965

Don't have any.

>> No.19147032
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post tits

anyways, picrel

>> No.19147034

thats why you rape him too

>> No.19147079
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>> No.19147121

virtually any kind of salty potato dish/casserole

>> No.19147538

There were these windmill shaped creme filled cookies I used to find at Top Foods, when that was a thing.
If I could have infinite amount of them and some quality milk, I would probably eat myself to death

>> No.19147546

>5'10" manlets think they're kings
baka manlets truly never learn desu
t. 6'0" king of the manlets

>> No.19147645

spaghetti and meatballs
i can put away several pounds in one sitting

>> No.19147649
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dopamine goes brrr

>> No.19147689

Looks great. Is it affordable or is it hipster shit that costs like $20 for that thing?

>> No.19147766

Damn yeah that looks good as hell

C'mon now, if you made something divinely delicious + top quality why would you let it go at an "affordable price"? That's just not how capitalism works.

And something being ""hipster"" or not shouldn't play into it at all. Good tasting food is good tasting food, period.

>> No.19147777

>>C'mon now, if you made something divinely delicious + top quality why would you let it go at an "affordable price"? That's just not how capitalism works

Ah, so it is overpriced hipster bullshit. Gotcha. I'll stop caring about it, in case I ever see it in stores.

>> No.19147781

What ice cream you think offers the best combination of price and quality?

>> No.19147783
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>> No.19147812

Chapman's Premium 2 L. They're normally priced at $8 now, but I think that's too much so I only buy them on sale. They're on sale pretty often.

>> No.19147840

>t. 5'10" king of the manlets


>> No.19147841

$8 for a pint at my grocery store
I can get Blue Bell for $4 a pint but dopamine does not go brr

>> No.19147929

alright, well I Would try it but I'm in the U.S.

>> No.19147955

don't listen to that idiot it's the 50% air super sweet kind. we get haagen daz here too so theres no reason to buy that great value shit

>> No.19147998
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>> No.19148004

chocolate lava cakes? what these? look tasty!

>> No.19148130

Haagen-daz is overrated and they've been doing shrinkflation bullshit. You're welcome to burn your money, but I know what I like.

>> No.19148144

$8 isn't so bad if it's extreme quality and an occasional treat. As for blue bell, isn't that the stuff blacks like licking and putting back in the freezer? We don't have it here, is it any good?

>> No.19148149
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>Your crack

>> No.19148153
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If you eat enough your mouth eventually gets a numb feeling but that probably wouldn't stop me from finishing a whole bag in one sitting.
>"Family Size"

>> No.19148175

It's about as bottom-of-the-barrel as ice cream can get without going into soft-serve or "frozen dairy dessert"

>> No.19148199

What? My girlfriend learned the word manlet from me and ever since she uses it way more than I do. When she first learned it she kept nudging me and going "look, manlet!" at random guys we saw in public. It was funny at first but eventually I had to explain to her that people might get angry if they overheard her saying that.

>> No.19148216

Nice typo
200 lbs is more accurate

>> No.19149119
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when these existed

>> No.19149128
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>t. 5'10" king of the manlets

>> No.19149139

I ate a lot of salt n' vinegar chips for a time but I got off 'em.

I've been clean for months now

>> No.19149161

I unironically have the honey and yogurt but use it for overnight oats.

>> No.19149168
File: 157 KB, 1024x1024, image_517e01c6-e4bd-478a-ad7b-dd8e446617c6_1024x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever start chasing the ballcheese dragon again, try pic related.
>inb4 not actually a chip
We know, we just don't care.

>> No.19149233

Frozen french fries, I eat them dipped in mayo 2-4 times a week with whatever protein I have. God they're so fucking good, especially the sweet potato ones.

>> No.19149238
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for me, it's the lil ghirardelli dark choccy squares

>> No.19149287
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Filthy greasy fried potatoes with sweet and juicy onions, I like to undercook and overcook them and dump salt all over them or add nothing or add extra onion or add none, it's good no matter what.

>> No.19149641

I love pouring the honey over the yogurt. Your overnight oat mix sounds great.

>> No.19149655
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My man. I like the hot and spicy one the most.

>> No.19149736


'tis truly a breath of fresh air to have a feminine perspective on the 'chons, m'lady

>> No.19149741

That's what I was thinking. I've smoked crack, and I can definitely say, it's more addictive then stuff listed here.

>> No.19149749
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i feel the time approaching

>> No.19149791
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Today is the day.
Easter is over and all the delicious chocolate is dirt cheap, and I'm out to get it and it eat until I'm sick.

>> No.19149799
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I'm absolutely convinced there is like heroin or cocaine in these things because they're insanely addictive.

Also same for
>Darrell Lea Orange Crunchy Milk Chocolate Balls

I also discovered salted caramel exists recently and I have also been getting addicted to salted caramel ice cream. I don't usually eat too much sweet food but this stuff has really gotten me recently

>> No.19149802

If chad can steal your girl without even trying, then you have bigger problems than your height

>> No.19150024

thats no dark chocolate kittkatts

>> No.19150031

Grats on sobriety

>> No.19150875
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Very based. Same!
>90% cocoa
>You are INSANE my friend. That is so dark
This is Candy. This is the stuff.

>> No.19150880


>> No.19150886

Jellybeans are addictive

>> No.19150908
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>> No.19150937
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i can't buy nuts, plain, roasted, glazed, chocolate covered, or trail mix
I will eat the entire bag in a day every time
blue bell used to be good 20+ years ago
its all overrun and air like pretty much every other grocery store ice cream nowadays

>> No.19150989
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God I fucking love smoked salmon, I could eat enough to kill a baby elephant.
Tip for ya brahs,
Fogo De Chao offers a $15 salad bar-only option around lunchtime
you get to eat like a fucking king for 15 bucks because you get unlimited trips to the salad bar that has smoked salmon, salads, salsas, cheese, peppers, and every kind of cured meat you'd ever want
Probably the best deal you can get on food in the modern age

>> No.19151052
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This with a nice fresh crusty french baguette loaf and maybe some red wine idk

>> No.19151087
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anyone else?
>actual lemons
>even the peal itself
developed a taste when I was a waiter, no breaks or food but I was able to sneak some lemons when I would pour beer at the bar

>> No.19151101
File: 65 KB, 470x470, BESTAO-lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all manner of cured/dried beef snacks

also, mul naengmyeon

>> No.19151109

food related: one mint oreo + a mouthful of almond milk
you only need once because the chocolate mint taste stays in your mouth

>> No.19151115

that shit looks boussin fr fr

>> No.19151329

>I can get Blue Bell for $4 a pint but dopamine does not go brr
Listeria goes brr

>> No.19151379
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I have a few, pic related 1st. Simple fuckin'as.
careful homie that shit will turn your tooth enamel into gelatin. i sound like kinda a hypocrite posting candy in mine but lemons are battery acid for your mouth.

>> No.19151382
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check out pd.net, they made a near 1:1 reproduction of those altoids and i've had them AND the originals, they're both really good.

>> No.19151467

>check out pd.net
ha! I know I've been lurking that thread too, the altoids one here on >>>/ck/
that's where i got the image t bh
those creme filled wafers look tasty too

>> No.19151704

Thanks for looking out for me, I've heard as such and don't indulge in them as nearly much as I want, something like one entire lemon every month or so
Kinda silly I avoid coffee cause I heard it yellows your teeth yet here I am, eating lemons

>> No.19151768
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>> No.19151852


>> No.19151865

lol your gf has autism

>> No.19151884
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The chicken on fries covered in garlic sauce stuff at shawarma takeout places.

>> No.19151890
File: 603 KB, 1200x1801, torilla-chips-fried-1615217244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can eat an entire grocery store bag of these with a nice cold glass of milk. There is no thinking. Only insert chip.

>> No.19152062
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I get the urge to buy these every time I go to Costco, which thankfully isn't very often

>> No.19152106
File: 305 KB, 564x564, 196052875-C1N1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sometimes just eat this stuff straight out of the bag. soft bread with dried fruit is also good.

>> No.19152111

Never seen those at costco but I like the trader joes ones.

>> No.19152699


mmmm jenis

>> No.19152753

Sandwich cookies and milk.

>> No.19152818
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>> No.19152824
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>Sandwich cookies
what kind are we talking about

>> No.19152829
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these things are impossible to put down

>> No.19152837
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Like these, more or less. I could eat a million or more.
>that image
I thought that was strawberry filling at first, even with the SPAM can in the background.
Interesting flavor. I bet it's "joke food" for the camera, but I would eat those.

>> No.19152846

>Your crack
I do not enjoy anything anymore

>> No.19152851


>> No.19152856

Madam, if you would be so inclined as to produce a photo of your naked body for I would like to see your breasts, bare and uncovered. Thank you

>> No.19152866

Based gf

>> No.19152907
File: 208 KB, 400x400, large_bc5fc8d4-ee22-4d80-8a6b-315a65b8af83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss them little bastards so much
why'd they make them so hard to get

>> No.19152941

yup. i'll go through a big bottle of lemon juice in a few days just mixing it with water, so refreshing

>> No.19152954

why the fuck is it pink? lager is not supposed to be pink

>> No.19152960

Specifically Dominos lava cakes, i recognize these suckers in their shitty little box anywhere. I used to get tons of these for basically free when i worked there

>> No.19153035
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>> No.19153296
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This has nothing on carne fries

>> No.19153408

Shitty second rate poutine imitation

>> No.19153429

When I was little, I thought lemons are my favorite fruit cuz of lemonades
Nowadays I dig baby tomatoes

>> No.19153433
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>what msg does to a mf

>> No.19153437

i ate too many wheat thins last night and took a dump like rubber cement

>> No.19153445

Everyone knows Mexico is better than canada. You can own a gun, our women are hotter, and you can say what you want.

>> No.19153448

i prefer burritos desu

>> No.19153449

This is me except with whey protein.

>> No.19153537

>pop them in the freezer
>wait at least 4 hours
>experience sweet death

>> No.19153659

>90% dark
enjoy your heavy metals.

>> No.19153660

>10 minute high
F tier drug

>> No.19153662

>eat a whole pack
>mouth is totally destroyed
>open another pack

>> No.19153680
File: 1.64 MB, 960x540, 1652542043115.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never understood short lasting drugs

>> No.19153685

>dopamine goes brrr
Kill yourself you zoomcunt twittershit nigger faggot.

>> No.19153686


>> No.19153730

Literally nothing wrong with this but get 100% cocoa powder instead and mix it in.

>> No.19153734

Why is he doing this to himself?
Is it a fetish?

>> No.19153764

pssst, I've witnessed the holy grial, here it is:

>> No.19153775
File: 40 KB, 739x392, el chapo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah you can say what you want and the higher ups won't fuck you in mexico
>just don't talk about the cartel, the defacto higher ups in mexico that have more power than the government
It's the same as everywhere anon, you can say what you want unless you make the people above you angry. At least in Canada it's just the end of your career. You cross the cartel and it's the end of your life in the most painful way possible.

>> No.19153807

Damn those look so good.

>> No.19153922
File: 240 KB, 1300x1086, a-terrys-chocolate-orange-broken-into-segments-the-chocolate-manufacturer-G6WNKF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19154682
File: 225 KB, 1500x1500, 6AB1B8F7-43A8-446A-AE36-1B528D05262F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can finish an entire bag by myself.

>> No.19154700
File: 68 KB, 600x315, sDpy7q-Qnc5mFKE89oqw3STpM-hUiHhVtuEtp85wn2o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19154703

You're right!

Okay, thanks anon. I thought you were trolling. I suppose even though I love it I will stay away from it now.
I guess a lot of, if not most chocolate has been contaminated with heavy metals.
I am not going to be eating it again. I will avoid it as I avoid sea food. I love both, but I don't want to eat them anymore.

>> No.19154704


>> No.19154710

I wonder if there's a way to simply grow the cacao bean in uncontaminated soils??? *Thonk*
Why is the world so degenerated?

>> No.19154737
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>> No.19154741

I miss MSG

>> No.19154767
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>> No.19154990
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This is just another clickbait non-issue where a common thing is vilified, but people drop the thing like it's a burning sack of shit. Your basic consoomer is blindsided by the 'information' because they can't not fall for clickbait and don't understand anything about toxicology.
You can find plenty of examples of people eating shit tons of chocolate and they are completely fine. Make an effort to find people who eat a lot of dark chocolate posting their blood test results, and you will find them.
If you are still concerned, eat your dark chocolate with a zinc supplement and oats/nuts to inhibit absorption of cadmium. There are phytates in the chocolate itself which bind metals anyway. Exposure =/= absorption.
Being afraid of food is gay.
Being a hypochondriac is gay.
Stop falling for clickbait nonsense and ignore/ridicule people who post or link to it.
Life is too short to be a spaz.

>> No.19154994
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>> No.19154995

have a vodka and lemonade then

>> No.19154999

You're wrong. Concentrations of heavy metals are not something you should be eating.
I avoid seafood for the same reason. It's too polluted.
If you are not avoiding this or limiting your intake, you are the one making a mistake.
You are the faggot.
Go kill yourself, but don't mock me to follow in your footsteps you retarded nigger.

>> No.19155042

Living organisms are always exposed to toxic sleights by existing in the world. Every plant-derived food contains some traces of the soil it was raised in and contains dozens if not hundreds of non-nutritive substances which people have never bothered to study.
I think that putting much stock into the pronouncements of the industrial research bureaucracy and boomer concernporn outlets like consumer reports is generally a bad idea, but it's pretty obvious that your mind is closed on the topic.

>> No.19155073

>more condescending ego stroking
You're the one who is being difficult.
If you think eating lead is fine, and that "the appeal to nature" fallacy is a proper guide to living, go ahead.
Eat the paint chips, timmy.

Also, you imply I am "putting stock" in some website or company, and not the fact of the matter itself.
Why is that?
Why are you posting strawman arguments?

>> No.19155237
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>> No.19155257

Post tits cunt

>> No.19155333
File: 408 KB, 800x800, doritos flaming hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, but with pic related.

>> No.19155338

Here here

>> No.19155351 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19155424

my body hates this but my mouth loves it.

>> No.19155455


>> No.19155460

tried this at one of their shops and the cake bits felt like chewed gum

>> No.19155493
File: 100 KB, 600x800, garlic-potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garlic potatoes from shawarma joints
Sauce must be toum and not yogurt or mayo abominations

>> No.19155498

I can and will absolutely demolish a bag of classic lays and green onion dip if presented
mix packet + full fat sour cream with just a touch of garlic is the absolute peak of all cold chip dips

>> No.19155513
File: 612 KB, 640x640, sabra_xlarge[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With Ritz crackers

>> No.19155611
File: 669 KB, 484x800, goe-redhotblues.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Party Size" means Party of One

>> No.19155668

>>19155611 checkered
Sour cream with these really is addicting. I once went through 2 bags in 1 day.

>> No.19155676
File: 3.60 MB, 980x918, cq5dam.web.1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would recommend trying other brands of hummus. there are a lot of bad ones but there are some really impressively good ones too. i think pic related is probably the best hummus i've had, and i've tried a lot of hummus.

>> No.19155679
File: 60 KB, 600x600, 1249333061121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right the can

>> No.19155709

Funny enough I was thinking of starting a thread on that, I thought for a long time I hated hummus because all I had was Sabra. Turns out the real stuff is fucking good.

>> No.19155872
File: 2.70 MB, 2050x1650, Bismarck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar coated with raspberry jelly with a glass of whole milk.

>> No.19155911

>tfw you get ripped off and it isn't filled with jam, they just squirted a little on the end to make you think its filled with jam
thats the type of shit that ruins your whole week

>> No.19155944
File: 170 KB, 900x900, croustille-mais-avec-lin-corn-chips-with-flax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19156006
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If they were perfectly cooked, how many lobster tails do you think you could eat in one sitting. I could probably eat 15, without butter

>> No.19156035

Maybe 1

>> No.19156067
File: 44 KB, 640x320, orangc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't touched these in years, just too tempting to go through a bag in one sitting.

>> No.19156290
File: 1.38 MB, 4500x3003, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19156300

i dont like em

if ur challenge me tho I could eat 16.

>> No.19156422
File: 12 KB, 474x474, Circus Peanuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these, circus peanuts and candy pumpkins were always goode
pic related has such a strange taste and texture

>> No.19156477
File: 385 KB, 1600x1200, trader-joes-truffle-mousse-pate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate these with potato crackers. Can go through the whole thing in 1 hr.

>> No.19156486
File: 109 KB, 1200x1200, 000184249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually don't like mustard, but I move spreading this stuff on crackers

>> No.19156565

i remember being around 7yo and getting these at truckstops and they were stale as fuck and i loved them

>> No.19156640
File: 52 KB, 456x604, 14803076619890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> malt liquor
> fried chicken
> kool-aid
> watermelon

who doesn't like that stuff?

>> No.19156657

Thats cat food

>> No.19157028

potato casserole
au gratin potatoes
cheesy potatoes
french fries
german potato salad
regular potato salad

>> No.19157062

Panda (real) licorice.

>> No.19157106

My crack is Angostura Bitters.
Not only does it make most drinks or even plain tap water better, but it offers exciting and mysterious flavors in food too.
But seafood especially. It's not as good as Old Bay, but it's shockingly tasty and complex.

The only thing better than eating a circus peanut is watching someone else eat one. It's closer to an earplug than a candy, and I love it. Fundamentally, it doesn't make sense at any level. And it never will, as the very roots of the candy are lost to the sands of time.

>> No.19157155

bananas, I could eat like 30 bananas a day if I wanted too. Sometimes I just eat 6 in one sitting and I feel like I'm hovering slightly off the ground. A cashier once asked me if a I have a pet monkey and I just started grinding my teeth at her while smiling

>> No.19157187

yea you are a womanlet

>> No.19157239

these? (.jpg)

>> No.19157250

shut up retard that looks good too
>t. Ontario faggot

>> No.19157255

is that fucking shit canadian chain shawarma? do yourself a favor and eat at a local establishment over that shit.

>> No.19157258

card not detected, remove card from reader

>> No.19157263

you could 70% chance of old disabled retard or 20% chance of old disabled retard. you shake it all around, do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, thats what healthy eating is all about!

>> No.19157267

sabra fookin sucks mate!!! flavourless

>> No.19157272

platanos or whatever the smashed green fried plantains are called, now thats good eating

>> No.19157386

I miss these!

>> No.19157425
File: 67 KB, 1000x817, crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd eat an entire container full of Almond Roca if it wasn't for the fact 3 pieces is 200 calories or I feel my teeth rotting inside out from all the sugar

>> No.19157697

Sucks that dominos charge like 6.99 for them. you can get 9 of their marbled cookie/brownies for the same price. 6.99 is excessive for just 2 of these.

>> No.19158167

That looks delicious, and I'm not a twizzler guy.

>> No.19158222

yeah and mass shootings keep going up. but considering most women are the antidote to life I'm not surprised.

>> No.19158669

Yeah dude, and stupid fucking boomers dumped coal ash in to the soil and filled it with lead, cadmium, manganese, and vanadium.

>> No.19158677


I like the texture of Sabra brand. I sometimes add things to it, but they get the texture right.

If all I cared about was flavor, I'd make it myself.

>> No.19158897

that looks disgusting

>> No.19158901

try boars head

>> No.19158905

it's sliced meat, and it's pretty good
are you new to Earth? Alien???

>> No.19159449

>Deleted scene from the happening

>> No.19159476

its american pre sliced meats
also im sure its full of artificial flavours and colours.
also it doesnt look like any kind of pepperoni i have ever seen.

>> No.19159552
File: 654 KB, 2430x1664, Beer Nuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet and salty, great with root beer.

>> No.19159560

this company is from bloomington, il and people there are weirdly proud of this fact

>> No.19159574

raw honey is so fucking based

>> No.19159609

agreed. yogurt covered in raw honey is 10/10 too

>> No.19159625

I'd guess the high is "higher", so to speak.

>> No.19159659
File: 112 KB, 908x1024, 14255062625_3c1f012b77_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Your crack

>> No.19159681

Best blue bell flavor hands down

>> No.19159684
File: 149 KB, 1000x1000, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this, forgot pic

>> No.19159720

crack is shit and bad to smoke.
heroin is the thinking man's drug

>> No.19159816

does anyone make a mint chip cookies and cream?
sounds lit

>> No.19159823
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>> No.19159830
File: 495 KB, 500x247, 1e6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aye ight then

>> No.19159856
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They make me thirsty

>> No.19160242

It's Illinois, the people around here are strangely proud of a lot of things, SKI soda, open faced horseshoes, Abraham Lincoln, etc. Anything and everything except for Chicago, I've never met someone around here who likes Chicago.

>> No.19161454

these are good
fun to take apart with your teeth and tongue

>> No.19161810
File: 74 KB, 680x680, 234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19162576

do leafs really

>> No.19162611

these are better than crack... shame my waifu thinks they're bad for me...

>> No.19162638

the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.19162728

Ah yes those heavy metals. I guess that's why the japanese world famous for eating a diet largely consisting of seafood are also world famous for there very long lives. Oh wait uhh but that doesn't make sense. huh

>> No.19162734

Try crack instead.

>> No.19162735


>> No.19163431
File: 256 KB, 1129x675, corned-beef-hash-h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corned beef hash(from the can of course) fried up extra crispy, with 2 or 3 runny eggs PLOPPED on top. Got DAMN

>> No.19163455

Mah nigga. I add Worcestershire sauce.

>> No.19163491
File: 129 KB, 700x700, lin6-lindt-cornet-333g-milk-850x850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19163516
File: 671 KB, 1000x1000, 00068400662600-1-base-conversionFormat-1200Wx1200H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I didn't have as much self-control I could eat an entire jar like pudding

>> No.19163518

>lindt 15 years ago > lindt now

>> No.19163830

It's 6.99 for 3 cakes

t. Dominos wagie

>> No.19163837

Meant to reply to >>19157697

>> No.19163843

Other than the typical Oreos or Cheetos, it's Miracle Whip for me.

>> No.19163907
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>> No.19163978
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>> No.19163980

cope seethe mald dilate touch grass

>> No.19163985

Gimme one.

>> No.19163988

Raw honey on the COMB is the best. No wonder people pay silly amounts.

>> No.19163990
File: 54 KB, 550x411, general-tso-s-combo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19163992

Needles are scary.

>> No.19164037

Woostah-shear-shire shauce?

>> No.19164154 [DELETED] 

It does when you consider their total diet, and do not focus on one thing in it.
They eat many things which help remove those same toxic elements.
Funny how that works, huh?

>> No.19164164

It does when you consider their total diet, and do not focus on one thing in it.
They eat many things which help remove those same toxic elements, while other cultures do not.
So, the metals can more easily accumulate in someone who is nutrient deficient, such as many westerners.

>> No.19164176

I concur. When I was in Denver I bought two 4x2 slabs for $40. It was worth it.

>> No.19164322
File: 504 KB, 600x600, 1674207933541229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caramel is my biggest weakness

>> No.19164473
File: 66 KB, 800x800, Cookie Butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I tried this, just now, and it's glorious.
Cookie Butter.
Trying some with honey next.

>> No.19164484

They are too sweet and too similar to work well together on a 1:1 basis.
Still not bad, but they are wasted together.

>> No.19164601
File: 38 KB, 425x425, 51Xu+0ElJ0L._SX425_PIbundle-12,TopRight,0,0_AA425SH20_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I add extra soy sauce, chili paste and chili oil, peanut sauce, garlic, ginger, and shrimp to this and it is *chef's kiss.*

>> No.19164607
File: 250 KB, 330x404, dfsdfeege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jello: ...
>retarded jello from japan put in tiny tubes: !!!!1
I know I'm retarded I know but they taste so good I've ordered them like 10 times

>> No.19164654

Thanks, anon. I smiled.

>> No.19164713

>Americans are so fat they have to butter their cookies

>> No.19164753
File: 560 KB, 1960x4032, 17mbk5dfxmx21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you know, you know

>> No.19164763

needs frying

>> No.19164768

They are weirdly good. Don't know why no other country does that shit

>> No.19164769

what a great mascot

>> No.19164976

t. europoor third worlder

>> No.19165207

>Raw honey on the COMB is the best.
Whenever I get this I treat it like it's a slice of toast and spread almond butter all over the top. The combo is amazing.

>> No.19165679
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 70cb3cc3-ea9e-4132-a53a-99ca7b0e71da_1.086a1daddf67687af159cf9807059a544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fuckers destroy my mouth/lips but so good

>> No.19165830


My go-to at pretty much every Chinese place. Paired with krab wontons, so divine

>> No.19165850
File: 3.08 MB, 1558x1558, dc91d582-891b-44a2-b013-fc7206b53fad.04a12cd9df0e96f7e578014c32984aec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19165858
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>> No.19166386
File: 661 KB, 1192x2372, 1604394928230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to try this since i read this screen cap

>> No.19166469

Who is boof?

>> No.19166544

she said OK :)

>> No.19166582
File: 85 KB, 834x468, r100_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19166604

Balaclava Baklava.. pedantics

>> No.19166612

are you me?
I buy copious amounts of watermelon in the summer. It truly is an obscene amount. I'll keep stocked with watermelon at all times, I buy three at a time.

>> No.19166613
File: 221 KB, 1200x800, JakobLayman.1218.HowlinRaysSecretMenu_020.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it weren't so far away I would eat nashville hot chicken every day until I died of cardiac arrest.

>> No.19166617

any deep fried snack in a bag is too much to resist. I don't ever buy that stuff because I'd consume it all rapidly.

>> No.19166648

You know fried chicken and spices aren't some magical thing that can only be made in nashville right?

>> No.19166660
File: 26 KB, 400x514, Lobster_Fist.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are we with those titties?

>> No.19166674

Wow I can't remember how many years it's been since I've seen that pic. Brings me back to better times in this place.

>> No.19166975

i think it was a messaging app

>> No.19167003
File: 994 KB, 792x600, Bunday Lost and Found.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosy retrospection. The only thing better about it was mods not throwing a damned fit about you being offtopic or not liking your politics. Oh fucking wait, you could get banned by twats like Snax, permanently, for no reason. The chaos was fun, but we live under dictatorship now. And I'm sure I'll get a 3 day for pointing it out.

Even if I point out how fucking delicious Doritos are. A whole goddamned family back at a time. Also, the executive or executives that got rid of Fiery Habanero Doritos need prison time for treason or something.

>> No.19167064

Did you know there is a very very very real possibility you have been killed by me in a vidya while I was eating Buffalo Ranch Doritos or Pizza Huts stuffed pepperoni rolls? Highly probable.

>> No.19167733
File: 69 KB, 900x900, 028400097604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much salt but I can finish a large bag in one sitting

>> No.19167743

blame the big corpos in third world shitholes wanting to save pennies on the millions by still using leaded gas then, cheaper than the modern chemicals that don't give you brain damage when burned (still is slightly carcinogenic though).

>> No.19167931

Want to buy, but the fucking can costs like $50

>> No.19167938

is this pudding?

>> No.19167942
File: 42 KB, 554x554, images (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are too good to exist

>> No.19167953
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>> No.19167963

Where the fuck can I even buy these

>> No.19168025

You can do a heavy metal detox with cilantro, wild garlic, and chlorella

>> No.19168206

Yeah, and horsetail herb is also a great chelator too.

>> No.19168275


Australia. Some Australian food places have it in the USA

>> No.19168412

havent seen these ones at my local, but will keep an eye out. ive been mostly disappointed by their flavours outside of the classic honey soy or chilli

>> No.19168493
File: 34 KB, 400x300, Original-LandJaeger-400x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have eaten a pound of these in a day, I have a crippling addiction and no self control.

>> No.19168516

Calbee takoyaki ball puffs. Thank you jap bros for moving to Lexington KY for me to enjoy your tasty treats and ingredients

>> No.19168926

no it's like a heavy chocolate cream

>> No.19168961
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 316433_MAIN._AC_SS300_V1627599671_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19170494

Post pics

>> No.19170632
File: 262 KB, 1920x1440, IMG_20191213_152101699-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally eat a packet a day when I'm on a Binge
I need help

>> No.19170651

Yes, you have a whore gf. Retard

>> No.19170660

They should do tins like this for humans

>> No.19170785
File: 349 KB, 1456x1935, Dolmas-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these expensive little fucks

>> No.19170845
File: 262 KB, 411x540, 1668820425004607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are they cabbage rolls? I have seen the cans of these but I never looked too closely at them.

I bought a baguette from this brand as a kid, ate it inside of a hot car while waiting for my dad to run an errand. Very weird nostalgic memory.

Looks incredible

Maruchan ramen soup is too bland to warrant the damage you're doing to your body by eating it, their instant yakisoba is much better tasting. Just my opinion

Some kind of cheese?

>> No.19170854

well see

>> No.19171594

Domino's I worked at had niggers break in and break open the safe, they only got the small change and bills for the next day, so they went into the freezer and stole all the chicken wings and laza cakes as well.. True Story lol those things are good

>> No.19171601
File: 354 KB, 583x383, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lightly salted

>> No.19171604

wouldn't help since fatties would just eat 5x the recommended amount.

>> No.19171607

>Are they cabbage rolls? I have seen the cans of these but I never looked too closely at them.
They're grape leaves, not cabbage. The filling is rice cooked with onion, dill and mint.

>> No.19172858

>40% cashews
FUCK CASHEWS they're the WORST. They're fine in small doses but they dominate every nut mix with their shitty texture.

>> No.19172893

get OUT!

>> No.19173386

subway chocolate chip cookie