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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 506x693, tasterschoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19126281 No.19126281 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

Kosher for passover edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drink anything that exploded lately?
Previous thread: >>19115512

>> No.19126304

If burrs don't make a difference can I use a mortar and pestle instead?

>> No.19126322

what do you personally think? do you think the oils that contain all the flavor will evaporate in the process or not?

>> No.19126361

in canada, where do you buy your beans for espresso? which roaster do you guys order from?

>> No.19126362

>If burrs don't make a difference
what retard said that?

>> No.19126368

>what is google
do you think this is some kind of autistic database where we know literally every roaster in every country on earth?
why the fuck are you asking us.
sorry its been too long since my last goffee...

>> No.19126372

Its the burr autist, he sees only black and white and never says anything directly, only with multiple layers of passive agressive cringe. Just ignore him

>> No.19126374

Did someone piss in your coffee?

>> No.19126380

Best brewers in Canada8jwak4

>> No.19126382

>Kosher for Passover
what did he mean by this?

>> No.19126385

thanks for the rec anon

>> No.19126451

no im just sick of people using this general like google. like if they just typed in their exact comment into google they would find the answer they want faster than it would take for anyone here to respond.

>> No.19126514

Nescafe is kosher (because producing it induced an acceptable amount of human suffering to satisfy a jew) and I'm guessing they used that slogan around the time of passover (a jewish holiday)

>> No.19126590

People are using this thread to have other users feedback. google don't give you proper feedback on roasters

>> No.19126613

>google don't give you proper feedback on roasters
this is bait.
you really think its better to have people do this
>hey guys what is the best roaster in x
>silence for hours if its ever answered at all
>i dont live in x so i dont know
>hey guys is x roaster good
>silence for hours if its ever answered at all
>uhhh i dont know i have never ordered from their

like you just expect someone in this thread to be from x who orders coffee online and has enough experience to give a comprehensive review within 10 minutes of the person asking?
what the fuck is wrong with you?

heres how its actually going to go
you have me who tells them to fuck off and google it or you have someone that literally just googles it for them and copy pastes the answer google gave which is slower than the asker googling it themselves.

>> No.19126646


>> No.19126660
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Is the Mahlkonig X54 the Ultimate Home Grinder?

>> No.19126690

>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question

>> No.19126697

caffeine is a drug. bean water is bad for your colon even without caffeine. its no better than unironically eating red meat.
drink water and eat seafood + vegetables, fatties.

>> No.19126701

Some dipshit last thread who can't coffee good.
>none of this is going to make a noticeable difference in how your coffee tastes

>> No.19126706

Thats true though, burr geometry is cable lifts

>> No.19126736

So if minute differences don't matter why get asshurt over the reccing cheap kin grinders?

>> No.19126743

Now you lost me. But hey, should we drop this now? Would be cool

>> No.19126761

Sure. Go ahead and recommend some beans no one will buy.

>> No.19126765

>do you think this is some kind of autistic database
last thread had literally dozens of comments arguing about the variability in grinder burr machining quality coming out of different chinese factories so... yes?

>> No.19126769

That also wasnt me, do you really think you have been shitposting with just one anon the whole last thread?

>> No.19126771

There were less pictures of burrs than spilled aeropresses.
I don't get why you always angle for this argument. Of course not. Now rec the beans.

>> No.19126784

I like kidney beans, you should try em. Canned

>> No.19126796

Ever brewed a cup with green beans?

>> No.19126801

I've heard people use dried pinto beans to tune new roasters.

>> No.19126822
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Does it taste good?

>> No.19127029
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Sniff it, slut.

>> No.19127031

Is it ok to use beans only 24 hours after they were roasted?

>> No.19127059

for what? not espresso, probably bloom hard for pourover

>> No.19127072

>put chocolate syrup in my mug
>pour hot coffee in to it
>it tastes like shit
i will never perfect a macchiato!!

>> No.19127247
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>not espresso

>> No.19127263

instant coffee is actually based

>> No.19127284

I had one cup of coffee and my day is ruined because the caffeine puts my anxiety through the roof. And I have a bag of beans and 2lbs of unroasted beans in the mail because I thought I was over this bullshit. I want to die.

>> No.19127291
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>> No.19127510

I order from Agro Roasters usually but occasionally I'll order from Pallet Roasters

>> No.19127521

you will drink the poo water

>> No.19127599

>where we know literally every roaster in every country on earth?
include the rest of the sentence you fucking git

>> No.19127638

>what is google
not personally but from watching 3 different videos it seems like its just way less caffeine and tastes like total shit.
like actual bean water(wow who would have guessed!?)

>> No.19127642

too dark no thanks.

>> No.19127677

>chocolate syrup

>> No.19127787

Is this light roast?

>> No.19127882

How long did it take you guys to find coffee beans that you really liked? I've been drinking french press coffee for years and I finally stepped up and started taking it seriously (grinder and scale) I ordered 3 different bags from a roaster and so far and I'm 0 for 2 on me liking them. Am I going to have to order 50 bags before I find something good?

>> No.19127912

A year maybe. I didn't dislike what I was drinking until I found Ethiopian light roasts and now I hate most dark roasts.

>> No.19127914


>> No.19127936

>the ethiopian blueberry bombs schizo is back
what a terrible day

>> No.19128018

>A year maybe.
Sounds like I'm going to need to be patient

>> No.19128048

I'm giving up caffeine for a month, we will see if I gain the power of levitation and my anxiety disappears

>> No.19128067
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i like instant

>> No.19128070

>everyone is a schizo but me schizo never left

>> No.19128077

it was about 5-6 months for me.
i started with the light to medium light ethiopians but then tried a natural process burundi and my life changed, now if i can i only drink natural process medium roast. or if my roaster doesnt have that then honey process.
i will also always buy 2 different beans, 1 my main coffee and the other just something else that sounds interesting or that i havent had before, just to keep my palate evolving and so i dont just fall into a rut of drinking the same coffee every day.

>> No.19128086

The big tubs of McDonald's coffee is literally the best store bought option

>> No.19128087

no you dont.

>> No.19128097

i am the /ctg/ schizo.
i never said i wasn't a schizo.
but im the good one :)
these other cunts just bring the threads down with the most boring schizo copypasta.

>> No.19128109

you are all evil, supporting slave labor

>> No.19128128

wish i had a slave to tend my garden and be my gf :3

>> No.19128132

making animals work can't really be called slave labor

>> No.19128150

>you are all evil, supporting slave labor
>sent from iphone
sure thing champ.
also i really genuinely dont give a fuck if 15 burundi child slaves die for each bag of burundi natural process medium roast coffee to get to my front door.
it tastes great.
maybe dont get born in a shit country next time.

>> No.19128165
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>TFW no african slave wife to make coffee beans for me

>> No.19128223

I think I'll make a little espresso tonic for dessert.

>> No.19128354

Based. I prefer them as a hot afternoon drink but still a good choice.

>> No.19128380

my stovetop roast from yesterday is smelling amazing
i wont post pictures because it's unevenly roasted and i don't want to get made fun of!

>> No.19128408
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Its 80f in my house right now. 1:3 Guji allona nat pulled over the meme frozen steel ball, into fever tree light. Its so good I think I'll pull another.

>> No.19128424

Post it. My new modded Popper* build is on hold. Sent 60v into a 36v regulator and burned up my whole controller. I've got a week or two while a new unit ships to figure out how I'm going to lay everything out. Might have to end up getting someone to laser cut some acrylic for a case.

>> No.19128491
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Just ordered these beans
What will I think of it?

>> No.19128513

Sounds good

>> No.19128644
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Went quite a bit coarser for this second one and shaved off ~20 seconds. First one was good, this one was great. I'll have to snag some of this years crop.

>> No.19128757
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>> No.19128925

I have tried fiddling with heat and pour speed and I have to be honest
This does fucking nothing to the taste

>> No.19128962

>heat and pour speed
minor adjustments probably don't matter as much as grind size, but they matter
brew one at 185f, one at boiling

>> No.19129063

you will probably like it but you will be left wanting more
but you will never find it in the next sip or the next cup.

>> No.19129072

has anyone ever tried coffee w/ condensed milk? shit was so cash

>> No.19129098

Why don't you brew some of that bitterness out of your personality, loser.

>> No.19129117

I hate zoomers

>> No.19129119

Unwashed tastes mostly fermented, washed for that clarity and citrus thanks

>> No.19129218

just say you dont know what you are talking about and move on.

>> No.19129219

You dont know what you are talking about.
Move on.

>> No.19129222

>unironically using "i know you are but what am i"
its past your bedtime kid.

>> No.19129226

This made me more revolted than a gore video

>> No.19129230

I’m kinda new to this, what are the alternatives?

>> No.19129236

>I’m kinda new to this
Sweaty you've not been paying attention.
Simply redefine slavery or evilness for that matter and you're gucci. I've seen medical institutions all over the world do this.

>> No.19129242

living in the coffee belt and grow and process your own.

>> No.19129256

Who are you quoting newfag?

>> No.19129259


>> No.19129268

Yeah basically the same thing with my moca pot.

>> No.19129392
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>> No.19129462

I remember that Comandante sued Timemore and 1Zpresso for copyright infringement. Is that the reason why Hoffmeme hasn't reviewed recent hand grinder releases?

>> No.19129472

>Asks 4chinz instead of hoffmeme.
Pretty smart for a retard ngl.

>> No.19129485

I want to trust the experts

>> No.19129547
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>trust the experts
Is the Fellow Opus the Best All in One Grinder?
The big boy says yes. Smol boys use hand motion to build muscle.

>> No.19129846


>> No.19129856
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>reflections from the plastic clearly visible
>hurr durr im a retard
If you want to bump the thread provide some content instead

>> No.19129862

Seeing those fat hotdog fingers really disturbs me.

>> No.19129901

>provide some content instead
you first

>> No.19129977

He doesn't review hand grinders because he doesn't like them. I heard the hg-2 he reviewed and gave away to his Patreon broke.
Unironically worse than the new encore.

>> No.19130044
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Which one would you chose for espresso & why?

>> No.19130079

so you can taste back to back(cleaning palate in between) and figure out which one you like more and why.
taking notes at every step of the process helps narrow down the pros and cons.
you can also return to those notes if you buy something similar or just like to compare notes :)

>> No.19130088

you lied, /ctg/
>WIRED senior reviewer Scott Gilbertson prefers to hand-grind his coffee, and he's tried half a dozen manual grinders. The Skerton Pro is far and away his favorite. It's fast, taking less than two minutes to grind out the half cup of fine grounds for my moka pot—and the burr design produces a consistent, fine grind.

>> No.19130114

>Skerton Pro
this guy is a fucking retard.

>> No.19130124

>If you buy something using links in our stories, we may earn a commission. This helps support our journalism.
You ever notice how all of those brands are paying out high affiliate kickbacks? You're reading an ad, not a review.
Hazelnuts are gross and overpowering.

>> No.19130130
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I already have pic rel from same roaster and i like a lot. Both is too easy, too safe. Only one can be ordered. The colombian one is a social coffee thing like no slavery or something.

>> No.19130195

>Only one can be ordered
thats retarded
>like no slavery or something.
i feel bad for anyone who gives a fuck about this.

>> No.19130319
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>thats retarded
That's the constraint

But guess i'll go with the cocaïnebros instead of the poos. You never now where the loo is for them. Plus that monsoon process seems meme-y.

Pic rel is where cocaïnebros produce.

>> No.19130716

It's a plastic shitbox.

>> No.19130901

10 espresso in
my whole body is vibrating
i am extremely hot
my chest is tight
send help

>> No.19130907

Sounds like a good time, might want to get one more in

>> No.19130914

Anymore and time will crawl slower.

>> No.19131036

Buy from specialty shops. Fair trade is a meme.

>> No.19131044

Pretty landscape. Reminds me of the brazilanon (I think it was brazil) that posted pics from his friend's coffee farm. Forgot to save them unfortunately, maybe I'll go search the archives for them

>> No.19131053

Found it fairly quickly because I remembered a phrase in one post, but archived.moe doesn't save pics and warosu didn't archive that thread for some reason. Also anon was colombian.

>> No.19131113

How do people justify spending $400+ on a grinder that only does pour over? What personal workflow could possibly need that? Surely if you're doing pour over you're making 1-2 cups max at which point just use a hand grinder that's 1/4 of the price and crank out those two doses of coffee
Is the difference in taste based on grind quality from a good hand grinder to a good electric grinder really worth 4x the price?

>> No.19131118

BOY? I thought this was a woman all along

>> No.19131127

Do you have a source for a single thing you said?
He's done multiple videos on hand grinders and has said good things about many of them, even mentioining ones he uses while travelling

>> No.19131170

if you do this as a hobby then yes.
a $400 hand grinder is going to be better than a $400 electric grinder
a $400 hand grinder is going to be significantly more accurate and have more consistent results.
trying to make the best anything is going to be really hard when a major step in the process is extremely unreliable and inaccurate.

>> No.19131242
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>> No.19131266
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I'd have to dig through videos to find it. You can recognize their quality and value and still not particularly like the experience. To review more hand grinders he would have to use them more than he cares to.

>> No.19131391
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>> No.19131434

>t. faggot

>> No.19131518

that sticker doesnt make any sense.

>> No.19131565

it is

>> No.19131585

For those who have multiple grinders, how do you store unused ones?
Context: I use Timemore C2 but my Kingrinder K6 is coming soon. I'm not sure if I can pawn my C2.

>> No.19131624

I put a tablespoon of instant coffee in my cereal everyday. Usually frosted mini wheats or honey nut Cheerios with milk. It adds a nice bitterness to the breakfast.

>> No.19131900

I gave away my Baratza Encore to my cousin when I got my K6

>> No.19131931

Good choice.

>> No.19132057

The man can have any grinder in the world for free by pointing at it why do you think even in your wildest chink shill dreams he would waste time on pepper mills?
I have them out on my counter, I dont want to adjust the setting every time I switch between french press and espresso. Worth the countertop real estate as I use them both every day and have a big kitchen

>> No.19132065

coffee instant type 2 isn't working out for me these days should I have tried freeze dried kinds?

>> No.19132113
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Yeah they changed the burr geometry at the factory in the beginning of the year so the resulting coffee is just not drinkable anymore. Iirc they went from 89 to 78 mm with a dropthrough kardan axis and as we know the grounds from that kind of setup is basically encore level fines fiesta

>> No.19132124

well this is just vile I hate coffee now

>> No.19132222

Are gooseneck kettles a meme?
Why are temperature controlled gooseneck kettles so expensive?

>> No.19132235

why are you so mad

>> No.19132238

Not a meme, the temp control ones are expensive because its a nieche item. You can get one for the stovetop on the cheap and fill it from your kettle

>> No.19132257

He's schitzing out because I was posting burr pics last thread.

>> No.19132541

It’s WIRED, what did you expect?

>> No.19132716

Bought some of this because every coffee from the Yemen I've had has been spot on:


I think it'll go pretty good in both ChemEx and a mokka pot. Any UK fucks had it? Dark Woods gear has always been pretty good in the past.

>> No.19132720
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Now that's good coffee

>> No.19132834

>chocolate syrup
Wait so this is no euphemism for spro?

>> No.19133018

>Why are temperature controlled gooseneck kettles so expensive?
I got mine for well under a hundred dollaridoos and it's held up for years under constant use- you don't need a fancy one. If you're serious about goffee it's a borderline trivial expense.

>> No.19133102

Should I get Arabica, Robusta or a mix of them if I like black coffee?

>> No.19133122
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>> No.19133286

>be at the end of a bag of coffee
>still tasting things in it I haven't before
is my brewing technique inconsistent or is this just the coffee changing flavour over the month it's taken me to drink it?

>> No.19133289

Just get a light roast with a flavour profile that sounds appealing to you

>> No.19133294

Most likely both

>> No.19133342

you probably have too much air in your bean storage container.

>> No.19133457
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It happens to be in the pastebin, and rightly so, but we actually ran across it featured in a maximum hipster Dallas shop (Wayward) and then a few months later were in Colorado. It was amazing then waltzing through the front doors of their main location, and even seeing the roasting setup very aesthetically preserved behind the back wall which was made of all glass so all can see. The staff were super nice, and the location shared a wall with a super legit baker. They'd even bring stuff to you next door, quite the opposite of how most businesses keep a tall spite fence. Staff were super friendly and their triple head espresso machine was actually dialed for 3 different single origin offerings. Fucking amazing, and they were certainly pulling at perfection I've only experienced at a handful of shops. They got me hooked on quad long blacks. This just landed and looks really good. The bag is in the mail. At home we really like a 16 oz pour over, something most shops don't bother developing a recipe for much to my dismay.

>> No.19133526

>Taster's Choice
I'm a certified super taster and I never chose this shit

>> No.19133575

>The “premium roast” McCafé coffee available at retail outlets is similar to the great tasting cup of coffee sold in McDonald’s restaurants.
anyone know where I can get the exact same coffee as McDonalds restaurants? anyone ever try the store bought McCafe stuff? is it any good?

>> No.19133589

Ever thought of asking McDonalds?

>> No.19133649

okay, I'll do that now

>> No.19133707

it'd be hard to even find nice enough robusta

>> No.19133710

I just sent McDonald's my question via their website.

>> No.19133759

Do you think they'd keep selling me fresh beans if they knew I'm roasting them in a skillet on the stove?

>> No.19133890

Imagine not roasting your own beans.

>> No.19133893

Coffee sucks

>> No.19133895

i can touch my own dick but it's better when ur mum touches it because she's a professional

>> No.19133923

>he jerks off worse than a woman

>> No.19134018

How light is the roast?

>> No.19134061
File: 2.90 MB, 498x373, please-dont-tell-anyone-how-i-live-lenny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this you?

>> No.19134065

I feel like I'm doing absolutely everything correct on my machine. but, there's only an even flow at the start of the shot, and for the latter 80% of the pull, it comes out sputtering and pale.
- This is at a proper flow rate. grinding finer makes it too slow and the shot taste terrible. not only that, the coffee only gets 'choked(?)' and still sputters but slower.
- The puck is ALWAYS muddy and messy, and there's a slight dent in the grounds, near the rim of the basket but no hole.
- I've tried being meticulous with my distribution/tamp but it changes nothing. my beans aren't even that old, not even a month.
I'm at a loss for what I'm doing wrong, I cleaned and descaled my machine very recently too. the shots that come out taste okay, but I can tell there's something off about the acidity and I wish they came out nicely.

>> No.19134069
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yes but what about goffee?

>> No.19134077

>not a single mention of any of the tools used
try again honey

>> No.19134089

rancilio silva v6
kinu m74 pheonix
random wdt tool and dosing funnel off of etsy

>> No.19134098

thanks :)
i can't help you but try to always include as many tools and measurements and whatever when asking for help.
because otherwise it can be very hard to actually fix the problem.
also its better to be proactive in terms of detail inclusion than being reactive.
hope you get the help you need

>> No.19134100

Lower your opv. Start using paper filters and a puck screen.

>> No.19134108

be proactive in terms of this dick, fag

>> No.19134125

Overloading the basket. How many grams are you putting in there? Unless you have a 18 or 19 gram aftermarket basket its probably meant to do like 16. Then with a proper does you can grind finer without the issues you had before

>> No.19134126

That's just mean, preying on someone with debilitating anxiety

>> No.19134133

Hes right about opv but wrong about the gadgets. Filters and puck screen might help you perfect a good espresso but cant save a workflow that isnt dialed in

>> No.19134143

the stock basket is 17g and I've had the best results with that amount. seems to get worse in either direction.

>> No.19134149

kill yourself.

>> No.19134151

>Filters and puck screen might help you perfect a good espresso but cant save a workflow that isnt dialed in
Do your homework.

>> No.19134152

Alright, this still has to be dialed in a bit for each bean but check the opv thing then, what pressure is it running at stock? Should be googlable. Also I assume you are not using a pressurized basket (just a sanity check)

>> No.19134160

To you think those guys run their stock baskets at 14 bar? Or maybe they have their basics down? Would you take a guess right now? Also not watching your vid Jonathan

>> No.19134166

I think those guys understand that taking steps to ensure a more even flow of water through the puck helps immensely with dialing in a shot.

>> No.19134168

I have a pressure gauge shipping right now, but apparently my model is known for having stock pressure anywhere from 10-14 bar. and it's not a pressurized basket.

>> No.19134178

Its a 15bar pump that isn't at all factory calibrated. You could be running at 7 or 15. I believe you'll need a 20 and 21mm wrench to adjust it.

>> No.19134182

The words in your post are kinda true but youre being dishonest about the difference those extra toys will make, the shower screen already evenly disperses the water. I never said the screen and paper are pointless, just that they are fo going from good to great, not as a bandaid for grind/dose/pressure issues. Do you really disagree with that?

>> No.19134222

I removed the stock "shower" screen from my flair58 for a paper sandwich+puck screen. Its a wild improvement for how cheap it is. Silvias are shipped with a shitty big hex bolt attaching theirs. Most people end up swapping it for the IMS replacement, new jetbreaker, and flush screw. This largely fixes the stock channeling issues, but runs about $45. My suggestion is a much cheaper avenue to try. Please just sit in the corner until someone mentions moka pots. Thats where you shine.
>ensure a more even flow of water through the puck helps immensely with dialing in a shot

>> No.19134236

Did you even read my post? Again, which of those upgrades do you suggest before getting the opv under control and the dosage right? You are still being dishonest: I know you are knowledgable enough to grok this but choose to keep arguing

>> No.19134279

>the shower screen already evenly disperses the water
It doesn't do that good of a job. Its still not going to do that good of a job once he downdoses. Sure dropping his pressure will help a bit with puck integrity. Thats why I suggested it.
> which of those upgrades do you suggest before getting the opv under control and the dosage right?
A 3 cent bottom paper filter. It'll let him grind a touch finer without clogging his basket, eliminating alot of the "sputtering" he's getting. Now do you have any moka tips for him or not?

>> No.19134328

OK, ignoring your strange tangent about your modded lever machine I think you are now talking sense, I wouldnt necessarily use the paper as a crutch to grind finer but w/e its worth a shot

>> No.19134341

>filtering presso oils
absolutely haram

>> No.19134349

He has a flair, so wildly varying pressure, he needs the paper to normalize the process a bit

>> No.19134369
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Its almost as if theres a design flaw in the silvia that would tell us if he's updosing. But if he's not mentioning a fucking machine bolt imprint in the exact center of his basket, he's probably fine with his dose. Its some OTHER channeling issue.
>- The puck is ALWAYS muddy and messy, and there's a slight dent in the grounds, near the rim of the basket but no hole.

>> No.19134383
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>> No.19134387
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>need to remove oils for "machine" to work
get rid of the machine is the solution

>> No.19134405

>thinks crema and oil is the same

>> No.19134427

Clearly if your "machine" has no temp or pressure control you have to convince yourself that only distribution matters, I get it. But dont go giving other people advice based on that yikes

>> No.19134459
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Low tier bait from the espressoless masses.

>> No.19134585
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I went for the big one. I'm thrilled.

>> No.19134591

Not a huge fan of it, but I will say that if anyone is considering getting illy, get this instead because it's basically the same thing.

>> No.19134633

i hate italians so much its unreal
love from Netherlands

>> No.19134640
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I don't hate italians. Just their coffee.

>> No.19134647

dude weed lmao

Why you hate them though?

>> No.19134690

>Why you hate them though?
they are wrong about literally everything to do with food and coffee.
italians are incapable of making good coffee
they made the espresso machine and yet they cant make a good espresso to save their life
they made the moka pot and have literally no idea how to make good coffee with it.
and not only that but they refuse to learn or adapt or anything they just sit there and drink their dish water and say they dont need to change because their nonna told them how to cook/make coffee so it can't be wrong.
they continue to propagate misinformation which leads to people make bad decisions.
literally everything they say to do to make coffee with a moka is wrong.
so when someone buys a moka pot and reads how to use it, they use it wrong and make bad coffee and then say the moka cant make good coffee, also they will unironically say shit like "dont clean your moka pot".
and they even call coffee made with the moka pot espresso even though it objectively isn't and they should know that because they fucking invented the espresso machine
no country on earth has helped and hurt coffee more than itali.
it is actually incredible how fucking shit italians are.
>inb4 nuked for off topic discussion

>> No.19134705

you the one who never went to italy?

>> No.19134728

>went to italy?
fuck off schizo

>> No.19134731
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Justa likea nonna used to makea.

>> No.19134813
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It's really not hard to find, at one point wasn't it sold in Walmart?

>> No.19134995
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Cancel Italy.

>> No.19134997
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The Giannina is here bros, I washed it and now I'm making throwaway coffee to clean it.
There's a nice smell of coffee that filled my entire kitchen and the room next to it.

Honestly FUCK Bialetti trash and FUCK aluminium shit.

>> No.19135001
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Being mirror polished inox my autism gets triggered once it's full of fingerprints and water stains, but God she's a beauty isn't she?

>> No.19135003

>washed it

>> No.19135040

>Cancel Italy.
im already on it

>> No.19135042

Post the innards

>> No.19135047
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anon, why is the lid down?

>> No.19135063
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Washed with hot water to remove the polishing powder residues from the factory.

I only have this picture and can't take another for the moment.
Inside it's completely flat which is super nice because it's easy to clean.

Because I took the picture when I was making the first "coffee" with water only, to avoid getting splashed with boiling water.

>> No.19135075
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I also noticed that the holes in the upper filter seems to be narrower than the other moka pots.
This suggests me that I could grind finer.

>> No.19135076

>to avoid getting splashed with boiling water.
isnt that what that thing on top of the spout is for.

>> No.19135077
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I just realized I have no backup instant coffee. One should always have a jar of instant for times of need.

>> No.19135081

wow that filter looks like shit.
pop in a E&B Lab competition filter.

>> No.19135085

Yes but since there's no coffee to allow for counterpressure, you get 1 bar of boiling water splashing from it so...better play safe.

>> No.19135093

Yeah I was thinking of doing that but I don't think it fits the Giannina.
Filters from aluminium moka are universal but those from stainless steel ones tend to be different.
I'll take the measures and see but I suspect that it's 1 mm narrower than the E&B.

>> No.19135103

i mostly meant the machining quality looked bad.
those huge scratches are... worrying. at least for me.

>> No.19135131

TheWiredGourmet would spend 4 hours lapping the bottom then tell you it didn't make a difference.
>removing the factory seasoning

>> No.19135134

weird, i cant find specs for the filter literally anywhere.

>> No.19135146

Why doesn't theirs look like shit?

>> No.19135147

I looked on Amazon on the page of the spare filter and in the questions section there are people asking for the measures, one answer says 56 mm and the E&B is 57 mm.

I'll measure mine and see, if it's not matching I guess I'll just use aeropress filters and WA LA.

>> No.19135195

what are these? photos for ants?
also compare the one in that link the the picture of the filter here, they are totally different.
the filter here looks very dull and not polished at all and has a different hole pattern. the holes in your link go all the way to the edges, the one here doesnt come close.
>one answer says 56 mm and the E&B is 57 mm.
i was talking about hole measurements not size of the actual filter.
the competition filter has a hole size of 0.2 mm, .6 smaller than the standard size.
and the full dimensions of the filter are listed here.

1 cup: external diameter 46mm - internal diameter 39 mm

2 cups: external diameter 48.5 mm - internal diameter 42 mm

3 cups: external diameter 57 mm - internal diameter 49.2 mm

6 cups: external diameter 66.25 mm - internal diameter 55 mm

>> No.19135200

oops forgot to tag you

>> No.19135221

>the filter here looks very dull and not polished at all and has a different hole pattern.
Sounds like the mokagang scammed another one.

>> No.19135476
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>> No.19135645
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Who here /immersion gang/? (pic is just friendly fun, ily perco chads). Its time for my morning percolation. We got some ethiopian washed heirloom from Shakiso. Gonna french press them hoffman style

>> No.19135669

where does drip fit in here?

>> No.19135678
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Drip is percolation anon, but dont fret, its a clickbait image for a youtube video

Coffee is good, thicc but thats why I immerse. Sadly I cant give you any deets on the flavor notes because of covid I cant taste shit. Acidity seems on correct level tho so Ill call it a success. What are you brewing this morning?

>> No.19135680

nice fingers

>> No.19135684

French press are too much of a pain to clean to be worth using.

>> No.19135735
File: 173 KB, 1200x1200, 2206a446240d9cf9eb3bdcff15fa162379489e92_LCM700BSS_Hero1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some Vittoria Mountain Grown bubbling through my drip machine. love my Breville

>> No.19135985
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What am I in for?

>> No.19136076

normie "coffee"

>> No.19136293

First shot did not grind fine enough. 18/36 in 15 seconds.
Tasted more watery than syrupy. The acidity was okay.

>> No.19136499

Top class coffee beans

>> No.19136503

So the options we have are either we let you post about burr geometry unhinged your you dripfeed us lavazza self posting? How can one nerd be so salty. Anyway the lavazzaposting can continue, its much more enjoyable and informative

>> No.19136506

Kaapi royale is common enough nice robusta

>> No.19136531

I don't understand. How many are you?

>> No.19136578

57 people, you coulda done the math yourself

>> No.19136629

Second shot took 36seconds. With milk this time 1:1 ratio.
Thicker body. Does not taste bad.

>> No.19136769

Is RDT necessary for manual grinders?

>> No.19136774

It's never "necessary" but it will help. Clumps can form whenever you grind fine enough.

>> No.19136782

I notice that, but
1. Water presence inside metal container gives me uneasy feeling.
2. Doesn't static retention happen for fines and aren't fines bad for the brewing in general?

>> No.19136806

Oh I misread your original post, I thought you were talking about WDT not RDT. Fucking similar acronyms. Anyway, static retention can happen even with bigger pieces and a bit of moistness on the beans isn't going to screw anything up. I mean the same concern would exist for electric grinders, and yet the technique is popular and no one has any problems with it.

>> No.19136853

That makes sense. I will try that later, thanks.

>> No.19137347

I will never say that putting a drop of water in the grinder is a "technique" named after some dork youtuber.

>> No.19137368
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>look up french press grounds recommendations
>it's all DARK ROAST

>> No.19137374

>french press grounds recommendations
what do you mean?

>> No.19137408

I'm a pleb who doesn't own a burr grinder and doesn't go to local roasteries for coffee grounds.

>> No.19137422

I don't think you need a burr grinder for french press. Coffee ground with a blade grinder is still gonna taste a lot better than shit that was ground months prior to you buying it.

>> No.19137423

>Water presence inside metal container gives me uneasy feeling
its like 3 droplets of water spread across x grams of beans.
i have been doing for a couple years now and have had no issue at all.

>> No.19137431

>after some dork youtuber
it isnt
>blah blah blah i dont know what technique means blah blah
>a way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure.
yes adding a tiny bit of water to the coffee grinding process counts as a technique.

>> No.19137440

>Back in 2005 David Ross pioneered a revolutionary new technique that has since been coined the Ross Droplet Technique, or RDT. Sounds pretty fancy, but it only takes one piece of equipment: a misting bottle.
Retard poof shit. I don't need some dork and his mister to put a drop of water in my grinder.

>> No.19137447

Look at him schitz. You think I'm putting lavazza in the wug because you're crying about burrs?

>> No.19137461

>i have been doing for a couple years now and have had no issue at all.
I too smoke a pack of fags a day. Up till now zero problems.

>> No.19137472

All my coffee tastes like shit. K cups, french press, doesnt matter. Sweet cream is good, but I dont want diabetes I prefer my coffee black. What am I doing wrong? I also like my coffee cold so I can drink it fast.

>> No.19137481

>K cups, french press
Have you tried buying good coffee and preparing it in a nonretarded way?

>> No.19137489

No, I don't have time for this. What do you recommend for good ground coffee?

>> No.19137496

Let me rephrase that: what the fuck at the store can I get that doesn't taste like a fucking dirt?

>> No.19137504


>> No.19137508

Very little. Start ripping open bags and grinding it at the store. Try some stumptown.

>> No.19137521

I liked Peets Big Bang before I got in to specialty roasters.

>> No.19137524

And to add, they're one of very few grocery store brands that put the roast date on the bag. It probably differs based on location but I could find bags roasted 2-4 weeks prior which is much better than anything else from the store.

>> No.19137533

its been around since 2005 and literally no one has ever had any kind of problem.
you can honestly have more problems grinding just ultra light beans with no rtd.
the amount of actual water that is being left on the burrs themselves in so small that it is irrelevant.

>> No.19137535

>No, I don't have time for this
then you dont deserve good coffee.
>good ground coffee?

>> No.19137538

Best beans in my store is a yellow bag called new york light roast something. They are still omega crap compared to getting beans from the roaster, but they are the top student in retard class

>> No.19137545

do you want a massive amount of static and grounds retention?
its fine if you do, but if you dont want that then you have to use rtd.
its as simple as that.

>> No.19137598
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>> No.19137606

I put a bit of water in with my beans. I don't call what I do by some retarded name as if it's a mystical method of grinding coffee.

>> No.19137615

In your case, the retardation is implied.

>> No.19137650
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Third shot of the day: >we schizo edition

It's not bad. The robusta aftertaste isn't nice to my palate. Remove the robusta and it's much better and tasty even without milk.
The added caffeine is a nice touch.

>> No.19137690

>new coffee brewing 30-40 seconds faster than previous coffee at the exact same grind size
That's a thing that can happen? I figured the same grind size would produce the same speed brew regardless of the beans in

>> No.19137692

Look if there are any specialty instant companies you can buy from

>> No.19137693

when you invent something you get to name it.
this ross guy invented this technique, so its named after him.
every time i use it i dont say "and now im going to rdt these beans" i just do it, but if im explaining my process to someone else i will say the name of the techniques i use and were i learned from.
same as wdt.
its also extremely common to say the name of something such as
>and now the next part of this process is to apply the Ross Droplet Technique(RDT) where by adding a small amount of water to your dose of coffee before grinding will reduce the overall static and result in less retention in your grinder.
and then every time you mention this technique after this(within context) you just shorten it to RDT.
because saying RDT is wayyyyyyyyyyy faster than saying this "adding a small amount of water to your dose of coffee before grinding will reduce the overall static and result in less retention in your grinder." every single fucking time you bring it up.

>> No.19137697

imagine being this loyal to brands

>> No.19137698
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>> No.19137703

coffee grown from different varietals in different countries at different altitudes in different climates will produce different coffee beans which will behave differently even if roasted by the same roaster to the same level and ground at the same size.
this isnt that much of a problem for some methods as it is for others but it will mean you have to dial in for each new bean that you get, which is why i suspect most people just get the same bean every time.

>> No.19137705

this is bait.

>> No.19137708

I guess I've gotten lucky since the last 3 coffees I've tried all brewed at around the same time at the same grind setting and didn't taste like they needed any fine tuning

>> No.19137714

>last 3 coffees
what were they.

>> No.19137720
File: 1.15 MB, 400x300, c6690ef8-aec0-49d0-b90b-e7904a82a80b_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exact same grind size
>same grind size

>> No.19137726

A natural bolivian
A blend of a puerto rican and an ethiopian
I think the third was a washed Thai coffee
All light roasts
same setting on my grinder you know what I mean stop being a facetious retard

>> No.19137757
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Wait the same setting can produce different particle distributions with different beans?

>> No.19137762

Yes that was indeed surprising for me to find out
Hence my post

>> No.19137784

Please post any more groundbreaking realizations. You and the mokaautist could write a blog.

>> No.19137787

You're the only one making a huge deal out of it
I was just surprised to realise this I didn't come in like "GUYS I FOUND OUT SOMETHING CRAZY THAT'S GOING TO SHOCK YOU"

>> No.19137800

>Guys did you know I'm supposed to use different settings for different beans? I think I'm going to try this whole "dialing in" thing

>> No.19137810

>mokaautist could write a blog.
but anon, this is my blog :)
had a great honduras natty moka for lunch yesterday

>> No.19137850

We're honored. I wish you many more cups of robusta with milk anon

>> No.19137870

Hes also confusing you for me, see e.g. >>19134222 its called solipsism syndrome and is a high level form of schizo

>> No.19137874

Mokapsueds in shambles. Might be the aluminum.

>> No.19138347

Thank you, will do.
I had another blend with robusta in it called espresso intenso. Without milk there was a lingering taste of ashtray water, wet leather, wet dog in the back of my throat. Almost for three hours.
But with milk it's really good. That 40ml espresso shot can flavor 170ml of milk easy giving you 200ml+ milk coffees that taste like an 100% arabica machiato.

>> No.19138537

Milk won't wash away your sins.

>> No.19138773

why do people and the internet keep saying "1 cup of coffee" as if it's a standard measurement for anything, for ex. 1 cup has 95mg of caffiene.
I can grind up 1 bean and make a cup of coffee. It also depends on steep time and roast level.

>> No.19138817

The scientific/research definition of "cup of coffee" is something like 6oz
Lots of coffee machine manufacturers also do the same 6oz cup for their carafes to market "6 cup coffee maker"
The "Specialty Coffee Association" publishes their own standard and used to explicitly state 8.25g per 150ml for standard cupping (since moved to heritage status) but have updated their standards to use just the (equivalent) ratio of 55g per litre

None of the above define a caffeine content

>> No.19138834
File: 33 KB, 239x240, deb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really chaps my vadge that my coffee pot measures out cups on the side and they aren't FUCKING CUPS. I checked this morning, 3 actual cups of water = like 5.666 cups in the coffee pot. this makes following instructions fucking ridiculous.
>buy bag of Vittoria coffee
>says use one tbsp of ground coffee per cup
>cup of fucking what
>buy another brand of coffee
>says use 2-3 tbsp of ground coffee per cup

>> No.19138857

lmao that's like 125ml to the "cup"

>> No.19138870

This is why we weigh things anon.

>> No.19138885

It indicates servings, not units of measure.

>> No.19138948

i fucking hate the italians so much.

>> No.19138962

a properly brewed 6 cup moka pot will make between 150 - 160ml of coffee(i think, it has been a while since i measured, i will do that for todays cup(lol))
which is still around 100ml away from a metric cup.
but thats what i say when i have coffee.
for me 25g ground coffee in a 6 cup moka makes 150ish ml which = 1 cup.
and i have about 2-3 of these a day.
-moka schizo :)

>> No.19138972

>It indicates servings
>buy a 6 cup coffee maker
>make coffee
>pour it into 1 metric cup
>it only makes it halfway
>not even close to 6 cups
>sue the coffee maker company for false advertising

>> No.19139019
File: 76 KB, 600x600, il_fullxfull.918601860_tks1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it needs to be at least 3 times bigger than this

>> No.19139136

thats what she said

>> No.19139210

i have confirmed
good goffee :)
but i sneezed while taking a sip and got goffee up my nose :(

>> No.19139215

how many tablespoons would you say is about 25 grambs? one heaping?

>> No.19139248

you dont fill moka by weight you fill by volume and then weigh after.

>> No.19139249

I don't have a moka anyway I was just wondering if i'm using way too much or too little coffee by volume is all

>> No.19139303

the standard moka basket is smaller than the E&B Lab basket.
so ymmv
i usually overfill the first time i use a bean and then use the back of a knife to level it off and then weigh it and then only grind that weight next time i use those beans.
so for me a full and level basket can be anywhere from 23 to 27 grams but you can fit up to 35g depending on the beans and if you like tap and shake the basket to settle as much coffee as possible, not tamping or compressing just fitting as much as i can by over filling then tapping on the bench and then filling again and then leveling when i feel like its not going down anymore just from tapping.
the highest dose i have got from this method is 35g.
this method will result in a much longer brew time but if using the correct method will still result in a good brew but much much stronger.

i dont do this method often, just when i feel like having some fun.
i wouldn't recommend doing this unless you have perfected a normal moka brew over the course of a couple years.

>> No.19139794

Amerilards slowly realizing their measuring units are a joke.

>> No.19139804

we are talking about italians using stupid measurements not american you fucking idiot
>Ounce derives from the Ancient Roman uncia, a unit in the Ancient Roman units of measurement weighing about 27.35 grams or 0.967 of an Avoirdupois ounce, that was one-twelfth ( 1⁄12) of the Roman pound (libra).

>> No.19139806

I'll measure YOUR unit >:|

>> No.19139840

No sure if mutt public education or not but italians use metric system.

Thank you anon always good to lend a hand.

>> No.19140701
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Time is valleys

>> No.19140717

What a load of baseless shite

>> No.19140760
File: 32 KB, 520x421, csm_product-detail-58785-beaumont-instant-coffee-regular_82d38ffde9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drinking Aldi instant coffee for a few weeks because it's pretty good and fast/easy. I bought some Nestle Taster's Choice at Costco because it was 33% off, but I haven't tried it yet, and it still cost more by weight than the Aldi stuff.

>> No.19141175

i want to fuck him so bad.

>> No.19141628
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I got this in the mail two days ago. I had never had natural process beans so I played it safe with a blend that has both washed and natural. It's also my first non "espresso" blend since I'm trying to expand my palate.
The local moka schizo chewed me out last time for using a Brikka and letting it whistle, and recommended a slightly finer grind, so I did that.
I stopped it before then and even though it pained me to throw in the sink the last bit of liquid, the resulting cup was pretty interesting. It tasted... refreshing, somehow. It lacked the bitterness I've always associated with coffee, which threw me off and I was unsure *what* it actually tasted like. I kept sipping it and trying to figure out the acidity part of the taste and if I liked it, but towards the end of the cup I started tasting the sweetness aspect of it.
Unfortunately I'm a tastelet so I can only define the experience in "bitter", "acid", "sweet" and such so the notes of hibiscus, juniper and such on the label get lost on me.

>> No.19141641

It's good 4chan etiquette to let generals archive before making another.

>> No.19141644
