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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 712 KB, 1333x2000, IMG_1894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19120198 No.19120198 [Reply] [Original]

Clay pot ^_^
Japanese clay pot o_O

What are you cooking?

>> No.19120201

Can OP stop making clay pots the mascot of the Japanese food thread please for the love of god.

>> No.19120212
File: 1.16 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_5224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you provide better content

>> No.19120230

Yay! :D you made another thread! I will continue posting my boring Japanese stuff like my nukadoko and rice. :D

Personally I enjoy the donabe/Japanese pottery being the mascot of these threads.

>> No.19120254
File: 23 KB, 285x253, catphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any knowledge on Japanese pottery in general?

I'm curious why so many famous/high end/expensive pieces have this sort of "ugly" kind of look to them?

I can appreciate them for their natural and earthy appearance, but I feel like there's more to them than just that.

>> No.19120271

>still 3 IP's

>> No.19120285

Been reading about hagi ware. Sounds really really cool. May get a couple nice pieces for myself.

Yeah. Seems like we both posted twice, and then OP. Your point?

>> No.19120358

>I'm curious why so many famous/high end/expensive pieces have this sort of "ugly" kind of look to them?


>> No.19120361
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Ty. I found out they change color over time depending on how you use them, which sounds really cool.

Do you have any feelings about this sake cup? I see myself using a sake cup more than a matcha bowl...

>> No.19120400
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Jalapeno nukazuke is amazing.

>> No.19120428

OP is a ryourikon

>> No.19120451

I miss the old Japanese Food Thread anon who posted tons of meals.

>> No.19120454

He still posts...

>> No.19120526 [DELETED] 

Lmao the start of another beautiful day in Japan. Are you maggots still fat retarded Americans?
Imagine, everyday thinking about japanese foods, making your shitty faggot cooking because you have nothing better going on in your worthless lives.
Who me? I'll be eating some delicious foods today, staring at some delicious ass and titties, and maybe get my dick sucked who knows.
Lmao god I hate you worthless autistic freaks so much.

>> No.19120555

It's easy for a machine in a Chinese factory to consistently churn out identical-looking pieces with zero character.

>> No.19120573

a few months ago i was researching japanese noodle bowls and stoneware

i quickly realised i was being a posing faggot

i usher you to think the same, OP

>> No.19120585

Your point? Are they getting the specific clays and glazes traditionally used to reproduce them?

No fun allowed posters are pure cancer. Sad little lives they live.

>> No.19120589

top kek

>> No.19120697

Looking at your faggot asa queermo shit cooking is not fun. You're shitting up the board

>> No.19120703
File: 1.69 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_20230403_084541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of Japan here. Stopped off at the conbini on my way to work to pic up some high quality breakfast.
Oh yeah, check that out. They call it the big Weiner. 20 seconds in the microwave and I'm eating like a king.
Just think that hyper autistic rich guy would sell his whole farm, just for a sniff of an authentic Japanese big Weiner.
But he won't. He never will. He says he can, but he won't, and he knows that.

>> No.19120709

oh sweet another cancer general

>> No.19120727

Just had a tuna onigiri. Now I'm snacking on some grapes.
"Grapes, they're not very interesting" I hear you screech autistically. But you need to remember one thing, these aren't just grapes, these are grapes-japan.
Yes, that's right, such simple things, and yet so far out of reach for you.
Look at that faggot op with his faggot pots noone gives a shit about. What a fucking losers. Spends his days wishing he was japanese, what a worthless piece of trash.
Where as I, the KING, am sitting on a chair in Japan right at this moment, breathing japanese air, having japanese rays of light go into my eyes.

>> No.19120738

>king of japan
you’re not robcdee though.

>> No.19120774
File: 1.41 MB, 1800x3653, 20230402_171935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention fellow Japan enthusiasts.

I am making rice...

For my dog.

>> No.19120784

Oh look another reditors woop dee fucking do. Look at how utterly boring you idiots are. You're nothing. Your faggots dogs are nothing. Take a look in the mirror and tell me how pathetic you are. I bet your dog hates you.
Who me? I ate too many grapes and feel a bit I'll now, but that's all party of the game when you're the KoJ.

>> No.19120794

Attention fellow Japan enthusiasts.

The nukadoko has been turned.

Tonight is dashi based soup with some beef meatballs and random veggies I have in my fridge. Had the urge to make a nice dashi broth. Pics will follow.

>> No.19120804 [DELETED] 

I just stood up, and then sat down again. Have you idiots ever done that? Now before you reply, remember that I just did it, in Japan. Bahahahaha that's right you fucking maggots put your worthless hands back down. You're nothing to me.
I can feel a poo brewing and I'm going to go spurt it out in a bit on a ultra futuristic japanese toilet that literally says " good morning *****, let me snack on your delicious morning waste. And then it tongues my asshole clean afterwards.
Imagine being you, fat american retards lmao truly pitiful.

>> No.19120837
File: 1.28 MB, 1800x2941, 20230402_174108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please slice your kombu with your handmade Japanese scissors before heating the water up slowly.

>> No.19120853

Ok sludging at this very moment.
So if any of you are in Japan and see a gaijin come out the toilet in the next few minutes, that's me. You got me. The KoJs identity has been compromised. Then I'm going to make a coffee (using japanese water).
Imagine not living in Japan and instead making shitty japanese cooking alone at home bahahahaha

>> No.19120861

generals belong on reddit

>> No.19120865
File: 1022 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_1895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight is Kyoto Style Saikyo Miso Hot Pot

>> No.19120866
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The rice is completed. I know he will love it.

>> No.19120880

Damn. I need a nice amount of lil bowls n things like that.

I'm just making my soup in a creuset pot. :(

>> No.19120881
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This recipe calls for some unusual ingredients, like white sesame paste. At the local Chinese grocer, the sesame past I found turned out to be like sesame-flavored almond butter. Seems kind of gross, but I'll see how it turns out and adjust the second time. Also, unfortunately, the pork belly is kind of thin, but the recipe directs all ingredients to be blanched beforehand or sauteed anyway, so it should be fine. Donabe is heating up.

>> No.19120886
File: 676 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_1897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamado-san has prepared the usual salted kombu + ginger rice as the past few nights. It's that good.

>> No.19120889

Finished sludging. It was a spicy one for some reason? Hmm.
Ah well back to "work" for me lmao. You fucking worthless maggots enjoy spending your evenings alone, posting boring pictures on 4chsn though eh? Lmao

>> No.19120890

Wait, you don't have one of those Japanese mortar and pestles specifically for making fresh sesame paste?

>> No.19120895 [DELETED] 

King of Japan here. I have them, because I literally live in Japan. Figures that a fucking retarded pathetic worthless piece of shit american wouldn't have them though LMAO. imagine buying your ingredients from a fucking chinky shop lmao oh my word.

>> No.19120898

I don't think you can make sesame paste with a mortar and pestle.

>> No.19120906
File: 647 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_1898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very labor intensive to prepare food like this, but it sure looks good.

>> No.19120910
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Boiling up nicely.

>> No.19120912

You can just put some sesame seeds in a food processor.

>> No.19120929
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One of these things.

Looks worthwhile and a fun meal to make.

>> No.19120954
File: 701 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_1901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itadakimasu! (TL Note: "Lord bless this food. Let's eat!")

I have one of those. I didn't realize I could *make* paste with it. I'll look into it.

As for the sesame paste in question, it was not a good addition to the broth. Definitely going to either omit it in the future or try to source a better quality ingredient.

>> No.19120964

Looks nice, well done. Sounds like you got something more like tahini. Probably was kinda weird.

From what I remember those grinder bowls are the traditional way to grind sesame seeds.

Is that milk? Very based if so. Hah.

>> No.19120969

>that milk
uh, anon, are you ok?

>> No.19120982

Yeah, the recipe said I could substitute tahini, which I have never bought, so I had no idea where to even find it or what kind of grocery store. So I just went with the first thing I saw that said "Sesame Paste" at the Chinese grocery.

And yes, milk is good.

>> No.19120990

I've been looking at a website called shoran Japan cos I want to do what op is doing but those shits seem a little expensive. Anyone ordered something from them before? Good quality/fast delivery etc?

>> No.19120998

Actually I have. I got a smaller donabe from them. They didn't pack it well enough and it arrived broken; HOWEVER, they sent a replacement immediately via FedEx, which had slightly more padding. I got my other donabe from Toiro, who packed them way better.

>> No.19121006

I know you have, Syed, I know, it was merely a test.

>> No.19121007

I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

>> No.19121012
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Sure you don't mr. Or should that be dr.

>> No.19121019
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The meat is mixing. I like using the mixer and letting it go for a few minutes.

I also really enjoy adding some roughly chopped woodear mushrooms to my meatballs. It adds a really nice textural contrast.

Tahini can usually be found in the "ethnic" aisle of common supermarkets. It is a middle eastern ingredient.

>> No.19121021

Why are you mixing that meat? Can't you buy it pre-mixed?

>> No.19121024
File: 1.44 MB, 1447x3956, 20230402_184219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the secret to making incredible dashi.

I FUCKED this piece of katsuobushi up unfortunately(gaijin). It still works fine, but I get a bit of powder.

>> No.19121028

I added a bunch of stuff to ground beef. Just convenient and heavy mixing changes the texture of the meatballs some.

>> No.19121039

Explain a little better. It looks like you're holding a piece of wood up.

>> No.19121044

That is katsuobushi before it is turned into flakes for making dashi with. The flavor of freshly shaved katsuobushi is on an entirely different level to pre shredded.

Katusobushi is also the hardest food in the world. It literally feels like a piece of hard wood.

>> No.19121067

>That is katsuobushi before it is turned into flakes for making dashi with.

I remember listening to an ASMR of a girl making that it was really good.

>> No.19121087

because japanese appreciate aging and imperfection, unlike westoids who had their brains washed by consumerism into buying factory made goytrash.

>> No.19121091

The feel of slicing paper thin strips of dried fish and the sound when it's working well is very satisfying.

Lesson for us all to consider, I suppose.

>> No.19121095


>> No.19121102

Oh jeez

>> No.19121139

How much does a 2x4 of katsuobushi cost?

>> No.19121148

I'm just following the recipe. It was actually a nice addition.

>> No.19121185

Haha. A filet is around 20-35 dollars. Depending on how many board feet you're looking for I'd say expect to pay around 80-100 bucks per board foot. Very pricey, but the smell is fantastic.

>> No.19121186

whose recipe is it?

>> No.19121196


>> No.19121199

Considering they sell bags of the flakes for like $4 per ounce, that seems like a bargain.

>> No.19121200

>Naoko Takei Moore
>Kyle Connaughton
this is why you got broccoli in your nabe

>> No.19121204

Do you think Japanese people never eat broccoli? Wtf?

>> No.19121206

How was the mixed meat?

>> No.19121208

The japanese do not eat broccoli, no. It does not surprise me that you would not know such a thing given your small IQ, but perhaps you could read a book sometime?
I have some fantastic recommendations I could share if you wish.

>> No.19121214

Oh, you're the troll.

>> No.19121215

nigger the japanese do eat broccoli. what the fuck are you talking about?
t. 10 year japan resident

>> No.19121225

Are you the king of Japan? No, you're just a little faggot. So sit the fuck back down little bish boi

>> No.19121232
File: 1.33 MB, 1790x3181, 20230402_195140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It came out really delicious. The meatballs are nicely tender with a little chew. The beef is from a 2 year old steer I had slaughtered, so it has a much stronger beef flavor than any storebought ground beef.

The broth also came out awesome. Super savory, a little smoky, mushroom, and some beef flavor as well.

Give this soup a good 8.5/10.

>> No.19121248

That looks good. Wood ear mushrooms?

>> No.19121254

King of Japan here. Time for my designated lunch break.
Imagine not being me. Fucking losers sat alone every night trying to impress each other on 4chan LMAO ah man. Time for the king to have another feast from the conbini oh fuck yeah I'm eating good today lmao god you idiots truly disgust me. Worthless retarded american losers.

>> No.19121264
File: 25 KB, 665x387, filterd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no, no no no no no no no!!!

it wasn't supposed to happen like this, don't filter the KoJ!!!!


>> No.19121274

I'd rather you didn't read my posts to be honest, you don't deserve to

>> No.19121282
File: 1.23 MB, 1800x2796, 20230402_200951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Korean wood ear mushrooms. :0 The shiitakes are Japanese, so it balances out.

This broth is truly fantastic and it is just dashi, a little sake, soy sauce, and salt.

I needed 2 tbsp of sake, so I opened the dassai 23 lol. Beautiful sake. You could almost fool someone into thinking it's a white wine. Absolutely incredible with the broth and beef.

I'm a very happy boy right now, and I'm going for seconds.

>> No.19121289

It looks beautiful. I am trying to figure out how Japanese chefs would use different pieces for different foods. Dark bowls contrast with light color foods, and light color bowls contrast with dark color foods. If you have salt in a condiment dish, for example, you won't be able to see the salt at all if the fish is white.

A white matcha cup would provide a great backdrop for green matcha, really letting you appreciate the richness of the color. Since sake is clear, I'm not sure the color of the cup would matter that much, but white cups and clear liquids may not contrast at all and might look invisible.

>> No.19121292

I don't believe you. If you want to show sincerity in excluding me, then you'll use a tripcode from here on out.

>> No.19121297

I ran out of sake and have been using wine in place of it, which is fine, but seems slightly off.

>> No.19121313

What's the purpose of having 3 of them? Aren't they really expensive?

>> No.19121316

I don't use tripcodes because I'm not a pathetic faggot loser, like you.
Imagine getting so irredeemably blown the fuck out that you resort to filtering me. Laughable.
My reign as supreme leader continues

>> No.19121342

I think it is quite pretty as well. Very tempting to purchase. The little fucker is damn expensive tho lol. I need to soul search a little to see if a cup is worth 400 bucks to me.

I really want a nice plate to serve sushi on and I was thinking about that exact thing when I was browsing hagiware plates. It is quite an interesting task that takes thought and some introspection I think.

Sipping this dassai 23 I would say that something like a lower acidity pinot grigio, or a watered down rich chardonnay would work okay as a replacement if you absolutely had to. I may get some cheap cooking sake to see how much of a difference it actually makes.

With western wine cooking the quality only really matters in some dishes. I would use a 50+ bottle of burgundy to make coq au vin for example.

>> No.19121344

Bottom one is a rice cooker, which makes rice really well, with very little effort. It has an inner lid to keep water from boiling over so you can keep it on a hot flame the entire time without adjusting the heat.

Middle one is a general purpose hot pot. Yes, I could just repurpose the rice cooker, or I could cook rice in the general purpose one. Not if I want to cook rice and have a hot pot meal at the same time, though.

Top one is for soups. It has a thicker bottom and more of a vertical construction. I haven't gotten much use out of it yet, just made chicken dashi so far. It seems great for miso soup, so you can have it hot at the table to serve a group of people.

>> No.19121350

>pinot grigio,
Yep, that's what I've got. Just don't feel like driving to somewhere that has good sake. I live in redneckville, and it's about a 30 minute each way drive to the nearest Asian grocery store.

>> No.19121365

Hah that's mildly amusing I guessed the wine. It's subtle enough to sort of work, sort of.

I think sake has high levels of glutamate, which is part of why it works so well as a cooking ingredient. Red wine is also high in glutamates.

I use xiaoxing wine instead of mirin if I don't have any. Lol.

>> No.19121432

Ah man I ate too much. All that authentic Japanese cuisine, just couldn't help myself.
Ah well, back to the grind it is for me.

>> No.19121437
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Look at these. Made by a famous potter who lived from 1848-1920. I guess cups are technically functional art...

>> No.19121650

So it’s an antique?

>> No.19121680
File: 440 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20230403_143811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaaa. You're a moron. Broccoli is ubiquitous in Japan and is a staple in youshoku. Try finding a hamburg joint that doesn't put broccoli on the teppan.

Uhhh. Bish recently broke up (they sucked anyway). Ugly girls that can't even sing.I'm sure they were your favorite, as you clearly have no taste.

Here's some kiritanpo for you, though, because I'm a benevolent Emperor of Japan... You know, because Japan doesn't have kings, even larpy little bitch ones.

>> No.19121719

I have no idea what you are trying to say. Guess you must be american because you talk like a fucking retard. Never address I, the king of Japan, again.

>> No.19121749


>> No.19121768
File: 34 KB, 240x320, IMG_20220702_123300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English hard. Big words scary. I'm a baby with no taste.

>> No.19121792


>> No.19121810

Omggggg is that....is that a pic of hecking meat??!?!!?! Omggggg so tasteful lmao fucking retard get the fuck out my thread.

>> No.19121829
File: 466 KB, 1024x1820, IMG_20210602_114752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's maguro at Tsukiji fish market, from before it moved to Toyosu.

Your thread? It's my thread now, princess of Japan.

>> No.19121843

Nope, I claimed it first. You'll just have to wait for the next one (I'll take that one too though, naturally)

>> No.19121861

eeeeeh? honto? Nihongo ne hanesemasu ka??? Nani nani? Purinchessu of Nippon???

>> No.19121971
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>> No.19121972
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Calm down, Beavis.

>> No.19122097

Kashimashi Meshi Trailer

Gekikarado 2 Trailer

>> No.19122306
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>> No.19122798

Thanks to the jannies for their hard work purging all the threads about how black people season their chicken so the threads that are actually about cooking food can be trolled to shit by underage LARPers.

>> No.19122965


>> No.19123277

Is this oden?

>> No.19124000
File: 1.12 MB, 1725x1969, IMG_5239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody cooking anything Japanese?

>> No.19124215
File: 2.01 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_20230404_084919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on? Where are all my loyal subjects? Where's Harby (Hyper Autistic Rich BoY)? Where's the not so anonymous "clay pot """anon""""? Where's the pretender to the throne, the princess of Japan, who posts 2 year old pictures of her flat chested girl friend?
Seems that, as expected, it is I, the KING OF JAPAN, who remains supreme.
Had another onigiri for breakfast it was pretty good but I think I'll have some cereal or something tomorrow getting a bit bored of onigiris now the king must be satisfied.

>> No.19124254

That's like fancy/fine dining oden
But I'm here to say:
Oden is bad and I'm tired of pretending it's not

>> No.19124277

When I lived in Oita, they sold oden at the convenience stores. You got a soup cup and picked the little pieces out of the hot dashi bath, and you were charged per piece. Very weird, but good.

>> No.19124330

Cool story idiot, no one asked though.

>> No.19124375
File: 1.02 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did the conbini touch you?

>> No.19124393

In my asshole. Nice looking bentonbut I'd be chucking that une boshj out thenwindow

>> No.19124406

>they sold oden at the convenience stores
They do this literally everywhere.
I'm sorry but super soggy root vegetables and 10 different types of fish cake just doesn't do it for me

>> No.19124418

>hi no maru bento
>some creamy sauce
This is pretty close to the perfect worst bento ever

>> No.19124430

Your mother is the worst bentonever hahahhaa

>> No.19124448
File: 720 KB, 2048x1536, sushi69753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19124455

I will never recover from this

>> No.19124467
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Yeah, it was always kind of a gamble and I would try not to judge weird looking food by appearances and then not get the weird ones and get something that looked more familiar instead. I definitely didn't take enough pictures when I was there.

>> No.19124619

Faggot you want me to take a picture of my asshole hovering over a japanese toilet or something? Get the fuck outta here

>> No.19124691

This looks good. The different color plates hints that it's a kaiten sushi restaurant, but surely it's from a real sushi restaurant, right?

>> No.19124731
File: 1.30 MB, 4472x2981, IMG_1968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my rice

>> No.19124813


>> No.19124950

Oh yeah worth trying everything, I tried some nasty ass stuff (google shirako) I was just thinking that would be a bad bento for me.
looks pretty good, did it sit out for a while or is slightly dry? hard to tell just by a picture though could be perfectly good

>> No.19125055

>looks pretty good, did it sit out for a while or is slightly dry? hard to tell just by a picture though could be perfectly good
I didn't wash it or presoak it. It was a bit crunchy and gooey at the same time.

>> No.19125058

Imagine talking about rice of all things lmao you fucking loser. Come back to Japan and eat my asshole if you want you can sprinkle some rice grains on it first I make the best rice

>> No.19125064

>crunchy and gooey rice
You fucking retard. You've got a rice cooker and you still fuck it up that much? Lmao man you're truly worthless aren't you. Still need your momma to tie your shoelaces for you? Lmao

>> No.19125138

rinse it and use more water next time

>> No.19125146

I'll continue to cook it as I please, thanks. Your advice isn't needed.

>> No.19125189

Please don't pretend to be me. Fuck off.

Fuck off.

>> No.19125206

I'll continue to pretend to be who I please, thanks.
Oooh big boy using his big swear words, he so aaaaaannnnnnggggrrrrryyyyy. LMAO fucking retard can't even make rice in a rice cooker lmao holy shit I hope for your sake you're a child because if you're and adult that's just embarrassing.

>> No.19125556
File: 238 KB, 1280x854, xzPnje0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19125566

That one samefagging weeb in this thread would be so shocked to see how fucking haphazardly actual people and chefs cook in Japan. most commonly you buy your rice half cooked and finish it in the microwave. What you are doing is not Japanese in anyway its some kind of fetishization and bastardization based on old fictional books or something

>> No.19125617

High-end High quality conveyor belt sushi restaurant.

>> No.19125808

The more I study Japanese cuisine and the more I realize it's mid

>> No.19126086
File: 132 KB, 1200x1322, FkIuyKqXkAAax-u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most commonly you buy your rice half cooked and finish it in the microwave.
I know you're trolling for You's, but seriously. Fuck off.

>> No.19126092
File: 262 KB, 792x621, Screenshot_20230404-161458_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know

>> No.19126248

The only people who eat this are poor college kids and 65 year old single men. No one else eats this regularly.

>> No.19126257

"Real sushi" is basically the same as kaiten sushi.
I only go to kaiten sushi places, especially my local chain which is very good and cheap. There's a reason kaiten sushi places are everywhere in Japan, because the difference in quality is not large enough to warrant a 20x price increase. Also, you can just buy a large cut of most kinds of fish at any super market here and prepare your own sashimi at home.

>> No.19127656
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>> No.19128028
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Look at this sake. You think it's worth the price?

>> No.19128047

>rice folded over 500 times
Yeah definitely bro

>> No.19128233

Do you actually have a high paying job, or are you just living off a trust fund? If the latter, this shit is a sure way to squander it all.

>> No.19128240
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ids habbending again

>> No.19128244
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>> No.19128256
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>> No.19128438

I like my booze, but I would never spend that much on a single bottle of sake. MAYBE a very special bottle of red wine.

I just thought it was a cool thing to share. Having the rice milled down .85% is truly ridiculous.

Keep in mind that 50% milled is the standard for the highest quality junmai daiginjo.

>> No.19128466

honestly I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference between that and a decent bottle of sake
same goes for a lot of things, wine especially
people simp for stradavarius violins but no one can actually consistently differentiate them from other high quality violins

>> No.19128473

Not the place to argue about this, but I've had my fair share of well researched 1k+ wines, and they were magnificent. It requires a good perspective on the style to truly appreciate the greatness, but they are also simply incredible tasting. I know some are worth the exorbitant price from first hand experience.

I agree with you that the sake would probably be hard to differentiate from a great bottle that's like 100 bucks. The bottle I showed almost seems like a novelty.

My experience with sake is much more limited to that of wine, so I couldn't say for sure if there's a possibility it is worth more than just the novelty. It kind of reminds me of a very very expensive and elaborately made watch that's 2 million dollars. They just did it because they could.

>> No.19128530

>It kind of reminds me of a very very expensive and elaborately made watch that's 2 million dollars.
yeah that seems like an apt comparison

>> No.19129152
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