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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.58 MB, 480x854, 1680330184356814.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19114215 No.19114215 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the biggest embarrassment to the cooking community in your opinion

>> No.19114222

What a bunch of fags

>> No.19114224

every youtube chef, especially if he uses gloves of any kind, biggest red flag of course, are the black gloves.

>> No.19114234

Newfags can't triforce

▲ 𝅙▲

>> No.19114241


Are you by any chance 30+?

The guy in the video looks dope, not everything has to be scrutinized for cringe or whatever you call it. Most zoomers will agree.

Only thing I'd change? It's weird how he's not wearing a mask when the others are. Makes him look like he doesn't care about the wellbeing of his staff.

>> No.19114244
File: 2.91 MB, 720x984, world champion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19114264

t. cringe actor

>> No.19114268

Proves my point. Fag.

>> No.19114277

The rockstar chef phenomenon of Ramsay, Pierre White, and Bourdain were the most embarrassing chefs in history, but your pic related is pretty embarrassing too. He is saved from being the most embarrassing by deriving from the aforementioned.

>> No.19114286

Feck. Best April Fools ever.

>> No.19114333

>the cooking community
the what now

>> No.19114385

He was scrutinized in online articles that he barely paid his staff in his restaurant while raking in the profits and the interbutt fame.

>> No.19114400

bro you just posted cringe go to the nearest hair salon and straighten that hair out you lost your broccoli privileges

>> No.19114402

kek based

>> No.19114408

Be a good bitch for my Instagram or die penniless, dog!

>> No.19114915

I'm ashamed of being turkish in international communities not because of the armenian genocide accusations or debates like that happening but first hasan the champagne socialist, and second this PR magic salt faggot.
Why did Allah have to create those two sonsa bitches?

>> No.19114963


▲ 𝅙▲

>> No.19114964

you allergic to anything, food-wise? i'd recommend a 20 serving dose of it right now

>> No.19114968

▲ 𝅙▲


>> No.19115003
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All these years of youtube cooking channels and nobody can outshine old Food Network queens.

>> No.19115034

That one channel that ends with the bitch going "mmmmmmmmm.....mmmmmmmmm.....mmmmmmmmm" so cringe

>> No.19115075

thats the exact opposite of reality. people over 30 are the ones that dont label everything as cringe. thats why everyones parents do embarresing shit in public and dont see a problem with it. zoomers think anyone doing anything out of the ordinary is cringe and they will lose subscriber.

>> No.19115094
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>> No.19115134

well, yeah, even fags have to eat somewhere though.

>> No.19115151

Moron Shamsey

>> No.19115152

I wanted to call you out for using such obvious bait, but it looks like the fish are biting, so I suppose a "congratulations" is more appropriate.

>> No.19115163

this is now a triforce thread


>> No.19115193

>Sweaty hairy turks.
Who wants food prepared by them?

>> No.19115194

[alt-255] [alt-255] [alt-30] [enter] [alt 30] [alt 255] [alt 30]

>> No.19115292
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>I wanted to call you out for using such obvious bait, but it looks like the fish are biting, so I suppose a "congratulations" is more appropriate

>> No.19115499

Zoe Barrie

>> No.19115587

>sweaty hairy males
sounds delicious desu

>> No.19115592

this guy single handedly ruined cooking by inspiring untold thousands of mediocre swarmy dipshit men to be an "online chef". At least the guy in OP is an actual trained butcher.

>> No.19115608
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>> No.19115630
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forgot pic

>> No.19115635
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Post tits or gtfo

>> No.19115636

white women really cracked the algorithm with those rage bait cooking videos. gotta respect the hustle

>> No.19115669

>i'm an adolescent mongoloid
you think a woman came up with the idea for that?

>> No.19115671

I think you nailed it.

>> No.19115678

I could ignore how goofy and dumb this mother fucker is but he seems like a terrible greasy scumbag. I tried not to judge the book by its cover but he's scammed him employees, looked like a total cunt at that soccer game, does on and creams his pants service dictators and people with terrible human rights violations under their belts, etc. Lol. Props tho, he did build a turd empire and thats more than I've done thus far in ny life.

>> No.19115691

weird way to open a sentence but ok. proof to me a man came up with these videos or else you're just asooming based off off your incel rage

>> No.19115701

Bourdain wasn't a rockstar chef he was a former chef turned travel show host. The only time he ever cooked on his show was an episode to see if he could still hang on the line at his old place.

>> No.19115706

Could he hang? Is his old place a fancy tire man award winner?

>> No.19115711

>a terrible greasy scumbag
yeah he's turkish

>> No.19115714

prove to me a woman did. looks like yellow skin to me so prove to me a white woman did. fucking dogshit munching underage dipshit. this website is for people over the age of 18.

>> No.19115720


>> No.19115737

imagine being this enraged by the mere mention of women. it's literally a white blonde bimbo doing this shit 90% of the time so I the evidence falls more in that direction. a normal well adjusted man will have no problem with these statements. have sex.

>> No.19115740

Hey! If you knew that, what is that Cyznk or w.e guy who smiles non stop, cooks huge meals, and feeds stray dogs and children? He over by Russia or something?

>> No.19115759

you're the one making assumptions. but i know for fact you're a mongoloid limpdick faggot.

>> No.19115776

You're both wrong, some white woman wrote the algorithm for that, or rather, she had the idea and then used her position to tell a man to write it

>> No.19115783

plausible. but it was some chinkoid who did it start to finish for $0.90.

>> No.19115797

I'm trans btw I forgot to include this in my post

>> No.19115809

you can't know anything about me really from my posts. your posts make it obvious you're seething tho

>> No.19115818

>you can't know anything about me really from my posts
yeah i definitely can. shut the fuck up you cum gargling faggot

>> No.19115822

Nah it was a casual french bistro. He did okay for a guy who hadn't worked a kitchen in years but he was obviously struggling.

>> No.19115836

You've got a point. Many people will reject it, but you are right.

>> No.19115850
File: 35 KB, 960x600, Patricia Llewellyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's pre Jamie Oliver heaven, where cooks taught audiences how to prepare delicious meals. And there's post Jamie Oliver hell, where Youtube addicts go to masturbate.

Picrel, producer of The Naked Chef, Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, The F word and 2 Fat Ladies deserves a special place in hell. Along with BonAppetit, fast food chains and Americanized YouTube channels.

>> No.19115877

▲ 𝅙▲
Eat shit roodiepoo

>> No.19115882

Both Ramsay (*** Chef) and White (White Heat) wrote a proper cook book. They aren't quintessential but definitely head and shoulders above Bourdain's drivel.

It's not their fault they were the first proper British cooks or that they got/still get too much applause..

>> No.19115890

Thanks for the reply. Was genuinely curious. Cool he went back.

He needed his smokes n drugs. Bet he'd have been kicking ass then.

>> No.19115892

I liked those fat broads. Probably just cause they were funny and English. Didnt really watch to learn anything, as I was a child. What's wrong with them?

>> No.19115898

ew stop talking about your fetishes please

>> No.19115921

Marco was a three star guy too and was 100% legit

>> No.19115933

That's what I said yes.

>> No.19116037

YO CAN YOU MAKE IT SOGGYYYYYYYYYY<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19116178

Zoe Barrie

>> No.19116207

why the fuck was he on the field? he's not even from argentina

>> No.19116209

I knows Messi

>> No.19116223

▲ 𝅙▲


>> No.19116224

No you fucking don't.

>> No.19116240

I'm talking about the rockstar tough guy anti-establishment personality that is what they're famous for. There was a period of maybe five years that this cooldude cook stuff was being pushed in gossip magazines, and it was extremely cringe.

>> No.19116245

that guy made entirely of homo cum, alton brown

>> No.19116257
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>> No.19116280

Ja/ck/ Scalfani

>> No.19116289

Nikocado. How is that even a question.

>> No.19116290

i really want to punch him in the face. i don't really feel like that about anyone usually, even people i really fucking hate. but you just know it would feel unbeatably satisfying, pushing your fist all the way through and out the back of that weird greasy manlet's skull. while his arm spasms trying to sprinkle seasonings as a default mechanical response. confused look in his eyes as you extract and then show him his jaw bone, mouthing WOW at a phone that's recording the whole shebang, and then scrunch up his cheeks and boneless chin to make his face meat instagram-presentable.

>> No.19116294

It's soccer dude. No one gives a shit

>> No.19116390

>he touched the heckin sacred sportsball trophy this is an outrage!

>> No.19116399

It's called football you obese swine.

>> No.19116579

Whatever you say, retard. The only people I see playing it are third worlders. That speaks for itself.

>> No.19116620
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>> No.19116640


>> No.19118036


If he's the reason the restaurant does well he has all the right to do so. It's his restaurant.


Nobody talks like that.


Why? Did that other post hit too close to home?


Cringe culture is very specifically a millennial thing. Zoomers are much more empathetic and don't find that kind of joy in laughing at others misfortune.


Not everything you see on 4chan is bait.

>Post tits or gtfo

Don't have any.

>> No.19118043
File: 6 KB, 272x185, uwotnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most gayest formatted post I've ever seen.

also tl:dr

>> No.19118054

he is a synth

>> No.19118063


Because it's easy to read?

>> No.19118304

Bro you write like, and are therefore a colossal faggot. Go get a booster about it you doublenigger

>> No.19118310

No he's right. The guys a stupid fag. Imagine being famous for an objectively unfunny meme then making that same meme your whole personality. Fuck that salt faggot

>> No.19118320

Alton Brown is still around.

>> No.19118352


Ad hominem, really?

Is it a lack of intelligence or creativity that keeps you from writing up actual arguments instead of just flaming? Perhaps both?

>> No.19118359

>haha I'll be a pompous faggot in the international network, nobody has ever done this before!
pathetic tbqh

>> No.19118363


>homophobic slurs

You are really not making yourself look any better right now.

>> No.19118366

>i'm being a newfag and nobody can stop me

>> No.19118370


I bet I've been here longer than you.

>> No.19118379

Post ass or gtfo

>> No.19118380

i've been here since 1996. can you please fuck off back to the data lounge or whichever den of faggots you came from? i'm trying to enjoy some salt bae webms

>> No.19118395
File: 466 KB, 1080x1464, Screenshot_20230402_181802_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny how 4chan didn't even exist in 1996.

>> No.19118401


>> No.19118410

Man, I could have sworn I used 4chan back in high school. I guess it must have just been Rotten, Consumption Junction, and Something Awful because I graduated in 2002.
Used to talk to Lowtax all the time on IRC. I wonder what he's up to these days.

>> No.19118421
File: 108 KB, 976x650, _116792366_21406711-high_res-nigellas-cook-eat-repeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mommy mommy teach me how to cook,

>> No.19118429

psycho eyeballs

>> No.19118430

>You know what ? Fuck it.
>Unsalts and rebones your beef.

>> No.19118435

coffin occupation

>> No.19118437

>cooking community
the what now?

>> No.19118443

you just posted cringe bro

>> No.19118523

Where the fuck do you think you are? You can't handle the bantz just leave. The brainrot you lefties have is unbelievable.

>> No.19118533

sounds like a you problem. going forward i'll continue posting and you'll continue impotently seething

>> No.19118555

Well, of course. Bourdain's a Jew and the other two are not. Cooking takes tangible skill. But Jews don't actually DO things, they just talk about things and create narratives about them that position them as the gatekeepers for various industries. His actual kitchen skills are probably lower than anaverage stay at home mom.

>> No.19118564

I absolutely hate you all faggots

>> No.19118568

Mandela effect.

>> No.19118576

Not that guy but you really need to touch grass my dude. Seriously, it might do you some good, thoughever.

>> No.19118579

i'm pretty sure that guy is turkish as well

>> No.19118591


That guy and yes, seriously, you need to touch grass.

>> No.19118592

thank you kind sir, have an updoot

>> No.19118611

Fuck off with that bullshit.
I just remembered something wrong. You don't need to make a fucking timeline shift out of it.

>> No.19118647

Mandela Effect CAN also refer to collective false memories rather than the metaphysical explanation of how the timelines work. That said, you really think it sounds plausible that you misremembered something by several years and specifically remember that you were in high school while doing it?

>> No.19118651

she's an insufferable hag addicted to cocaine, no surprises there

>> No.19118858

2007 pls come back

>> No.19118863

but you are unequivocally a faggot. you faggoty fucking faggot.

>> No.19118907

>Most zoomers will agree.
You're supposed to be 18+ to post here kid.

>> No.19119030


I am not.


Gen Z is defined as people born between the years of 1997 and 2012, meaning zoomers are now between the ages of 11 and 26. Assuming birth rate has remained stable the last few years, chances are the majority of zoomers are 18 or older.

So fuck off.

>> No.19119061

>the cheese is melted

>> No.19119098

the median age there would be 18 and 6 months, meaning you've either only lurked for 6 months or you used this website while underage

>> No.19119124


Fot all you know I could be born in 1997. Why would you presume I have to be of median zoomer age?

>> No.19119150

both of you are cum gargling faggots this is the cooking image board shut the fuck up

>> No.19119199


And we are discussing topics adjacent to cooking.

The OP video criticizes a chef for doing something that the current young generation fucking loves.

This is still cooking related, and different, diverse perspectives helps foster meaningful conversation and prevents it from descending into a millennial/boomer circlejerk about how you don't understand young people.

>> No.19119208

what the fuck about your faggotry is adjacent to cooking? you're brain damaged from having your anal spchincter wrecked

>> No.19119228
File: 2.77 MB, 480x270, auntmyrna.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the answer is always ja/ck/

>> No.19119239


This thread was started using a video of a cook, cooking.

Our conversation is about how there are different perspectives on artistic styles, SPECIFICALLY IN REGARDS TO SAID CHEF.

This is not rocket science. And your attempts at homophobic insults don't even fucking touch me so you can lay it off now.

>> No.19119241

shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.19119251



Millennials truly will leave this earth just as they got here: having done absolutely nothing noteworthy at all.

>> No.19119264

you truly are mentally retarded what the fuck do millennials have anything to do with you being a faggot

>> No.19119283


Because you seem hellbent on this fucking culture war against zoomers, and I can't think of any group other than millennials that hate us this much.

>> No.19119297

i called you personally a fucking faggot you mongoloid dipshit i never said anything about zoomers or culture. you are hallucinating from years of abuse to your anus.

>> No.19119311


Jesus Christ. This WHOLE FUCKING THREAD is an assault on zoomer culture; your shitty homophobic remarks certainly don't help either.

>> No.19119326

Actually there's no such thing as "homophobia". Most normal people find you repulsive. No one is "phobic" except when you insist on interacting with children.

>> No.19119378


I am not even LGBT, but guess what? Zoomers are simply not horrible people unlike incels like you. I'm really sorry that no one has ever wanted to sleep with you and you feel the need to act out like this because of it, but it's not really our problem to fix.

Not going to waste any more of my time on you now, enjoy jerking off for the rest of your life.

>> No.19119386

shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.19119983

lmao, talking to that faggot?
he killed himself two years ago after his wife left him.
guess it was one way to get outta child support.