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19122258 No.19122258 [Reply] [Original]

Veganbros... IT'S OVER

>> No.19122335

There's a moral justification to not eating animals, plants, and fungi, but there's no moral justification for eating plants but not animals.
Just because you can't perceive it doesn't mean they're not hurting. Plants strive for life. Why should it matter if they don't have pain receptors?
Proliferation of life is based on suffering. That rabbit you shot and cooked to feed you for half a day genocided entire scores of plants, ot only ending their existence, but also preventing other creatures from their prey.
This world is cursed from the onset. Should we feel bad for acting in our base nature, consuming to live another day on this earth?
I don't. I love it here, and don't pity that predator that became my prey.

>> No.19122390

>Just because you can't perceive it doesn't mean they're not hurting.
Just because you want plants to feel pain to shit on vegans doesn't mean they do. I hate vegans but that's retarded.

>> No.19122506

Guess I'll just eat soil from now on.

>> No.19122507

this thread AGAIN? how much do vegans make you seethe, OP?

>> No.19122510

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmK0bZl4ILM

>> No.19122529

It only made it better. The only reason I took up this dumb diet is to steal food from cattle. Knowing that I've been hurting another group of sentient beings was an unexpected bonus.

>> No.19123028


>> No.19123084


Behind this crackling sound, he could hear a distant humming tone, which was the noise of the machine itself, but that was all. As he listened, he became conscious of a curious sensation, a feeling that his ears were stretching out away from his head, that each ear was connected to his head by a thin, stiff wire, like a tentacle, and that the wires were lengthening, that the ears were going up and up toward a secret and forbidden territory, a dangerous, ultrasonic region where ears had never been before and had no right to be.

The little needle crept slowly across the dial, and suddenly he heard a shriek, a frightful piercing shriek, and he jumped and dropped his hands, catching hold of the edge of the table. He stared around him as if expecting to see the person who had shrieked. There was no one in sight except the woman in the garden next door, and it was certainly not she. She was bending down, cutting yellow roses and putting them in her basket.

Again it came—a throatless, inhuman shriek, sharp and short, very clear and cold. The note itself possessed a minor, metallic quality that he had never heard before. Klausner looked around him, searching instinctively for the source of the noise. The woman next door was the only living thing in sight. He saw her reach down, take a rose stem in the fingers of one hand and snip the stem with a pair of scissors. Again he heard the scream.

It came at the exact moment when the rose stem was cut.

>> No.19123951

>why should it matter if they dont have pain receptors

Because the entire reason some people are uncomfortable with eating meat is because it requires killing something that can experience both suffering and happiness, which plants cannot.

>> No.19124019

I say this without a shred of irony: Our inability to relate to the experience of plants does not mean they have no experience. They may experience both suffering and happiness in ways we simply can't understand, but it wouldn't be any less valid.

>> No.19124050
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Everything about the world is constantly trying to kill us. The least we can do is return the favor. Fuck the world, fuck the universe, and fuck existence. This stupid damned piece of shit rock decided to spend billions of years evolving life until we became doomed with consciousness.
No plant or animal will ever feel our pain, the pain of grief and loss, the pain that self consciousness and our awareness of our mortality. The pain that comes with the knowledge of time, past, present and future.

>> No.19124068

>there's no moral justification for eating plants but not animals.
there is, here it is: plants do not suffer distress while being growing, they do not feel fear about being on a large field, they do not feel the loss of beloved ones, they dont hear, they dont smell, so the information they receive and the output capacity they have is so low even psychology doesnt take them as subjects for studies in the field. Therefore is less immoral to eat vegetables than animals, now have this twist, you little faggot: i´m not vegetarian, i eat meat a lot and i dont care about suffering, yet i understand the difference in terms of morality.
Now suck my dick.

>> No.19124633

Literally human made up concept. Animals don't give a shit and don't abide by human invented rules kek.

And no. No one wants to suck smelly flappy and impotent vegan dick.

>> No.19124769

>narutard being cringe

>> No.19125591

The main reason I don't eat animals is because of the mistreatment of them, not just causing them suffering, but also commodifying them and using them in droves as food for a society on which it is wasted. You could argue the same for plants, but I don't see industrial farming as as much of a perversion of nature. Maybe irrational, maybe not. I empathize with plants too, but I can recognize that it's more so me projecting my human emotions onto them. I don't have all the answers, but I got to eat something, so I eat plants.

>> No.19125731

Decisions aren't made on "mays"

>> No.19125824

Has anyone been on a strict vegan diet for longer than 2 years? All vegans I know eat animal protein one way or another. Lots of vegans secretly eat salmon. A supposedly vegan friend of mine ate from my salmon the moment it arrived as it was "an exception".

>> No.19125826

*my plate

>> No.19125834
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>> No.19125865

Does this make you all surprised? It was obvious we would come to this at some point. It's the logical consequence to today's alimentary retardation.

>> No.19126008

Let me put it a different way: We have no reason to assume plants don't experience these things in ways we simply can't relate to. In fact, there are all kinds of ways in which we see plants interact, such as sharing nutrients with other plants that become sick and trees growing in ways that intentionally protect each other.

>> No.19126020

>Let me put it a different way:
No. Didnt read furtber

>> No.19126025

Literally none of that is relevant

>> No.19126033

It's completely relevant. We know that animals feel the pain of loss because we observe them protecting each other to prevent loss. We see plants doing similar things, yet everyone refuses to acknowledge that could be the sign of emotion because they don't have faces for us to relate to directly/

>> No.19126037

But if I don't hurt something to feed myself, how will everyone know I'm heterosexual?

>> No.19126039

>It's completely relevant

>> No.19126050

You're in denial.

>> No.19126051

Okay buddy

>> No.19126072

eat a fruit and poop a seed. fair trade

>> No.19126190

I've never had a problem with one animal living at an expense of another: ULTIMATELY. Cruelty, while an important consideration, is the least of concern. It's only becomes an issue when pindicks >>19126037 ( however rightly so ) that most vegans lack of priorities is their lead argument. So suffering should be hedged as much as possible, but one organism is more worthy of life. It's not the one that doesn't build space ships.

>I can't argue

>> No.19126193

>still beating this dead horse

>> No.19126233

that screams too. you'll have to make do with eating rocks

>> No.19126237

I have no problem with eating meat, I just think people are very narrow-minded when they assume things like "plants can't suffer." This isn't intended to be a gotcha to vegans or meat-eaters or anyone else, but a serious philosophical consideration that I think people sidestep and ignore.

>> No.19126243


>> No.19126788
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>scientists just found out plants scream
>meanwhile some monk 1425436550 trillions years ago

>> No.19126800

The average person is not to blame for what they eat. But corporations not taking all available options go make things better and safer por people and the environment sure deserve to get shot

>> No.19126807

To live is to kill and to consume what you kill. Embrace you inner animal.

>> No.19126812

yeah, that's the circle of life hakunna matata and all that shit.

>> No.19127517

>the one that doesn't build space ships

Yea lets all pretend the majority of the human race aren't fat, disgusting pieces of shit as a justification for their barbarism. 90% of food nowadays isn't even produced for sustenance.

>> No.19127582

Thought that even as I typed it, and would have caveated, but Oh but without nations of slibs threatening to nuke each other, no moon trips. I myself prefer trees to people.

>> No.19127597

Which horse is that, dear?

The point is there suffering isn't like ours, or more objectively as valuable as an event in the universe. We will have order.

The only hope for the world is individual character. How can you possibly assign responsibility to a tiny minority for the behavior of a millions?

Called it. Someone owes me a coke. Are you 5'8" with a potbelly and a lifted truck too?

>> No.19127615

vast majority of plants evolved to be eaten. this isn't the "cows wouldn't be alive if it weren't for us!!" cope. every cereal plant except for gay quinoa is dead way before harvest. Every fruit is designed to be attractive for consumption. maybe 20-30% of vegetables you eat are genuinely ending a plant's life cycle short and that's pushing it

>> No.19127616

>computer starts beeping because it is over heating

this is how stupid you sound. If you don't have a brain and nervous system, you cannot feel pain or have an objective experience.

>> No.19127909
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>> No.19127925

not my problem

>> No.19127930

>cows wouldn't be alive if it weren't for us
That's true though.

>> No.19128499

They would still be very much domesticated for milk and pulling carts. Those two functions are still beneficial to humanity without relying on their premature deaths and shitty quality of life in some fattening box

>> No.19128543

Been doing it since 2010, no exceptions. Protein is a non issue, people put way too much importance/worry over it, it isn't hard to get.

>> No.19129350

Back in college we had this little tradition in which every year, as freshmen arrived on campus, we would ruin the vegan support group rally by egging them.

At first we just threw eggs, but then we evolved our tactics to throw the eggs using slingshots for further reach and hitting power!

Then, on my last year on college, we decided to take it a step further and mixed in several boiled eggs amongst our ammo!

Boy, I have never seen so much fear in the eyes of vegans as we did that day, as they were pretty much bombarded with hardboiled eggs getting slingshotted at them with ultmost fury!

That was also the year in which the vegan support group received less new members in the entire history of the group!

In other words, a job well done!

>> No.19129717

Vegan protein isn't the same as animal protein. Get it through your skull. Retard.

>> No.19130035

It's not the same protein, but exactly the same amino acids. Protein gets broken into it's constituent amino acids during digestion anyway.

>> No.19130286
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>but exactly the same amino acids.
No, it isn't.


>> No.19131425

So all highly digestable, cool. I'll eat one more slice bread and not be weakling, wasteful retard destroying the planet.

>> No.19131433

Aurochs were doing just fine. Gonna clone them too.

>> No.19131956

>So all highly digestable
Can you read you retard?
>I'll eat one more slice bread and not be weakling, wasteful retard destroying the planet.
Wheat industry is responsible for more destruction than animal farming.

>> No.19131971

>The point is there suffering isn't like ours
right, just like how animal suffering isnt like ours, thanks for making me feel good about eating meat

>> No.19133538

And yet nobody who raises alarms about plants feeling pain will care if someone mows their grass or steps on a flower, but they will if someone goes to a pet shop and buys animals to torture

>> No.19133546

Gluten isn't even the only type of protein in wheat. Compare pumpkin seed protein to gelatin as your example of beef protein and you can make another dishonest argument in the opposite direction.

>> No.19133548

Seeds are toxic to humans.

>> No.19133570

By what mechanism?

>> No.19133584

They are seeds. They don't want to be eaten.

>> No.19133596

I, also, emit popping or clicking noises when stressed. Pretty loud ones when I get snipped in half.

>> No.19133681

But you will eat them.

>> No.19133684

I don't eat seeds for a year now. All my gut issues dissapeared.

>> No.19133745

Well you're gonna get some new ones if you don't eat a handful of sunflower seeds right now.

>> No.19133968


>> No.19133986

That wasn't a request. I'm telling you.

>> No.19133999

Educate yourself you self absorbed piece of shit.

>> No.19134049

>plants literally scream in pain if attacked
Huh, vegans literally are required to starve to death aren't they?

>> No.19134068

And that would be best for normal humans. Just use vegans as fertilizer.

>> No.19134105

Either you eat these fucking sunflower seeds or I've got another kind of seed to put down your throat. What's it going to be?

>> No.19134139

Stop LARPing you imbecile.

>> No.19134373

>reddit spacing
>things that didn't happen