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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19137984 No.19137984 [Reply] [Original]

What would you buy to last you 5 months for $80? Shit like picrel

>> No.19137991

5 months?
seed potatoes and a hunting license

>> No.19137994

Flour for making bread, oil, multivitamin

>> No.19137998

Yo if this rap shit don't work - we running up in niggas houses

>> No.19138001

a job
they're literally everywhere right now
go to the construction site on your street and ask for one, they'll throw $50/hr at you to basically stand around all day

>> No.19138002

All that shit is already like $15 bucks

>> No.19138014

run up your numbers instead. stop using your advance to fly out your friends.

>> No.19138021

beans, rice and coffee.

>> No.19138023

>get the fuck out of here you idiot this is a work site this is so unsafe they wouldn't hire you anyway!

>> No.19138032

Dry beans.

>> No.19138085
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Walmart sells 25 pound bags of flour for 9 dollars. 80 dollars will keep you fed on bread for about a half year at 2000 calories a day. Much longer when you start cutting your caloric ceiling.

You cannot live for 5 months on 80 dollars buying instant ramen or other pre processed foods. They are simply too expensive.

Go to a food bank if you're actually this poor because that's what they're designed for. Although there's nothing wrong with learning how to live with less.

>> No.19138093

Coffee / tea
Peanut butter
Steelcut oatmeal
Frozen ground turkey (costco)
Frozen veggies (costco)

>> No.19138098

You can go by with gathering plants, no need for a hunting license.

If you live in a city, congratulations because you're fucked with less than 500$ (living on potatoes alone).

>> No.19138099

that will not stretch 5 months. OP needs literally as much nutritionally fortified white rice or flour as possible. That means don't rinse your rice before cooking. It has nutrition powder added to prevent people like OP from dying.

>> No.19138122

16 bucks a month? That's harsh.. Where I live, a pack of noodles is like 60 cents, which gets you aprox. 26 packs on your budget. It's probably better to get proper wares, like a big pack of spaghetti, some spices, and some veggies.

>> No.19138140

I don't understand why people say to wash rice.

>> No.19138149

nigga go to a food bank
that shit's free
they don't even check if you're actually poor

>> No.19138150

Some people want to remove the starch to prevent clumping and others want to remove arsenic because their rice was grown in arsenic laden ground like the Southern US.

>> No.19138154

But a hunting license in my state is $81

>> No.19138160

>cup ramen
At least buy the pot ramen if you're on a budget. Dry spaghetti is far superior in terms of calories per dollar.

>> No.19138163

I missed the 5 months. Idk even I retard have never been that poverty stricken

>> No.19138269

Frozen vegetables.

>> No.19138285

I wouldn't. There's no fuckin way I'm gonna make $80 last 1 month let alone 5

>> No.19138362

Where do you live? Dollar General will give you 5 packs of 300 calorie ramen for like $1.35

>> No.19138432

You're gonna suffer from malnutrition, vegan pondscum.

>> No.19138440

If you're THAT poor suck it up and go to a food bank.

>> No.19138444

The only goods I think you can possibly get cheaply enough at that point are grains and potatoes. I hope you like porridge!

>> No.19138859

one pound of flour = 1650 calories


3.64 dollars for 10 pounds.

5 months = 150 days

15 bags = 54 dollars = 150 pounds.

so the staple of your diet would be flour, 1 pound a day. 26 dollars left.


9.12 dollars for 1 gallon. buy 2. 120 calories a tablespoon giving you 12,000 calories. That's another 80 calories a day. so you have 1730 calories per day of flour and oil.

You have 7 dollars left.


700 gram of salt 62 cents


the last of your money goes on 10lbs of sugar

I think it's doable without dying. You'll be eating around 1800 calories a day of flour/water/salt/tiny amount of sugar and oil. Over the months you'll be in a calorie deficit and will consume your body fat. You will suffer vitamin and mineral deficiencies but I don't think it will get bad enough that youll die.

>> No.19139226

About half your caloric intake should be fat.

>> No.19139269


>> No.19139274


>> No.19139279


>> No.19139281

A knife and a ski mask

>> No.19139292

>Been cooking for 6 years
>Can make pretty much anything
>Even have experience
>Been applying for one month
>No call backs because they only want old women who have been making meatloaf for three decades or young girl who have no idea what they are doing

>> No.19139304

Cheapest cooking oil I can find.
Yeast for making my own beer.
22 ammo for hunting varmints.
Honestly, eating for 5 months on $80 is impossible, so I would focus on dumpster diving and cooking Filipino-style pagpag (stir-fried leftovers from garbage cans), along with home-brewed beer made from bread and bananas found in dumpsters.
Honestly, at that level of poverty you would be better off with panhandling and food stamps.

>> No.19139494

made me kek

>> No.19139529

How do you hunt without knowledge, a gun and a box of bullets ?

>> No.19139553

How did Tom Hanks survive on an island for years just for the camera?

>> No.19139574

beans rice deenz salt my nigga, what else you need

>> No.19139589

I would love to get a license for 81$. I had to do a fucking course that took more than 6 months, had to take a couple of tests at the end. All for over 2k€. Oh and I totally forgot the monthly expense for the hunting association. Oh and that comes with all kinds of shitty social interactions like grilling, having to sell drinks to visitors at special occasions etc. It's a fucking shit Show.

Also don't get me started on getting a fucking fishing license to fish it's insane.

>> No.19139610

I'm very curious where you live. A combo hunting/fishing license for me in texas is $50, and all I had to do was present my driver's license. I was in and out of my local Gibson's in 10 minutes, no hassle, and I was good for the year.

>> No.19139623

In the glorious country of Germany. The dog of the states, the dog of Ukrainian. You are not even allowed to go fishing without passing an elaborate test and study beforehand. At least they switched it to online so you pay 600-800€ for the study material and only visit the place where the test is taken. Test cost extra. If you want to fish at a lake you can go to the city hall and ask for permission this obviously costs extra if they allow it. It's a shit show.

Hunting is the way I described in the earlier post. You basically support the ranger in his district.

>> No.19139627

You just made up the amount of flour to get. By ur own math and common sense the oil is cheaper per calorie so get more oil and less flour and then get other things.

>> No.19139628

>Inorganic arsenic is naturally present at high levels in the groundwater of a number of countries, including Argentina, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Chile, China, India, Mexico, Pakistan, the United States of America and Viet Nam
So, what, just don’t eat rice?

>> No.19139629

U accidentally applied as a waitress not a cook.

>> No.19139642

eat rice specifically from areas of low arsenic

>> No.19139666

Not even subsaharian nigger are thay broke

>> No.19139669
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>> No.19139672
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>> No.19139681

Rice, beans, flour, yeast, and vinegar.

Cup noodles are like $1 each, you wouldn't even get through 3 months with one a day.

>> No.19139698

You don't need a hunting license to go hunting and if you seriously accept the legitimacy of such a license, then you should also know the quotas allotted to hunt certain species at certain times are limited deliberately done to exhaust it as a means of sustenance, thereby undoing the viability of your very suggestion.

>> No.19139703

Don't get the loisense and hunt anyways. Wow, that fucking simple.

>> No.19140715

A gauntlet of eating unleavened bread and oil for meals is kinda fun tbqh. You can pretend you're a Spartan, it's what the Spartans ate.

>> No.19140749 [DELETED] 

Massive sack of rice, bulk cans of chicken broth, and then a couple of bulk pallets of different type of canned vegetables, couple of sacks of beans. I liked the other anon's idea of a multivitamin so stealing that idea too.

Chicken broth is for adding to the rice to give it some salt and flavor, beans for protein, vegetables will help you with vitamins, fiber, and potassium. The multivitamin should fill in any gaps the veggies can't fill.

Not a fun 5 months but you will survive.

>> No.19140752

all true, but the game warden will rape my ass

>> No.19140754

>Some people want to remove the starch to prevent clumping

I've been cooking rice all my life unwashed and never once had it clump up. Fluffy every time. I'm going to have to blame the way they cook it more than the idea of it being washed vs unwashed.

>> No.19140763

Massive sack of rice, bulk cans of chicken broth, and then a couple of bulk pallets of different type of canned vegetables, couple of sacks of beans. I liked the other anon's idea of a multivitamin so stealing that idea too.

Chicken broth is for adding some fat to the rice to give it some salt and flavor, beans for protein, vegetables will help you with vitamins, fiber, and potassium. The multivitamin should fill in any gaps the veggies can't fill.

Not a fun 5 months but you will survive. If you can fish a bit and add some fish into your diet it becomes a whole lot better and easier.

>> No.19140822

First of all, go apply for food stamps and visit some food pantries for variety OP. But:

>50 lb bag of rice from an Asian grocer.
Rice is cheaper at Asian grocers. If you have one, it'll save you money to buy your rice there that you could use elsewhere. Unfortunately I have no idea how much rice you're going to need to last for 5 months. I strongly recommend freezing the rice for at least 48h (at that quantity, it might take longer) and putting it in a solid plastic or glass container with an air-tight lid after, because the first will ensure no eggs in the rice can hatch, and the second will ensure no new eggs get in. It won't make it inedible if bugs do get in, but you don't want to be stuck picking out bugs from rice.
>Dried lentils, beans, and split peas
As much as possible.
You could also get flour and make bread using water and leaving it out to proof for wild yeast. But personally, I think your best bet is rice in terms of satiation and nutrition at your budget.

Hopefully you have bouillon, tomato paste, canned tomatoes, spices, hot sauce, and salt in your pantry to make meals a little more palatable. If not, this is where you start getting condiment packets while you're out - at least salt. Ideally, if you could spring for it, bagged root vegetables like onions, potatoes, carrots, sweet potato could help get you a little more nutrition and variety. But I do not think that trying to stretch the first two for 5 months and adding in those root vegetables is possible. You also don't need perfect nutrition if it's "only" for five months, but trust me you're going to want to be fixing this as soon as possible. I don't know why you're in this kind of situation OP, but go to a food bank, soup kitchen, Church, or something, and get onto food stamps. This is not enough money to live on in any degree in a stable way.

>> No.19140854

>Scurvy is caused by not having enough vitamin C in your diet for at least 3 months.

>> No.19140865

1) I wouldn't get in that situation
2) If I did I definitely wouldn't waste money on canned, overpriced garbage
3) Go wash dishes. Minimum wage is 16 Euro/hour and they're in dire need of dish washers.
tl;dr: stop being a fucking princess, you're the opposite of special, you're a loser. Stop being a loser.

>> No.19140887

Do you fucking realize how much potatoes you can get for the price of one cup of shitty fucking ramen and how much more it actually fills you up? I bet you don't because you're a dumb fucking retard.

>> No.19140889

We have no idea of OP's situation. He could well be seriously mentally or physically disabled. Like you say, most people wouldn't get into that situation.

>> No.19140890

Be fat and fast a lot.

>> No.19140897

All I need is water with Ramen.
With potatoes I need butter, salt, oil etc.

>> No.19140904

you don't even need water with potatoes. literally all you need is heat.

>> No.19140924

The advice is so sound. Potatoes cream, salt and a few herbs and the occasional bout of beef kept Irish peasants alive for centuries. If you watch Depression Clara on YouTube, she talks about living off of potatoes for a lot of their diet.

Shut the fuck up. Mental disability is a myth honestly. Oh, you have bipolar? Take some pills. Oh, you get anxiety when the customers yell? Maybe learn to cope like a fucking adult. Oh, you hear voices? Take medications. Shit, if you try hard enough the government will just give you pills.

Being physically impaired is bullshit too to a degree, there are plenty of fucking jobs handicapped folks can do nowadays, and if you try, there are recruiters who get comission and some sort of social justice thrill when they find some poor schmuck in a wheelchair and get them a job.

>> No.19140929

a bunch of flour and maybe 1 egg per day?

>> No.19140936

>scurvy is caused by not having more than $80 for food for 5 months

>> No.19140950

By having fast food delivered by FedEX.

>> No.19140987

Dry pasta, potatoes or rice. Depends heavily on your location which is the cheapest option. Add a little bit of salt too.
You'll survive but it won't be fun. Once you start getting low on vitamins and other nutrients it will be hell the likes of which you can not even imagine. 5 months might be short enough time to avoid that, not sure.
Instant noodles has never made sense as poverty food and tuna hasn't been cheap since the 90's. I do remember the time in my chosen european shithole when a can labeled as "tuna" was the cheapest single item at the supermarket, now it's one of the most expensive things per kg.
Skip meals at the beginning if possible. Only eat once the pain becomes unbearable, you should be able to regularly do a few days without food before then.
And most importantly, no you're not going insane. That's just your body screaming on the inside as your brain is slowly withering away from the lack of nutrients. Told you it wouldn't be fun. Trust nothing and no one.
I'd honestly recommend stealing over starving. Have you looked at what your local foodbanks and religious communities are offering for the poor?

>> No.19141158

2 50lb sacks of jasmine rice for $60 and then the rest of the $20 for seasonings and shit to put with the rice.

>> No.19141174

Is an all rice diet good for you?

>> No.19141182

Nope, but it'll get you through the 5 months and stop you starving to death.

>> No.19141246

Not him but an all rice diet could lead to any number of diseases. Rice + some legumes + a multivitamin might suffice though.

>> No.19141293

That would be the 'seasonings and shit to go with the rice' that I mentioned to do with the other $20 that was left after buying the rice.

>> No.19141304

You'd need more than $20 worth of
>seasonings and shit
to cover your nutritional needs for 5 months.

>> No.19141316
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My state you can hunt small game without a license, rabbit, squirrel, groundhog, not the best game but they all can make a good stew when times are tight

>> No.19141318

Are there really just random paid government officials wandering around in the woods looking for hunters to check their loicense?

>> No.19141319

You can't buy enough quantity of food to have a balanced diet with only $80, and 5 months isn't enough to get serious malnutrition.

>> No.19141327
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Nah, not if you're in your backyard
And you got cool neighbors
Share the meat with them of course

>> No.19141331

>You can't buy enough quantity of food to have a balanced diet with only $80
Yeah I don't entirely disagree with you there but what I'm saying is that if you spend half of your rice budget on legumes then you'll be better off.

>5 months isn't enough to get serious malnutrition.
That is an incredibly questionable statement.

>> No.19141339

Except then you won't have enough volume of food to ward off starvation. Legumes are way more expensive than rice per pound. You get 50lbs of rice for $30. 50lbs of beans is $100!

>> No.19141346

it's like having an illegal machine gun.
how often have i been asked to show my hunting license? never.
but it would be pretty bad to get asked to show it and i don't have it.

>> No.19141349

You're out in the woods and you have the gun. Who's going to miss one minimum wagie? Sounds like it's time to hunt the most dangerous game.

>> No.19141351

Any time there is the sound of gunshots in wooded areas in my locality, you can basically guarantee that there is a DNR agent en-route to investigate. ESPECIALLY if you're outside of any of the designated hunting seasons.

>> No.19141362

What if they were shooting a squirrel or rabbit?

>> No.19141363

>50lbs of beans is $100!
Then get half as much for $50, it's cheaper than treating the maladies you'll get otherwise.

>> No.19141372

Again, you run into 'insufficient volume of food'. Nobody said anything about this state of affairs continuing beyond the 5 months indicated in the query and that isn't long enough for 'treatment' to be required as dietary modification would be enough to reverse the malnutrition.

>> No.19141373

oil has zero nutritional value it is just pure oxidized plant fat. it gives you caloric content and that's basically it. you need enough flour to give you trace minerals and vitamins. the oil is needed to make fried flatbreads.

also this is just retarded some homeless beggars make more than 80 dollars a day just being crackheads. plus there's all manner of other ways to get food. charity, begging, asking mom, dumpster diving, panhandling, hunting, fishing, foraging, cannibalism, getting a fucking job.

>> No.19141384

I viewed it as a thought experiment.

>> No.19141394

>you run into 'insufficient volume of food'
I'm not entirely certain that's the case. Also 5 months is plenty of time for, off the top of my head, beriberi and scurvy to absolutely fuck you up. At this point I'm going to have to ask you exactly what
>seasonings and shit
you had in mind to keep OP alive for about half a year on white rice.

>> No.19141398

>bro just buy beans and rice!

a lot of you people are underestimating just how long 5 months in, and how little 80 dollars is. we're talking 53 cents a day. the human body needs 2000 calories a day which includes carbs, fats, and proteins + adequate vitamins and minerals.

even the most broke ass african makes more than that and he still is seriously malnourished. Unless you're fat as fuck and can just eat your body weight, you will get seriously ill from vitamin deficiency.

people saying just eat unleavened bread are wrong. flour has 0 vitamin c. 5 months without vitamin c WILL give you scurvy

it's not possible to do this even on the most african tier food. you will either die or get seriously ill from nutritional deficiency

>> No.19141405

>bro just give up and die!

>> No.19141414

The average american can go a year without food. 5 months is just a light diet, buy a couple of mcdoubles once a week and you'll end up with pocket change left over by the end.

>> No.19141415

One item in that was a bottle of cheap multivitamins. You can get a 200 count bottle for less than $9 at WalMart.

>> No.19141419

How many packs of cheap ramen could you get for 80 bucks?

>> No.19141443

>needs 2000 calories a day
hello fatty

>> No.19141446

At 4 for a dollar he could get 320 packs of ramen eat one maybe somedays two a day and steal the fucking vitamins from wal mart

>> No.19141448

Multivitamins are great, I keep plenty around. However they're generally not complete sources even if you account for 100% absorption which isn't happening. 50lbs of rice and 25lbs of legumes would be a healthier split and would put OP well over the American average for each.

>> No.19141456

I'd rather starve then eat rice and beans

>> No.19141461

You people aren't taking into account the suicidal tier depression that would ensue from eating beans and rice for 5 months. Op would kms himself.

>> No.19141478

At least with the ramen he could switch between the chicken, beef, shrimp and other flavors

>> No.19141506

What did you learn about? If you learned about how to balance the ecosystem and how to take care of the fish so there's always something to fish then maybe it was worth it?

>> No.19141517


24 for 5.98 at 190 calories each. you can buy 13 cases giving you 312 packs. 5 months is 150 days meaning you have to survive on 2.08 packs a day, which is 395.2 calories per day.


>> No.19141529

Still possible. In the county jail, It was basically only the food on the treys and Ramen, which was the cheapest on commissary.

>> No.19141538

are you retarded? you would die on 395 calories a day.

>Generally, the recommended daily calorie intake is 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men.

For a male that's only 15% of your caloric needs, for 5 months on end. You'd starve to death.

>> No.19141545

This comes up a lot in survival threads too.
Will it fill you up? Yes.
Does it have a good amount of salt? Yes.
However it requires liquid and a cooking mechanism and is not particularly nutritious.

Take a look at Calorie Mate. You see it come up a lot but when you look at the nutrition facts it's clearly just a replacement breakfast for salarymen who don't want to make too much of a mess on the train to work, you can't survive off of that shit indefinitely.

>> No.19141549

What if you hate rice and beans?

>> No.19141556

A friend of mine in college tried doing that. Her hair started falling out.

>> No.19141559

Be less poor.

>> No.19141568 [DELETED] 

A lot of the chains in my area are hiring wetbacks under the table to work their kitchens. I’m not sure how they’re getting away with it. They busted Tyson a few years ago for stealing SSNs to make their illegals look legit working their plants because thry didn’t want to pay local Americans. Maybe they're all doing that now in my area. I have no idea.

>> No.19141588

That split only gives you a half pound of food each day for the 5 month timeframe.

>> No.19141599

>I’m not sure how they’re getting away with it.
E-verify is very intentionally not enforced. Many large food producers, like Tyson as you mentioned, will work hand in hand with law enforcement to bring in illegals then bus them out as soon as they're eligible for raises. Then the same people come right back up. A big part of why food is so cheap in the US is that we abuse the shit out of illegal labor. Personally I'd rather pay Americans real money to do the work and keep the foreigners foreign but whatever.

>> No.19141612

Did she stop? Or did all her hair fall out?

>> No.19141615
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>8 oz of things that will keep you relatively healthy vs 11 oz of nutritionless gruel

>> No.19141621

Don't eat rabbits as a primary source of meat. You will starve yourself.

>> No.19141629

Because there aren't enough of them or because they're majorly deficient in some nutrient(s) all other meats provide? Don't they literally breed like rabbits?

>> No.19141642

Yeah, it's even better to farm rabbits than chickens. Idk what that guy is talking about

>> No.19141651
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It's too lean

>> No.19141652

Yeah. It really pissed me off. The Mississippi Delta is hands down the poorest part of our country, and Tyson was pulling that shit. Under Trump, love him or hate him, Mississippi had the biggest single-state ICE raid in history raiding Tyson. The day after the raid locals were lining up to either reapply for their old jobs or to just try to grt a job. All this nonsense the media peddles about “they only take the jobs nobody wants to work” is corporate propaganda. Exploits the illegals while leaving locals to starve. Even in the Mississippi Delta of all places. Yay America.

>> No.19141655

She stopped in time but it was falling out in clumps. She’s fill a hairbrush after washing her hair. She tried not washing it then finally went to the doctor, lol. Major deficiencies and her blood pressure was through the roof.

>> No.19141660

You probably use $0.25 in electricity every time you bake bread. So you're in for $35 worth of electricity if you do a loaf a day.
> muh gas stove
poor people have electric

>> No.19141671

So what happened? Did she just go back to normal food and it all grew out again?

>> No.19141672

depends on the electricity where you live. last i checked i pay something like 4 cents / kWh

>> No.19141680

Who the fuck makes RICE into GRUEL? Are you literally retarded?

>> No.19141682

That may be true, but the OP question implied $80 for the foodstuffs, with no mention of prep or storage (fridge). Since he posted ramen noodles, it's likely he wasn't talking about the electricity to boil water or the water bill either.

>> No.19141696

Under 1,300 is where you start getting bad muscle atrophy

>> No.19141701

Good thing crossbows are silent, retard. Go pay your loisense.

>> No.19141705

>Who the fuck makes RICE into GRUEL?
Tons of people. Especially the poor. Why the hostility?

>> No.19141733

your body synthesis all the vitamins it needs except for vitamin C, as long as you are getting a supplement of necessary minerals, minerals which are in sufficient supply in your tap water- and american flour is even fortified. Even then, your body will leach the minerals from your teeth and hair before it impacts your bones or organs. Scurvy requires SEVERE dietary vitamin C deficiency, a daily multi-vitamin reduced to being taken only once a week will cover all the bases.

Your body largely just needs energy to survive. You'll die a LOT faster due to a lack of macronutrients over micronutrients- and micronutrients are actually really easy. You can die so fast due to a lack of macronutrients that you can literally starve to death with ample fat and muscle still on you, and you're likely to be so weak leading up to your death you're at risk of not having the energy to do anything about your impending death. This is why foods such as oil (I think lard might actually be cheaper per calorie, not sure) are incredibly useful- nutritionally, it's ACTUALLY what you need.

>> No.19141763

This is really off topic but I remember how the management started making sure everyone was legally documented the day after the election in anticipation, and it kicked off a huge wave of local hiring. I've been frustrated trying to quantify the different impacts on the economy his various policies had, because the illegal shakeout had such a huge turn everything else could have just been noise.

>> No.19141768

many enzymes require certain elements to function.
chemical elements, i mean.
for example, magnesium is required for various DNA repair enzymes. selenium is involved in thyroid hormones. iron, obviously, in your hemoglobin.

there is a huge number of minerals required for functioning, and their levels in soil will depend on where you live.
you can certainly function with lower levels. imagine your body only has the magnesium to make half as many enzymes to repair DNA. your DNA still gets repaired, it's just that your body will accumulate damage faster. years down the line, the effect could manifest as cancer, or decrease in organ function. your eyes might not work so well, from accumulated errors in the cells of your retina.

i just mean to illustrate there's a wide spectrum, between being able to maintain life, versus satisfying all your body's needs.

>> No.19141807

Most people drastically overestimate the amount of micronutrients they need for both. I'm "flour oil multivitamin camp" anyway, it's by far the cheapest method of obtaining micronutrients. They wouldn't need to be taken daily, and the price should be somewhere close to $0.05 per count. Even at ONE a day for 5 months, the cost shouldn't exceed $8 or $9.(Unfortunately multivitamins are taxed unlike other staple food items).

>> No.19141838

>Most people drastically overestimate the amount of micronutrients they need
to an extent. many micronutrients are needed in truly tiny amounts or are otherwise ubiquitous.
magnesium being the most poignant where this isn't the case. you'd want nearly half a gram of elemental magnesium per day, and that just cannot be crammed into a single pill with everything else. it's present in a lot of foods, but not in the levels required to meet all the demands of the body.
even things "high in magnesium" aren't particularly high in magnesium.
an entire cup of almonds, ~400mg
2.5 cups spinach, ~400mg
1 kilo of oats, ~300mg
5 cups of rice ~400mg

yeah i agree multivitamins are cheap, and i'm late to the thread anyway, i don't know what the solution is.

>> No.19141847

Yup. She got put on meds of some kind (can’t remember. prolly for her blood pressure) and began eating other inexpensive foods. The hair loss stopped real quick if I recall properly. Don’t live on Instant ramen, kids.

>> No.19141892

>Don't eat rabbits as a primary source of meat. You will starve yourself.
Text clearly says its only if you take almost all calories from lean protein. There is no problem eating only rabbits as meat, if you eat everything else like grains, vegetables, nuts and so on. Just look at all the /fit/ guys eating chicken breast (also lean like rabbit), rice and brokkoli.

>> No.19141897

Your kidneys will typically excrete only 120mg of magnesium a day. The claim that a person needs 500mg of ingested magnesium per day to maintain a balance based upon the idea of fractional digestive uptake is probably intentionally bold- the disadvantages of ingesting a lot of magnesium is a lot smaller than ingesting too little, and it's not hard to get dietary magnesium. In reality, the typical body won't need that much.
And in the atypical scenario of going 5 months on $80, the kidneys will probably excrete lower amounts of magnesium.
Even so, there is 25mg of magnesium in 100 grams of flour(approx daily intake in calories), 100mg +/- 20mg of magnesium in a multivitamin, and another 9mg on average per liter of tap water.

>> No.19142035

Bus ticket away from whatever shit hole turdworld country I'm in.

>> No.19142040

Beans, rice, and some frozen vegetables.

>> No.19142051

You can not get all of this for 80 dollars anymore.

>> No.19142055

>NEEDS to dress up potatoes
you are poor now, stop thinking in lies

>> No.19142074

I saw a show and a lil old man lived on nothing but a bland cup of noodles once a day granted he was not the robust person but this how he survived

>> No.19142097

WHAT? the reason they came here was because the potato was killing them no nutrients, can't just cook potato 50 different ways you'll still starve

>> No.19142117

I hope to god you find yourself in one of those situations, never know car wreck can change alot in someone's life

>> No.19142145

Yeah didn't the call that
"The Great Potato Famine" ?

>> No.19142152

>go to the construction site on your street and ask for one, they'll throw $50/hr
ask me how I know you've never had a job

>> No.19142167

>you can literally starve to death with ample fat
Ah I see we have another graduate from broscience university. Remember amerilards, if you aren't eating at least 5000 calories in burgers daily you will starve to death even as you struggle to fit through the door of the mcdonalds.

>> No.19142178

that is entry level depression

>> No.19143147

My soil pH is around 9.6 and I need 7.8 max to grow potatoes.
Besides, growing potatoes needs more than 5 months. We have seasons like spring or winter for a good reason. No plant wants to freeze in winter, so they take a long time until the right temperature is there.

>> No.19144748

Use that 80$ for bus tickets and go to the food bank

>> No.19144821

Most people are too retarded to be able to successfully hunt with either bow or crossbow. That is why they use guns, point and fire with no mental investment required.

>> No.19144851

You’re on 4chan sir

>> No.19144929

Start making friends at restaurants. Figure out when they pitch the leftovers.

>> No.19145157

Ok here is a cheat trick. You can use pure oats for breakfast. With hot water, without anything else. This will cost you almost nothing and contribute to 1/3rd of your entire food

>> No.19145811

yes they're usually called game wardens. They will check your license and mag capacity if they want to. Last season I came back from squirrel hunting with the bag limit and a pair of teens were busted for bow hunting deer without a license. Here in Michigan there's roughly 2 per county so I see them on the state hunting lands often

>> No.19145929

they're called game warden, and not hunter warden for a reason, time to get huntin', anon

>> No.19146046

the mental gymnastics this dude did to justify theft is ridiculous

>> No.19146049


>> No.19146320

75 gallons of water. Spend the rest on pink salt and baking soda. Fast 5 months straight.

>> No.19147091

Kek, based
What happened to the kiddos? Bad fine or warning?

>> No.19147599

just do it nigger, store employees are legally obligated to let you get away with it
also raising chicken is not illegal and you can leave fatties to die by committing tax evasion

>> No.19147601

You are doing crazy mental gymnastics to justify paying for shit.

>> No.19147853

They know they have no dignity left so they just cope like that
Bizarre trashy behavior

>> No.19147862

I think he is just 16 years old and edgy

>> No.19147869

Make a bow and arrow. It'll take like 15 shots to kill a deer with a piece of shit weapon made from scraps but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.19147872


>> No.19147876
File: 458 KB, 827x752, schizo gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will NEVER take my meds

>> No.19147886

You need to get a job or you will starve to death
McDonald's pays like $25 an HR these days cause no one wants to do it
Work for like 1 day man

>> No.19147913

that's because restaurants only hire people they know have no other option or choice so they can force them to work in trash conditions, if you can find a job elsewhere at any time you are not considered

>> No.19148581

bread, yeast, krusteaz pancake mix, butter, the discount meat on the edge of the shelf for 99 cents, olive oil, pasta, herb plant, carrots.

>> No.19148784

With so little money for 5 months, you're fucked either way, so ylu might as well sell ass. No homo you just need to eat. I would try food banks first tho.

>> No.19148999

Barter, service, purchase. Ever hear of them? Has been around for at least a millennium. Very simple stuff. No gymnastics are required.