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19118877 No.19118877 [Reply] [Original]

Why shouldn't you add salt to rice when cooking it?

>> No.19118879

mustard gas

>> No.19118880


>> No.19118883

You definitely should, it's bland af without

>> No.19118886
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You can if you want but using stock instead has a much better outcome.
Most things you eat with rice are already pretty damn salty.

>> No.19118918

Ohhh husbant, you added salt to rice! Now our rice cooker is ruined and you have high blood pressure. Rice tastes fine without salt!

>> No.19118940

the only real reason is because the rice should be plain so it balances out with the sides instead of overpowering them.
imo it's complete bullshit to not want the rice as good as possible and if you fucked up and made the sides too salty or spicy that's your own fucking fault

>> No.19118959

>too salty or spicy
Do nonwhites really?

>> No.19118983

You do while making pilaf

>> No.19118987

I've always found it results in rice with a tough core.
You don't get tender rice, you get rice with a tender outside, but a tough core.

>> No.19119049

ooh husbando, we areu now homelessu because you spendu all of the moneyo on creusetto cookware. You bring great shameu desu ne

>> No.19119093

asian pipo aint season they rice

>> No.19119099

Imagine her warming her ice cold, gloveless hands on your ballsack.

>> No.19119111

How many times have you tested this? Please post at least 2 peer reviewed articles backing up your claim.

>> No.19119116

in rice eating cultures you season the things you eat with rice to a higher level of salt so everything is balanced.

>> No.19119120

>Yeah, let me take a bite of that bland rice with oversalted meat! Delicious!

Non-whites can't cook for shit damn

>> No.19119126
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are you retarded or what?

>> No.19119131

That's a biased Jewish funded study. Prove me wrong.

>> No.19119135

nah i think ur just retarded negative person so im not gonna waste any more time

>> No.19119138

It's because its a biased Jewish study and you can't prove me wrong, because truth isn't wrong. It's ok.

>> No.19119165
File: 126 KB, 1459x900, Screenshot_20230224_231651_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh, someone forgot the meds again!

>> No.19119482

NTA but I actually did test this. If anything, it's the opposite. When I salted the water, the rice turned out a bit less firm, enough of a difference that it was noticeable.
idk wtf rice she's using, but I tested this with medium grain Caribbean rice (my usual go-to) and with SEA long grain rice. Both resulted in softer grains.

>dat russells teapot
Your mother founded the Holy Mary Sisterhood of Reformed Prostitutes and Rum Distillery as a front for her brothel-y ways. Prove me wrong.

>> No.19119494

Based whigger

>> No.19119542

you should, it gives the rice a better texture.

>> No.19119580

asian women so cute

>> No.19119644
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It changes the texture slightly and reduces the surface gelatinisation that makes the rice slightly tacky, allowing it to form clumps. Same thing happens with pasta, though you want the opposite there, if you don't salt the water it all sticks together. If you want loose grains like basmati, adding salt is fine.

>> No.19119952

Just salt it after it's cooked

>> No.19120065
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>> No.19120102
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husbant, you have very warm barrsu. at reast they are good for something

>> No.19120134

Because it causes cancer.