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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19135425 No.19135425 [Reply] [Original]

Where is there threshold between “sandwich” and “burger”?

>> No.19135434

Minced meat.

>> No.19135439

burger = a sandwich made using a ground meat patty
anything else is just a sandwich

>> No.19135441
File: 560 KB, 1000x1500, B166CBD3-8246-4B45-B972-4FDC6CA78AE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19135447

If those are cutlets, that's not a burger. If those are ground chicken patties, then that's a burger. This is not rocket science.

>> No.19135452

It only exists because Indians cannot pronounce "sandwich" and Yum Brands realized this lmao

>> No.19135464

>Ground Chicken


>> No.19135470

It depends entirely on where you live in the world. In Commonwealth countries, burger is commonly used for any hot sandwich containing a patty (whether a cutlet patty or a ground meat patty). In America, burger is ONLY used for ground meat patties.

>> No.19135479

If it's on a bun its a burger
On bread it's a sandwich
Don't listen to mutts, they live on another planet

>> No.19135487

If I put a few cut pieces of ham between burger buns, is this a hamburger?

>> No.19135491

buns are bread you dumb nigger

>> No.19135613

thick meat

>> No.19135615

it's a sandwich with extra floofy bread

>> No.19135631

What about patty melts?


>> No.19135638

A burger is made with a ground beef patty on a bun. Anything else is a sandwich.

>> No.19135651

simultaneously a burger, a sandwich, and a melt. A melt is a type of sandwich and a burger is also a type of sandwich. The name was chosen because of context; someone wanted to make a melt using burger patties, ergo, a patty melt.

>> No.19135677

all burgers are sandwiches but not all sandwiches are burgers

>> No.19136322

>burger bun
>single piece of cooked meat or cope meat
>some kind of salad

Basically it's a burger if it takes the form of a burger.

>> No.19136330

A burger has voluminous, round patty and bun, a sandwich has much thinner, sliced stuff and bread.

>> No.19136337

Well if this isn't another semantics autism thread.
The buns make the burger.

>> No.19136402

Burger buns

>my baguette steak haché is a burger

>> No.19136406

Hotdog is burger

>> No.19136457

Sandwhiches are cold, burgers are hot. Sandwhiches are designed to be stored for eating later like at work. Burgers are designed to be eaten in the moment. If the chicken is fried, hot and crispy it is a burger, if you leave that same burger to cool and wrap it for eating later, it os now a sandwhich. End of conversation.

>> No.19136461

if the bread and meat is circular its a burger. you wouldn't want to call that asymmetrical fried chicken a patty. so bun+patty = burger

>> No.19136535

red meat minced into a patty

>> No.19136542

>sandwiches are cold
grilled cheese, ham and cheese and hot browns exist you faggot who grew up with a lazy mom

>> No.19136779

If my burger goes cold does it transform into a sandwich?

>> No.19136842

What about subs with burger meat in them?

>> No.19136846

>meat minced into a patty

>> No.19136852

Who the fuck cares where the threshold between sandwich and burger is besides you? Get a life.

>> No.19136860

We are trying to figure out this complex issue.

>> No.19137552
File: 391 KB, 1000x820, notaburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the bread and meat is circular its a burger

>> No.19137557

It's a slider

>> No.19138793

Why are ESLs trying to force this as the latest meme? Everybody knows what a bur...
>nobody in the thread is able to define a burger
Never mind. I guess I figured it out.

>> No.19138805

A burger is a hamburger. Anything else is a sandwich. What's so HARD to understand?

>> No.19138850

I'm so tired of these threads.
A burger is ground meat shaped into a patty.
A sandwich is everything else between bread.

>> No.19138856

yes sandwiches can be served hot and cold. but if you serve a cold burger, you fucked up.
its not even like with pizza where a cold burger might taste just as good as a hot one in its own way. its just plain wrong to serve cold

>> No.19138876

A burger is a type of sandwich

Looks good, and the ratio of protein to calories is great

>> No.19138882

Uses hamburger buns

Uses bread that isn't hamburger buns

>> No.19139055

A burger is a type of sandwich, that is, a piece of meat between bread. In order to be a hamburger, it has to be made of ham, not chicken.

>> No.19139352

Wendy’s also has square patties

>> No.19139357

>what is a patty melt

>> No.19139364

what is it

>> No.19139370

This sort of thing makes reddit jannies freak the hell out.

>> No.19139451

>their great big giga-insult to Americans hinges on a word they do not know the actual meaning of

>> No.19139466

Like a typical cheeseburger in terms of beef patty and cheese, except instead of the standard bun, the bread is treated kind of like bread of a grilled cheese

>> No.19139478

Its a sandwich then

>> No.19139495

stop replying to ai posts

>> No.19139527

>ESLs can't pronounce "sandwich"
>really desperately want every sandwich to be a "burger" now
It's not hard to figure out

>> No.19139554

Chicken patty sandwiches are ground chicken patties but still considered sandwiches

>> No.19139558

A burger is a type of sandwich, dummy. It isn't an either/or thing.

>> No.19139568
File: 1.19 MB, 1301x622, mcdo spicy chichen burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Largest burger seller on earth
> some shitpig on /ck/
hmmm, who to trust

>> No.19139569

sandwich is sliced bread
burger is buns

>> No.19139635

“Chicken Sandwich” just sounds better than “Chicken Burger.” Simple as.

>> No.19139670


We're supposed to trust those who eat pagpag?

>> No.19139706

>those fucking dicked-up fries
I don't want to even ask what thirdie shithole you're from but it wouldn't surprise me if you can't pronounce "sandwich" and McDonald's is pandering to your retardation

>> No.19139894

chicken doesnt count ESL

>> No.19139905

>derived from "hamburg" and german seasoned ground beef
>earliest accounts are either 100% beef or beef pork red meat mix
>shitty corporate fastfood company makes third worlders think chicken burgers are a thing

>> No.19139936

>round bread at top and bottom
>flat bread at top and bottom

Simple as. Anyone who disagrees is a contrarian fuck who cannot look past semantics and thinking colloquialisms are worse than murder

>> No.19139938

>taylor ham is a burger

>> No.19139939

Is it not? Looks like burger to me

>> No.19139997

A chicken patty is breaded. An unbreaded ground chicken patty sandwich is called a burger. It's really that consistent in America (the only place that matters)

>> No.19140001

burgers are fucking sandwiches you yankee piece of shit fucktard

>> No.19140238

It’s worse than you think. The morons who made this language have gaslit me into multiple hour long arguments about this topic.

I wish we helped Germany blow apart the UK. Every “citizen” culled.

>> No.19140316

A hamburger without a bun is still a hamburger
A sandwich without bread is a salad

>> No.19140428

Burger is short for hamburger you stupid fuck. If there isn't hamburger meat or "minced meat" then it isn't a burger.

>> No.19140469

Bringing this back

>> No.19140470

That's a chopped cheese

>> No.19140526

What the... that should be a nationwide thing.

>> No.19140563

Thanks buhrock.

>> No.19140756

No, a hamburger without a bun is a patty

>> No.19140779
File: 945 KB, 804x698, Screenshots_2023-04-08-11-09-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's Hamburg(er) steak the original Hamburger

>> No.19140806

Similar to a cheesesteak and a reuben, once a sub like sandwich leaves the northeastern united states it becomes worse. Cold deli meat sandwiches are cheap enough to become profitable in other parts of the US, but they still suck in comparison. Cooked meat subs just devolve into trash and unprofitablity if they are the focus.

Not sure why, but atleast in Chicago its because people are used to a garbage sandwich and shitty bread. Italian beefs are a shitty wet inferior versions of a cheese steak and Italian sub bread is like biting down into flavorless steel plates.

>> No.19140956


>> No.19140972
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Is it a sandwich or a Manwich?

>> No.19141312

>americans put hamburg steak on a bun and call it a burger
>becomes popular and spreads overseas
>foreign subhumans are introduced to the concept of a sliced bun for the first time and proceed to call anything served on a bun a "burger"
>foreign subhumans proceed to berate Americans because we use the correct terminology for a food we created

>> No.19141385

Mandatory nation flags will fix this board and several others overnight.

>> No.19141391

It's called a burger because of the hamburger. If it doesn't have hamburger then it's not a burger.

>> No.19141440

It's a burger if the meat is formed together into a single solid

>> No.19141450

>meatloaf is a burger

>> No.19141484

reminder that the ONLY countries that have a problem with this are outside the US. A burger is a shortened word for hamburger, case closed.

>> No.19141687

what's the difference between a chicken burger and a chicken sandwich?

>> No.19141703

I meant inside two pieces of bread you fucking autistic

>> No.19141704

no such thing as a chicken burger unless you want to count ground chicken as a burger sub but even that is frowned on

>> No.19141728

>a meatloaf sandwhich is a burger

>> No.19141729

As an American, I will accept chicken/turkey/sausage and even mushroom "burgers" provided they are actually ground meat formed into a patty and not whole cutlets or breaded or any of that gay shit. Non-Americans can get fucked, I hope Ivan and Chang rape your mouths and assholes.

>> No.19141747

this is the worst explanation I’ve ever seen

>> No.19141753
File: 56 KB, 616x924, Chicken-Burgers-6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. this is the only plausible example of a "chicken burger" BUT STILL frowned upon especially since now we know that fat makes you fat is a meme and there is no reason to want a super lean burger

>> No.19141754

don’t be disingenuous. meatloaf is cooked then sliced

>> No.19141760

so a burger stops being a burger when you bite it?

>> No.19141769
File: 605 KB, 1024x538, BurgerKingPregnancyWhopper.jpg-1-1024x538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it matter? Does anything matter anymore? Does it really matter what the threshold is when things like pic related exists? God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.

>> No.19141780

The big problem to me with "chicken burgers" isn't the fact that it's not beef, it's that chicken (and turkey) is dry and bland as fuck. So, you end up with a situation where you have to season it heavily or use additives which then breaks another burger rule: no fillers or excess seasoning. Because once you go beyond salt & pepper you're basically getting close to a meatloaf sandwich, which is fine, they're good, but they're not burgers either.

I would argue that most chicken/turkey "burgers" you buy frozen and pre-formed are chickenloaf or turkeyloaf sandwiches (but you can find pure turkey burger or chicken burger fresh)

>> No.19141934

Burgers have at least one patty of hamburger(i.e. ground beef). Veggie burger is a misnomer and an abomination. It's a vegetable sandwich.

No beef = no burger, simple as.

>> No.19141938


>> No.19142080

it's literally called a HAM burger

>> No.19142137

Burgers are usually ground meat with some texture. So if you have a pizza with just pepperoni, that's an open-faced sandwich. But if you add coarsely-ground insect meat, then the pizza is an open-faced burger. Similarly a hot-dog sandwich becomes a burger if the eyelids and toenails are ground more coarsely than a paste.

>> No.19142148

I'd say the bun is more important than the patty to define a burger
OP's pic feels more like a burger than a beef patty inside a ciabatta or two pieces or sliced bread

>> No.19142182

Unironically based and 100% correct.

>> No.19142184

>I'd say the bun is more important than the patty
And I'd say you're a retard. The word burger is shortened from hamburger which means a beef patty. If it isn't a patty then it isn't a burger. It's like calling pizza and spaghetti both pastas because you think the tomato sauce is the most important thing in defining what is and isn't pasta.

>> No.19142200
File: 26 KB, 474x355, yum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Louise's Lunch in Connecticut puts their hamburgers on sliced Wonderbread from the dumpster behind 7-Eleven, and they actually invented American hamburgers don-cha-know.

>> No.19142206

looks like a sandwich

>> No.19142211

Not a burger nor a sandwich

>> No.19142220
File: 161 KB, 1000x667, bagel-bacon-sausage-and-egg-breakfast-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you would call this a burger?

>> No.19142227
File: 83 KB, 1200x1186, Coney-Island-Hot-Dogs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you explain this?

>> No.19142231

Hot wieners are wicked good. Probably the most based food

>> No.19142245

Pickles. A burger must include pickles. If there are no pickles then it’s a sandwich.

>> No.19142330

looks like a flint style coney. im more about the detroit style with the thinner sauce tbpqhwyf

>> No.19142337
File: 720 KB, 1722x500, kfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFC calls them burgers, they're burgers

>> No.19142501
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>hur dur burger on white bread huh??
That's called a patty melt, retard. Something else that 'poors know nothing about. It's a grilled cheese sandwich with a hamburger patty and sometimes grilled onions.

>> No.19142512

>cutlet patty
that's not a thing. a patty is ground a cutlet is not
> In America, burger is ONLY used for ground meat patties.
pic related is referred to as chicken burger because it's a patty.

>> No.19142525

I just call meat/fish Inside bread sandwiches when ever I feel like It. Whatever.

>> No.19143081

it clearly says in the filename that it's a bagel

>> No.19143085

>this Jewish corporation told me what to think
Good goy.

>> No.19143090

>wake yup drunk
>search for a can opener for 2 hours
>all for a can of "manwich"
>it's all just sauce
>just add meat it says
God hates me, right? Goes god hate women? Why did I have to be born?

>> No.19143112
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>image waking up and losing mind over some meatless sauce
I'm so stupid, I'm so dumb that I want to cry. It said meat on the cover I thought it had meat in it. I actually want to die.

>> No.19143144


>> No.19143276

That's pretty sad, bro. There really isn't any reason they couldn't put the beef in there. You have my sympathies.

>> No.19143390
File: 24 KB, 447x686, 05A5991E-1AFA-4BDE-8772-5611EB115E5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Where is The

>> No.19143394

so is a mcchicken a burger?
it's made from ground chicken formed into a patty.
why do americans call it a sandwich?

>> No.19143413

Americans are very thin skinned desu

>> No.19143422

That is a toasted sandwhich, not a sandwich.

>> No.19143425


>> No.19143436

No. McChicken is breaded. It being minced/ground/processed is merely incidental to it's manufacturing and quality control. They'd make it out of solid chicken if they could. It's essentially a re-constituted solid patty.

All you have is some retarded attempt to troll Americans on their own turf, which you're shit at because both culturally and linguistically you are inferior to Americans, so your trolls never work. It's more like a middle ages peasant jeering at his rulers than it is actual trolling.

>> No.19143444

Americans are unimaginably anal about what's a burger but then they proceed to eat "cheese" that has 0% dairy in it.

>> No.19143464
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>> No.19143470

>I'm foreign and I can't pronounce "sandwich": the thread

>> No.19143477

i don't think sandwich is a particularly hard word to say. what foreigns can't say "sandwich"?

>> No.19143481

You've worked yourself into a seethe because different countries use different words

>> No.19143492

>you're worked up
>you're seething
You post that as if there is some kind of equivalency here. I cannot express to you how little Americans care about the rest of the world. Meanwhile, you are obsessed with every product America shits out. You are a nuisance at best when you aren't being used for peasant labor.

>> No.19143495
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Its 8:27am and thus thread has got me fuming! If it isn't ground turkey, ground beef or ground chicken between 2 hamburger Buns, ITS NOT A BURGER.

>> No.19143964

>Americans are unimaginably anal about what's a burger
Y'all are using a word completely wrong and are desperately clinging with everything you got to prove something that isn't correct. We're merely explaining to you that burger is short for hamburger. That's it. All the seething is by UK/AUS idiots mad at how stupid they are that they can't understand a simple concept.

>> No.19144328

What about a black bean burger? Is that a bean sandwich?

>> No.19144450

A patty melt on some rye bread beats out mid burgers. Add some sauerkraut on a patty melt and you've on another level.

>> No.19144487

That's pretty close to Reuben. Do you go full Russian dressing or what?

>> No.19144718 [DELETED] 

>this is a burger

>> No.19144734
File: 1.17 MB, 1200x795, doner wrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is clearly a burger

>> No.19144850

Keep typing up a storm, really proves your point

>> No.19144946

That's the beauty of it. Makes no difference. You're still irrelevant and live in a shithole. Enjoy your pity (You)s, worldie.

>> No.19145086

the burger class is a subclass of the sandwich superclass.

>> No.19145142
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 48FA09B6-D6E5-4322-A38F-AA5C94ECF27C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no schmurger
opinion discarded instantly

>> No.19145151

Ground beef or mostly gound beef is a burger. Everything else is a sandwich.

>> No.19145320
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>That's the beauty of it. Makes no difference. You're still irrelevant and live in a shithole. Enjoy your pity (You)s, worldie.