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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 538x357, ck Challenge 2023 One-Off Edition Gourmet Recession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19119360 No.19119360 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the /ck/ Challenge 2023 - One-Off Edition: Gourmet Recession.

This is a one-off cooking event that will span the course of this next week. There will be no prizes, only gloating rights. Participants will cook a dish that falls within the genre and will have that dish judged by the community. In lieu of categorical point ranking system and a longer series of themes, the one-off will be modified to incorporate more relaxed judging guidelines. To participate, follow the entry guidelines and just have a good time with it.

Challenge Theme: Gourmet Recession—times are hard and budgets are tight; you must create a boushy dish with a budget of $15. This means taking $15 of your localized currency, going to a store, buying ingredients without going over budget, and making the most high-end dish you can with it.

Entry Guidelines:
1) Create a dish that falls within the challenge theme
2) Post a picture of your dish with a timestamp in this thread
3) Explain or title your dish and (optional) post a recipe or multi-paneled image explaining your process

Judging Guidelines:
1) Tag and comment on an entry with a critique indicating "+1" or "-1"; example: "Would eat +1", or "That's fly over crap -1"
2) Participant scores will be tallied within the timeframe of the event and be posted at the end of the event. Scores below 0 will receive 0
3) The honor system is in place as is tradition. Don't be a fag, we're just trying to have some fun. Score appropriately and just enjoy it

Event Timeline:
The contest will begin on Monday 4/3 @ 0900 Eastern Standard Time
The contest will end on Sunday 4/9 @ 0900 Eastern Standard Time

Final comment: If there are not enough participants, then there will be no more events unless someone else wants to do it. These events are best when people participate, and there's no sense is doing them if nobody does. Let's just try to enjoy it—original content is a great thing.

>> No.19119390
File: 1.61 MB, 1275x834, bloody mary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't use anything you already have on hand because there's no way to prove you stayed under budget
Pretty ironic you're asking people to spend money on things they already have in a recession themed event.

>> No.19119404

Nothing is keeping people from using what they have on hand. Not like we're checking receipts. Observe Judging Guideline 3 sentence 2.

>> No.19119406

here's a bump.

>> No.19119410

>"That's fly over crap -1"
As a person of color I request that you reword the OP to something less offensive.

>> No.19119425

I'm not buying a new bag of salt

>> No.19119441

>my butcher had short ribs and marrow bones on sale for 99 cents a pound this week, just trust me guise
>what, you don't have a good butcher like me?
>those are cheap cuts anyways, lol
Also, the honor system always applied to voting, not challenge goals. Making an infographic should be optional, but you still need to show your work. What you're asking for is going to result in "I bet you wish you were eating this well" guy's dorito and beef tacos, or someone just buying a $10 can of deenz and putting it on a plate with some saltines and a bottle of hot sauce. That's not a challenge. It's a post your dinner thread and judge each other (but keep it civil, lol).

>> No.19119446

You need to put another couple sentences that explains to all the contrarians you should try your best to understand and stay within "the spirit of" the competition.

>> No.19119450

The cream rises to the top bro. Have fun with it and show us you aren't a brainrotted zombie that has had all his creativity digitally lobotomized.

>> No.19119451

were you caught cheating in 2016 or some shit? why havent you killed yourself yet?

>> No.19119491

>show us you aren't a brainrotted zombie that has had all his creativity digitally lobotomized
Pretty sure you replied to the wrong post.

>> No.19119539

No. It was a direct response to your claim that everyone will just post their dinner.

>> No.19119546
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, ribeye dish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, $15 is currently £12.15. At first I thought you could buy a nice bit of meat for that and just dress it up real fancy. Then I realised "cuisine bourgeoise" is specifically upper middle class home cooked food, not restaurant food, so that doesn't really meet the challenge. Difficult to hit the nail on the head.

>> No.19119719

If that grubby cunt slapped the whole steak on the plate with a few thick cut chips and a mixed salad that would be a middle class meal

>> No.19119739

can i use spices i already have? cooking fat?

>> No.19119753

10 cents of spices, 50 cents of oil...

>> No.19119934

Let's say yes, but only in the context of their original MSRP. If you have a jar of garlic powder on-hand that cost you $1.25 in the store, deduct $1.25 from your $15 budget. The theme isn't meant to be easy but to stretch the limits of creativity in times where money isn't going as far as it used to.

>> No.19120243

>if you have a jar of garlic powder on-hand that cost you $1.25 in the store, deduct $1.25 from your $15 budget
So the worse you are with money and budgeting, the more of an advantage you get? I have a 20 pound bag of rice that I paid $15 for, but I guess I can't use 50 cents worth of it because I was stupid and bought in bulk, rather than spending $5 for a 2 pound bag? What about if someone grows their own food? Or that dude last month who'd just bought a chest freezer in anticipation of buying half a cow? How would those get calculated? It seems like the only way the premise would work (you have $15, you walk into a store, you can only use the ingredients you buy with that money) is if people found versions of the things they already have at the store and just used those prices. But even then, if you see someone say they bought a jar of nasty ass stale Great Value garlic powder you're probably going to want to deduct points, even if that's not what they actually have at home.

>> No.19120259

bro its a game fucking relax

>> No.19120263

I think the total cost of meal is a better way to do it. Like 5c of salt, 50c of spices, half pound of chicken at 8/lb, etc.

Growing your own food has cost associated with it, but I'd say the effort to grow stuff should mean it counts as being free.

>> No.19120303

>the total cost of meal is a better way to do it
>like 5c of salt, 50c of spices, half pound of chicken at 8/lb, etc.
But that completely throws the premise of walking into a store with $15 out the window. We also have threads almost every other day of people complaining about Weissman (?) videos where he says he makes some fancy dish for $1 per serving when it actually requires buying like $80 worth of ingredients. It doesn't really even matter though, since OP isn't using the traditional scoring system. But that's going to lead to controversy as well when somebody starts giving everybody a zero if they didn't follow the parameters of the challenge 100%, even if they prepared something really good.

>> No.19120312

Fair point. Can we exclude the absolute basics? I don't want to buy more salt or pepper for example.

I supppse that could be a part of the challenge. Instead of salt maybe you buy something that is salty so you get flavor and salt in one cheaper ingredient.

>> No.19120317

>But that's going to lead to controversy as well when somebody starts giving everybody a zero if they didn't follow the parameters of the challenge 100%
have you ever seen a /ck/ challenge? that happens literally every single time. trolling is inevitable and the detail sticklers like you are the ones who feed them.

>> No.19120365

Trolling has never been that big of an issue since it's pretty easy to spot. If people were bickering over details in the past it was typically resolved by the person running the challenge. The problem with the last few was that most of the oldfags had already left, and the people running them had no idea what they were doing. The challenges were also more general in the past, and people were able to give a score on how they interpreted different categories, so everything kind of evened out. This challenge is more like, "cook whatever you want, but you have to stay under this budget, but nobody really cares if you stay under the budget". People keep saying, "stop fretting over the details and just have fun, dude, or are you afraid of being creative?" And I'm saying that you're not going to get creativity unless you make challenges force people to leave their comfort zone, think outside the box, and experiment with things they've maybe never done before. Even on those shitty FN reality shows they would at least specify if you had to make an appetizer, entree, or dessert for this challenge. As it stands one person could make a pot of beef stew while someone else could make a single bite, Michelin star tier amuse-bouche (and you know damn well which one of those would get a higher score on present day /ck/).

>> No.19120374

I just bought 15 bucks of chicfila, plated it nicely, and won the gold medal. Simple as.

>> No.19120402

What would have actually happened is that you'd be one of 2 or 3 low effort joke entries to receive a negative score because your "dish" was neither interesting, creative, or even funny. And then you wouldn't bother posting in the next round because everyone just ignored you and you decided posting any form of OC was too much effort if nobody was going to take the bait. Then again, these days I wouldn't be surprised if a dozen election tourists showed up and gave you a perfect score while giving everyone else a low score just because "lol, white man's bland christcuck chicken is based!"

>> No.19120413

Either way sounds pretty funny. I jest.

I'm actually invested in this competition if the rules get fleshed out a bit better. I think discussing the competition is useful. Hopefully something good can come of it.

>> No.19120698

>i think discussing the competition is useful
In the past the person putting it on would usually make a thread where they would see how many people were interested, discuss the format/timing/voting, throw around challenge ideas, see if anyone would be willing to help out with calculating scores/archiving results/making graphics/donating prizes, and just generally spend about a week working out any issues to make sure that as many people would be willing and able to compete. Instead OP came into a thread with 20 people and just declared they were going to do a test round with new rules they pulled out of thin air and a theme they didn't think through, when they could have at the very least used an early round theme from previous challenges that has been tested. I don't want to be a downer, and would love to see the challenge revived, but this isn't the way to do it.

>> No.19121161

then do it yourself. someone is taking their own time to do this, and all youre doing is bitching. your conceit is palpable.

>> No.19121337

>you're not allowed to criticize politicians when you've never even run for office yourself!
What a stupid take. The challenge has always been a community event, and while there needs to be someone in charge to run it, and moderate it, and keep it alive and up to date, there needs to be other people who are both enthusiastic about it and on the same page. The reason the last 3 or 4 challenges failed was because it was always some random anon who decided to start it without knowing what they were doing and just expected everything to work itself out and gain attention as it went on, when even at their height of popularity /ck/ challenges always lost interest the longer they went. And this board is very different from what it was 10 years ago. OP is so clueless he left out the 2 things that would have immediately disqualified an entry in literally every previous challenge.

>> No.19121385

your reddit paragraphs are so fucking cringe i cant get through a tenth of it

>> No.19121391
File: 127 KB, 1024x682, ironing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit paragraphs

>> No.19121397

do you typically see someone write an entire fucking thesis in 3 posts on 4chan? just fuck off

>> No.19121424

>no! this is a heckin phoneposting peruvian jade hairnet tapestry forum!
>if you're sitting at home behind a keyboard you belong on le reddit!

>> No.19121697


>> No.19121793

Sounds cool, I'm in

>> No.19121809

long and dull way to say 'cook a ghetto michelin star dish'

you stupid faggot

>> No.19121915

Not a single submission, but people are already upset. This is going to be epic.

>> No.19121957

Vietfag here
I'm in. Hope I can get some free time this week.
it's still the first day of the week anon. Give it time.

>> No.19121989

>dish with a budget of $15
that's more than half of my weekly food budget for a single meal
you think I'm made of money over here

>> No.19122085

Are you the person that gets way too competitive in a game of pictionary and starts accusing others of cheating and ruins the game for everyone?

>> No.19122227

I shall cook Chicken Kiev w/ sauted potatoes and some seasonal veg (perhaps sugar snap peas)

>> No.19122412

The race is on; good luck to all. Some vocal feedback regarding the point system and other historical criteria as was seen in more conventional challenges is acknowledged. However, I reiterate with this is a one-off to gauge community sentiment which, aside from the aforementioned vocal contributor, has been well received in it's more relaxed capacity. If all goes well, we may return to more traditional contest regulations.

>> No.19123319


>> No.19124053
File: 109 KB, 596x470, 1634827534746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm gonna cook Chicken Kiev with SCALLOPED potatoes and ROASTED BRUSSELS SPROUTS!
(Just kidding. Bump.)

>> No.19124738

If anyone does pommes anna I will kneel.

>> No.19124915

The challenge will fail, as it does every year. And I will laugh, as I do every year, at the worthless maggots that try to make it happen LOL

>> No.19124985

I wish I was as cool as you.

>> No.19125034

>if someone makes a really simple 2 ingredient side dish i'm going to lose my mind
>i don't even care what else is on the plate
Well that's pretty random.

>> No.19125163

Lmao cry more little bitch boy.

>> No.19126009

>3) Don't be a fag, we're just trying to have some fun. Score appropriately and just enjoy it

>> No.19126307
File: 496 KB, 1200x747, brown sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No submissions after 50 posts? the glowies have killed 4chins
This one is for the Brits. It is probably the only thing I will cook this week so I'll submit it. "HP" brown sauce. I'm going to make some pork pies at the end of the month and I was told to get some of this. I took the recipe from Uncle Matts cookery lessons YouTube channel.
2 granny smith apples $2.85
onion $1
2.5 oz prunes $.
.4 pint malt vinegar $.97
3.5 oz sugar $.25
2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp cayenne
pinch nutmeg
spices: $.25?
$6.42? total for about 30 oz that would cost $36 here in the US.
Chop everything up, toss it in a pot, simmer until things are soft, blend, adjust moisture, simmer until it is a thick ketchup consistency sauce, put in a jar and water bath can it or just let it cool and stick in the fridge. Let sit a month to allow flavors to develop.
This ugly, brown bottle of goop will be the winner.

>> No.19126376

I love to touchytouch all my customers food with my unwashed hands. the yeast on my balls is the most gourmet of espices

>> No.19126470

Presentation: 0/5
Originality: 0/5
Appeal: 1/5
Challenge Goals: 1/5
Total: 2/20

No points for presentation because there is no presentation.
No points for originality because you just followed a youtube video.
One point for appeal because I'd be willing to try homemade HP sauce, even if just as a curiosity.
One point for challenge goals because you stayed under budget, but you didn't compose a dish, or even a side dish. You made a sauce, which by your own admission isn't even finished, and by anyone's estimation isn't "gourmet" by any definition of the word. You had an entire week to come up with a dish, and you gave us an "ugly, brown bottle of goop" and told us to wait a month.

>> No.19126487

Lmao. Looks like you should call it LP sauce, bro. LOW POINTS SAUCE!

>> No.19126498

/ck/ - Cruel about Kooking

>> No.19126531

/ck/ has always been harsh. I mean, you can't really expect to post anything on 4chan and act surprised when a few people call you a fag. Obviously some people are just going to be assholes, but if you explain why you think something somebody posted was bad, and are willing to argue over it and give constructive criticism, it's all good. If you came here looking for a hugbox with nothing but positive reinforcement, there's a million other places you can go.

>> No.19126612

I'm going to try and use AI to defeat all of you.

>> No.19126617

Simmer down, bud, it's only a joke.

>> No.19127934

that is not the scoring format in the OP. stop trying to push your faggotry yellowqueer

>> No.19127978

It makes it easier to explain the rationale behind how you voted. If you struggle converting a simple fraction to upvotes and downvotes I'm sure someone here would be willing to give you a quick lesson in 2nd grade math.

>> No.19128175
File: 3.96 MB, 456x244, why-cant-you-just-be-normal-youre-weird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19128228

>Asking someone to be normal
>on 4chan of all the places
please get the fuck out before you cry yourself

>> No.19128343

Shut up lex

>> No.19128371

You realize this is a cooking competition, not a book report, right?

>> No.19128463
File: 603 KB, 1440x1080, B8335548-9732-4AA4-905E-1F265BFE8E16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will participate. I’m still a little fuzzy on the rules. Are we to assume this is being prepared in a basic kitchen stocked with basic pantry items, do we do rough math subtracting the cost of something basic already on hand, or do we go to the store and buy a salt shaker?

>> No.19128529

>do we do rough math subtracting the cost of something basic already on hand?
yes. don't worry about it. make something. post it. get savaged by angry incels that live in their mother's basement and have never cooked. currently my British brown sauce is winning. If you can't beat what looks like baby shit in a recycled Mason jar...

>> No.19128549

I'd say the general consensus seems to be just use common sense. Salt and pepper and common dried spices are free (unless you're doing something like a salt encrusted baked fish that uses an entire box of salt), cooking fats (butter/oil) are free if you're just sautéing something (but if you're using an entire bottle of oil to deep fry something that needs to be factored in), thickening up a stew with a small dusting of flour should be free (but if you bake a loaf of bread you should include the flour in the budget), if you're deglazing a pan with a splash of wine nobody is going to care (but if you use half a bottle to make coq au vin you should include the price of the bottle), etc.

That's how I interpret it, anyway. Anything else you have on hand that isn't a basic pantry item (fresh herbs, garlic, onions, stock, etc.) just do a rough calculation. Nobody has asked if you even need to go to the store at all, and can just use up whatever you have on hand, and I'd say that's up to everyone else to decide if they think it goes against the spirit of the challenge. Then again, I'm not the one making the rules, and it seems like everyone is tired of bickering over the details.

>follow the rules how you interpret them
>come up with something creative
>take pictures and explain what you did
>don't be an asshole
>people vote
>there's a bunch of new oc
>maybe somebody decides to make a dish for themselves
>maybe others learn something new
>everybody wins

>> No.19128569
File: 173 KB, 1000x765, 3D043F55-B8DA-46B7-A208-953346D4B3E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. Well, that seems reasonable. I was thinkin mashed taters would be an inexpensive side to include but quickly realized this is 2023 and a carton of milk and a pack of butter would blow over half the budget for a splash of milk and a pat of butter. Thanks, fren!

>> No.19128598

>a carton of milk and a pack of butter would blow over half the budget for a splash of milk and a pat of butter
Most people keep butter around, so if you're just using a pat I doubt anyone is going to care (or you could just add 10 cents or whatever). If you regularly keep milk around I doubt anyone will care about using a splash of that either, but if you need to buy an entire carton just for this one thing you're on the honor system (but if you're only using a splash I doubt anyone is going to get up in arms if you don't include the entire price of the carton; that would just be your own personal shame at squandering money on a silly online cooking competition, which you're going to have to live with it for the rest of your life).

>> No.19128661

I think you're supposed to interpret it however you think makes sense and then everybody bickers about whose interpretation was proper.

>> No.19129925


>> No.19130550

What about sales our local stores have like BOGO free? Do we halve the cost, double it if we use both, or price in what we paid?

>> No.19130837

BOGO is the same thing as a 50% off sale when you buy two. So if you only use one, include the discount price of that one, but if you use both, include the total price you paid.

How many people are actually going to enter? Not like, "I'd like to if I get around to it", but you've already come up with a plan and made a shopping list?

>> No.19130858

I’m going to enter. I was waiting for the sales to post in my town (today). I’ll post a meal either Thursday or Friday.

>> No.19130874

Me too. I have a plan for a mains but not set on the side or sides.

>> No.19131166

Planning on going tomorrow. I'll try to post my submission then, too.

>> No.19131183

a lot of people arguing about pricing rules
the way I'm treating this is I imagine I'm poor as fuck and realize I should be feeding myself and my son better (in this fantasy I am a single dad)
I dont have much but I have very basic seasonings, like pepper, salt, garlic powder and hot sauce plus some rice and maybe a half pound of pasta
everything I use outside of those things is put into the $15 limit

>> No.19131197
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Your fantasy life is kind of depressing.

>> No.19131211 [DELETED] 
File: 2.08 MB, 3024x4032, 9E42EAD4-3F84-473A-B405-7AE1DDE8834A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I already won bow down

>> No.19132308
File: 4 KB, 249x249, E466E0B0-FE31-4CF5-9BA3-17414F932FC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those toenails

>> No.19132348

Why don't we have to post receipts and proof of staying within budget. Seems bullshit and people will bend and break the rules. I will provide 2 entries

One bullshit

it's like I can get "free" butter at McDonald's with hot cakes and sausage, or steal single serve butter patties. I think I should get clear rules before I even attwmpt.

>> No.19132376

Fuck you, post receipts.

>> No.19132391 [DELETED] 

This but that fucking libtarded fucking faggotry I'm out. Fuck this well thats pkay, but that has to be considered, and what the fucm do I win? Fucking anonymous bragging rights, ima spend $16 tomorrow on dinner and enjoy it, not even post shit. Fuck your shit show and retarded ambiguous rules. I shouldn't expect much more from a bunch of Jewish-tranny nigger lovers.

>> No.19132408
File: 793 KB, 852x621, 1677665974468194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> relaxed competition
> simple as fuck rules
> no prize for winning
> no punishment for cheating
> 100 posts of anons autistically sperging out over not including the cost of salt in their meal
never change /ck/

>> No.19132413

What if I peeled a carrot and cucumber into ribbons and dressed my cock up, but I usually charge people $50 to suck my cock, do I get a credit for like $48 and get to just go ahead and break the budget? I'll post the dressed up pens.

>> No.19132421

jizz on her tits

>> No.19132429

Oh shit I can shove the cucumber and carrot up my ass for like a $500 credit and just post an Easter dinner for the win.

>> No.19132462

Ima actually get some help and have my ass stuffed with carrots and cucumbers, while I got my girlfriend with a whole leg of lamb up her snatch, we're going to call it $5,000 and actually do a charity benefit and not even feed anyone just throw everything away because fuck the poor. Then write it all off on our taxes next year.

>> No.19132470
File: 88 KB, 1200x1109, 6219c8b5b9d377c483490b7ccbbe407e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't we have to post receipts and proof of staying within budget. Seems bullshit and people will bend and break the rules.
Anon, please understand.. Vietnamese wet markets don't give bills when buying fresh products.. And most don't have a predetermined price for which cut of meat..

>> No.19132499

And then what? They'll unfairly acquire the US presidency with their cheated /ck/ trophy? Nobody gives a shit if you win or lose, anon.

>> No.19132523
File: 1.96 MB, 2335x2287, 0C1047B4-E77D-4058-A447-414F3FFD981B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the concept, OP. However, we're all a bunch of wagecucking disorganized faggots and we can't deal with this type of thing on short notice. If you did a Challenge announcement week, where a thread like this takes place, and the actual challenge started the next week, I'd do it for sure. As an example, I buy my week's produce and vegetables at a Saturday farmers market. I'd already bought all my shit by the time you announced it,

Plus, part of the fun of this type of shit is bullshitting with wife/coworkers/friends as a generic topic of discussion to explore interesting ideas. A week of bullshitting and bravado followed by a week of results would be a sustainable pace for /ck/

Picrel was my breakfast

>> No.19132632

Alright I'll post one photo, and focus on the uhhh spirit of the competition. I'll use 0 negative cost ingredients, and honestly don't care if I won because this is about making sure we can our best within the spirit of the rules.... but that begs the question like I could cut a hole out of a tray and stick my dick through it.... not focused on the cock but it's there and it's presented in a way of art, provocative, sultry and succulent....

>> No.19132648

So just use the shit on hand and quit being a pen y pinching faggot. Cheat and fucking say you hit a cow into a bush of rosemary and show us a prime rib you win nothing anyway so there's no incentive not to cheat

>> No.19132655

Personally I plan to get b& from all of 4chan before I can post my entry, but ima just fucking make shit up and post a picture of my cock a d girlfriends titles on a blue board for the lulz, are you a newfag normal or something?

You make a great point and this should be a general monthly challenge sticky thing.

>> No.19132677

what if I make carnitas with a $20 whole pork shoulder. Can I pretend it was a $10 piece of pork shoulder?

>> No.19132698

I'm out of the house for a couple months and can't participate, but I'm glad to see the challenge is back.
Please take part if you can. You don't have to be a Michelin chef either. Submit what you have and learn from the critique.

>> No.19132905

Yes yes you said "faggot" online, very cool

>> No.19133016

I've spent more time hunting, fishing, growing, raising, trainging and cooking than an average people. I'm also junkie level alcoholic and probably had more wash sales on the stock market last year than your income for the past 5. So if you want to poke fun that's fine, but I'm willing to use a tripcode while you barely have a keyboard.

>> No.19133022

I'm also trying to figure out how this dick and tits on a plate presentation for the competition that gets me b&, but getting b& from 4channel is a badge of honor your too hip to find. Don't forget you're here forever kiddo. Gl hf.

>> No.19133031

So what if she's bent over like a horse with the carrot in her ass... the leafy part there but her pussy is clearly visible still, and the plate is just a little lower on the side from the angle of the shot? Oh yeah and my big 5 inch boner is in the middle of the plate right, and as far as the food, fucm you you're not stealing my recipe until I post it, but color and presentation is everything since the rules are shit.

>> No.19133040
File: 333 KB, 576x577, 1578537434355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 days with100 posts and my jar of brown sauce is still in the lead. this board is a joke
this will be my victory dance.

>> No.19133054

Fine I'll do it. Gimme an hour or so.

>> No.19133170
File: 2.42 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_164310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighy then.

First things first, the main course. Storebought lasagna, 4 €. Preheated oven and in you go.

>> No.19133180
File: 2.70 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_164711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beans are in preparation. Menwhile we slice and dice our veggies. Two sad stalks of celery, 3 garlic cloves, 3 capers, two tomatoes and three pickles. Heat up some olive oil in a pan while you're at it.

>> No.19133196
File: 2.65 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_165402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw in your veggies except for the garlic and add a chicken broth cube.

>> No.19133199
File: 3.12 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_165628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes garlic!

>> No.19133205

I give you a 0 in all regards for this. It is just chopped garlic.

>> No.19133208
File: 2.54 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_165923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes sausage!

>> No.19133209

I worked really hard on it.

>> No.19133228
File: 3.34 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_170949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they're toasted to taste we throw them in the pot along with some cheese.

>> No.19133235
File: 2.64 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_171209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bay leafs.

>> No.19133243
File: 3.35 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_171322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now onto our dessert, pancakes. Season the pan.

>> No.19133248
File: 2.46 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_171353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flour and water, in.

>> No.19133265
File: 2.53 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_172300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honor the Lord and add a little bit of olive oil

>> No.19133269
File: 3.35 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_172432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a flipperino.

>> No.19133278
File: 2.62 MB, 3456x3456, 20230406_172647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add a generous amount of tomato paste to drown out the pickles.

>> No.19134453

>boushy dish
OP so low class he can't even spell bougie

>> No.19134725
File: 813 KB, 2187x2029, 20230407_065559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to save you, /ck/. The cod fillet was $7, the alfalfa $3 for the full container, the egg 35c and the yolk broke to prove it was cheap quality, the dijon mustard $4 for the jar, the capers $3 for the jar, the thought and effort -$2.35. I just made breakfast and added mustard and capers to make it fake fancy.

>> No.19134751

The longer I look at it, the worse it gets.

>> No.19134914
File: 997 KB, 1200x805, IMGP6443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm raising the bar, though perhaps not by much.

Egg 'crepes' with swiss cheese, fried ham cubes, sauteed mushrooms, and spinach and air fried sweet potato fries.
Cost me slightly less than $15 and could make enough for 2. I didn't count the cost of salt, pepper, paprika, and oil, or the cornstach for the fries.

>> No.19135012

looks good anon. You get a vote from me. +1... would eat.

>> No.19135115

>participant scores will be tallied within the timeframe of the event and be posted at the end of the event
That's retarded. Of course most people are going to submit their entries towards the end of the competition, and a lot of people voting would rather wait till the end and just vote all at once, or just not happen to be on /ck/ for a day and miss anything that came in on the last day, which is still within the allowed timeframe. You have to give a day or two for people to vote and just generally discuss how things went.

>> No.19135126

best I've seen thus far +1
decent volume and quality

>> No.19135166

Captcha: H DX PP

>> No.19135170

Looks whack. Bet it tastes good tho

>> No.19135178

Your name is awful. You sound like that prick from /x

>> No.19135180


>> No.19135330

No timestamp, no vote.

>> No.19135633
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1583, 1612985284442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the fence about entering
>run to the store 30 minutes before close last night to pick up a couple random things
>somehow end up buying everything i need for my idea
>open the thread this morning and see that it's gone from minor bickering to full blown shitposting
>op has been awol for three days straight
Whatever. It's not like there's anything at stake, and the thing I decided to make was something I hadn't had in awhile and was thinking about making before this. I just adapted it to fit the challenge. It's a good excuse and motivation to try something different and make some OC. Even if it's just a small, casual event, it would still be more fun if the people voting outnumbered the people entering, and the people entering outnumbered the trolls.

>> No.19135751

so, what are you making, you filthy love live fan?

>> No.19135858

LMAO nice one, guys.

>> No.19136434
File: 494 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20230407_086940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please accept my receipt as proof and apologies

Anyone else on the fence, just post something. This board needs some OC.

>> No.19137699

>just post something
Nah, you should only post if you make something specifically for the challenge. We haven't had a serious entry yet, because people are just "posting something". That's OP's fault, though. He made a challenge that was essentially a "post the last thing you cooked" thread, except nobody is posting anything because OP wrote a wall of text instead of just saying, "post the last thing you cooked". And next time someone decides to post a challenge thread, at least make a graphic where you can actually see "/ck/ challenge". Scrolling through the catalog this thread is practically invisible.

>> No.19137713

And the week leading up to a major calendar holiday isn't the a great period for it, either.

>> No.19137793
File: 1.26 MB, 843x1298, 1672388569166621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

savin this thread with $1.50 wortha chikun

>> No.19137828

>it’s a tranny
not surprising

>> No.19137834

>/pol/fag literally cannot stop thinking about dicks
not surprising

>> No.19137862

all that sugar… all that cutting… just eat a fucking bowl of frosted flakes idiot

>> No.19137879

ask me how i know you’re a faggot

>> No.19137884

this doesn’t look good at all
mmmm eggs and carrots

>> No.19137888

you’re a pol screecher which is a tranny and that’s why i called you one

>> No.19137926

Ironic coming from someone that constantly thinks about cuckoldry and homosexual intercourse

>> No.19137992

Do you guys think you're being funny/witty/clever? Have you ever in your life read over one of your posts before posting and realized it was useless noise?

>> No.19138003

keep posting faggot

>> No.19138234
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, 12EE5D3A-78A7-4662-BD5D-37F64D98E987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crème fraisch covered meatballs with bacon crumbled mashed potatoes and lemon juiced broccoli
simple, hearty, rustic

>> No.19138280
File: 373 KB, 826x850, 1666779103235091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard of food that "sticks to your ribs", or soups that are so thick "you can stand your spoon up in it", but you took it to the next level and made something that actually sticks to the plate itself.

>> No.19138290
File: 37 KB, 540x507, 1679616223031962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sous vide in store packaging
god help you anon
your home looks like a doublewide and that plate of filth backs up my assumptions

>> No.19138332

>sous vide in store packaging
I was thinking the same thing but didn't say anything because he didn't actually submit an entry. I don't care about the plastic or think it's going to give him cancer or affect the flavor. The problem is that he's cooking a protein without any seasoning. It doesn't matter what he does to it after it's cooked; the chicken is still going to be bland and unseasoned. Doing sous vide chicken is also a bad idea for a challenge like this, since he's still going to need to cook it through so people don't scream "raw!", but if it doesn't look better than oven roasted people are going to call him an idiot for using sous vide in the first place.

>> No.19138356

>it looks sticky also i’m an anime transvestite
>i’m gonna talk about your window instead of the meal also i like cartoons because i’m a samefag tranny

>> No.19138401
File: 259 KB, 960x1200, DJie3foVwAEZcQw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*makes innocuous joke about how anon didn't rotate their image*
>you have a COCK but you think you are a girl! you put COCK in your mouth, and let other men put their COCK in your ass! i have no idea where i am or what we are talking about, but god damn, i just can't help myself from talking about COCK!

>> No.19138422

look at this fag

>> No.19138472

We get it. You'd rather look at pictures of dudes than pictures of food. /ck/ doesn't actually stand for "cock" though, so just fuck off.

>> No.19138515


>> No.19138519

I'd smash that anon, don't listen to the haters

>> No.19138899
File: 494 KB, 1000x750, 4029FBD7-A511-4A3E-8A57-56F6BCAF444C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the theme was “bougie” but with prices these days… eh. I was going to post gnocchi, but when I was making the marinara sauce my mom walked into the kitchen…
>mom: Oooooh. Are you going to make pizza, Anon???!!
>me: Y-yeaaaaah. Pizza! That’s right!
>mom: Yay!

So, I made pizza. Not that gnocchi is particularly bougie. I was looking forward to making it, tho. Anyway…

This pizza cost $10.82 to make. It is a thin crust pan pizza with marinara sauce, parmesan, extra mozzarella, pepperoni, black olive, mushrooms, purple onion, and yellow bell pepper. $5.50 of that was the cost for the mozzarella block I shredded and the 1/3 stick of pepperoni I sliced. I calculated other costs by weight and measurements of what I had on hand. I always have onions, bell peppers, and canned olives that I use for other things. I buy 11lb bags of 00 flour for pasta and pizza, so I took the cost of two cups of flour out of that.

I did not do the math on what this would have cost if I had rolled into a grocery store and loaded up my cart with every ingredient I needed to prepare this with an empty kitchen. I’m a little afraid to.

I forgot to take pictures of the marinara sauce in the pot. I have pictures of the dough in the mixer and the chopped toppings but honestly all of that’s a bit boring and would clutter up the thread, so I’m just posting the pizza.

Is my pizza perfect? Lol no. But everything is from scratch with fresh ingredients (except canned tomatoes) and it cost me $11 to make. I’ll reply to my post with what Pizza Hut would have charged me.

>> No.19138903
File: 185 KB, 986x542, 9CA7E338-EA56-4441-A2A8-3F3728256D5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19138940

mediocre looking crust
of course such a weak man who changes plans on the whims of a woman would fuck up so easily
i’m >>19138234 btw

>> No.19139005

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 1/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 7/20

The presentation stands out immediately due to a good contrast of colors, and it's nice that you both used a couple of the fillings as a garnish to show us what's on the inside, as well as gave us a little peek with how you folded it. The sharp angles keep the eye moving, but by the same token it's typically a good rule of thumb to plate in odd numbers. Overall it kind of looks like you threw a couple slices of pizza on a plate and then remembered you had some leftover fries that you dumped wherever there was room, before sitting down on the couch to watch the game.

The only thing particularly original are the sweet potato fries, but I don't understand how they compliment the omelet(s), and kind of seem like an afterthought. Otherwise it's nothing you couldn't find at Denny's.

I like a good omelet, and wouldn't refuse yours if it were served to me. But you kind of used the cheat method, and those wouldn't be my first choices at the omelet bar. I've also never in my life said, "I could really go for 2 omelets right now". And then there's those slightly burnt fries, which only emphasize the dryness of the dish.

One point on challenge goals for staying under budget, and one point for trying a couple things to elevate the dish. I'm not sure if folding an omelet like a crepe makes it more or less gourmet, but you should have at least folded it with the crease side down, which is de rigueur at even the greasiest spoon diner. I initially thought the green was a fresh herb such as basil, which would have elevated the dish in spite of the poor chiffonade, but I guess it's just spinach? It might look nice in a picture, but it's not going to add anything to the dish, and screams, "it's the new kid's second day on the line and he knew there was green stuff on the omelet, but the only thing he saw was spinach and forgot the herbs were kept in the lowboy".

>> No.19139029

Forgot to add: with regards to folding the omelets like crepes not being "gourmet", I really think it would have been a lot nicer had you just kept it really simply and just plated a single, perfectly cooked French omelet. Then you could have kept it very low budget while showing off your technique, and then really utilized your budget by buying a "fancy" ingredient like some crab meat, and maybe whip up a quick sauce to dress it before plating a dollop atop the omelet with nothing more than a couple chives or perhaps a sliver of lemon as a garnish.

>> No.19139285

+1 would eat
extra points for rolling dubz

>> No.19139318

Easily the best thing posted so far. Are you going to post a pic of it plated with a timestamp so that you can enter the competition? Post some of your pictures of the process too. Even if you think it's boring we're all here for the OC, and the more content you give the more there is to discuss, and learn from, and criticize, and say what we like and what we'd do differently.

>> No.19139645

alright you win. everyone else pack it up

>> No.19139722


>> No.19139833

You win

>> No.19139843

Doesn't feel the same. Fresh fruits + greek yoghurt hit different than goy sugar + bottom barrel carbs. Plus fiber and non-synthetic vitamins and protien. You are free to be a goyslave faggot but no thanks from me, I'll eat the real deal.

>> No.19139956

Why did this freak of nature stop posting his monstrosity? Did he die of embarrassment?

>> No.19139983

Thanks for the effortpost. I figured crepes sounded more in line with the goals than omelettes and cooked them differently than I would an omelette. I might should've left out a yolk to make them look less yellow. As far as your comment about not wanting 2, I used only 3 eggs, so it wasn't any more filling than a regular omelette I'd make. Fold up allowed a better look at the fillings and isn't necessarily 'wrong' im, but fold side down may have fit the competition better.
The potatoes were an attempt at interesting contrast as far as texture (not really important here, I know), color, and cooking technique since they had some char.
You're right about the spinach and while there's a fair bit inside as well, basil would've cost the same and probably served me better.

Looks great, +1 from me. How'd the bottom come put on that pan?

>> No.19140403

>This pizza cost $10.82 to make
Damn, that's crazy. I thought prices were getting bad here but that's like double what I'd expect, I'll have to check the mozzarella next time I go shopping. +1

>> No.19140415

I ate the lasagna and fell asleep then got too embarrassed to post after narrowly avoiding burning my kitchen down >.<
Would you accept a picture of my feet as an apology?

>> No.19140959

We're nearing the end of the competition with less than 2 days left to go, so if you've been lurking and thinking about participating, either as a contestant or weighing in with your vote, now is the time.

And a couple reminders. If you are going to vote, you should be voting for all entries, not just the ones you happen like. Secondly, while there has been some discussion about leeway and interpretation when it comes to the rules, the one thing that every entry must include is a picture of the completed dish with a timestamp. Additional photos and explanation are always welcome, but what is being voted on is the finished product, as it would be served, with a timestamp. If you happened to forget but provide later proof, as one entry did with a receipt, that's fine. But in the future please be sure to include a timestamp with your submission if you intend to be considered in the voting.

>> No.19141734

I'm cooking right now, had to wait til today

>> No.19141746

Shave feet and paint toe nails. One side blue, other green. Only substitution allowed this year. Sorry anon. Don't make the rules. Just enforce them. T.V. is your intials. If you violate the rules we will be forced to proceed from there

>> No.19141749


>> No.19141787
File: 1.31 MB, 800x1067, pineapple pie 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple pie chess style. Not a true chess pie but close.
2 cups frozen or fresh pineapple $5
1cup sugar $.75
juice & zest of 1 lemon $.50
stick of butter $1
2 eggs $.50
1 1/4 cup flour $.50
stick of butter $1
tb sugar ($above)
1/8 cup h2o
what? $9.25
Recipe was from an attempt by a YouTube cook. I varied it where he had problems, but it still isn't perfected.
Put pineapple, sugar, lemon juice and zest in pot and simmer until most of the liquid is gone or thick (this is where he had problems... he didn't do this step.) Remove from heat, put in cold butter and mix. When mixture is cool enough mix in beaten eggs. Dump in pie shell and bake 50-60 min. No I'm not typing out how to make the crust for fuck's sake.
1 of 2

>> No.19141804
File: 194 KB, 1024x768, IMG_6456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna choooouxm!

>> No.19141808
File: 1.17 MB, 1000x750, pineapple pie 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a bit more brown than I'd like, but it is better than the YouTube guy's first attempt. Not cutting it until after "easter" dinner. All of you non-cooking critics can suck it.

>> No.19141817

looks good, anon!

>> No.19141909

Timestamp for great victory

>> No.19141930

>not cutting it until after "easter" dinner
I highly doubt anyone is going to throw a tantrum if you aren't able to get your entry in before the deadline tomorrow night. I'd suggest making your timestamp now and keeping it in your pocket tomorrow so that you can covertly snap a pic without your dinner guests thinking you're a weirdo.

>> No.19142078
File: 704 KB, 600x800, honey pie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pineapple is wrapped in the fridge. Here is the honey pie I also made. A bit darker also. I have a new-to-me range that I got from boomers doing a remodel, so I'm not quite used to it. And I'm working the variations on this recipe to figure what works/tastes the best. This would fit the price range of the competition depending on honey prices in your area. This honey is from my bees.
Recipe is
cup of honey
6-8 tb butter
tb vinegar (I used apple cider)
tb lemon + tb lemon zest
3 eggs
melt butter. mix with honey. add vinegar or lemon stuff. beat in eggs. pour in shell and bake 45ish min at 350°f. One challenge to this on is that the filling stays liquid/ gooey until after it comes out and cools. It is hard to know when it is done.
I don't care about the competition. I just want to talk about cooking and baking on /ck/. crazy, huh?

>> No.19142093
File: 603 KB, 1200x706, honey pie slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my last attempt. 2tb less butter and no vinegar or lemon. The idea of adding the acid (vinegar or lemon) to it is to ballance out the sweetness. Average honey ph is below 4, so I skipped the acid. It was too mellow, but a very nice mellow. I added the vinegar to kick it up this time.

>> No.19142294
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't care about the competition
>i just want to talk about cooking and baking on /ck/
>crazy, huh?
That's not crazy. That's what we are here for. People who actually like to cook, and talk about cooking, and post their cooking so that other people can call them a fag and then argue for two hours over whether or not you should ever add the garlic at the same time as the onion, coming together for a lighthearted competition where you get to larp as Rokusaburo Michiba or Jeffrey Steingarten and battle it out for /ck/ bragging rights. I get that the opposition seems too great, and you'd rather go home and be with your loved ones, but the idea of making it a community event is to attract more attention to our shared cause, even if half the people just come to laugh at someone trying something new and fucking it up. If there's even one or two Scotsmen lurking who get inspired to cook something and post a thread about it, that means there's one or two less threads about what new item Taco Bell is bringing back, or the latest e-celeb gossip, or which brand has gone woke this week. If not for yourself, do it for your children, and your children's children.

>> No.19142315

didn't read a word of that wall of autism

>> No.19142438 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 1024x768, IMG_6492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salisbury steak au poivre with a warm salad of d'Anjou pears and onion and cheese-filled profiteroles
I'll put together the pricing and directions tomorrow, I think it worked out to about $8 a plate

>> No.19142442
File: 207 KB, 1024x768, IMG_6492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salisbury steak au poivre with a warm salad of d'Anjou pears and cabbage, withonion and cheese-filled profiteroles
I'll put together the pricing and directions tomorrow, I think it worked out to about $8 a plate

>> No.19142444

looks great, anon!

>> No.19142449

fixed a typo added another oh well

>> No.19142452

You forgot to put a space between "withonion" anon. Want to go for a third try? (Maybe with a timestamp?)

>> No.19142455

>>19142444 this
was intended for this:

>> No.19142471
File: 171 KB, 1024x768, IMG_6495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You forgot to put a space between "withonion" anon. Want to go for a third try? (Maybe with a timestamp?)

>> No.19142482

Yes those are boogies?

>> No.19142486

tendies the microone can only handle stacked plates

>> No.19142502
File: 38 KB, 483x725, bji03740043[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good form. Your plating in the first pic was nice, but a microwave-backlit money shot with a timestamp is what give me that funny feeling in my tummy.

>> No.19142517

The inside of my microwave made the front page of Reddit once
Back when that was a thing

>> No.19142528

+1 would eat

>> No.19142541

Are those capers or green peppercorns?

>> No.19142546

Green, white, black, and red peppercorns

>> No.19142551

Ah, I see the jar in the background, but there's also something next to it that looks like it could have been either capers or brined green peppercorns (and just saw that you're going to post details tomorrow).

>> No.19142613
File: 209 KB, 1136x815, ck_04_08_2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 oz Salmon, grilled: $3.75
1 lbs Yukon Gold Potatoes, boiled and pan seared: $1.00
2 oz Asparagus, grilled: $0.95
0.5 Red Onion: $0.45
2 tbsp Butter (for potatoes): $0.25
0.5 oz Pepper Jack Cheese: $0.25
2 tsp Sour Cream: $0.07
Spices (Salt, Pepper, Paprika, Cumin, Onion Powder, and Garlic Powder): $0.50 at the very most
Fresh Rosemary: Free, home grown
$7.22 Total
Wa la

>> No.19142636

Post timestamp.

>> No.19142666


>> No.19142669


>> No.19142673


>> No.19142675


>> No.19142679


>> No.19142680
File: 141 KB, 900x1200, ingredients_with_timestamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies, here is a pic with timestamp. The dish I made is long gone by now so posting a timestamp with this is the best I can do.

>> No.19142710

No worries. It's a stupid little thing, but requiring everyone to do it ensures that all the contestants are on equal footing and made a dish specifically for the competition, and that nobody is wasting their time voting on a picture from 3 years ago.

>> No.19143209

Dang, now we're talking. I feel like this is the closest thing so far to match the idea of "boushy". Nice work on the profiteroles. +1

>> No.19143234


>> No.19143240


>> No.19143241


>> No.19143262

Melt the cheese reeee
Might've preferred the onions cooked a bit or sliced thinner, too.

>> No.19143346

Good thread.

>> No.19143357
File: 2.04 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_2023-04-05-19-23-57-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cost about $15 (Aud)
Salmon with paprika, dill, salt and pepper
Put some lemon juice in and put the lid on.
Near the end I put some crushed garlic and butter in.
The other stuff is sweet potato mash.

>> No.19143948
File: 151 KB, 1024x768, sap1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 eggs $1.67
1lb beef $5
Shallot $.35
Green onion $.15
Yellow onion $.25
D’anjou pears $2.29
Butter $1.10
Milk $.28
Flour $1
Peppercorns $1
Bacon $.67
Cabbage $.45
Breadcrumbs $.50
Cream cheese $2.50
Total: $17.21
Let's round it up to $20 for everything to cover lard, oil, salt, and anything I might have missed, plus regional pricing might be different

That's still $5 per plate

Melt one stick of butter into one cup of milk with 1/2 teaspoon of salt

>> No.19143953 [DELETED] 

When it's melted, add 1c flour

>> No.19143959
File: 167 KB, 1024x768, sap2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it's melted and just not quite simmering add 1c flour

>> No.19143963
File: 163 KB, 1024x768, sap3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work it until it makes a ball you can stand a spoon in

>> No.19143968
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, sap4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it's cool, about body temp, start mixing in 4 eggs, one egg at a time, this will take a while

>> No.19143971
File: 84 KB, 518x310, Results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate everyone who participated in the spirit of the competition. Community sentiment seemed overall positive on this casual challenge and I believe there to be enough participation to hold these regularly. Feed back was offered throughout the thread that will be included into future events.

Given there was enough participation, I feel confident that we can return to more traditional scoring methodologies on the next one. I will take this next week to refine the guidelines and post a new next Saturday that will provide additional details.

In returning to a more traditional settings as well, the next thread will begin a short 4-week series of challenges instead of a one-off. I am taking suggestions for challenge themes.

Attached image are the results from this one-off challenge. If you received a rating of "E" (or Even), that means you did not place either due to no score or missing timestamp.

I hope everyone was able to have a little fun. Keep an eye out next Saturday for the new series.

>> No.19143983

Pipe the dough onto a sheet pan, this makes about 20, I did 13 in case of bad ones, I'll make eclairs or something with the rest

>> No.19143994
File: 256 KB, 1024x768, sap5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before baking, smooth the tops of the puffs with wet fingers
Bake at 360-370 for 25 minutes, then pierce the tops with a toothpick, then cook for another 5-10 minutes to desired brownness

>> No.19144008
File: 237 KB, 1024x768, sap6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Run the green onion, shallot, garlic through the food processor or finely chop

>> No.19144025
File: 215 KB, 1024x768, sap7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix with pepper, grated cheese, nutmeg
I forgot to tally cheese and nutmeg, up my total to still under $20 or $5/plate

>> No.19144029
File: 243 KB, 1024x768, sap8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to prep peppers
You need pickled green peppercorns to make this, along with dried black pepper, or a dried pepper medley

>> No.19144039
File: 199 KB, 1024x768, sap9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to blanch the dried pepper in hot oil or it will be too strong

>> No.19144045
File: 198 KB, 1024x768, sap10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was about 1.25 tbs of dried peppers
Oil go down da hole

>> No.19144056

OP is a faggot. My pineapple pie got 2 votes. 2. I can't believe the abuse I get when I cooked 3 things to bump your failed thread.

>> No.19144059
File: 223 KB, 1024x768, sap11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chop 3 slices of bacon, you could add a lot more, trying to be cheap as possible but more would be great

>> No.19144063

Wait, you made a week long competition ending on a Sunday and you meant 9am instead of 9pm? Are you retarded?

>> No.19144071
File: 206 KB, 1024x768, sap12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fry off the bacon, in butter, this is half of the dressing, do not drain any grease
Prep the cabbage by scrubbing it with salt, sugar, and white vinegar, at least for 15 minutes, this gets rid of the farts

>> No.19144075

Yeah let's extend it to at least 1700

>> No.19144081

Poor foresight. Let's extend to 2100 PST. Moving forward it will be Sunday 0900 to Sunday 2100.

>> No.19144082
File: 253 KB, 1024x768, sap13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drain the cabbage, add sliced pears

>> No.19144086

I'll correct that this evening when final results are posted.

>> No.19144092
File: 237 KB, 1024x768, sap14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fry off the cabbage with salt, then add water or chicken stock to it, red pepper, a little MSG if you want, or bouillon

>> No.19144095

>cabbage and pears
Put a lid on it, these gotta braise a bit

>> No.19144107
File: 249 KB, 1024x768, sap15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One pound of ground beef, two eggs, 1c breadcrumb
These were on clearance for $2
They suck because whole wheat cooks to a dark color
That's fine if you're making calimari, but you'll see, they brown off dark in this
It's OK the sauce hides it all

>> No.19144108

*Chicken Kyiv
ftfy, no need to thank me just doing my part to fight Russian Nazi imperialism and erasure of Ukrainian culture

>> No.19144115
File: 191 KB, 1024x768, sap16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grate a smallish yellow onion

>> No.19144122
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>> No.19144127
File: 263 KB, 1024x768, sap18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the meat mix rests, stuff the puffs
Just the tip

>> No.19144130
File: 264 KB, 1024x768, sap19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Form the patties

>> No.19144140
File: 254 KB, 1024x768, sap20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19144153
File: 188 KB, 1024x768, sap21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adjust salad for sugar and vinegar if necessary, add mustard

>> No.19144159
File: 286 KB, 1024x768, sap22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move cooked patties to warm oven
These are not burned and pink in the middle, it's just those darn whole wheat breadcrumbs

>> No.19144168
File: 17 KB, 374x222, stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oil go down da hole

>> No.19144169
File: 178 KB, 1024x768, sap23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drain any excess oil or grease from the pan, but try to keep some of the fond
Add heavy cream, the blanched dried pepper, and about 1-2 tbs green peppercorn and brine
Green peppercorns are salty so keep that in mind, you don't want the sauce to overpower
Au poivre sauce is a combination of mild and intense that makes it comfy

>> No.19144171

Don't worry about it, anon. I don't care. I'm just shit posting. Suggestion: next time very simple rules and explanation.
1. Theme rule
2. post recipe
3. post picture with a date (time stamp) in the picture
4. To vote for a recipe put +1 (or whatever) in a reply
5. etc
keep it simple

>> No.19144177
File: 222 KB, 1024x768, sap24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting things plated
Microwave your plates 30 seconds per plate usually does it, no one wants to eat off a cold ass plate

>> No.19144184

Oh, there's also a splash of brandy and a pat of butter in the peppercorn sauce, forgot
Still under $5/plate, really, just a splash
No more than 2 tsp of brandy keep it comfy

>> No.19144190
File: 245 KB, 1024x768, sap25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauced and served, Salisbury steak au poivre, with a warm salad of cabbage and d'Anjou pears, and cheese and onion-filled profiteroles
Three hours, $20, dinner for four

>> No.19144225

I didn't vote for it because of just the aesthetic value. I bet it tastes amazing and looked beautiful. But, I've never had it and it offset the typical expectations for the challenge so it was unrelatable to me in terms of my palletes fantasization capabilities. Would coconut creme or banana creme be good with it ya think?

>> No.19144227

>to vote for a recipe put +1 (or whatever) in a reply
This upvote/downvote system was a complete disaster.

>> No.19144235

Hope you live in a house. Otherwise, at least run hot water down it ya fuck

>> No.19144246


>> No.19144256
File: 13 KB, 255x330, baby_plucky_2_0_by_clovershroom_d1xs18d-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19144284

House, enough soap goes down that thing I don't worry about it
Fucking county made us install a massive sewer pipe because we added some footage to the back of the house, literally went 2 square feet over, no added bathroom or anything 2 feet cost us like, $25 grand
Fuck the state become ungovernable

>> No.19144307

>Not my problem.

>> No.19144347

OP's image really sucks. I can never find this thread without ctrl-f.

>> No.19144399
File: 3.13 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20230330_092632441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are coconut chess pies. I have not done one, yet. I was going to do one of those instead of the honey pie, but changed my mind. They are really easy to make... if you get your temps right. They are not like foofy, gooey pies. The sweetness tends to be less and there is more firmness to the filling.... more a custard like consistency I guess. Pic is a similar lemon pie I made for my mom's birthday a couple weeks ago. Firmer, non runny filling, not so sweet, and really nice lemon flavor. I don't know what to tell you... they are just different, but good. I'm still learning.

>> No.19144514

How about a week to post dishes and a day or two during which the voting is valid? I tied for first just because I posted early but obviously got my ass kicked by some later entries.
Though for future cost-based challenges, we need to decide if it's broken down by the amount of an ingredient used or by the cost of a package.

Needs to have a standard image if it'll be regular.

>> No.19144523

>a day or two during which the voting is valid
This should have been obvious and has always been how it was done. Most people are going to submit their entries towards the end, and it just makes no sense to have the deadline for entering the same as the deadline for voting (especially when it happens to be Easter).

>> No.19144617

I'm accepting feedback on a pastebin for future events

>> No.19144647

Oh that sounds GOOD. I’ll look up a recipe but my guess is you sub desiccated coconut for the corn meal? I’m not a fan of chess pie but I make a mean buttermilk pie. I cut the sugar a bit, and what you get is like a custard pie, only better, because buttermilk.

>> No.19144695

Looks good overall. The only things I'd suggest is maybe saying that it's encouraged to post additional pictures of your cooking. It doesn't have to be as detailed as the Salisbury steak, or in the form of an infographic, but it adds a lot and helps people voting. I would also get rid of the random times. Just say it starts on one day (whenever you post the thread) and ends on another day, by the end of the day.

Also, we should do challenges that are more focused. This one kind of just felt like "cook whatever you want", and then we ended up with one person making a sauce, one person making a dessert, and another making a full main course with sauce and sides.

>> No.19144729

I'm steak au poivre and I agree
I know I went all in on that one and it was quite a bit of extra work
However I wanted to show people how to make a couple of tasty dishes and I hope others try au poivre for themselves
It's good on a lot of things besides beef
Chicken, turkey, duck, it's really good with duck and game meat
The problem is that people don't know the blanching the peppercorns in oil trick, then they make it and it's too strong, it's really supposed to be mellow

>> No.19144779

sounds good
that lemon pie is not a chess pie and has no cornmeal. The coconut recipe has none, either. They all look like variations on that type of pie.... you know, eggs, butter and flavoring.

>> No.19144792

i agree about the arbitrary times but think they still need to be detailed. if day-to-day as suggested then at least detail from midnight-to-midnight so the spergs can manage their anxiety

>> No.19144828

Put bananas foster on top of it

>> No.19144830


>> No.19144838

>if day-to-day as suggested
It would be pretty much the same as suggested in the pastebin, but instead of saying "0900" and "2100", OP would just say "I'm going to post the new thread with the challenge on Sunday morning, and you'll have until the end of the day (EST) the following Sunday". It doesn't matter if there's a specific starting time because nobody can do anything until they know what the challenge is. And saying you have until the end of the last day to submit something just makes it simpler than having to remember a specific time and then convert it to your time zone.

>> No.19144876

that would give unfair time advantage to euros

>> No.19144892

Everyone would have the same amount of time. The only advantage they would have is if they put off cooking until Sunday night and decided to stay up until 5 or 6 in the morning. But there would be advantages and disadvantages no matter how you do it. 9am EST is 6am PST, and it's not like anyone was getting up before 6am on Easter Sunday to finish their entry.

>> No.19145143

Presentation: 1/5
Originality: 2/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 2/5
Total: 7/20

Not much to say about presentation. It's a whole pie in a pie tin. I thought the pineapple one looked a lot nicer with the slightly caramelized top.

It’s not doing anything groundbreaking, but points for originality since I don’t see honey pie very often.

I’m not a dessert person, and prefer something less sweet and more fruity/tart, but this sounds like it could be good, despite being purple for some reason.

One point for staying under budget and one point for using your own honey, which fits in with the recession theme. There’s nothing particularly gourmet about it, though.


>> No.19145153

Presentation: 3/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 4/5
Total: 14/20

It’s a very monochromatic plate, everything is sitting in a pool of sauce, and bread/ingredients shouldn’t be sitting on the lip of the dish. Otherwise it looks quite nice and inviting.

Lots of classic flavors and techniques, but combined in a somewhat original way.

Would eat. The sauce looks great, the steak is moist, and a warm pear salad sounds like a pairing I’d enjoy. The profiteroles do look like they went a little too long.

I feel like pricing the dish per plate kind of goes against the spirit of “walk into a store with $15 and cook something”, but since we’re already allowing bulk ingredients you have at home, and it was never specified how much food you even had to cook, it seems like a moot point. Otherwise really good interpretation of the challenge goals with how you incorporated stereotypical “cheap” things such as Salisbury steak and cabbage, but classed it up with the au poivre and profiteroles, which themselves aren’t particularly expensive but do showcase technique.


>> No.19145161

Presentation: 2/5
Originality: 1/5
Appeal: 2/5
Challenge Goals: 3/5
Total: 8/20

I like that I’m not entirely sure if you were being serious with the presentation or if it was entirely in jest. Either way, sometimes simpler is better, and the sloppiness distracts from any sense of classiness you’d get from that type of plating, however overdone and generic it may be. The sprig of rosemary is cute, but I’m not sure where in the dish you used rosemary.

Nothing original about salmon with asparagus and roast potatoes.

While I do like those things, the salmon looks dry, and I’d want more asparagus and less potatoes. The cold cheese, sour cream, and raw onions don’t look appealing at all.

While the salmon/asparagus/potatoes aren’t original, they’re also the exact kind of thing you’d see a bougie 40 something trophy wife eating with a glass of chardonnay. It also looks like something an average /ck/ anon on a budget would eat while trying to be healthy. Even if it’s a coincidence that fits well with the challenge.


>> No.19145334

>Mooooom. They’re arguing over the rules again!

>> No.19145361

Calm down anon. Nobody is arguing. OP asked for feedback on the new template and nobody had anything to say aside from a couple minor suggestions.

>> No.19145367

Honestly i might try this out (assuming it's $15 USD, $15 CAD would be extremely tight.)

Given the idea of scraps maybe something like a stew could work. We shall see...

>> No.19145374

You've got about 4 and a half hours to get something in. I believe in you.

>> No.19145383

Ah I didn't notice the day on OP. Shit.
Well if there's a follow up challenge I'll contribute but I dunno if that'll happen.
If people want id be happy to field some kind of prize for a future thread if someone wants to revive /ck/ challenge.

>> No.19145423

This was just a casual one-off to see how many people were interested, but OP is planning on running a 4 round challenge starting next week.

This went better than the last couple of times, but it was still a pretty small turnout compared to how it used to be. It would be awesome to go back to having prizes, but I'd wait to see how it goes before committing to anything.

>> No.19145578

Well, at least they anticipated build up and prevented you and the future homeowner from having someone come in and charge you $22g to dig it up. And can add to your resale value by it's inherit code compliance I assume. Hopefully. Lol

>> No.19145635

Didn't mods start deleting challenge threads at one point due to the inclusion of prizes?

>> No.19145669

Not that I'm aware of. I got a prize in 2014 or 2015, and everything went smoothly as far as I remember. The only time I've seen a thread deleted was one of the last times we had a roll round, and whoever was running it got in touch with a mod and they allowed the thread back up.

>> No.19146055
File: 2.22 MB, 3105x2329, Moules Frites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning on cooking last night but something came up. Since I already got all the ingredients I figured I might as well post, even if I missed the deadline.

Mussels steamed in Okinawan lager with chorizo, shallots, garlic, and serrano chili. Finished with butter, lemon, and fresh cilantro.
Served with Manchego pommes anna “frites” and chorizo chimichurri.

More pictures to come.

>> No.19146056

>More pictures to come.
Please do, SAP Anon, heere
I feel like a challenger appeared
You better have your quarter stacked

>> No.19146063

Entries are closed. Voting will remain open until tomorrow night at 2100 EST. There were some really good looking dishes!

>> No.19146538
File: 2.30 MB, 3105x2329, Ingredients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 pound and change live mussels @$5.99/lbs - $6.20
Mexican chorizo - $2.50
The smallest wedge of Manchego the guy at the cheese counter was willing to give me - $2.22
1 can beer - $1
1 lemon - $0.20
4 to 5 cloves garlic - $0.15
1 shallot - $0.33
1 bunch parsley - $1
1 bunch cilantro - $1
1 serrano pepper - $0.12
2 potatoes - $0.89
1 large knob of butter + 1 pat - $0.50
~1/4 cup olive oil + red wine vinegar + a couple dried herbs - $1
Total: $14.61

>> No.19146543
File: 1.48 MB, 3105x2329, Chimichurri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No real recipe for the chimichurri. It’s extra virgin olive oil and red wine vinegar (more vinegar than you’d use for a vinaigrette). Start with the vinegar and add parsley, cilantro, garlic, serrano, red pepper flakes, lemon zest, dried oregano, salt and pepper. Whisk in the oil and adjust seasonings as necessary.

>> No.19146546
File: 1.93 MB, 3105x2329, Prep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dish should be pretty quick to throw together. Unfortunately I made such a small amount of chimichurri that I couldn’t use an immersion blender. Then I remembered I didn’t have a mandolin at home for the potatoes. Then I couldn’t find my microplane for the cheese. So I ended up doing everything by hand.

>> No.19146549
File: 1.98 MB, 3105x2329, Pommes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melt a good amount of butter in a skillet and arrange peeled, thinly sliced potatoes in a single overlapping layer. Top with Manchego, salt, and white pepper. Add another layer of potatoes and repeat. Brown the bottom on the stove, cover, and move to the oven.

>> No.19146551
File: 2.12 MB, 3105x2329, Bake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the potatoes are cooked through remove the lid and put under the broiler to brown the top.

>> No.19146555

>you must create a boushy dish with a budget of $15.
A what?

>> No.19146559
File: 1.82 MB, 3105x2329, Pommes Anna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished pommes anna (your move >>19124738). After flipping them from the pan I moved them back to the oven turned all the way down to keep warm, and then cut them into “frites” right before serving.

>> No.19146569
File: 1.77 MB, 3105x2329, Broth Base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cook the chorizo with the shallot and add in a few cloves of garlic when it’s close to done. It was a little too much chorizo so I ended up taking some out (breakfast), and also reserved a little of the fat to drizzle over the chimichurri on the plate. Add the beer, mussels, sliced serrano chili, and cover to steam until the mussels open.

>> No.19146572
File: 1.91 MB, 3105x2329, Cooked Mussels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn off the heat and stir in the juice of half a lemon, some fresh cilantro, and a pat of butter.

>> No.19146576
File: 1.97 MB, 2329x3105, Eating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally happy with how it turned out. The potatoes were a gamble, and while I wasn’t expecting to be able to pick them up and dip them in the broth, I was hoping I could get them to act a little more like a stack of fries on the plate. Next time I would double the cheese and not add any extra salt (I’d also just use cracked black pepper instead of white; white pepper sucks, but I still have it in my head that when all the other ingredients are white you should use white pepper, even when I know the finished product is going to be golden brown and crispy). The chimichurri worked with both the potatoes and the chorizo-beer broth better than I expected. It also looked kinda nice with a drizzle of warm chorizo fat for about 4 seconds before it broke and started running all over the plate.

>> No.19146588

zoomie speak
>boushy - bougie - bourgeois

>> No.19147104

not even close to zoomer speak. its a common spelling if you're not a zoomer and think its some new iteration, zoomer.

>> No.19147414

looks great, anon!

>> No.19147578
File: 288 KB, 1024x723, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fair play. Nice work anon, the top of that looks fucking beautiful. +1

>> No.19148251

I thought it turned out okay. I've done tarte tatin a few times, but never this. You could spend a little more time to make it pretty, but since I knew I was going to be cutting it up anyway I didn't bother.

>> No.19148256

Oh, man. I WISH I could get fresh mussels for $5.99lb. I can get frozen bags of pre-cooked mussels for $10 on sale. You’re really lucky. Anyway, nice job on the dish. I’d eat the fuck out of it.

>> No.19148261

Thanks. I'm pretty sure the "fresh" mussels at my Asian grocery store are $3.99 a pound right now, but I don't fuck with that.

>> No.19148657
File: 46 KB, 462x500, 1631793574266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am taking suggestions for challenge themes
You should make a new thread when you post the final scores. That way people can still give suggestions and people like >>19145367 will have more of a chance to see that a new challenge is happing before it's already taking place. It shouldn't be an issue since this thread is about to hit bump limit, and if the new one dies, it dies.

>> No.19148818
File: 541 KB, 1102x1132, E964EC4E-9842-46C4-8222-7BCA1368050D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good idea.

>> No.19148863

>more entries than votes
The biggest problem with this voting system is that nobody wants to tell someone "That's fly over crap -1" because it makes you sound like you're just being a dick, so instead they just don't vote. But putting in the effort to submit something and then being completely ignored is probably more demoralizing than simply having someone say that they think your dish sucks.

>> No.19149116

Post the receipt.

>> No.19149144

I do a lot of shopping those prices seem in line with possible regional variation
Lemon seems low, they're up to $.79 here, sometimes even $1, but where I live food is well above the national average

>> No.19149167

I could go look for it, but it's probably somewhere between a bunch of food scraps and a pile of wet shells in my kitchen trash. What do you want to know about?
Lemons don't really go above 50 cents here. These were 5 for a dollar.

>> No.19149301

What country or which US state?

>> No.19149467

>where do you go to find cheap lemons, mexican chorizo, and japanese beer
That's probably not obvious if you aren't American, so here's another hint: they also grow lots of olives.

>> No.19149708

Challenge results. Plenty of good dishes throughout—everyone's participation is appreciated. I hope you enjoyed it as well despite the casual format. The overall format will change up the upcoming 4 event series starting this weekend which will include returning to more traditional event guidelines; it should be a much more refined experience.

A new thread has been created for theme submissions. Please also post some of what you're cooking as we accumulate ideas.


>> No.19149713
File: 92 KB, 522x346, Results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
