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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19130667 No.19130667 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys handle cooking around lactose intolerant subhumans and other "people" with food intolerance? Do they deserve to eat in your house?

>> No.19130677

I tell them that they can handle it for one meal, and if they completely avoid it their issues will just get worse and worse whenever they accidentally eat some.

>> No.19130692

Wife is allergic to gluten and dairy. As in actually allergic. I substitute ingredients where needed and make separate dishes when I really want the "real" stuff. I do this because I'm not a whiney little bitch who can't stand the idea of someone using anything but the most common ingredients.

>> No.19130698

Hasn't exposure therapy and slowing building up tolerance been shown to be an effective treatment?

>> No.19130700

good job hooking up with a genetic dead end, retard

>> No.19130702

Depends on the person, but yeah. Obviously if you obsessively avoid a specific ingredient most of your life your body will FLIP THE FUCK OUT when it encounters it. You don't need science - which is fake and gay anyway - to understand that.

>> No.19130703

do you make her fancy little meringue cookies?

>> No.19130706

Thanks, nigger.

>> No.19130707

I know that you're only joking but the fact that some people really are this shallow in real life is sad.

>> No.19130712

She does love meringue, but she's the one good at baking and I handle the cooking

>> No.19130713

Guys drawing blush on guys and thinks he is not a soyboy

>> No.19130715

>Subhuman bodies: Food is too spicy for me so to protect you from it I'm going self destruct now and die

>> No.19130717

I don't enjoy calling a man's wife fat so I apologize, but she's fat isn't she

>> No.19130718

My gf developed lactose intolerance in her late 20s, was really out of nowhere, just suddenly started getting upset stomach and the shits whenever she consumed milk or things with lactose. Then we found lactose-free milk and now it's rarely ever an issue. Not nut or soy milk, just regular milk with the lactose removed. I drink it too now since that's just what is in the fridge even though I have no dairy issues, but the lactose-free stuff tastes exactly the same as regular. Very little price difference. I advise you switch to that if you're having lactose intolerant problems.

>> No.19130720


>> No.19130723

lactose is a unique tasting sugar so big fat DOUBT on tasting the same

>> No.19130736

i just get gassy, not that big of a deal
i'm not sure what gluten-free people eat all the time, i guess meat and rice would be okay?

>> No.19130748
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to me, it tastes like corn-flavored milk, not bad though

>> No.19130750

there's a fun recipe out there for meringue cookies that's like 2 egg whites, brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, chocolate chips, and pecans. When you plop em on a baking tray you make em all ugly using two spoons to shape em

>> No.19130755

I used to be able to drink milk, but I went a long stretch where I only drank water and Steel Reserve, so now I can't process it right.

>> No.19130765
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We've never been big milk-drinkers so if you think it tastes different, it probably does. Always preferred 2% milk anyway, and testing regular 2% side-by-side 2% lactose-free, tastes exactly the same to me.

Never tried lactose-free whole milk since we prefer the 2% and I don't think I've tried that brand.

>> No.19130787

i've been vegan since the late 1900s and i prefer black coffee at my age

>> No.19130801

this shit always tastes super sweet, tastes nothing like regular milk

>> No.19130841

>Then we found lactose-free milk and now it's rarely ever an issue. Not nut or soy milk, just regular milk with the lactose removed
Bro we all know what lactaid is

>> No.19130861

Imagine thinking you are any way intimidating by screeching about milk and your tummy.

>> No.19130944

Seething swarthoid

>> No.19130973
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No. My rats do.

>> No.19130993

I can kinda understand having lactose intolerance if you have some fucked up digestive system but asking for soy milk in particular when other sorts of lactose free milks exist like almond milk? JUST FUCKING GETTING OUTTA MY FACE!

>> No.19131027
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I like ordering WHOLE MILK when getting coffee or something

>> No.19131276

>lactose intolerant people can't have nut allergies; it's impossible to have both!

>> No.19131296

>ordering anything other than black coffee
soy boys and women

>> No.19131336

imagine cursing your offspring forever.
so what if she has huntington's i love her/

>> No.19131341

i don't even have lactose intolerance, i used to drink a gallon of whole milk a day in college. i still buy nice gallons of organic, but i drink a lot of the fairlife it's p good.

>> No.19131419

Try A2 milk as well, either the brand or milk from any of the cows that only produce a2 milk. If you're lactose intolerant but can drink that with no issues you aren't really lactose intolerant, you have issues with a1 beta-casein which is a protein.

>> No.19131430

They don't eat.
Simple as.

>> No.19131437
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People with nut allergies should just die

>> No.19131444

I mean, with lactose intolerance and celiac I just cook without lactose and gluten. It's not very hard, and in those two situations, its not their fault. That doesn't mean I'm changing my meal plan cause someone comes over on short notice though, just that I will be accomadating given sufficient notice. I may be superior to them but as their superior I believe in noblesse oblige.

For other shit, unless it is an actual allergy, I just politely don't cook for them lol.

>> No.19131465
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i switched to 2% as well, easier on the stomach
i don't usually get lactaid because of the price, it's just the most well known brand, so i posted that one. usually i get the store-brand because it's the cheapest. i do not recommend anything that's calcium-fortified, the consistency is a little thicker and i don't like that
i've never had ultra-filtered milk
never seen this on the shelves, i'll have to look harder

>> No.19131511

Every lactose intolerant person I know drinks milk and eats cheese anyway, and then doubles the national greenhouse gas emissions.
A fool is lactose intolerant, a wise man simply tolerates it

>> No.19131542
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I'd fuck you up irl little limp dick faggot

>> No.19131566

Of course, everyone who eats at my table deserves a good meal. Nice to get to cook new things for them - good chance to make some coconut milk curry, for instance.

>> No.19131602

I'll give you a nut you genetic catastrophe of a little bitch.

>> No.19131622

There's really no way you could with your little noodle arms

>> No.19132026

i'm lactose intolerant but i still eat full-fat dairy products. i'd rather be shitting myself 24/7 than some kind of soy consuming faggot

>> No.19132032

what are you, some kind of huwhite supreme?

>> No.19132047

Someone gave me a bunch of shit for this last time I posted but when some flyovers told me they were allergic to MSG but wanted to eat my ramen I just used it anyway because I knew they weren't actually allergic they just had the placebo allergy. They said they were ok with fish sauce, anchovy broth etc. and I didn't need a lot of MSG.

They next day I asked them if they got sick from the broth since it was rich, or from the natural MSG in it and they said they were fine.

I think most people only get sick if it's garbage takeout chinese and loaded with it.

>> No.19132117

If I know about it, it's typically not a problem.
But if you just show up and demand that I accommodate your incredibly specific physical shortcoming, I'm going to tell you to get fucked.
>host dinner party
>dipshit brings a friend unprompted
>she's vegan because of course she is
>charcuterie table is mostly meats and cheeses
>main is prime rib
>potatoes and sprouts roasted in bacon fat
>biscuits use butter
>fucking cheesecake
>"you should have known to make something vegan safe"
The friend was understanding because nobody knew she was coming and I'm sure she's been in situations like that before, but I was fucking livid.

>> No.19132119

To me, it just tastes like slightly sweeter milk.

>> No.19132170

I say I'm allergic to things that I'm not really allergic to because I don't want to explain to people why I don't want to eat a particular food (e.g. soy products).

>> No.19132198

They will.
So will you.
Happy now?

>> No.19132208

No fucking person on the planet is allergic to fucking savory. Not a single god damn one. You'd be the most miserable person if you were.

The only reason they "think" they are allergic is asians use it to cover up shitty bland food like the French used cheese to cover up shitty meat. So people associate MSG with shitty asian food (aka oversalted because of the sodium). You could feed these same fucks Doritos or some other chip and they would be fine, despite them being coated in MSG. It's all just veiled racism.

>> No.19132224

>It's all just veiled racism
Weird leap in an otherwise fine post.

>> No.19132233

I just cook without dairy, what kind of fucking disgusting morbidly obese piece of shit can't cook without slathering their food in cheese?

>> No.19132717

Never understood this comic. This just comes across as the orderer of soy is just bitter, angry, hateful and lashes out at the slightest provokation.

>> No.19132731

Man that food sounds fucking good. Fuck vegans man.
I have a similar tale
>was grilling with the boys and hosting a great big feast
>Friend's friend tags along, no problem, plenty for all
>Turns out they are vegan, AND cannot hanlde the tiniest bit of spice
>All my food is well seasoned, and it's a fucking BARBEQUE
>Even made my own kebabs
>Offered to make her falafals but she said she didn't like them
>Offered the peppers and salad, there was absolutely enough vegetables for her to eat something
>She outright refuses to eat anything but the lettuce and carrots
>She turns her nose up at the smell of the cooked meats, and aromatic savoury spices
>She actually gags when she walks past the chili sauce I made
>Actually thought for a second that she was going to throw up in it
>This shit goes on for hours, she passive aggressively comments on how much meat we're eating. She fucking asks where I am from and says I look swarthy and "you made all this spicy food. Are you part Indian?"
>I have a tan because I work outdoors and I have a big beard...
>Bitch I'm whiter than you, I just like good food
>Deeply offended at being called a pajeet and the dumb broad's lack of worldiness, that was unironically the final straw
>Threw her and her boyfriend out for making excuses, had the dignity to offer him a to go bag, told him he's welcome as long as he doesn't bring queen whiny

Otherwise it was a really fun time and I want to do it again when it gets warmer here

>> No.19132806
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Imagine calling someone who gets into spasm from one of the most common things in nature calling you limp dick.
Metropolitan rats from concrete mazes deserve rope.

>> No.19132853

I agree that MSG might not be an allergy, but Glutamate Excitotoxicity (GE) is a real thing. Granted, GE usually originates from individuals suffering some sort of immediate trauma such as a heart attack, or cancer, but to say that excess glutamates consistently introduced orally to the body won't mimic the effects of GE because it's just a "placebo" is being a bit presumptuous IMO. With that said, my personal experience with MSG and any other glutamate enhancing ingredient is very consistent and mostly consists of brain fog, slurred speech, lethargy, and migraine headaches at the same place on the right side of my head. These symptoms usually subside in about an hour or two, but they always happen without question. So I avoid MSG, and any other ingredients that have the same function.

>> No.19133435


>> No.19133529

Fine. Let me eat peanuts on a plane in the meantime.

>> No.19133569

>Metropolitan rats from concrete mazes deserve rope.
Shut the fuck up you hick fuck, and go back to sodomizing your cattle.

>> No.19133591

Bullshit. People with actual gluten allergy can't eat food from pans, plates or even ovens that at one point in the past contained gluten. Gluten allergy requires a completely new kitchen that stays completely gluten-free.

Gluten-free bread, pasta etc require completely separate production chains.

>> No.19133620

As someone with a severe allergy resulting in anaphylaxis, no. It's required on a commercial level because not eliminating the allergens to a very high degree can potentially harm or kill someone. At home, you've got less lazy employees or cost cutting managers who might not take the processes to sanitize the cookware as seriously, however, I really still wouldn't recommend it, because it's very easy for a layperson to accidentally cross contaminate.

Most people with allergies are just fine eating at restaurants where good hygiene practices and efforts to avoid cross contamination are put into place. Just don't order something with an ingredient you're allergic to, and if it's a cuisine that has a lot of food you're allergic to, tell them so they sanitize things beforehand.

>> No.19133626

You can though. They stopped serving it as a snack for a cost cutting measure, not a safety one. There's no special accommodations on airlines for people with nut allergies like nut-free meals, and I've flown very recently where one of the main meals had almond in it. Any special policies (like a buffer area) are airline specific and fringe.

>> No.19133837
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>They stopped serving it as a snack for a cost cutting measure, not a safety on
>Not serving the item that is ubiquitous with literally being almost worthless was a "cost cutting measure"
What, did they cost, peanuts?

>> No.19133853

I wouldn't call it shallow because people with severe allergies usually have a finicky and irritating personality in addition to their low constitution

>> No.19134177

I don't make friends with faggots.
It's really that simple.

>> No.19134230

Peanuts are legumes, many people with tree nut allergy can eat them fine

>> No.19134302

Everyone I know IRL who's lactose intolerant is Asian and they all eat dairy and just deal with the effects.

>> No.19134350

>As in actually allergic.
Doubt. You're just too cowardly to stand up to her psychosis. Enjoy deevolution into a spiteful, clingy marriage.

>> No.19134449

Imagine sacrificing the best of your genes for being "nice"

>> No.19134481
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>don't have lactose intolerance
>drink almond milk because it has barely any calories and tastes good
>still consume dairy through yogurt and whey
am i insane?

>> No.19134541

Do you think I like sodomizing the sheep ? No but you city fags refuse to buy anything if it doesn't smell and taste like my cummy sloppy seconds.

>> No.19134552

Hasn't happened yet. I would probably make many dishes, and leave most of the cheese/yogurts as optional toppings.

>> No.19134556

Allergies exist on a spectrum too. I'm allergic to peanuts. I can still handle small amounts and it won't kill me, but I still know I can't just start snacking on a bag of them

>> No.19134833


>> No.19134875

that happened to me once, i couldn't eat bread, red meat or leafy vegetables either, they'd just come gushing out my ass undigested on a surge of clearish liquid within one to four hours of having eaten them. i just ate yogurt with everything for like six months and made a full recovery. all i really ate during that time was fish, peas, bananas and vodka

>> No.19134983

I tell them I use dairy and refuse to alter my cooking

>> No.19135050

I became lactose intolerant when I turned 30 but I refuse to change my diet so I just deal with it. at most I take one of those lactaid pills when I eat something I know will fuck me up.

>> No.19135071

Literally the only reason why the people who don't have lactose intolerance don't have it IS because they and their parents drank it

>> No.19135244

My brother, who is extremely white, drank milk daily for 40 years then suddenly developed an intolerance.
No one in our family has any intolerances is allergies of any kind. Just him. Why?

>> No.19135249

genes are complex and we only somewhat understand a small fraction of our overall genome. anyone who tells you otherwise is lying or ignorant.
why did you brother lose the ability to drink milk? we don't know.

>> No.19135250

my girlfriend claims to hate pepper. i cook with it all the time. she has no clue.

>> No.19135489

milk is protein!

>> No.19135588

When I moved to Japan I drank way less milk and lost my tolerance, so I imagine the opposite is true, providing you don't have an extreme aversion to it

>> No.19135618

I don't think I'm allergic to anything except maybe beans because they cause me a lot of gas, but I keep eating them anyway, I don't give a shit.

>> No.19135653

Same happened to me. I drank a milk every day until I was about 18 before it started making me sick.

>> No.19135671

Just kill yourself at that point

>> No.19136037

I can handle it, but you better be ready for the gas afterwards.

>> No.19136162

If they were a guest I’d comply with their requirements
I’ve invited them to eat one of my meals, why would I want to cause them pain? Honestly I’d do it even if I thought they were deluding themselves about being lactose intolerant
If they were living with me full time and I was cooking for them then I’d tell them to cook their own dinners when I felt like having something with dairy in it
Honestly I seriously fucking despise these people but I’m not going to make a big deal out of it
My sister is a histrionic cunt but she’s still my sister and I oblige her various ‘health conditions’ and veganism which allows her to eat fish and chicken

>> No.19136311

The only food allergies I respect are shellfish and nuts. Every other "allergy" is just stuff people don't like, part of a fad, etc. or at worst they bloat and shit a little. I use dairy, copious amounts of salt and butter, use pork fat when cooking for vegans and Muslims/jews etc and asked not to and they're none the wiser. Not my problem.

>> No.19136519

he slurped asian semen and it ruined his milk genes.

>> No.19136524

I really don't mind nut juice, you can still make foam with it for cappuccino etc.
Real problem comes with baking. I have some recipes where I wouldn't know how to replace stuff with lactose free ersatz.
Like mascarpone for example.

>> No.19136593
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friend of mine was allergic to peanuts all his life. he did an allergy test as part of checking his swimmers and found out he wasn't allergic any more. now he sprinkles peanuts on everything, it's like he's making up for 30 years of no peanuts

>> No.19136599

I have no lactose intolerance and enjoy all dairy products besides milk. It just has this weird cow bodily fluid taste I cant tolerate. It tastes like sugary sweaty grass cow spit to me.

My parents thought I was lactose intolerant but I just hated milk my entire life.

I prefer almond milk because it tastes like almond and not like garbage and has much less sugar.

Why don't they sell human blood? I need a lot.

>> No.19136605

By using unpasteurized dairy. Every lactose intolerant who I have known could handle raw milk and cheese just fine. Now for someone with a legit allergy, that would probably not work.

>> No.19136607
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>t. Vampire

>> No.19136610

i drink so much whole milk it's ridiculous.
i think that you should have to do a yearly test and if you can't digest milk you should be shot.
i accept that if i ever develop lactose intolerance that i will be shot.

>> No.19136756

You can either rent a bloodboy (or girl, but dudes are bigger and have more blood) or develop a medical condition where you need regular transfusions and just have your NHS or insurance pay for it. I get semi regular plasmapheresis and limit my sun exposure due to my health situation.

>> No.19136840

That's because it contains lactase, which has broken down the lactose into its constituent sugars. The sugars that make up lactose taste sweeter on their own than lactose does.

>> No.19137118

I am lactose intolerant but i don't tell people about it
I prefer to consooome delicious food then shit my guts out after the meal. This is the way

>> No.19137611

Yeah, i don't respect this shit. My sister says she has a "nut allergy", and I've been slipping peanuts into her food for the past week or so. Fucking liars and attention seekers to the one.

>> No.19137624

Simple. Dont hang out with non-Aryans.

True Aryan man can handle milk.

>> No.19137637

Peanuts are legumes

>> No.19137645

She cant eat two of the most common sources of calories in Western diets for over 10,000 years.

She is a genetic freak. Do not have children with her.

>> No.19137671

well that answers that thanks man

>> No.19139131

A simple and elegant solution to the problem

>> No.19139404
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>drink milk all my life
>one day half of my diet including milk causes extreme gut pain and diarrhoea
>24/7 pain to varying degrees
>get told it's probably IBS and there's nothing I can do
>have to drink lactose free milk now

>> No.19139835

>needs some lower life forms chemicalized tittie juice to survive

>> No.19139890

I literally never seen anyone with peanut allergy growing up
T. Thai

>> No.19140683

No shit, you're all culturally immune.

>> No.19140698

I suspect this is why so many kids have peanut allergies now. Parents are so afraid of their kids "possibly" having one that they don't let them have anything containing peanuts until they're like 6+ years old and then (surprise-surprise!) it turns out they're allergic now! The problem is not exposing babies to these things when they're developing and their body is still super flexible with creating appropriate enzymes.

>> No.19140995

why do lactose intolerant cucks always have to make it out as if milk is the problem and milk drinkers are bad instead of admitting they have a problem

>> No.19141032

It's probably just a vegan.

>> No.19141044

this too, they might make up stories about how farmers personally rape cows to get milk and then shoot the calf in the head and rape it too

>> No.19141083

>Have lactose intolerance
>Take lactase pills purchased over the counter, the literal enzyme you need to digest lactose
>Have zero issues
How is lactose intolerance even a problem these pills are like 2 bucks for a package fuck off already

>> No.19141099

I refuse to believe that people who claim to have "lactose" intolerance really do, but actually just get the shits from high fatty/oily foods and blame lactose

>> No.19141227

Most non whites can't process dairy except for Mongolians for example

>> No.19141229

>have "lactose intolerance"
>drink raw A2A2 milk
>have zero issues
Lactose intolerance is the result of milk being made intolerable through increasingly heavy industrial processing.

>> No.19141245

>increasingly heavy industrial processing.
the two processes are homogenization, which just makes the suspended fat globules uniform in size to the fat doesn't separate, and pasteurization, which just cooks the milk slightly so it can be stored without going bad.

>> No.19141268

Wtf her fucky retarded allergy genes could mutate at any point you just have to breed her enough.

>> No.19141276

Yes, and those processes are becoming worse over time and ruining the milk even more. Homogenization is made higher pressure so it will more thoroughly break up the fat which normally encases the lactose and slows its digestion. Pasteurization is being made higher temperature so it will be faster and more thorough, but this destroys enzymes and beneficial bacteria which also help to digest the milk. The more these processes are perfected the less tolerable the milk becomes and the more people are diagnosed with "lactose intolerance." Then people blame the milk itself instead of blaming the severe adulteration of the milk. People aren't becoming less tolerant of lactose, the milk itself is simply being made less tolerable.

>> No.19141813
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I dont ask people if they are lactose intolerant, not being egotistic but, my kitchen, my rules, yours, yours, never had any problem with it, and I cook for people like, every week

>> No.19141991

>Wife is allergic to gluten and dairy. As in actually
No she isn't

>> No.19142014
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Gluten allergies and other foofoo snowflake special diet foods are all the rage. Trendy.

>> No.19142015

while looking at this i got the suspicion that it was drawn by an FTM on account of the girly style. but i checked their twitter and i think they're mtf. let this be a lesson about what happens to men who drink soy milk. you WILL troon out

>> No.19142066

What the hell, is that Nikolaev Lunare?

>> No.19142226

i dont know any one whos lactose intolerant (non white) so cant weigh in here..
maybe choose better social circles?

>> No.19142251

I dated a girl with celiac's, god it was so fucking gay
>love making my own pizza
>she couldn't eat it
>instead of letting me eat the pizza I make myself, she insists we concoct some heinous fucking cauliflower pizza
>it has the consistency of the hardest fucking pretzel ever made
>same with gluten free cookies
>same with gluten-free stew bases and bechamel

>> No.19142302

its the opposite, prolonged exposure to an ingredient has a chance of making you allergic to it, thats why you can become allergic to soap that you use to wash the dishes every day or become lactose intolerant later on life.
lactose intolerance has nothing to do with your ancestors drinking milk, but producing milk.
mammals have existed for millions of years and have produced milk since, 10k years is not gonna do anything to you
>Parents are so afraid of their kids "possibly" having one that they don't let them have anything containing peanuts
literal bullshit you invented, find me one example
>inb4 libtard faggot!!

>> No.19142344

>literal bullshit you invented, find me one example
Here's a news story from 2015 when the very concept of exposing kids to peanuts early was breaking news: https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=NWZ2JXmA698
Lots of doctors and parents follow old guidance or even have borderline-superstitious attitudes toward health, especially when it comes to kids. If you've never met parents who avoided giving kids peanuts until they were headed for school then I dunno what to tell you, because I have a little sister and when she was first going to school I remember there being many kids who never had peanut exposure due to overly cautious/retarded parents who heard about peanut allergies going up and thought that meant letting their kids have peanut butter would risk them dropping dead or something.

>> No.19142386

Lmfao when busy, restaurants are not sanitizing your shit, getting new utensils, etc. Unfortunately there are too many boy-who-cried-wolf glutards out there that claim theyre coeliac.

>> No.19142406

Bechamel is the easiest thing to make gluten free, making a cornflour slurry and whisking it into hot milk and butter is far easier than making a traditional roux

>> No.19142415
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Good luck I'm behind seven nuts.

>> No.19142433

I quit being a baby cow. Why would my body still need it?

>> No.19142804

that video is about a family that already has genetic peanut allergies and were worried if their kid inherited it from them
im saying find a source of a family not allowing kids to eat peanuts because theyre afraid they have allergies
and why would parents even do such a thing when a allergy test from doctors exist?
dumb fucking retard just admit you made it up

>> No.19142849

lactose intolerance is not an allergy numbnuts

>> No.19142888

>Hasn't exposure therapy and slowing building up tolerance been shown to be an effective treatment?

See, this is my plan for becoming immune to bullets as well. Everyday that I'm not in the hospital I get up and shoot myself with a gun, and I figure after long enough my body will evolve an immunity to bullets of all type.

>> No.19143380

No anyone who is lactose intolerant is racially suspect. I do not wish to feed inferiors.

>> No.19143460

How am I going to find a source for stupid parents I've known following bad advice in real life, you fucking retard?

>> No.19143466

rice milk
oat milk

>> No.19143534


>> No.19143565
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>> No.19143590

i unironically drank a GOMAD when i was like 10-16, suddenly at 25 milk started making me fart up a fucking storm
i don't give a shit though, I still do whatever i want whenever i want
mind over matter

>> No.19143630

Did you lose like 20 pounds (10 kilos)? I still live in Japan and this is the case for a lot of guys who come here.

>> No.19143691

>In 1968, a researcher and pediatrician named Robert Ho Man Kwok, M.D., wrote to The New England Journal of Medicine detailing symptoms of numbness and palpitations that he experienced after the consumption of food from Chinese restaurants. The editor playfully dubbed the letter “Chinese-Restaurant Syndrome” and subsequently received numerous letters both ridiculing and supporting Kwok’s claims. The New York Times was quick to pick up the story, and a study published in the journal Science in early 1969 made a connection between the syndrome and MSG. As other scientists began to study the phenomenon, they didn’t take into account how their results might be spun for potential harm.

>In July 1969, the researchers who conducted these early studies joined consumer activist Ralph Nader to urge a U.S. Senate committee to establish the safety of certain prolific food additives, such as MSG. In October 1969, a ban of MSG use in baby food was recommended by Jan Meyer, the chair of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health. A few months later, the New York City Health Department issued a letter to all Chinese restaurants and vendors demanding that MSG “be used sparingly when preparing food.”

>By 1970, two studies in Science and Nature found no evidence that supported a connection between MSG ingestion and experiencing symptoms associated with CRS. But as political and public fear mounted, many American food manufacturers removed MSG from their labels, according to Sarah Tracy, Ph.D., a historian who is writing a book about the history of MSG. And Chinese restaurants started slapping large “No MSG” language on menus and storefronts.

Not a weird leap at all, anti-msg is literally rooted in being against asians

>> No.19143726

>a study published in the journal Science in early 1969 made a connection between the syndrome and MSG.
wow sounds like it wasn't racist and all and was just backed by the science of the time
you trust the science, don't you?

>> No.19143750

I don’t care what other people can or can’t eat and generally I don’t think about it more than that

>> No.19143760

>No fucking person on the planet is allergic to fucking savory.
No one ever said that, they said people are allergic to MSG. This leap of retardation is like if someone said, "Some people can't tolerate high fructose corn syrup," and your response was, "No fucking person on the planet is allergic to fucking sweetness."

>> No.19143774
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You got that completely backwards you retard fuck.
>>inb4 libtard faggot!!
Telling on yourself

>> No.19143775

I have lactose intolerance. I just eat and drink whatever I like. Doesn't stop me

Not like it's something like a peanut allergy. I'll just get some stomach cramps or make a trip or two to the bathroom

>> No.19143779
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>If you never get exposed to a substance then you can't be allergic to it

>> No.19144593

technically you have to be exposed once before the allergic response will kick in the second time.

>> No.19145503

very based post

>> No.19145654

>Wife is allergic to gluten and dairy
She's not anon. You wouldn't be so blasé about cross contaminant if the allergy was real.
>t. Lived with real glutenfags
They would start shitting themselves violently even if they ate something that briefly touched bread or pasta.
I know it's true because they didn't know cross contamination happened and because this was a consistent problem. We ended up basically making a second kitchen for me to have normal shit in.

>> No.19145718

i just don't understand why every vegan is like this.
it's not even just an internet trope, all my experiences have been like this.

>> No.19145728
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Vegan super powers are proportional to how insufferable you are.

>> No.19145781
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>This just comes across as the orderer of soy is just bitter, angry, hateful and lashes out at the slightest provokation.
No, Anon, you understand it perfectly.

>> No.19145797
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>Do you think I like sodomizing the sheep ?
Shittyfolk are still not as smart as they think they are.
And national testing has allowed the fallacy that "Coasties are smarter than Flyovers" to be ripped to shreds.

>> No.19145846

Did you know one of the common adjuvants used in vaccines is peanut oil/proteins since the 1960s?

Wonder why ONLY the children in the West get this allergy?

>> No.19145871


>> No.19145881

And an utterly DESTROYED gut biome.
If you were to "reculture" your guts, and avoid the "foods" that are soaked with the industrial AG chems that most of the food supply has now, you'd be fine.
Fermented and cultured foods can repair it.
Even doctors will tell you, after a 2 week course of antibiotics, it's a good idea to have a rare steak, yogurt and other cultured foods--(if they don't own stock in companies that produce the enzymes, that is.)
They are getting the Enzymes from the exact same bacteria that *should* be symbiotically living in your guts.
Probiotic supplement sales depend on the fact many of the mass produced foods we eat will KILL you gut biome over and over again.
May take awhile, and genetics DO play a role in which bacteria work best for your genotype, but If you used to be able to eat it, you CAN be able to again.

>> No.19146547

>have lactose intolerance
>drink milk
>no issues
Just be mongolian.

>> No.19146560
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>> No.19146565


>> No.19146723

If I give a fuck about them I accommodate them, If I don't give a fuck then I don't invite them over.

>> No.19146730

Because the gut bacteria that handles lactose died off.
It could be genetic (the gut tuning hostile), dietarily (making the other strains outcompete them), medicine.

>> No.19146738

exactly, this soyification barbarization of milk is what makes me fucking allergic to it. almost fully natural straight from the tit cow or sheep milk has never given me stomach aches or acne, meanwhile the bullshit from the store does.

>> No.19146779

>lactose intolerant
There's a myth going on that everyone who's not of european origin are all lactose intolerant. Not really: if you drink milk products (like yoghurt) from childhood every day, organism kinda gets used to it, so you can eat ice cream just fine.
Remember, mongols drink horse milk and don't drop dead.

>> No.19146784

Mongols are still lactose intolerant. They're just asymptomatic.

>> No.19146786

I mean sure, non-europeans lack some gene, but they can eat milk products just fine if they ate it from childhood.

>> No.19146846

Kek this drawing art style is so cute