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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19141309 No.19141309 [Reply] [Original]

It's time.

>> No.19141311
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Homemade tofu turned out much better this time.

>> No.19141315
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>> No.19141806
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>> No.19141810

American seasoned tourists here
I’ve been all over the world when I took a cruise to Japan in 2017
I pride myself on all foods but Japan just wasn’t cutting g it for me, My host glfamiku was very gracious and served all kinds of meals for me but I sadly just could t stomach any of it.

Even the famed Ramen shops or maid cafes of Akihabara didn’t do anything, I was starting to give up and write away all Japanese good as “ not very good” when I went to a small chain restaurant in Tokyo called マクドナルド with translates to Makudonarudo or something where I got the most delicious pan seared beef, thinly diced onion coated with a layer of cheese and a healthy dollop of tomato sauce between two brioche buns lined with sesame seeds.

I was in heaven and vowed for the rest of the trip to only eat at this place. Thankfully the cashier understood English so I was able to sample most of the menu during my time there. Highlights included chicken breast cut into small thumb like pieces and coated with a light crispy batter

It turned a 3/10 trip into a 10/10 culinary experience for me

>> No.19141844

you don't go to maid cafes for good food, retard. especially not in places like akihabara where japs know that fat american otakus will gleefully shovel any kind of slop into their mouths as long as it's got kanji written on it somewhere

>> No.19141889

I didn’t go for good food, I went for authentic food. And what I had wasn’t good

>> No.19141921

My nukadoko is starting to get sour. Should be ready to go any day now.

>> No.19141929

I noticed you found your sesame grinder as well. Are you going to see if it is the proper and correct method for sesame paste?

>> No.19141987

I wasn't planning on it. It seems like a waste of sesame seeds.

>> No.19142000

I, too, to visited the famed Japanese マクドナルド and greatly enjoyed your pasta.

>> No.19142041

ITT: Weebs, weebs, and more weebs

>> No.19142056

You got the seeds in there already, buster.

>> No.19142118

I just googled it and the recipes call for a food processor.

>> No.19142125
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>> No.19142359
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>> No.19142709

Yeah, the lame unfun ways. Get mixing and mashing, boy.

>> No.19142928

how long have you kept it in rice bran? Is it worth it?

>> No.19142954

Where do you get such nice pots?

>> No.19143493

Nukazuke is the pickled veg. Nukadoko is the rice bran bed. It will be around 20 days. I think it will be worth it. The pickles are delicious are quite complex tasting. Very savory and they have a really good fermented flavor.

>> No.19144378
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Truffle kamameshi with hanjuku tamago, from my local oden/yakitori joint. Fucking aces.

>> No.19144394
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Gobou (burdock) chips during a drunken night out.

>> No.19144403
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Assorted appetizers during a multi-course ryokan dinner in Yamanashi.

>> No.19144413
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Ise ebi soup from the same meal.

>> No.19144427
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Beef stew lunch at Shichiken Sake Brewery in Yamanashi.

>> No.19144438
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Ridiculously oversized (and overpriced) kakigoori (shaved ice). Delicious though.

>> No.19144458
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Four dishes from an amazing hidden gem restaurant, Soma, in Mashiko.

1. Sashimi

>> No.19144464
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2. Grilled fish

>> No.19144470
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3. Kakuni (Braised pork belly)

>> No.19144478
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4. Yakitori

This joint had some of the best izakaya food I've eaten. It was pretty spectacular.

And with that, I'm off to bed.

>> No.19144479

what are those toppings?

>> No.19144500

If I remember correctly, the one closest is kabosu and lemon with a kind of homemade sweetened/condensed milk. Wife had bean paste and kokuto (brown sugar), I think. Wife's had a ball of mochi in the bottom. Mine had a kind of pudding.

>> No.19144605
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This is the only Jap food thread I can find right now so I will ask here. What the fuck is up with this weird anchovy? Why does it have a different type of mouth? Did I get an autistic anchovy in my bag or what?

>> No.19144607

Shit, that sounds incredible. I didn't get shaved ice once when I was there because I assumed it would be the same as anywhere else.

>> No.19144612

It looks like a different species of fish. I'd toss it.

>> No.19144615

From Japan.

>> No.19144631

looks like a puffer, which is poisonous
not worth taking chance it isn’t a puffer
toss it

>> No.19144699
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Congrats anon you got a free fugu in your bag! That means you win a trip to the hospital!

>> No.19145677
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>> No.19145709

these are the posts that keep me coming back

>> No.19145833

How is the egg cooked?

>> No.19145946

That's sukiyaki. The egg remains uncooked. You mix it and dip the beef in it. It's great.

>> No.19145951
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Just woke up, so I'll resume posting some pics. Starting with more ryokan food.

>> No.19145953
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>> No.19145959
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>> No.19145960
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>> No.19145966
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>> No.19145979

Why is that cut backward?

>> No.19145991

>Homemade tofu turned out much better this time.
ummm that looks disgoosting bro

>> No.19146131
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It looks like the anon posting these photos is sitting in a private room so I won't shit on anon. But I've seen videos and photos of people sitting at the sushi bar directly in front of the chef and every time he hands something over these people will gawk and photograph and videograph the morsel for multiple minutes.

I can't even imagine doing something like that. It just seems so disrespectful and out of place. You're acting like a photographing tourist in a high end sushi place. I'm not even some weeb who is all about respecting the "art of sushi" but come on man read the fucking room.

I couldn't imagine the thought process the sushi chef is going through. For the past 40 years he's been practicing this and suddenly in the past couple years whenever he hands over a dish some obese white dweeb is stuffing his camera in the meal before even taking a look himself.

>> No.19146144

Some places don't allow photography or cell phones, which is pretty based. I think a quick snap of a meal isn't too bad if you just get it over with asap and be somewhat discreet about it. You know like just 10 seconds with your phone out to get the picture.

>> No.19146150

I hated this shit. Impossible to eat, especially with chopsticks.

>> No.19146155

What’s your problem?

>> No.19146174

I'm the anon posting ryokan food.

Yeah, when I get counter sushi or tempura, we might take a quick snap of something particularly tasty looking or rare, and the chef usually is fairly happy (or at least not inconvenienced) if it's quick and discreet. It's not a touristy thing though, the locals are just as guilty. I'm usually the one prodding my J-wife to stop photographing and start eating.

Wut? It's dead easy to eat, especially with chopsticks. Work on your technique bro.

>> No.19146178

I was at an expensive restaurant in Tokyo once sitting in the corner with my gf being quiet and respectful and then there was some fat white dweeb and his fat dweeb girlfriend being loud and gawking and oooh ing and awww ing at every dish they received and the Japs in the restaurant gave me looks of disapproval like it was my responsibility to reign them in.

I know I'm a fucking gaijin so I will get shit no matter what but it's embarrassing when dweeby weebs are in my presence and the Japs look at me like I should be their caretaker. It's not even that bad out on the sidewalk because I can just walk away. But in a restaurant what the fuck am I supposed to do?

>> No.19146218

Tell them to shut up in a deeply idiomatic way so the locals won't understand you easily. I assume many japs speak english, but how many have a full grasp over common american/western slang/idioms?

A really thick irish accent may work as well, and would be hilarious.

>> No.19146241

pull a power move you pussy

>> No.19146429
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>> No.19146660
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>> No.19146682
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Jikon... Nice sake. Had some myself a few weeks ago.

>> No.19146708

>hanjuku tamago
i had to google that. why can't you just use the english word for it?

>> No.19146726

My bad, I meant to add translation for any Japanese terms (like the other posts) but I guess I missed this one. Sorry. It's too late now, I guess, but it's soft boiled egg.

>> No.19146943
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>> No.19146995
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>want to make motsunabe
>it's impossible to find motsu

>> No.19147419

Are there really no jews in japan? Matso balls are pretty easy to make from scratch actually.

>> No.19148064

Shoyu 1pt
Mirin 1pt
Sake 1pt

Thats literally ALL you need for a tasty and generic Japanese dish

>> No.19148095

you forgot katsuobushi you fucking retard. Get your uneducated ass out of my general

>> No.19148134

Don't you mean dashi? Lol.

Or katsuobushi or the whole host of other dried fish n things, and kombu.

Miso paste and rice wine vinegar are nice additions as well.

>> No.19148401

Japan: The Cookbook is a scam. Really disappointed but that's what you get when you trust weebs instead of actual nipponese people

>> No.19148691
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Generic tasting donburi when you don't have any meat in the fridge:
>green onion
>shichimi togarashi
>soy sauce
>ginger and sesame seeds optional

>Don't you mean dashi? Lol.
>Or katsuobushi or the whole host of other dried fish n things, and kombu.
Do you not know what katsuobushi is and are too stupid to type the word into Google or Amazon?

>> No.19148775
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Imagine being so unbelievably stupid you can't recognize I know what katsuobushi is from my post. Sad, but pretty funny.

>> No.19149058

very cringe joke

>> No.19149066

Thank you.

>> No.19149328

I don’t know why, but I love yoshoku. It’s just the idea that it’s what Japs think Westerners eat that makes it all the more delicious. The thought of giving a random Italian or Spaniard a stroke from eating the bastardized 100% Japanese version of their food adds an entirely new dimension of flavor to the dish.

>> No.19149609
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Finally got around to using my new cup. Lovely little thing. Has a certain satisfaction to it when holding it, admiring it, and sipping from it. The bare clay is quite interesting as well. It has a coarse feel with these big chunks in it.

The box also makes me feel joy. I need to learn how to tie the ribbons on it properly now.

>> No.19149616
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Bottom pic. That white bit in the unglazed clay is a little chunk of grit. Those grit pieces also show up on the rim and can be felt through the glaze.

>> No.19149621
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Last pic of my cup is this sheet that came with it. It seems to talk about the potter, his accomplishments/accolades, and his family lineage or something.

Might be interesting to read for someone who can actually read Jap.

>> No.19149631

It looks like the maker cummed on it.

>> No.19149636
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Close up of the crazing. This picture also shows off how the glaze turned pinkish purple on a portion of the cup.

Astute observation.

>> No.19150671

What are you going to do with your crazy cup?

>> No.19150735

Drink sake from it, and admire it. It's quite interesting because the feel of the cup changes depending on where you sip from. Some spots seem to be molded to my mouth, while other spots are almost awkward feeling. I'll have fun finding my favorite way to hold and sip from the cup.

>> No.19151045

Does /jrg/ own any Japanese cookbook?

>> No.19151060

>20 posters
Not a single live person is interested in you talking to yourself about a novelty sesame grinder anon just open ms word and type this shit out instead. Chicken boiler

>> No.19151071


>> No.19151077

Just report and ignore.

>> No.19151174

Did you report it to yourself after replying to yourself anon-san?

>> No.19151312

great pasta
though the japanese burger chins like freshness, mos and first kitchen are still leagues above any shit we have over here in the states
the first kitchen teriyaki bacon egg burger with the charred shoyu butter fries are fucking fantastic.

>> No.19151399

youre even worse than a weeb, you literally have white guilt over a couple you dont know having fun? who gives a shit about them. you actually imagined that japs were looking at you expecting you to do something? how delusional are you? if it was a really high end place, the staff would have came over and told them to be quiet.
i lived over there for several years and there are a lot of japs that act the same exact way as you described those weebs acting.
also a key note about japan: expensive does not mean good - majority of the best places there are shitty hole in the wall places that sell shit for cheap

>> No.19152440
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>> No.19152509

Disgusting. I wouldn't even eat that after 2 days of seeing no food.

>> No.19152681

It's just abalone. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.19152686

Why not? Looks like fresh seafood.

>> No.19152690

Abalone is very delicious.

>> No.19153040
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>> No.19153051

Would enjoy.

>> No.19153059

roasties btfo. what a chad

>> No.19153129
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>> No.19153203

Oh my God. Why did this little retard fish make me laugh so hard?

(I agree with others that it looks like a puffer fish. Don’t eat it!)

>> No.19153218

Tru dat, brother, tru dat. Majorly oishii and quite sugoi.

>> No.19153318
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Do we accept drink posting here?

>> No.19153326

I say yes, but you should detailed tasting notes on all drinks posted.

>> No.19153329

I would eat this food

>> No.19153331

Tastes like lemon scented pipe cleaner.

>> No.19153338

I've heard they are shit, but work well at inexpensively intoxicating the imbiber. Score out of 100?

>> No.19153363
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Taste maybe a 23/100
Aesthetic 90/100feels like a drug i can't quit but don't really wanna.

>> No.19153374

Don't underestimate these; they actually live up to their name (I went wasted with one of these)

>> No.19153409
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I can get through 5 or 6 talk cans in a night of street drinking but if I mix with ither drinks I get a rotten hangover. Still feel pretty shit next day either way.

>> No.19153574

It is a bad cup and you're trying to fool yourself that it has some value. Next you'll buy some shitty made dildo that Store, Japan buys from Alibaba and slaps its name on it and you'll start imagining that one thousand times folded plastic shoved in your ass gives you a glimpse of Tsukiyomi's secret disc*rd where he laughs at furries and their conventions.
Though I get it, if you've bought a cup, the least you should do is use it.

>> No.19153720
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>> No.19154167
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Looks like I have made some fans with my cup posting.

I was going to save these other ones for a bit later, but I could not wait to cup post.

These two tiny, and delicate pieces are made by a famous dead potter(Kiyomizu Rokubei IV (1848-1920)) over 100 years ago in the kyo ware style. Made in Kyoto, and are much much different than the hagi ware cup. Very fine clay, even, consistent, but they still have some imperfections in their paint.

These are very beautiful and it's hard to show it off on camera.

More pics to come.