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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19133822 No.19133822 [Reply] [Original]

What should I eat during Good Friday?

>> No.19133826

Something from an Arab culture, LMAO

>> No.19133832

Eggs, fish, dairy. Something simple, not too filling. Remember that eating during Good Friday isn't for pleasure, so don't go for anything fancy.

>> No.19133840
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larp thread from election tourists
Anime website, not compatible with piety.

>> No.19133856

Try to fast. See if you have the willpower to.

>> No.19133891

lots of meat

>> No.19133899

food, preferably

>> No.19134028

whatever you want.

>Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen and understand. What goes into a man's mouth does not make him `unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him `unclean. '"

>> No.19134052

im pretty sure youre meant to eat fish

>> No.19134119

What would have been jesus' favorite doujinshi and McDonald's order

>> No.19134186

This. Catholics will all go to hell. Catholicism has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ.

>> No.19134192

LOL i cant beleive its good friday
Im eating lamb rn

>> No.19134198

>Listen and understand. What goes into a man's mouth does not make him `unclean,'
i think if jesus ever saw fast food or american cuisine in general, i think he'd change his mind on that one

>> No.19134201


>> No.19134210

A magic cracker of immortality, but pretend it’s a piece of the dead guy.
t. raised Catholic

>> No.19134394

Cry more bitch nigger fuck

>> No.19134419

how christlike

>> No.19134440

this, sample the body of christ in remembrance of him

>> No.19134442


>> No.19134445

If you knew anything about your own religion you wouldn't commit this heresy. The cracker is the literal body of Christ according to the laws of your own supposed religion. You need to read up nigger. Transubstantiation.

>> No.19134452

I remember when they explained that I n Sunday school. “It’s still a cracker, but through priest magic, it’s ALSO LITERALLY the body of Christ. And that watered down wine is literally his blood. It’s a mystery.”

>> No.19134457

every friday is good
eat whatever the fuck you want

>> No.19134495

Except it isn't a mystery. It's written canonical law based on flawed Aristotelian logic. Based on the specific text of the bible that strengthened the Roman empire at the nicean council.

>> No.19134499

im not catholic
why are you mad

>> No.19134500

Also id just like to add I'm not an atheist I most definitely believe in God. And I only disagree with 2 things Jesus said in the scriptures. But believing in the Catholic church is fucking retarded.

>> No.19134504
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>> No.19134506

Canon literally refers to it as a mystery.

The manner in which the change occurs, the Roman Catholic Church teaches, is a mystery: "The signs of bread and wine become, in a way surpassing understanding, the Body and Blood of Christ."

>> No.19134526

15th century canonical law definition of "mystery" is very different from 21st century definition of the word. They have literal philosophical treatises about it. The Catholic church has a very convoluted but supposedly logical process for transubstantiation. You merely need to look it up the information is out there. It mainly has to do with flawed linguistical logic that Aristotle started. Again you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.19135090

day of abstinance and fasting, meaning no meat, and for food, 1 normal meal and 2 small meals, the sum of which does not exceed the normal meal.

>> No.19135109

shrimp po boy, the classic.

>> No.19135127

but how come the thing with the gays tho if suckin dick is not unclean

>> No.19135152

you've gotten through this many fridays of no meat, how do you need ck's help now?

just have some salted cod fish or fry up a piece of halibut.

>> No.19135165

easter eggs fuccboi

>> No.19135171

Matthew 15:11
King James Version
11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

>> No.19135176

hey wouldn't explain that it was magic unless you went to a false church because God hates magicians.

>> No.19135181

the consent given by the dick sucker is unclean.

>> No.19135247

It was a Catholic church, and they don’t use words like “magic”, they prefer to invent new words like “transubstantiation”, which is basically another way of saying magic.

>> No.19135266

mac and cheese with béchamel >>19134609

>> No.19135288
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Didn't Christ declare all foods clean, as the lord made them, so long as you give thanks for them? Regardless, I hate idol-worshipping cults and Jesus Christ pretty damned awesome.

>> No.19135339

Christ is Lord of all foods, that’s why we eat him as a cracker every Sunday.

>> No.19135436
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You look like that and sound like that

>> No.19135928

I like being anonymous because having a username with you post invites the sin of pride.

>> No.19135938

Not eating meat is a not done because the meat is unclean but because it is a small sacrifice made to prepare oneself for the celebration of easter.

>> No.19136437

Retarded protestants and ahteists assblasted ITT
Prety ironic considering atheist religion main priest, Richard Dawkins, is the one going around US debating protestants.

>> No.19136441

cum, like Jesus did.

>> No.19136449

Ritual abstention is a form of giving thanks.

>> No.19136453

>bake bread
>don't wait for it to rise
>eat it and flee the country
simple as

>> No.19136456

accept the fact that jesus was gay libtard communist and that his mother cheated on Joseph with some sweaty goat herder

>> No.19136458

Come post in my Filet Of Fish thread friend

>> No.19136466

that's what pastor shaniqua (she/they) would make you believe during holy dildo forehead application would make you believe

>> No.19136480

the bible unfortunately kinda supports a lot of that, I know christians really HATE reading their bible (IF they can even read, that is lol), but maybe consider it some day.
It's a different book than what your "pastor"would have you believe....
Also, real christians wouldn't visit 4chan

>> No.19136505

I think you need to stop assuming what Jesus would think, heretic.

>> No.19136507

Now I know you're talking out of ass and don't know anything. There is not such thing as Christian faith. Christianity is a general term that includes so many antagonistic to eachother religions that it's just stupid to use it, as it means nothing.

>> No.19136521

>There is not such thing as Christian faith. Christianity is a general term that includes so many antagonistic to eachother religions that it's just stupid to use it, as it means nothing.
you write like some american evangelical

>> No.19136621

I guess some american sects can say one correct thing every now and then.

>> No.19136628

>Protestants seething this hard itt over a simple day of fasting in commemoration of Jesus' death
Really shows how their "faith" is based around doing absolutely nothing but going to church and saying the magic words once per week. You know who else acted like this? The Pharisees. Protestants are LITERALLY the Pharisees that Jesus came to earth specifically to remove from power.

>> No.19136638


>> No.19136718


>> No.19136826

jesus' cum

>> No.19136835

>Matthew 15:11
>t. Jesus Christ is my nigga

>> No.19136843

You shouldn't be eating anything because it's Ramadan. Stop following a fake polytheistic religion.

>> No.19136858

More like Ramalamalabambadan, amirite?

>> No.19136877


>> No.19136892

We’ll just have to agree to disagree, then.

>> No.19136896

this guy thinks easter is over already

>> No.19136904

Water fasting today an then a snack mid-day tomorrow before the Easter Feast

>> No.19137003

Christianity came first Mohamad sorry

>> No.19137009

i always thought islamic religion started in the babylonian times

>> No.19137174

You should eat a food that can fill you in a small quantity and avoid red meat. Since it's still fasting period.
For me it's Mushroom soup.
Mashed Potato
Dinner/Breakfast can be just a coffee and a piece of bread.

>> No.19137192

a box of jesus juice and communion lasagna

>> No.19137235
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>Having a name invites the sin of pride
So you're saying that imageboards are a satanic subversion of the god given burden of personal reputation?

>> No.19137253
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>> No.19137480

Islam is a continuation of the Abrahamic tradition. Abraham and Noah were Muslim. Muhammad just happens to be the last prophet in a line of prophets of the same religion which date back to a very old time.

Christianity is a corrupted offshoot, as ridiculous and wrong as Mormonism or Scientology. You can barely call it an offshoot because it throws away all tradition and sense. Christians are polytheists who believe in three gods and worship a number of humans in addition. They follow a book of hearsay tall tales that were recorded centuries after Jesus' death by a minority of cultists, and then proceeded to warp the message of Jesus even more radically over the additional centuries, until we get what we have today which is a completely schizophrenic mishmash of unfounded beliefs invented by men.

>> No.19137586 [DELETED] 

Good Friday is next week, Pascha is on the 12th. You are all a bunch of heretics
>t. orthodox

>> No.19137614

Again, how old was Aisha, the wife of Muhammad, when he married her?

>> No.19137642

Good Friday is next week. Pascha ("Easter") is on the 16th. You are all a bunch of heretics.
>t. orthodox

>> No.19137710

This is a question to ask your priest or pastor or someone like that instead of a bunch of weirdos on a mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.19138302

Older than the millions* of boys that the Catholic Pope and priests rape

*333,000 confirmed in France ALONE!

>> No.19138476

But then how can he larp?

Based Church. Every girl those boys bed is getting sloppy seconds.

>> No.19138536

people like you are legitimately schizophrenic

>> No.19138567

christianity is an acceptable schizophrenic apocalypse cult dont judge

>> No.19138591

A steak

>> No.19138613
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I made a wrap with fried eggplant, fresh mozarella, roasted red peppers, spinach, and balsamic glaze.

>> No.19138663

Elaborate. In what way does my post not make sense, let alone displays signs of mental illness?

>> No.19138669

Schizophrenics typically default to Christianity. It’s a real thing that needs to be discussed. You don’t see schizos on the street claiming to be Ganesh. No, they all tune into the Christ vibe for some reason,

>> No.19138800

Christianity is popular with schizos because it requires mental illness to attribute counterparts to God. Even children naturally understand that there is only one God, not three, and that worshipping humans such as Jesus and Mary is nonsensical.

>> No.19138833

Not him, but I also thought your post was schizophrenic so I'll answer your question. It's not that it didn't make sense, I actually completely follow your line of reasoning. 4chan didn't used to be a moralfag website, a wave of moralfags came in 2016, and now you see a post like this, therefore the OP is an election tourist. It also makes sense culturally, in the sense that a lot of people repeat similar sentiments so I'm familiar with the line of reasoning.
The reason why it's schizo is because most Christians on this website aren't actually election tourists. Like more than half of the anarchist/libertarian/apolitical oldfags have become conservative or alt-right by now, if they didn't troon out. Most people's ideology has evolved in the last 10-20 years. And also, 2016 was 7 years ago, a lot of new people have come here since the election was old news. Clinging to "election tourists" as your boogeyman for everything is crazy. And additionally, the OP has a tame and friendly tone, but your reply has an angry and unhinged tone.

>> No.19138837

Just swallow the nut and you've fooled God. Give yourself a pat on the back, Shmuel.

>> No.19138860

>The reason why it's schizo is because most Christians on this website aren't actually election tourists. Like more than half of the anarchist/libertarian/apolitical oldfags have become conservative or alt-right by now, if they didn't troon out. Most people's ideology has evolved in the last 10-20 years. And also, 2016 was 7 years ago, a lot of new people have come here since the election was old news. Clinging to "election tourists" as your boogeyman for everything is crazy.
What a nothingburger. You're wrong btw.

>And additionally, the OP has a tame and friendly tone, but your reply has an angry and unhinged tone.
Because you fags rewriting the history of the site to larp here is really annoying and tired.

>> No.19138867

the body and blood ah christ ye sinner

>> No.19139783

Religion is the biggest grift in history. What a farse.

>> No.19139786

......what the fuck are you talking about?
I dunno but it better be.....GOOD! kek

>> No.19139852

because atheists are generally angry, unhinged people

>> No.19139857
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Best Friday.

>> No.19139878

Killing yourself had already been established as a sin

>> No.19139884

Had a joyous and happy GOOD Friday

>> No.19139895
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>> No.19139900

You know anon

, Good Friday isn't exactly a
>Happy and joyous

>> No.19140220

beer and cigs
i think i have a snickers somewhere too

>> No.19140250

I’m going to skin the Protestants.

>> No.19140268

oh yum, warm poop! nummy!

>> No.19140299

Source? Seems like a pretty big claim to just throw out there.

>> No.19141388

>What should I eat during Good Friday?

>> No.19142120

All religions are fake. You didn't conveniently get born into the correct religion. You're just going along with what you were indoctrinated to believe.
You're a mindless sheep.

>> No.19142132

shut up my family has a direct line to god

>> No.19143000


>> No.19143088
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easter cake

>> No.19143116
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>All religions are fake. You didn't conveniently get born into the correct religion. You're just going along with what you were indoctrinated to believe.
>You're a mindless sheep.