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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 240 KB, 1179x1982, FsqDXL5WYAgrxG9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19116653 No.19116653 [Reply] [Original]

this will finally make my dad stop drinking this piss water

>> No.19116673

St Pauli girl has a dumb broad on it too. Who cares?

>> No.19116677

OP's dad

>> No.19116679

Are we supposed to know who this is?

>> No.19116681

I want the St Pauli Girl to piss in my mouth

>> No.19116712

If I Google that things name and it's a tranny, I'm on board with your old man<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19116713


>> No.19116716

God damn it

>> No.19116791

Oh I get it now. Yeah I'm not drinking bud light again

>> No.19116819


>> No.19116824


>> No.19116831

You realize that you're the weirdo for even recognizing some random tranny in a cartoon on a can of beer, right?

>> No.19116832
File: 37 KB, 400x400, vTlcg5fr_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you able to make that chat gpt chan thing?

>> No.19116836

You have to get a 4chan pass.

>> No.19116850

Its automatic after you post 1000 posts from your IP. Get on my level, kid

>> No.19116916

It just happens randomly like 2% of the time. Probably the lamest April Fool's they've ever done, and I think they're all pretty lame. I guess it's better than that time they combined two different boards. That felt like,
>lol, we deleted your home board for the day
>funny joke, amiright?

>> No.19116919

>m-muh home board gone for an entire day?!
>*heavy breathing*
>*dry heaving*

>> No.19116920

whatever it takes. nobody should have to drink bud light

>> No.19116941

people said I was crazy for complaining about trannies. now they are on our beer cans. it's over...

>> No.19117050

unironically who drinks bud light
literally the worst light beer

>> No.19117099

>hurr, little zoom zoom can't go a day without posting on 4chan!
That's not the point. It's supposed to be some stupid site-wide even that is kind of funny, or otherwise fucks with normal posting in some way. If you can't even talk about the things you come here to talk about it's pointless. Also, who the fuck comes to this place to discuss western cartoons?

>> No.19117110

>Probably the lamest April Fool's they've ever done,
this, would've been better if they up the chances of being marked as a bot over the day so it would feel like 4chan was slowly being taken over by bots

>> No.19117184

Yeah, or if they, you know, mixed in some actual fucking gpt bot posts so you never really knew if you were talking to a real person? And maybe increased the frequency by 5% every hour so by the end of the day 90% of the posts have a name/gpt tag, and half of the other10% are actually bots, and bots account for half of everything posted? I find AI incredibly uninteresting, but that could have been an amazing experiment, and a way to keep people posting just to see how big of a clusterfuck this place might turn into (or maybe everything stays the same and nobody can tell the difference because we're all already talking to bots most of the time).

>> No.19117192

That would be cool too; or once you're marked as a bot, you'll stay a bot for the rest of the day

>> No.19117193

All I did was use this https://duckduckgo.com/?q=woman+on+bud+light+can

>> No.19117198

On another board somebody had the idea of only tripfags and namefags being marked as bots, that would've actually been fun.

>> No.19117226

Nah, that would just give more visibility to attention whores. What they should have done is put every post with a name/trip through a filter that rewrites the post with an added prompt like, "he's 45 yeas old and afraid that he's going to die a virgin", or "he literally can't stop thinking about sucking dick", or maybe just reformat the entire post to look like reddit; and obviously keep the original name/trip.

>> No.19117308

>it's a tiktok thing
I seriously hope this shit ends up getting banned. I couldn't care less if China is collecting data on a bunch of tweens twerking, and I don't really even care that the proposed ban is blatant warhawkery now that the US is finally out of Afghanistan. I don't care either that it's a tranny. Let anybody identify as anything they want and fuck whoever they want, and don't give them less rights than anyone else because of it. It doesn't affect me in any way, and I'll happily call them whatever they want the 2 or 3 times a year I happen to run into one. But tiktok is fucking cancer, and it needs to be killed with fire.

>> No.19117409
File: 967 KB, 973x1277, trangotbanbyatranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't affect me in any way, and I'll happily call them whatever they want the 2 or 3 times a year
until it happens to you, and they kick you out of a pokemon tournament because you nervously laughed when they asked you for your pronouns

>> No.19117411

>I guess it's better than that time they combined two different boards
But that was one of the better April Fool's, alongside candy-wars.
This year is one of the worst. It doesn't feel like a gag at all since it barely even happens.

>> No.19117444

>that was one of the better April Fool's
Maybe if you spend most of your time on fast boards. We got /cock/. There were 2 or 3 lazy "what's the best looking food in comic books?" threads that quickly died, and the rest of the day it was literally just /co/ because anything food related got immediately buried and never had a chance to even gain traction, especially when it meant wading through a bunch of threads you don't have any interest in. It might have been different if they paired boards of a similar size, or at least interests that have some obvious crossover, but I guess they couldn't resist going straight for the cock.

>> No.19117459 [DELETED] 

That poor kid, man.
>Gets bullied into signing a legal document
>Crying because he laughed nervously
>No cell service so can't call anyone to get to his hotel
>Still gets kicked out of the venue, even though he was underage

>> No.19117493

>what are your preferred pronouns, anon?
>oh, uhh, i'm just a boring old cis, haha
How fucking difficult is that? I'm literally on the spectrum and would have no problem nervously spitting that out if I ever somehow found myself at a Pokemon tournament. It's no different from them asking you how to pronounce your last name if they aren't sure, because they don't want the announcer to embarrass you.

>> No.19117511

dude was nervous because of the match.
he's an underage kid, mate.
he was bullied into signing some legal document
he didn't have cell service, so he couldn't call anyone to pick him up but they still kicked him out of the venue
and he's still trying to defend the trannies by saying not be mean to them

>> No.19117580

Is there a video of this or is it just his account? Obviously stupid shit happens sometimes and life is unfair, but cherry picking a single sob story as a reason to rail against shifting cultural mores is disingenuous as fuck, and honestly kind of pathetic. I got kicked out of an outdoor concert one time because I lit up a cigarette without knowing that the state I happened to be in had banned smoking in certain public areas. It sucked, but I didn't decide to define my entire personality going forward as some oppressed white kid with a victim complex because my wy of life was somehow being taken away from me.

>> No.19117635

>defending trannies for kicking out a kid on the street
there should be a video of this since they live streamed it
you know damn well they did the kid dirty
kicking him out of the venue when he had no cell service, little money, and no way to get back to his hotel all because he laughed nervously when asked about his pronouns, and its not like they kicked him out right away, they kicked him out right before his match was about to start.
the kid himself is an ally to the trannies, bro
he does have a twitlonger where he fully explains everything.

>> No.19117644
File: 65 KB, 720x467, 122346597687364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is part of the twilonger that explains the incident from his point of view

>> No.19117648
File: 340 KB, 508x472, 1671195387763270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you care about how someone else gets drunk? thats pathetic.

>> No.19117679

Could use some reddit spacing.

>> No.19117684

WTF is wrong with those people? Are the unhinged? Holy shit

>> No.19117704

You're an asshole, and an apologist for asshole behavior.

>> No.19117732

You would rather give the benefit of the doubt to a grown ass man who felt threaten by an underage kid, just because that grown ass man is pretending to be a woman? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.19117746

This reads like it was written by the kid's mom pretending to be a 13 year old with the intention of suing. It reminds me of those posts you see sometimes where a mom says she came home from work and found a note left by her 4 year old daughter that says something like, "my mommy is the bestest. i am so proud of her and she is a constant inspiration to me. she teaches me every day how to live as a proud woman in a world where i know i'm going to have to fight twice as hard to succeed as all the men around me", and it's written in crayon and all the E's are backwards, as though anyone would think a 4 year old actually wrote that. This is just as blatantly scripted as the Rittenhouse testimony.

>> No.19117753

Well I think we all know who the delusional tranny is in this thread.

>> No.19117762

Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent.


>> No.19117765

>still seething over /mlpol/

>> No.19117774
File: 89 KB, 960x960, 1628872357177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had no idea that was a thing, but it's hilarious that they combined the two biggest containment boards.

>> No.19117775

You're going to have to be more specific.

>> No.19117817

>last name is Tran

>> No.19117828

I think that's part of what's happening, because there were a TON of them in ARG last night

>> No.19117831

>must be self-deprecating about not having mental illness
many such cases

>> No.19117834

>you would rather give the benefit of the doubt to a grown ass man who felt threaten by an underage kid
Based on what I know about the situation, yes. I find it very hard to believe that a full grown adult who was transitioning and probably dealing with awkward shit on a daily basis would agree to moderate an event for kids without knowing that kids don't have their pronouns memorized or even know how sex works, and are probably not going to talk like 25 year old sjws. I also don't believe that whoever was in charge of the event would hire a tranny to deal with the kids if they had any history of losing their shit any time someone awkwardly chuckled in their direction. Also, kids are assholes.

>> No.19117846

Absolutely insane. Even if it wasn't nervous laughter, even if it was "malicious laughter" (lol) the kid didn't deserve it. You trannies need to get over yourselves. It's laughter. It's not as if the kid stood up in front of a crowd and screamed "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!"
>Also, kids are assholes.
No. You're an asshole, and the judge is an asshole.

>> No.19117865

tranny hands wrote this, either that, or you really hate kids
kid didn't even say anything wrong. just a nervous laughter because he forgot the third pronoun

>> No.19117877

Would be funny to see trannies sperg out, and say,"laughing is the symbol of hatred"

>> No.19117883
File: 62 KB, 905x480, berniechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19117892

nice teeth

>> No.19117894

>must be self-deprecating
How is that being self-deprecating? Someone with the 'tism is going to spill their spaghetti on a stage with cameras in their face no matter what they're asked. And what's the middle ground in your opinion between self-deprecation and straight up saying that you only believe in two sexes, and your pronouns are, "He-Man, Him-ler, and GARCHOMP!"? The idea that someone is going to throw a child out on the street because they've never had to recite their pronouns is more absurd than a teacher calling on a student and then giving them 2 weeks of detention because they couldn't remember the last bit of the quadratic equation.

>> No.19117951

the kid doesn't seem like an asshole, looked up some of his videos, he seems like a nice kid<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19118023

>it's just an innocent child!
>how can you be so heartless!
>you must hate children!
I literally prefaced my post with, "based on what I know about the situation" before explaining my reasoning. I don't even know how old the kid was. Was he 10 or 16? That would make a big difference. And you're delusional if you think anyone who says that kids are assholes must just hate kids. Look up one of your middle school teachers and ask them what they think about their students. They didn't become a teacher because it was a lucrative career choice and they just put up with the kids because it pays well. They did it because they care about kids and want to see them succeed, but if they're being honest they're going to tell you that they constantly think about ringing their necks, throwing shit at them, or just tossing them out the window. People like to pretend that some kids are mature, or "wise beyond their years" because they've been trained to say their please and thank you's, but they have no concept of remorse, or empathy, or forgiveness. When they get in trouble all they're thinking is, "oh shit, I'm in trouble! I'll just lie through my teeth as long as I can because my life is over if mommy doesn't let me play fortnite for the next week!"

>> No.19118062

We get it, you hate children, and love trannies.

>> No.19118077

>i've run out of arguments
>i know, i'll call him a tranny!

>> No.19118081

Its a dude in a wig and makeup

>> No.19118088

>If you notice how disgusting and uncanny trannies are your the weirdo
Damage control from a tranny enjoyer
>Stop noticing things you nazi

>> No.19118095

So you dont deny being a tranny huh

>> No.19118101

lol this tranny thinks we were having an argument

>> No.19118106

Obvious dude in a wig and make up

>> No.19118114

I do if your money promotes degenerates

>> No.19118119

Alcohol companies sell alcohol for profit.

>> No.19118128

Youre a total retard if you dont see that companies put this shit in ads to promote a certain agenda.

>> No.19118131
File: 89 KB, 1000x1000, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He never miss

>> No.19118132

Teaching is one of the most vile professions. Without brainwashing children none of the other media bullshit would be so effective.
Parents are ultimately to blame for abandoning their children to it but they were abused themselves and that cycle always repeats.

>> No.19118133

So ban the sale of alcohol.

>> No.19118134
File: 51 KB, 177x500, hurricane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I stop buying this for $2 then?

>> No.19118140

the banks reward companies that do this crap with lower interest rates, which means bigger profits.

>> No.19118142

>he thinks there are human posters
There haven't been human posters here in like 7 years.

>> No.19118214

thats not the point, retard

first of all their share holders demand it, some of them are homos/trannies, second of all if you believe in something you are willing to lose some money in the process. Right wingers can't comprehend that.

>> No.19118277
File: 666 KB, 871x517, B0AFBF50-77D9-4AF6-A5DD-1F7F7585AB31.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we know who the child groomer/rapist/murderer is

>> No.19118326

Thanks for confirming beer is for trannies. This is why I only drink Spirits

>> No.19118349

this mf got a haunted liver

>> No.19118377

>if they don't harm me then who cares lol :)
>suddenly banned from a children's card game because a little nervous laugh
Next time you will be beheaded instead.

>> No.19118408

His laughter DISRESPECTED the HOLY PRONOUN CEREMONY! To ban him was the ONLY correct response to such HERESY!