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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19139207 No.19139207 [Reply] [Original]

think about deenz, talk about deenz
what are you eating?

>> No.19139282

i ate some tinned crab today but it tasted like a rock pool

>> No.19139290

I;m thinkin about thos deenz

>> No.19139308
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>> No.19139338
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Beenz pill is superior

>> No.19139523
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>> No.19139549

Bros why can't I learn to love the deens?

They look so good. They smell good. But every time I take a bite I retch because it's like chewing rotted fish corpses.

>> No.19139650 [DELETED] 
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Eating deenz nuts

>> No.19139656 [DELETED] 
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With frosted flakes.

>> No.19140535 [DELETED] 

Is the Charlie the tuna a jew?

>> No.19140560 [DELETED] 

Charlie is a tuna

>> No.19140561 [DELETED] 

a jewish tuna?

>> No.19140568 [DELETED] 

There's no connection. There's only the connection you have to the Jews in your mind.

>> No.19140633

the ones in mustard or hot sauce might ease you into it

>> No.19140636
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my new friends

>> No.19140641

Mash them up then spread on bread, sorta like with tuna.

>> No.19140647
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I used to buy mostly sardines and tuna but I replaced sardines with sprats now I like the flavor more and they don't break up that easily, which I found really annoying whenever I wanted to cook them instead of eating them out of the can. It's just slightly more expensive over here.

Anchovies are still my favorite tho but they're too expensive just a rare treat a few times a year.

>> No.19140696

Why has canned fish gotten so expensive recently? The last time I bought KO they were $30/dozen, now they're $36/dozen, and I don't even buy Polar's smoked kippers anymore because a $62 order I placed last year now costs $90.

>> No.19140699
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Ordered this today. What should I eat it with? I'm doing keto.

>> No.19142108

i’ve had packs of deenz for months since i use them to pill my dog but i’ve been scared to try one, do i say fuck it and join the deenz crew?

>> No.19142229

that's super expensive. but maybe make a tuna salad

go for it bro
if it's dirt cheap ones the texture might not be too great though

>> No.19142249
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Aldi Australia have these Portuguese deenz for a limited time, can't wait to try these lil nibbaz

>> No.19142260

i like king oscar tinned mackerel. it doesn't taste very good but it goes fine in ramen and on a mack salad sandwich

>> No.19142272
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I like them all deenz, kippers, oysters, clams, anchovies, salmon, tuna, put fish in a can and I will eat it

>> No.19142298

Introduced a friend to the glory of smoked oysters

>> No.19142333

Kill yourself.

>> No.19142519

What do you do with them? Raw oysters are one of my favorite foods but at restaurants they're too pricey to have often.

>> No.19142562

Mix ketchup, horseradish, dash of hotsauce, salt, and pepper. Drop an oyster into a shot glass, and top with the cocktail sauce and enjoy.

>> No.19142576

I can’t afford oysters, either. I think the only restaurants near me that still serve them are very expensive restaurants. Gone are the days of a plate of fried oysters for under $20. They’re too expensive to buy and fry in the grocery, too. I don’t know where our oysters are going or why they’re so expensive. I’m within spitting distance of where they pull them out of the water, too. I seriously wonder if they’re getting shipped out of the country.

ANYWA, like that other anon, canned smoked oysters are my new friend. The taste and texture are acquired. You just have to accept that they taste nothing like fresh oysters and the texture is completely different as well. They do somehow manage to halfway satisfy an oyster craving. Best luck I’ve had with these things is on crackers with cream cheese. I’ve tried making pasta with them and stuffing with them but the smoked flavor is overpowering.

>> No.19142581

deenz nutz!

>> No.19142588

Whole Foods sells them for $2 each, at least they did in my coastal city about a year ago

>> No.19142595
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my pronouns are boneless/skinless

>> No.19142599

Chew a rotten fish corpse to teach your brain that it doesn't resemble chewing on deenz at all.

>> No.19142696

I have no idea, it is extremely wasteful too because nearly all of them die and spoil before being purchased.

>> No.19142698

Tinned crab just isn't good. Gotta go for the refrigerated crab containers (usually plastic). Far better quality, but way more expensive. You are unironically better off using the fake crab over the tinned crab leftovers.

>> No.19142701

Try the teriyaki tuna rice bowls. The teriyaki masks the terrible cooked tuna flavor, and it pairs well with the little tub of rice it comes with.

>> No.19142703

>I don’t know where our oysters are going or why they’re so expensive.
Labor shortage most likely, though there may have also been some supply issues as well. Apparently it was affecting the crab industry too, was too hard to get seasonal labor from immigrants.

>> No.19142711

>smoked flavor is overpowering
Not possible. Usually they use alder with seafood, so that wood is weak as fuck. Quit being a woman, women are the only cunts who complain about smoke flavor, because they are allergic to flavor!

>> No.19142714
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I splurge on these when in season can't help it but yeah the prices are insane

>> No.19142724
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Used to be able to go here great fucking oysters
to expensive now for me

>> No.19142726

Tuna is fine, I eat tuna sandwiches and straight out of those packs. It's the deenz that make me throw up.

>> No.19142814

Yeah, it'll be a treat, not a staple

>> No.19142825
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more of a /mack/daddy myself

>> No.19143442

those mackerel tins are really great for the price i eat them a lot

>> No.19144325

It’s overpowering in that when I’ve tried cooking with the smoked oysters all you taste is the smoke, no oyster. I’m going to try a cajun fettuccini alfredo dish soon where I think it will be nice but again the oyster flavor will take a back seat or just not be there at all.

>> No.19145216

oh shit, thanks for the tip anon
i buy nuri when i feel like a splurge but they're $7!

>> No.19145362

>nice lookin cano deenz
>check rabel
>mrade in chrina

Uhh, I'll pass thanks ;)

>> No.19145390

all the mackerel around me is sold canned in water which is ass
feels bad man

>> No.19145406

low in mercury high in d vita deenz rock now we just need them with sneed oils

>> No.19146330

I only eat them because they're somehow cheaper. i prefer how the skin/bones feel and they have more nutrition.

>> No.19146508
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No you

>> No.19146533

just bought a can of deenz, what do I eat them with? Are they meant to be eaten by itself?

>> No.19146662 [DELETED] 

A jewna, if you will.

>> No.19147846

i eat them as is but you can use them as an ingredient too, in pasta dishes for example or a salad
if you're br*tish put them on toast

>> No.19148961

With ramen is probably my favorite

I also really like them with crackers and a cold Mexican Coke. The combo of the savory, oily deenz and the light, sweet Coke is insane

>> No.19148969

What's the good flavors?

>> No.19149130
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Aldi is all out. Hope you got in while the stock lasted.

>> No.19149883

Deenz nutz

>> No.19149916
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Should I get this order this or add some more to get an even number for cost?

>> No.19149953

>tfw local Sainsbury's stopped stocking King Oscar mackerel and only do their deenz
I'm down to my last two tins of Mediterranean mackerel bros how will I manage?

>> No.19150021

invest in a fishing rod

>> No.19150993

Does no one buy expensive canned fish?

>> No.19151021

Maybe write their customer service asking them to carry it at that location.

If the do bring it back you should celebrate by playing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uB1D9wWxd2w

>> No.19151044

are those really per can prices? lol

>> No.19151074

Yep that they are.

>> No.19151242

mine doesn't stock the deenz, i have to go to bloody waitrose for those which is just weird.

>> No.19151272

deenz nuts gottim

>> No.19152257

Kek! What a steal

>> No.19152305
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>mogs your deenz

>> No.19152877

I ate past due polar oysters last week and was worried if I just didn't like them anymore
I bought some smoked reese oysters and it was night and day difference I wish I bought more while they were in sale

>> No.19152886
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Been thinking about that lobster

>> No.19152891

I love tinned herring so fucking much /deenz/bros

>> No.19153013
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Rate my afternoon snack.

>> No.19153045

Never had Matiz but you get points for beer, sardines, and chopsticks

>> No.19153709

i cant get the King Oscar in the red package around here but I found a yellow and green package that says they are made by King Oscar on teh back and sold as "tiny deenz" - seemed regular size but with more tail. was pretty gud

>> No.19155087

deenz nigga

>> No.19155137
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>> No.19155141

Try riga gold in tomato sauce with saltines, then upgrade to hardcore uncut Deenz once you're less green.

>> No.19155428

I ordered this and will make another order from another website for stuff from different brands.
Up until now I mostly ate Nuri or Minerva for fish and I wanted to branch out.

>> No.19155431
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>> No.19155693
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had the egg and mustard herring from lidl today, i thought it seemed weird but holy fuck that mustard shit is good.

is this stuff worth the price of admission?

>> No.19155749

It depends on how you view it really, do you just want fish to munch on or would you like to try the canned fish version of charcuterie?
If it's the first then no, if it's the second then it's debatable based on income, as it's still a good amount of money to spend for what is objectively not a lot of material.
I use stuff like it for picnic dates with my girlfriend.

>> No.19156346
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What am I in for?

>> No.19156457
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Anyone try cod livers? How do you eat them?

>> No.19156462

nta, but I am intrigued.

>> No.19156472

bottom barrel Vietnamese deenz

>> No.19157219

I make them into a spread, just mash them up a little bit and season to taste

>> No.19158094
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There was room in the box so I added to the order.

>> No.19158103

just mash and spread on toast
i had them just as an experiment but i wouldn't take them over deenz or anything
it's just like a fishy pate

>> No.19159366


>> No.19159805

not gonna say. you wouldn't like it

>> No.19159991

I wouldn't eat anything that's come out of the ocean anymore.
It's really just not worth it anymore. You all freak about the bigger fish being filled with mercury - well most of the current market fish are absolute riddled with chemicals that are guaranteed carcinogens.
It's over fish bros. Breed your own rabbits for meat, grow some chickens. Don't eat from the sea.

>> No.19159999

Everything has microplastics at this point, why bother?

>> No.19160021

Eat the lower chain fish, they're lower in mercury.

>> No.19160025

I don't think people realse how bad it actually is. It's fucking over.

Mercury is the least of your problems.

>> No.19160032

This crap is too expensive compared to cans of tuna or cans of deenz.

>not eating deenz and beans

>> No.19160056

I don't give a damn about mercury or microplastics, just as long as it isn't leaded I don't give a damn.

>> No.19160118

Some of the other stuff in the thread is way more expensive.

>> No.19161101
