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19111567 No.19111567 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the best drink for taste to ABV ratio? Pic unrelated. Bonus points if cheap

>> No.19111575

Smirnoff has a terrible taste to price ratio for vodka. And if you're trying to get drunk as cheap as possible you should be buying handles.

>> No.19111576
File: 28 KB, 318x613, reyka-vodka-iceland_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff surprised me

>> No.19111609

I didn’t even necessarily mean vodka

>> No.19111640

Everybody ends up at vodka sooner or later.

>> No.19111655
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I would say almost any mid-shelf vodka.
Even if you're getting drunk off another type of 80 proof spirit that has a pleasant taste, it will leave an unpleasant aftertaste you'll be burping up for at least 24h, which makes it gross to me.
Alternatively, high ABV beers are quite cheap and I legitimately enjoy the taste. These are high gravity ales, malt liquors, and specific brands of IPAs. They would be between 8-12% ABV.

>> No.19111674
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Hard to beat picrel

>> No.19111676


>> No.19111678

In the US at least tallboys of malt liquor are your best value.

>> No.19111688

Popov unironically.

>> No.19112248

There's been hundreds of studies done on the best value for alcohol and malt liquor is always behind cheap/box wine and vodka. It's also the most difficult to drink due to the lower abv and terrible taste that only gets worse as your tallboy gets warmer. Tallboys are only the best value if you're literally homeless and spent all day begging for change and only have $6 to show for it.
Stop recommending Popov. There's usually one or two generic bottom shelf handles that are worse, but Popov is still basically rubbing alcohol. For a couple dollars more you can always find something that's far better.

>> No.19112261

For me, it's
>pint bottle of vodka
>2 high ABV tallboys as "chase"

>> No.19112265
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Bourbon. More specifically, anything by the Wild Turkey distillery.

>> No.19112362
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WT101 is the darkest of the dark liquors

>> No.19112948
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can't beat this for 10 bucks on sale

>> No.19113041
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Its made by monks

>> No.19113052
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Real drinkers drink seagrams for that extra discount taste

>> No.19113060

If you can't afford to mix your alcohol with soda or juice, drink it with a meal. I like to take a shot of vodka, one or two bites of food, then another shot. Half the bottle will be gone by the time you're done eating.

>> No.19113154
File: 405 KB, 1500x2000, Tanqueray Ten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good alternative if vodka gets too boring. it's so much better than the regular Tanqueray. absolutely crazy value for 20-22 bucks. I got Hendrick's for 29 bucks at the same and Ten absolutely destroyed it

>> No.19113178

For me it's Captain Morgan Spiced 100
Good for mixing with Coke, %50 ABV and I can get a 750ml bottle for $17

>> No.19113185

boxed wine is your best bet where i live
cheap and drinkable

>> No.19113193

never understood why people use proof instead of abv

>> No.19113198

how much?
I just bought 1L of boxed french wine for the first time ever but only to try it for cooking to see if the difference is even worth it.
2.50 for 1L still feels a bit like a rip off considering it's fucking boxed wine

>> No.19113202

it's the older and more estabilished system.

>> No.19113252

€2,8/L for spanish garbage in aldi. their beer is technically a bit better in ethanol/unit price but the difference is minor
maybe it's cheaper in other big chains but i'd be surprised if the difference would be significant
fucking expensive shithole this. hard booze is taxed to shit so even 70cl of the cheapest shitty vodka is €10+

>> No.19113256

still don't really see the benefit
>we take the abv
>but get this, we multiply the number by 2
>way more convenient that way

>> No.19113261

btw total volume is 3L

>> No.19113268

everclear,get a bottle of pop to mix it. Faygo Cotton Candy Pop and everclear make for a damned good drink

>> No.19113273

actually what they used to do was lay out a line of gunpowder and soak it in the booze. if it could still light normally that was "100 proof"
if the flame was hotter or the line burned up faster then it was "over proof"

>> No.19113279

damn. I haven't opened the boxed wine yet but now I'm wondering how long it will last in the fridge once opened. I'm 99% sure it will only be good for cooking

>> No.19113283

Boxed wine lasts for weeks. The plastic bag tapped by a valve does a pretty good job of sealing the wine from air.

>> No.19113290

according to wiki it seems like every country had a different definition of proof but switched to abv instead
appears to be another one of those things where americans stick to using archaic nonsense

>> No.19113297

boxed wine is designed that way to last for weeks and even months after opening.
the bag inside contracts instead of letting air in so the exposure of the wine to air remains absolutely minimal untill you get to the last bits, you can hear it when air is getting sucked in
absolutely no need to keep it in the fridge

>> No.19113302

maybe try talking to people instead of living vicariously through wikipedia.

>> No.19113319

thanks friends. it really won't last longer if I keep it in the fridge?

>> No.19113401

maybe, but are you really planning on letting it sit around for over a month?

>> No.19113412

>what's the benefit
>"well, you see, with this line of gunpowder..."
>still don't see the benefit and it sounds like archaic bs
>look it up on wiki
>yep, it's archaic bs
sorry if this upsets you

>> No.19113426

yea, maybe once a week I get a bottle of red or white wine for drinking that lasts 2-3 days but that's different from boxed wine. I can only think of ragu, beef bourguignon and coq au vin. what else would you use wine for?

>> No.19113455

the benefit is that it's old and therefor familiar, and the switch isn't really worth it.
talk. to people. not your computer screen.

>> No.19113684

Honestly, in my opinion? Jagermeister is one of the best alcohols you can drink 24/7 that doesn't have that distinct, shoepolish-y alcohol taste. AND you can drink it straight without getting shitfaced. 10/10 drinkability

>> No.19113707

at a christmas party some brought this high proof lcohol that was in the ballpark of everclear to spike the punch, only it was made from sugar and not grains. it was some mexican spirit with a little red mariachi on the label.

>> No.19113767

gin tastes way better to me
and seagram's is still cheap

>> No.19113957

I only drink this stuff when I get it as a gift. It tastes great, but nearly twice the price of vodka.

>> No.19115574

I'd say JB scotch

>> No.19115676
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so you're familiar with soaking a line of gunpowder with booze to see if alcohol is 100 proof or not? it's not the 17th century anymore, everyone has abandoned that shit besides dumb americans who i only encounter through my computer screen
it's stupid and offers no benefit just like the rest of your nonsensical unit system
>alcohol by volume?
>nah, line of gunpowder is the way to go
>we know that's a retarded thing to do today, so we'll just multiply the abv value by 2
>it's old and familiar guys, real benefit here
>but we're going to label the real abv anyway because we're not completely braindead
don't blame me for going to wiki because you've not been very convincing so far

>> No.19115686

>what else would you use wine for?
...drinking? just because it comes in a bag doesn't mean it's automatically undrinkable you know

>> No.19115697

it's just a holdover
why are you assmad when the abv is always on the bottom corner of the label?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19115788

Belgian tripel beers.

>> No.19115929

I found Dr pepper is a great way to mask the taste of everclear and readily available

>> No.19115987

oh i'm not mad, i was just wondering why some people (read: americans) still bother with something from a very distant past when it offers no advantage
got no good answer and then i get shit for looking it up on wikipedia instead, that's what got me slightly irritated

>> No.19116016

IMO the costco brand vodka is there mostly because you can infuse and mix it with anything and its not that bad for a 1.75L bottle. I currently have three jars from one bottle going, one with just coffee, one with some green tea and spearmint, and one with some hibiscus and pea flowers.

not true, cheap wine is the cheapest way to get smashed in most states. states with low liquor tax cheap vodka beats it. But when taste is a factor malt liquor obviously falls off.

>> No.19116027

jager is too sweet and sugary. I prefer fernet branca as a herbal liqueur. But that stuff is not cheap anymore unfortunately. they really need to undo the trump tariffs.

>> No.19116039
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Handle of the cheapest vodka directly from the freezer. Chased with a little Dr.pepper.

>> No.19116500

Cognac, but it's sickly if you drink too much of it, so in reality the answer is whisky.

>> No.19116536
File: 92 KB, 960x1280, 111476.jpg.thumb.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in canada here its fortified wine, its what the homeless often drink. But i think it has too much sugar.

Are there any Pure alcoholic homeless anymore or is it all opioids? Like a real old school kind of guy?

>> No.19116604

the hobos i see outside the train station are usually sipping on the cheapest beer available