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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 550x412, ta-img-20190414-135442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19142354 No.19142354 [Reply] [Original]

If you have an opinion about this you should shut up about everything else.

>> No.19142363
File: 59 KB, 800x766, 1681010572880859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one :3

>> No.19142366

Who the hell is Duncan? Did you steal those donuts from him?

>> No.19142369

Remind you of that krispy Kreme don’t it boy?

>> No.19142377

At $16 a dozen, they're a rip off.

>> No.19142378

Stupid. And gay. Even though you didn't ask about that part

>> No.19142380

it's alright. donuts are the same quality as grocery store bakeries, but it's nice to drive thru on your way to work.

>> No.19142382
File: 2.37 MB, 1376x1031, dunkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Dunkin Donuts, the establishment?

Just the donuts or the whole place?

Coffee/breakfast items etc.?

>> No.19142420 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19142421

He needs to hear it though.
Their real food is better. The donuts are just supplemental. Here's a $20 that says they'll phase out donuts in the next 20 years. This is me being polite too lol their donuts are very unfortunately subpar

>> No.19142554

Too fucking dry

>> No.19142559

>a donut used to be 79 cents at my local dunkin 10+ years ago
>tfw it's $1.49 now

>> No.19142568

They were cool as a kid when they had 50million varieties of donuts and you'd walk in choose your dozen pointing at what you wanted and they were like 4 bucks
Now they barely have any donuts and it's like a starfucks with their coffee not to mention the prices
they suck another thing that was good but got ruined

>> No.19142579

Exclusively for yuppies who have more dollars than sense and feel the need to pay double what they would pay at one of those little chink donut shops in a strip mall next to the nail salon. Coffee worse than Starbucks (which isn’t great to begin with) donuts not anything special

>> No.19142601
File: 72 KB, 955x585, krispy-kreme-e1551993792898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn northerners get off my board.

>> No.19142616

Never understood the appeal of these they’re just plain glazed donuts

>> No.19142621

They hot.

>> No.19142635

They're glazed though. What are you thinking here?

>> No.19142639

I mean I don’t understand the hype or having any brand loyalty to a plain glazed donut chain

>> No.19142641

I looked into what it would take to make my own donuts like these shops. Definitely not an easy snack food, it takes hours and its expensive as hell for the choclate.

>> No.19142646

They make other types of donuts, anon.

>> No.19142660

>The donuts are just supplemental.

That's what's so disappointing about the place honestly. like they used to be called "Dunkin Donuts" so you'd think that they'd have the BEST donuts considering they were kind of built around that.

But they don't, strangely. Very strange and depressing

You need to try them FRESH. or have you?

As in, glaze not even set yet. still gooey

>> No.19142691

If you’re trying to tell me you think a place called “dunkn donuts” is going to phase out their donuts, then yeah I’ll take that bet mr. retard. Meet me here April 9th 2043 and be ready to pay up chump

>> No.19142699

Snacks should be rare and occasional, so that makes sense.

>> No.19142707

disgusting cheap cake donuts

>> No.19142721

theyre branding as 'dunkin' now.

>> No.19142753

The appeal of Krispy Kreme is being able to eat warm/hot, freshly made ones
Hence how stores have the ‘hot light’ when donuts are being made - you can get a box filled right off the line

>> No.19142785

fuck off fucking krispy kreme fucking shit
you are fucking nothing but dog shit to me mother fucker
krispy kreme fucking shit
the best thing that ever happened to YOUR donut restaurant was some fucking backflip you krispy kreme fucking shit

>> No.19142793

Where do you get proper donuts then?

>> No.19142848

Two years ago a dozen was $13.

>> No.19142864


>> No.19142893

A French bakery that knows how to bake good quality sweets unlike all of the corporate trash listed in this thread

>> No.19142898

Donuts are just bagels with frosting.

>> No.19142999

you're wrong but here's a (you) for trying

>> No.19143005

I’m gonna have to confiscate that (you) sry

>> No.19143011

>look at macdonalds inflation index comparing my salary to the price of a big mac
>barely making more than when I was a teenager in retail if we're using this metric

>> No.19143015

Krispy Kreme is nothing special. It's a diabetes donut that is impossible to enjoy due to its overwhelming sugar content. Not sure what kind of fat fuck can eat one of these, let alone several from the huge boxes you all buy. You'd have to be a 400 lb sack of lard to even show your face at a place known for selling these things. The worst part is that they always keep very few locations so that every location is busy and you have to wait. So ONLY the most desperate and diabetes addicted lardbags actually spend the time to get this shit. Unbelievable

>> No.19143019

Get them right off the roller hot with a jug of milk

>> No.19143027

Funny you seem to know alot about them for hating them and everyone who eats them. locations, wait times so you have been there, are you a self hating fatty?
Probably the first in line everyday

>> No.19143054

>trashes them and then complains there are not enough locations and wait times are long
I'm confused

>> No.19143107

>impossible to enjoy due to its overwhelming sugar content
regular donuts aren't exactly healthy either, I'm not sure why you're taking this highground when the difference in sugar content has no bearing on the difference in carb/calore/fat content in any other donut

>> No.19143131

its actually brioche dough but fried, frosting is optional

>> No.19143511

Krispy Kreme is considered a southern thing? I live in the north and they've always been all over the place in addition to Dunkin Donuts.

>> No.19143513

Not him, but Krispy Keme's higher sugar content makes them both too sweet and too fragile. They melt in your mouth like cotton candy, and a baked good like this needs more substance than that.

>> No.19143519

They dropped "donuts" from their name 5 years ago and switched their focus to beverages.
>In January 2018 Dunkin' Donuts began to open new concept locations, beginning in Quincy, featuring modern decor, cold beverages on tap and a single-cup brewing machine, more packaged take-out options, and dedicated pick-up lines for mobile ordering inside and in the drive-thru. The concept was described as being part of a shift towards becoming an "on-the-go, beverage-led brand". In addition, the location, as well as others, began to trial signage referring to the chain as simply "Dunkin'"—removing "Donuts" from the name.

>> No.19143526
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You'll love these little guys, then.

>> No.19143530
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>> No.19143536

The thing about marketers is that their entire job is manipulating people.
The people that hire them, being retarded, don't understand that these people are obviously going to manipulate them.
And so companies are told 'there are more people who are not our customers than who are, so we should do the opposite of what our customers want'.
This has been the guiding principle of 21st century marketing.

>> No.19143550
File: 458 KB, 639x679, 1666526608120268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody get fired for naming these?

>> No.19143582

Why would someone get fired for that?

>> No.19143663
File: 363 KB, 639x679, 1681044818494245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now they will

>> No.19143667

That picture is bullshit. They haven't put anywhere NEAR that amount of frosting on their donuts in over a decade.

>> No.19143682

I like Kristina Keene at the locations that actually cook the donuts but they seem to be going the way of Dunc in that the franchisees are using a central location to supply others in an area. Also I was surprised looking at their website earlier to see that appear to have removed a bunch of donut varieties from their standard lineup.

>> No.19143683


>> No.19143714

>Kristina Keene
That your girlfriend, anon?

>> No.19143778

i still remember getting a free donut fresh off the conveyor belt. they are pretty nice, and the experience as a kid seeing the making process is eternal kino

>> No.19143784

>plain glazed
These are mutually exclusive terms.

>> No.19143793

For me? It's the avocado toast with bacon. I also love their new breakfast tacos :)

>> No.19144070

The obscene amount of preparation doesn't make this a snack. You can slam together a cake or pie in under an hour which will last a week. Donuts will go stale quickly meaning you can't just make a oversized batch for several days.

>> No.19144089

Only east coast dipshits put up with food this awful. Once Dunkin stopped making donuts onsite (so unskilled pajeets would buy franchises) the donuts are stale and gross.

>> No.19144266

That's correct and a good take but it's also not what his point was and misses what his complaint was

>> No.19144681

how much did you enjoy it?

>> No.19144690


>> No.19144698

Based Algorithm avoider

>> No.19144706
File: 874 KB, 2560x1440, Bildschirmfoto zu 2023-04-05 19-00-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19146052

All donuts should have names that sound like hookers and/or brothel menu options.
>Chocolate glazed
>Old Fashioned
>Bear claw
>Boston Cream
>Custard Filled

>> No.19146059

Unironically the best donut though. Less is more

>> No.19146061

Unfortunately you're fat so you wouldn't know.

>> No.19146083
File: 591 KB, 1170x1124, 1678247193851027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh hot 'n fresh Krispy Kreme
So its not the donut but the timely consumtion of it? They can't reliably offer that as a product, so by necessity their donuts should be able to stand on their own merits at room temperature. And as we've established itt Krispy Kreme is offensively sweet and unenjoyable

>> No.19146094

Hmm I would think enjoying the least decadent option is NOT a characteristic of a fat person

>> No.19146113

Most dummies would think that way I get it.

>> No.19146114

Yeah, I'll have two t-girls double penetrating a fem-nugget. Custard? No, that's fucked. Cherry filling, please. And... a large coffee. Do you make anything here? No... Ok. No problem.

>> No.19146199

As a Canadian I remember having Dunkin once and it was the most disgusting thing I've ever eaten. Fuck paying for that crap. You'd need to pay me to eat that shit.

>> No.19146575

Fuck’s sake, leaf, as if faggoty fag Horton’s is any better. Just another shitty American copy, like virtually everything in your “country.”

>> No.19146577

my dad used to call them dog nuts

>> No.19148432

Most of the time, yeah they can offer that anon. I'm not a big fan of Krispy Kreme glazed donuts, or any donut that's overly glazed or frosted, but if the appeal is in fresh donuts off the roller, you can usually get that at their locations at most hours.

>> No.19149464
File: 253 KB, 572x525, sourcreamdonuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone wants good cheap donuts, it sounds weird but if you order groceries off of amazon fresh, they have sour cream donuts that go for half a dozen for ~$4.00
theyre really fucking good for the price IMO. I've shilled these to my friends and I'll shill them here

>> No.19149489

had these before and they're good. i used to order groceries through fresh very regularly until they started charging for delivery...

>> No.19149979

im a jerseyfag who shops at shoprite, their donuts are bigger, better and cheaper than dunkin. mogs it in every way

>> No.19149983

But that's the best part

>> No.19150788

I like their breakfast sandwiches, but I only ever go there on road trips despite living in New England.

>> No.19150791

If something is only good "for the price" then it's not actually good.

>> No.19150891

The family run bakery just around the corner

>> No.19150894

I like the coffee.